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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 30

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== May, 1999
issue 30


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Letter from the Editor

We're still experiencing some complications during
our change in isp's. In fact our Headquarters was actually
down for a few days. Should you receive an error message
while accessing our Headquarters or while using some of the
features (like the search engine), please try again later.
Your Life-Your Choice thanks you for your patience and we
apologize for the inconvenience. We'll do our best to get
back to normal as soon as possible.

I just have a couple of quick announcements. Your
Life-Your Choice must say goodbye to the author of our
Nutrition column; Joe Carr. I'm thrilled to say that
his career has taken a positive turn. However it also
means that he will no longer be able to write for us. Joe,
you have our sincerest, heartfelt thank you for your many
contributions to Your Life-Your Choice, and our very best
wishes for your new venture.

Your Life-Your Choice has brought another professional
on board to fill his shoes. We'd like to introduct to you and
welcome Andrea Lemieux to Your Life-Your Choice. She has a
diversified area of knowledge and a great deal to share with
us. I invite you to read her bio on the Meet the Team Page; In addition to the
Nutrition article, she will also be providing recipes. Again,
welcome aboard Andrea, we're anxious to read your first article
in todays issue.

The number of questions sent in to Your Life-Your
Choice is outstanding! Thank you to everyone for you
interest and support. The obstacle we're facing is that
there are too many questions for one person to respond
to. Your Life-Your Choice is looking for another professional
who is interested in helping us help others. This person
must be licensed in their own specialty, and well versed in
several modalities. If you or someone you know would like to
participate with "I want to
answer questions" in the subject heading.

Remember that Practitioners listed in our own Wellness
Locator receive TOP PRIORITY, and are always the first to be
referred through our Find A Practitioner Program. The enormous
demand for this program is a definite indication that people
look to Your Life-Your Choice to fill their alternative
medicine needs in ALL modalities, and in every part of the

There has never been a better time to be listed in the
Wellness Locator. Not only will your listing be working
for you for a full year, but Your Life-Your Choice will
forward YOUR contact information to all requests for your
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So do your professional friends a favour! Tell them
to go to and find
out how to get listed. And to the practitioners who subscribe
to Your Life-Your Choice, what are you waiting for? Help us
help you, to help others who need your services.

Remember, as you check out the Wellness Locator;, watch for the
special symbol within the listings indicating a new product
or service announcement! These companies have something new
and exciting to share with you! In fact there's one in there
now offering YOU a terrific deal while you're contributing to
a terrific cause at the same time!

Until next time Your Life-Your Choice wishes you
health and prosperity.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!

@ Our sponsors make this newsletter
@ FREE to subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ 2. Diabetes Mellitus - The Secret of
@ Prevention and Reversal
@ (part one)
@ Is it true that maturity onset
@ non-insulin dependent (Type II)
@ diabetes mellitus is caused by
@ mal adaptive reactions to foods,
@ chemicals and inhalants?
@ How can Type II diabetes mellitus
@ be prevented and also reversed?
@ If Type II diabetes mellitus is
@ preventable and reversible, why
@ have we not heard about this before?
@ You will find the answers to these
@ questions fascinating!
@ Our sponsors make this newsletter
@ FREE to subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ 4. Nutrition for Prostate Health
@ It wasnit long ago when many men didnit
@ even know they had a prostate, let alone
@ consider that they experience ihormonal
@ changes.i Considering that many men develop
@ benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) as they
@ age, largely as a result of hormonal changes,
@ it is time to look at how men can benefit
@ from a diet and lifestyle that supports
@ hormonal health.
@ Scrambled Tofu
@ Okra, Corn, and Tomatoes

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Copyright 1997-1998 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved


Section 2 Diabetes Mellitus - The Secret of
Prevention and Reversal
(part one)

By Dr. Boyce N. Berkel

Read about Dr. Boyce Berkel on our Meet the Team


1) Is it true that maturity onset non-insulin dependent
(Type II) diabetes mellitus is caused by mal adaptive
reactions (immunologic and non-immunologic ) to foods,
chemicals and inhalants?

2) How can Type II diabetes mellitus be prevented and
also reversed?

3) If Type II diabetes mellitus is preventable and
reversible, why have you not heard about this before?

You will find the answers to these questions fascinating!


The Secret of Preventing and Reversing Diabetes is presented
in a 3-part series. In part one you will get an over all view
of the problem of diabetes, and the dynamics that play a role
in it's development. Part two will help you find out the
"secret" of preventing and reversing diabetes. In part three,
you will find out how to manage the degenerative conditions
associated with diabetes such as - obesity and hypertension,
vascular diseases, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and infections.


There are two main types of diabetes that are classically
1) Type I, which is insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and,
2) Type II, which is non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
There is a third type of diabetes mellitus that has in more
recent years been recognized and that is secondary diabetes
mellitus which is secondary to a number of factors.

