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Your Life-Your Choice Issue 28

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Your Life Your Choice
 · 26 Apr 2019


Your Life-Your Choice ISSN 1488-0253
==================== April, 1999
issue 28

Letter from the Editor

Well here we are, together again for another
issue of Your Life-Your Choice. There's just one
quick announcement for today.

The number of questions sent in to Your Life-Your
Choice is outstanding! Thank you to everyone for you
interest and support. The obstacle we're facing is that
there are too many questions for one person to respond
to. Your Life-Your Choice is looking for another professional
who is interested in helping us help others. This person
must be licensed in their own specialty, and well versed in
several modalities. If you or someone you know would like to
participate with "I want to
answer questions" in the subject heading.

Remember that Practitioners listed in our own Wellness
Locator receive TOP PRIORITY, and are always the first to be
referred through our Find A Practitioner Program. The enormous
demand for this program is a definite indication that people
look to Your Life-Your Choice to fill their alternative
medicine needs in ALL modalities, and in every part of the

There has never been a better time to be listed in the
Wellness Locator. Not only will your listing be working
for you for a full year, but Your Life-Your Choice will
forward YOUR contact information to all requests for your
expertise in your local area. No other directory on the
web works like this for YOU.

So do your professional friends a favour! Tell them
to go to and find
out how to get listed. And to the practitioners who subscribe
to Your Life-Your Choice, what are you waiting for? Help us
help you, to help others who need your services.

Remember, as you check out the Wellness Locator;, watch for the
special symbol within the listings indicating a new product
or service announcement! These companies have something new
and exciting to share with you! In fact there's one in there
now offering YOU a terrific deal while you're contributing to
a terrific cause at the same time!

Until next time Your Life-Your Choice wishes you
health and prosperity.

Brigitte Synesael
Editor of Your Life-Your Choice
Traditional Medicine Isn't Enough Any More!
Your life is your choice-don't make it the doctor's choice!

@ Our sponsors make this newsletter
@ FREE to subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ 2. "Complementing Magnetic Therapy With
@ The 4-Day Diversified Rotation Diet."
@ (part three)
@ Food and other addictions play a major
@ role in the development of degenerative
@ diseases. Find out how to manage them.
@ Our sponsors make this newsletter
@ FREE to subscribers. Please take a
@ moment to visit them.
@ With seniors, even a healthful diet may
@ not be enough. As we age our digestive
@ systems may not work as efficiently as
@ they once did.
@ Vegetarian Stew
@ High Energy Quick Cereal

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Copyright 1997-1998 by Brigitte Synesael All rights reserved



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Section 2 "Complementing Magnetic Therapy With
The 4-Day Diversified Rotation Diet."
(part three)

By Dr. Boyce N. Berkel

Read about Dr. Boyce Berkel on our Meet the Team


The 4-Day Diversified Rotation Diet is presented in a 3-part
series. In part one you found out the physiologic basis for
the diet. Last month in part two you found out specifically
what the diet consists of, and how you can use it. Today in
conclusion of part three you will find out how to manage food
and other addictions that play such a major role in the
development of degenerative diseases.

This completes the series on the 4-Day Diversified Rotation Diet.




This magnetic protocol applies to addiction to exogenous
narcotics as well as addiction to endogenous opiate-polypeptides
(endorphins) evoked by frequently eaten food stressors or
frequently used chemical stressors such as alcohol, tobacco,
caffeine, amphetamines and so forth. Addiction to gambling can
be handled by the same magnetic method.

It is highly important that all addictions be handled at the
same time. Peace-meal resolution of addiction simply extends
the misery and the person is likely never to complete the job.
The person abandons any and all exogenous narcotics and stops
all chemical stressors such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and
amphetamines and goes on a five day use of only foods used
less than two times a week. This also applies to the entire
family of any foods eaten two times a week or more.

Gluten containing foods are to be left out of the diet if any
of them have been used twice a week or more. These are wheat,
rye, oats, barley and corn. A four day rotation diet based on
food families is introduced and maintained as a lifestyle.

In six weeks, start re-introducing the frequently used foods
back into the rotation diet. Dairy products and gluten
containing foods are best to leave out for a twelve week
period before introducing them back into the diet.

If need be, magnets can be used pre-meal to prevent symptom
production from food. This can be used where there are few
foods tolerated.


