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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 47

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


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Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== February, 2000
issue 47



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Letter from the Editor

Spring house cleaning is just around the corner, and here at
Your Life-Your Choice, we're getting ready to dust off the old
and polish the new. Be prepared to see a lot of changes here at
the old website. We've already added some new features, and I
welcome you to take a look around.

At you will find
credible and interesting sites that feature Alternative Health
Links only.

At we feature links to
some of the most interesting and useful sites on the web.

For your enjoyment we now present Alternative Health related
magazines. Keep your eyes open for special offers and free
trials at

More improvements are in the works, we'll keep you updated.
Enjoy the newsletter, work hard, play hard, relax hard, love
hard, and stay well until next time.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't give it away!



1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
2. Ten Steps to a Healthy Prostate
3. Nutrition and Disease: Osteoporosis
4. The Recipe Corner


Section 1 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

by Christina Barrett

All too frequently nowadays, we hear about Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome. And all too frequently we all know someone who has
had to resort to surgery to correct the problem. Sometimes
the surgery is successful and the person is never troubled
again by the numbness and pain. Unfortunately for others, the
surgery is unsuccessful, and the pain recurs. In many cases,
physiotherapy has proven helpful, and sometimes chiropractic
medicine does the trick. In others, massage therapy is the
ticket to freedom.

Massage treatment for carpal tunnel mostly involves work to
the forearm muscles, especially to the flexors (the muscles
that curl your fingers into fists and bend your hand towards
your forearm). When these muscles are tight, feeling hard and
resistant to pressure, they often close down on the nerves
that supply your hand. A massage therapist skilled in this
work, can loosen the muscles, increase the circulation
through the area and free up the compressed nerves. Combined
with exercises for you to do at home and at work, this can
lead to a reduction, and in some cases a complete cessation
of symptoms.

Because quite a few of the muscles involved attach at the
other end to the lower part of the humerus (the bone of the
upper arm), it is important to work through there, too.
Working on the attachments of the muscle should stimulate a
relaxation response in the belly of the muscle. I like to
combine this work with a deep kneading of the muscle itself,
feeling the fibres loosen and relax under my fingers. It’s
very satisfying to feel a muscle go from feeling like a
bronze casting of a muscle to being soft and pliable, to see
the client’s reaction as the numbness starts to subside and
the pain to recede.

In addition to the work described above, I use deep thumb
stroking of the tendons where they cross the wrist from the
hand down into the forearm, giving them a good stretch as I
go. Part of my training involved learning how to mobilize the
bones in the wrist and hand, and I use those techniques, too,
on the theory that movement is life, and the more freely the
bones and muscles can move, the happier and healthier a body
is. When I feel that I’m starting to push the envelope to the
point that the muscle is on the verge of being irritated, I
switch to the muscles on the back of the forearm. It’s
important to keep a balance, I believe, and when one group of
muscles is tight and pulling, it usually causes strain on the
counter group (the antagonists). Therefore, no treatment is
complete without addressing the arm, the body, the person as
a whole and not a small dysfunctioning part.

To maintain the free movement, I also use passive stretching
of the forearms, and show the client how they can do these
exercises at home to stay loose and functioning properly. I
also recommend wrist supports for those who use a keyboard a
great deal, and try to find other helpful suggestions for
other clients in jobs with repetitive wrist motions. In this
part of Nova Scotia, there are quite a few people working "in
the fish," employed by the fish factories cutting and
processing fish. This involves long hours of standing on a
concrete floor, reaching for a fish, then using a small,
sharp knife to cut it apart, remove the innards and bones,
and pass it along the line. Many of these workers suffer
terribly from carpal tunnel syndrome, and need to be able to
work when the fish comes in. The work is seasonal and
unpredictable, so quite a few of these hard-working laborers
try to come in for maintenance to keep them functioning
during the season.

There are some very good books out there on treating and
avoiding carpal tunnel:

1 - Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: And Other Repetitive
Strain Injuries - Sharon J. Butler, Jacqueline Entwistle
Freeman (Illustrator); Paperback

2 - Repetitive Strain Injury : A Computer User's Guide - Emil
Pascarelli, Deborah Quilter (Contributor); Paperback

3 - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Stress Injuries: The Comprehensive Guide to Prevention, Treatment and Recovery
- Tammy Crouch; Paperback

I hope anyone suffering from this condition will consider
trying massage and other therapies. How much nicer to have
relief without resorting to surgery unless it is absolutely

Happy recovery.

Read about Christina Barrett on our Meet the Team



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Section 2 Ten Steps to a Healthy Prostate
by Dr. John Maher

One out of five men 50 years old has cancer cells replicating
in his prostate. Three out of four have palpable
inflammation. At 75, three out of 5 have active prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the number 2 cancer, behind skin cancer,
in men, and the number 2 cancer killer in men, behind lung
cancer. Prostectomy usually leaves one impotent and wearing

The historical medical understanding is that this
dysregulation of cellular division is in response to
increased levels of dehydroxy-testoterone, a metabolite of
testosterone, that tends to increase with age. DHT, as it is
commonly called, is thought to be related to male pattern
baldness as well.