Type I diabetes mellitus results from injury to the pancreas.
The most likely usual cause is a mal adaptive food reaction
of an IG immunologic type. This is to a food that is used
frequently by the person affected. Cows milk immunologic
allergy is frequently involved. Secondary to the food allergy,
a pancreatic islet cell auto immune reaction develops. Other
causes are viral pancreatitis from mumps or an enterovirus
such as Coxsackie virus B4.

Type I diabetes mellitus usually develops in childhood and
is commonly called juvenile diabetes mellitus.

Dr. Philpott's experience with Type I diabetes mellitus has
demonstrated that these patients also need to rotate their
foods on a 4 Day Diversified Rotation Diet. They still require
insulin which is classically reduced by two-thirds when foods
are rotated.

The food rotation stops the insulin resistance to the foods
to which they are mal adaptively reacting. Even though these
mal adaptive reactions to foods did not initiate their illness,
it is a secondary complication to their illness.

Type II is non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. This
can develop at any age, but usually develops after age 40.
Classically, there is adequate insulin until the late
deteriorated stage. Eighty percent are obese at the time
of diagnosis.

It is accepted that environmental factors play a strong role
in the development of Type II diabetes mellitus. There is
acceptance of

1) strong evidence of environmental factors, and
2) the fact of complication symptoms of classic diabetes
mellitus developing before the classic criteria of diabetes
mellitus is present. This is consistent with Dr. Philpott's
evidence of diabetes mellitus Type II being a process
extending over several years with a compensated stage of
several years preceding the decompensated stage at which
time specific diagnostic criteria of diabetes mellitus is
in evidence which then results in the diagnosis of
clinically significant diabetes mellitus Type II.

It is observed that both Type I and Type II involve mal
adaptive reactions to foods and or chemicals with the
difference being that Type I has an auto immune reaction
or another reason such as a viral infection which destroys
pancreatic islet cells. Whereas, in Type II diabetes
mellitus there is not an auto immune reaction. In Type II
the central driving cause of the diabetes mellitus is
insulin resistance which is secondary to the mal adaptive
food reactions. In Type I, there is also insulin resistance
developed by food reactions even though the initiating cause
was not initially insulin resistance. Dr. Philpott's studies
have demonstrated that insulin resistance is present in both
types of diabetes mellitus and therefore, both types should
follow a 4 Day Diversified Rotation Diet.

Secondary diabetes mellitus is present due to known factors
such as several genetic disorders, systemic diseases and
specific chemical agents. It is important to observe that
diabetes mellitus can develop secondary to some frequently
used medications such as diuretics and hypertensive agents
(Thiazide diuretics, clonidine, furosemide) neuroactive
agents (haloperidol, lithium carbonate, phenothiazine,
tricyclic antidepressants, adrenergic agonists) and agents
with hormonal activity such as oral contraceptives,
progestins and glucorticoids.

Dr. Philpott's research studies have demonstrated that
the central cause of diabetes mellitus Type II is that of
mal adaptive reactions to foods frequently eaten by the
affected person. Sometimes, chemicals to which the person
is chronically or frequently exposed is also a cause. Dr.
Philpott's observations places Type II diabetes mellitus
as a secondary type of diabetes mellitus.

Why have you not heard of this before, and why has this
fact not been recognized and implemented in treating
diabetes mellitus Type II?

The fact is, the discovery of diabetes mellitus being
secondary type diabetes to reactions to foods and
sometimes chemicals resulted out of Dr. Philpott's study
of my mental patients, some of which were diabetics. He
used a broad spectrum monitoring of many factors which
included an initial five days of avoidance. Food and
chemicals were withdrawn, and only water was allowed.
Individual foods were then monitored, with the blood
sugar. Frequently the insulin taken before each meal,
one hour and sometimes two hours after the test meal
of a single food was also monitored.

This demonstrated two factors. That there was a
compensated stage that preceded the decompensated
diabetes mellitus stage. This also demonstrated that
the single cause of insulin resistance is that of the
mal adaptive reaction to foods in which the body cells
are swollen and therefore their insulin receptors could
not function properly because of the edema of the body
cells. The fact that when the mal adaptive foods were
left out of the diet, there was no insulin resistance
and the blood sugar was normal is evidence that the
central cause of insulin resistance is the cells that
are swollen due to the mal adaptive reactions. In the
compensated stage of the diabetes mellitus process these
cells are swollen for a brief period such as two, three
or four hours whereas in the decompensated stage the
cells were swollen for a longer period of time and thus,
the hyperglycemia is extended for a longer period of time.


