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CFX BBS official NEWS 26

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CFX BBS official NEWS
 · 5 years ago


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[o] CFX BBS official NEWS and UPDATES publication [o]

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Publication 026 Date 07/02/1998 (+65)


[ 01 ] ... Editorial by Civax / Moon Hunters
[ 02 ] ... #1 Whats up with our scene? by Civax / Moon Hunters
[ 03 ] ... #2 Mov'97 mmul compo review by DNA-Groove / MNH, Embryo
[ 04 ] ... #3 Mov'97 mmul compo review by Sik
[ 05 ] ... #4 3 days at Mov'97 by Void!
[ 06 ] ... #5 The scene in Israel by Yoyo / No Limit
[ 07 ] ... #6 Remarks and answers about mov'97 by Civax / Moon Hunters
[ 08 ] ... #7 MegaDoc! IT to XM Conversion by Dark Spirit / Immortals
[ 09 ] ... #8 How to improve the scene by Cycat / Quasars
[ 10 ] ... #9 Movement'98 - True or False? by Civax / Moon Hunters
[ 11 ] ... Parties related information
[ 12 ] ... News & Romours
[ 13 ] ... File Base changes
[ 14 ] ... On-Line Features changes
[ 15 ] ... Happy birthday list
[ 16 ] ... New Israeli releases list
[ 17 ] ... New files summery - civax choices
[ 18 ] ... New files summery - 03.12.97 to 07.02.98 (+65 days)
[ 19 ] ... CFX Team status
[ 20 ] ... Contact the CFX Team


by Civax / Moon Hunters

Had to be done. Its been 2 months since I last released Cfx News, and here
it returns again, even bigger then ever before. You can see this as some
kind of a special edition. I don't think next issues gonne be THIS big...

Anyway, I've sat and coded a REALY cool reader interface with all sorts of
new effects and music - realy great! However, it only works on a Pentium
II Pro with that IBM chip of 1130 Mhz speed. So for the rest of you people
that have OLD machines, I've aked Goodbyte / Moon Hunters to code a small
reader for text mode and we added it in my awsome BIG reader. BTW, It will
automaticlly detect if you have that Pentium II Pro. If you don't, it will
jump stright to the textmode reader. :)

I hope you're gonna enjoy this issue with 8 articles and most of the stuff
we regulary have. Notice I have taken out the 'support' section. Its not
realy neccery, as Coders F/X BBS Carries so many groups and artists it is
quite a waste of time to try having a list.

Though we have a reader now, I'm still releasing the CFX News as TEXT FILE
so you'll be able to read it also with your favorite viewer/editor. You'll
be able to cut/copy/print/find words/whatever in the text version, and for
me its easier cause I don't need to compile the viewer for every issue.

Well, This is the time to start making articles for CFX News #27. I don't
wanna end up like demonews, you know... :)

Have fun. Good luck to Dark spirit. Tommorow, Sunday 8.2.98, he drafts to
the army... Wish him luck!

Civax / Moon Hunters


What's up with our scene
The Scene as it is after movement'97

by Civax / Moon Hunters

You all probably wanna know what I think about movement'97. If it was
a success or not. Well, I'll tell you my answer, but that will be the
starting point of this acticle. Mov97 got me thinking about our scene
and its future. But, first thing first...

As most of you know, I took part in organizing Assembly'97. It was a
very big event, over 2500 attenders from all over the world, and was
organized quite differently from the parties we got used to here, in
Israel. We've tried to implement some of the settings to our (small)
scale demo party. We organized a powerfull network with internet and
we tried to offer better prizes. I edmit, we had our problems in the
begining of the event as this was the first time we ever tried this
way of organizing and it involved more people and bodies then I could
realy control using the old style I got used too. But we got it going
and it was actually flowing realy good once we got into the rythm.

However, though we did our best in the organizing part - one side was
missing - good products. We can't control products. Thats the second
half YOU sceners have to take care of. I'm not blaming anyone. This
year (1997) had been rough for the world demo scene. I first spotted
it when mellow-D, the head of the Asm'97 music jurys told me happly
"Hey, Look! Last year I had 290 Multi-channel modules to process,
this year we got 300 products OVERALL!" Sure, less work for him but
isn't it a bit wierd that all the products this year of assembly
(including music, demos, wild ect.) almost equals the same amount of
only ONE of last year's compos?! Well, you can hardly feel it as you
keep seeing some good new demos from parties in europe, but what if
I'll tell you you're only seeing HALF the amount of products that
were submitted last year? And what if I'll tell you thats the outcome
of over 6 countries?

Summery I
1. Movement97 suffered from lake of products which made it a bit less
sucessfull from what it could have been.
2. Organizing raised to a new scale, featuring world-class demo-party
style. However, not without some difficulties in the begining.
3. 1997 was a low year for the whole demo scene including Israel.

Solutions I
Movement'97 showed me that we need some changes in the scene as it is
today. Our demo scene, as being composed mostly of young people, is
changing all the time, and I think its great. We're in this hobby for
the fun - n' maybe few other people for the technical experiance. But
a change in our scene is now mandatory.

1. We have to get some 'new blood' to the scene. The way we can do it
isn't important - we just need new people, and LOTS OF THEM.
2. People should realize what army is all about. We have the feeling
the army is a big complex thing that will swallow us and we won't
have free time for the comming three years. Bullshit. We have lots
of examples how sceners are in the scene as well as being soldiers
in all kind of places (Kravi and not kravi). I won't repeat my own
example as people should already know it. So LIGHTEN UP!
Going to the army is not like going to some far country! Sure, you
will have less time to creat as before, but you WILL have time!
3. 2 medium demo parties are not suitable for the israeli scene. We
either need a big one alone or a big one n' a very small one, just
so people will feel there is something near to look for. I will,
however, keep advising people about organizing parties, though I
think most of the organizers of other parties proved themselves
not to be realy serios untill now, as movement is the only party
that keeps on from year to year.
4. We need to mingle with other countries. WOW!! That sounds too big
to be true, eh!? I mean - Alot of parents do lotsa problems about
going alone to ashkelon with the computer, not to mantion going to
europe! Hmm... But what if I'll tell you YOU have to do almost
nothing to take part in an international party? "What do you mean
'almost'?!" I hear you thinking... "Where's the catch!?"
Sure there is a catch :). Movement Organizing Team is checking out
the option of having Movement'98 as a shared party with the GREEK
scene. (hmm... Ok, go on reading after you'll stop rolling on the
floor laughing...) Yea, you've read it right. Remember the 'joke'
called Ashkelon's marina?? Well, what do you know... We might
arrange a cruise from greece to here and back at a realy low cost,
only for demo sceners from greece! It also opens a window for
sceners from other parts of europe as greece is connected with
trains to the rest of europe, and also - if you didn't know - The
greek islands are highly popular amoung scandinavian tourists. :)
You're still smiling.. Thats probably cause you say "Greeks? What
does THEY know about demos!?" Hmm... Well, They got less groups
then we got, but while the first Israeli group to take part in any
world scene event did it THIS year, greek groups been doing it
since 1995... Anyway, nothing is fixed yet and I'm still checking
this option. However, it is a MUST that we will open to the world
scene. For 1 country we're quite big, but since we take no active
part in the world scene (except few people) - we can't jump to the
next stage.

So, part of keep working on ourselves and strive to be better, we
first have to develop our scene and get as many new sceners as
possible, while the "old" scene is still here to teach them the right
spirit. Otherwise, we'll witness a flood of new sceners with no scene
spirit as we know it and nothing to do with the REAL demo scene. We
have topen our eyes an reach for the world.

May we all succeed. Amen.

Civax / Moon Hunters
Movement Organizing
CFX Team


The Movement 97 MultiChannel compo review
by DNA-Groove / Embryo, MNH

general overlook:

- One general thing really bothered me this year, and that was the amount of
productions contributed to the compo. through the last years, other parties,
other places, people contributed more. more people were interested. this year
has set a negative standard for the Israeli Scene's low morale and motivation.
I was asked a couple of times at the party place, why wern't there any
trance tracks in the finals. The reason was that among the very few entries
that were contributed, only 3 of them were trance and 1 of those 3 was a joke.
Besides, the best trance of those 3 was "Limits of Goa", so make your own
judgement if you think they should've been in the finals.

Many familiar and known sceners couldn't make it to the party. Mental Trip,
Paso, Kenzu (shyeah, like we'd expect him to come down to the people, that
damn bloated ass), Radium and the absence of Dark Spirit from this year's
list of contributions sure added to the general feeling that this year is by
far NOT like others. We got along quite nicely though. Krembo surprised us
with a mellow-cheese tune, Artemis gaines a handful amount of admiration on
my behalf, new faces popped here and there. Thor of Immortals gave us a
wonderful show of how a student can become a teacher in such short time.

About the review, I reviewed as many tunes as my time allowed me to. The
grades i gave shouldn't stand for any general opinion nor standard. Those
grades are my personal opinion that was given under no social, racist and/or
tastial inffluence. :)
At the comment section in each contribution i stated the things that
bothered me and my judgement at the party personaly. My comments are mearly
constructive remarks that come to aid only... on most cases anyway. :)

competing productions:
note: reviewed by the order the productions
were submitted at the party!

n/a = Not A finalist
:) = should've been a finalist

Submition -1-

Name: Fire in Heaven
Author: D.J Crazy / Immortals
Party placing: n/a
DNA grade: 55 / 100
Comments: When i started listening to this tune i had this untamed urge
to freak out on that "plus" key on my keyboard (News Flash -
"plus" skips patterns in IT), the beginning of the tune was
indeed a bit dull. The first dozen patterns seemed to have no
purpose in the tune itself. THOUGH, after being ever so
patient, i came to realize that the more you listen to it,
more and more parts of the tune suddenly take shape.... of
something... unrecognized. :) but it was ok after all. :)

Submition -2-

Name: Ilatia's Embryo
Author: Krembo / Emerge
Party placing: 4th
DNA grade: 70 / 100
Comments: When i first heard this tune at the party place i never in
the world would've thought that Krembo is the one behind it.
Then again, i never heard any other style beside Dream from
Krembo, so i guess it evens up. The first few patterns in
the tune sounds like a mellow cheezy love song, though the
beat changes as it plays. the thing is that that beat
change was a bit off-place. It kinda wrecked the mellow
stream Krembo was workin on.

Submition -3-

Name: Sands of Sadness
Author: X-Rabbit / Qusars
Party placing: :)
DNA grade: 65 / 100
Comments: An earth shaking improvement can be easily noticed in
X-Rabbit's techniques and use of his talent. THOUGH, the use
of samples was one of his major faults in this tune. When
choosing a Cello to play the bass line, the tracker must know
the "right and wrong" if he wants the Cello to sound like
one. And that was X-Rabbit's biggest mistake when he chose
that Cello to play the bassline. But that's being pecky! :)
The reason it didn't make it to the finals is that it wasn't
as harmonized as it should've been. If there's a certain
chord progression, the lead must follow in at least 80% of the
notes or it'll sound like mating cats in the spring.

Submition -4-

Name: Porovcative Reaction
Author: Artemis / Emerge
Party placing:
DNA grade: 85 / 100
Comments: oh boy.. Artemis, if anybody wants to hear my opinion about
this kid, should read my Ritual 97 MultiChannel review.
if i had to choose the winner, i'd vote for him.
About this entry, again we see here the upsetting choice of
samples. Heaven knows why this kid keeps on using those old
amiga samples. Artemis composed a fine tune, it was very much
harmonized, very well built and fits beutifuly to a listening
ear. I like his style, though he really shouldn't stick to it.
conclusion, samples... are Artemis's biggest fault, too bad.

Submition -5-

Name: Limits of Goa
Author: Mutant / ??
Party placing: n/a
DNA grade: 3.1419726 / 100
comments: JeSuS!!! i'm not that big of a proffesional in Trance/Goa
affairs, but i sure know what i like and what's NOT giving me
a headache. This.... thing... gave me one hell of a headache.
I felt such regret a bit after i pressed F5 in IT. Bass... argh
everywhere... thick, deep, uncontrolable bass surrounding me!
Bassdrum banging my brain. Untamed resonance, hihats fly around
aimlessly... oof... but then again, you better judge it for
yourselves, oh-mighty-trancers. I didn't like it.

Submition -6-

Name: Moment of Truth
Author: Thor / Immortals
Party placing: 1st
DNA grade: 85 / 100
comments: Thor's inffluce by Dark Spirit is far from being unnoticeable.
Most of his techniques are as expected, similar to DS's. It was
also very noticable that the choice of samples has improved
quite drasticaly. Suddenly the French Horn sounds like one,
same with the flutes, though the strings remained a mystery to
their name. :)
The amount of effort invested in this track is probably what
made it stand out of the crowd. It's very well tracked, the
harmonization is almost perfect, though i don't like Thor's
style of lead... repeating notes, predictable slides and stuff
like that. but then, it's only me. :) It got the place it
desereved, eventually. :)

Submition -7-

Name: Darkside
Author: ?? / ??
Party placing: n/a
DNA grade: ?? / 100
comments: the file was corrupted when uploaded to the server!

Submition -8-

Name: Can we Dream
Author: Coax Cable / BNC, X-tigma
Party placing: 7th
DNA grade: 45 / 100
comments: Coax isn't much of a tracker as he is an ANSI maker. But, as
long as he enjoys doing this... shall be it. :) Bad ripped
samples, real ancient ones. Technique is mediocre and below.
yet the funny thing about it, it was still better than most
of the entries.

Submition -9-

Name: Violin of Fire
Author: Penoman / X-tigma
Party placing: 5th
DNA grade: 60 / 100
comments: Well, all i know is that this guy can make something of
himself if he'd try harder, and in a year or two he may become
a fine tracker indeed. but, today he's only another one.
another among many like him. nothing too special about him, he
had a nice idea for a tune, destroyed it, did something
unrecognized with the lead sample which totaly wrecked the
tune. the one thing that did save him from total anhilation is
that pretty groovy part he did with the piano at the beginnig
of his track.

Submition -10-

Name: Mediteranean Seashore
Author: Shudder / YOE
Party placing: 2nd
DNA grade: 75 / 100
comments: Shudder was surely joking when he wrote this track. and as a
joke, it is quite funny. :) it's hard to write serious
comments on a joke, not to mention, a good one. :)

Submition -11-

Name: Thlom
Author: Monk / ??
Party placing: n/a
DNA grade: ??
comments: unable to evaluate. didn't finish the transfer.

Submition -12-

Name: Koah Hamahatz
Author: Shocker / Magic Intros
Party placing: n/a
DNA grade: 0.25 / 100
comments: sheesh... another joke, only that this one isn't very funny.
just like going back to the "Fuck Beit-Sefer" days, only much
much much much much much much much much much much much much
much much much much much much much much much much much much
much much much much much much much much much much much much
much much much much much much much much much much much much
much much much much much much much much much much much much
much much much much much much much much much much much much
much much much much much worse!!!

Submition -13-

Name: no name
Author: Kipi / ??
Party placing: n/a
DNA grade: -40 / 100
comments: this kid who made this track is uhhmm.... KeWL, i think. a
mothuh suckin rippuh! deviously ripped from Monkey Island!!!
and only coz of a technical phuq up, it made it to the finals.