Symptoms can be relieved by placing ceramic disc magnets
bitemporally. That is, in the front of the ear near the top
of the ears. Hold these in place with a 2 x 26 inch band.

Place a 4 x 6 x 1/2 inch magnet on the mid-sternum. This can
be held in place with a 4 x 52 inch body wrap around the chest.
This magnet on the sternum is placed lengthwise the body.

Below the rib cage directly over the epigastric area, place
crosswise the body a 4 x 6x l/2 inch magnet. This can be held
in place with a 4 x 52 inch body wrap.

These magnets are to be in place whenever symptoms occur.
Symptoms will usually leave within ten minutes. However, for
some it may take up to thirty minutes. It would be ideal for
the person to be laying down or in a reclining chair. If
laying down in a reclining chair there is no need to place a
body wrap around either the chest or the epigastric area.

There is no restriction as to the duration of leaving the
magnets on the body. The more, the better. Many people will
choose, for ambulatory reasons, simply to use the magnets
whenever symptoms occur. It is easy however, to leave the
magnets on the head continuously, if desired.

It is necessary to remove the magnet from the epigastric area
when eating a meal and should not be replaced for at least an
hour after the meal. If however, there are some symptoms that
develop in the epigastric area, it could be replaced until the
symptom is relieved and then removed. The reason for removing
the magnet from the epigastric area is that these muscles are
silent while the magnet is there and the food will not move
from the stomach into the intestines. It is important also,
to not have a magnet over the right side of the body on the
front for an hour to an hour and one-half after a meal. If any
symptoms develop in any part of the abdomen, the magnet could
be used long enough to relieve the symptoms and then removed
allowing for the movement of food through the intestinal tract.

The magnets on the head are usually placed bitemporally, however,
some people find more relief if they place a magnet on the
mid-forehead and one on the left temporal area. This is best for
anxiety and tension. For obsessive-compulsiveness, more relief
may be obtained by using the left temporal and low occipital area.
Some even find it better instead of a disc magnet on the occipital
area, to place a 4 x 6 x 1/2 inch magnet on the occipital area and
to lean back against this if in a reclining chair or on the back
of the head if laying down.

It is advised that you start the food avoidance immediately when
handling any other addictions. The foods that are avoided are the
ones that you used twice a week or more. Other foods can be eaten.
Sometimes it is quite comfortable for the first five days of this
avoidance period to use a watermelon fast, but only if it is
watermelon season. In any event, use only foods that are infrequently
used. This provides a withdrawal from food addiction. After this five
days of avoidance, if foods were introduced to which you were addicted,
there would be an acute symptom production within one hour of exposure
to the food. A practical way is to not introduce these foods for at
least six weeks and if these were very frequently used foods, such as
daily, it would be best especially for cereal grains containing gluten
and dairy products to not be introduced for twelve weeks.

However, after six weeks a trial could be made of introducing into the
meal or even having a single meal of a food that had been frequently
eaten to determine if it now does not produce symptoms. If it does not,
it can be introduced back into the diet if kept in rotation as a lifestyle.

This is the description of the minimal program. Addiction for water
soluble substances is over in five days. However, fat soluble substances
such as nicotine from tobacco requires 21 days to leach out of the cells.
Therefore, symptoms may be emerging for as much as 21 days in tobacco

Tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine should never be introduced back into the
diet, even on rotation. Even though rotation would make it less likely
for symptoms to occur, but for optimum health they should not be
introduced back into the diet.


Body weight beyond physiological normal is often caused by the urge to
overeat due to food addiction. Overeating is a compulsive habit, no
matter what it's psychological or biological driving force. In any event,
magnetic therapy plus calorie reduction can materially help in weight

Magnetic discs placed bitemporally reduce the electrical excitement
of the brain, and can handle habit urges whether psychological or
physiological. This makes it easier for you to stick with a calorie
reduction program.

A 4-Day Diversified Rotation Diet is a must in weight management. This
will stop food addiction, and make it a whole lot easier to stick with
your calorie reduction program.

If you place a negative magnetic field over a fat area, it will gradually
reduce the fat area. This magnetic reduction occurs only at night while
you sleep. A negative magnet activates growth hormone's ability to allow
fat cells to release their fat. Growth hormone rises only at night while
you sleep. Please note that this magnetic fat reduction will have little
effect in maintaining your weight reduction, without also associating it
with calorie reduction.


Addiction is both a biological and psychological stress. Therefore,
magnetically managed addiction has been described in this article under
addiction management.

