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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 48

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== February, 2000
Issue 48

Letter from the Editor

Has everybody heard? March is Nutrition month.

I don't believe that there has ever been a time when
society has been as hectic as it is today. It seems that
we are all busy, busy with our 9 to 5 jobs, then rushing
to take one child to dance class and the other to soccer.
Remember to stop quickly, in your travels, to pick up milk;
you'll do a full shopping tomorrow after your gym workout.
And don't forget you promised to go to your best friend's
candle party on Thursday. Oh my stars!... What are we going
to have for dinner? When am I going to be able to make it?
And who's got time to eat it?

I know this sounds like MY life, and I'll be willing to bet
that there's a few of you out there who share a story similar
to this.

Well, because this is Nutrition month, I propose that we all
do SOMETHING to make a positive change in our eating habits.
Even something as simple as adding one piece of fruit to your
diet every day. Did you know that studies have found a lower
risk of cancer among those who eat more fruits and vegetables?
The Canada's Food Guide recommends 5-10 servings of fruits and
vegetables, and the U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend 2-4
servings of fruit and 5-7 servings of vegetables. Bearing in
mind that these are MINIMUM requirements to maintain a MINIMUM
standard of health, my guess is that most of us could stand to
add one more serving to our daily routine. So how about we "grab"
an apple or a banana while we're on the run, or get adventurous
with a guava or mango.

This one little change may not mean the difference between life
and death, but it IS one significant positive step in the
direction of optimum health.

Our health is drastically impacted by nutrition. You'll find
that almost all health issues are more easily controlled by
adding or eliminating certain foods. We also know that fast
food is not as high in vitamins and nutrients as our bodies

We've searched the web and found the perfect site to introduce
you to this month! Dietitians of Canada brings you Great Food
Fast! Click on this link and find some wonderful suggestions
and recipes for the family on the go.
I'll bet if you are able to add a few more meals that are high
in nutrients, you'll find yourself with a little more energy to
help get you through your hectic schedule.

Enjoy the newsletter, and stay well until next time.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't give it away!



1. Dental Wellness
2. Therapeutic Massage:
A Valuable Tool for Self-Healing
3. What is Iridology?


Section 1 Dental Wellness

by Dr. Jacob Trager, DDS

Becoming aware of the multiplicity of causes and contributing
factors to dis-ease (dis-harmony) is an important first step
toward self reliance and empowerment. This knowledge and
awareness will allow success on the healing journey, especially
when programs for addressing these causes are conjointly
developed and actualized.

>From the following list of causative factors, look for the ones
that may pertain to your particular health challenge. The list
may also stimulate you to find additional causes that may be
unique for your situation. (Causes of the level of the soul
and spirit will not be addressed in this article.)

Outline of Cause Factors:
1. Genetic or developmental defects. (Requires a realignment of attitudes.)

2. Family attitudes and beliefs about health and hygiene.
Includes fears, phobias and anxiety toward all aspects of
health care.

3. Mental and emotional stressors:
A. Repressed or suppressed feelings and emotions (can
become harmful if not dealt with constructively) e.g.
1) Persistent thought or feelings of:
a) dissatisfaction
b) anger
c) resentment
d) ungratefulness
e) doubt
f) worry
g) fear
h) depression

B. Childhood Trauma (unresolved)
1) physical or psychological abuse
2) accident or injury
3) loss of family member or pet
4) parent divorce or separation

C. Addictive habit or behavioral patterns (alter
normal body functioning), e.g.
1) Drugs (prescription or street)
2) Foods
3) Alcohol
4) Nicotine
5) Work or recreational excesses

D. Workplace stress

E. Financial Stress (a breakthrough study listed this
stressor to be the onset of periodontal disease)

F. Family or relationship stress

4. Dentally induced stress
a. Painful/traumatic dental experiences (especially as
a child)
b. Faulty/improperly fitting dental fillings
c. Biologically incompatible dental materials
d. Missing teeth
e. Dissimilar metal fillings or crowns causing
electromagnetic stress
f. Toxins from infected root canals

5. Environmental Stressors
A. Poor air quality
B. Toxic chemicals or pesticides
C. Electromagnetic fields
D. Geopathic stress

6. Nutritional or dietary stress
A. Lack or essential vitamins, minerals or antioxidants
B. Lack of cleansing/alkaline foods (fresh fruit,
vegetables, legumes)
C. Improper chewing and digestion
D. Unconscious eating

7. Physical stressors
A. Lack of adequate self care
1) hygiene
2) rest and relaxation
3) Nurturing of self
a) meditation
b) prayer

B. Hormonal deficiency or imbalance

C. Chronic (long term) Disease or pain

D. Physical Disability

Other causative or contributing factors may be present in your particular situation. Utilize this list as a guide for you to
uncover all of the factors that could be influencing your state
of health and wellness.

In my next article, I will make specific suggestions and recommendations of how you can address and work to resolve
these causes and contributing factors prior to beginning or
completing extense/expensive treatments. In the meantime,
if you have a personal concern, I can help you address, or
a question I can help you resolve, call me directly at:

Read about Dr. Trager on our Meet the Team



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Section 2 Therapeutic Massage:
A Valuable Tool for Self-Healing

by Laurel Duran, CMT

It has been more than twenty years since I first
began helping others as a Certified Massage Therapist, and
one single truth has woven itself consistently across the
miles of my career. Each client is giving me the greatest
honor one person can give to another: their trust. I am
providing a safe haven for my client to lay down their
worldly shield so we can release the tension they’ve
collected. I take their trust in me very seriously.

