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Pork Issue 06
fi‹ fi ˛ ˛ fl ‹‹ €€fl€ ‹€ fl‹‹‹ fl€€€€€‹ €‹≤‹ ‹‹‹‹‹€€±€ €€€‹ fi€€€€fl€‹ ‹‹‹‹ fl€€€€€‹ fi€€€ €€€€€±≤± fi€€› €€€€€ €€ ‹ €€fl€ fi€€€€fl€‹ fi€≤€ fi€€€€€€±fl ∞∞∞fi≤≤›∞∞ €€€≤€€€€€› ‹ flfl‹‹≤‹‹ €‹≤‹ €±€€€ €€ €€≤fl ‹€€€€€€fl∞
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€€€ ˛ flflflflfl∞± fi› ‹fl fi€€€ €› €€€€ flflfl±flflflflfl ‹€€ fl€€€≤€‹‹
fi€€€ ∞ fi€fl €€€€€€ €≤€€ ∞ fl€≤€› €€€€€fl€‹˛ €≤€€ ‹fl fi€€€€€›∞ €±≤€ fi€±≤€ €€€€€€ € ‹‹‹€≤±≤› ˛ fl‹ ‹€≤≤±±fl ±fl≤∞± fl≤∞±fl fi€€€€€€€ flfl€±∞±€‹ ‹ fl˛ ‹‹flflfl±fl ∞ ± ∞ ± ∞ fi€€≤€€€€ti! ∞ ∞ ˛ ∞ ∞ ‹€€€≤≤€±± ˛ ˛ flflflflflfl±flflfl€ fl pOrk #000,000,006 fl ∞ fi € €
± "Anti-Semetist Munkees, ±
∞∞∞∞∞ ∞∞∞∞ ∞ ∞∞∞∞ ∞ ∞≤±∞ And the Doodleboys who love them" ∞±≤∞ ∞∞∞ ∞∞ € €
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˛ ˛
-- ( pOrk #6 intro ) -----------------------------------------------------------
no. i am not going to talk about jew-hating monkeys. Nor their sex slaves. But
those titles-that-have-nothing-to-do-with-the-zine are pretty popular, so i
decided to jump on the bagwagon. w00w00! you know you ph34r.
ok.. here comes something cool. <drum roll>
-- ( pOrk #6 definition of the month ) -----------------------------------------
for˙nix (fìr'niks) n., pl. for'ni˙ces (-nÇ sêz') [ModL. < L.,
an arch] any of several anatomic arches or folds, such as
the vault of the pharynx or the upper part of the vagina
<Taken from _Webster's NewWorld Dictionary_, Second College Edition, (c)1980>
fornix : area between mouth and throat, or pussy lips
<Taken from _Trip's Oldschool Dictionary_, First Doodleboy Edition, (c)1995 >
-- ( pOrk #6 ascii section ) ---------------------------------------------------
y0h0h0. Here's my unbiased (well, almost, sometimes Satan tells me what to
choose) choices for top ascii pic for the month of 1195, and top 5 fonts.
-- ( screw that ) -------------------------------------------------------------
only ascii packs that came out were wicked and trank. maybe next time.
-- ( sometimes i like to think i can fly ) ------------------------------------
me too.
-- ( why are you talking to the headers!? ) -----------------------------------
i have no clue. its the in thing to do these days.
-- ( neeto skeeto top ten type thing ) ----------------------------------------
Top 10 Reasons Why My Life Sucks <listed in reverse order for suspense>
10. I sit around listening to vinyl all day. They went out in the 70s.
9. I wrestle. Its a common known fact that all jocks are evil mockerys
of all that is good and fuzzy. hate me.
8. I'm listening to vinyl RIGHT NOW.
7. Because I'm doing a top 10. top 10's are dumb.
6. I have a Marilyn Manson patch stapled to my forehead. I'm obviously
obsessed with a group full of sinners and child molesters. What kind
of gawd-ph34ring d00dl3b0y am i?!
5. Not only is it vinyl, its a Sub Pop collection. oooooooh.
4. I did the line noise in here by hand. Really. I swear. Whatta life.
3. That vinyl joke got old around #8.
2. I sometimes like to pretend i am the munkee king, and dance wildly.
1. 3y3 dr4w 4ns1!@@#E$%^*& ph34r m3@!#@$#$ PH34R M3!@@#$%&
-- ( that was pretty dumb Trip ) ----------------------------------------------
but it gets me chicks.
waitaminute. i'm not talking to dividers any more.
-- ( line noise, serving no purpose other than taking up space ) --------------
ûûû`ûfò~`òÊòûÊûfÄfû`ffûf~ò~òÊòûfÄòÄû`ûÜxûÜòû`ûMò ·ö≈≈˘û~‡ûûû~ûû~ûû~ûû~ûfxÄòû`ûfò~xÊû¯˛~ûfÄ~~ûfÄÊûf~òÊòû~ûfÄ~ûfxÊûfxòûÊ~~~ûfÄÊûf‡ò~òÊû‡~¯xû`û~Êûû~ûf‡ò~òÊûûûf~Êû˛~ûf‡ò~òÊû‡~ûf~Êûû~ûf‡ò~òûxòû
-- ( w00! that was spiff trip ) -----------------------------------------------
thanks. that took me about a week to type out with the # pad, so you better
like it. First person to tell me what part of my anotomy is mentioned in there
gets a free ascii.
-- ( how do i tell you i found it?! yer out in the boonfucks of arizona. ) ----
by vmb, of course. oh, i wanna point something out. that vmb misfit is so fond
of calling his, it's OURS. actually, its the apathy vmb. but we're the seniors,
so its OURS. capiche? i can't find the slip of paper i have with the #, so just
read pork 1-5, its in there somewhere.
-- ( what ya listenin to trip? ) ----------------------------------------------
<switching to a different record>
Mudhoney, on vinyl. My record player kicks all sorts of ass. It was my moms
when she was just a wee lass. Now its mine. Its a manual, i have to set the
needle myself. But it rocks. Vinyl sounds better than any other. cd, tape, 8-
track.. anything. vinyl kicks all of their ass.
-- ( ok, thats it trip. i'm sick of you. go away. ) ---------------------------
k. hopefully, SOMEONE liked this. if not, well, screw you. eventually, every
one will ph34r me. by the year 2000, i will be the US embassador to China. So
-- ( th th the thats all, folks ) ---------------------------------------------
guys who do shit for pOrk :
misfit the big cheese
<listed in cypherhex not so big cheese
reverse order scribble not so big cheese
of leetness :> trip not so big cheese
-- (distros? )-----------------------------------------------------------------
board : zyzop guy:
alderaan mindcrime
avalon belial
birdhouse projekts devine styler
erebus hooch
evil intentions betrayer
illegal immigrants trip
SAUCE00its pOrk baby. whack off to it. pOrk people 19951119#!P£