Biological responses to psychological stress can be handled magnetically
by treating the brain with a negative magnetic field, and also treating
magnetically any body areas responding symptomatically to the psychological

Frequently used foods as stressors deserve special consideration

Serotonin is evoked by both biological and psychological stress as a
readiness for needed action. Stress also evokes endorphins in a readiness
for action and potential injury. This rise in endorphins under stress-injury
buffers against pain. Thus, stress and potential injury raises simultaneously
serotonin and self-made opiates.

First of all, magnetically handle addiction since addiction is a major
stressor. Do not use a food to raise the serotonin-opiate complex as this
either is addiction or will soon become addiction.

Use a negative magnetic field to relieve the symptoms. Sleeping at night
in a negative magnetic field will normalize the serotonin and opiate balance.
Symptoms can be relieved within ten to thirty minutes with a negative
magnetic field appropriately placed on the head and the symptom area.
This magnetic treatment normalizes biological function and never leads
to addiction or any side effects.


Addiction leads to degenerative diseases, especially maturity onset
diabetes mellitus. Food addiction is very real and the most frequent
addiction. A 4-Day Diversified Rotation Diet is optimal to prevent
and or reverse food addiction. Do not use food as a symptom reliever
or for weight management such as has been advised. The weight reduction
medications using the serotonin-opiate complex produced so many symptoms,
they have been withdrawn from the market. The tranquilizer-antidepressants
using a method of raising the serotonin-opiate complex produce serious,
devastating side effect symptoms and therefore, cannot be recommended.
A negative magnetic field properly placed relieves symptoms, produces
melatonin, produces normal energy restoring sleep and normalizes the
serotonin-opiate ratio and has no side effects. A negative magnetic
field associated with a non-addictive state is markedly superior to
tranquilizers, antidepressants and weight management medications.

The system described in this write-up uses the negative magnetic
pole field only. The positive magnetic field or the mixed positive-
negative magnetic fields will not achieve the necessary results. A
negative magnetic field calms neurons and normalizes biological
functions. A negative magnetic field does not evoke the production
of serotonin or endorphins.

A negative magnetic field has a biological response of alkaline-
hyperoxia. A negative magnetic field activates oxidoreductase enzymes
that process free radicals, peroxides, acids, alcohols and aldehydes
and releases oxygen which is bound in these substances thus making
oxygen available for producing ATP in the oxidation phosphorylation

A positive magnetic field, whether singly or mixed with a negative
magnetic field, excites neurons, produces acid-hypoxia, and blocks
oxidoreductase enzyme function. The positive magnetic field on the
heart increases the pulse rate and can evoke tachycardia in a subject
predisposed to tachycardia. A positive magnetic field excites neurons
and can evoke a seizure in a subject predisposed to seizures. A positive
magnetic field evokes the production of serotonin and endorphins and for
this reason can produce magnetic addiction. Positive magnetic field
addiction produces pleasurable euphoria, disorders judgement, and has a
painful withdrawal phase. Positive magnetic field addiction can lead to
the frequent use of the magnet to relieve pain and when used on the head
can be misused to produce pleasurable euphoria. A positive magnetic field
addiction is a true addiction with all the features of addiction.

My reason for presenting this subject of a positive magnetic field
addiction is because there are magnets marketed-for pain that use both
positive and negative pole fields. These are not suitable for treatment
of addiction, weight management or for stress management.

Complete details and specifics of the 4-Day Rotation Diet; which magnets
to use and how to apply them are described in Volume IV, First Quarter
1998 - Magnetic Management of Addiction.



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Section 4 Nutrition For Seniors
The Importance of good digestion

By Howie M. Thomason RNCP

Read about Howie Thomason on our Meet the Team page;


The old adage; ³You are what you eat² may not always be true.
Maybe it should be ³You are what you digest and assimilate².

With seniors, even a healthful diet of fresh natural foods may
not be enough. As we age our digestive systems may not work as
efficiently as they once did. The production of Hydrochloric
acid (HCL) by the parietal cells in the stomach can decrease to
half of what it was in our youth by the age of forty. This
hydrochloric acid is needed to convert pepsinogen into pepsin,
an active proteolytic (protein digesting) enzyme. The result
can be poor digestion of proteins and minerals such as calcium
and iron.