Indeed a treatment for advanced prostate cancer is a
gonadectomy, a polite word for castration, in an effort to
lower testosterone! But more and more doctors are beginning
to suspect estrogen metabolites (like 16-hydroxy-estradiol),
xeno-estrogens (estrogen mimics, usually petro-chemical
pollutants), and "exogenous" estrogens in meat products,
might be part of the picture as well, if not the major

One of the concerns of young men raising their testosterone
with steroids or with "stacking" androstenes, DHEA and
tribulus terrestris is the tendency for the body to turn them
to estrogens instead of testosterone, especially once
testoterone levels exceed optimal. (This is why Chrysin, aka
flavone X, is often stacked as well as this herb resists
estrogen formation from androgenic hormones.) The short term
effect might be "bitch tits", but the long term side effect
could be prostate cancer!

Many natural health doctors also feel that the risk of
prostate cancer is higher if progesterone is low. (Less than
25 pg/ml progesterone in saliva is considered too low by most
experts in both men and post-menopausal women.) Just as
progesterone protects women who take estrogen from breast
cancer, it appears that progesterone protects men from
prostate cancer by perhaps a similar mechanism.

The Wellness Rx: Ten Steps for a Healthy Prostate.

1) Lots of sex is good for the prostate, although promiscuity
may lead to infections and prostatitis. Indeed, three orgasms
a week in males is strongly correlated with longevity (and
optimal testosterone levels I'll wager)!

2) Vit. E, up to 400 IU and selenium, 200 mcg. is protective.
Zinc, 30 mg., further supports prostate and testicular
health. So do the fatty acids in flaxseed, pumpkin seed and

3) Lycopenes are an anti-oxidant phytonutrient found in
tomatoes, watermelons and pink grapefruit, that are prostate

4) Keep DHT low by taking herbs that are "5-alpha reductase
inhibitors", such as saw palmetto and nettles*.

5) These two herbs above are also "anti-aromatases", thereby
inhibiting the conversion of androgens to estrogens. Chrysin*
does this as well and should be considered by those
endeavoring to boost testosterone if estrogens are high
normal. If already high, lower estrogens BEFORE trying
to boost testosterone, by using the above herbs, and
following step 6 below.

(Normal estradiol in saliva* in men under 50 is 1 to 3 pg/ml;
over 50, 1 to 5 pg/ml. For post-menopausal females, .5 to 1.5
pg/ml. Yes, less than a man!)

6) Keep exposure to outside estrogens down with pure water
and cutting inorganic meats. Keep the "bad" estrogens further
at bay with the cruciferous vegetables ( cabbage,
cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, collards, kale,
rutabaga, turnips and turnip greens), which help your liver
detoxify them. (They contain indoles, called DIMs for short)

7) Eat lots of "phyto-estrogens", which are plant foods that
contain weak estrogens, such as soy products, beans, legumes,
apples, alfalfa, and flaxseeds and whole grains. These plant
estrogens take up the receptor sites (think of these as
parking spaces) for the more powerful "bad" estrogens.

8) Enhance progesterone* if it is below 25 pg/ml in saliva.
Progesterone products may have female sounding names, but men
need just as much progesterone as post-menopausal females do!

9) Exercise has been shown to decrease the risk of prostate
cancer by 25%!

10) Once past 50 have yearly DRE (digital rectal exams) and
PSA's (prostate specific antigen blood tests) performed by
your M.D. Keeping your sex hormones at optimal levels, while
at the same minimzing the levels of the "bad" sex hormone
metabolites, is a key step in anti-aging and life extension.

Read about Dr. Maher on our Meet the Team


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Section 3 Nutrition and Disease: Osteoporosis
By: June Kaminski RN MSN

This week we will continue our discussion about how a
balanced diet can help you and your family prevent chronic
disease. This week, our focus will be on one of the most
serious and damaging diseases: osteoporosis. This disease is
more prevalent in women, but men do get it. Osteoporosis can
be prevented or reduced significantly with balanced diet,
regular exercise and fresh air, and a supportive social

Osteoporosis Prevention

The best form of calcium is food sources, simply because
bone, like other tissues, requires balanced nutrition. In
particular, milk is the best food source of vitamin D, a
nutrient essential for normal calcium absorption and bone
health. Milk and dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt and
ice cream, contain the highest levels of calcium. Although
many people tend to avoid milk because of its fat content,
which might predispose them to heart disease, especially
those with hypercholesterolemia, low-fat dairy products such
as skim and 1% milk are safe and contain high levels of

Nondairy food sources of calcium generally contain much lower
levels, but significant amounts occur in canned salmon and
sardines when the bones are also eaten. Some green vegetables
(such as kale, broccoli and spinach) as well as legumes (such
as soybeans and common beans) have small amounts of calcium,
but it is not easy to assimilate.