Submition -14-

Name: Wrong way to Heaven
Author: Distortion / ??
Party placing:
DNA grade: 60 / 100
comments: With some minor adjustments, it could've been one bitchin
track, it's just that there are some techniques this kid has
to learn first before he can make his tracks great!
some of them are talent related, but he doesn't have that
problem, the rest are only a matter of time, experience is the
best teacher in this as well. I'm quite sure that in time
Distortion will eventualy be good enough to be called like
that. :)


this year it most certainly has been fun, we didn't have much to complain
about which is probably the reason i enjoyed. :) But that's not how i'd wish
it would be next year. Next year i'd wish to see Paso, Mental Trip, Radium and
the other familiar names we all know and admire. and of course, I'm sure
wouldn't mind to see more new faces in addition to the wonderful selection we

have some more kidz by next year... :)


Movement '97 Multi-Channel Competition Review
by SiK

February 2nd, 1998
Ver 1.2 (revised, refixed and ready-to-go)

MUSIC 1 an art form of making pleasent combinations of sounds...
MUSICIAN a person skilled in playing or composing music.
(Oxford Dictionary, Second Edition 1993)

Movement '97 was a great experiance. Arrangement, location, competitions
and even the mood at the event - all contributed to the success of the
contest. But alas, foul stench arose from the deep, spreading terror and
causing humiliation to the attenders of the Movement '97. Yes, I am
talking about the disgraceful Multi-Channel competition!

Let me clarify one point: the Multi-Channel competition was very good
(although the organizers could at least turn the volume up a bit, while
playing the tunes!); it is the results that were embarrassing and offending.
I will elaborate on that later this article.

People say that music is a mattar of preferance. People are right. One tune
might be pleasent to someone, while it is ear-drum-popping to another. That
is indisputable. Nevertheless, nowadays there are small, almost invisible
things called STANDARDS. These tiny standards are the guiding lines of every
musician. Among these standards are: rhythem, harmony, originality,
creativity, performance and others. Altogether they create a tune, and
distinguish a good musician from a not-so-good one.

I have seen numerous musicians at the Movement '97, writing, correcting,
playing. Thus I had the chance to hear some works before the competitions,
and works that weren't going to attend a certain competition. We have
reached a very high level of composing, no doubt. It is obvious that there
are many talented scene people out there. No one will disagree when I'll
say that we stand among the Europeans with our head up, bulging more and
more, every day.

Because of time limitations, brain dehydration and because I don't want to
bore you to death, I'll spare you of my babbling, and get to the reason I'm
writing this.

The Multi-Channel competition's result were a horrible shock to us. I have
no complains to the 1st place winner; congratulations and good luck in the
The 2nd place was rather a bizzare choice. If anyone who voted for it would
have the decency to listen to this horrific mass of unexplained notes which
recieved the name "Mediteranean Seashore", it wouldn't win 2nd place and by
so shove the somehow better songs to their current place. I downloaded this
dispensable mixture of samples, listened to it for about 10 times, and I'm
happy to send this report: this thing symbolises the "funny-ha-ha" attitude
of the scene people, who don't pay real attention to the musicians who
dedicated more than a day to write their songs. This strange creation lacks
rhytem, creativity, harmony, and performance (standards). I will not mention
names here for obvious reasons, but people had told me, that black day, that
the song is "cool" and other unpleasent words. Well, perhaps the idea is new,
hence the goal 'originality' is accomplished. Still this is not a factor of
winning! People are blind to the time and talent invested in good songs,
and they seek the humorous and funny, while there are beautiful songs that
need to be listened a few times to admire. This was highly disappointing, for
the mere reason that good musicians such as Krembo and Arthemis whom I know
personally, wrote complex and beutiful tunes, but came 4th and 6th in place,

Mistakes happen. Sadly, this mistake harms the reputation of the good
musicians, who had big expectations (some of them). People will always say:
"it is a contest, they won fair and square. After all, the attenders are
those who voted for it". Well, that is the wrong attitude for such accidents.
Unfortunately, this cannot be mended. Good trackers sufferd, and always will.
A fine and sad example for this is, how predictable, Hodow's winner of the
Movement 1995 demo party, Sax-Solo. I will not discuss that sad incident here;
I'm sure you are femiliar with it. It just proves the inevitable case of
history, that keeps repeating on itself (although this is quite a short
history, it still proves my point). I have no doubt that examples like the
two above will continue reappearing in the near future. It must be the poor,
talented trackers' predestination, becuase I don't see any other cause to
this painful phenomenon.

One last thing (hope it is not too late): I am truly, truly SORRY, from the
bottom of the deeps in my heart, if I ever offended someone in this article,
in any way, direct or indirect. I haven't mentioned names here, because that
was not my intention. I don't want to cause another Hodow-like mass of hatred
and disdain toward the composer; He has done nothing wrong. I hope that people
will understand my point of view, rather than be offended by my harsh saying.

Warm greetings fly by to:
Myself (thank you!)
Dark Spirit

Greets also to anyone that I, in my stupidity, forgot here...

If you may wish to send comments about this article, you can send mail to
SiK in Coders F/X.

SiK 1998
"Well I'll be damned, 'woof' IS a word in English!"


3 days at MOV'97
by Void!

Well... Mov97 was my first ever 'party' that I've been to. We, (me n'
3 of my friends) started the day nicely, entered the car and headed
to Ashkelon. Too bad that we got in 2 hours early. Mov'97 was nothing
like what I head in mind, it was more fun.

I imagened that every group would be alone, but everyone got together
in one hall. In the morning of the first day everyone just find their
place and know their neighbours. In the evening we got to work. I
like the big screen, easpecialy when one on the operators played
'turok'. In the begining of the second day we were wide-awake but
after 6 hours of sitting in front of the computer... We were like
freaking Zombies. My friend fell a sleep in front of the computer, n'
all of the people there were about in the same condition. After I got
3 hours of sleep I was ready to continue, but not on the demo... On
the Suprize compo. There was this thing called "wild", a great thing,
and a good break that we needed... We (me and 3 of my friends) went
home early (10:00 am) so we didnt know what place our suprize came...
(but now we know... 4th place). :( Nevermind, at list it was fun and
nice... I'll surely go next year... Maybe with a cool demo or a
multi-channel music...

I'll see you there.


The scene in Israel
by YoYo / no limit

I wanna say some things about the scene in Israel. First, we have a
lot to learn if we wanna get in to the world scene. Let's take mov'97
for example. It wasn't a good party but it was ok. I wanna say the
bad things about this party and the good things. The bad things are
that there wasn't a schedule. Lets take, for example, the demo compo.
It was supposed to start at 22:00 and it started at 7:00 in the
morning where is the responsibility of the organizing team? 3 HDD
were stolen from the immortals, with the demo on it. They have worked
on it so hard. In Finland u won't see someting like that. Something
else, at the place where movement was taking place, if we needed to
buy somethin we had to go outside and find someting to eat. We were
also afraid that someone will steal our computers. Well, so far I
have said what I wanna say about the responsibility part. So now I'll
talk on the level that we've reached. The demo compo wasn't at a very
high level. We won't see a good demo like Sunflower in Israel. I took
part at the demo compo and the demo that I made with the help of my
friend. I think it suxx. So we need to upgrade and fast. Now the good
things that were at the party: Well, it was good to meet new friends,
some that I talk with in CFX and this is the first time that I saw
them and I wanna say someting on the raytracing compo. I think that
the raytracing in Israel is at a high level. The pictures were great.
Well, I must admit Civax did his best, he gave everything for the
party --- "you're on the right way Civax!" Well, I wanna say 10x to
Bezeq they took a big part at the party they gave the first prize
that was ISDN line (give me a break). So this is all I have to say
about the scene.

P. S. : I don't understand why some great Coders, like Borzom, Adapt
n' their groups didn't take part at the party. Maybe if they
had taken a part at the party it could have been better.

Greets fly to :
MegaBrain, MasterBoy, Y.O.E, Civax, Borzom, Adapt, Kombat, Rage
Slivatar, Dr.Games, Dark Spirit, Thor, Esteem, MHN, Flood,
Vampire-X, And everyone that I forget.

Well bye and remeber
" Be c00l and not Mastool! "


Remarks and answers about movement'97
by Civax / Moon Hunters

Every year after movement we see some articles presenting thier
writer' opinion about the party. Some of them highlights faults
n' mistakes we, the organizers, did and thats why I usually try
to read all of them. Some of them also contains mistakes which
I usually correct in another article. What I do like about them
is that all of them contains also a satisfaction or a 'thanks
to the organizers' which shows that basicly people DID have fun
at the party - and thats what we do the parties for, afterall..

I'll be answering some articles people wrote about Mov'97 now.

Answer to: "The scene in Israel" by Yoyo / No Limit
Well, first of all, it seems to be yoyo's first party, and I do
greets him for that :) I'll devide my answer into two parts;
The mistakes-correcting, and the Ok-we-were-wrong.

Mistake Correcting:
1. "there wasn't a schedule. Lets take 4 example the demo compo
it was supposed 2 start at 22:00 and it started at 7:00 in
the morning"
There was a schedual. Actually, while you can argue whether
the schedual was right or needed to be changed, keeping the
schedual was one of our BETTER sides in this party. With all
the problems in the second day, we've held all the compos in
time except deadlines that were moved, since the you - the
attenders - asked for it. Anyway, Demo compos never held at
22:00.. We planned to do it at 7:00am and it was held at the
exact time. For your information, yoyo, demo compo is always
the last one so if we finished the party at wednesday noon,
you don't need me to know the compo will be held at the
morning :)
2. "3 H.D were stolen from the immortals"
3 Harddrives were reported as stolen during the event. 1 was
found when people started to leave and was returned to the
guy. 2 Harddrives are still missing, ONE of them does belong
to Thor / Immortals and yes, it did contain textures and
graphics they needed for thier demo. We know who stole the
2nd harddrive and we're looking into legal actions against
him at the moment. Let it be note in favore of immotals they
worked thier ass off during the party and produced within 6
hours only another demo, who WON the compo. I guess these
guys do got something to do with immortality ;)

3. "In Finland u wont see someting like that"
:D Well, for all of you guys who think Israel invented this
sport, Assembly'97 was a GOOD party from this aspect and I
won't even start to count the number of reported hardware.
Well, Mellow-D and I were looking for 3 hours after his new
p166 32mb 2.1Gb HDD Laptop... And if someone stole from an
organizer (he was also an organizer) then I donno if
something can ever be safe in a demo party... Anyway - all
parties, including ours, declere - we take no responsibility
for your things. We cannot put a security guy next to every
computer. Watch your own stuff. Btw, one of our security
personnel cought a guy trying to steal Adept's CD. He was
thrown out of the party within minutes.

Ok-we-are-wrong / Sorry-thats-the-way-it-is part
1. "at the place where movement was taking place, if we needed
to buy something we had to go outside and find someting to
Thats right. This was the first movement that we didn't had
a cafetiria inside. We counted on the many shopes around so
what we did was arranging a sitting place in the entrance so
people could sit next to tables, eat and talk. We will have
a nice place INSIDE the hall next time. However, I see
nothing wrong in going out to eat outside, go see a movie or
doing any REAL activity except computers. Lighten up guys,
we're the DEMO scene, not the WAREZ scene and the last thing
I wanna see in our scene are computer-addicts-monsters like
those desgusting irc-sceners at the first day. Our scene is
an ART. Artists must be open people. Go out at friday night,
if you don't like discos, go to a pub or go see a movie! You
will never get new ideas, new effects or any insparetion by
sitting next to your computer all day. Have a life, go out
during demo parties! Have FUN!

2. One thing to add. Our security personnel was more then good.
There will be no change in security regulations, as we keep
up the standart of any demo party in the world and actually,
we're quite better then most of them. You HAVE to keep an
eye on your equipment. At the second evening, ICE and me did
a test: We went for 10 minutes trying to see how many things
been left unwatched. We counted 5 Harddrives, 1 mouse and 1
bag with clothes n' CDs we could take without anyone notice.
I've also went stright ahead to the microphone n' said that.
Take care of your stuff or have friends take care of it when
you're gone. We cannot help you in that. The only thing I
can promiss you is that we're doing our best to catch people
while they try to get out during the party with hardware, n'
we've realy got one during Mov'97. Thats about it - the rest
is up to you.

3. Same issue - One of the things we're checking for the next
party, is to have a special room where you could store your
equipment while you go to sleep or out to eat. It will be
given free of charge to everybody.

Civax / Moon Hunters
Movement Organizing
CFX Team


Revision 1.00 - 15.1.98

Tips for IT>>>XM Conversion
by Dark Spirit/TToM
* * *

This file was written in order to help musicians in the mind-blending job
of converting IT files to the XM format. We usually find ourself in need
to do so when we want to use our music in demos/intros, where the player
is sometimes uncompatible of playing ITs, or takes too much CPU power (with
or without the use of NNA in the module). There are already many convertors
out on the scene-market, but non of them is bug free (1.1.98). That is why
we musicians still carry the need to redefine our modules right, in order
to prevent converting problems, and keeping the sound as close as possible
to the original under IT.

The following document will try to explain how to fix out various problems
of convert, such as channel adjustment, Pan Problems, Samples/Instrument
Fuckups, notes unplayed, samples unheard, and many other. Beside the
problems which can be solved by a proper retracking, I'll try to explain how
to deal with the bugs which you sometimes can not understand their source,
and give you some helpful tips how to prevent them.

Needless to say that this is the first revision of the document, and that
I'll be more than happy to receive tips from other sceners who know more
details about this subject.

The need to convert may come after writing the module, but in most of
the cases, your beloved coder will inform you happiely:
"We are using XM coz I am too lame/lazy/tierd to rewrite my sources"
(Kombat, don't kill me;). If you are writing the module already knowing
that it WILL become an XM eventually, the job is alot easier. All you need
is to keep in mind the (MANY) limits of that format, and test your
module from time to time by converting the unfinished version. In that way
you can always spot the cause of errors, and you have less patterns to
scan with black spots under your red eyes. ;)

First step

The first step is obviously choosing the converting-proggie.
There are two leading convert-proggies today: IT2XM by phoenix of Hornet,
and the Mod-Plug player/tracker.
I advise to use IT2XM for it is the best currently, MP is not stable
enough yet. This text file will deal this with the assumption that this
will be the program you will use, but it will probably be suitable for
other programs as well, hopefully soon to be out.

Second step

Create a blind first time convert. Hear the result. Get aware of the
problems you have to fix. Read the error-file IT2XM usually produce.
that will give you a general idea of what should be done in order
to fix the problems, and what kind of retracking should be made.

Here is the module information you lose when you convert to XM:

- NNA / Duplicate note check (might be shitty:)
- Channels 33-64 (We can live with that)
- Pitch envelopes (Who use this crap!?)
- Channel volumes (That can be fixed)
- Default channel panning / Volume (Easy stuff)
- Envelope nodes above #12 (Can be optimized by the tracker)
- Notes C0-B0, C9-B9 ('Merd!;)
- Instrument notes (eg. C-0 -> C-3 01 becomes C-0 01) (Big shit)
- SHIFT-F9 message (How can we live?!)
- Default channel volume (Easy Stuff 2)
- Some IT only effects (Brrr...)
- Sample gnenral
Things like 16-bit samples, volume/panning envelopes, and most volume
commands are converted. If you find problems with this stuff, continue

Third Step

That is the time to start working!
Now I'll simply scan problem after problem you might find, and I'll try
to give a proper solve for that crap.