Syndrome X consists of hyperinsulinism, hypertension,
carbohydrate intolerance, obesity, disordered fat metabolism
and accelerated atherosclerosis. The co-association of
hyperinsulinism and glucose intolerance is secondary to
mal adaptive reactions to foods or chemicals. Hyperinsulinism
is known to cause the liver to turn carbohydrates into fats,
thus this person has difficulty losing weight under the usual
circumstances of a diet consisting of reduced calories since
the hyperinsulinism produces a situation of turning the
carbohydrates into fats. Solving the problem of mal adaptive
reactions to foods causing the hyperinsulinism is necessary
before this person can lose weight, thus the importance of a
4 Day Diversified Rotation Diet is a must for these people.

Hyperinsulinism is known to produce hypertension. Thus, the
hypertension is secondary to the hyperinsulinism. Again, the
answer has to be to stop the mal adaptive food reactions by a
4 Day Diversified Rotation Diet which initially leaves out the
foods that are used with a frequency of twice a week or more.
Characteristically, these can be returned to the diet after
three months of avoidance. Also the other factors such as
cholesterol and triglyceride disorders and the development
of atherosclerosis are reversed when using a 4 Day Diversified
Rotation Diet.

It is a catastrophe that the persons with this syndrome are
often treated with hypertensive medication due to the
hypertension, yet these medicines for hypertension are known
to accelerate the development of diabetes mellitus. It is
important not to place these hypertensive patients on
hypertensive medications.

In Dr. Philpott's examination of patients with this syndrome,
he has demonstrated that it is mal adaptive reactions to foods
and sometimes chemicals that produce this syndrome and that by
following a period of avoidance of their commonly used foods
and frequently contacted chemicals results in a correction of
their hypertension, hyperinsulinism, carbohydrate intolerance
and other developing symptoms that are classic of diabetes
mellitus disease process complications.


Next month, in segment two of this series, you will find out
the "secret of preventing and reversing diabetes."



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Section 4 Nutrition for Prostate Health

by Andrea Lemieux, RNCP

Read about Andrea Lemieux on our Meet the Team page;


It wasnit long ago when many men didnit even know they
had a prostate, let alone consider that they, as well
as women, experience ihormonal changes.i Considering
that many men develop benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
as they age, largely as a result of hormonal changes,
it is time to look at how men can benefit from a diet
and lifestyle that supports hormonal health.

Certainly, exposure to environmental chemicals from tap
water, cigarettes, car fumes, smog, pesticides, and food
preservatives has a detrimental effect on hormonal health.
Couple this with sugar, refined flour and excess saturated
fat in the diet and we can begin to understand todayis rise
in prostate disease in men.

A good first step for prostate health would be to focus
on fresh, whole, unrefined, and unprocessed food, and not
to smoke. There is a higher concentration of zinc in the
prostate than any other organ in the body. This mineral
is required for the metabolism of all hormones within the
prostate. Zinc is lost in food processing and cigarette
smoke is a major source of cadmium, a known antagonist
of zinc.

Here are some guidelines that will put you in control of
the health of your prostate gland, not to mention your
overall well-being.

Build your diet around whole, unprocessed foods: whole
grains; legumes; raw nuts and seeds; a reasonable amount
of protein from fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat; and
plenty of fruits and vegetables -- especially the richly
coloured green, orange, red and yellow varieties.

Avoid additives, colourings, preservatives, and tobacco;
they are toxic substances that will alter your hormonal

Avoid caffeine, soft drinks, decaffeinated coffee, and
refined sugar; they all affect prostate function.

Avoid or limit alcohol; beer and wine in particular are
associated with BPH, possibly because they contain
mycotoxins (mold), which are thought to promote cancer.

Avoid using hydrogenated oils like margarine or partially
hydrogenated and processed oils; they are carcinogenic
and pose other serious health hazards.

Limit saturated fats (mainly from red meat and dairy
products) and increase essential fats from raw nuts and
seeds, flax and olive oils, and cold-water fish. Essential
fatty acid deficiency is found in those with BPH.

Eat foods high in zinc: raw pumpkin seeds, poultry
(particularly dark meat), fish, seafood (oysters are
notably high), eggs, legumes, and whole grains. If you
have prostatitis, 30 mg./day of zinc citrate as a supplement
could be helpful. Remember that it is best to consult with
a health care professional before taking supplements for a
medical condition.

Drink 6 - 8 glasses of pure water every day. Dehydration
puts stress on the prostate.

Add soy foods, like tofu to the diet. The phytoestrogens
and isoflavonoids in soybeans may reduce the risks of prostate
cancer. Although soy is highly beneficial, have it in small
portions; large quantities can block the uptake of essential
minerals, including zinc.