Vegetarians who do not consume milk products should take
special care to ensure that they are receiving adequate
amounts of calcium in their diets. Some people will find it
hard to obtain the recommended amounts of dietary calcium
through diet alone; for many, a combination of food sources
and vitamin/mineral supplements is wise.

Adequate amounts of vitamin D are also needed for optimal
calcium absorption and bone health. Although many families
obtain sufficient vitamin D through the exposure to sunlight,
adequate dietary sources of vitamin D are particularly
important for elderly people or for those who use sun screen
preparations routinely. A dietary intake of 400 to 800 IUDs
is recommended for such people.

Daily Requirements of Calcium

Age in years Intake (mg)
7 to 9 700

10 to 12 boys 900
10 to 12 girls 1200 to 1400
13 to 16 1200 to 1400
17 to 18 1200
19 to 49 1000
50+ 1000 to 1500

Get More Information!

You can read all about how Calcium Requirements Rise! at the
Health News Archives . A thought-provoking summary of a
report on calcium intake and osteoporosis prevention by the
Institute of Medicine.

At you can join in interactive discussions
about nutrition and major diseases, and other health related

Anti-Aging Foods is a site that promotes nutrition for
prevention and management of chronic diseases and conditions
associated with aging. Rosemary Fisher, a spry 80 year old
explains how she reversed her osteoporosis, heart disease,
and Alzheimer's dementia. Recipes, articles, and other

Facts about Osteoporosis and Nutrition is presented by the
American Dietetics Association. offers free registration to join their database
to search a multitude of health-related topics, articles,
news, and resources. One resource is an online textbook,
Osteoporosis: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management. This
site also offers free email, such as
and a personalized entry page.

Read about June Kaminski on our Meet the Team


Section 4 The Recipe Corner

The following recipes are good sources of calcium and are
recommended for those suffering from Osteoporosis.
Reprint permission given by Renee from Veggies Unite! -

Black Bean & Tofu Soup


1 1/2 cup black beans
8 cups water
3 strips Kombu
2 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 bay leaf
1/4 teaspoon sesame oil
1 head broccoli
1 big carrot
1/2 medium onion
2 stalks celery
1 1/2 cup spinich
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/8 cup green onions
8 oz. tofu
4 medium mushrooms


Serves 6-8.

Wash the beans. Put the water, the beans, the salt, the bayleaf,
the kombu, both kinds of oil, and the soy sauce in a large pot.
Crush the garlic and put that in too. Bring it all to a boil and
then turn down to a simmer. Let this brew cook for about 2 1/2
to three hours. In the last hour of cooking, throw in all the
sliced veggies except for the green onions and the tofu. When
the soup is done (i.e. the beans and carrots are soft) sprinkle
green onions on top.

Comment: kombu is a kind of seaweed. It makes good soup stock
and also improves the digestability of beans. You can find it at
most natural-food stores. Also, this makes for a very hearty
soup. If you want something less dense, cut down on the veggies.
This recipe is pretty robust; changes can be made and it will
still turn out OK (less oil, salt, etc). Enjoy!


Easy "Kick-Butt" Pate


1 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/2 cup cornmeal, kamut or amaranth flour
1/2 cup engivita or nut. yeast
3 tsp. parsley flakes
1/4 cup sunlower oil (or any)
1 1/2 tsp. dried bazil
1 1/3 cups water
1tsp. crushed dried thyme
2 Tbsp. tamari (or Bragg's)
3/4-1tsp. sea salt
3-4 tsp. prepared horseradish
1/2 tsp. dried sage leaves
1 Tbsp. Saurkraut (opt.)
1/4 tsp. sea kelp
1/2 tsp. ground mustard
1 cup finely grated potato
(rinse thoroughly & squeeze this makes it less starchy)


Make sure you rinsed the potato (through a colander or any kind
of nylon cloth or cheesecloth. Put everything in a blender
except potato, blend for a bit...add potato, blend some more, if
it isn't mixing add a l'il more oil (or olive juice).
Preheat oven to 375* F. Oil a 9" glass pie plate and scoop in
pate...OR DOUBLE recipe and put in a loaf pan. Bake 35-45 mins
until well browned. You can really alter this recipe say by
using nuts in combo or alone adding olive juice instead of oil
to help mix- just make sure it has a sticky consistancy.

Let pate cool for about 20 mins (the longer the better up to 2
hours). Then serve on bread or crackers. Keeps for a week or can
be frozen in wedges.

Serves: 4
Preparation time: 55 mins

Your Life-Your Choice makes every effort to provide you with
healthy recipes where the nutrition is geared towards specific
health issues. If you have a recipe you'd like to share, submit
it to from YLYC subscriber. Remember to include whatever nutritional information
you can.



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.

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