NO NNA - The Duplicate note check is not too important. What we DO need
is the powerful NNAs. The way of creating a rather similar
sound to the result of NNA, is by returning to the Multi-Channel
Tracking Technique, which developed on S3Ms and still remain
in heavy usage by FT2 users.
All we need is to put the notes in more than one channel.
if we will put a note-off command (===) next to each note, we
will receive an exact result of whatever used to happen with an
NNA! Here is what you can do in order to convert manually all
kinds of NNAs to a regular pattern information:

Note Cut - Place a ^^^, or put the next note on the same channel.
Note that puting a new note on the same channel might
confuse you later on, because it will "break" the
rather organized structure of the notes.
Continue - Do nothing! Leave the channel wide open. The sound
will be over only after the next note, but hey, you
don't want the previous note to last forever, right?
Note Off - Draw the desired Envelope, and place a === next to the
note. That should do the work.
Note Fade - you has many options here. You can either draw a fade
in the Envelope, But there you risk a sudden cut b4
the right time due to the appearance of the next note
on the same channel. If you dont want to use/change
the VolEnv, you can use the D00 Effect, or work with
exact values on the volume column (use the ALT-K block
function to make your life even easier).

Few Examples of what i meant:

| A-5 | <<< Those notes used a NOTE-OFF NNA
| ... | under IT.
| F-5 |
| ... |
| D-5 |
| ... |
| C-5 |

| A-5 | ... | ... | <<< Here is their new order for XM.
| ... | ... | ... | We use 3 channels in order to give
| === | F-5 | ... | each note time to "Breath", to off
| ... | ... | ... | itself without any outer disturb.
| ... | === | D-5 | Note that if you use a long VolEnv,
| ... | ... | ... | You should use more channels. The
| C-5 | ... | === | length can be easiely checked by
turning off all channels except one,
and checking by a fast F6 if the note
reach full silence before the next in
his own channel.

| A-5 | ... | ... | <<< By changing the === to a proper D00
| ... | ... | ... | effect, we can keep the envelope safe
| ...D| F-5 | ... | for other usage, creating the nice
| ...D| ... | ... | NOTE FADE effect. I remind again that
| ...D| ...D| D-5 | exact volume values in the Vol column
| ...D| ...D| ... | can do the job as well.
| C-5 | ...D| ...D|

| A-5 | ... | ... | ... | <<< This is the continue option.
| ... | ... | ... | ... | no note intrudes the notes on the
| ... | F-5 | ... | ... | channel. Every note has a stand alone
| ... | ... | ... | ... | channel. This is what we do if we
| ... | ... | D-5 | ... | need to continue a looped sample.
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
| ... | ... | ... | C-5 |

| A-5 | ... | ... | <<< That is what we do if we want to
| ... | ... | ... | Continue a short sample. There is
| ... | F-5 | ... | no need to create a new channel for
| ... | ... | ... | the C-5, because the A-5 has already
| ... | ... | D-5 | end!
| ... | ... | ... |
| C-5 | ... | ... |

sometimes you dont have enough room for opening more channels next
to the one you want to expand. Just like in this case:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
| p | M | c | c | c | | t | p | | | | |

p = percussion channel
c = the chord channel
M = the channel you need to expand
t = other samples

[note:this problem can be solved if we use less than 32 actual
channels. If you dont have enough free channels, read ahead]
Our NNA sample is "traped" in channel 2! channel 3,4,5, where we
would have usually open the notes are already taken by the chord!
We will not put one channel in 6, another in 9,10, and use the
2 channel as the last one, because such an expand might confuse
us and make the expanding jub even shittier than it already is.
How can this be solved? We will simply MOVE the samples to another
place! We can either cut the entire 2nd Channel, and paste it
on the 9th, or we will cut and paste channels 3,4,5 in 9,10,11,
a thing that will allow us to use the space they opened for the
2nd channel expand.

There is an easy way to create a proper multi-channel expand,
diffrent than rewriting manually the notes. It is specially
helpful when the notes are ordered one after another without
space change (i.e. a5-e5-c5-d5-b4-g6).

1. block the channel which need an expand.
2. paste it few times, as much as you need, over empty channels.
3. set the 'skip' value to the space between each note.
4. tag the right channels as "Multi-channel" (ALT-N).
5. go to the first note on the first channel, and press '.' as
long as you need. the tracker will automaticly remove the
6. do this again for every channel.
7. now you have deleted 3/4 of the notes, thing which gives you
the right balance - a single note over five.
8. If you dont understand a word of what I have just said, read
this again, try to figure it out yourself, or give me a call.

Another important thing one must remember, is to use the channels
wizely when you expand the notes of a single channel.
Many times the notes are actually "a broken chord", like in one
of Shudder's modules:

| D-3 | <<< As you can see, the notes creates
| F-3 | a chord:
| A-3 | D-3,F-3,A-3,D-4
| F-3 | If we'd open them freely, with
| D-4 | the previous technique, that
| A-3 | could be the result:
| F-3 |
| A-3 |

| D-3 | ... | ... | ... | <<< We have a problem!
| ... | F-3 | ... | ... | As you can see, the notes in each
| ... | ... | A-3 | ... | channel do not match each other!
| ... | ... | ... | F-3 | The sound is shitty, and the chord
| D-4 | ... | ... | ... | seems "untuned", even it actually
| ... | A-3 | ... | ... | (in the notes level) tuned
| ... | ... | F-3 | ... | perfectly.
| ... | ... | ... | A-3 | How can this be fixed?

| D-3 | ... | ... | ... | <<< Walla!
| ... | F-3 | ... | ... | Without any usage of more
| ... | ... | A-3 | ... | channels, we created a soft,
| ... | F-3 | ... | ... | clean, juicy sound! :)
| ... | ... | ... | D-4 | By devoting a channel to each note
| ... | ... | A-3 | ... | of the chord, there are no
| ... | F-3 | ... | ... | internal conflicts of sounds,
| ... | ... | A-3 | ... | and the result is divine.

LOSS OF CHANNELS - As you all know, IT has 64 actual channels for the
Tracker's use, while FT2 has no more than 32.
normally we never exceed the 32 channel even if we use IT,
but when this happen, we need to remodify the module, or
the 33-64 channels will be gone after the convert.

Now our goal is to decrease the amount of channels, with the
minimal change of the sound output.

first of all, we will check the problematic channels, and judge
if we really need them. If they are no more than a single Crush
Cymble, or the 5th echo of some lead, we can simply wipe them
off. If they are critical for the sound output, we will start
to check other possibilities.

1. Check if you don't have any empty channels inside the range
01-32. Sometimes we keep empty channels in oder to keep the
module organized, or we forget that the info they contain has
been deleted by us few patterns ago already. If you have empty
places of where you can place the out-of-range channels,
do so. If all channels are taken, continue reading.
2. Check what is the contance of the channel you want to move.
If it is no more than a single Crush, or a repeating Snar, you
can mix them with an other percussion channel, even if you
have to delete few notes off the original channel. You can
also use echo channels, which start late, and gives you
just enough space to insert a Crush or a similar sound. Note
that even if you del few hihat notes, their loss might not be
noticed by the listener (32 channels make a lot of noise ;).
3. Still no good? Look for unnecessary channels inside the range
of 01-32. 5th echo of a theme, small hihat lines, and other
not-so-important channels can go "off-stage" for now, and
do their big "comeback" later on, where the need of so many
channels will be decreased ;).
4. Still has problems? (Gee, you are one hell of a shitty
tracker! :) Look again. Are you sure you need all of those
channels? Comperize (titpasher), or read the last advise i has
to give you...
5. The last advise: OPTIMIZE! Yep, just like in coding, this is a
shitty job, which fuck up your module structure, and you better
use it only if you are one hell of a tracker, or you know that
this will be the last time u'll edit your module, for optimizing
is not something which is easy to deal with later on...
What does Optimization mean?? That is the "Shpachteling" (A
hebrew word with no English meaning, sorry) of your out-of-range
channel's notes. I used it only 3 times in my life, once with
the Immortals demo OSHO, and twice more with short 4CH modules.
What you need to do, is to find ANY mili-second of silence in
the same row of your note, but under other channels(!).
after you find one, you:
- press ENTER on your note in order to move it into the memory
- move to the channel with the mili-second of silence
- press SPACE to put your note there
- move to the next row and do the same
- close your channel and check if the sound is good enough
- if yes, del the Shpachteled channel
- you has one channel less! :)
You are advised to save your module before you start to
Shpachtel, or you might fuck up the pattern accidently in a way
you will not be able to fix, or even understand!
6. Sometimes we get a bit SowUpPa-k3wL and duplicate the same
channel twice. Del those lame duplications. Aside of the new
free channel, you will also get rid of that unjust Lam3r label.

PITCH ENVELOPES - Hummm... This Function is hard to simulate. The good
news are that no one use this crap ;). If you do make a use
with this function, there are several ways to create a close
1. Make sure you really need this function.
2. Most of the time, trackers use this function for Vibrato,
and other pitch effects. You can substitute the envelope
By using the effects, like H,J,U and others.
3. If Effects are no good (too much stuff to change, or a
conflict with other effects), you can try something I dont
like personally, but might do the job. Use the ITWAV.DRV and
create a wav of the sample with the effect of the PitchEnv.
The result will be a new sample with a built-in pitch
change. The only problem is, that the speed of the internal
pitch changes, will be faster according to the note hight,
and slower as you use a lower octave... Keep this in mind.

CHANNEL VOLUMES - XM has no support of channel volumes, equals no support
of the Mxx type Commands. The convertor will simply remove
all of the effects from the pattern data, and leave us with
full channel volume. There is a simple, though lengthly
proccess, the tracker can execute in order to fix the
1. Find all places where the Mxx commands are in use.
You may find the Warning file of IT2XM helpful here.
2. Go to each channel with that command at it's top, and
erase the effect.
3. Block the entire channel (assuming you do not use more
than one command each channel. If you do, Block up until
that command) With the Alt-L.
4. The value range you can define for an Mxx Command is
00-40 (00-silence, 40-full volume). All we need to do
is to manually reduce the volume of the notes according
to that value. There is a little math problem here.
the Reduction we shall execute is based upon the ALT-J
command (Volume change of all notes in block using a
specific percent value), a command of 0%-200%.
All we need to do is a small calculation of the final
percent we must enter. After we wipe off the Mxx, the
Tracker 'see' the channel as it has a full volume
(equals 100%). Here is a small table to explain the
calculation we need to do:

Mxx Value | ALT-J %
40 | 100% (No change is made)
30 | 75% (3/4 of the original)
20 | 50% (1/2 of the original)
10 | 25% (1/4 of the original)
00 | 0% (Not very useful)

...That should make it clear enough. If you still find
any problems understanding the calculations to be made,
contact me, or a 5th grade math teacher. :)

If the Mxx command is used for sliding in/out channels
volume (to create a fade-in/out effect), you can block
numerous rows of the channel, decreacing the volume of
the notes with the ALT-J (according to the table above),
By taking the Mxx value at the top of the block for
the calculation. Needless to say that the smaller
the blocks you mark and change, the smoother the sound
of the fade-in/out will be. I found out that even a 16
rows block can produce a good enough result, but you can
use even 8 rows, or 4 rows if you have the time and will.
It is a boring job, nothing to do about it...

NOTE: Remember that you must track down the channels
according to the orders, for the effect remain
in the memory even if it is not in the beginning
of the patterns, so even channels without the effect
on the certain pattern might be actually using one
from previous patterns played earlier (order list).

DEFAULT CHANNEL VOLUME - The solution is exactly the one mentioned in the
section above. Check out what is the value of the channel
volume under F11, and change the notes volume in the
patterns with ALT-J, as already explained in the table
before. Note that unlike the Mxx command (40hex), you now
has to calculate 128(dex) as the 100% value.

SAMPLE GLOBAL VOLUME - A big fuck... Many trackers forget that unlike the
IT, FT2 has no SAMPLE GLOBAL VOLUME, only a default one.
That is the cause of many "Mysterious" balance changes, and
this can even crush IT2XM sometimes! In order to fix this,
you'll need no more than a calculator (or your brain) and
a little bit of your time. First of all, I advise you to
fix this problem only after the module is finished. The
following process is hard to undo, needless to say that
it throw away some of the sample information, equals loss
of quality on later readjustments.

The trik is to use the 'ALT-M F3 Option', the command which
allow us to change the internal-sample amplification, as
appeared in the Sound-scape scope in the samples menu.

Most of the time, ALT-M is in use by use when we want to
amplify a weak sample, but this time we will decrease the
volume instead of increasing it. Save your module before
you start messing with this. As I already said, an UNDO
process can be a pain in the ass at this case!

The only problem stands here is how to convert a 00-64
value to a 0%-100% one. this can be solved easyly.

The calculation is simple, based upon an 8th grade level
math. We define the 64 value as our 100%. By multipling
the global volume in 100, than deviding it by 64, we will
recive the exact percentage we sould define in the ALT-M

(Maximum volume) 64 - 100%

(global volume, y) 47 - ???% (New percentage, x)


Here is an example of that simple technique:
lets say that the global volume is 47. The equation should

^^ ^^
| Alt-M value (by %)
Global Volume

We ignore the

numbers after the period, and press ALT-M,
there we type 73. Than we change the global volume to 64,
as it shall be under XM, and our work is done!
We now has a same volume result with no sample global volume
involved! Needless to say, that if the result (i.e.) is
59.98, we will enter 60 as the ALT-M value.

Just for your convinence, here are more examples:

DEFAULT CHANNEL PAN - Nothing more easier! Check what is the pan value
Under F11, and on the first row of the first pattern played
in your module, insert it under any pan effcet (NOT in the
volume column!), such as the S8x, or the Xxx.
If the effect column in already taken, create a pattern with
all the pan data on row No.00, and place a C00 command on
the second row. Place that pattern on the top of your order
list, and here you go - a Default pan option METUHMENET.
(Sorry non-hebrew speakers, TIHMUN has no english meaning;)

ENVELOPE NODES ABOVE 12 - Here we can conduct a short Optimize. The First
question is as usual "Do you really need so many nodes in
your envelope?". If the answer is NO, del all the unnecessary
nodes and check how many you got left. If you got 12 or
below, your problem is over. If you still has a problem,
read on. What does OPTIMIZE mean? To optimize mean to use
less nodes, with a minimum change of the output. Here are
few examples such process:
note: sorry for lame ascii art.

i===================================================i Example
| : + * : | No. 1
| : / \ / \ : |
| : / \ / \ : |
| *-----------X-----------X-----------X-----------* |
| : \ / \ / : |
| : \ / \ / : |
| : * * : |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

* = Node
X = Node to be optimized (delete:)
+ = Regular node I refer to later.
: = Envelope loop

As you can see, the X nudes are not really necessary.
They are "Left overs" of the Envelpes first-time-creation,
which the tracker probably put as a "holding spot" while
he moved up/down the other nodes (like the + node). If they
will be deleted, the line will stay as is, for they are the
3rd point in a line already connected by two *.

