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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 46

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== February, 2000
issue 46


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Letter from the Editor

This is an exciting time at Your Life-Your Choice. The
start of the millennium was also the start our new,
improved newsletter, and the beginning of great changes
here at the office. I have expanded and added staff
here, and with more time on my hands, will be able
to do more of the investigative reporting and writing
necessary to continue providing you with informative,
factual, well researched information. Our mission is
to provide you with high quality information from the
professionals in the field... not the same recycled
articles you find all over the web. The direction we
are moving in is as a result of YOUR comments and
suggestions.Your feedback is always needed to
ensure that we are providing you with a valuable
service. Feel free to send in your comments to: to you,
my staff and I have GREAT plans for this year.
Stay tuned. BE WELL

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!

@ Advertisement in the Your Life-
@ Your Choice newsletter does not
@ indicate endorsement on our part.
@ The opinions expressed by our
@ sponsors do not necessarily
@ reflect our own. Our sponsors make
@ this newsletter FREE to subscribers.
@ Please take a moment to visit them.
@ 2. Holistic Dentistry
@ Dentistry has become an integral
@ component in creating and
@ maintaining overall health and
@ wellness. We are entering into the
@ era of integrated medicine and
@ dentistry. This change from a
@ disease model to a wellness model
@ provides new opportunities for you
@ as Health Care Recipients.
@ Advertisement in the Your Life-
@ Your Choice newsletter does not
@ indicate endorsement on our part.
@ The opinions expressed by our
@ sponsors do not necessarily
@ reflect our own. Our sponsors make
@ this newsletter FREE to subscribers.
@ Please take a moment to visit them.
@ While allopathic medicine has become
@ increasingly specialized over the years and
@ narrowed its focus by compartmentalizing
@ medical issues, the umbrella of professional
@ Massage Therapy has broadened its base by
@ educating certified practitioners with more
@ than soft tissue manipulation techniques.
@ 5. Eat Fat for Health
@ While not all fats are good, there are some
@ that are truly essential for vibrant health. I
@ found out the hard way how important they
@ really are... I lost weight! Doing absolutely
@ nothing different as far as diet.

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Copyright 1997-2000 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved



by Dr. Jacob Trager, DDS

Read about Dr. Jacob Trager on our Meet the Team


Dentistry has become an integral component in creating
and maintaining overall health and wellness. We are entering
into the era of integrated medicine and dentistry. This change
from a disease model (focusing on symptoms) to a wellness
model (focusing on causes) provides new opportunities for
you as Health Care Recipients (HCR).

In our series of articles, we will be introducing a new
paradigm for healing in the new millennium. This model
honors the principle: That a disorder in one part of the body
disturbs the whole organism, and that restoring harmony and
health to the whole, provides the basic foundation upon which
the whole can heal the part that is ill.

It is essential for you to be adequately informed and
prepared with the necessary information and knowledge that
will guide you in making informed choices. This will insure
treatment and healing success, which will enhance your well
being and state of health.

The goal of our model is to foster within you a sense
of self reliance and empowerment as you constructively deal
with oral and other health challenges. Keep in mind, that
many long term (Chronic) illnesses and dis-ease states have
their beginnings in the mouth. The oral cavity is an early
warning system, because it reflects the state of our health
and allows us easy access to assess our level of wellness.
We can, therefore, exert control over our health and
well being through conscious awareness of how our body
is functioning, our minds are thinking, and our emotions
are feeling.

The intricate oral structures are highly sensitive and
receptive to the powers of thought, attitudes and beliefs.
Utilization of these powers is the KEY to long term
treatment, success and healing. We have a deep abiding
belief and trust in each and every one of you and your
capacity to rectify the causes of dis-ease (dis-harmony) and
to allow your own body to activate it’s innate regenerative
ability and quality. In this first of our series of articles I want
to share the principles upon which all of our articles will be
based. These principals will create a solid foundation for
your healing journey.

1. To encourage, nurture, support and honor self reliance,
responsibility and individuality in all interventions, treatment
of and communication.

2. To focus on addressing causes rather than symptoms.

3. To focus on strengths and what is right.

4. To believe in the regenerative and healing power of the
body, mind and spirit.

5. To develop increased awareness of inner tools (attitudes,
beliefs, thoughts, images, feelings and behaviors), and
utilizing these consciously to enhance wellness and well
being preventively, and to assist in healing.

6. To educate gives knowledge which assists in making
informed choices.

7. To develop a trusting relationship with yourself; learning
how to access your own knowingness and intuitive (gut)

8. To know that you are your most important TOOL -
your attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions and
or behaviors.

9. To acknowledge that the KEY to prevention and
wellness is the awareness of self. The more aware you are
of YOU the more internal control you have, which gives
you increased options and choices.

10. To strive for harmony in even the most simple tasks
that we do everyday, to create a healing consciousness
and environment for ourselves, humanity and Mother

I also provide a private telephone consulting service and
offer individualized preparedness and healing programs
based on these principles for all dental problems and
concerns. For more information visit our web site, or leave your questions
or requests on our 24 hour toll free voice mail



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by Laurel Duran, CMT

Read about Laurel Duran on our Meet the Team


No one really knows how old the art and science of Massage
Therapy is, but I would venture to guess that it is as old as one
human's need to receive a caring touch from another.

