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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 31

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== June, 1999
issue 31


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Letter from the Editor

Well, summer is definitely here! I hope you are all
enjoying the sunshine. Personally, I could do with a little
less humidity... but it's better than snow. :)

We've got some terrific articles for you again this
month. Timely, interesting, and helpful information provided
by Your Life-Your Choice professionals. For the information of
all our readers, almost all of these articles are written
especially for Your Life-Your Choice... especially for YOU!
That means that you won't find this information anywhere else!
So tell your friends to subscribe today. I don't think I say
Thank You often enough to all of our writers.

I recently came across this program that I think many
of you may be interested in. It's called "eDiets" and is
accessed completely online. Each members diet is individualized
based on a profile you fill out. What impressed me is that it
takes into consideration any health issues, special diets
(like Diabetes or cholesterol for example), and any medication
you may be taking. It also offers you a choice of meal plans
for busy lifestyles or for those who like to spend more time
cooking. Members also receive online support. It seems to be very thorough and I can't believe how reasonably priced!
Here's what some people are saying:

"I feel better. I have never been so healthy in my life...This
is my 4th week and still going....C'mon....its actually kind of

"My program really is customized for me! I was skeptical at
first, but it's simple to follow, the online meetings are neat,
and it's working. I'm a believer"
P.S. I love my personal shopping list"

By the way, you get a new shopping list each week and you can
reuse them long after you finish the program. It's well worth
the visit! Check out eDiets for yourself!
(Note: expand your email to maximum. If the link below requires
more than one line you must copy & paste BOTH sections into the Location bar of your browser.)

Until next time Your Life-Your Choice wishes you
health and prosperity.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!

@ Our sponsors make this
@ newsletter FREE to
@ subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ Discover how others
@ successfully solved your
@ problem.
@ See what special events are
@ being celebrated around the
@ world.
@ Our sponsors make this
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@ moment to visit them.
@ 5. GALIUM APARINE - A Most Effective Diuretic
@ This month we will look at Cleavers, an
@ excellent and readily available herb to
@ add to your spring cleanse.
@ 6. IT'S A BUG'S LIFE; Not Necessarily So
@ Protect yourself from unwelcome insects
@ both inside and out without usine
@ harmful chemicals.
@ 7. WANT TO LIVE TO BE 100? part 2
@ When this process occurs in metals we
@ call it rusting. When it happens in us
@ we call it aging! Why do we grow old
@ and how can we stop it?

You can subscribe by using the form at the
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Copyright 1997-1999 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved



Dear Your Life-Your Choice,

I had knee surgery a year and a half ago and always
felt a bit of pain. I had to wear a knee support and didn't
have good circulation in my legs and heels. After taking White
Oak and Yucca for two weeks I don't feel any pain anymore, and
I now have good circulation.



Dear Your Life-Your Choice,

I have a story that I just have to tell! Misty, my 2
year old German Shepherd was in a car accident. My dog is like
a child to me, there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. In this
accident her foot was crushed beyond repair. After 2 weeks I
was told to either put her down or remove her leg. I couldn't
bring myself to do either of these until I had exhausted all
other options. I gave her White Oak, Echinacea, and Gingko.
Now she is running and back to the way she was before the
accident. The vet was speechless, and I'm thrilled to have my
dog back happy and healthy.


If you, or someone you know, have a testimony you'd like to
share, it can be submitted to
with "Testimonies Your Life-Your Choice" in the subject heading.
All testimonies should be kept to a maximum of 200 words and
should include the method of treatment used without naming
industry specific brands, companies, or individuals.. For example:
"through the use of Bee Pollen" is permitted because it is the
name of the actual herb. However "by using XYZ product"
(only available through a specific company) is not permitted.
All testimonies become the property of Your Life-Your Choice.
All submissions are subject to responsible editing and any
reference made to an industry specific product will be edited
out as this section is not intended to be an advertising platform.
Share your story and help other readers who share your health

Section 3 Calendar of World Celebrations

The following Celebrations are floating Holidays
occuring in June.

Father's Day Canada, United States
Dragon Boat Festival China
Midsummer Sweden

May 6 Memorial Day South Korea
May 7 Flag Day Peru
May 8 Queen's Birthday Australia
May 10 National Foundation Day Portugal
May 13 Kamehameha Day United States
May 14 Flag Day United States
May 19 Juneteenth United States
May 19 Jose Gervasio Artigas Uruguay
May 20 Flag Day Argentina
May 21 Summer Solstice United States
May 23 St. Hans Aften Denmark
May 24 Inti Raymi Peru
May 24 Dia del Campesino Peru
May 24 Midsummer Sweden

Thank you to those who have submitted your Holiday to us.
My apologies if we've missed an event that is special to
you or your country. If you have a Holiday you'd like to
share, please send
Include the name of the Holiday, the country that celebrates
it, the date it is celebrated (details like the first Sunday
in May), tell us a little about the Holiday; why it's
important and how it is celebrated.