The next step of optimize, is to find repeating patterns
in an envelopt. For an example, it is obvious that the
node-sequence 1-5 and 5-9 (Look under the envelope if you
can't count the nodes yourself) is exacly the same.
Therefor, we can delete the nodes 6,7,8,9 and move the
end-limit of the Envelope-loop to node 5.

After those two "optimizes", there is the result:

i===================================================i Example
| : * : | No. 2
| : / \ : |
| : / \ : |
| *-----------\-----------*------------------------ |
| : \ / : |
| : \ / : |
| : * : |
1 2 3 4

No magic :). 9 nodes turned into 4, with no change of the
final output.

Note: I know that on my example there are only 9 nodes
(equals 'no problem'), but try to understand the
global idea of an optimize, instead of dealing
with this technic crap. ;)

But this is a simple case. What can you do if you has a
sinus form?

i===================================================i Example
| : ., * ,. : | No. 3
| : *' '* : |
| :/ \ : |
| *----------------X----------------*-------------- |
| : \ /: |
| : *,. .,* : |
| : ` * ' : |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D

* = Node
X = Node to be delete, like in the first example.
. = Node I can't really draw with * :)
, = Line I can't really draw too :)
: = Envelope loop

Oh fuck, that looks ugly... :)
Well, All nodes seem to be required for the sinus wave form.
We must remember that it is impossible to decrese the amount
of nodes without changing the output at all, but we can
create an effect which is quite close to the original.
First we shall del the 7th node (an X node, like in example
No.1). Next we shall delete nodes 3, 5, 9 and B (all of them
are '.'). We now stand in front of a trapez-like wave form.
The last step will be replacing nodes 2, 6, 8 and C (* nodes)
in a way that will create best the illusion of a circle.

Important note: Try not to delete more nodes than you need,
Exept the one that do not change the output (like X nudes).
Once you reached 12 nodes, don't optimize further more.
There is no reason to do so, and you are just fucking your
desired sound! If Example No.3 was your actual case, all
you should have done was to delete node 7, and there to
stop the optimize. Why? 13nodes-1node=12nodes, and that is
EXACTLY the right amount.

The last case of too many envelope nodes, is the case of
"HisTericlE-sUpaHh-KeWl-PanNNinG", were the nodes creates a
weird landscape which throw the sound from left to right
like psycho:

i===================================================i Example
| * * * : * : | No. 4
| / \ / \ * | \ : / | : |
| / * \ / \ | \ : * / | : |
| *----------*-----/---*----\-:-/-\-/-----*-:------ |
| \ * \:/ * \: |
| | / * * |
| * : : |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G

All I can advise to you here is to be abit less SwuppaK3wl,
and simply wipe-the-fuck-off few of those ultra-neat
nodes. If you simply must use this effect, try to create
a no-less-k3wL structure with only 12 nodes, and loop
it over and over again.

NOTES OUT OF RANGE - So, you lost every note with X-0 or X-9?
before I give you a tip how to fix this, I must ask you
Hashem, 7 octaves are not enough?! do you have to be
so fucking original!? >%(

Now. If you have such a problem, there is only one option
I have in mind right now, but it is long, boring, and
lengthly. Spot all notes with the unsupported octave, block
them, and use the ALT-Q/ALT-A to give them a more common
definition of pitch. After you changed them to a proper
scale, Go to F3, and change the octave of the sample
(Frequency can be changes with an ALT+/-).
If you use Both X-0 and X-9 for the same sample, so you can't
change the sample octave, you REALLY suck, man. :) Though
you suck so bad, There is a way to fix it (I'd simply serch
for a new tune, if I were you...). Load the same sample as a
new instrument, and instruct the notes to use the new sample/
instrument. Change the Frequency as I explained earlier,
and my god help your poor soul. Good luck, BTW... :)

SHIFT-F9 MASSAGE - Oh Fuck!!! We are lost!!! How can We Live?!!?!?!?!?!?!?
Write what you want to say in F3/F4, put a file,
or Force your coder to put your words on the demo/intro.
(Why do I even bother???)

IT-ONLY EFFECTS - I can't really find any essential effects supported by
IT only. On many cases, you can simply give them over. If
you really need a particular effect, try to think of another
way that can produce a close result. Effects like Panbrello,
can be replaced with a PanEnv. Try to think of a way to use
supported effects insted, they might be as good just as the
original effect.
NOTE: I might list all of the unsupported effects and ways
of replacing them with others, on future additions
of this Document. Trackers who want to give some of
their knoledge in this field are asked to contact
me as soon as possible! :)

NOTE ON PANNING - 8xx/Px, FT2's panning commands, only work on one note.
To permanently set one, you'll have to either set the sample
panning, set the panning on EVERY desired note, or use
envelopes. If you're only using a player outside FT2 for
the XM, you can use the /P parameter for E8x panning.
Panbrello fans should consider using P0x/Px0 or panning
envelopes instead before converting. (by Phoenix)

Fourth Step

Cleaning the module!
The best state is no error warnings by the converting program. Don't
trust the convertor to wipe effects and other pattern data without you
knowing exactly what is now missing. Don't be lazy! Remove the data
yourself. Many "Magical" bugs you will work hard to fix might be coming
out of such a case. Once you cleaned your module, you know where to look
if you have any problems, and you will not need to check over and over
again the patterns. I think I made myself clear enough. DONT let the
convertor report any errors or wipe the info itself! Allow me to explain
this by giving an actual example. IT2XM is based upon two steps cnverting:
1. Reading the unsupported effect
2. Ignoring it, give the appropriate warning
This mean that module-information Phoenix forgot to include in his code
(such as sample-global-volume) might cause a nasty crush.
If you still dont reach me, let me just tell you this: YOUR CONVERTOR
...any qwestions? thank you.

Fifth Step

On good days, the last four steps should be good enough to convert your
IT into XM without any problems. This last section deals with the so called
'mystical' problems, bugs without any reasonable explanation. The problems
and their solves, are based only upon my personal experience. I sure hope
that all possible bugs went through my tracking career, but in case they
didn't, *try to be creative*. Once again, I encorage you to contact me if
you found a new converting bug or problem which is not mentioned in this
document. If you already found the bug's source, and solved the problem,
that can be even better. After all, this document is from and for trackers,
give your share in the world wide fight. :)

MY MODULE KEEPS CRUSHING - Check once more if there is no IT only info
inside the module. From my experience, even a 001 value
of 'note fade' in the volume menu, no matter what the NNA is,
can crush the entire process of converting, or cause a
dos4gw error when running IT2XM.EXE.

I HAVE NO ENVELOPE NODES - Sometimes you might found out that the convert
process has deleted *all* nodes in one of the envelopes,
usually the volume envelope. This mean that instead of two
nodes (the minimum) connected with a line, you have zero,
without the ability to create new nodes. One the good case,
you will be left without a volume envelope, but usually this
will mute the sample, or even currapt the entire module.
I still have not found the cause of this problem, but I
know a way to override the problem. From my experience,
the fucked-up instrument is usually no.1 on the instrument
list. Try to replace it's location with ALT-S on F4. If the
problem still exist, read on. What can now happen, is a
fuck-up on the new No.1 instrument. This leaves us with
a new "TIHMUN" I invented during Mov79. :)
After you have swaped the instrument to a "safe" location,
load a new instrument, and place it as No.1 on the list.
This istrument is actually a fictive instrument. Instruct it
to address an empty sample-slot, or load a 1k sample which
he can adress to. The sample can be any file, resized with
the F3 ALT-F command. The bug should now fuck the fictive
instrument, leaving the used instruments safe and sound. :)

I CAN NOT HEAR SOME NOTES - This problem almost drove me nuts on Mov97.
If you have some notes that are not played after the convert,
It is probably due to the INCREDIBLY shitty way XM deal with
PITCH-SLIDE-EFFECTS. Sometimes, specially when working with
alot of Cut&Paste, we leave effect such as G00 at the
beginning of the pattern. IT is smart all right, and it
ignores the effect if there is no sound to be sled, but XM
try to slide the silence before, equals SILENCE played (in
your note pitch, hehe:). Del the G00 effect, and all other
slide-effects, and your problem is solved.
NOTE: many problems can be solved just by looking into the
module itself, and scaning after illegal commands or

BIG FILES CAN BE A PROBLEM - Please note that as bigger the file is, the
bigger the chances to find a problem while converting.
Make your module smaller. Details of how to do it will be
explained on future revisions of this ducument.
Needless to say that BIG refers to KB-SIZE, not to LENGTH.


If you don't know that already, the saved header of the converting programs
is not exacly the same as the standart FT2 produce. This header mismatch can
often cause a MIDAS crush, or other misidentification problems.
Load your module with FT2, and save it instantly. The file size change
approve my theory.

Vwalla, my friend, you now has a Kosher XM in your hand. :)


Well, that is all for revision 1.00. :)
I hope you found this document useful, and I wish you that you'll never
need it again.
Always remember that the most important way of solving problems is being
creative. Think! Documents like this one only gives you TIPS on your way.
Thinking is the way to progress.
(The audience puke due to this kitch, but duh, what the hack)

That is all I can give you right now, why don't YOU share your techniques
with me? Contact me:

Oded Raz (972-04-9585-224)
D. N. Misgav

You can always leave a massage on Coders F/X.

And now allow me to use this stage to ask PULSE (aka Jeffri Lim) a small
question. WHY don't you support an XM save under Impulse Tracker? Why?
Because of those VERY few assholes who distributed your Stereo-Wav driver?
Why do you punish us all? We all hate those guys and disgusted by their
actions. Why do you treat us all as such? After all, you are loved and
admired by the entire scene. Don't you see that you only damage yourself

I'll be more than happy if you will put some pressure on our beloved
Jeff, I am sure that a man of his size can take a grip after such a long

May god be with you all,

Dark Spirit
The Temple of Music


How to improve the scene
by Cycat / Quasars

Note: If you don't want to read the whole article, at least jump to the last
point, and read it.

I have seen that till now many people wrote articles, and will probably
release in this mag too, about how the Israeli scene sucks comparing to
the European level. And from the mov'97 it's noticeable that all the ideas
that were written in that articles like trying more, invest a lot in a
single production, and the idea of having a new blood didn't help.
I have though about this situation, and how much we are NOT becoming
closer to the European level, and I have decided that unless we all do
some kind of a change, nothing will ever change, at least not in the near
As a result, I have thought of some suggestions on how we all can
improve ourselves both as parts of the israeli demo scene and as a whole,
starting from the easiest and the less effective ways, to the harder, much
more drastic ways, that could make some change for our own benefit:

- Be more patient.

- Think forward a bit. If some young scener comes to you, the more veteran
one, with some questions, answer him, but if you don't have time or you
don't want to come and explain it to him for a hour, and its 100%
understandable, then just tell him where he can find that, what problems
could that tutorial/song/picture reveal in that young scener, and tell him
how would you approach that helping object, and what should that young
scener do in order to understand it fully - maybe some other tutorial,
maybe some another way of thinking. Put yourself in his place, all in all
you should know how he feels, because at some point you WERE in his place,
imagine what would happen if he would understand this new information he
just received.

- Think more forward! All those young sceners that seem like they don't
understand a thing, ONLY THEM are those who will eventually get the scene
forward from its current place. Even if his way seems to refuse to get to
the right one, it seems that its impossible to get this boy to do
something good, its very likely that when you will help him, maybe once,
maybe twice, maybe even a little bit more, he will eventually get that
And when he will understand how can he get all his creativity out in the
right way, maybe you will see a wanderfull talent pulling our scene to the
world top, who knows? THEY are OUR future!!

- Write help files and tutorials, and make sure it gets to the people it
should get. And tutorials doesn't have to be on coding, like it has been
assumed till now, you can also write about graphics technics, both 2D and
3D, and you can write a whole book of IT, and FT usage, whatever you

- Much more crazy idea is to try and make more aggressive development. You
can find some new, very new scener, even someone that the scene looks nice
to him, but he really doesn't know how it works, and what should he do in
order to take part in it. In order to find such one, look for example at
CFX user base, and if you will find someone that called 5-10 times, it
means that he liked it , so he called back a couple of times, but he
really doesn't know what to do, so he doesn't call much at all.
So take this kind of people, pick one, and just leave him a message or
even call him voice. Try to be like some kind of spiritual guide to him.
Convince him to work harder, tell him what to do, explain him how all this
scene thing works, correct his ways from time to time, when you see that
he doesn't do much because he is stuck somewhere, maybe he is close to
some dispare, try to spot that, and encourage him to continue trying
before he decides that the scene is not for him, help him as much as you
Try to remember yourself in this stages, and imagine what would happen if
some very nice guy, some known veteran scener will call you and encourage
you to continue your good work, tell you that he sees a talent in what you
have done till now, that with some help you can even reach the highest
levels of creating.

- People, remind yourself and the ones that you are in contact with, and
specially someone that you try to take under your wings, how fun creating
can be, and how much learning and creating can fill up your soul with
Also remember that competing and taking the highest places is not
everything, that creating itself is the most important goal and CREATING
is what the whole demo scene's about.

- And now I come to the more practical and crazy idea. Would you like to
have some kind of "sceners list" - a list that will show all, or almost
all, the sceners in Israel, when next to each scener you will be able to
find out what is his speciality, in what aspect he can help the most to
other sceners.
Even if you are a very veteran scener, and you don't think that anyone
around you will able to help you in some problem that you are stuck
with, you could be surprised to know that maybe the creativity of one's
mind could solve problems that almost no other mind could solve. Imagine
that each scener will be able to add himself to the list, specify all his
specialities, and all that from his home, and when he will update this
list, this list would create some small file that he will upload to CFX,
and instantly a new update of this list would be created and everybody
will now be able to download this new version with all the info's of
anyone they would ever like to know about.

- Try to step a little further. Think what would it be like if next to each
group and scener, would be a list of his products, that the only thing he
has to do in order to get people to know about a new product/changes etc.
is to update and maintain his info, and when ever some other scener will
d/l that product, he will see it, and right after that he could get into
the list, and say whatever he thinks about this product as a whole, or
maybe next to each member, and his part in the creation.
Take music for example - then if you have something to say about the
music, you can simply write that next to the group's musician. This way
his list will create some small file with his updates, u/l it to CFX, and
instantly a new version of the update will be created, and the next time
the author calls to the BBS, he will be able to download that update, so
now the author of that production will see what all the other people think
about this production, and unless the critics writer will specify that its
private to the creator only, all the scene will be able to learn from
other people's ideas and critics.
Imagine that this way, everybody will be encouraged to call more often to
the scene BBS, be more involve, and always get some news from the
constantly updating scener's list.
Now a bit about technical, coding data. I know this idea is a bit big to
code, but think to yourself, this doesn't have to be coded by 1 single
coder, and it doesn't have to be coded by 1 group. It is a thing that the
whole scene would benefit from, so it could be produced by many scene
coders together.
This program could also be released with it's source code attached. So if
someone has already a small editor, or some editing routines working from
some other production, and some other coder will have the interface
routines that will fit this program, it could be coded in a very short
I'm a coder myself, and I would gladly try to code such a thing, but I'm
afraid that I don't have the time for it. So any other coder, if you think
that you have some routines ready that could be used for this program, or
you are ready to help writing it, or in a better case, you are willing to
take the whole organizing of this program coding to your hands, I will be
more then thankful.
So in the meantime, everyone that thinks he can contribute to this
program with the code itself or even some ideas, contact me, until some
other guy with a bit more time then me will be found, and will raise this
project so the whole Israeli scene would benefit from.

