Nintendo GameCube: Re-programing Pluto-Ilx HDMI for gcvideo 2.3
1. Solder the white connector at the front of Pluto-IIx HDMI (if not already present).
Note: Soldering the connector is not strictly necessary. If you don't want to solder it, you can still program the board by making a temporary connection inserting the white connector in the board, although establishing a reliable connection is a bit tricky this way.
2. Connect the TXDI/FTDI board to your Windows computer using a regular USB cable. Go to the device manager and make sure the device is recognized and the driver is installed.
If not, download the driver from and install it manually.
Check the COM port reported by the device manager.
For example, we have COM3 here.
Then use the provided 4-wire multicolor cable to connect the TXDI/FTDI to the Pluto-IIx HDMI white connector. If the white connector has not been soldered, put tension on the connector (either by hand or using a rubber band) to assure a reliable connection.
3. Download gcvideo 2.3 bitfile
4. Run FPGAconf.
- In the "Boards" menu, select "Pluto-Hx (XC3S200)"
- In the "Options" menu, select the COM port that you noted earlier from the device manager.
In FPGAconf, click on ". .." and select the gcvideo bitfile that you downloaded earlier, and then click on "Program boot-PROM".
After a couple of minutes, FPGAconf should say "boot-PROM programmed and verified ok".