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(C) 1993 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
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Topic 20 Sat Feb 06, 1993
ST.LOU [Lou Rocha] at 13:16 EST
Sub: ATARI Works

ATARI Works will be released with the FALCON 030. This integrated word
processor, database, spreadsheet application is ST/STE/TT and FALCON

208 message(s) total.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 1 Sat Feb 06, 1993
ST.LOU [Lou Rocha] at 13:17 EST

The following message is excerpted from the transcript of
last night's RTC with Bob Brodie, Director of Communications
for Atari Corp. It is presented here for your information but
may not be copied or reprinted without the expressed permission
of this RoundTable. However, the full transcript is available
as file # 26714 - BRODIE5.ARC and may be reprinted in its

<BOB-BRODIE> Let's talk about Atari Works at this point, and try to give you a
glimpse of what is coming with that product. Atari Works is a fully integrated
word processor, database, and spreadsheet. It's intended to provide the
average user just about anything that they might require in a package to be
used in either the home, or for a small business/home office scenario. Most
of our energies with Atari Works have been focused on the word processor
component of Works, as we believe that word processing is still the most
common usage for home users. The Atari Works word processor offers multiple
documents, full cut and paste between documents and the other portions of
Works, easy set up of justification (left, right, center, or proportional),
and importing of GEM metafile images. Atari Works has full SpeedoGDOS
support, which means multiple scalable outline fonts with multiple sizes, and
your usual bold, italics, underline, outline, superscript, subscript,
footnotes, and headers. Works uses the Proximity dictionary system, and
updated version of the system that was used with Word Up and Word Flair II.
There is also a thesaurus included with Works. Works has full search and
replace capabilities, again easily activated by drop down menus.

One of the features that I really enjoy in using Atari Works is the
exceptionally easy mail merge capabilities with Atari Works database module.
It's always been something of a pain for me to have to mail merge. It seemed
to me that there was never really a system that felt very intuitive to me for
mail merging. With Works, there is a drop down menu called "Begin Merge" that
allows you to begin the process. It's TERRIFIC!!! On the editing side of the
coin, Works allows you to transpose letters that just need to be flip-flopped
with a Control-T command. Its also "intelligent" about it's editing, in that
if you begin moving around text, Works will recognize the need for additional
spaces and automatically insert the spaces for you. There are also commands
that will allow you to do a number of different text commands, like setting
areas to all caps, or all lower case, and other text handling.

The word processor of Atari Works also supports the importation of standard
ASCII text, the Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF) files. This is an
increasingly popular format used with PC and Mac word processors, like
Microsoft Word. The logical extension of that is that your documents at work
can be saved out as .RTF files, and readily brought into Atari Works with the
formatting fully intact!!

The database portion of Atari Works will import .DBF files, tab delimited
ASCII, and comma delimited ASCII. The Atari Works database is a breeze to set
up and work with, too! If you start a new database file, the system begins
prompting you for field names, until you tell it you're done. Once the fields
are entered, you simply click on the fields and hold down the mouse button
while you drag the field to the desired size! Simple, eh? You can add
additional fields later by simply clicking on the database form with your
mouse. Fields are moved about the page simply by clicking and dragging them.
You can display the records in a form fashion, or in a list fashion that looks
very spreadsheet-ish to me. :) Since everything in Atari Works is fully GEM
compliant, you can also highlight portions of the database records, and save
out the area as a GEM metafile and drop it into your document! Of course,
this also applies to the spreadsheet as well. That makes displaying graphs and
tables as part of your document easier than it's ever been before.

Bill Rehbock, the product manager for Atari Works, tells me that the database
portion of Works will feel very familiar to anyone that has ever used a
database on a Mac. My sentiment was that I didn't find an overpowering need
to run to the docs just to get things going, the database has a very
comfortable "feel" to it. I'm not generally comfortable with ANY database, so
I have great confidence that most of you will really enjoy the database
portion of Atari Works.

The spreadsheet portion of Atari Works is Excel command compatible. Our
intention with the spreadsheet is not to compete against stand alone products
like LDW Power, but to provide a good, basic speadsheet for users to be able
to chart, graph, and track their finances. We have some portions of our
business presently tracking their finances under the spreadsheet of Atari

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 2 Mon Sep 13, 1993

Did anyone ever come up with a way to import a .LDP (LDW ASCII FILE) into
AtariWorks so that the values and formulas are intact and useable?

Can anyone tell me how to write a formula that goes something like the

n x $3.00 = x (so that if x is under a 100 then 100 is used as the value in
the formula and if x is larger than 100 then the larger number is used as the
value in the cell. The idea is to have 100 be the minimum as the outcome of
the equasion even if the equasion doesn't reach to 100.

Steve Blackburn

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 3 Mon Sep 13, 1993
B.REZNIK at 22:26 EDT

As suggested we found the draft mode in the set up printer acc and are using
it with the nec default on a panasonic 1124 This gives us a faster print out
but with the panasonic it is still excellent letter quality We could use some
different configuration in order to get a much faster draft mode. Any
suggestions on changing the configuration to use less dots per inch and
thereby obtaining a faster draft printing mode. Thanks
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 4 Tue Sep 14, 1993

Ron, Thanks for the tip. Actually, I was using the ":" in my formulas
when manually entering. I've just used LDW for so many years that the "lotus"
method slipped in when I was entering the formula dummy in my message to the
RT. I'm going to try the tip I read on having only one window open, and see
if that does it. I usually work with three or four spreadsheets and copy
things from one to another, so I'll wish real hard for V.2.0, or at least a
bug fix RSN.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 5 Tue Sep 14, 1993
K.HELMS [Ken Helms] at 23:16 EDT


Thanks for the info. Will have to give AW some thought. Would be an easy
decision if included a relational data base rather than just a flat file.
Might still be able to use it (and I have dBase IV on the clone to fall back
on if needed).

Ken Helms

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 6 Wed Sep 15, 1993
AEO.1 [Albert Dayes] at 02:09 EDT


Your welcome. The database I really love is UNIFY database under UNIX. The
problem with flat files I keep wanting to type SQL commands but they don't
seem to work right. <grin> The whole package isn't bad at all for the price.

-- Albert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 7 Wed Sep 15, 1993
J.M.COLE at 22:22 EDT

Is there a way to freeze a column or row to keep it from scrolling?
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 8 Wed Sep 15, 1993
R.HOEKSTRA1 [RandyH] at 22:47 EDT

Don't know if this has been done already, or if there is an easier way, but I
just put together a quick and dirty utility to convert Data Manager files to
Atari Works.

You have to print the DM database to an ASCII file and then run the utility
(DM2WORKS.PRG) to insert tabs for each field. The resulting file can be
imported directly into Atari Works database program. It even sets the field
names for you. After importing, you can then set the feild attributes as

Anyway, I just uploaded it so it should be available in the library in a day
or two.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 9 Wed Sep 15, 1993
D.WALTER7 [Doug Walter] at 23:42 EDT



Now, feel like tackling spreadsheet importation? ;-)

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 10 Thu Sep 16, 1993
T.HARRIS1 [SLICE] at 01:20 EDT


WPSwitch is for importing only. I'll sneak onto a system to move the files.
Thanks anyway.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 11 Fri Sep 17, 1993
L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 00:54 EDT


I have a 1124i (virtually identical to your 1124) and I use the STAR NB24-15
printer driver (180x180dpi) and get excellent print speed on my printer. Give
it a shot....

***** Stargazer *****
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 12 Fri Sep 17, 1993
R.THUROW [Rich] at 01:42 EDT

How does the output of AW compare to Pagestream on a Deskjet 500? Is this WP
similar to WordUp?
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 13 Fri Sep 17, 1993
R.BEATTY3 [Buffalo Bob] at 02:35 EDT

To all with the "Formula too long" error:

I, too, suffered from this error. It seems as though everyone is finding
their own solution to it. I had to remove MultiDesk. But since I'm running
MultiTOS or Geneva w/ Speedo most the time, MultiDesk is out of the picture
anyway (collides with most, if not all of the above...)

Buffalo Bob

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 14 Fri Sep 17, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:30 EDT


> WPSwitch is for importing only.

I think you must be referring to the CONVERT.PRG or some other WordPerfect
utility. The WPSwitch I was referring to is not a WPCorp product - it's
distributed by Rovell Enterprises in Edmonton. Inputs are WP 5.1, First Word
Plus / Word Writer, or ASCII; output is WP 4.2 (or Atari WP 4.1), FW+/WW,
ASCII, or Calamus text.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 15 Fri Sep 17, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:42 EDT


MultiDesk and Geneva get along together OK. MultiTOS is a different matter.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 16 Fri Sep 17, 1993
A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 20:59 EDT

Can someone tell me what the AtariWorks manual looks like (loose leaf, spiral
bound, color, size, etc.)? May sound like a dumb question but in the process
of spending a great deal of time returning a faulty Speedo disk set to TOAD
Computers my manual has come up amoungst the missing and I really can't
recall what it looked like.

In the meantime, can someone tell me how to set the path to the
dictionary and thesaurus so that I can check spelling w/o getting the "Can't
find" message. The files are in there and I changed the path under
PREFERENCES but I still get the message. Thanks.

- Barry

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 17 Fri Sep 17, 1993

It seems that in order to use the Dictionary or Thesaurus that they must be
present in the same directory as the file you are working on.
I like to create folders inside of my Works folder in order to organize my
documents. Do I have to copy the Dictionary files,etc. into each folder?
Even if I redefine the path command it says it cannot find them. Also, does
the program write a WORKS.INF file in every folder it accesses? I find them
all over my drive.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 18 Sat Sep 18, 1993

Re: "Formula too long"
I tried all of the sheets that were giving me that error as the only
sheet open. No Dice! I guess I'll try shutting down Multi-desk next. I won't
even think about giving up Geneva, since I gave away my old Mega ST, that I
was using as a STraight FAX server.
Pradip, is there any end to this problem in sight on the works end, or
is it a "compatibility" situation?
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 19 Sat Sep 18, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:18 EDT


Michael M. is right about the dictionary - I save all Works document files
into the Works directory for that reason.

The manual is black and white (even the cover), nearly square (about 7x8
inches), with a glued spine, maybe half an inch thick; the front cover has an
ST (or Falcon I guess) pictured from above and says "AtariWorks USER'S
MANUAL". On the back cover is "500158 Rev. A, Printed in Taiwan, LJ 6 1993."
Hope that helps.


I'm starting to use AW for my daily lesson plans and student records, so it's
getting more of a workout. The multiple buffers are useful, but would be much
more so if they could be saved with the document (or separately). I also wish
there was a mouseless way of selecting a format to be pasted. But the more I
use the word processor, the more I like it.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 20 Sat Sep 18, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:59 EDT

Boy, you can get _all kinds_ of information about AW here, can't you? (manual
description) gnox didn't give the dimensions in metric, either!

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 21 Sat Sep 18, 1993
R.BUSH [Richard Bush] at 13:16 EDT

David and Ken,

Sorry I'm so long in replying, I haven't been on in a week.

Here's how I've got Gspool 2.2 set up on my Falcon:

In the root of drive C I have GSPOOL2.ACC, GSPOOL2.CTB, GSPOOL2.INF, and
GSPOOL2.PDF. I'm running it with default settings.

In the auto folder I've got DEVCONCT.PRG (I don't even remember what that
is!), FPATCH1, JAR10, MINTNP (memory protection is OFF, that makes many
programs that used to bomb for me run fine), NEOLOAD, SAM, SILKMOUSE (beta
version unavailable as yet), SELECTRIC (an item selector), SPDOGDOS, SUPERBT,

For accesories I'm running ALERT, CALLSLCT (call Selectric acc), EDITH, a
corner clock, and XCONTROL.