If you still care about the scene, and you want it to succeed, do
something, at list show that you do care a bit by sending some reply.

Although thanks are not so usual thing in an article, I have to send
big big BIG thanks to X-Rabbit for editing and fixing the article, even
he doesn't have time at all. My English really sucked comparing to
yours. :)

Contacting information:

Leave a message on Coders F/X to Cycat
or call me voice at 07-6780416 Pavel.

You can also contact any member of my group:
Basilisk and Trashey for the coding,
M.i.C and SIM for the graphics,
and X-Rabbit for the music questions and suggestions.


Movement'98 - True or false
by Civax / Moon Hunters

A question raised in movement'97. Will there be a movement'98?
Well, since I've heard enough romours to last a lifetime, I've
decided to put the cards on the table and to show you all the
the pro's and con's for having another movement.

First of all, The whole question is strictly personal. It got
nothing to do with the scene. Actually, the scene is one big
reason to DO the party next year. However, I'm feeling a bit
tierd. I've organized 3 national parties, took part in the
orgainzing of 1 international party (Asm'97) and advised 3 to
party organizers so far. Also note, that in Mov97 case, I had
to deal with a lot more things n' almost alone this time. This
process got me realy tierd. I'm not getting any money for my
efforts and even my expansses are hardly covered (Try getting
someone to pay for your 1000 Nis phone bill.) This year, also,
I had too many people involved and in the IRIA, too many
people were more busy in showing who is stronger then to
cooperate - and everything on my back.

Now, as I organize these parties only to allow us, sceners,
to have fun and meet eachother, I realy care about the event.
Remarks about why the prizes 'suck' (according to some people)
realy makes me angry and tierd. I know they didn't mean it
this way but all I get from this attidute is 'we don't care
how much you work! We want MORE! You and your team SUCK!' Now,
while at a usuall time I'd be laughing and explaining I don't
choose the prizes - they are given as presents from sponsers
and the winners should say thanks, I was too tierd this party.
It just gave me a feeling of 'why do I work so hard if people
don't even care!?'

Another difficulty are some of my friends to the organizing
team. Goodbyte and Turk182 did a great job on Mov95 and 96 and
I can honestly say that we couldn't run the parties without
them. However, both of them are students right now and the
party was right in the middle of thier regular studies. So
they did what they can but they couldn't actually help alot
before or during the event. As they are the most experianced
party organizers in Israel, it was a major problem for me.
Only few of you knows that since monday morning untill
wednesday night I've slept 2 hours only, since I had so much
to do. My thanks to all the other organizers of mov'97 which
realy did awsome job.

Well, so far for my feelings.
Now the facts.

There IS gonna be a MOVEMENT'98, n' since we got more coverage
then ever on Mov'97, this year gonna be even bigger and more
rewarding. We are also checking out the possiblity to make
Movement realy international by involving people from Greece
in it. As for the moment, two quite powerfull bodies have
taken this issue to thier hands: Our mayor, the well known
fakir Beni Vaknin :) and another one is the manager of the
Marina (yea, you can laugh, but -) which is also the general
manager of a big economical company ($$$)! So, we'll see
what can be done to make this party more proffesional. Who
knows, maybe we'll become better then anyone expected...

BTW - One rule we made ourselves - Movement, unlike assembly,
will NEVER be a commercial party. The organizers are sceners
and we are organizing it to support the scene. Wanna be in a
commercial party? Go to asm'98.
Between us, thats the main reason assembly looses its title as
the the best demo party in the world. As for now, The Party is
regaining the title it lost in 1993, at the first assembly.

See you all at Movement'98.

Have fun :)
Civax / Moon Hunters
Movement Organizing
CFX Team


(*) Just to keep you updated about the rest of this month and
the next ones, here is a short list of nearest parties
around the world:
Buenzli 6 (Switzerland, ??/02/98)
Hype 2 (Sweden, ??/02/98)
Volcanic 4 (France, 27/02/98)
Mekka & Symposium '98 (Germany, ??/03/98)
LTP 2 (France, ??/02/98)
Inter Jam '98 (Germany, 30/03/98)
Mad Cat '98 (France, 10/04/98)
Remedy '98 (Sweden, 11/05/98)
Wired 98 (Belgium, 10/05/98)

(*) Any help is bringing files from the parties into the BBS will be
Accepted happily. Credits will be given.


(*) This section is dedicated to news and romours YOU have to pass
us. Since the bbs serves as the 'cafe' of the scene, we can 'dig
out' some news items, but we still need your help. Please send
us news and romours to or on the bbs.
(*) We take no responsibility on the stuff written here. It may or
may not be true. Also, we do NOT limit this section to Israel only.


## OFFICIALY: There is no Ritual'98!
## T3a said he's too busy in his POLITICAL ACTIVITY to organize
a demo party, or even releasing anything in his group, Fissure.
## Krembo/Emerge is trying to organize MYTH, a new Israeli demo party.
## DemoNews 150 is out. It is also the last issue of that legendary
newsletter, accourding to snowman/hornet!
## Dark Spirit new MusicDisk, Nox, is around 20Mb!!
## Dark Spirit joined the army!
## Hymm / Fresh did some ansis for BNC. He doesn't mean to leave
FRESH, yet, as he and Masteeq are planing an intro called LUPPA.
## Mental Trip got a girlfriend, thats why he's never home!
## Dna Groove got a new girlfriend. No, she's out! No.. There's
another one! No! She's out too! Yes - A new Girfrie.. No, SHE
dumped him! But he gets a new.. No.. Yes.. NO!.. Ye.. HO!!!
My head is spinning!! :)
## Nyc Kid is addicted to Planet: Teos, the new online game on CFX.
Thats why you see his name on every day's callers list...
## BarBQ of Sugar Rush BBS might close his BBS!
## Treshy had left FRESH and joined Quasars.
## Civax started to publish parts of his Trip Diary on the local
bbs mail area.
## Immortals are looking for new OCDERS, ARTISTS and MUSICIANS to
help working on demos for demo parties in Europe. contact Kombat
on the bbs for more details.
## Statistics gems...
88% thinks we need new sceners realy soon.
75% got access to the internet.
63% believes there will be a new tracker after IT.
44% use WINDOWS'95 as thier ONLY OS. 18% also use DOS 6.22 with it.
41% thinks Mov'97 was the best party held in Israel ever.
33% prefer WATCOM C++ on any other programming language.
23% thinks Moon Hunters are too busy organizing to do a demo.

## Don't forget to send us news and romours!!!


(*) New areas: MUSIC: Maniacs Of Noise
MOV97: Misc.
MOV97: Demo
MOV97: Multi channel Music
MOV97: 4 channel Music)
MOV97: Graphics
MOV97: Raytracing
MOV97: Animation
MOV97: Surprise
TP97 : Demos
TP97 : 64k Intros
TP97 : Graphics
TP97 : Misc.
DEMO : 1998


(*) Planets: Teos is a new door ggame gaining alot of popularity.
It is vailable from Games menu - press 7.
(*) Message base supports file attachs now.
(*) You can read the latest CFXNEWS online from the news menu, press 5.


Handle Age Birthday
Helium 19 Sun 8th Febuary
phanatik 16 Sun 8th Febuary
Maxim Novak 13 Wed 11th Febuary
Saturn 18 Thu 12th Febuary
Bili Geen 17 Thu 12th Febuary
Lior Ben David 20 Sun 15th Febuary
Distortion 16 Mon 16th Febuary
Eran Ben-Moshe 17 Wed 18th Febuary
Eran 17 Wed 18th Febuary
Sharky 25 Thu 19th Febuary


Releases will NOT be rated anymore for lake of time and manpower.
We'll list here the new releases in Israel.

+ We will list only ISRAELI products
+ We will list releases that will reach the BBS.
+ We will list ART products as well.

+ This list does NOT contains any of the 61 Mov'97 products.

+ List of releases between: 03.12.1997 to 07.02.1998

Product name Artist/Group Category Filename(s) Release place
B-Real's picture Scan: B-Real Art: people B-REAL3.BMP Spirit Of Art
Macbeth, pic 3 Doc Holiday 2d gfx DOC!MAC3.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Tamed Moans Mental Trip/ Music EMB-MOAN.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Never ending story Mental Trip+ Music EMB-END.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Remix Dna-Groove /
Ansi pack #30 BNC Ansi pack BNCANS30.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Ansi Pack #31 BNC Ansi pack BNCANS31.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Ansi pack #32 BNC Ansi pack BNCANS32.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Ansi Pack #33 BNC Ansi pack BNCANS33.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Ansi pack #34 BNC Ansi pack BNCANS34.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Ansi Pack #35 BNC Ansi pack BNCANS35.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Way to die! Coax / BNC 2d gfx CXC2D1.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Huf... Coax / BNC Ansi CXC&LHUF.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Legend Love Tzvika R. & Music HL_LOVE.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Eyal B.
Black Rose Orpipop / Music ORP-ROSE.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
The beautifull 80's Distortion Music DIST-TB8.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
White-Trash Paper1 White Trash TextMag WT1.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Ultra Weezle Evil Weezle Music ULTRAWEE.IT Coders F/X BBS
Super Weezle Evil Weezle Music SUPERWEE.IT Coders F/X BBS
X-tigma art Coax/X-tigma 2d gfx XTIGMA.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Godess Prince of 3D gfx GODESS.JPG Coders F/X BBS
Ascii works Barak F. Ansi/ascii ANS.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Contipated Squirle Lore Ansi LR-SQUIR.ANS Coders F/X BBS
Monster Lore 2D gfx LR-MOB.PCX Coders F/X BBS
Man Hunt Lore 2D gfx LR-HUNT.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Cyber Punk Lore 2D gfx LR-PUNK.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Embryo Logo Lore 2D gfx LR-EMB.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
Worm facing a hook Lore 2D gfx LR-WORM.ZIP Coders F/X BBS
³ Total Releases: 27 Categories: 6 Release Places: 2 ³
_WITH_ all the releases from Movement'97:
³ Total Releases: 88 Categories: 15 Release Places: 3 ³


VBE Function 2.1 - If you're a coder - there's some usfull information
you'll wanna read in here. specialy about VESA. C/ASM
[RVLVBE21.ZIP (218k) Code: Libraries and OS]

4K intros tutor - Agood collection of 4k intros full with sources and
some docs. Quite good, actually! This is ver 1.3
[4KASM.ZIP (54k) Code: Tutorials]

Duh! (or FAKIR II) - An awsome animation of Beni Vaknin, the FAKIR.
Sticky baboon took a scanned picture and made a whole
animation out of it - its the surprise compo winner
of Movement'97, also!
[DUH.ZIP (1,091k) Mov97: Surprise]

Final Reality - This product was coded by some former members of
Future Crew and is also based on some parts from
Second Reality. Thought, this is NOT a demo. It
is a special BENCHMARK to test out 3D cards, So
if you don't have a 3D card and a Fast Pentium..
[FREALTY?.ZIP (9,000k) Demo: 1998]

Tribes - The winner of The Party'97 and one of the most
amaizing demos to date - this is a must download.
[TRIBES.ZIP (5,096k) TP'97: Demos]

Also Recomanded:
JLO_WOMN.ZIP (3,035k) "Women" by Jello
PLS_SQR.ZIP (2,204k) "Square" by pulse.


* as the bbs is constantly changes, I advise you to check for new files
while online. I have shorten all descriptions into 1 line for space

* Since its 2 months since the last new files summary, I've added a counter
next to every file that sais how many times this file was downloaded
already. Though new files have not yet been taken so thier counter is
still on [000]. This does NOT mean the file was not taken in 2 months.
It means its NEW.

* Number of new files listed .......... 520
Number of days since last review .... 65

TEXT FILES: Programming & Scene Info.
SNDINFO.ZIP 29384 [005] SoundInfo version 0.1 (FAR,IT,ITS,MDL,S3M,ULT)

TEXT FILES: Guides & Mags
PAIN0198.ZIP 440381 [003] Pain 01/98 - a monthly swiss scene Minimag.

ART: Original Pictures
AFL_TAUT.ZIP 1344501 [004] The taut and the tame ArtFlux Relief & HoTWire
SGBIRTH.ZIP 450069 [003] ReBirth by ScapeGhost (640x480x24bit)
MASQUOTY.ZIP 207248 [002] Masquoty - our logo-gogo by Bombjack of [MMU]
BLUEROSE.ZIP 48600 [002] Blue Rose by isms
ANT-3D.ZIP 482631 [001] An ant drawn with 3D Studio

ART: Scene People
B-REAL3.BMP 223782 [002] B-Real
TP7PICSA.ZIP 148148 [004] 3 Small pictures from THE PARTY '97

MUSIC: Modules (IT)
VS!NDAYH.ZIP 1196143 [000] New day harizon by Virus (Trance/house)
CPS-STGT.ZIP 1000480 [000] The Star Gate by Corpse / black pearl
SPANGE.ZIP 436145 [000] Hillbilly Techno by Sp'ange (4th, crash97 4chm)
50HOURS.ZIP 95553 [001] 50 Hours by Vastator/Net Generation (3rd, Crash97)
BMP-080.ZIP 1022551 [000] Something forbidden by Hybrid / BMP (fast acid)
HL_LOVE.ZIP 458443 [000] Legend love by Zvika.r / Eyal.b
ORP-ROSE.ZIP 712939 [000] Black Rose by Orpipop / X-tigma

MUSIC: Modules (XM)
NEVER.ZIP 144513 [004] Never ending story by Lizardking
CV-BARBI.ZIP 657616 [004] Barbie Girl remix by Vision & Cyanid / Total
DIST-TB8.ZIP 243409 [001] The beautiful 80's by Distortion (80's/jazz)
LOK_NOFE.ZIP 363931 [000] No Fear remix by Mentz/Lok (Darkstep)
TOKYO-17.ZIP 540124 [000] Connection Busy by Mefis/Tokyo dawn records
BMP-079.ZIP 1442787 [000] Lothlorien by Madbit/BMP (dreamtrance)
TOKYO-19.ZIP 355907 [000] Alien conversation by Lonewolf/nocturnal
BMP-083.ZIP 99741 [000] La fille electronique by Dupont / BMP (electro)
M5V-WO1.ZIP 648693 [000] The 3rd place in mc5 veteran.