Not until my seventh year of practice when I had a life-altering experience did I realize the importance of
trust in a client/Massage Therapist relationship. I had a
near-death experience car crash in which I visited heaven
and united in love with the Creator. It was, and remains
to this day, the most wonderful and challenging experience
of my life. While on the other side, my spirit was flooded
with unconditional love directly from the Creator. The joy
and freedom that came to me was so great that I decided to
come back into my broken body, then completely paralyzed
with a broken neck. Through thick and thin, I tenaciously
held onto that love and with strong-willed determination,
I applied it to every thought and second of my life until
I could walk out of the hospital on my own power.

Medical professionals I encountered in American
hospitals often told me I’d never move again, and because
they did not recognize the value of Massage Therapy combined
with visualization and prayer, they did not provide the
bodywork I so desperately needed. So a dear friend
volunteered to come to the hospital daily to massage my
limited, suffering body, and to comfort my often-discouraged
spirit. She had no formal massage training, but she knew
very well how to extend love and hope to someone in need.
She was endlessly patient as I gave her explicit verbal
massage directions, and I trusted her compassionate touch
completely. Together - and with the Creator’s loving power -
we achieved a successful healing. For the last 13 years I
have been running four miles daily, and I continue to extend
hope and healing to those in need.

My own self-healing experience has taught me that it
is the spirit, not the body, that is the source of healing
potential in each one of us. It is impossible to work with
just the body -- focusing only on which soft tissue is being manipulated using which physical techniques -- while ignoring
the spirit living within. But when the mind, emotions and
spirit of a patient are treated as a unified whole, and with
the greatest compassion and respect, the physical body is very
likely to rebuild itself. I believe that each of us contains
natural potentials for self-healing.

My profession has grown over the years and made
significant contributions to the changing public mind
regarding dominion over personal health. Today there are many
more compassionate Massage Therapists and many more clients
choosing Massage Therapy over a purely physically-focused
wellness strategy whose primary tools are surgery and
medication. Patients who hunger for nurturing touch are
discovering that compassionate Massage Therapy is a found
treasure. Insurance comapnies have noticed that their
customers willingly pay the reasonable Massage Therapy fees
out of their own pockets, a fact that is motivating insurance
providers to participate in this economic boom by including
coverage for Massage Therapy.

We used to think that self-nurturance meant being self-centered, but research into the psychology of disease
is showing us that if we wish to live long healthy lives,
we must regularly include tension-reducing, pleasurable
activities in our lives. By nurturing the spirit and the
body, our health automatically improves. If you haven’t
received a luxurious Therapeutic Massage lately, why not
make a well-deserved appointment? While you have greater
peace to gain, you have nothing to lose but a few pounds
of tension!

Read about Laurel Duran, CMT on our Meet the Team


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heading. Share your story with Alternative Medicine!

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Section 3 What is Iridology?
By: Joan Vankoughnett

The science of iridology is based on the analysis of
one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole
body, the iris.

It is a method whereby the doctor or health
practitioner can tell, from markings or signs in the iris,
the reflex condition of various organs and systems of the

These markings represent a detailed picture of the
integrity of the body, its constitutional strength, area of
congestion or toxic acumulations and inherent strengths and
weaknesses. The iris of the eye reveals structural defects,
toxic settlements, inherent weakness, presence of acids,
catarrh, prolapus, anemia, nerve tensions, glandular
disorders, chemical imbalances, congestion and the power
of recovery.

The laboratory testing procedures practiced today,
which are not always necessary, are expensive, time-consuming
and, often, uncomfortable to the patient.

Nature has provided us with an invaluable insight
into the vital status of the health of the body by
transmitting this information to the eye.

With iridology, we have a simple, painless,
economical and non-invasive way of looking into the
body. It may be employed in conjuction with any other
system of analysis or diagnosis that a practioner wishes
to use.

Now, more than at any other time in history, we
are in need of accurate and less complex means of analyzing
a patient's condition.

Eighty percent of the diseases treated in this
country are of a chronic nature.

The tissue found in chronically afflicted patients
can be monitored better in the iris of the eye than,
possibly, by any other method of analysis.

Iridology gives an essential insight to the
development of these chronic diseases or the diminishing
or the diminishing of that disease or inflammation.

It is this tissue change that takes place in the
patient that makes iridology especially valuable for those
specializing in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Iridology is dealing with one of the most basic
truths of the healing arts, one that the averae form of
analysis has not dealt with properly.

With this information, a health program can be
developed which is tailored to the specific needs of the
client, thus preventing the manifestation of disease.

Iridology in its basic philosophy, stresses the
treatment of the patient, not the disease. By identifying
the underlying imbalances in the body that produces symptoms,
it is an invaluable asset in the formation of remedial

When one has come to fully appreciate the value of
being able to determine from the outside of the body what
is occuring within it, he will realize that iridology is
truly a science whose time has come.

The birth about iridology is said to have been
about 1861.


Joan Vankoughnett has been involved in the alternative
health industry for over 20 years. Her intense interest in
health and natural treatments has encouraged her to further
her education and gain certification in numerous modalities.
Her diversified expertise and advanced training has resulted
in her being elected to a Fellowship in the Emerson College
Research Council. Joan can be contacted through email at:

Your Life-Your Choice makes every effort to provide you with
healthy recipes where the nutrition is geared towards specific
health issues. If you have a recipe you'd like to share, submit
it to from YLYC subscriber. Remember to include whatever nutritional information
you can.



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.

Advertisement in the Your Life-Your Choice newsletter
does not indicate endorsement on our part. The opinions
expressed by our sponsors do not necessarily reflect
our own. Our sponsors make this newsletter FREE to
subscribers. Please take a moment to visit them.

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* This newsletter can be forwarded in its entirety only. *
* Remember to discuss these options with your Health *
* Care provider before implementing them. *

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