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BFi numero 12 file 02 English

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Published in 
Butchered From Inside
 · 22 Aug 2019


-[ BFi - English version ]----------------------------------------------------
BFi is an e-zine written by the Italian hacker community.
Full source code and original Italian version are available at:
English version translated by Tanith <>

--------------------[ BFi12-dev - file 02 - 15/02/2003 ]----------------------

-[ DiSCLAiMER ]---------------------------------------------------------------
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-[ HACKiNG ]------------------------------------------------------------------
-----[ The Sponge <> -

AngeL - The Power to protect
"Moonlight preludes" part 2
The Sponge <>

0x0 Intro
0x1 AngeL network engine
0x2 Hook function handler
0x2.1 Sp00fing
0x2.2 Sanity check on TCP header
0x2.3 Denial of service against X
0x2.4 Protocol related sanity check
0x2.5 Syn Flood
0x2.6 Land
0x2.7 Smurf
0x2.8 Ping of death
0x3 Comments and future development
0x4 Bibliography

0x0 Intro

You've read "Ouverture in B minor", haven't you? I mean, the article published
in BFi ( where I have described AngeL
and where we were talking about countermoves to avoid host based attacks to our
linux box? Well, now we call into question our brand-new TCP/IP stack and we
deal with AngeL net based part.

As we did in last issue, we are going to refer to AngeL development version.
Net based code is almost the same from "stable" to development version, I'll
have instead to tuck up my sleeves and let code be more clear, and why not
simplify new rules add.

Now, we are in AngeL-0.9.x/src/modules/net directory, fasten your belts, have a
pint of your favorite beer since we're to start our trip.

A last remark about kernel. We'll touch on netfilter while dealing with
firewalling system hook we are going to place. Though AngeL runs very well with
2.2.xx kernel firewall system, we'll only deal with netfilter ignoring
willingly dear old ipchains. As for code fragments borrowed by kernel, we are
talking about vanilla kernel version #2.4.19.

0x1 AngeL network engine

engine.c file is net subsystem core. The task of the code contained in this
file is very simple: that is, installing a hook into output chain included in
netfilter firewalling system and to examine very carefully exiting packets. As
for privacy maniacs, Angel creates a pattern matching into payload just to
search shellcode, and we'll use very soon, we too, the same function used in
angel_execve() .

The first thing we have to do in order to install a hook in netfilter is to
tell kernel where to place hook and, most important, handler function that will
be called by TCP/IP stack when packets will match hook. Since netfilter
programmers (that gave us a large code fragment as a gift) had foreseen many
functions can be installed in a netfilter hook. It has been introduced then a
priority concept, that states which function will be called the first one for
every packet crossing TCP/IP stack.

This is the structure we are to fill:

<KERNEL CODE /usr/src/linux/include/linux/netfilter.h:44>
struct nf_hook_ops
struct list_head list;

/* User fills in from here down. */
nf_hookfn *hook;
int pf;
int hooknum;
/* Hooks are ordered in ascending priority. */
int priority;

As specified in comment, "list" field will NOT be filled. We, wicked mortal
users ( :P ), will only have to deal with what's under or on the same level of
hook field. Particularly, hook is pointer to the function that will be called
by kernel at right time. Everytime a packet, in specified netfilter chain,
matches point in which netfilter expects to find user functions, these
functions will be used in the order stated by priority level they have been

These chains I'm talking about actually find stream direction of packets
flowing in the chain on itself. INPUT chain is crossed by packets incoming
from net interface to our machine. On the opposite, OUTPUT chain is crossed by
packets outgoing. In OUTPUT chain, has just been built and is to be sent to
data link layer in order to attack to it level 2 data and to pass it to net
card. There are many other chains, but we are only using the OUTPUT one. We
want to control traffic created by our kernel, whose traffic is to leave our

"hooknum" field, in fact, contains constant that finds out chain we are
interested in. "pf" field (an acronym for "protocol family") shows protocol we
are interested in. We want to seize IPv4 protocol traffic, and we'll set this
variable to get that.

At the end, last field is the famous priority level, that will be used to
record hook. We want to record hook for the maximum of priority we can, to be
sure to be the first one to look at outgoing traffic.

