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Underground eXperts United File 562


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Underground eXperts United


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[ How To Maintain Happiness And Relieve Stress ] [ By DIzzIE ]


BY: DIzzIE 2000

This phile will show you various techniques to use for getting rid of
unnecessary stress, and basically things that you can do that will put you
in a good, happy, mood. Those techniques all work for me at different times,
just depends on my mental state at the time. Sometimes you can combine the
different techniques listed below (like being alone in a "special" place and
reading a book); however, some techniques clash with each other (like taking
a nap and going on a rampage), so don't do them all at the same time.

* Be by yourself. Find a nice secluded, isolated place where you can be all
by yourself. This will now be your "special" place, never tell anyone
about this place for then it simply wont be special any more. This place
can be an isolated farm house, away from everyone, a forgotten abandoned
house on the outskirts of some city, a nice clearing deep in the woods, a
corner of a small warm library which no one ever visits, wherever is best
for you. The key is that you are alone, alone with your thoughts and
whatever else you want, books, crayons, etc. Once you find your special
place, go there whenever you want to be alone.

* Sit next to the fireplace and drink a cup or two of some hot sweet tea.

* Read a book/magazine/text phile.

* Listen to some relaxing music, like some good ol' heavy metal/death metal/
black metal.

* Take a big pile of clothes and put them in the dryer, then add that stuff
that makes the clothes smell good and be soft into the dryer too, leave
them in the dryer for about 5 minutes, or until the clothes are warm, then
take them out and dump the pile on top of yourself, lie there and smell
their great smell, close your eyes, cuddle with your sweet-smelling and
warm laundry friends (your clothes).

* Go on a wild rampage, preferably outside or in somebody else's house, so
you don't damage your own. Get a shotgun or a baseball bat and smash
everything and everyone in your way, scream and roar, afterwards you'll
get that unique feeling of satisfaction and calm. (Just don't get caught
by the damn fuzz, if you do kill them all too).

* If you are angry, find the source of your anger, whether it's a specific
person, a group of persons, or not a person at all. Once you get a clear
picture of the source of your anger in your head visualize all the painful
things you can do to the object, for example, if it's male person imagine
dipping him in honey, tying his arms and legs and then tossing him on top
of a red-ant hill, imagine his mournful screams and your beautiful
sadistic laugher. If you want you can actually go out and do all of those
things you imagined, sure sure, just make sure you won't regret it

* Take a nap.

* Take your anger/stress out on something, whether it be a punching bag, one
of those clowns that pop back up after you hit it, or another living/dead
person. Keep punching/kicking/biting until you run out of energy and are
perfectly content and happy.

* Meditate. Close your eyes and clear your mind. Imagine that you are
flowing through space and land on your own magical zone: an imaginary
world full of wonders, with humongous majestic waterfalls, and oversized
stuffed animals. Wherever you go, just get away from this material soup of
hatred and injustice we all live in.

* Light off some fireworks. Observe their pretty colors and affects. Draw
yourself into the fireworks.

* Watch a movie with a big bowl of buttery popcorn, a can of coke, and maybe
some hotsauce.

* Write something. Whether it be a poem, a short story, a t-phile, doesn't
matter, as long as it's original and spectacular. Once you start writing
you become drawn into the words that get written down on paper, you become
the creator and therefore the destroyer.

~ That's it!~

If you want more of my philes, or just want to
talk about anything, email me:

uXu #562 Underground eXperts United 2000 uXu #562
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