I wonder... is memory protection ON in your set up? I've never tried Gspool
with it on.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 22 Sat Sep 18, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 16:53 EDT


Re: Dictionary, Thesaurus, WORKS.INF

Michael, AtariWorks expects to find what it needs in a Folder entitled WORKS.
In the root of that folder will be WORKS.PRG and WORKS.INF. Within the WORKS
folder should be another folder entitled WORKSYS which contains the files:

On my system AtariWorks was installed to drive D: and the path to the
dictionary/thesaurus is D:\WORKS\WORKSYS. The path to WORKS.INF and WORKS.PRG
is D:\WORKS. I have several AtariWorks folders containing various documents
within D:\WORKS and within other folders and drives. There is no problem with
multiple WORKS.INF files or failure to find the dictionary/thesaurus with this
setup. Check your setup. If the pathnames are the same as what I am using
(with exception of the drive) you may have a problem with something else in
your Auto folder or an ACC that is trashing things. If memory serves me
correctly certain disk compressors, i.e. Data Diet, create .INF files on each
drive where files from particular programs are stored. I am no longer running
any disk compressors since having some very critical business files trashed by

Again, check your setup with particular attention to pathname. AtariWorks
should run from any drive without problems so long as it has the correct
pathnames to work with and can find the clipboard on the root drive (i.e.,

Good luck,

Michael Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 23 Sun Sep 19, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:30 EDT


> If memory serves me correctly certain disk compressors, i.e. Data
> Diet, create .INF files on each drive where files from particular
> programs are stored.

Nope, your memory has let you down. ;) Data Diet does not create .INF files
(though the user has the option of creating _one_, which goes in the AUTO
folder, for automatic program control). I'm not sure about DataLite but I
don't think it does that either.

> AtariWorks should run from any drive without problems so long as it
> has the correct pathnames to work with and can find the clipboard on
> the root drive (i.e., C:\CLIPBRD).

I suspect that the path problems AW has are related to the fact that if you
look at its dialogs that display paths (such as Preferences), the backslash
after the colon is missing in the path displayed.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 24 Sun Sep 19, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 09:31 EDT


Geneva gives all GEM apps a mouseless way to do everything, and it works
superbly with AW.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 25 Sun Sep 19, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 10:08 EDT

I just thought of one possible reason I've never had these path problems -- I
use a GEM environment utility that controls the PATH. (Or I use Geneva, which
also does this.) Ian LePore's excellent GEMENV is here on GEnie, and is highly

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 27 Sun Sep 19, 1993
JLHOFFMAN [John Hoffman] at 17:58 EDT

Buffalo Bob,

Seems to me that multidesk and geneva will run together but there was some
association between multidesk and the error, "recursive gemdos call" from
geneva. I ran multidesk for awhile and stopped when I read about this error.
Since then I hardly ever see that error message. So you might consider not
using MultiDesk until the final version of Geneva is out if that fixes the


I just verified a test to create the error on demand. This works every time.
I start Works. When the icon group comes up I select word processing. I open
a document that is about 20K in size. (I don't know that the size has
anything to do with it.) Then I select file, new and select spreadsheet. In
the new spreadsheet I enter a column of three numbers. Below this column I
enter sum(a1:a3) and hit return. This is when I get the error message about
internal formula too long or something like that.... I have TOS 1.4 in a
MegaST with 4 MB of memory. I'm running geneva and misc other stable


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 28 Sun Sep 19, 1993
P.LOUIE1 at 19:16 EDT

Does anyone know when the real in-a-box version of AtariWorks is coming out?
A Works-type package in a plastic bag looks...uh, not good...

Just wondering... -Phil
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 29 Sun Sep 19, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 19:39 EDT


The release version of Geneva does not seem to have a problem with MultiDesk.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 30 Sun Sep 19, 1993
A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 21:47 EDT

gnox- Thanks for the info on the AW manual. At least now I'll know what I'm
looking for. I just called my son down a t Tennessee Tech to see if perhaps
the manual got mixed up with his stuff when we took him basck to school, but
no luck. It must be here in NH somewhere but I haven't located it yet. It
sure is aggravating to finally get everything together on a new program and
then can't RTFM because you've lost it.
If I can't locate it does anyone know if it's possible to buy aa new one?
Is there a way to get AW to set the system cliock date into a letter? This was
a feature that was always missing from WWII. Thanks. - Barry
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 31 Sun Sep 19, 1993

FD Percival was kind enough to give me some help in Email but I don't seem to
have been successful. I tried the following formula in both AtariWorks and LDW
but had the same problem.

I typed in IF(A1*B1=> THEN A1*B1 ELSE 100) and that is exactly what was placed
into the cell in both programs. I set AW to show values and not formulas but
it didn't change things. Simpler formulas like =SUM(A1*B1) in AW OR LDW worked
fine but the longer formula didn't in either program. I sure wish things were

Any suggestions? I'm trying to get a result from two different values so that
if the result of the multiplication of these two values is less then 100 then
100 will be placed into the cell as the result, and if the result is over 100
then the larger value will be used. I want the minimum value to be 100 (or
whatever I need for any particular purpose).


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 32 Mon Sep 20, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:34 EDT


CodeKeys and Spelling Sentry, among other utilities, will write out the
current date (and time, if you want) when you press a key combination. I have
CodeKeys running all the time, and I have set up Shift-Alt-D to do this:

Monday, September 20, 1993

6:17:08 am


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 34 Mon Sep 20, 1993
B.REZNIK at 21:09 EDT

Thanks for the help with a draft mode on the panisonic with the necp it took
75 secs. to print a fileIt took 40 secs. with the star 15-24 driver. still a
very good looking print out. the star is 180x180 the necp is 360x360 i do not
get any faster print with the Draft or Final mode . It also looks the same.
i would still like a faster print for a rough draft. i do not understand what
the draft setting does. thanks
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 35 Mon Sep 20, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 21:25 EDT

My copy doesn't recognize that the dictionaries or thesaurus are present.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 36 Mon Sep 20, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 22:22 EDT


Re: Dictionary

Check preferences under the Window menu. Click on Dictionary/Thesaurus and it
should show the path name configured. The Dictionary/Thesaurus files should be
in a folder entitled WORKSYS within the WORKS folder. A proper pathname would
be something like D:\WORKS\WORKSYS\USER.DIC. Hope this helps.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 37 Mon Sep 20, 1993
R.KOHORN [RON] at 23:43 EDT

What is the suggested font to use as a default for normal word processing
using a MegaSte in med St res on a SC1224

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 38 Tue Sep 21, 1993
K.BROOKS1 [Horizon] at 01:45 EDT

How does one check one word for spelling without checking the entire file? I
know the manual says to block the text and then use CTL-J or the drop down
menu but it seems the spell checker is actually checking the entire document.

The spreadsheet really needs some string use in formulas. Honest guys, you
own the code to LDW, why not use it? The only thing LDW lacked was Speedo
GDOS support with selectable fonts for each cell and some shading/boxes. I
use strings a lot in a spreadsheet. This has no support at all. Strings are
simply seen as zero values.

Oh, for v2.0. Sure hope it has some improved formula handling!

Keith] New Horizon
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 39 Tue Sep 21, 1993
K.BROOKS1 [Horizon] at 01:48 EDT

Steve.... The way you typed in your formula suggests you are missing some
parameters for the formula.

Try =this is cell C1:


Should work. Let us know if it doesn't.

Keith New Horizon
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 40 Tue Sep 21, 1993
T.HARRIS1 [SLICE] at 01:58 EDT




Your looking for a white bound book with a black column. A picture of a Atari
is in the middle. Were talking 1040 or 520 or Falcon. The word Atari is on
the top and AtariWorks front bottom.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 41 Tue Sep 21, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 02:05 EDT

My AW still can't find the dictionaries and thesaurus.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 42 Tue Sep 21, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 04:59 EDT


You can insert the system date into a document with Shift-Ctrl-D.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 43 Tue Sep 21, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:32 EDT


Choose a font that does not have a lot of fancy serifs (small strokes), since
your screen resolution cannot show them well anyway. I'd suggest any variation
on Helvetica, which is sometimes called Swiss or Zurich or Geneva.


Double-click on one word and invoke the spell checker; it checks that single
word. (This is on a TT. Are you running it on a Falcon? Maybe it behaves
differently on the Falcon.)

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 44 Tue Sep 21, 1993

This thing with the "formula too long" in Atari Works spreadsheets
is driving me nuts. It doesn't seem to have any consistency. I can do a
"=Sum()" in one column and not another, or, sometimes it won't copy a formula
I've just done in one column to another. Sometimes I can do long"=if()"
statements, and then it won't do a simple "=sum()". I've tried it with one,
or many spreadsheets open, with and without multidesk, and who knows what
else. I don't seem to get consistent results. I use the program on my TT at
work, with 16mb TT ram, and there I get a dialog box that says I don't have
enough memory to copy a fill pattern graphic from one file to another, while
at home on the 4mbTTram machine, I have no such problem. I'm using Geneva both
places, but I don't think that's part of the problem.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 45 Tue Sep 21, 1993
R.KOHORN [RON] at 23:40 EDT

I have played a little with this and it seems that the "Word Processor"
behaves more as a publisher. This is fine for things like newsletters but for
general word processing such as letters it seems to be a pain. It is not as
easy to read on screen as other processors such as WWriter and Protext. Also
until the Cache is filled there is a delay between typing the letter and
seeing it on screen and the worst is the S L O W printing time. Am I missing
something here?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 46 Wed Sep 22, 1993

Boy, now that's an IDEA I'd salute, on any flagpole! I've used LDW for SO many
things, and if I could import the sheets I've done in LDW into Works, being
able to output them in SpeedoGdos, and fax them in StraightFAX, and all, well,
I'd think I'd just died and gone to heaven. 98% of what I've done at work is
in LDW. I bought K-Spread 4, thinking it would be a Gdos output spreadsheet,
but it is SO buggy as to not be usable, and SLOW, plus, it seems to have a
fatal dislike for Speedo. PLEASE, Oh, Pretty pretty PLEASE, incorporate LDW
into Works. I kiss your feet,(mouse, trackball, macro's, whatever)PLEASE!
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 47 Wed Sep 22, 1993
K.BROOKS1 [Horizon] at 01:37 EDT

Solved the formula in the spreadsheet:


That seems to get the desired results. Put 50 in A1, 2 in B1 and the above
formula in C1. The result in C1 should be 100. Increase cell A1 to 51 and
voila! you get 102 in C1.

Keith New Horizon
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 48 Wed Sep 22, 1993
E.BETZ [Bud] at 02:10 EDT

>K.BROOKS1 [Horizon]
>How does one check one word for spelling without checking the
>entire file? I know the manual says to block the text and then use
>CTL-J or the drop down menu but it seems the spell checker is
>actually checking the entire document.

Keith, as Al said, just double click on the word you want to check, and AW
will check the spelling of the word. When you finish with the spelling, AW
will return to the WP with the word still highlighted. Press the mouse button,
and the word becomes "unselected." Easy Hugh?

>My AW still can't find the dictionaries and thesaurus.