To all of you, we wish a joyous Celebration!




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By Howie M. Thomason RNCP, CH.

Read about Howie Thomason on our Meet the Team

Common Names; Cleavers, Clivers, Goosegrass, Clives.

Parts used; Dried aerial parts

Constituents; Glycoside asperuloside, gallontannic acid,
citric acid.

Actions; Diuretic, alterative, anti-inflammatory,
tonic, astringent, anti-neoplastic,

Energy; Cool

Flavour; Bitter

Cleavers is one of the most effective diuretics and
alteratives we have. It can be used to treat many different
conditions including hepatitis, venereal disease, enlarged
lymph glands, cystitis, psoriasis, tonsillitis, adenoid
problems, ulcers and tumours. It is possibly the best tonic to
the lymphatic system available. This is very important, as
blood feeds lymph, and lymph feeds the cells. The lymph system
is also the back alley garbage collection system of the
circulatory system. Well organized lymph drainage results in a
quick acquired immunity response, and cleans up the debris
when tissues need innate immunity response, such as with a

In southern Ontario, Cleavers is ready to be harvested about
this time. It is best to pick it before in comes into flower
which is usually around the middle to the end of May. It can
be found growing in shady places, thickets.

It is very easy to identify. It is an annual, has a very weak
drooping stalk, that is raspy and trails along the ground or
through other plants. The leaves are lance-shaped, usually
with eight petals in whorls. The flowers are very small and
white and you need to look very close to see them.

Cleavers also makes an excellent vegetable. It can be juiced
as well. According to the late Dr. Fox of England, a well
known and very highly successful botanic practitioner, states;
"We have ordered the expressed juice mixed with linseed meal
to be applied to the breast, with a teaspoonful of the juice
to be taken fasting in the morning, and this plan after a
short time has removed indolent tumours in the breast. The
expressed juice is also good to be applied to sore nipples and
green wounds. It exercises great control over diseases of the
skin. We have given in tablespoonful doses the expressed juice
three times a day and have never seen it fail in the most
desperate cases."


For the lymphatic system it will combine well with Poke Root,
Echinacea, and Marigold.

For skin conditions it will combine well with the Docks, Yellow Dock and Burdock.

Preparation and Dosage;

Pour a cup of boiling water over two to three teaspoons of
dried herb and leave to infuse for ten to fifteen minutes.
This tea should be drunk three times a day.

Two to four millilitres of the tincture three times a day.

Soak a pad in the infusion and use for burns, grazes, ulcers,
and other skin inflammations.

Use regularly to relieve psoriasis.

Hair Rinse;
Use the infusion for dandruff or scaling scalp problems.


Dominion Herbal College Text.
David Hoffmann, The New Holistic Herbal. 1990
Michael Tierra, The Way of Herbs. 1998


Section 6 IT'S A BUG'S LIFE; Not Necessarily So

by Jan Blacktopp, R.M.T.
Registered Massage Therapist
Certified Aromatherapist

Read about Jan Blacktopp on our Meet the Team


Mid springtime. Summer just a few weeks away. What a
glorious time of year! Here, the green lawn is filled with
yellow heads of dandelions and white puffs of poplar cotton
waft in the breeze across the front yard. In the woods behind
me I see the orange flash of the male oriole and the sweet
little phoebe flycatcher wags his tail as he perches in the
sumac tree. On my porch, the rose-breasted grosbeaks,
nuthatches, goldfinches and chickadees take turns swiping the
sunflower seeds on the little table, interrupted only when
Ruby, the mother red squirrel, leaves her nest box to grab a
bite while her little brood snoozes. These are the welcome
winged ones but alas there are others who are not so
appreciated. Yes - the mosquitoes, sandflies, deer flies and
various stinger-equipped beasties are here as well.

What to do? Well, you can spray yourself with horrible
chemicals with names like "Bug Kill", Attack" and "Buss-Off"
or you could take a kinder approach for both you and the
"little nuisances". As the old saying goes "An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure", so let's start with some
excellent essential oils that will help to avert pain, sting
and itch before they become a nasty reality.

First of all, let's protect our environment from these
pesky insects. Using lemongrass or citronella oil in rooms is
quite effective. Allow these oils to be airborne by using any
of the following: steam bowls, heat sources, treated paper
strips at windows and scent or light bulbs. You can also use a
clean spray bottle with lemongrass or citronella diluted in water and spray this around the room. Lavender oil can be
directly applied to exposed areas of skin.

Try this recipe for "Deterrent Synergistic Blend"

Thyme 4 drops
Lemongrass 8 drops
Lavender 4 drops
Peppermint 4 drops
Make up a good supply and place two drops of the blend on a
cotton wool ball or tissue and set it beside the bed.

You can also use the above blend to prepare a body rub
by adding two drops of the mixture to one dessert spoon of oil
or add the neat oils to creams or lotions you already have on

Did you know that ankles are a particularly vulnerable
area for attack by mosquitoes and sandflies? The next time you
go for a leisurely stroll in the woods or along the beach,
wear cotton socks that have been treated with a drop of
lavender or citronella oil around the top of each sock.

