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Underground eXperts United File 138


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Underground eXperts United


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[ The Last Frontier ] [ By The GNN ]


by THE GNN/DualCrew-Shining/uXu

"Freedom will cure most things..."
(A.S. Neill)

We have a natural luxury in the underground computer world called freedom
of speech. As soon as you turn on your hardware and connect yourself to the
nets, you are able to say whatever you like. Of course, if your opinions
are radical or extreme you will find that many people will disagree with
you and argue for their way of looking at certain subjects. But they will
not FORBID you to say whatever you feel for. If you are a nazi or racist or
a simple madman, the people on the net will disagree and reject you - but
they will not stop you physically.
There is nothing wrong with this freedom. You may say that a madman may
convince others to believe in him, but on the net YOU have the possibility
to stop that with your own arguments. The madman cannot stop you, and you
cannot stop him. You all have the freedom of speech and it is working just
fine. Everybody feels a mental freedom that they cannot experience in the
"real world" where everything is controlled. Controlled and stopped if it
is not suitable.
The reason why I am writing these basic facts is because this freedom is
on its way to disappear. The networks are the last frontiers for the
natural human right to say whatever she feels for. The government who
simply wants its own personal benefit does not like this. It want to stop
this activity and return to a ruling position. Since it cannot stop the
networks, the government want to CONTROL it. We all know what that means.
If they get control, they will sort out everything that is unsuitable and
put an end to it. The net will be like the rest of our media. News papers,
radio and television are all controlled by the government.
The argument for controlling the modern media is that these media are
one-way only. You have no possibility to argue with the media about their
news. If a fascist was given a two-hour live show on television that would
not be a discussion between two parts. Only the fascist himself would be
able to speak, and the rest of the country just had to listen. Without
discussion and arguments, the fascist would be able to convince people
This argument is not good. People are not born to be media-zombies that
believes everything that is said. We are rational human beings that are
able to make an own opinion. This "rationality" can take many forms. The
fascist would say that his opinions are rational, while the opponents would
claim the opposite. I believe that modern media are also two-way, but
nowadays less effective. You have the freedom to draw your own conclusions
from statements. But this is something that the government does not want
you to do. That is why they openly have censored fascists and other
unsuitable opinions on television. If fascists are not allowed to speak,
then the common belief is that everything that is said in the media are
true and good, since the government have taken away everything that is bad.
It is now we are becoming zombies. We do not have to draw own conclusions
about what is bad and what is not, since the government has taken away
everything bad. Hence, everything that is said must be good.
It is completely different with the nets. Here, we KNOW that what is
said is not controlled, so we are obliged to draw our own conclusions about
what is good or bad. If we are not given all information our conclusions
may be wrong, but since the nets are the ultimate two-way media we have
access to loads of information. After we have studied these we can once
again begin to draw conclusions.
Now the government wants to control the nets. They have not succeeded
yet, but will most certainly do so if nothing radical is done. The reason
for this interest in the nets are of course plain survival hidden in other
arguments. On the nets, people are able to have extreme opinions without
the threat of being put into jail. But people have also a possibility to
have other opinions. If we take away the madmen, what is left? That would
be the so-called normal people. This may sound like a very good idea, but
when you consider what will happen to the madmen it does not. They will
continue to spread their ideas underground, and now they will not meet any
resistance. They will pick their audience with care and only choose people
who they know that they can convince.
Is this what we want? Do we want to lose our freedom? Or do we want to
fight for it? Fight the bad, do the right. But never let any one tell you
what is right or wrong without discussion. With the nets it is easy to
listen to all the arguments. But if the government takes control, there
will be only one argument and you must trust that one. If you do not,
then you will become confused since there is no other alternative available
any more.

Jan Bruhn has apparently not wiped his ass.
If you want to bust his ass call SEDES DIABOLI +46-586-NOCOPS

The end of the eternity.

uXu #138 Underground eXperts United 1993 uXu #138
Call PEGASUS -> +41-71-715577

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