You need to go to Preferences under the Window menu. From there you can
view/change the path to your thesaurus/spelling checker. Look in the manual
on pg 2-5 under Spelling Checker/Thesaurus Settings.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 49 Wed Sep 22, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:57 EDT


Display and printing speed depends more on your Speedo setup than on
AtariWorks. For legibility, one thing you might try is to do your
writing/editing in a large font size, then Select All and change it to the
size you want to print just before printing.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 50 Wed Sep 22, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:00 EDT


Yes, you're missing the fact that if you run Works without any GDOS installed,
it behaves just like WWriter, and there is no delay.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 51 Wed Sep 22, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 17:22 EDT

I checked the PREFERENCES. It didn't help. _Should_ the "Dictionary" give me a
selection menu under the preferences? If it is, well, it didn't. And if it
doesn't--no problem.

I fixed the problem by bypassing the INSTALL program and directly copying the
AMERICAN.OVL to the WORKSYS folder. After that the program could find the
American Overlay. Me thinks there might be a slight(ish) bug in that install
program. It could just as easily be an incompatibility in my system. I don't

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 52 Wed Sep 22, 1993
ARCHIVIST [Charlie] at 17:58 EDT

Actually, I'm having the same problem as Kenne. When I boot Atariworks I get
the error message 'C:\WORKSYS\WORKSYS\AMERICAN.OVL not found.' When I try
setting the path under Preferences to the proper 'C:\WORKSYS\USER.DIC' it
doesn't seem to clear up this stuttered pathname. I can't figure out what the
problem is. The only add-on in use is LGFS, but I really doubt that's the

I know the dictionary WAS working not too long ago... I just can't figure out
what I did since I last used it. Weird.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 53 Wed Sep 22, 1993
B.REZNIK at 20:12 EDT

we have had a problem with the decimel tab . the list did not line up any
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 54 Wed Sep 22, 1993
R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 20:21 EDT

I don't know why you are getting SLOW print time. AtariWorks has to be one
of the fastest at printing outline fonts that I have seen. You must have
something in your setup that is causing SLOW print speeds. Of course, it
depends also on your definition of SLOW and what you are printing on.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 55 Wed Sep 22, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 20:27 EDT

To: All

This dictionary problem is a real puzzler. I set up both my 1040STE systems
using the install program with the Clipboard on C: and AtariWorks on D:
partition. No problemo here. I wonder if there were some buggy copies that got
out somehow?

In the category "everybody already know that, Bozo!" try highlighting a text
block then press [Control] while clicking on Copy. Quit Works then open the
CLIPBRD folder on your root drive. What's this - a SCRAP.STW and a SCRAP.TXT.
The SCRAP.STW is your selection in AW format and SCRAP.TXT is plain vanilla
ASCII. Might be handy for a selective extraction from Works to whatevah.

AtariWorks ain't no word processor and it ain't desktop publisher. It's a darn
good Document Processor. For the bux involved and the potential built in it's
the ideal choice for someone who wants all three but can only afford one. We
can't all have Protext, PageStream, Calamus, and Calligrapher. Ever try any
real desktop publishing in only 1 megaByte. TimeWorks could do it. Calamus
1.09 if the doc was only a few pages. PageStream and Calligrapher - forget it!
AtariWorks can do it quite nicely.

Well, that's my 2 cents worth.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 56 Thu Sep 23, 1993
K.BROOKS1 [Horizon] at 00:15 EDT

Bud, I tried the double clicking. If I know the word is spelled correctly but
I double click it anyway and invoke ^J, all I get is "No words spelled
incorrectly, way to go" or some such. What should happen is "word spelled
correctly" plus if the word is not in either dictionary, the option should be
there to add it without going to the full spell check.

Keith New Horizon
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 57 Thu Sep 23, 1993

Having a great time with AW.

Transportability of WP files to other systems via *.RTF is a real joy <G>.
However, The soft page breaks don't seem to get carried over. Am I doing
something wrong or is this a problem?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 58 Thu Sep 23, 1993
R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 04:08 EDT

I took a sector editor to my AtariWorks. Now my dictionary, etc. resides in
the ATARIWRK folder and I have no problems. :-)

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 59 Thu Sep 23, 1993

Could someone tell me the appropriate driver for the LQ-800 and Works/Speedo?
I tried the LQ-570 driver but got gibberish. I've got all parameters set at
the installed defaults if it makes a difference, and there is nothing in the
manuals about printer compatibility. I suppose the FX-80 driver might work,
but that is a 9-pin driver whereas the LQ-800 is 24-pin.

Thanks in advance,
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 60 Thu Sep 23, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:07 EDT


Double-clicking on a word and then invoking the spelling checker works
properly on my TT. I don't use the Control-J, though; I've been accessing the
menu bar through Geneva's equivalents, if that matters.

It would be helpful of Pradip changed the spell checker anyway, so that it
would check any word that the cursor is on with a different keyboard command
than the one that invokes the full checker. That's how Calligrapher works, and
it's very, very handy -- a quick keystroke checks the current word.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 61 Thu Sep 23, 1993
E.GORELIK at 16:59 EDT

A review of Atari Works by Donovan Vicha in ST Informer, April 93, mentions in
passing that you can call down a menu for "choosing line thickness and drawing
shapes for creating simple graphics (lines, circles, boxes)." Does this
include freehand drawing?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 62 Thu Sep 23, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 23:05 EDT

To: E.Gorelick

AtariWorks does not support freehand drawing with its tools. Just simple
lines, square cornered boxes, round cornered boxes and ellipses (circles).
Line thickness for any of these can be set. For more involved graphics may I
suggest MyDraw available here on Genie as MD_ENG.LZH. This is a German vector
drawing program which works with SpeedoGDOS including the Bitstream fonts. It
does not have bezier or spline curve drawing tools but they can usually be
worked around by using the arc segment tool. Freehand drawing is supported as
are polygons. Files are saved in GEM/2 format which AtariWorks handles quite
nicely. Some GEM/3 graphics may be loaded into MyDraw but bezier or spline
curves will be converted into polygon lines. If you see an alert box that says
the file is not in MyDraw format just keep hitting the [Return] key until the
picture finally shows up on screen.

Try it, I know you'll like it!

For bitmap graphics another German program PAD_24.LZH is on Genie. This one
has a fantastic array of block functions. It will not import IMG's that are
wider than 640 pixels so you will also need PICSW101 also on Genie to rescale
some of those humungous IMG's.

Good luck!

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 63 Fri Sep 24, 1993
R.KOHORN [RON] at 00:01 EDT

What are the functions of the icons on the tool bar that come to the right of
the line spacing. They are a serious of different shaped arrows that point
down. I don't seem to find anything about them in the manual and when I
select one, nothing seems to happen. Buttons without functions -- what a
terrible thought!

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 64 Fri Sep 24, 1993
L.HINSLEY [Stargazer] at 00:57 EDT

Hi Ron!!

I am using AtariWorks/Speed on a 14' mono monitor and the fonts look fine to
me. Maybe you should try a slightly larger font size so that Speedo can
display the fonts with more detail.

I have 150K miscealleous and character caches and AtariWorks keeps up with my
typing without any problems.

What kind of printer are you useing. Some of the printer drivers are at a
higher resolution than others so it will naturally take longer for them to

***** Stargazer *****
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 65 Fri Sep 24, 1993
R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 04:38 EDT

Those are Tab types. Page 3-21... of the AW manual explains them.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 66 Fri Sep 24, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:17 EDT


> What are the functions of the icons on the tool bar that come to the
> right of the line spacing. They are a serious of different shaped
> arrows that point down.

Those are for selecting among the four kinds of tab stops. (They had me
baffled for a while too!) The manual covers tabs on pp. 3-21 ff., but indeed
does not mention those tools, and a couple of labels got left out of the
diagram on p. 3-17.


Thanks for pointing out the double files in the clipboard! When I had a look,
I found that ^C in AW always copies to the clipboard in both .TXT and .STW
format (no need to hold Ctrl and click Copy). And what's more, if there is no
.STW in the clipboard, ^V will paste the SCRAP.TXT - which means that you
don't always have to open a new window in order to import a text file into a
Works document. This was news to me, at least, though it shouldn't have been -
that's what the clipboard is supposed to be for (exchanging data between
programs)! Thanks again.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 67 Fri Sep 24, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 05:32 EDT

To: gnox

Hmmm, [CNTRL]-C & [CNTRL]-V got to remember that. Now let's see - I import an
ASCII file into the CLIPBRD folder, rename it SCRAP.TXT and then can paste it
into an AW document. Wonder what would happen if I tried several ASCII scraps
named SCRAP001.TXT, SCRAP002.TXT, etc. Kind of what the undocumented buffer
copy does except as .TXT instead of .STW. Have to give it a try when I get
back to the Atari (God's Own Computer). Right now I'm using the wife's 386-33
clone since the phone line is always in it.


Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 68 Fri Sep 24, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:22 EDT


Those are tab buttons, just like the ones in Microsoft Word. Normal tab,
centered tab, decimal tab and so on.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 69 Sat Sep 25, 1993
E.GORELIK at 02:22 EDT


Thanx for that thorough run-down and the tips on files available in the SWL.
I was inquiring more for a friend than for myself, but I was also curious, as
I am planning to get AW as soon as I can afford to do so

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 70 Sat Sep 25, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 12:48 EDT

I'm trying to use AtariWorks with an SLM804. After beginning to initialize the
printer driver, I get a message that it can't load the driver, and that it may
be because of insufficient memory. I may have too many ACCs and AUTO programs,
but I've eliminated all except those I really like to have handy, such as
MultiDesk and MaxiFile. I'll eliminate those if I have to, but are there other
options, such as a different configuration?

Also, is there a supplied printer driver that works with a KX-P1124i?

Ken Van

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 71 Sat Sep 25, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 12:53 EDT

I neglected to mention that I'm using the SLM804 with a MegaSTE, not a Falcon.
I'll be using AtariWorks with my new Falcon, but it looks as though I'll have
to print with the MSTE.

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 72 Sat Sep 25, 1993
R.HOEKSTRA1 [RandyH] at 13:14 EDT

I have a database set up to keep track of all my PD files on floppy disks.
One field is the disk name and another is the file name. Of course, the disk
name field is the same for a number of records. When printing a report, is it
possible to have it print the disk name only on the first record and leave it
blank for the rest until it comes to another disk name?

This is how I had it set up in DataManager, but I can't see anyway to do this
in AW. If it is not possible, could it be added to the wish list. :-)

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 73 Sat Sep 25, 1993

Bosem, I had the same problem with my LQ1010. I ended up using the NB-15
driver, and get acceptable results. I wish Atari would support some of the pre-
570 Epson 24 pin drivers which can print in 360^2 dot mode, with an Epson
driver that prints in 360^2 dot mode.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 74 Sat Sep 25, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 16:44 EDT

To: Randy H.

From the description of how you set up the database it would not be possible
to do what you describe. I would suggest setting up two separate databases.
One like what you have with each program as a separate record since you can
have a nice looking form screen for that. The second database would have the
following fields:
Field 1 - Disk Name
Field 2 - Program #1
- Program #2
Field 4 - Program #3 and so on up to whatever arbitrary # of programs per disk
you want. In the report you would merge each field once, format the report as
you want it to appear then do a Print Merge . . .

This may not be quite what you're looking for but it is most likely the best
"80%" solution.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 75 Sat Sep 25, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 18:51 EDT

To: All

Subject: AtariWorks the PageStream Accelerator

Flash! Faster printing is now available for PageStream users. Configure your
printer driver under the global menu heading to IMG.PRT. Save it as the
default. Import the resulting IMG at 300 dpi to AtariWorks and watch it
scream!! Almost as fast as Calamus!!