Across the centuries and around the globe some cultures have
consistently believed in and utilized the healing power of
touch, while other cultures have temporarily abandoned its
importance in favor of more tangible, clinically verifiable
medical methods. Regardless of the shifting opinions in our
increasingly high-tech world, it seems that Massage Therapy
is here to stay. After a brief career as a social worker, I
became a Certified Massage Therapist in 1979 and joined
the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Massage Therapy
Association where I found mutual support for an occupation
that was still rather unique in the States.

Our AMTA gatherings were both informative and inspiring
because in addition to trading and learning each other's manual
touch techniques we also shared a wide variety of holistic healing
knowledge ranging from nutrition, herbs and exercise to
meditation and all forms of body/mind connection.

As AMTA membership grew our profession attracted many new
members who shared a strong commitment to upholding the
highest standards of holistic health, with a common foundation
in Massage Therapy. Local chapter meetings and regional and
national conferences always reflected a very broad range
of beautiful healing modalities that spring from and
compliment Massage Therapy. While allopathic medicine
has become increasingly specialized over the years and
narrowed its focus by compartmentalizing medical issues,
the umbrella of professional Massage Therapy has
broadened its base by educating certified practitioners
with more than soft tissue manipulation techniques. At
today's Therapeutic Massage workshops and conferences,
one would be free to choose from classes in nutrition,
Chinese medicine philosophy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy,
Naturopathy, Chiropractic care, midwifery, physical and
occupational therapy, psychology, sociology, spirituality,
yoga, music, intuition development, as well as a very broad
range of healing touch techniques from around the world.

The excitement that we Certified Massage Therapists
generate when we share our enthusiasm for healing is
contagious! We inevitably return to our private practices
with even more faith in the power of healing the whole
human being.

In one continuing education conference I attended years
ago, I took classes on "Colon Health" offered by a
Naturopathic physician. His material included suggestions
for dietary and herbal support, as well as manual manipulation
techniques. I wanted to naturally help Massage Therapy
clients who complained of a cluster of possibly colon-related
health problems (headaches, mental fogginess, chronic fatigue,
stiff neck, left knee pain in particular, skin blemishes and
constipation). When I returned home, I began using my new
education on myself first, figuring that my best teaching tool
would always be the power of my own healthy example. Lo and
behold, by applying his methods to cleanse my colon, I dropped
weight. I no longer experienced headaches or left knee pain,
my skin's condition improved and I had more natural energy.

Over the years I have passed this valuable information on to
countless clients who have expressed an interest in learning
how to maintain a healthy colon. Many of these clients have
exercised their freedom of choice by using the suggestions
that intuitively feel right for them, and many have reported
satisfying results.

Some of my greatest fulfillment in life has come from
knowing that I have made a contribution toward a client's
taking responsibility for their state of health. My real reasons
for being a Certified Massage Therapist are far deeper than
"professional satisfaction". When I watch another person heal
themselves, my faith in Spirit increases, and my genuine
feelings of joy for them come right back to me multiplied. I
close my work day resting assured that all is in divine order!


Section 5 Eat Fat for Health
By: Cyndi K. Thomas ND

Cyndi Thomas ND owns and operates the "School of Natural Health".
Offering natural health and weight loss information, home-study
program, consults, free newsletter, recipes and more...
You can contact her at: or visit the
school's site ate:


Contrary to popular belief, not all fats are bad. And there are
certain fats that are absolutely essential for health.

While not all fats are good, there are some that are truly
essential for vibrant health.

I found out the hard way how important they really are.

About 6 years ago, I started having major health problems.
I developed low-thyroid, hypoglycemia, and arthritis.
My morning temperature was always below normal,(normal
waking temp. should be about 97.8) my skin was dry
and flaky and I had developed typical female problems.

After receiving my education in naturopathy, plus a little
research of my own , I finally realized that I needed to
start getting in the "good fats" badly.

I had learned that a diet rich in the healthy fats (like olive
oil) and the essential fatty acids in the omega 3 and 6 family
(flax oil) were needed for total health. The fatty acids are
responsible for the healthy regulation of the cardiovascular,
immune, reproductive, and central nervous system.

So, I started adding more of the good fats to my diet. I started
eating more raw nuts, seeds, avocados, and I always made my
salad dressing with flax oil.

The change was amazing. Within a few weeks, I noticed a
difference. My morning temperature just kept climbing week
after week, my skin became soft again, my female troubles
became a thing of the past, my arthritis ceased to be a problem
and the most important thing, (well, maybe not the most important : )

I lost weight! Doing absolutely nothing different as far as diet,
I lost a few pounds I had been struggling with.

The good fats will keep your appetite under control and believe
it or not, will help get rid of the fat you have stored in your
"Don't eat avocados", they are loaded with fat. That is true...
but they are loaded with the essential fatty acids so needed
for our health.

A diet rich in essential fats and oils works to increase metabolic
rate and improve the entire system of energy production. With this
increase in metabolism, weight loss is not only possible but also
inevitable. Blood sugar levels are balanced and food cravings
become a thing of the past.

We should aim for 3-4 oz. of raw nuts or 1 avocado daily. The
nuts must be raw. The cooked nuts are best left out of the diet.
Strive for 1 T. of flax oil daily. Use the oil to make your salad
dressings or add to brown rice or steamed veggies.(Never cook
with flax oil. It becomes toxic when cooked.)

If you are struggling with weight, skin problems, hair loss, low-
thyroid, arthritis, hypoglycemia, creaky joints, heart disease...
you need to increase your good fats. Those "good fats" will help
you achieve "good health"!



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.


* I know you have friends who are be interested *
* in this information. Put them in your debt and *
* forward a copy of Your Life-Your Choice to them. *

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