I know what you, shrewd reader, are thinking. You create your little superbad.o
module that is recorded after AngeL and does the worst. Unfortunately, while
meeting my hook as the first one, I can decide, by approving packet, to let
own packet outgoing to data link layer, so that your little module will
receive nothing.

<CODE engine.c:58>
static struct nf_hook_ops angel_ops = {
PF_INET, // Work on IP version 4
* Highest priority is set by NF_IP_PRI_FIRST constant. I suppose this
* is the highest priority we can use outside netfilter core system.


The remaining part of engine.c code is angel_net_init() function, which
initializes net subsystem by installing the hook itself. In the meantime, there
is a angel_net_shutdown() function that removes hook from netfilter system.

Let's analyze in detail angel_net_init() function. We initialize some data
structures to compute statistics for some flooding attacks, that flood with
packets the victim host.

<CODE engine.c:121>
for (i=0;i<HASH_SIZE;i++) {

We allocate some memory areas to contain default countermoves against some
attacks and we initialize standard behaviours that AngeL will use to react to
an attack. These actions can be modified later through /proc filesystem.

<CODE engine.c:136>
actions_buffer.action_message = kmalloc(ANGEL_ACTION_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);
actions_buffer.angel_synflood_action = kmalloc(ANGEL_ACTION_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);
actions_buffer.angel_land_action = kmalloc(ANGEL_ACTION_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);
actions_buffer.angel_spoofing_action = kmalloc(ANGEL_ACTION_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);
actions_buffer.angel_smurf_action = kmalloc(ANGEL_ACTION_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);

if (setup_default_angel_behaviour() < 0)
return -1;

Now I register the hook physically.

<CODE engine.c:164>
register_result = nf_register_hook (&angel_ops);
if (register_result == 0)
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel] network subsystem is up and running...\n");

If something is wrong and "register_result" value is not 0, angel_net_init()
fails and net subsystem is not initialized.

angel_net_shutdown() function doesn't contain code too difficult to be
understood, the only task is de-registration of hook itself and freeing
allocated memory areas.

Now we've drunk half the first beer pint, we'll examine carefully really
important code. Let's see what's angel_output_hook() .

0x2 Hook function handler

Everything begins at angel_hook.c file 50th line.

<CODE angel_hook.c:50>
unsigned int angel_output_hook ( unsigned int hook,
struct sk_buff **pskb,
const struct net_device *indev,
const struct net_device *outdev,
int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *)) {

Hook function prototype netfilter expects follows strictly what's stated by:

<KERNEL CODE /usr/src/linux/include/linux/netfilter.h:38>
typedef unsigned int nf_hookfn(unsigned int hooknum,
struct sk_buff **skb,
const struct net_device *in,
const struct net_device *out,
int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *));

angel_output_hook code begins to collect pointers useful for skbuff structure,
that is the packet dealt with, for TCP header structure and for IP header, and
then for the hard part.

Please, don't mess with packets dealing with stuff about IP header "options"
field. Since legal traffic doesn't need net level options, to prevent packets
with options from damaging other hosts, let's throw up these "strange" packets.

<CODE angel_hook.c:91>
if (ip->ihl != 5) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Ip header comes with options. Killed.\n");
return ANGEL_KILL;

ANGEL_KILL and ANGEL_SAFE_PACKET constants have the same value of constants
defined by netfilter and they represent a packet destiny. ANGEL_KILL means
packet will be discarded and kernel will take care of freeing resources
allocated for that packet. (However, socket connected to this communication
won't be closed).
ANGEL_SAFE_PACKET instead means packet can leave firewall system and has to
pass to data link level.

0x2.1 Sp00fing

Does AngeL forces our host to be honest? OK, then we won't spoof our IP
address. :)

<CODE angel_hook.c:111>

if (IS_SPOOFING(skb)) {
switch (actions_code.angel_spoofing_code) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Spoofing attempt no. ( %ld ). Killed.\n", ++angel_net_stats.NetStats[SPOOFING]);
return ANGEL_KILL;
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Spoofing attempt no. ( %ld ). Warning.\n", ++angel_net_stats.NetStats[SPOOFING]);
printk(KERN_CRIT "[angel]: Unexpected action for spoofing... just drop\n");
return ANGEL_KILL;
} // End of spoofing handling

IS_SPOOFING macro controls what sk_buff structure contains before doing actions
scheduled for the attack we deal with. Now and then, I won't record how to
manage actions scheduled for the attack as they're always the same.