MUSIC: Music Disks & Packs
DEE_PI.ZIP 4240467 [001] DEE musicdisk PI by Trauma (feat. Hors 2.0.4)
IC-AMIN.ZIP 386925 [001] 2nd musicdisk by scin lenina of Intellicore

MUSIC: Samples (Sam/Voc/Wav)
303-SAM.ZIP 1385031 [000] 303 Samples Kit - 16 Bit Quality
304-SAM.ZIP 1888116 [000] 304 Samples Kit - 16 bit Quality
P6PACK2.ZIP 1051185 [001] Korg Polysix Smaples Pack #2 (16 bit) by NOISE

MUSIC: Players & Trackers
DENZOGTR.ZIP 97639 [003] DeznoGTR by Alessandro De Sanctis (chords finder)
ITBASE1.ZIP 14222 [005] IT 2.14 Update: TerraTek Driver
CMP618.ZIP 74747 [008] ClassicModPlayer v6.18 by The hovering Camel
RA-MAX23.ZIP 722218 [000] MaxxBass v2.3
WAMP16RC.ZIP 250291 [001] WinAMP v1.60rc3 - November 23th 1997
MP3SCHED.ZIP 170687 [002] MP3 Scheduler v1.0 for Win95
ITAWE32.ZIP 10027 [004] AWE32 Driver for Impulse Tracker 2.14 patch3
IT214P3.ZIP 575485 [011] IT214 Patch3 - XMas edition (IT215 saving also)
WINAMP17.ZIP 293070 [004] MP3 player WinAmp Version 1.7
VAZ15B1.ZIP 511791 [004] Virtual Analogue Synth Emulator ver1.5 Beta 1
BMPC2A.ZIP 93781 [000] BMP Compo #2 official info pack
MPT100A5.ZIP 291314 [000] MODplug tracker Alpha 5

UPLOAD: General Uploads
WDAC133.ZIP 318596 [001] Digital Audio (CD) Copy for Win32 V1.33
THC_DEMO.ZIP 754470 [001] THC Demo Tracks
ZEHIROT.JPG 42205 [003] Zehirut Ba-drchim pic
REGCLEAN.ZIP 981845 [000] Clean Win95 REGISTRY from orphans
TRFICBMP.ZIP 41814 [006] A story about a date by israeli traffic signs
AVPD117.ZIP 1037773 [003] AVP 3.0 build 117 (antivirus software)
MIRC_KEY.ZIP 2165 [003] Mirc 4.52+ regkeys
WT1.ZIP 529287 [001] White-Trash Paper Vol #1
UCFM4W23.ZIP 27866 [001] MOD4WIN v2.30+ Patch
PC_RR200.ZIP 43522 [001] RAR 2.00 (Final Release)
PC-UNI53.ZIP 12014 [005] SciTech Display Doctor 5.3 UNIVBE 5.3 32bits crk
LVPRO-K.ZIP 1672 [000] Lview Pro Crk
LVIEWPRO.ZIP 314462 [001] Lview Pro
IPHONE-K.ZIP 3274 [000] Iphone crk
MPP134.ZIP 222052 [001] Modplug Player V1.34

GEN: General Utils
DAT-3012.ZIP 1254722 [005] Virus Definition Data Files by McAfee, Inc.
UNP412.ZIP 37586 [008] UNP V4.12 Executable file expander

USER: SoftWere
THRD9510.ZIP 426220 [004] Thread by Andrew Harvey for Win95 (3dsmax clone)
TTM-093.ZIP 87982 [012] TTM v0.93 - TeraLogic Texture Maker

PARTIES: Info, Results
AMB98-01.ZIP 13327 [002] Ambiance98 infofile 1.0
TMDC2RES.ZIP 5805 [002] Text Mode Demo Compo II - Resultes file

CODE: Scene Utils
VBERIP10.ZIP 40600 [007] vbeRip 1.0 by Maxon/Volare (rips pic from demos)

Communication (BBSes/Internet)
INQA26R5.ZIP 1643006 [003] iniquity bbs system v1.00a26r5

EM_C64.ZIP 84446 [005] Commodor 64 emulator by Morten Welinder + Source

DEMO: 1996
CLX_REBE.ZIP 2651461 [000] rebel? (as perceived) by Complex
BESTEFAR.ZIP 193052 [006] Bestfar 350k demo by Rectum Cauda
DROP_1ST.ZIP 270743 [004] Drop by Grunt
ASPC_FIX.ZIP 1215108 [003] AirSpace by technomancer and moonlighter

K_XEWAY.ZIP 160359 [000] "Try It" by Xenon and Wayfinder (melodic)
K_VUORSI.ZIP 355570 [000] "Vuorsi Kiersi" by Placid (afx style)
K_WEIRD.ZIP 675117 [000] "Feeling Weird" by Ringlord (trance)
K_SOCKM.ZIP 833906 [000] "Raving Sock Monkeys" by Zinc (acid rave)
K_RENTER.ZIP 181570 [000] "Re-Entering" by Lime & Saag (guestrelease techno)
K_REO.ZIP 342074 [000] "reoclassical mokk remix" by Mental Floss (trance)
K_REBORN.ZIP 315333 [000] "Reborn 60's" by Andromeda (60s RnR)
K_IIS.ZIP 829881 [000] "ignorance is strength" by Oblivion (goa)
K_HOT.ZIP 792116 [000] "Hot Like Fire (remix)" by Maelcum (hiphop/techno)
K_CRYO.ZIP 510661 [000] "Cryo" by PGM (acidtrance)
K_ATRIP.ZIP 737039 [000] "A Trip to Planet Necros" by Wayfinder (amb.rock)
K_ELECT.ZIP 1224705 [000] "Electric Life" by theHacker (techno)
K_DELAY.ZIP 328936 [000] "Delay" by Mental Floss & theHacker (techno)
K_BLOX.ZIP 804815 [000] "blox" by dr. zachary smith (techno)
K_CNTSTP.ZIP 495012 [000] "Can't Stop Caring" by Jrook (mellow dance)
K_HMUPP.ZIP 728309 [000] "House of Muppet" by Inspekdah Deck (house)
K_BLNKET.ZIP 249034 [000] "Alone Without a Blanket" by Ringlord (av.garde)
K_BITEME.ZIP 1243249 [000] "bite me" by theHacker (experimental)
K_HOPE.ZIP 281299 [000] "Hope" by Oona (groovy house)
K_TREKME.ZIP 585696 [000] "Trekme II" by PGM (new age synth)

XCT_OULN.ZIP 13291 [006] Outline 4k intro by Exact
MAJESTIC.ZIP 8492 [007] Majestic by Asman & Mr.Dsteuz/PrM (bytef'97, 2nd)

TRANS.ZIP 205102 [003] Transmogrification by Blocc (Final) (CS97, 1st)
CMY_ODON.ZIP 63534 [003] Calamity by Odontolog (Compusphere'97)
JFF-SAT.ZIP 102981 [007] Saturnin by Just For Fun (Saturne 5, 1st)
MEGA_REL.ZIP 68236 [004] Megacity x 2000 by Phrenetics
ENZ_MATH.ZIP 74097 [010] Mathematica by Enenzi (Astrosyn'97)
FUS_FORM.ZIP 71417 [008] Form-a-Line by Fuse (Astrosyn'97)
BLK_SHIT.ZIP 66128 [005] Shitty Shit by BlackHack (Astrosyn'97)
FIDGET.ZIP 66784 [006] Fidget (first season) by BLOCC
DPE_KBJN.ZIP 76014 [001] Kebabjoint 124k intro by Dupe

INTRO: Other
NIRTHDAY.ZIP 253331 [003] Happy Nirthday Zuul by Barti + Zeb
XCJ-ZONE.ZIP 19229 [003] the funky dreamzone bbs intro by xcene & jisemdu
SLR_XMAS.ZIP 98039 [007] Xmas intro by The Solar Group
FX5.ZIP 30814 [002] FX5, Simple DEMO.DESIGN intro by ASY
FX7.ZIP 27908 [002] FX7, Simple DEMO.DESIGN intro by ASY
1997BC.ZIP 170969 [003] Newyear'97 by Brainlez coders
HRMUEVLT.ZIP 47751 [001] H!-evoluutioteoria by Hirmu

COMM: Ra Utils & Doors
VIOLET52.ZIP 58357 [000] Violet's Cottage v5.2 - LORD IGM
LPIT250.ZIP 49493 [002] The L.O.R.D. pit v2.50 - IGM for LORD
LOVE120.ZIP 53735 [001] The love shack v1.20 - IGM for LORD
HOTEL100.ZIP 63856 [001] Anastasia's Honymoon hotel IGM for LORD
MOI21.ZIP 60783 [001] Mirror of Illusion 2.1 [IGM for LORD]
BIODOOR.ZIP 86902 [000] Biodoor v3.0, callers can get to know eachother
DCTSB100.ZIP 48544 [001] DCTStat/RBBS v1.00 - Statistics door.
RBBSLV10.ZIP 24519 [000] RBBS-PC Log File Viewer
AMU315D.ZIP 666978 [000] Automated Maint. Utility (AMU) v3.15 (DOS/DPMI)
AMU315W.ZIP 358147 [000] Automated Maint. Utility (AMU) v3.15 (Win95/NT)
ELB110.ZIP 77091 [000] ELB V1.1: Echo List Browser Door
BEST21OR.ZIP 89106 [000] BESTador v2.10 - Statistics generator for RA
PCI-F213.ZIP 178431 [001] FID v2.13 - file_id.diz extractor (most advance)
AV711.ZIP 147164 [000] AV.EXE (7.11): Archive directory viewer
OBCV11.ZIP 150072 [000] Online Bargain corner v1.1, sell&buy on the bbs
ICHECK11.ZIP 6576 [000] IceCheck 1.1 - mailchecker ansis for RA 2.50
RDRUMOUR.ZIP 53276 [000] Rumour Door by RudeSoft
WAO_V1.ZIP 63020 [000] WAO v1.0; Write msgs with your header (DimensionX) ²ßÞ
BLUE-WAV.ZIP 28983 [000] BWSNGEN v2.0b - Serial generator for BW 2.20
DCTED004.ZIP 183588 [000] DCTEdit v0.04 Gamma; The full-screen editor.
BBSED200.ZIP 30368 [000] RA 2.xx Hebrew msg editor + Hebitor 0.8
TEOSXT10.ZIP 46656 [000] TEOS 2 - Planetary Extension 100
LANDF100.ZIP 59957 [000] Landfill V1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM
DIDUKNOW.ZIP 32854 [000] Info on BBS and the USER for RA 2.50/2.0x
MWJOIN18.ZIP 72689 [001] Join 1.8 -ÿConference Select-Door for RA 2.x
DCTLF100.ZIP 21988 [000] DCT ListFormat/RA v1.00; FileList format setup
VPDOOR1A.ZIP 91958 [000] VGA Planets BBS Door Interface Program v1.00
RTWALL.ZIP 6625 [000] RTWALL.REF - Logon Graffiti Wall by seth Able
RTREAD02.ZIP 86388 [000] RTReader v0.02 + RTNews02.ref by Seth Able
TKIT110.ZIP 137612 [000] Planets: TEOS IGM developing kit v1.10
TEOSXT11.ZIP 46954 [000] TEOS 2.X - Planetary Extension 1.10
PLANUPG2.ZIP 42173 [000] Planets:TEOS upgrade package
RAE102.ZIP 95280 [000] The Rae V1.02 Planets: TEOS IGM
PAIN-V22.ZIP 108575 [000] Pain's Wrath v2.2 - Planets: TEOS IGM
KIRA100.ZIP 109568 [000] Kira's Satellite v1.0 IGM for Planets: TEOS
OCEAN212.ZIP 71375 [000] Hal's Ocean View Resort ver 2.12 (TEOS IGM)
HVAN100.ZIP 67703 [000] Hippy Van V1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM

COMM: Internet
MIRC53T.ZIP 816899 [000] mIRC 5.3 T - The best IRC client
NSCE128.ZIP 13415 [001] Netscape Cache Explorer v1.28 - CRK
OPERA300.ZIP 1169285 [001] Opera 3.00 for Win95/NT - a web browser

PARTIES: Invitations
MS98INV.ZIP 160093 [001] Mekka & Symposium 1998 Invitation Text v.1

CODE: General Sources
AT_MXSSA.ZIP 47559 [004] maxSYS by AEIOU, Realmode asm coding interface
AT_BWPK6.ZIP 29091 [003] bw.PAK by AEIOU, for small B&W animations
MODSRC21.ZIP 19700 [008] Switching Video Modes without using BIOS v2.1
PAS_LIFE.ZIP 10277 [006] Turbo Pascal Life Program by Kelt / Intra
GMFDXKIT.ZIP 185448 [007] DirectDrawEasy C++ Class by Smk/GMF
E-CDA1B.ZIP 52814 [003] Endeavour CD Audio Library 1.0 for WC++ 11.0

TEXT: DemoNews Issues
DN#150.ZIP 52392 [000] Demo news 150 and the last one!

CFXNEWFL.ZIP 919232 [007] All files list on CFX upto 18/01.1998

DEMO: 1997
OBV_MIND.ZIP 1025914 [002] Mindsiege by Oblivion (compusphere 1997)
MDG_BRKN.ZIP 1264883 [005] Broken by Malixa (Abort'97, 1st place)
MAYHEM.ZIP 3118677 [006] Mayhem by Incognita (Euskal V, 1st)
TWI-DEMO.ZIP 1385018 [001] The Abyss by Twilight Connection (Abort'97, 3rd)
JS-FF.ZIP 153632 [001] Fast Food by Jestyr
LPEKKA.ZIP 1728507 [001] Mysterious product by LEISIO
VGONATUR.ZIP 3025613 [006] Nature by Vertigo (Crash'97, 1st place)
AD_BAD.ZIP 280128 [004] Bad Mutha by Bad Mutha, Dentro for TMDC2
BNB.ZIP 681031 [002] Noice - B&B, entry to TMDC2
CRISPY.ZIP 595070 [003] Crispy by White shade and Phantom (TDMC 2)
PGT.ZIP 104187 [002] PGT by MPI (TDMC 2)
GAROU.ZIP 802185 [006] When you will rage by Kolor 97 (TDMC 2)
RCN-TAHF.ZIP 1375012 [003] Recreation by Tahma (1st at TDMC 2)
PP_SLESS.ZIP 1393131 [004] Spaceless by Portal Project (TDMC 2, 2nd)
WTNHOUSE.ZIP 367936 [008] Party House by WITAN. The end of techno demos
WISHTR98.ZIP 280139 [004] NewYear Wishtro Intro by Manwe and Tangerine
DS_DOMW.ZIP 1796434 [009] The death of Mrs. White - 1st at ComeOn97
XACT.ZIP 659453 [004] X-Act by General Failure
RNXITK97.ZIP 274574 [002] In the Kitchen '97 by )<oo>( / [damn] Rednex

EMB-MOAN.ZIP 454777 [007] Tamed Moans by Mental Trip / Embryo

EMB-END.ZIP 464946 [000] Never ending story Rmx by Mental Trip & DNA Groove

BNCANS30.ZIP 37947 [000] Ansi Pack #30, Date 04/12/1997
BNCANS31.ZIP 39384 [000] Ansi Pack #31, Date ??
CXC2D1.ZIP 27391 [002] Way to die!!! by Coax Cable (2d VGA gfx)
CXC&LHUF.ZIP 11363 [003] HUF... (ANSi Art) by Coax & Lore (Mov97)
BNCANS32.ZIP 46663 [001] Ansi Pack #32, Date 01-01-1998
ANSMOV97.ZIP 18437 [000] Bloody Sex by Coax (Mov97, 2nd, Ansi compo)
BNCANS33.ZIP 64720 [000] Ansi Pack #33, Date 15-01-1998
BNCANS34.ZIP 51580 [001] Ansi Pack #34, Date ??-??-1998
BNCANS35.ZIP 60022 [000] Ansi Pack #35, Date 06-01-1998

CODE: JAVA Programming
DTEXT2.ZIP 68263 [003] Water Message V1.0 by Dolf van der Schaar.