Grin, duck and dodge. gnox gonna throw somethin' at me. Couldn't resist guys!

Subject: PageStream --> AtariWorks

If you need something that will be used repeatedly in AtariWorks documents,
i.e. letterhead, FAX cover sheet or some such, and you want something with
text effects like shading, etc. AND you have PageStream 2.2 with the IMG
printer driver whip that puppy into shape in the size you want (from custom
page size) print it to disk with IMG.PRT set to 200 or 300 dpi (to match the
target printer) and put it in the AW folder that holds the target doc so AW
can find it whenever it needs it.

Now if we can just get PageStream to import RTF . . . sigh!

Over on the CIS board I saw some posts recommending porting AW docs as GEM
Metafiles to PageStream - it don't work. All you get is a blank page. Ditto
with Calamus 1.09 and SL. Tried it into MyDraw with same results even though
MyDraw can handle the Speedo fonts. MyDraw doesn't understand GEM3 which
apparently is the AW GEM Metafile format. Arabesque understands GEM3 and so
does Avant Vector but neither recognizes the fonts. Silhouette is still at ver
1.37 and won't work with Speedo - c'mon Toad guys let's see ver 1.5 - you said
it would shipping months ago!

For now it seems we can get all kinds of goodies into AW but exporting it out
for massaging elsewhere is a problem.

'nuff diatribe!

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 76 Sat Sep 25, 1993

After about 2 hours of experimenting I have made a couple of discoveries.

* With a completely stripped system (no ACC's or AUTO Prgs) I could not use
the dictionary unless I copied a WORKSYS folder with AMERICAN.OVL included
into the folder with my .STW files. Only that one file was necessary in the
WORKSYS folder, (it would create its own USER.DIC file) This is the only way I
could store .STW files in any other folder thatn then WORKS base folder. The
Thesaurus was not affected in anyway.

* If I add HOTWIRE 3.0 to that stripped system and then run AtariWorks from
Hotwire :

1. Neither the dictionary or the thesaurus could find their main files. If
I copied those files into the extra WORKSYS folder where the STW files were,
then it could find them.

2. Every folder I entered and opened a .STW file would have a WORKS.INF file
in it after I left.

If I ran Atariworks from the desktop instead of Hotwire, then neither of these
things happened.

Any ideas, solutions, comments, similar experiences??
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 77 Sun Sep 26, 1993
R.KOHORN [RON] at 00:44 EDT


I have an Epson 5000 (24 pin).


To Al, Gnox and Wayne,

Thanks. Now that I look R E A L ( I mean R E A L L Y hard) at the diagram on
page 3-22 I can see the little symbols there. What an outstanding manual.

Thanks for pointing these out.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 78 Sun Sep 26, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 03:44 EDT


Well, Michael, you've found the culprit! Hotwire must be doing some nasties to
your environment. I would suggest getting NeoDesk and forget the problem.
Another solution might be Teradesk here on Genie. Get the latest version and
download Al Fasoldt's "Secrets of Terradesk" also. You will need a disk
formatting program or accessory with Teradesk since it does not offer
formatting like NeoDesk does.

Hope I haven't ruined your weekend.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 80 Sun Sep 26, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:29 EDT

Michael M.,

Thanks for your investigations! My experiences are similar exactly, except I
didn't investigate far enough to find the difference between the thesaurus and
the spellchecker re Hotwire. The fact that the WORKSYS\AMERICAN.OVL has to be
in the same path as the document shows that something is wrong with the way AW
handles paths, and your information should help Pradip to find the problem, I

Michael H.,

As you found out (and as the manual will tell you), PageStream does not handle
GEM/3. But it should be possible to use GEM metafiles produced by Avant
Vector in AWorks - I mean to try that one of these days. That would be handy
for things like letterhead logos.

re printing speed: You're a scream. :)


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 81 Sun Sep 26, 1993
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 13:08 EDT


Hmmm. We'll have to look into this. HotWire definitely configures the
system correctly for each program it runs (sets current drive and directory,
and lots of other stuff), so it would seem that Atari Works is doing something


Mike Hebert,

>> Well, Michael, you've found the culprit! Hotwire must be doing
>> some nasties to your environment.

First, this statement has no basis in fact. HotWire does not "do nasties"
to anyone's environment.

Second, I'd like to ask you to consider the possibility that the problem
TVCOM is experiencing is not HotWire's fault. After all, _thousands_ of other
Atari applications are able to find their work files correctly when run from
HotWire -- in fact, I am aware of NO other program that has such problems when
run from HotWire. Given this fact, I would suggest it's a real possibility
that Atari Works is the "culprit," not HotWire.

- Charles @ CodeHead Tech

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 82 Sun Sep 26, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 13:37 EDT

I run Atari Works through Hotwire. I'll play around with it and see if I can
get it to do the same thing.

Until I checked it looked like the infamous "LOOK FOR FILES IN THE TOP WINDOW"
option in TOS 2.+.

My system found the AMERICAN.OVL after I copied to the WORKSYS folder
bypassing the INSTALL.PRG. (I used Maxifile)

I _did_, however, run the INSTALL program from Maxifile. That may or may not
mean anything.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 83 Sun Sep 26, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 14:07 EDT

Ken Van,

AW gives that message (or, actually, Speedo does) when Warp is running on some
setups. The latest Warp 9 fixes that.


I've said this before (and I'll probably have to say it again <smile>),
everyone who uses any sort of sophisticated application such as Atari Works
should consider making use the the freeware environment manager called GEMENV.
You are unlikely to find any of these oddities when you run the environment

it's here, on GEnie.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 84 Sun Sep 26, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 19:20 EDT

Thanks, Al. Tomas tells me my Warp 9 upgrade is on the way. I thought just
turning off the acceleration would take care of the problem, but I guess I
need to turn it off completely until I get the upgrade.

I downloaded GEMENV, but haven't tried it yet.

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 85 Sun Sep 26, 1993
SAM-RAPP [<<Sam>>] (Forwarded)

To All having trouble with Atari Works and dictionaries:

I have had no problems with works on my Falcon. Do you have it installed as
an application with a desktop Icon? I have found that when you install an
application, you MUST set the 'Default Directory' to 'Application'. If you
set it to 'Top Window', thae application can become confused as to where to
look for things....

I'm not sure what version of TOS finally got a good 'Install Application'
working.... I jumped straight from 1.0 to 4.02!

-----------> Sam

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 86 Mon Sep 27, 1993

I have found a problem with AW....

When using superscripts, the line spacing is increased between that line and
the line above. In a technical document, with superscripts dispersed here and
there, this can lead to quite an unprofessional look. Unfortunately, this even
happens with with double line spacing.

I am using classical garamond 12pt and find that I have to manually search for
all the superscripts and convert them to 8 pt. size for there not to be any
shift in line spacing.

I wonder if anyone has found a way around this? Perhaps by using another

If not, perhaps Pradip could look into this for future revisions?


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 87 Mon Sep 27, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 00:57 EDT

I haven't tried it but you might consider a Macro to enter the format and font
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 88 Mon Sep 27, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 03:19 EDT

To: Charles @ Codehead

My apologies for calling Hotwire a "culprit". I do not have it nor have I ever
used it. I simply find it curious that there are a few AtariWorks users out
there who are encountering this quirk with their dictionaries. The program
seems stable as a rock in my Neodesk3.04 environment and also with the beta of
Geneva. I haven't run it with MultiTos since my 8mHz 1040STE's are not fast
enough to make MultiTos worthwhile.

I hope the problem turns out to have as simple a solution as Warp9's problem
with Speedo apparently was.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 89 Mon Sep 27, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:05 EDT


The -script situation you describe also happens in Calligrapher (but not in
WordFlair II). I agree, it's annoying. I can't remember if using a smaller
point-size for the script helps or not.

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 90 Mon Sep 27, 1993
K.OLSON10 [KenO.] at 07:53 EDT

Hi! Ken Van

I use the STAR NB 24-15 with my KXP2411 and it seems to work well.

KenO. :)
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 91 Mon Sep 27, 1993
BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 21:06 EDT

OK, I know it was discuss here before but how do I get foreign characters to
display and print? I want to make up a quick poster in french and english. It
is easy with WU but I can't find any reference here nor in the manual. I
remember it being discussed concerning TOS 2.06 but I have TOS 2.05. It must
be possible if foreign dictionaries will/are available. Also, someone mention
that the Speedo GDOS fonts are not all complete character sets. I hope the
accents characters for french are still there!
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 92 Mon Sep 27, 1993
T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 23:09 EDT

Try using the CNTRL-M feature to strip carriage returns under Geneva
while using Atari Works WP. It always gives me two bombs.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 93 Mon Sep 27, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 23:30 EDT

To: Sanjay

I found the same situation with superscripts. Had to set the point size of a
superscript in 12 point body text to 8 points to get a line spacing. I don't
know if this is a characteristic of the Bitstream fonts or a workaround in
AtariWorks to make superscripts. Doesn't look bad with a nice font Garamond or
one of the Helvetica variants.

To: Brian H.

Try [Alternate] plus 3 digits on the numeric keypad. I.e., [Alt]189 should
give you the copyright symbol. If it doesn't download ACCENT.LZH and stick it
in you Auto folder then it will. That was a horrible sentence! Most of the
accented characters are available. What seems to be missing are mostly
dingbats, m-dash and such like.

To: T.Hebel

I use Control-M to strip carriage returns out of ASCII files all the time and
have no problem. It's use in AtariWorks is to merge paragraphs by stripping
the CR that marks a paragraph end. Some of the text you may have a problem
with might have embedded non- printing codes that AW barfs on. Don't know for
sure - haven't had the problem. Try creating a straight ASCII file in Alice,
Edith, First Word or whatever with carriage returns at the end of each line.
Import it into AtariWorks and hit the Control-M. If it works OK then the
problem was in the text file you were using. If it bombs on you take a good
look at your environment with particular attention to any program or accessory
that may be using a Control-M macro to do something else. That's my best guess
- but I'm not an expert. Just mystified that some people seem to be
encountering quirky problems with AtariWorks when most are not.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 94 Mon Sep 27, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 23:44 EDT

Thanks, KenO.

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 95 Mon Sep 27, 1993
MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 23:52 EDT


You can get the same functionality as TOS 2.06 (Alt + keypad numbers) for the
extend characters by using a Auto prg called ACCENT. It is here in the GEnie
ST libs. ACCENT.LZH if file #21311. I use it with TOS 2.05 and AW.

You'll probably want to make a sample print out of what is available above
ASCII 127 for reference. Not everything from 128 through 255 is there. What
is there varies from font to font. Not the best solution, but it works.

Mike Allen
ST HelpDesk~Sysop

Written: 8:10 PM Mountain Time
Monday, September 27, 1993

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 96 Tue Sep 28, 1993
BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 00:09 EDT

Mike and Mike,
This doesn't make sense! I will eventually be able to buy a french
dictioonary but must use a utility to get accents. I went ahead and used WU to
complete the poster. With WU, it is one hot key and presto, accents. I mention
this since I hope the next version will handle accents better. I really like
this product but it need to do something about this problem.

~~Brian..Written on Tuesday 28 September 1993 at 01:08 a.m. ADT

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 97 Tue Sep 28, 1993
K.BROOKS1 [Horizon] at 01:15 EDT

Unfortunately, ACCENT.PRG doesn't do anything for a TT with TOS 3.01 in Atari
Works. You can use EXTAKEY.ACC with a TOS 3.01 machine but it has to run from
the root of C:, not in Multidesk. It doesn't have all the foreign/extended
characters but it does help.

