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Cult of the Dead Cow 026
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[ x x ] cDc communications [ x x ]
\ / presents... \ /
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(U) (U)
by L.E. Pirate
Tested by Dial Tone and Lightning Phantom
>>> A CULT Publication......1987 <<<
Ever called a phone sex line? Moaning and groaning of sensual
pleasures for only 20-45 bucks, and memberships? Well. As I called one
to tape (to play over the school P.A. system) I thought about one of the
best credit card scams I have thought of in awhile.
The Scandal:
The only way your are going to be able to pull this off is if you
have call waiting (this is a necessary for the 1st type of phone sex scam),
or a Voice Mail System (this is easy, but it is harder to get the cards
out of the perverted ones).
Sub-Section #1 : Call Waiting
Materials Needed
A Phone with TONE dialing (that PULSE shit ain't gonna cut it!)
Call Waiting (of course)
The number to the BEST phone sex line you can get (live convo's ONLY!)
A good phreak (unless you live in LA where all the good ones are)
A good MC/AMEX/VISA card (the sex line must carry all of those)
Setting it up
Using one of the cards, advertise in Penthouse Forum, Club, X Rated
Porn Stars, or any other porno mag that is semi-hardcore and carries the
sex line ads and card an advertisement. Have it run for a few weeks
(send in a picture and shit for the ad, they will tell you all about it).
You should get a different phone line that can be easily disconnected
by Ma Bell so the feds don't come a runnin' and the perverts don't keep
calling back. When the guys (or girls) call to "have sex", you simply
answer the phone "Triple X Hardcore Porn Line, may I help you?" Go for
a big ass ad in the mag, since you're not paying for it anyway. Ask for
the person's credit card type, card #, expiration, bank number, name, etc.
Don't ask too much personal information, you do not want them to hang up
on you. Then after they give you the information, say "please wait".
Next, dial the >GOOD< porn line and give THEM the information the person
gave you (act as though you are them). Just before the chick comes on,
hit the button and stick the dude online, say "enjoy!" Don't hang up,
you will disconnect them (on some phones). I have also found that if you
record them, you can exploit it to the maximum (if they are kids, tell
them to give you all their parents cards or you will send the tape to mommy
and daddy). You know have a good card, (if it has enough money on it for
the line you just called!), go out and have fun. That is just 1 way to do
Sub-Section #2 : Voice Mail Systems
Get ahold of a voice mail system, the kind you just dial up and answers
like an answering machine (the Dragonfire one is 415-227-5618, call it for
an example). Set up the message (get your girlfriend to do this, or if
you are a geek and have a squeaky voice, go for it!) to say something like
this "Welcummmmm, tooooo Pandora's Hardcore Triple X CUM Again Porn Line,
Please leave your name, number, credit card type, card number, expiration
date, bank number, and anything you'd like to talk about. We will call you
back in 2 hours. If this is inconvienent, please hang up and call when it
is not. Otherwise, you will be getting the hottest head in LA,SF,Trenton,
Lubbock, etc. Thank you for calling, mmmmmmmmmmm." BEEP. This way is a
piece of shit way since it is so fucken inconvienent. You would be lucky
if you got 2-3 cards in a week. But it's better than nothing. Remember,
using this way, you don't do shit! You do not have to call the guy back.
You got his card, why give him the merchandise? Heh.
I would like to thank ME, Lightning Phantom, Dial Tone, The Traxster,
Fry Guy, Surf Monster (for being such a good sport on our AT&T bust gag!),
Swamp Ratte', Brain Tumor, Psychedelic Warlord, Spike Jodus, The Bronze
Rider, The Blade, The Metallian, The Rocker, The Ronz, Egyptian Lover,
Vlad The Impalor, Terroristic Smurf, Ax Murderer, Doc Holiday, The Disk
Jockey (king of carding? we'll give him that title as an xmas gift, ok?),
and anyone else who has an ego big enough to add their name to that list,
do it and die. I would like to state that credit card fraud is a serious
offense under the constitution of the united states (i forget what amendment,
but ya know, the one reagan made a year or two back). I am not liable for
what you do with this, and I am in no way responsible for your actions with
voice mail systems and false advertising. This file is for informational
and educational purposes only (they all say that!) and should not actually
be used. I had a brainstorm, I put it on text file, that's it, ok?
Make your life worth living, call these systems...
Dragonfire Private...1200 only.......[609/424-2606] Black September HQ
Hard Rock Cafe'......................[201/362-6304] Soon to be Private.
Nuclear Escape.......................[215/540-9811] Nice big SuperTac.
Demon Roach Underground..............[806/794-4362] Users, support it!
Castle Catatonic and Cellulite Spa...[806/794-1842] ^^Same there, bud^^
Metal AE.....PW=KILL.................[201/879-666-8] A nice, fuzzy, AE.
Black September/Dragonfire VMS.......[415/227-5618] Leave Dial Tone a msg
(c) 1987 cDc communcations by L.E. Pirate 12/0/87-26
All Rights Worth Shit