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Amerikan Junkie 021
by Amerikan Junkie
[ NOTE: My email has been edited to only include the
info related to this article ]
From: Phulish Guy
To: Amerikan Junkie
Have you read any Tantras?
What about anything a little more esoteric, like Wiccan?
Oh, and are you Taoist, or you just like reading about it?
From: Amerikan Junkie
To: Phulish Guy
Im not anything, taoism is just good literature for me. Ive been reading it scince I was 13.
I did minor in Eastern thought for awhile in College, when I realized it was pointless.
Wicca is good shit. I dont believe it, but who am I to say what is true?
Its like, if you see a motherfucker walking down the street flapping his arms... through
his eyes, he truely believes he is flying.... I mean, REALLY TRUELY THINKS that he IS flying
how can you convince him that he isnt?
I cant classify myself....
to name would be to go against the Tao.
"Naming is the origion of all things"