Now what if the inevitable happens - the dreaded bite
or sting? First of all, a disinfectant wash is both soothing
and a preventative against infection.

Disinfectant Wash Synergistic Blend:

Lavender 10 drops (2)
Thyme 20 drops (2)
Eucalyptus 10 drops (2)
Use 8 drops of the blend in a bowl of water for washing. If
you don't have the blend already prepared, use the number of
drops in the brackets beside each oil in a single bowl of

For bee, hornet or wasp stings try first to remove the
whole stinger. Then apply a cold compress of chamomile oil to
the area and leave for several hours. Then use one drop of
neat chamomile oil three times a day for two days. Lavender
oil can be used neat on mosquito bites. Cedarwood oil has a
clean, woodsy scent and is effective as an insect repellent.

Well there you are! No need to fear the buzz and hum
of those outdoor (and indoor) bugs. Fire up the barbecue,
follow that forest trail and kick up sand along the beach -
essential oils are with you, all the way.

The Fragrant Pharmacy - Valerie Ann Worwood
Complete Aromatherapy Handbook - Susanne Fischer-Rizzi
Herbal Remedies for Dummies - Christopher Hobbs


Section 7 WANNA LIVE TO BE 100? (Part II)
The Theories of Aging: 101

by Dr. J.H. Maher
Editor of the "Longevity News"
your FREE at home study course in anti-aging.

There are many theories of aging. But to keep things easy
we will start withe two basic categories; oxidation reactions
and sub-optimal hormone levels.

Oxidation reactions occur when the combustion of oxygen that
keep us alive and produces by-products called oxygen free radicals. When this process occurs in metals we call it
rusting. When it happens in us we call it aging!

Free radicals are molecules that have lost an electron. When
this happens to oxygen, we call it "singlet oxygen" because it
has only one of its electrons left. This is a highly unstable
condition. To restore balance the radical either tries to
steal one electron away from , or donate the remaining one,
to another nearby molecule. In so doing, the free radicals
create "molecular mayhemm", disrupting, damaging and
destroying nearby cells. If DNA is involved, mutations
occur, a favored theory of a common cause of cancer. In time,
free radical damage accumulates, thereby aging us.

Free radicals are not only produced inside us, but we take
them in through smoking, food, air and water pollution,
x-rays, sun exposure, and various poisons to name the most

"Aging is a disease. The human life span simply reflects the
level of free radical oxidative damage that accumulates in
cells. When enough damage accumulates, cells can't survive
properly anymore and they just give up."
E.R. Stadtman, researcer on aging, NIH.

The other major theoretical cause of aging in this brief,
introductory overview is sub-optimal hormone levels. As we
age some hormones begin a precipitous decline that stongly
paralells the onset of aging signs and symptoms. These
include human growth hormone, melatonin, DHEA, androstene-
dione (made famous by Mark McQuire), testosterone, estrogen,
and progesterone.

Conversly, insulin levels tend to rise, eventually culminating
in adult onset diabetes. A relative rise in cortisol, the
stress hormone, is all too common as well.

Although thyroid hormone doesn't generally fall with age,
many anti-aging doctors insist that slow thyroid function is
common, and when present, definitely hastens aging and heart

Human Growth Hormone, aka HGH, as the name implies, stimulates
the growth of our tissues. Our internal organs, skin, muscles,
nerves and bones are all stimulated to grow by HGH. As our
levels of growth hormone shrinks, so do we!

Melatonin helps us sleep and may help prevent cancer. One
reason why people over 60 sometimes find it hard to go to
sleep is declining melatonin levels. DHEA is a building
block out of which estrogen and testosterone are made. (It
is first converted to androstenedione, however.) DHEA also
boosts are immune systems and our brains.

Testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone give us our sex
drive, build muscle, skin and bone, keep our minds sharp,
protect our hearts, and help us feel and be attractive.

Thyroid hormone helps keeps us energetic and trim. Along with
the above hormones, it helps us burn fat. That spare tire that
developes around our bellies at middle age (central obesity)
has alot to do with lower hormone levels. That may be why your
last diet didn't work!

Excess insulin levels are associated with diabetes,
pre-diabetes, and the mysterious sounding "Syndrome X". When
insulin no longer works well, known as insulin resistance,
both insulin and then blood sugar rise. The excess blood sugar
is forced into the body's tissues, damaging them with
"advanced glycation end-products", known as "AGE"
appropriately enough!

Cortisol levels, like insulin levels, don't decline with age.
Excess levels of this stress hormone is catabolic. That means
it catabolises you, or literally "eats you up inside".

When cortisol and insulin are too high, they often lower Hgh,
DHEA, and the sex hormones as well!

(End Part II? If so, then "Next issue we will introduce the
basic outline to a scientific anti-aging program based on the
above theories of aging")



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.


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