It doesn¹t end there though. The contents of the stomach need to
be acidic in nature when they pass through the pyloric valve and
into the duodenum, the beginning of the intestinal tract. It is
this acidic nature that stimulates the release of alkaline
pancreatin from the pancreas. The pancreatin contains enzymes for
the digestion of fats, (lipase), carbohydrates, (amylase), and
proteins, (protease). These continue the digestion started by the
mouth and the stomach.

Digestion can go on reasonably well without proper stomach function
due to the pancreas doing most of the work. Does it matter if the
pancreas does the digestion rather than the mouth and the stomach?
Yes! It puts too much of the work load on the pancreas. If digestion
is sluggish, toxins are produced and foods are not broken down
completely. This can be one of the causes of food intolerance and
allergy. This can be the beginning of dis-ease. When digestion is
quickened and made more complete, the body immediately reactivates
its healing powers.

The food moves down the duodenum into the rest of the small intestine
which is about twenty feet long. The walls secrete more alkaline
digestive enzymes which continue the breaking down of proteins into
amino acids, long fatty chains into fatty acids, and starches and
complex sugars into glucose. The fats are carried away by lymph vessels
and veins pick up other digested nutrients. The veins gradually join
together to form the portal vein, which goes directly to the liver. If
digestion is not complete at this stage, and there is tissue injury to
the intestine, foods that are not completely digested can be transported
to the liver. This is the beginning of food intolerance and food allergy.
This also becomes a burden on the liver. The fats are picked up by the
lymph system because too much fat interferes with both liver and red
blood cell function.

At the end of the small intestine is a circular valve called the
ileocecal valve. This stays closed so the food stays in the small
intestine long enough to be digested and absorbed fully, and also to
prevent the micro-organisms in the large intestine from getting into
the small intestine where their waste products could easily be absorbed.
As digestion and absorption are completed the ileocecal valve opens and
the rhythmic waves of contraction called peristalsis move the food into
the cecum, which is the beginning of the five foot long large intestine
or colon.

The large intestine is populated with over four hundred different types
of micro-organisms which collectively are called the intestinal flora.
Most of them are our friends and are very important aids to the digestive
They make B vitamins, lactic acid, which improves digestion of foods and
aids with peristalsis, and vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting, among
other things.
An imbalance of these bacteria is known as Dysbiosis, and can be the
cause of many seemingly unrelated conditions. When they die they provide
much of the bulk of the stool. People who have hypochlorhydria, (low
stomach acid), tend to have higher bacterial counts and anaerobes and
coliforms, not normally found in the stomach. So if the stomach doesn¹t
work properly, there will be micro-organisms from the large intestine
getting into the stomach and small intestine, rather than just the large
intestine where they belong.

So as you can see, the stomach is the centre of our digestive universe,
and all systems down stream of it are dependent on it to do their jobs
efficiently. A healthy diet is of great importance, and together with
complete digestion health can be restored and maintained.


Section 5 Vegetarian Stew

This is a contribution of Orion@smartnet.
Reprint permission given by Renee from
Veggies Unite! -


4 large potatoes cubed
2 cups sliced carrots
1 large onion cut into medium peices
2 packages fresh mushrooms
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 package of dry onion soup mix
salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste

Line shallow baking pan with enough foil to fold over the top.
Blend soup and onion mix together thoroughly. Spread on the
bottom of the pan. Add potatoes on top then carrots, onion
mushrooms seasonings and then sprinkle with water. Fold foil
overtop and seal tightly. Bake at 450 for 1 hour.

Preparation time: approximately 1 hour


High Energy Quick Cereal

This is a contribution of Clint Gibbs.
Reprint permission given by Renee from
Veggies Unite! -


1/2 cup uncooked Quaker Oatmeal
1/2 cup Grapenuts cereal
1/4 cup raisins
1 Tablespoon Kretschmer's Wheat germ
1 cup rice milk (or soy milk)

Put all ingredients in a cereal bowl and stir. It's delicious and full of
carbohydrate energy!

Serves: 1.

Preparation time: 1 minute.

Nutrition Information: Using rice milk: Calories 625 Calories from Fat 60
Total Fat 6 grams Cholesterol 0 mg Sodium 450 mg Protein 17 grams
Total Carbohydrate 136 g Sugars 49g .



All material appearing in this newsletter is provided
for educational purposes only. It is provided with the
understanding that authors and contributors are not
offering medical advice or services. We strongly
encourage you to consult with your own physician
regarding any recommendations with respect to your
own medical condition.


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