Keith New Horizon
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 98 Tue Sep 28, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 02:04 EDT

Ken Van,

In Calligrapher, using a superscript raises the text above the normal
baseline. The user has the option of leaving the text at the same point size,
or make it smaller so that it doesn't add additional line spacing between
lines. It's a two-step process which gives more flexibility to the
superscript feature. I'm sorry that you find it annoying.

I'm not sure how Atari Works handles it -- perhaps the same way.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 99 Tue Sep 28, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:25 EDT


You're right, the lack of an easy way to get the accented characters is a real
limitation in AWorks. (Sure glad I upgraded to TOS 3.06!) All I can suggest
is that you get hold of a text file containing the full ASCII set (like the
one that comes with EdHak) and import that into Works; then you can assign the
characters you need to Alt-numbers by using the multiple buffers which Pradip
mentioned a while back. The only problem is that you'd have to reassign them
every time you're typing French text, since the multiple buffers can't be


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 100 Tue Sep 28, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:55 EDT


Does the alt-keypad method work with 2.05?

BTW, Geneva has a couple of built-in ways to supply those characters to an

John E.,

And Cal does it without fuss, too.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 101 Tue Sep 28, 1993
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 16:38 EDT

In message #76, TVCOM (Michael M.) writes:

>> If I add HOTWIRE 3.0 to that stripped system and then run
>> AtariWorks from Hotwire :
>> 1. Neither the dictionary or the thesaurus could find their
>> main files. If I copied those files into the extra WORKSYS folder
>> where the STW files were, then it could find them.
>> 2. Every folder I entered and opened a .STW file would have a
>> WORKS.INF file in it after I left.
>> If I ran Atariworks from the desktop instead of Hotwire, then
>> neither of these things happened.

We've looked into this problem, confirmed its existence, and discovered the

When AtariWorks is launched, it uses the AES shel_read() call to determine
where WORKS.PRG resides, i.e. the current drive and folder.
This is where the problem lies, because shel_read() does not work the same
way in all versions of TOS! In fact, if AtariWorks is run under TOS 1.0, it
behaves _exactly_ the same as when run from HotWire. We've tested AtariWorks
with TOS 1.0 and confirmed this.

So some of the people reporting this problem may not be HotWire users at
all, but rather people who haven't upgraded their TOS. TOS 1.0 users will
have this problem with AtariWorks, even with nothing else installed in their

To get more detailed, under TOS 1.0 (and, we think but haven't tested, TOS
1.02/1.2/Mega TOS), one of the returned values from the shel_read() call is
the name of the last program started from the GEM desktop. Notice I said
"name." There's no path information returned, just the filename -- for


In TOS 1.04, the behavior of the shel_read() call was changed, so that it
returned the complete path and filename of the last program started from the
desktop, for example:


AtariWorks relies on the latter form of the shel_read() call to get its path
information -- and therefore is not compatible with all versions of TOS.
Since HotWire emulates TOS 1.0/1.2 in its handling of the shel_read() call,
AtariWorks is also incompatible with HotWire.

(HotWire emulates the TOS 1.0/1.2

shel_read() behavior, because there are
several existing applications still in use that expect shel_read() to behave
this way.)

We don't see this as a HotWire "problem" at all -- because reliable methods
exist to get the current drive and directory under all versions of TOS, by
using the GEMDOS calls Dgetdrv() and Dgetpath(). Almost all programs of which
we're aware use the GEMDOS calls for this purpose. We're kind of surprised,
actually, to see Atari release a program that is not compatible (and
apparently wasn't tested) with all versions of their own operating system,
when it is possible to make it so. It would be nice if this could be
corrected in the next update for AtariWorks.

Ideally, AtariWorks should let the user configure where the WORKSYS folder
is located, but at the very least it should use the GEMDOS calls to get this
information instead of the unreliable shel_read().

- Charles @ CodeHead Tech

P.S. It may be possible to path the current version of HotWire to work around
this problem in AtariWorks. More info later...

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 102 Tue Sep 28, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 17:03 EDT

Tomas keeps reminding me of the ACC I whipped up a couple of weeks ago that
shows all of the ASCII values and characters in a window. I'll try to remember
to upload it soon. It's great as an MDX.

I often write little things to solve problems and then forget about them
without releasing them. I even have a list called "Forgotten Software" which
contains 11 unreleased entries. <grin>

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 103 Tue Sep 28, 1993
DABRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 17:49 EDT

Charles, thanks. This explains a very odd phenomenon (essentially as
described) encountered by a customer who does not use HotWire but does
have TOS 1.2.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 104 Tue Sep 28, 1993
F.OLIVAS [F.Olivas] (Forwarded)

I've run into several problems in this program: An inability to save a file
from the word processor as an export (ASCII). Dictionary works only about 1/3
the time otherwise an alert box pops up saying it can't find AMERICAN.OVL, and
this is after the install program has been run (three times!!!) Anyone have
any workable suggestions.

Fred Olivas

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 105 Tue Sep 28, 1993
F-D-PERCIVAL [Fred P.] (Forwarded)

Fred O.,

You're the first person I've seen a complaint from about Word text exporting.
What's the problem? It seems fine to me. As for the dictionary, this is a
common beef. What works for me is to put all Works files in a folder simply
called WORKS. Then put all the files except .PRG and .INF in a subfolder
called WORKSYS. So the path to the dictionary files is

By the way, look in CAT 14, TOP 20 for the 'official' Works discussion; it's
an Atari program, so it's in their CAT.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 106 Tue Sep 28, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] (Forwarded)


Text exporting is one of Works' strong points. Your setup is off kilter.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 107 Tue Sep 28, 1993
MIKE-ALLEN [NM~SysOp] at 18:29 EDT


TOS 2.05 does not have tha Alt-keypad feature. That's why I use ACCENT in my
auto folder. <g>

Mike Allen
ST HelpDesk~Sysop

Written: 4:08 PM Mountain Time
Tuesday, September 28, 1993

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 108 Tue Sep 28, 1993
BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 21:09 EDT

Thanks eveyone for the comments, I was hoping I was wrong [grin].


>Does the alt-keypad method work with 2.05?

No it don't. GENEVA is on my wish list [grin].

~~Brian..Written on Tuesday 28 September 1993 at 07:44 p.m. ADT

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 109 Wed Sep 29, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:22 EDT


Thanks for looking into the cause of the problem with Works.

Pradip, is there a chance of fixing this?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 110 Wed Sep 29, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:29 EDT


That ACC sounds very handy - please do upload it!
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 111 Wed Sep 29, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:53 EDT


Yup. I understood that. I was just passing on two the inquirer that AW isn't
the only doc processor that handles scripts that way.

I appreciate your sympathy. I don't use scripts much, but when I do I use a
bunch of them, and it takes a bit of time to go back and change the point size
on all of them. That's the only thing I can think of that I don't like about
Calligrapher. It's my first choice for anything heavy duty short of DTP and
even some small DTP projects.

I wonder if the point-size adjustment option is available on AW. I think I
suggested it.

Your Forgotten Software sounds interesting!

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 112 Wed Sep 29, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 16:21 EDT

Ken Van,

A quick Calligrapher tip before the topic cops close in:

If you do a lot of superscripting, use a style tag. Then it's a simple press
of a function key to automatically set both superscript and a smaller point

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 113 Thu Sep 30, 1993
R.KOHORN [RON] at 01:04 EDT

A week or so ago I complained about how S L O W Speedo and Atari works are
when printing and someone asked how slow do I mean. Well, tonight I printed
out a four page document, the font was Swiss 721, 15 point. Each page took
about 9 minutes! Yes, it is beautiful type and on my Epson 5000 (24 pin) it
really looks almost like a laser printed page, but 9 minutes per page? Is
this everyone's experience?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 115 Thu Sep 30, 1993
F-D-PERCIVAL [Fred P.] at 07:05 EDT


I print to a DeskJet with Speedo and I get a page of type in about two
minutes. I once had a slow GDOS printing problem with WordUp that was caused
by a Desk Accessory, SI Ram to be specific. You might want to try printing
from a 'stripped' setup and see if you get improved performance. This will
indicate that you have a similar problem.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 116 Thu Sep 30, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:20 EDT


If graphics mode with some printers, a single page can take a long time. Under
GeoWorks, which uses double-quadruple mode on my Epson, each page takes 31

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 117 Thu Sep 30, 1993
H.SCHEIE [HALS] at 14:44 EDT

When I import a ASCII file I can't get it to format any way except block left
. How do I get it to format full justified/ Hal
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 118 Thu Sep 30, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 22:19 EDT

To: Charles & John @ Codehead

Glad to hear you found the problem with the Dictionary. Good Work!

To: Al

Yeah, GeoWorks does get slow on a dot matrix. Also slow in color on the HP
DJ500C. Fortunately AtariWorks is a lot faster but since I'm not using it on a
dot matrix I have nothing to compare it with.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 119 Fri Oct 01, 1993
T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 01:10 EDT

M. Herbert1
Yes, I get the CNTRL-M feature to work, UNLESS I am using Geneva.
That is the only time I run into problems. Of course I am still using the .95
beta version though.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 120 Fri Oct 01, 1993

Has anyone seen Pradip lately?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 121 Fri Oct 01, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:23 EDT


When you import an ASCII text, you are importing the carriage returns (the
line-enders) along with the text, and they will always give your text a ragged-
right appearance. (It will be blocked left, as you say.) But Works has a swift
way of getting rid of those hidden CRs at the end of each line: Mark all the
text, then press Control-M. Then you'll be able to work with the text in any
way you please.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 122 Fri Oct 01, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 05:14 EDT

To: Spud Boy

Hmmm. Haven't run into the [Cntrl]-M problem when running AtariWorks under my
Beta of Geneva. Can't honestly say I have ever tried it. I'll give it a try
next time I'm in Geneva mode.

BTW - Al if you're readin' the mail have you seen this happen?


Mike Hebert s dang PC keyboard don't got the keys in the right place!
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 123 Fri Oct 01, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:54 EDT



Ken Van

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 124 Fri Oct 01, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:25 EDT


GeoW is about one-fourth the speed in printing of Atari Works. It's all in how
the driver is written. The one in Works (for my printer) is nothing fancy, and
the results are clearly inferior to the driver in Calligrapher. This is not a
criticism of Works, but rather of the driver.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 125 Fri Oct 01, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 23:19 EDT


Yup! Have been doing some work in GeoW for my wife's microbiology class. Just
some vector drawings of test tubes, slides & such. found out that GeoW doesn't
know how to handle its own graphics properly! Had to use colors instead of
grayscales cause the grays are all transparent! Even after correcting the
graphics & test printing said they were OK the final "slightly" resized
graphics had a few lines showing through on her DJ500. Sure wish I could get
her Atari-sized!

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 126 Fri Oct 01, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 23:31 EDT


Got off topic on that last one didn't I. What I really meant to do has harp
about the Speedo Laserjet Driver re AtariWorks and multi copies. What again!?
Yup, yup, yup! Gee, I hope the guys in Sunnyvale read this mail.

Here it goes - harp! harp! harp! harp! I want a Laserjet driver for
Speedo/AtariWorks that passes the number of copies as a parameter to the

To anyone,

Help! Does anybody know how to embed a printer code in an AW document to
instruct the Laserjet to print "n" copies?

Have a happy weekend!