Here's macro IS_SPOOFING in all its magnificence.

<CODE AngeL-0.9.x/include/attack_rulez.h>
#define IS_SPOOFING(skb) (angel_ip_spoofing(skb) == ANGEL_IP_SPOOF)

Surprise! I call angel_ip_spoofing function that checks everything. OK, let's
be serious, let's see what it does:

<CODE angel_misc_net.c:25>
int angel_ip_spoofing (const struct sk_buff *skb) {

for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
if (!(in_dev = dev->ip_ptr))
for (ifap = in_dev->ifa_list; ifap;ifap = ifap->ifa_next)
if (skb->nh.iph->saddr == ifap->ifa_local) {
#ifdef IS_KERNEL_4
#ifdef IS_KERNEL_2
#ifdef IS_KERNEL_2

Basically we scroll net devices list, checking at least one of them to
correspond to outgoing packet IP. If we find device, packet is valid,
otherwise it isn't.

0x2.2 Sanity check on TCP header

Let's check now TCP protocol to be correct and not to have strange flags

<CODE angel_hook.c:146>
if (skb->nh.iph->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) {

tcp = ((struct tcphdr *) (((char *) skb->nh.iph) + skb->nh.iph->ihl * 4));
if (angel_tcp_sanity_check(tcp) == ANGEL_TCP_INSANE) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Tcp sanity check failure no. ( %ld ). Killed.\n", ++angel_net_stats.NetStats[IP_INSANITY]);
return ANGEL_KILL;

angel_tcp_sanity_check() checks that.

<CODE angel_misc_net.c:89>
int angel_tcp_sanity_check (const struct tcphdr *tcp) {
// Drop Xmas !! Ymax
if (tcp->res1 != 0)
// Drops SYN without ACK but with other flags set
if ((tcp->syn && !tcp->ack)
&& (tcp->fin || tcp->rst || tcp->psh || tcp->urg))
// Drops SYN/ACK with RST and/or FIN set
if ((tcp->syn && tcp->ack) && (tcp->fin || tcp->rst))
// Drops TCP packet with no-sense flags ( or without flags at all )
if (!tcp->fin && !tcp->syn && !tcp->rst && !tcp->ack)

OK, from our box only packets with a valid TCP header are going out, a very
important step forward.

0x2.3 Denial of service against X

Though this is a local attack (luckily Xserver remote connections must be
explicitly authorized) uses TCP/IP protocol, thus it's included here.

<CODE angel_hook.c:163>
if (angel_X_dos(skb)) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Angel X dos attempt ( %ld ). UID: %d.\n", ++angel_net_stats.NetStats[X_DOS], current->uid);
return ANGEL_KILL;

What is checked is traffic to be effectively directed to port 6000 (the Xserver
one) and payload, if present, not to contain a negative value for an
instruction that can be specified in X. This negative value, not checked
properly by X version prior to 3.3.6 one, causes a DoS since X code loops while
trying decreasing negative value to 0, and of course it will never happen.

<CODE angel_x_dos.c:32>
int angel_X_dos(struct sk_buff *skb) {

if (tcp->dest != htons(6000))
return 0;

// I check package sent to contain useful data
return 0;
if (!strcmp(data,""))
return 0;

// Someone's trying to full my buf
if (len_data+strlen(buf)>sizeof(buf))
if (len_data>sizeof(buf)) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[Angel]Possible buffer overflow in X loop (angel_X_dos");
return 1;
strncat(buf, data,len_data);

if ((p=strstr(buf, "XC-QUERY-SECURITY-1")) != NULL) {
if (strlen(buf)!=len_data+len_buf)
strncat(buf,(char *)(strchr(data,0)+1),len_data+len_buf-strlen(buf)-1);
if ((strlen(p)>20)&&(p[20]<0)) {
(* skb->sk->prot->disconnect)(skb->sk,0);
(* orig_sys_kill)(current->pid,9);
return 1;
if ((strlen(p)>20)&&(p[20]>=0)) {
return 0;
return 0;


0x2.4 Protocol related sanity check

Going on analyzing angel_output_hook() function (contained in angel_hook.c
file), we find, after having checked traffic to server X, a control set on
traffic of protocols usually used in an Internet-connected Linux box.

