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Underground eXperts United File 347

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Underground eXperts United
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[ Head Full of Chewing Gum ] [ By Knyttet ]
Head Full of Chewing Gum
by Knyttet
Have you ever had the feeling that your brain is totally fucked up?
Like your brain is just full of chewing gum?
That you want to do and say something but nothing comes out?
Well, nothing except rubbish.
I just hate myself when this happens.
I just hate it.
And the worst part is, I don't know how to prevent it.
I'm grateful for every piece of advice I get.
Do you know how it feels, when you are really nervous about something
important that's coming up, and your brain just disappears, or at least it
feels like it?
When you just meet Mr Right and you see him walking out of your life just
because you couldn't get your brain in order?
When you are supposed to talk in front of a hole bunch of people, like on
your sister's wedding or something like that, and you just start to babble?
I hate it.
Famous actors often say in interviews that this happens to them all the time.
I guess there is a big difference between them and me. I always seem to be
stuck with the "chewing gum" in my brain, but you very seldom hear of famous
people acting or talking like their brains are fucked up.
I wonder what the secret is.
It's not that I want to be famous, that's not why I would like to get rid of
this feeling. No way!
It's just that sometimes you are supposed to be clever, to talk in front of a
lot of people. And at those times it would be handy with something against the
"chewing gum syndrome".
I have tried a lot of things that people had said to me would be good.
*) Drinking water for example, doesn't work for me. It just puts me in an even
worse situation, I need to go to the bathroom as soon as I start talking.
*) Take deep breaths. Nope, just makes me feel like I'm going to pass out and
this forces me to put my head between my knees. God, do you think I look
silly or what?
*) Taking sedatives. This was the worst I ever tried. My head still felt like
it was full of chewing gum and the words that came out sounded like I was
having my whole mouth full of gum too.
I guess I will have to live with this problem, but if anyone of you have a
cure for this, please contact me.
uXu #347 Underground eXperts United 1996 uXu #347
Call SOCIETY HQ -> +1-518-465-6721