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Pure Bollocks Issue 22_029

F I L M * R E V I E W S
A film review by Ken Johnson
Copyright 1992 Ken Johnson
145 min., cert 18, Horror, 1992
Director: Bernard Rose
Cast: Virginia Madsen, Tony Todd, Xander Berkely, Kasi Lemmons, Vanessa
Williams, Gilbert Lewis
Virginia Madsen and Vanessa Williams are doing a thesis on folk
lore. They find one tale about Candyman. Candyman was a black man back in
the 1600s (?) who had an influential father. He went to the best schools,
and became a painter. He was called on to paint a portrait of one man's
virginal daughter, and the painter and the daughter fall in love. When the
father finds out that the girl is pregnant, he has Candyman killed by a group
of men. First they cut off one of his hands with a rusty saw then smear him
with honey and let bees sting him to death. The folklore says that when
you say Candyman five times (into a bathroom mirror?) he will come and kill you
with the hook that has been nailed to where his stump is. Madsen and
Williams find out that several killings have been going on in the projects,
and Candyman is blamed. The two decide to investigate, and Madsen finds
out that Candyman, Tony Todd, might really exist.
CANDYMAN is based on a short story (I don't remember the title) by Clive
Barker. Clive Barker didn't write the screenplay for the movie. CANDYMAN
is one of the best horror films to be released to the theaters this year
(but I expect that DRACULA will beat it). I highly recommend that you see
this film, and don't wait for the video to be released. On a scale of
zero to five, I give CANDYMAN a five. CANDYMAN is rated R for brief
female nudity, graphic violence, adult situations, and explicit language.
The special effects for this film are great. The gore is very well
done, without being overly disgusting. The story is well written and
kept my attention throughout the film. The script is written such that
the actors don't end up with moronic lines. The sets are well done and
add a spooky atmosphere to the film.
The actors (and actresses) all do a great job. Virginia Madsen (THE HOT
SPOT, CREATOR) is excellent in the main role, as the girl who may be
either losing her mind, or seeing a real demon. Tony Todd (NIGHT OF THE
LIVING DEAD, 1990 version) is great as the antagonist of the film. He
makes a perfect demon, who is taking over Madsen's life. Vanessa
Williams gives a good performance as Madsen's best friend.
Ken Johnson