<CODE angel_hook.c:171>
// HTTP Traffic
if ((http=ctrl_http_traffic(skb))!=0) {

printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: HTTP arbitrary command execution attempt. Recognized string N. %d ( %ld ). UID: %d.\n",
http, ++angel_net_stats.NetStats[HTTP],
current->euid );

return ANGEL_KILL;
// FTP Traffic
if (ctrl_ftp_traffic(skb)) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: FTP remote exploit attempt ( %ld ). UID: %d.\n",

return ANGEL_KILL;

As you can see, angel_hook() controls have a clear structure: if
ctrl_[protocol]_traffic(struct sk_buff *sk) function returns a value which is
not 0, then an attack is occurring through the examined protocol. Returned
value semantics depend on specific function, but most of the times will be
pattern index of the attack identified by the function.

Even functions ctrl_[protcol]_traffic() are quite similar one to another. Let's
examine ctrl_http_traffic. Function starts with declaring vector containing
patterns identified in the books as attacks used through http protocol.

<CODE angel_http.c:12>
int ctrl_http_traffic(struct sk_buff *skb) {
char *str;
static char *strget; // string that will contain the payload
static int strgetsize=0; // length of strget
static char *http_string[PHFKNOWN+
PHF1, // phf arbitrary command attempt
IIS2, // internet information server
INFOSEARCH1, // infosearch arbitrary command attempt

Next check is this traffic to be directed towards port 80 of a server and to
contain a payload. These checks are executed thanks to 2 macros: IS_TO_PORTN()
and CONTAIN_DATA(), both defined in angel_http.h, though accessible by all
ctrl_xxx_traffic functions thanks to "include" loops.

The strategy is to save payload in a large enough string and to check if it
contains one of the recognized patterns.

<CODE angel_http.c:37>
if ( (IS_TO_PORTN(skb,80)) && (CONTAIN_DATA(skb)) ) {
* Strget string is static so, every time, I check it not to be
* too small to host new payload and I take care of allocating a
* larger one.

if (strgetsize<TCP_LENGTH_DATA(skb)+1) {
if ( (strgetsize!=0) && ( !IS_ERR(strget) ) )
err = PTR_ERR(strget);
if ( IS_ERR(strget)) {
printk(KERN_ERR "[angel] aiee invalid pointer at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return -err;


* I obtain payload...


for(i=0;http_string[i]!=NULL;i++) {
if(strstr(strget,http_string[i])) {
angel_tcp_close(skb->sk, 0);
return (i+1);

If within a cycle a string considered as a dangerous one is found, socket is
closed by angel_tcp_close() function, and running process is killed.
angel_tcp_close() function is a novelty introduced while developing 0.9.1
version (and immediately spread in 0.8.10 version, that I think has been
released in the meantime you are reading this article). Kernel provides a
useful tcp_close() to shut down tcp connections by releasing properly all
internal structures (there's also a function to release allocated structures
for udp "connections" that does a similar thing; don't forget talking about udp
connection is nonsense). The problem (the same as managing handle_sys_request
function found in the first part of the article) is kernel exports this symbol
in two cases:

*) IPv6 support is configured;
*) khttp web server support is configured.

Then, while compiling a module, a script such as
( src/modules/buildutils/ ) borrows this function address, that
is assigned to angel_tcp_close handler. Of course, if script can't find the
symbol, old method will be used to shut down socket, but tcp_close() approach
is, no doubt, the best one.