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 127 Sat Oct 02, 1993
A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 05:07 EDT

Does anyone think it would do any good to contact Atari about buying a new
works manual. I've hunted high and low and can't find the GD thing anywhere.
I've got the SPEEDO manual but no WORKS. It's frustrating as all get out as I
really wanted to try that database to see if it was going to be a good
replacenment for DATAMANAGER. Any suggestions? Thanks. - Barry
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 128 Sat Oct 02, 1993
L.BURSTYN [L Burstyn] at 05:35 EDT

Help. I still cannot use the label making capabilities. How do you do it. I
have a STE w/TOS 2.06 4 Meg and AdSpeed.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 129 Sat Oct 02, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 06:52 EDT

Mike Hebert,

Yes, I've seen misbehavior in many apps in early versions of Geneva, but the
control-M thing works ok in the current one.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 130 Sat Oct 02, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:00 EDT


Keep trying! There are *much* better drawing programs for the Atari than

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 131 Sat Oct 02, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:07 EDT


It sounds as though Atari is the only place you'd have a chance for a manual.
I doubt that any of us has an extra one. ;^) What will happen is that as soon
as you arrange to get another, you'll find your missing one in some weird
place. Trust me on that!

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 132 Sat Oct 02, 1993
R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 09:43 EDT

To me, CNTRL-M was a bad choice of something to use to perform a function.
Since it is almost the equivalent of RETURN and some programs will not let you
enter a CNTRL-M (FORMDOIT), it would have been better to use another

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 133 Sat Oct 02, 1993
F.OLIVAS [F.Olivas] at 12:33 EDT

To all,

I feel that Atari Works, although promising, is in need of a fix. When I save
files in ASCII the first word is the only thing saved by this program. Now I
cannot hit RETURN without getting four bombs. I have done absolutly nothing
different with my system. Word Perfect, Fleet Street, Degas etc... all work
properly. The ONLY EXECPTION is Works. Why did Atari release a buggy program?
This is most frustrating. Last night the program, when requesting spell
checking, told me AMERICAN.OVL was not present; it is, now it can't find
USA19.LEX. I don't even know if this file exists. I've read all the messages
and know of the problem with HotWire, so I installed Works onto the desktop
(TOS 2.06) but the problems still persist. Nothing else on my system is
complaining; just Works. This tells me that it IS A BUGGY PROGRAM.


Please forgive my fit of frustration. After reseting over seven times because
of the bombs and trying different font sizes thinking that this might be the
problem I ran another program (doesn't matter, just any program) then ran
Works; no bombs. Still no spell checking but no bombs. Go figure.

Much later...

OK, I followed someones suggestion and put AMERICAN.OVL, and both .LEX files
into every folder and root directory. Now the spell checking works. Still no
more bombs IF I run a program before Works. I'm starting to become more
comfortable with this promising program. But I'm not ready to commit myself to
it just yet; ie: making it my main word processor.

Fred Olivas

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 134 Sat Oct 02, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 12:51 EDT

Did you use the INSTALL.PRG to copy the AMERICAN.OVL to every folder or the
system move, or a disk utitlity program like Maxifile?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 135 Sat Oct 02, 1993
B.DEWITT [Perfesser] at 15:27 EDT

Is there a way while in the Spreadsheet to use the Shift-Up Arrow combination
to move (for example) one screen up while keeping the cursor in the same
column in which it started? Whenever I do it, the cursor always shifts to the
left side of the screen, which is something of a nuisance. As a result, I tend
to just use the Arrow key and keep it pressed down to move the cursor quickly
through a long column; however when I do that, I get the persistent "run-over"
that AtariWorks seems to fall prey to (that is, the cursor just keeps right on
going, on past the destination I'm after--I presume because it is continuing
to read the key presses that were stored due to the fact that the slow
scrolling could not keep up with the key clicks).

Bob deWitt
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 136 Sat Oct 02, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 15:51 EDT


Gaaaaaah! GeoWorks graphics in AtariWorks? That would be sacrilege! No - I was
doing the stuff on my wife's PC for a paper that she is doing in microbiology
class. I turned her onto GeoWorks as a better environment than Windoze and she
fell in love with it. Got GEOS20 when they released. Nice but it's now as slow
as Windoze. Had to upgrade her motherboard from 286-12 to 386-33 just to take
up the slack.

For graphics in AtariWorks I use MyDraw, Arabesque, TouchUp and Outline Art
(what? CVG's in AW? Just massage them into GEM3 via Arabesque - works most of
the time.)

As soon as I can find my copy of KNIFE.PRG I'm going to try looking at an AW
.STW file and see if I can find any printer codes in it. That may be the
solution to my multi-copy to HPLJ4 sitchyashun. Will post whatever I find - if

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 137 Sat Oct 02, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 16:28 EDT

To: L. Burstyn

Re: Labels in AtariWorks

Step 1: Go to Page Setup - set the page format to portrait or
landscape as needed and set margins. Click on Label

Step 2: Enter the number of rows and columns you want.

Step 3: Click on Grids if you want a line printed dividing
your labels. Click on #'s if you want them numbered.

Step 4: Click on ENABLE PRINTING. I think this is what you
are missing.

Step 5: Click on OK. Then on OK in Page Setup.

Step 6: The edit screen will appear with your row/column setup
and one square white - the rest grayed out.

Step 7: Create your label in the white square. All the normal
functions work - tabs, paragraph icons, importing
graphics, etc.

Step 8: Select Print Labels under the File menu. What you
created in the white square will be automatically
copied to the other squares and the labels will print out very nicely

Note: If you plan to use Avery labels do some test runs first
to make sure you have margins set up properly for your
printer before ruining the EXPENSIVE spread.

Hope this helps.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 138 Sat Oct 02, 1993
R.BEATTY3 [Buffalo Bob] at 21:03 EDT

Spud Boy, I just "jumped" from Aladdin to AW while using Geneva, loaded a text
file and did the control-M thing. No bombs. What version of Geneva are you
using? Mine's the last beta... plus I'm using a TT.. but at least this
appears to be a problem solveable by changing AUTO/ACCs or something along
those lines.

Horizon, The ASCII table in GENEVA or Harlekin should handle the ASCII
character generation in any system...

Bob Beatty

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 139 Sun Oct 03, 1993
REALM [Joey] at 00:23 EDT

Barry... Did you look under your mouse pad?:-) I would think any Atari
dealer should be able to get you a manual.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 140 Sun Oct 03, 1993
T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 01:02 EDT

Yay! Then I only have to wait for the new version of Geneva to arrive to
solve the CNTRL-M problem.

Bob, I am using .95 beta on an 8 Meg TT. I played with the AUTO folder and
Geneva was the only thing I could fing that caused this problem... Hey, maybe
I need to run more AUTO progams <grin>. But since the new version will be
here soon it doesn't matter.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 141 Sun Oct 03, 1993
P.LOUIE1 at 01:20 EDT

Pradip (or anyone),

I just found another bug in AtariWorks. When I run the program from Neodesk
3.02 and then use the CTRL-M command to strip an ASCII document of carriage
returns, two bombs appear. Also, this bug erases my RAM disk (if my memory is
correct). It's going to be tough trying to remember to run Works from the
Atari desktop, since I barely use it.

I'm running Works off of a monochrome MegaST4 w/TOS 1.4.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 142 Sun Oct 03, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 05:17 EDT

To all:

Just when the dictionary problem source gets identified we get to debate
[Ctrl]-M! As usual I am puzzled since AtariWorks is solid as a rock on my
1040STe at work w/TOS 1.62 and on my home 1040STe w/TOS 2.06. Both setups ran
under NeoDesk 3.02 until I got the Geneva beta and 3.04 patch.

Perhaps there is a need to collate data re TOS versions, auto folder prgs
active and ACC's/CPX's loaded to see if there is K some common thread.

Hi, Buffalo Bob. Nope Silo137 don't work w/Speedo but that's ok. Page count up
to 61 and climbing. I know what you spent my money on!

The only thing I have ever found to crash AtariWorks was one time under Geneva
when I had two edit screens active in half-wide configuration and tried to
copy a wi-i-i-de spreadsheet to the word processor. It just froze up like it
was going to meditate on my foolishness for a long time. That is the one and
only time I have ever encountered anything like a bug in Works.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 143 Sun Oct 03, 1993
S.DEITZ [Steve] at 08:25 EDT

Okay, a little off-topic, but: I've been usin Silhouette 1.38 w/ Speedo GDOS
a bit and so far encountered no problems.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 144 Sun Oct 03, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 09:40 EDT


I think your best bet for a replacement manual would be to e-mail G.LABREC.
He's the Atari man who's in charge of Works orders - I got mine through him
because there's no dealer anywhere near me.

The database is the best part of Works! Partly because it's so intuitive, you
hardly _need_ a manual. (It does help to know that the space bar puts you
into the edit bar - but that's not even in the manual!)


Good point about the way the Shift-Up works in the spreadsheet. I'm using the
spreadsheet more lately because of its quick and lovely printouts, but its
limitations become clear as soon as the spreadsheet gets bigger than the
screen ... fortunately this isn't much of a limitation for me, since I work in
TT High.

Lack of WKS/WK1 import kept me from the spreadsheet for a while, but now I've
found that it's not hard to transfer data from my Portfolio's spreadsheets to
the Works spreadsheet: I just paste the data into a text file on the Port,
transfer that to the TT, use EdHak 3.02 to copy a column at a time to the
clipboard, and paste right into the spreadsheet.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 145 Sun Oct 03, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 10:33 EDT


FormDoIt is buggy enough to give anyone an excuse, if not a reason, to stop
using it.

I figured Pradip chose control-M because it controlled the carriage returns,
which are themselves represented in ASCII by control-M. Kind of neat.

(Geneva does everything FormDoIt does, and, ahem, a lot more, BTW.)


List your auto-folder programs and DAs for us to take a look at, in the order
they run. You should not be seeing this kind of behavior, and I'm confident we
can get it fixed if it's a conflict with another piece of software. TOS 2.06
will show you the files in a "no sort" order, which is the order they load.


memFile will do what Knife does. It's here on GEnie and very slick.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 146 Sun Oct 03, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 12:40 EDT

All this talk about the stability of Works reminds me to pass along one
experience. I recently had a 570-page document open in Works, and it behaved

Yep, 570 standard-size pages.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 147 Sun Oct 03, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 17:32 EDT


>Also, this bug erases my RAM disk (if my memory is correct).

Hee hee!

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 148 Sun Oct 03, 1993

F.Olivas I have similar problems with AtariWorks. I think the damb thing has
path finding problems, as in where to save things and where to look for
things. It has eaten my Assign.Sys file countless times and frequently eats my
Newdesk.Inf file. They are just GONE from the harddrive.

Also, if I have to exit to the Desktop for some reason, there are no icons on
the Desktop. What a bummer.

I frequently get two bombs if I have ANY desk accessories whatsoever loaded.

Nice program, but God what frustration. Linda.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 149 Mon Oct 04, 1993
REALM [Joey] at 00:39 EDT

Linda that sounds like a problem outside Works... Does all that stuff
work fine when you don't use Works? If it does I'd try re-installing it from
scratch. Also check your hard drive to make sure everythings OK with it.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 150 Mon Oct 04, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 01:16 EDT

To all:

Re: [Ctrl]-M crashes.

I tried Geneva with AtariWorks today with all unnecessary auto folder prgs and
ACC's stripped out. No crash at all. Then ran Geneva with NeoDesk3.04 and
AtariWorks. No ACC's other than the Geneva Taskmaster(name?). No auto prg's
other than JAR10XX, Speedo, Geneva and the NeoDesk loader. Crash on [Ctrl]-M.
Seems to be the combination of the three that causes it since Geneva and
AtariWorks w/no desktop works fine and NeoDesk with AtariWorks works fine.