Exercise is essential to prostate health. It will release
tension and increase blood circulation to the tiny muscles
and blood vessels in the prostate area.
It is important that men express their feelings and deal
with stress. Having a creative outlet and learning techniques
to relieve stress, such as deep breathing, stretching, and
various forms of meditation, are valuable tools to achieving
emotional equilibrium.

One of a few natural remedies with proven benefits for the
prostate gland is the herb Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens).
For men with BPH it will promote shrinkage of the gland and
improve urinary function. The best form to use is a
standardized extract, 160 mg. twice a day. As a preventive
it could be taken for one to two weeks each month.


Section 5 Scrambled Tofu

by Andrea Lemieux, RNCP

Read about Andrea Lemieux on our Meet the Team page;


This is an easy and delicious tofu recipe to introduce you to
this beneficial food. It makes a particularly tasty breakfast,
served with whole grain toast to complete the soy protein.

Servings: 4 (can reduce or increase to feed any number)

1 onion, finely chopped
1 to 2 cloves Garlic, finely chopped
2 carrots, diced small
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
2 teaspoons butter, ghee (clarified butter), or extra-virgin
olive oil
1/4 teaspoon turmeric or curry for colour and flavour (optional)
1/2 lb. Tofu
Celtic Sea Salt or Tamari to taste
Garnish: chopped parsley

.Prepare vegetables.
.Heat butter, ghee or oil combined with a little water in a
saut#233# pan that has a lid; Saut#233# onion and garlic until onion
is soft, stir in turmeric or curry powder if using. Add
remaining vegetables and saut#233# for 3 to 5 minutes.
.Crumble tofu into pan with vegetables and stir. Season with
salt or tamari, cover to steam for 5 to 8 minutes, stirring
occasionally. Garnish with parsley.

Add any vegetables desired, e.g., red & green peppers,
broccoli, zucchini, tomato.
Any choice of fresh herbs could be added.


Nutritional Profile of Tofu

Combined with whole grains, this soyfood makes a high-quality
protein. Tofu is cholesterol free and low in saturated fats.
It is an excellent source of calcium and a good source of
other minerals such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium,
and sodium. It also contains essential B vitamins, choline,
and vitamin E.

Soy also contains important isoflavones, including genistein
and daidzein. Consumption of isoflavones may help prevent
hormone-related cancers. They have been shown to block the
negative effects of estrogens in women and androgens in men,
protecting against breast and prostate cancers. These
phytochemicals may also protect against other forms of cancer,
heart disease and osteoporosis. Due to its anti-inflammatory
properties, it may have applications for conditions such as
arthritis, bursitis and rheumatic diseases.

Four ounces of Tofu contains:
8-13 grams of protein,
0 cholesterol,
130 calories,
7.9 mg. sodium
7.9 grams unsaturated fat
1.2 grams saturated fat
120-300 mg. calcium
2.9 mg. Iron
approximately 31 mg. isoflavones

Summer Chickpea Salad with Basil

by Andrea Lemieux, RNCP

Read about Andrea Lemieux on our Meet the Team page;


Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are one of the most nutritious
of the legumes. They are high in iron, calcium, potassium,
vitamin A, and unsaturated fats. Combined with a whole grain,
they are rich in protein. Of all the legumes, the chickpea,
which in appearance looks like a heart, is said to be the most
beneficial for the heart. The cooking method given here can be
used for most legumes to enhance their digestibility.

1 cup dried chickpeas or 3 cups drained canned chickpeas
1 red bell pepper
1 cup diced cucumber
1/4 cup minced red onion
1/4 cup packed chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup packed chopped fresh basil
1/4 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or
brown rice vinegar
1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
Sea salt and pepper to taste

1. For dried chickpeas, soak them for 8 - 10 hours. Drain and
Rinse. Put in heavy pot with water to cover by 1i, bring to
a boil, foam will form on top. Drain and rinse and return
to pot with fresh water to cover by 2i. Bring to a boil,
if more foam forms on top, skim it off. Reduce heat to
simmer and cook with cover slightly ajar for 2 - 3 hours,
until chickpeas are tender. (Time depends on age of chickpeas).
If necessary, add more water as needed. Drain and rinse and
set aside.

2. Put the red pepper about 2i below the broiler in oven, as
skin starts to blacken turn it to blacken all sides. Place
in a paper bag and close and let sit 5 - 10 minutes. When
steamed long enough and cool enough to handle, peel off the
skin. Seed the pepper and chop coarsely.

3. In a bowl combine the red pepper, chick-peas, cucumber, onion,
parsley and basil.

4. In a small dish, whisk together the lemon juice, olive oil,
garlic and salt and pepper to taste; pour over the salad and
toss lightly. Cover and refrigerate before serving. This
salad tastes best if flavours are allowed to develop and
blend for a few hours (or even a day).

Serves 8.



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.


All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.


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