Cunning reader has surely remarked a flow within this line of reasoning. Script
is based first on /proc/ksyms and then on /boot/ to get back address,
but file /boot/ could not be the one of presently running kernel.
This could lead to unpredictable angel_tcp_close() behaviours. Of course,
people are looking for solutions about this problem: about that, there are
heated arguments in our mailing list (by the way, come see us on , thanks again to great Koba for hosting us).
Note that, sooner or later, AngeL will be a kernel patch, and won't be anymore
compilable as a module. This is possible also because system call vector has
been removed from new 2.5.xx kernels; AngeL will be something integrating
kernel and deactivable by a password, but not completely removable (as it is

0x2.5 Syn Flood

Once packets payload checks have been completed, which I remember to be
application related, AngeL analyzes if outgoing packet is a syn flood attempt.
If anyone among you doesn't know what I'm dealing with, please read again [1]
about complete treatment of how to create a connection by using tcp protocol
(three-way handshake). You only need to know, to understand what syn flood is,
that, if I send a large number of connection requests (TCP/IP packets having
SYN flag set) in a short time, receiving host allocates structures included in
its own kernel to host possible connections and begins sending as an answer
SYN/ACK packets. If I attacker don't send ACK packets which would stop
three-way handshake, attacked host will wait until previously set sockets don't
timeout. If attacker sends a VERY large number of SYN to a VERY large rate,
victim (or rather service we are attacking, such as SMTP demon) will exhaust
its resources and won't be able to accept anymore connections. So we caused a
DoS very nasty for who receives it.

Solution AngeL applies is, if packet has SYN flag we said, to increment a
counter within a vector whose index is obtained by calculating a hash function
on destination address. What we're trying to do is to understand the number of
SYNs being sent to a certain host (except for hash function collisions).

<CODE angel_hook.c:260>
if (IS_SYN_FLOOD(skb)) {
hash_value = hash(skb->nh.iph->daddr);

If this counter value trespass a fixed threshold (defined while compiling and
hard coded within the program) AngeL will react considering packets as a part
of an attack and will countermove the proper way.

<CODE angel_hook.c:273>
if (hashtable.syn_packets[hash_value] >= SYN_HARD_LIMIT) {
switch (actions_code.angel_synflood_code) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Synflood attempt no. ( %ld ). Killed.\n",
#ifdef VERBOSE
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Synflood to %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPQUAD(ip->daddr));
return ANGEL_KILL;
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Synflood attempt no. ( %ld ). Warning.\n",
#ifdef VERBOSE
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Synflood to %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPQUAD(ip->daddr));

printk(KERN_CRIT "[angel]: Unexpected action for spoofing... just drop\n");
return ANGEL_KILL;

} // End of syn flood handler

Heuristic approaches such this one aren't always accepted, especially from most
exigent sysadmins. In fact, it could also be applied to false positives if a
licit application ever needs to send SYN with a high rate. Anyway, practice
awarded AngeL approach, efficient enough against this kind of DoS.

0x2.6 Land

There's little to say about this old kind of DoS and AngeL code preset to avoid
such attack to start is quite explicative. It's all based on avoiding packets
having same IP source address and destination, source and destination port
number as the host and the service which are to be attacked. Just think about
loop that would trigger if we try to connect to a service on a machine if we
are recognized as that own machine and providing that service port as the
source port.

<CODE angel_hook.c:303>
if (IS_LAND(skb)) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Land attempt no. ( %ld ). Killed.\n",
#ifdef VERBOSE
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Land to %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPQUAD(ip->daddr));
//return NF_DROP;
return ANGEL_KILL;
else {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Land attempt no. ( %ld ). Warning.\n",
#ifdef VERBOSE
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Land to %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPQUAD(ip->daddr));

} // End of land handler

0x2.7 Smurf

As for the last two attack types, we have left TCP protocol and we ventured in
ICMP. Within angel_hook, it's the same as moving from an if to another if.
Attack named smurf is executed by sending an echo request packet to a net
(internal or external) broadcast address that will act as an amplifier of our
attack. Of course, attacker will hide his own IP address under the victim's
one, who will get a large echo reply number that will subtract precious band to
attacked host. Note: attack definitions such as IS_SYN_FLOOD , IS_LAND ,
IS_SMURF can be found in include/attack_rulez.h .