TNX tip re memfile. I'll give it a looksee. 73

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 151 Mon Oct 04, 1993
ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 03:12 EDT


does this little ACC just show the ASCII values and characters? It would be
great if You just could click at a foreign character and it gets put in the
keyboard buffer.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 152 Mon Oct 04, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 08:11 EDT


I'll try to find some sort of consistent behavior behind the control-M
problems in regard to NeoDesk, Geneva and Works.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 153 Mon Oct 04, 1993
M.ERSOFF at 19:33 EDT

Al Fasoldt,

I also use Neodesk, Works, Geneva and I always get bombs when I try
the Control-M feature in Works.

My system is a Mega4 ST, adspeed, TOS 1.4.

Take Care ......... Mayer
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 154 Mon Oct 04, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 21:30 EDT


Yes, it shows the ASCII values and characters. But now you had to go and
suggest that it puts the character in the keyboard buffer. I won't be able to
resist adding that. <grin>


Might the Control-M problem have to do with defined macros in Neodesk?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 155 Mon Oct 04, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 21:47 EDT

John @ Codehead

NeoDesk and AtariWorks is well behaved. Geneva and AtariWorks is well behaved.
Combine Geneva, NeoDesk and AtariWorks and you get the [Ctrl]-M bomb

Maybe two of the three are intercepting the [Ctrl]-M and passing it to the
third to barf thereupon.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 156 Mon Oct 04, 1993
G.SETTER1 [Gar] at 23:15 EDT

This weekend I had a problem booting my Falcon. I would get two bombs, and it
would sit there. After leaving it for an hour, it did come back.

I thought it was just a bad day, but F. Olivas's message remindes me that the
last thing I did was save my file as ASCII.

Is anyone haveing good luck saving as ascii?

If you wish, mail me your response via GEmail and I'll report the results. It
might help if you say which machine and which TOS you have.

And anyother thing:

I like Works, but I like the WordWritter/Publisher combination too. The system
font is very readable on the screen. When I first get my thoughts on disk, I
don't realy care about how it will look on a page.

When I am ready to print, I want to center things, make multiple columns.
Publisher handled this well.

Is anybody previewing their documents, making multiple column? If so, how?
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 157 Mon Oct 04, 1993
T.HARRIS1 [SLICE] at 23:17 EDT


I've also run into the same problem. I took a simple safety proceedure. I
reinstalled. Also, I took the extra step of blocking all the text using the
block command before exporting. I just exported a text using both RTF and
ASCII file out three times with no problems. <BTY> What version of TOS are
you using???

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 159 Mon Oct 04, 1993
R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 23:30 EDT

Hi Ron,

I've installed FPrint (not sure if it helps my situation or not) and I am
printing to a Cannon BJ-200. I don't recall it taking 9 minutes per page,
even with graphics. It normally starts printing right away with no slow down
whatsoever. I can guess around less than a minute to print a page full of
text with 3-5 different Font types. Oh, using a Falcon.

Rodney ---

Hi F. Olivas,

I've been using AtariWorks since I got my Falcon, and it has not 'bombed' on
me. I've typed in ALOT of text for work and it printed out flawlessly. It
locates the spell checker and everything else just fine. The version that
came with my Falcon is 1.2. If there is an update to this program that I am
not aware of, please let me know. I'd like to see more graphic format
importing in future versions. How's the Telecommunication module coming along
with this program by the way? That box that Atari was talking about... that
plugs into the DSP or whatever replacing the standard modem... is it available

Rodney -------


I learned this from along time ago, the way some auto folder programs NEED to
load. i.e. who's on first etc... I'm not claiming to be a know it all, but
I've found that I had some auto folder programs running 'out of sequence'

I have not had any problems with AtariWorks whatsoever. I do most of my
typing/printing from this great product. My system is a Falcon030 with Tos
4.04 Roms, and I've installed in the AUTO folder, in order:

Fpatch3.prg, Dmirror.prg, Warp9fa.prg, UIS III and just prior to UIS III, I
have Mint.prx which I have not played around with to much yet. (next on the
list of things to accomplish on this new machine) There are other programs
such as SAM etc.. that I have not activated yet, but also on my list of 'to
do' thing once I get time off from work and play some. :-) By the way, I have
version 1.2 of AtariWorks.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 160 Mon Oct 04, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 23:33 EDT

My AW came installed on the HD in my Falcon. When I run it, I get a -1 error
that says something about the dictionary and thesaurus. Did the factory goof?

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 161 Tue Oct 05, 1993
T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 01:06 EDT

M. Hebert1,
I guess we'll have to wait for 1.01...anyday now, I can feel it!
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 162 Tue Oct 05, 1993
R.BENNETT7 [Rodney] at 02:08 EDT

Ken Van,

My Falcon also came with AtariWorks 1.2 installed and it runs flawlessly.
Dictionary and Thesaurus work without any problems. It's sounds like whomever
installed it, did not install the whole thing.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 163 Tue Oct 05, 1993
K.OLSON10 [KenO.] at 07:06 EDT


Is there anyway to send printer codes from AW? I would like to change the
page length on my Panasonic KXP1124 so I can print postcards using AW.

I have looked in the man but see no obvious way of doing it.

KenO. :)
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 164 Tue Oct 05, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 07:37 EDT

John E.,

No, I don't think this Control-M thing is related to NeoDesk macros; they've
been well behaved.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 165 Tue Oct 05, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 15:32 EDT

To: Mike Allen

c kh6jhs qcwa cw forever! currently inactive but some a day!


To: Ken O

Go to page setup and set the page size to the dimensions of the card. With the
KXP1124 you will have to manual feed. Place a sheet of paper at the lower end
of the card as you are feeding so you don't get the out of paper error. If the
card stock is thin you might try using some Avery dots to hold it to your
fanfold stock.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 166 Tue Oct 05, 1993
B.ANDERSON31 [Bruce] at 18:42 EDT

I had a problem with the Control M bombing and accidentally came across
what was, for me, a solution. After installing the program, delete the
WORKS.PRG file and then re-copy it to your hard drive directly from the
original program disk, this time not using the INSTALL.PRG. I have no idea
why the reinstalled version was different from the other, but I repeated the
process just to double-check and came out with the same results.
de KA8DNB P.S. The Atari Microcomputer
Net meets at 1600 at 14.325 MHz
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 167 Tue Oct 05, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 21:10 EDT


What else were you running with AtariWorks? Were you using Geneva, NeoDesk,
Hotwire or the Atari Desktop? I only encounter this behavior when using Geneva
with NeoDesk3.04 and AtariWorks.

de KH6JHS Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 168 Tue Oct 05, 1993
C.COOK7 [Cliff] at 22:42 EDT

Ken Van:

Yes! The factory goofed. I wound up re-installing AW, MultiTOS and
SpeedoGDOS before everything worked right.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 169 Wed Oct 06, 1993

Joey Not knowing too much about these things, I became suspicious when "Works"
did not return D:\Works...etc., when I went to reinstall yet another copy of
my assign sys file in my XBoot config prg.How can a file be found from
\Works...? I've never known a program to erase an info file, although, in
times past I have had many assign sys problems.

I've ordered an upgrade to XBoot, so I hope that will help.

On my new Falcon, "Works" works fine. I am just having these problems on my
Mega-STe which I have to use for printing out my SLM-605. When I exit "Works"
back to the Desktop there are no icons there. In other words, Something can't
find the INF. file. To complicate things, XBoot will not allow me to use
Newdesk.Inf. I have to use another Inf file to get icons to move to another
drive. Dan Gribnif seems to think "Works" is using an outdated system call of
some sort. Beats me...I'm just a simple Design Artist. We creative types just
don't have time for these complicated see-colon-backsplash problems. :-)

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 170 Wed Oct 06, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:22 EDT


Missionware sells a printer Da that just may do what you want. There's a cat
here on GEnie for it.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 171 Wed Oct 06, 1993
REALM [Joey] at 03:52 EDT

Linda, I know exactly what your saying about the Design Artistic type.:-)
Try not using XBOOT for a while and see if that helps. I've used Works on a
TT and Falcon with no problems. The best way to find a problem is to
eliminate as many suspects as possible.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 172 Wed Oct 06, 1993
R.BEATTY3 [Buffalo Bob] at 04:39 EDT

Spud boy,

I'm not entirely sure that Geneva would be the culprit. I'm not sure what
version # mine is... but I received it in the last beta pass. I, too, run an 8
MB TT. What sort of AUTO/ACCs are you using? Or did you say you had
eliminated all of those...

Bob Beatth Honolulu HI

Mike Hebert,

Boy, if this isn't the long way around! I hope the Silhouette upgrade path is
intact - I'd like to see it and Speedo coexist. Glad to here your "Works
work" is getting bigger. I'm really impressed with what I saw.

Be looking for a Neutronics mailout this week...

Steve, Now _that_ is interesting! (Speedo & Silhouette). What kind of
machine are you running, and what's you config look like?

Mike, Sounds like the [Ctrl]-M crashes can be solved by adding lots of gobledy-
goop to the AUTO folder and .ACCs. I've not seen the crash yet, but I've
never run with just those items.

Bob Beatty

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 173 Wed Oct 06, 1993
S.DEITZ [Steve] at 05:23 EDT

Bob, I'm running a Falcon w/ 4 megs and TOS 4.02 along w/ Speedo.
Silhouette seems to be working under my conditions, although I really haven't
done any extensive testing. What kind of results are you seeing?
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 174 Wed Oct 06, 1993
B.ANDERSON31 [Bruce] at 18:23 EDT

I am using Neodesk 3.01 in my Mega ST2 with TOS 1.4. No Geneva or
anything exotic as desk accessories. All I know is that the Atariworks
program I get when I use the installation program bombs when I use the
"Control M" feature, and it doesn't bomb if I re-install WORKS.PRG by simply
copying it directly from the original disk.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 175 Wed Oct 06, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 19:09 EDT

My _uninformed_ guess says there's something wiggy about the Install Pr
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 176 Wed Oct 06, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 21:43 EDT

To: All

Re: [Ctrl]-M & other bombs

Hmmmmm....Curiouser and curiouser. I can understand old system calls and the
like since AtariWorks began its life in India several years ago @ STP.
Possibly some old code got carried over. I wonder what lingo it was programmed
in - Assembler, C, Pascal, Urdu, Swahili? Could be we is seeing some compiler

Also seems to me that there were some buggy copies that got out from what the
mail on the board says.

I find it promising that Atari packed a certificate with AtariWorks promising
only $5 to upgrade to the next version. Could it be that they rushed Ver 1.2
to market? Could it be that Pradip is hard at work on Ver 2.0? Is he being
held incommunicado? Am I paranoid?

Think I'll read "Through the Looking Glass" again. Hmmmm...curiouser and

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 177 Wed Oct 06, 1993
FAIRWEATHER [David] at 22:09 EDT

I have had no problems whatsoever with Works on my Falcon or my STacy. My
only gripe with Works is that the durn spell checker doesn't have a "Change
All Occurences" function. Even the "shimmering" doesn't bother me anymore.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 178 Thu Oct 07, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:23 EDT


If lots of goobledy-goop solves the control-M problem, maybe that's why I've
been lucky! My auto folder looks like the contents of most Atari hard drives!

