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Chico s Groove 1998 07 02

. . . : ; C h i c o ' s G r o o v e ; : . . .
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. . . : ; neetruof - july 2 1998
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. . . : ; The "BUCKET-O-CHIPS" Notice
The greatest laziness invention is a bucket of chips. It sits
comfortably in between your legs... there is no bag to fall down, or to
dig into.
. . . : ; The "ESPECIALLY-GENERIC-ONES" Notice
What makes this bucket of chips even better is the fact that it is Shaws
brand. They put lots of loving in all of their products. Especially Dr.
Shaws... had this stuff? Rips off Dr. Pepper, but is really cherry cola.
. . . : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS and my head hurts again...
LOW BANDWIDTH: Added six new archives to Low Bandwidth, and corrected
some minor errors involving some of the line feeds and carriage returns
in the text files. Modified some of the listings to be more verbose.
Also added the "reviews" page (in both category and a to z format), a
detailed "what's new" page, and a "frequently asked question" page. And
a total of eight new listings were added. Finally went around and got
all of the sites that had been linking to the old databases and told
them about the new one, and then spent half a day submitting it to
search engines. Lemme tell you how tedious that is. But not as tedious
as figuring out a format for the FileMaker Pro database I have been
working on for Low Bandwidth also. And. And. And. I said "And" too much.
Ok, one more time: And Low Bandwidth was advertised in the following
magazines: AAA Alternative Health Tips, Entropy Gradient Reversals, and
kinda sorta in the June 1, 1998 issue of Internet World. They had an
article entitled "Email Newsletter: A Push Technology Taking Off". Too
bad we scooped them. Heh heh. Ah twell. Someone called us "visionary".
NEW DEVIL SHAT (#Thirty): This issue is borne from events that were
beyond our control. As such, we present you with a reinvented
standard... the previous standard, although held dear to the hearts of
every self-proclaimed "expert", is no longer correct in this day and
age. And as such, we must do this.
MAJOR MINOR DEVIL SHAT UPDATES: Mostly anal code changes, involving
extra tags being in places where they shouldn't be, and making the
background image longer so those with larger monitors won't see it
repeating. Other than that, nothing we did is noticeable. Yup. Well, just
kidding. We also added mail to the generic mail section (4), and one
each to Issue Twenty Five and Twenty Six. Issue Twenty Seven got 2
added, and Devil Shat Twenty Eight got four added. Go check 'em out. And
you might also notice that the way we present email on the site has
changed slightly also. What do you think? Oh yeah, one more thing. We
standardized the size of all the Devil Shat title images because
eventually we want to make this big ass poster of the images like Time
and People has done. Only much cooler. Cos, you know, it's Devil Shat.
SITE UPDATES: revised the Disobey page under Detergent, as well as
corrected a spelling error within the quote script (as well as modifying
the code source for it to be more robust); also added one page to the
Detergent section... it's all about manifesto's; finally got around to
adding in all the new kudos that Ghost Sites has received (including a
brand new one from Push Magazine).
. . . : ; EVERYTHING else and I just took four aspirin
WE GOT IT: Well, for some strange reason, someone decided to hack the
webserver on which Disobey sits. For this reason, late Monday night
until afternoon Wednesday, the Disobey server was down. Lemme tell you
how much that sucked. We figured that with the average amount of hits we
get a week now, we lost about 16,000 of them. That pisses me off. But,
then we started laughing. Why? Check out what we wrote:
HAHAH. WHOOP, WELL, NEVER MIND: We got the weblogs in for the week that
we had been hacked. Turned out that notwithstanding, Disobey set a new
record with a total of 118,000 people visiting us in a week alone. We
THREE YEARS OF FRIENDS: I was tired, I used aliases (shortcuts), I
thought I was doing it right, but I fucked up. Hardcore. What? I deleted
three years of bookmarks, extensively categorized and as part of my web
browsing experience as drinking coffee is in the morning. Pissed off was
too meager of a description. I must rebuild now, but I doubt it will
ever be the same.
. . . : ; BLAHBLAHS OF THE WEEK: ( june 19th - july 2nd )
[Movies-I-Watched-of-the-Week]-= Quite a little...
---Phantasm II, only because it was on Monstervision. Was going
---to watch The Beast Within again, but one giant cicada movie a
---day is enough. Also went to see Mulan. It was actually a
---damn good movie.
[Ow!-That's-Hot-of-the-Week]-= Stupid Laptop
---I could have swore I had shut it off, but when I opened the case
---in the morning, I was treated to a hot little plastic case. After
---checking it out, I found that I didn't hit "Yes, I want you to
---shut down, you damn computer", so it waited patiently for me all
---night. How devoted. It's sitting in the corner cooling down now.
[Good-Nostalgia-Idea-of-the-Week]-= Long Ass Marathons
---"it's been a long time since we rented an ass load of movies and
---bought way too much junk food!" we used to do this almost every
---weekend and slowly we ran out of time, so we decided to make time
---this weekend. we're gonna rent five movies each (something hopefully
---neither of us have seen) and not tell each other what they are. then
---we're gonna take the movies out of their respective cases, throw 'em
---in a bag and just blindly pick one and just put it in the vcr
---without looking to see what it is and just watch it. it's gonna
---rock. oh, if your planning on doing this yourself it only really works
---with horror movies. we used to rent all the friday the 13th movies
---every friday the 13th and watch 'em in a row. all nine straight
---through. that's like eighteen and a half hours of non-stop: sex,
---stalk, kill, repeat.
[Movie-of-the-Week]-= "Out of Sight"
---not the most original film ever made but easily the most entertaining
---film to hit theaters since... well i can't remember when the last
---time i actually had a movie i wanted to go see, let alone really
---enjoyed. and frankly that's a problem. there aren't even any crappy
---action movies in theaters right now. it's like, 'what the hell?' i
---can't even see someone get shot or stabbed or... anything. damn it.
---there aren't even love scenes in movies any more. crap. i'd just
---like to congratulate the christian coalition on achieving their goal
---of sucking all enjoyment out of current popular entertainment. and
---thats why 'out of sight' succeeds. sure it's got a great story,
---plot, script, and was acted to a tee. but when was the last time you
---saw some guy holding a gun run up a flight of stairs, slip half way
---through, fall down and shoot himself through the jaw. to be honest
---i don't remember the first time i saw that. on top of scenes like
---that this film has some of the coolest direction since "desperado".
[Food-of-the-Week]-= taco bell soft taco six pack.
---way too much food for 5.35. and it's really good too. unless you
---don't like taco bell in which case... tough! people who don't like
---taco bell are the same kind of people who were glad that ginger
---spice quit. the same people who liked "american werewolf in paris"
---ugh... go get some subway or something. hoe.
[Soda-of-the-Week]-= Pick One
---we haven't really drank alot of one kind this week.
---oh yeah, don't forget to "play pop culture." cheesy contest yes, but
---see if you can make some unintended sentences, eg: "if you go get
---talkin' baby." if they made a hell or shit cap this would be
---waaay more fun.
. . . : ; The Issue Was Then Dragged Through The Dirt
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