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Key Pulse 59

Key Pulse Issue 59
The Secluded payphone Adventure - Write up #32
Written by: Cuebiz - March 3rd 2001
Its around 7:00pm and Subex gives me a phone call, we'd made plans the day
before to take another PayPhone bus trip and so, well, I missed his call and
had to call him back at around 7:20pm, we then agreed to meet at a middle
ground bus stop at 7:30pm or so. Seeing how iresponsible Iam, I was obviously
late, but this time, I suprised myself by me making us miss the bus by a mere
10 seconds. We waited for the next bus while we each tore open a pack of smokes
and sat. The bus took about half an hour to arrive and we were off. The bus
ride took a miraculous 45 minutes and the time seemed to fly by once Subex
handed me some reading material (some guys compilation of hacking tfiles).
We got off at a secluded bus stop where we walked through a dark alley. We
are elite ninjas so, we aren't scared of any thugs trying anything, because
we'll kick their asses before they even thought of a first move! Anyways, I
took a picture of a grave site, and we were off walking again. Subex kept
letting it be known that he had to take a leak (off the subject but at least
you people know that I pay attention). After walking for about 15 minutes, we
then walked into another dark alley where we encountered two fellows that
seemed to be either drunk or looking for a fight. They didn't follow us so,
we didn't have to use our elite ninja powers on them. We walked and walked
and walked until we passed an old childrens playground. What seemed funny
was that after we walked for about 4 meters away from it, we heard two voices
laughing. Please not that this is 10:**pm~! and there were practically NO
houses in site. Anywho, we passed several gas stations that were totally empty
and then finally encountered civilization, I wanted to take a picture near
a cafe, but we were too far away once my camera's flash loaded. Our next stop
was a neighborhood bookstore that luckily sold this seasons 2600. We read some
magazines, mostly of which had the word "Linux" in them. Subex went on to find
a magazine that sold a CPU with little luck. The same luck was for me, looking
for an old Intel chip. After soaking up some info from whatever we read, we
decided to hit the road once again. After walking for a while, we walked past
a bum sleeping on the sidewalk. I had an idea and went back. I pulled out my
camera, waited for the "flash" to powerup, pointed and took a picture of him
fast asleep, or at least thats what I thought. He opened his eyes once I took
the picture and then started to stand up. He took one look at me and yelled,
"hey!", I quickly let out a, "Oh fuck!", and ran! I ran as fast as I could.
When I ran up to Subex, he saw the old fat bum chasing me and we both ran. We
could of used our elite ninja powers on him, but he was fat, and he I had a
hunch that our elite ninja powers would of only stunned him. We ran into a
gas station snack shop and bought sodas, all the while watching out for our
new stinky friend. This is when we kinda took the hint that we should start
heading for home, since it was 11:50pm, and the bus ride should take about an
hour or longer to get us home. We waited, and waited and waited. Until finally
our bus got there. When I first walked on, there was a drag-queen, a white guy
wearing slacks and red socks, and several old people. I found an empty seat,
and let out a sigh. Our adventure was almost done. The drag-queen was talking
to the bus driver about a wedding that they'd never been to, and the rest of
the bus kept quiet (because others were sleeping). The bus ride seemed boring
and I cought myself falling asleep about 8 or 9 times. When the bus was close
enough to where we first began our adventure, we got off the bus. I lit up
yet another ciggerette (this being my 11th ciggerette for the night), and we
headed for home. The walk home was pretty quiet, except for our ussual hacker
talk, and some "Do you know what I think is funny?" type of conversation. . .
We were cold, wet from rain, and tired/exhausted, there was no way that I
could of gone online that night. Once I got home, I let out another sigh, lit
up another ciggerette, and went straight to my comfortable bed right after,
the time being close to 2:45am (whoa boy, that was an exhausting trip).
Conclusion: It was pretty much worth the trip, and the picture I took of the
bum is available from either Subex or I through IRC or email.