ANSI: ACiD Packs
ACID-63.ZIP 976411 [002] The 63rd ACiD Acquisition Update

ANSI: Apathy Packs
APATHY04.ZIP 486722 [000] Apathy Release #4

ANSI: Art Packs (general)
WOE0297.ZIP 904119 [001] Woe chronicles II, 02-97
BA6.ZIP 224855 [001] BA art pack #6

GAMES: Small & Cute
MRBOOM11.ZIP 208608 [007] Monsieur BOOM 1.1 - a small network game

SUPPORT: Immortals WHQ
BICSTL.ZIP 1476488 [002] Brother I can seee the light (Mov'97, 1st)

CODE: Effects - Fire
BJK-FI~1.ZIP 7693 [002] 156bytes fire effect by Bombjack/MMU

CODE: Effects - Plasma
PLASMA_J.ZIP 19049 [002] Plasma + C source by Johan Westerlund

CODE: Graphic Viewers
AT_TRPAL.ZIP 58991 [004] TruePal.pas by AEIOU, Truecolor in 13h in Pascal

CODE: 3D Engines
TORUSKIT.ZIP 108995 [003] "Toruskit" simple 3d engine
GMFPV98W.ZIP 3363949 [001] Panard-Vision 3D Engine SDK V0.98 (WIN32 ver)

CODE: Music
CP2DK05.ZIP 135365 [010] cubic player 2 development kit 0.5
AT_MXTKA.ZIP 35342 [002] MAXtrack by AEIOU, a midi tracker + Pas source
JDAS205Y.ZIP 370621 [001] JUDAS V2.05y for WC++ 32bit flatmode
PS32-WC.ZIP 69756 [001] PMode S3M Player for GUS by P.g.m/Extravaganza

CODE: Intros & Demos
SPUTNIK.ZIP 8495 [012] 256 byte phong shaded torus by Fysx/Xi (asm src)
MAYHMSRC.ZIP 280841 [009] Mayhem Demo sources by Incognita

CODE: Libraries & OS
PTC060.ZIP 1433682 [003] Prometheus Truecolor v0.60 (8/16/32bit)
PMODEN01.ZIP 33681 [000] PMODE for NASM v0.1
PTC061.ZIP 1603067 [001] Prometheus Truecolor v0.60 (8/16/32bit)
RVLVBE21.ZIP 218068 [009] Revelation's VBE functions 2.1 (c/asm)
CLAXSRCP.ZIP 53763 [005] CLAX by Borzom, beta version

CODE: Tutorials
FFE101-1.ZIP 390741 [010] File Formats Encyclopedia
ATTICZ1.ZIP 42050 [007] The ZEN of demos by Ender / Khrome
4KASM.ZIP 54517 [006] 4k intros tutorial v1.3 by Pyr
FH-3DTUT.ZIP 17143 [006] 3DTutorial v1.0 (TPascal) by fh94.3
TTKA3DDO.ZIP 19854 [000] More about Shading, ZBuffer & Texture
OTMMATX.ZIP 18114 [006] matrix transformation tutorial from OTM
PS16FORM.ZIP 14530 [002] Protracker Studio 16 (PS16) Format Doc

UPLOAD: New Music
ULTRAWEE.IT 579154 [001] Evil Weezle's 1st tune!!! (idan agam)
SUPERWEE.IT 173982 [001] Evil Weezle's 2nd tune!!! (idan agam)
FT208.ZIP 290263 [005] FastTracker 2.08 by Triton
M5V-NINE.ZIP 596615 [003] Nine One One - M5V winner by Jeroen Tel

UPLOAD: New Graphics
XTIGMA.ZIP 17169 [005] VGA 2D graphics by Coax / X-tigma
ANS.ZIP 27472 [004] Works by Barak F
L-VALE.ANS 90257 [007] Vale of darkness / L0RE 1'st place in mov97
LR-SQUIR.ANS 9729 [002] Constipated squirle / L0RE < reall cute >
LR-MON.PCX 18882 [005] The first VGA, no photoshop by Lore
GODESS.JPG 269967 [002] A pic by Prince Of Hearts
LR-HUNT.GIF 5856 [005] Man hunt / L0RE - 2D 320x200
LR-PUNK.GIF 10554 [005] Cyber punk / L0RE - 2D 320x200
LR-EMB.GIF 5176 [006] Embryo logo by Lore
LR-WORM.GIF 7219 [004] Worm facing a Hook by Lore 320x200

UPLOAD: New Code & Tutorials
PGP23SRC.RAR 498872 [003] Sources for PGP keys
ASMFAQ.ZIP 53466 [001] Assembly language FAQ
BLACKHOL.ZIP 294761 [003] A 3D graphics tutor: Written in HTML

ASM'97: Rest
A97BLK-S.ZIP 185875 [005] Black Silk by Hugo H. (hugo) & Jeroen T. (WAVE)
AMB_NOBL.ZIP 153380 [002] Noblesse by Amable, 64k
AXE.ZIP 8726 [009] AXE 4k by Cyber / Reflection (Asm'97, 2nd)
BW-DISL.ZIP 73567 [006] DISLOCATED by Bandwagon 1997
BW-RETR.ZIP 9720 [003] RETRIBUTE YOUR IDOLS by nf/bandwagon
FDG_LODE.ZIP 67525 [004] Mother lode by Fudge
JEST.ZIP 75298 [000] Jest by Maf, MainFrame and XTD.
JLANTANI.ZIP 67957 [002] Just Like Antan by Bugfixed
KINGBOOT.ZIP 70335 [003] Kingboot - a paragon 1997 testicle
M_MELONI.ZIP 50045 [001] Malori by Mango

PARTY: Wierd'97 files
JIZZ(1).ZIP 67796 [001] JIZZ - 64Kb intro by THE BLACK LOTUS

MUSIC: MP3 songs
MMMBOMMP.ZIP 359667 [002] mmmBOOM - A parodie on the Hansons.

Movement'97: Misc.
MNH1ANIM.ZIP 341385 [012] DNA Groove hits Civax Animation By Sticky Baboon
TUNA.ZIP 8001 [000] Tuna 4k by Blackstain
WEBS_GMB.ZIP 880182 [004] Home of the Gambit by Gambit (Website)

Movement'97: Demo
YOEMAYBE.ZIP 2114484 [023] Maybe by yoe, 2nd place in Movement 97.
MB-PAIN.ZIP 1318395 [010] PAIN by Mega Brain, 4th at Mov97 Demo Compo
QSR_FM.ZIP 3641314 [011] Funky Mechanizm by Quasars, Mov97, 3rd demo
BICSTL.ZIP 1476488 [002] Brother I can C the light by IMMORTALS (1st)

Movement'97: Multi-Channel Music
MMULCANW.ZIP 334319 [006] Can we Dream by Coax / BNC,X-Tigma
MMULFIRE.ZIP 304662 [003] Fire in heaven by D.J. Crazy / Immortals
MMULILIT.ZIP 695795 [013] Ilitia's Embryo by Krembo / Emerge (4th)
MMULKOAH.ZIP 107872 [004] Koah Hamahatz by Shoker / Magic intros
MMULLIMI.ZIP 910180 [002] Limits of Goa by Mutant
MMULMOME.ZIP 959648 [019] Moment of Truth by Thor / Immortals (1st)
MMULMONK.ZIP 43985 [002] Monkey by Kipi
MMULPROV.ZIP 377198 [010] Provocative Reaction by Artemis / Emerge (2nd)
MMULSADN.ZIP 601882 [004] Sands of Sadness by X-Rabbit / Quasars
MMULSHOR.ZIP 333643 [010] Medteranean Seashore by Shudder / YOE
MMULVOIL.ZIP 419847 [005] Violin of fire by Penoman / X-tigma (5th)
MMULWRON.ZIP 1190709 [006] Wrong way to heaven by Distortion (3rd)

Movement'97: 4-Channel Music
4CHALLMK.ZIP 48016 [009] All man Kind by Rage/Immortals (3rd)
4CHGRMLN.ZIP 554790 [007] Gremlin in your Bath by DarkSpirit/Immortals (5th)
4CHIGOTN.ZIP 102624 [012] I've got no style by Thor/Immortals (1st)
4CHOQISH.ZIP 182451 [007] Oqishos by Penoman / X-Tigma (4th)
4CHQBALL.ZIP 128357 [004] Q Ball by Q ball (6th)
4CHSWEET.ZIP 350374 [008] Sweet of Quipma by Krembo / Emerge (2nd)

Movement'97: Graphics
GFXBORZO.ZIP 18666 [007] Borzom by Mad Mango/Immortals (Disqulified)
GFXDESTR.ZIP 56949 [005] Destruction by Shoker/Magic Intros (Disqulified)
GFXFROGS.ZIP 358598 [004] FrogStar by BlackStain (Disqulified)
GFXGOA.ZIP 78148 [007] Goa by Penoman / X-Tigma (4th)
GFXKNIGH.ZIP 178441 [005] Knight by Sim / Quasars (3rd)
GFXMARYA.ZIP 91809 [006] Mary An by Thor / Immortals (5th)
GFXNORTO.ZIP 111185 [009] Norton Consumer by Dark Spirit / Immortals (2nd)
GFXORF.ZIP 116106 [009] Orf by Sniper / YOE (1st)
GFXPHNKT.ZIP 179867 [003] Phunk That by Gambit (8th)
GFXPURE.ZIP 48033 [004] Purity of essence by Doc Holiday (6th)

Movement'97: Ray-Trace Art
CROSSENG.ZIP 675485 [008] Cross by Enigma (4th)
HVYEXIT.ZIP 321641 [018] HeavyCraft exit by Nacho (1st)
JONCREEP.ZIP 720662 [009] Creeping by Jon (3rd)
SFMTPRDT.ZIP 574704 [010] Predators by Mic / Sfumato (2nd)
TORNADOD.ZIP 463804 [002] Tornado Dizaster by SIM / Sfumato (6th)
YOEFBA.ZIP 35155 [005] FBA by MMX / YOE (7th)
YOEREDMN.ZIP 524397 [006] RedMoon by Jonny / YOE (5th)

Movement'97: Animation
ANIMFLY!.ZIP 1937528 [004] Flight by Mfire (3rd)
ANIMPEE4.ZIP 8925840 [001] It hurts when I pee by Shocker/Magic Intros (2nd)
ANIMROLC.ZIP 154086 [008] Rolercoster of death by Doc Holiday (1st)

Movement'97: Ansi
ANSBLDYS.ZIP 17363 [006] Bloody Sex by Coax / BNC, X-Tigma (2nd)
ANSCOOL.ZIP 5842 [007] Cool by Penoman / X-Tigma (4th)
ANSJUGGL.ZIP 5632 [007] Sick Jiggle by Stillborn (3rd)
ANSSKULL.ZIP 5563 [006] Skullman by Krembo / Emerge (5th)
ANSVALEO.ZIP 23101 [005] Vale Of Darkness by Lore (1st)

Movevent'97: Surprize
CIVAXAT6.ZIP 81519 [012] Civax at Mov96 by Shudder / YOE (2nd)
DUH.ZIP 1091751 [016] Duh (Fakir II) by Stiky Baboon (1st)
HOF.ZIP 8134 [005] Hof by Coax / BNC, X-tigma (7th)
KABOOM.ZIP 6398 [002] Oral!Demos surprize by Nova (5th)
KOORNISH.ZIP 24323 [008] Koornish by Quartz (3rd)
MOFMENT9.ZIP 196728 [009] MofMent 96 by KinGorbaZ (4th)
TRUSHDYN.ZIP 8319 [007] Trush by Dyn (6th)

SUPPORT: Doc Holiday Graphics
DOC!MAC1.ZIP 25598 [009] Macbeth, Act One, Scene Three/ Doc Holiday
DOC!MAC2.ZIP 16111 [011] Macbeth, act one, scene two / Doc Holiday
DOC!MAC3.ZIP 26994 [000] Macbeth, act five, scene eight / Doc Holiday

Music: Five Musicians (FM)
FM-SYS.ZIP 3233098 [000] System, a musicdisk by Necros / five musicians
FM-WRECK.ZIP 673850 [000] wrecked fluff by Mellow-D
FM-2YEAR.ZIP 1830990 [000] "two years" Group MusicDisk
FM-VOLUM.ZIP 802497 [000] "Volume" by Hunz / Five Musicians
REALIZE2.ZIP 294953 [000] Realization II by Necros / FM
FM-TOOS1.ZIP 1369060 [000] KAKTOOS Musicdisk by Mellow-D (Disk 1/2)
FM-TOOS2.ZIP 853080 [000] KAKTOOS Musicdisk by Mellow-D (Disk 2/2)
FM-TDG.ZIP 3550821 [000] "The Dying Game" by Hunz / Five Musicians
FM-SOUL.ZIP 1637739 [000] 'Soul Elements' mini-musicdisk by Basehead / FM
FM-SNOOP.ZIP 296762 [000] "Raping the dog" by Mellow-D
FM-SMD.ZIP 521881 [000] "send me drift'n" by Hunz / Five Musicians
FM-SKYS.ZIP 224338 [000] "FOREIGN SKYS" A Guitar Duet by Big Jim
FM-SCRAP.ZIP 437554 [000] 'skyscraper i love you' remix by necros/fm
FM-RIFF.ZIP 364182 [000] The Lost Riff by Necros & Basehead
FM-PROMI.ZIP 465718 [000] "The Promise" by Basehead / FM
FM-PLAST.ZIP 2321412 [000] blur.plastiq by Mellow-D / FM (Musicdisk)
FM-ORCH.ZIP 468946 [000] "orchard street" by necros / fm 1997
FM-ODDIT.ZIP 1705927 [000] "Oddities/Are We There Yet?" by basehead (MDisk)
FM-NOCT.ZIP 428386 [000] nocturnal intruder by basehead / five musicians
FM-NEGAT.ZIP 251302 [000] negation by Mellow-D / FM
FM-AOS.ZIP 465773 [000] "add then subtract" by Hunz / Five Musicians
FM-LOTUS.ZIP 2650201 [000] 'lotus position' by Basehead / fm (MusicDisk)
FM-LUMI.ZIP 581948 [000] "Luminous / Uvula Groove" by Basehead / FM
FM-INJCT.ZIP 488839 [000] Injector - Let me try by Zodiak of FM
FM-IMAGE.ZIP 567247 [000] "spitting images" by basehead / five musicians
FM-HSHAD.ZIP 2222810 [000] "Heavy Shadows" by Basehead / FM (MusicDisk)
FM-HAPNS.ZIP 320352 [000] happiness - dub liquid remix by Mellow-D / FM
FM-HAND.ZIP 895135 [000] "Sleight of Hand" by BaseHead (mini-Musicdisk)
FM-GUINN.ZIP 376904 [000] GUINNESS by Mellow-D & Basehead / FM
FM-DS.ZIP 3008260 [000] "dislocated sholder" by Hunz / FM
FM-DIAMD.ZIP 465289 [000] "diamond in your soul" by basehead / fm
FM-CUBIC.ZIP 178838 [000] 'cubic inch' by mellow-d/fm
FM-COTT.ZIP 429355 [000]Cotton wool by Mellow-D / FM
FM-CHAOS.ZIP 550846 [000] Chaos by ??? / FM
FM-BASEM.ZIP 1432488 [000] "The Basement Material Vol1" by BaseHead (MDisk)
FM-BLURR.ZIP 2013948 [000] blur.religion musicdisk by Mellow-D/FM
FM-BGXM.ZIP 15047601 [000] blurgreen by Mellow-D / FM (MusicDisk - XM)
FM-BGMP3.ZIP 29935899 [000] blurgreen by Mellow-D / FM (MusicDisk - MP3)
FM-BGLT.ZIP 2794468 [000] blurgreen by Mellow-D / FM (MusicDisk - Smallpack)
FM-CFUNK.ZIP 587673 [000] Can't Fake the Funk by Basehead
FM-ATLA.ZIP 266712 [000] "Atlantis" by Stalker / FM, OTM
FM-ENERG.ZIP 278908 [000] Energia (planar remix) by necros / fm
FM-REAL.ZIP 318280 [000] "Real" by Vic / FM
FM-UGLY.ZIP 235826 [000] "Ugly Duck" by Vic / FM
FM-TRLCT.ZIP 433985 [000] "trans-lecthum" by Vic / FM
FM-THREE.ZIP 67893 [000] "Three Items" by Vic / FM
FM-ETERN.ZIP 203368 [000] "Eternal Rush" by Vic / FM
FM-DIFF.ZIP 445217 [000] "The Difference" by Vic / FM
FM-LAB3.ZIP 540499 [000] "lab 3" by Mellow-D / FM
FM-MECH8.ZIP 476728 [000] "mechanism 8" by Necros / FM
FM-MAD.ZIP 348571 [000] "mad apologies" by Vic / FM
FM-KLETT.ZIP 233720 [000] "kletter pats boem" by Vic / FM
FM-SHAD.ZIP 497346 [000] "shadow caster" (remix) by Necros / FM
FM-UNDER.ZIP 311806 [000] "Underchange" by acme / FM
FM-PAPER.ZIP 261666 [000] "paper towl" by Vic / FM
FM-LIGHT.ZIP 433083 [000] "come to the light" by Mellow-D / FM