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 179 Thu Oct 07, 1993
K.OLSON10 [KenO.] at 06:48 EDT


I think I can set the page length with GFA and then use AW. However I am
going over to the GFA top because LPRINT does not work on Falcon - but I am
told there may be another way.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 181 Fri Oct 08, 1993
R.BEATTY3 [Buffalo Bob] at 04:55 EDT


Double-click - crash - burn.

This is with a TT030 running Geneva or the standard desktop. Maybe I should
just try it with MultiTOS... Wouldn't _that_ be interesting!

Bob B.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 182 Fri Oct 08, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:20 EDT


Can you tell me what needs to be different? Or can I trust the installation
program? Seems as though others don't think so.

Ken Van
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 183 Fri Oct 08, 1993
ATARIAUSTRIA [J.Widi] at 07:34 EDT


nice to hear that <double grin>

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 184 Fri Oct 08, 1993

I enjoyed your dissertation on printing labels. Maybe you could tell me how
you handle fonts. I've got 4 megs but it's not enough for everything I want to

What is the easiest way to set up the fonts so that you can dump one set and
load another while in AtariWorks? Is that possible or do you have to reboot.
How many fonts can you have (ready to use) in a typical setup?


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 185 Fri Oct 08, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 21:40 EDT

To: Steve Blackburn

Re: AtariWorks & Speedo Fonts

I am running all 62 of the Speedo fonts I have. I don't know what the
theoretical limit is - probably around 255. Having that many fonts in your
setup doesn't mean they will all get loaded. Only the default font and
whatever others you use in a document will get loaded but all the others will
be available for instant use.

AtariWorks will start up a little quicker with only a few fonts in the setup
but to access the inactive fonts means closing your document. Activating the
fonts you need with the Outline ACC and then rebooting. I can wait the extra
30 seconds to have all of mine available on a moment's notice.

Don't turn bitmaps on in the Outline ACC unless you absolutely need them for
some other program. It will make loading very slow. AtariWorks does not need
the bitmaps and neither do any of the other programs I use Speedo fonts for.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 186 Fri Oct 08, 1993
C.COOK7 [Cliff] at 22:26 EDT

Ken Van:

I have no idea what needed to be fixed. I just followed the same debugging
technique I've used for the last 30 years. When in doubt start over; it
works 90% of the time.

The install program worked perfectlu on my Falcon. Just be sure to either
erase or rename all traces of what's there now before you start.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 187 Sat Oct 09, 1993
A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 05:21 EDT

All- Thanks for the suggestions on a replacement manual. I'll read them over
offline and make some sort of decision. Tha sadf part about it is that if I
ever do get a new one I will pull it out of the package and lay it right on
rtop of the old one, if you know what I mean. From what I read on last weeks
messages, it sounds as though if I close out of HOTWIRE and run AW directly
from the DT, it will then find the dictionary with no problem? Correct?
Thanks. -Barry
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 188 Sat Oct 09, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 08:39 EDT

Ken Van,

I don't think Falcon users are having problems with the installation program
(or with the path problem either) - it seems to be the older machines that AW
is not 100% compatible with.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 189 Sat Oct 09, 1993
R.KOHORN [RON] at 11:18 EDT

Does anyone know how to change the default font that AW uses. I have used the
preference menu and made the change but there is no way I have found to
permanently save this. Right now my AW uses Cooper Black as the default and I
want to switch to Swiss 721.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 190 Sat Oct 09, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 13:17 EDT

I can't remember but I think there is a SAVE option under the file menui.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 191 Sat Oct 09, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 18:08 EDT

I've uploaded a patch to fix the problem with running Atari Works from
HotWire. It will be available as soon as it's released by the sysops. The
filename is AW_PATCH.LZH.

This will not solve the problem with Atari Works and TOS 1.0-1.2, unless you
are running Works from the patched version of HotWire.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 192 Sat Oct 09, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 22:35 EDT


Thanks. I may give it a try. I note that I don't get that message with AW
installed with the install program on the Mega STe.



Ken Van

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 193 Sun Oct 10, 1993
F.OLIVAS [F.Olivas] at 01:51 EDT

OK Friends,

Here is my AUTO and DA list in the order that they run:



Hope this helps solve any problems I've been experienceing with Works,
however, I must confess that since I've copied the .LEX and .OVL files into
every directory, things have been just swell.

Fred Olivas

>Atari-ST RoundTable
>Category 14, Topic 20
>Message 157 Mon Oct 04, 1993
>T.HARRIS1 [SLICE] at 23:17 EDT
>I've also run into the same problem. I took a simple safety proceedure. I
>reinstalled. Also, I took the extra step of blocking all the text using the
>block command before exporting. I just exported a text using both RTF and
>ASCII file out three times with no problems. <BTY> What version of TOS are
>you using???

I'm using a Maga 4ST with TOS 2.06 ROMS. I hadn't thought of blocking the
text before saving. I'll give this a try. Why isn't this mentioned in the
manual regarding saving an ASCII file.

Fred Olivas


I don't know about any box.

To all who say please reinstall: I've installed Works at least five times
with absolutely the same results. The .LEX and .OVL files don't copy and I
must move them from floppy to HD manually. OK!?!

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 194 Sun Oct 10, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:41 EDT

Thanks for the patch, John!
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 195 Sun Oct 10, 1993
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 10:41 EDT


I'd put the Warp 9 control panel inside MDD as a resident DA. Apart from using
Geneva, this is the best way to make sure the W9 CP functions properly.

What does HIDE do?

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 196 Sun Oct 10, 1993
T.HARRIS1 [SLICE] at 12:15 EDT


Load AW. Select Cancel. Goto drop down menu. Select Preferences. Choose your
font i.e. Swiss 721. Choose OK. That should give you a permanent default.
What do you think of the program???

Hope that helps, Slice


Try turning off some of the things you may not need for the time being. Is
the list given in the true order? If it is UIS_III is too far down the list.
Move Speedo to behind Folder100. What is SETSEEK? I see hotwire on the list;
did you get the patch? FPPRNT is not going to be use by Speedo. When I run
Works, I run software to boot harddrive, other required software for hardware,
and UIS_III. It may be a simple conflict between addon.


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 197 Sun Oct 10, 1993
BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 14:22 EDT


OUTLINE works well as a nonresident accessory in MDD. As Al said, W9 works as
a res. acc. in MMD. BTW, I would increase your folders to say 250. Why MACCEL3
when you have W9? Is it DD v 2.X? I use DD 2.X and it works OK with

~~Brian..Written on Sunday 10 October 1993 at 02:47 p.m. ADT

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 198 Sun Oct 10, 1993
J.WILSON103 [J_Dub] at 20:00 EDT

Anybody give me the LATEST version of ATARI Works? I got my Falcon today, and
it had v1.2 installed...all seems ok, but I have not had a lot of time to
really check it out. Based on prior posts here, I did try the dictionary and
it seems to be just fine. J_Dub
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 199 Sun Oct 10, 1993
D.CABLE at 20:01 EDT

Hello GEnieland. I've been using AtariWorks for several months now and
there's just one thing I'd like to know. How the heck do you lock the first
column in a spreadsheet? The standard Excel command (which is in a drop-down
menu) isn't there. When the spreadsheet gets out around column "P" it starts
getting a little time consuming to get any work done with out this feature.
I've been using a work-around of loading two copies of the spreadsheet and
sizing one to just the first column, but if you select a cell in more than one
spreadsheet on the desktop in Works, it will freeze when you try to close one.
A rather nasty bug, that one.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 200 Sun Oct 10, 1993
F.OLIVAS [F.Olivas] at 20:11 EDT

Al, HIDE is an ICD autorun program which hides the AdSpeed indicator.

Slice, Yes, my AUTO folder list is correct. After years of use and trial I've
decided that the ONLY PLACE for UIS_III is next to last in the AUTORUN list.
Any other place causes me problems. I've just deleted FOLDR100.PRG because I
have ICD booter software and I can accomplish the same feat without additional
overhead. SETSEEK?, is a CodeHead program which helps me access my second
floppy drive. Without FPPRNT FleetStreet Publisher takes just too long to give
me a finsihed page. I need it. I'll try you suggestion though by moving
Speedo further up the list. Thanks

Brian, Thanks for your comments. W9 needs to be outside my MultiDesk ACC in
order for Fleet Street Publisher to work. Believe me on this as I've spent
many hours grueling over this one point and this is the ONLY solution. I'll
try increasing my folder limit to 250 and see if this helps. Thanks.

Fred Olivas

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 201 Sun Oct 10, 1993
M.HEBERT1 at 21:11 EDT

To: John @ Codehead

Kudos for the AW_PATCH upload!

To: R. Kohorn

After you set the default font in preferences set it in Header/Footer also.
Select Header - set font, select Footer - set font. Select Save Format/Style.
AtariWorks stores the default font in WORKS.INF along with Header/Footer
fonts, paragraph formats, font macros, etc. You can read this file as ASCII.
When you load a document that contains some other font as the default that
font may override your default during the current session. It seems like that
occurs but I have not taken the time yet to experiment with it. I have noticed
that there are WORKS.INF files saved not only to the root folder for
AtariWorks but also in some other folders.

Mike Hebert
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 202 Sun Oct 10, 1993
K.BROOKS1 [Horizon] at 23:35 EDT

Another little thing to correct in v2.0 is the overwriting of the WORKS.INF
file with the parameters of the last file that was open when you quit. If I
want standard 1" margins all around as a default, if I happen to close Works
with a labels setup using 1/4" margins all around, guess what my margins are
when I open Works the next time.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 203 Mon Oct 11, 1993
R.KOHORN [RON] at 00:45 EDT


It worked, thanks alot. What do I think of the program? Firstly, the manual
is terrible. Your suggestion of how to change the default font is not in the
manual that I can find. There are some other problems also with the manual.

I can't evaluate the spreadsheet since I don't use spreadsheets. I am playing
around with the database and one problem I have with it is that you can't save
several report styles with the same database.

The wordprocessor is find but not for everyday use. To type out a letter for
example, Protext is much better. It is nice as a MINI DTP and the fonts are
beautiful (this is due to Speedo however)

Considering that this is essentially a 60 dollar program (SPeedo was included)
I think it is a real good value.

Thanks again

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 204 Mon Oct 11, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 03:39 EDT


If your problem is solved by copying the LEX and OVL files into every
directory, you could also solve it by:

1. If you're using HotWire, apply the patch program I uploaded.

2. If you're using TOS 1.0-1.2, either upgrade to a later TOS,
move your documents into your WORKS folder, or wait for Atari to
fix the problem which is caused by using shel_read to obtain the
current path.

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 205 Mon Oct 11, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 05:14 EDT


> I have noticed that there are WORKS.INF files saved not only to the
> root folder for AtariWorks but also in some other folders.

So far, I've found that the Hotwire patch prevents this - the INF always goes
to the WORKS folder as it should. Of course those with early TOSs and not
Hotwire will still have the problem. But for Hotwire users, the patch John
uploaded clears up all the path anomalies. Finally, I can save Works files
wherever I want!


Category 14, Topic 20
Message 206 Mon Oct 11, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:33 EDT


I believe some of the experts have advised here we should use FOLDRXXX, even
if we have ICD software. Experts?


Thanks for the AW_PATCH.

Ken Van

Category 14, Topic 20
Message 207 Mon Oct 11, 1993
K.ESTES [Kenne@SFRT] at 12:39 EDT

Reco FOLDXXX for systems using TOS 1.4 or greater.
Category 14, Topic 20
Message 208 Mon Oct 11, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:50 EDT

Fred is replacing the FOLDRxxx.PRG function with the identical function of
ICD. It's quite safe to do so. Using them both is additive and redundant.


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