<CODE attack_rulez.h:12>
#define IS_SMURF(skb) ((angel_ip_spoofing(skb)==ANGEL_IP_SPOOF) &&\
(skb->sk->broadcast) && \
((((struct icmphdr *) (((char *)skb->nh.iph) +\
skb->nh.iph->ihl * 4)))->type==ICMP_ECHO))

At last, attack managing code is quite trivial:

<CODE angel_hook:376>
if (IS_SMURF(skb)) {
switch (actions_code.angel_smurf_code) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Smurf attempt no. ( %ld ). Killed.\n",
#ifdef VERBOSE
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Attempt to flood %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPQUAD(ip->saddr));
return ANGEL_KILL;
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Smurf attempt no. ( %ld ). Warning.\n",
#ifdef VERBOSE
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Attempt to flood %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPQUAD(ip->saddr));

printk(KERN_CRIT "[angel]: Unexpected action for smurf... just drop\n");
return ANGEL_KILL;

0x2.8 Ping of Death

Ping of Death was an attack that had a severe impact on hosts connected to
Internet around 1995-1996. It was Windoze95 and kernel 1.3.xx year and people
realized that, when a host (actually I can't remember the list of operating
system vulnerable to that attack) received an echo request contained in a
properly built IP packet, that host crashed. Attack took advantage of
possibility, through fragmentation, of creating an echo request contained in
an IP packet whose size trespassed 65535 bytes; host kernel, while
reassembling packet, had his internal structures overflowed, and this lead to
kernel lockup.

Approach done by AngeL checks an echo request to be contained in an IP packet
that doesn't need fragmentation, also because, looking at ICMP protocol, a
"ping" doesn't need more than an IP packet.

<CODE attack_rulez.h:17>
#define IS_PINGOFDEATH(skb) ((skb->nh.iph->frag_off == htons(0x2000)) &&\
(((struct icmphdr *) (((char *)skb->nh.iph) + \
skb->nh.iph->ihl * 4)))->type == ICMP_ECHO)


In angel_hook code, checks for this kind of attack is trivial:

<CODE angel_hook.c:403>
if (IS_PINGOFDEATH(skb)) {
printk(KERN_INFO "[angel]: Ping of death attempt no. ( %ld ). Killed.\n", ++angel_net_stats.NetStats[PINGOFDEATH]);
return ANGEL_KILL;


0x3. COmments and future development

By these lines, our trip into AngeL ends. This code fragment has been public
for 2 years and would need more care, I first admit that. Anyway, I firmly
believe in the future we'll be able to do something more that's good, and we'll
find out interesting novelties to prevent our hosts to be rascals within web. I
believe so also because of how valuable are mailing list
registered members (I'd like to mention buffer, alor and the great gg sullivan
as an example) and of their engagement to carry on this project.
What now; network layer should be completely rewritten, careful readers have
certainly remarked that, in case of remote buffer overflows, every check is
null if attack is carried on by fragmenting packets. There must be a better
approach while projecting hook, in order to obtain a more effective and less
depending on false positives or other questions code. This code will be more
flexible by adopting a plugin structure that let me add rules and countermoves
against new attacks without having to wait for a new module release. What I'm
thinking about is a "snort like" system, in which everyone can instruct AngeL
through a sort of language and insert new attack patterns.

A few more words about AngeL as a module structure. During development, among
unexported symbols and almost illicit system call hijacking problems, actually
I'm quite fed up of hiding behind a module. In the future, also because 2.6
kernel will have LSM as default security framework, it could also be that
AngeL interfaces by using this framework, or our project aims to become a
static kernel patch (like openwall patches, to be clear).

I hope I have made you more curious about kernel land exploring and especially
about what can be done by putting a hook into netfilter chains. I hope you want
to subscribe our mailing list, even only to criticize us heavily (but
usefully), but I strongly hope you want to be part of code development and
enhancement by adding patterns aiming to new attacks, signalling us new
attacks, bug reporting and, why not, by offering us a pint of beer, dark of

By saying so, I thank you all kind readers for keeping me company till now.
We'll meet, I hope, with other articles and I invite everyone to wild hacking,
the one stimulating our learning and experimenting will.


0x4 Bibliography

[0] /usr/src/linux, Kernel sources, Autori Vari
[1] W. Richard Stevens "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 The Protocols",

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