The Party'97: Misc.
MRN_CODE.ZIP 9016 [004] 4k intro by Metaphor/Maroon
RJ-JAVAM.ZIP 1080479 [002] "Minus 61 in Detroit" Java demo
TOKYO-18.ZIP 549096 [001] "Angel Eyes" by Velvet / Tokyo dawn Recs

The Party'97: Demo
AMOZ.ZIP 492247 [003] ATMoZphea 4 by System-X32
TRS_SPL.ZIP 1945561 [003] Splash by Taurus
ACME-4E.ZIP 1576555 [004] acme - forever dreaming
JLO_WOMN.ZIP 3035568 [005] Women by Jello
ANDR3.ZIP 983671 [002] Andres III by Contraz
TYTOT.ZIP 4652138 [003] Tytot by Tarzan Tuotanto
FD_HERMU.ZIP 936792 [003] The Herring by Fobia Design
WLAND.ZIP 1314122 [003] Wonderland by essex prod.
YADOT.ZIP 1520120 [003] Ya'Dot Klimon by Byterapers Inc.
YANKEE.ZIP 295775 [002] Yankee go home by ???
SLAGROOM.ZIP 256482 [005] SlagRoom uit een spuitbus by Rubba Design
CUTE2.ZIP 274606 [004] In the Kitchen by >(oo)< / [damn] Rednex
RC-FINAL.ZIP 494683 [004] Final by Rectum Cauda
TRIBES.ZIP 5096941 [004] Tribes by Pulse - 1st place demo!
PLS_SQR.ZIP 2204723 [008] Square by pulse.
POWER.ZIP 190935 [006] Power by Light
POROOSI.ZIP 372852 [004] tAAt 1997: joroisissa osteopaatilla
NONAME00.ZIP 1758795 [005] Noname00.exe by Mellower / DCC
PIKHIRM.ZIP 204223 [005] Pikku by Hirmu
CN_BDOVE.ZIP 3454101 [003] Capanna by Black Dove
TP7EDEN.ZIP 5149913 [005] Eden by Bomb
D3_ABBEY.ZIP 1150575 [006] Abbey Road by Dawn III
MUNDAI_F.ZIP 2625013 [006] Mundai, Blasphemy (2nd place)
HJBVIDEO.ZIP 3576590 [005] videodrome (the 2nd media) by hAUJOBB'97
DSD_ELEK.ZIP 2806554 [007] Elektroniks by Doomsday
M0P-3PP.ZIP 1863790 [004] Kolme Piente Pukkia by Moppi Productions (4th)
TP7LESS.ZIP 1640104 [006] Lessons by Polka Brothers, Cubic & $eeN (3rd)
DC5-CAQ2.ZIP 539281 [001] Cack 2: Mega Cack by DC5
KFMFTRIP.ZIP 2552328 [003] "Trip" by GooRoo and Maelcum / KFMF

The Party'97: Graphics
7F-DREAD.ZIP 57772 [004] 7 foot dread by frank / Orange
DYWTPWM.ZIP 15871 [002] do you want to play with me? by baloo / blocc
FRANK.ZIP 16989 [002] frank by Optic
PIXEL_10.ZIP 303414 [001] Replica by Maplo / Pulse
PIXEL_12.ZIP 512056 [001] Manfred by Gasol / Phrome
PIXEL_14.ZIP 57672 [002] cannibal by seth / fudGe
PIXEL_16.ZIP 71443 [003] My oh my by Dr. Zulu / Giga Productions
PIXEL_17.ZIP 32841 [002] Kenia in my mind by Croaker / Tpolm
PIXEL_18.ZIP 176582 [001] Sleepy by rob / Camelot
PIXEL_19.ZIP 11292 [001] The beebster by Hades / Mental Disturbance
PIXEL_20.ZIP 38777 [001] Compobilde by Krend / Bibeltekster A/S
PIXEL_21.ZIP 532893 [001] Reflector by Facet / Lemon, TBL
PIXEL_22.ZIP 11374 [001] Logos.sys by DJ_Zapp
PIXEL_23.ZIP 113708 [001] Team HTX by CyberHead97 / Team HTX
PIXEL_24.ZIP 292106 [001] Butt by Saim / Random Chaos
PIXEL_25.ZIP 271213 [001] Banjo by Memon / Moppi Productions
PIXEL_26.ZIP 39740 [001] Wilder by deciBel / Darkage
PIXEL_27.ZIP 909783 [001] Psychedelic John by Constrictor / Intens
PIXEL_28.ZIP 807776 [002] Unreal, the Pocket Monster by Lazur&Unreal/Pulse
PIXEL_29.ZIP 8724 [001] schAneGe by Doggydoc / Exlex
PIXEL_3.ZIP 144371 [002] Return by Lovelace / December
PIXEL_30.ZIP 107086 [001] Deep Inner Space by Makno / Bad karma
PIXEL_31.ZIP 75504 [001] Crypcraving by Draven / Flood
PIXEL_37.ZIP 33126 [001] Symbiotech IV by Felidae / Roflex 64
PIXEL_47.ZIP 17167 [001] Frankenleif by Optic / TRSI, DCS, TPOLM
PIXEL_52.ZIP 50152 [001] RED by Ellyn & Cliford / Exmortis, MFX
PIXEL_56.ZIP 51929 [001] Elg der by Svend Bunk / De gule busser
PIXEL_63.ZIP 50132 [001] oeje by mango / jan
PIXEL_64.ZIP 47515 [001] ??? by Power Ranger / Energy Unlimited
PIXEL_66.ZIP 25040 [001] "Tears" by Denn
PIXEL_77.ZIP 33850 [001] Guten Apetit by Stynger / PEON
PIXEL_86.ZIP 53055 [001] Indrigal by Nasen mann / Haujobb
PIXEL_91.ZIP 45904 [001] hel i skalet by: weez/loop
RT-SPACE.ZIP 12300 [003] space attack 4k intro by Riot
TMKCHINE.ZIP 39311 [006] "chinen" by tmk / INF, dolphin (3rd)

The Party'97: 64k Intros
COMAPUNI.ZIP 64658 [008] Punishment X by Loke, virnE
D3_TPNOC.ZIP 61432 [007] TPNOC by D3
E9-RINSE.ZIP 67389 [010] "Rinse Out" by Ethos 9
FDG_PG11.ZIP 64035 [012] Pager 11 by Fudge & Orange
INFLUV2F.ZIP 79937 [009] love creation mk2 - urban love by INF
JEFF.ZIP 61504 [008] "jeff" by loop
POWA.ZIP 68459 [009] PowaNix by prone
P_LIGHT.ZIP 63855 [009] Light Forms by Proev
RCN-FUNC.ZIP 70364 [009] function by recreation
SL_MACY.ZIP 69143 [009] Supermacy by kravitz dreamer and tmk
STASH.ZIP 71182 [013] STASH - 64Kb intro by THE BLACK LOTUS
TPOLMBJO.ZIP 68679 [008] ??? 64k by tpolm
TRANS2.ZIP 64105 [008] Transmogrification part II by Blocc.
UF_SSI.ZIP 52991 [008] The snowball sampling incident by United Force
XCTPROVE.ZIP 72905 [005] Prove 64k by XCT
YREMIX.ZIP 75455 [008] "Yawn remix (vitun organisointi)" by Haujobb
PLS_SINK.ZIP 69526 [012] sink 64k by PULSE

DEMOS: 1998
375.ZIP 2171096 [004] Post-industrial by prsc

SM-DNCTD.ZIP 2265460 [000] Ultraviolet ambient by Stereoman / NOISE
NO-MODES.ZIP 2354095 [000] Modes by Stereoman / NOISE
NO-SMEGM.ZIP 2562798 [000] Helping of smegma, a musicpack by cd
NO-BHANG.ZIP 198157 [000] Brahman Bhangra by shawnm [S3M]
NO-DIRTY.ZIP 145521 [000] Dirty Laundry by shawnm
NO-EGYRU.ZIP 257485 [000] Russypt by Drutten [IT]
NO-GROOV.ZIP 176277 [000] Groove It by Syrinx [S3M]
NO-GOODT.ZIP 418073 [000] Good Times by AstraDyne [XM]
NO-BIOAM.ZIP 950461 [000] Bio-Amplify by StOtE [IT]
NO-KOWZ.ZIP 496421 [000] I Like Kowz by Spyder [XM]
NO-XAVIE.ZIP 304677 [000] Xavier by Jimmy Redfern [XM]
NO-TANG.ZIP 494665 [000] Tangible NOISE [XM] by Jimmy Redfern
NO-ARIS.ZIP 491585 [000] Arisen [XM] by Jimmy Redfern
NO-ATDT.ZIP 103524 [000] Atdt by bogdan [IT]
NO-AFFR.ZIP 691751 [000] "A Forbidden Affair" [XM] by Smash
NO-CHRE.ZIP 223721 [000] chre by stereoman
NO-AWAIT.ZIP 703196 [000] The Long Awaited by Shawn and Harry [IT]
NO-BRIDG.ZIP 765731 [000] Burning Bridges [IT] by Astradyne
NO-EPS2.ZIP 218082 [000] Eternal Purple Silk II by Stereoman[IT]
NO-DOFS.ZIP 300922 [000] Dreaming of Summer by Stereoman
NO-DUBBY.ZIP 625242 [000] Dubbie Webbie By Harry [IT]
NO-EOFD.ZIP 843408 [000] Externalisation of Desire by Stote [IT]
NO-IITI.ZIP 261284 [000] Iitinasni by Stereoman [IT] (Navy works #4)
NO-NEO.ZIP 573493 [000] Neo Era By Harry [IT] (trance)
NO-LIQID.ZIP 645291 [000] Liquid Identity [IT] by StOtE
NO-JUNO.ZIP 559078 [000] Juno Ambient by Stereoman
NO-RZTTT.ZIP 360126 [000] Rz_ttt by Stereoman [IT] (Navy works #1)
NO-PHZ1.ZIP 495213 [000] Phase 1 by Stereoman [IT]
NO-WFSIN.ZIP 321781 [000] The Waterfalls of Sin by DeltaX [S3M]
NO-TLOVE.ZIP 593275 [000] -t.l.o.v.e- by stereoman [IT]
NO-SURFC.ZIP 691335 [000] To The Surface by Astradyne [IT]
NO-TONEF.ZIP 237788 [000] Tone float by Dr Zachary Smith [IT]

MUSIC: Maniacs Of Noise
TRI-X.ZIP 1165474 [002] TRI-X by 'DRAX' / MANIACS of NOISE
JT_XRESP.ZIP 724277 [003] "No Respect" by Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_POOLS.ZIP 347117 [000] "Pools of Poison" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
DANKOMOD.ZIP 1592390 [000] 26 molodies by The legendary DANKO
JT_TRAVL.ZIP 200774 [002] "The Traveler" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_HYP95.ZIP 238930 [001] "Hypnosis'95" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_DEADL.ZIP 163856 [001] "Deadline" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_BREEZ.ZIP 287227 [001] "Mountain Breeze" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_BOOM.ZIP 15754 [001] "Boom" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_CHAOS.ZIP 549869 [001] "Chaos Control" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_VERSI.ZIP 444833 [001] "Versions by Wave" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_VISIT.ZIP 166006 [000] "The Home Visit" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_WSTAR.ZIP 99150 [000] "War Stars" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_TRACE.ZIP 190803 [000] "Track Trancer" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_URGEN.ZIP 153823 [000] "Urgent but Unwanted" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_XS4AL.ZIP 14007 [001] "Acess for all" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_SMILY.ZIP 66714 [000] "Smiley" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_STRNG.ZIP 8825 [000] "Stranglehold" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_LETGO.ZIP 17311 [001] "Stranglehold II" (Letting go) Jeroen Tel (Wave)
JT_HELLO.ZIP 248248 [000] "Hello 1997" Jeroen Tel (Wave)
DANKOSID.ZIP 447854 [001] DANKO melodies for C64 in SidPlayer format

³ Archive size: 2.693 Gb Files number: 9379 ³


Sysop.............................................CiVAX / Moon Hunters
Cosysops.................................................Turk182 & Ice


Handle Real Name Home Voice # Email address
Civax . Ohad Barzilay . 07-675-3758 .
. . 050-980-626 .
Turk182 . Yossi Revah . 07-673-1675 .
Ice . Yosi Taguri . 07-675-2549 .

Ice & Turk182 are availables on weekends only. Turk182 can also be found
on Thusdays evenings. Civax is mostly available at evenings during week
days. you can write us emails or leave us a local msg on the bbs.

[o] End of CODERS F/X BBS publication [o]

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