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Underground eXperts United File 135


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Underground eXperts United


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[ Death Is Rotten ] [ By Ralph 124C41+ ]


Death is rotten.
Ralph 124C41+ of PowerDrive
released thru
underground eXperts united

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."
/ Hamlet by William Shakespeare

I have always feared death, but who don't feel a chill when the grim
reaper swings his bloodstained tool in this cold world? I guess it's
normal to fear death, it's something horrible that we can do very little
about. And perhaps it would be wise not to try too hard...

But let's start from the beginning. My name is of no importance, it
wouldn't say anything to you anyway. As I've mentioned I've always feared
death, but it have not been a normal fear but a cold, terrifying fear that
have made me very careful. I tried in every way to stop that ticking that
said that you never get any younger and that death approaches. I hate
watches, calenders and anything that reminds me about time, time that
slips trough my fingers like fine sand. Oh, what I've tried. To eat
correctly, no alcohol, no tobacco, exercise. But I got older all the time
anyway. I dyed my hair darker, used cosmetic surgery but I couldn't stop
time. I tried weirder and weirder things. To sleep inside a pyramid, to
drink water from the Himalayas, to eat lots of yoghurt and so on... God
only know how much money and time I spent on all these crazy ideas but I
was possessed with the thought of eternal life.

Then one day I found someone who could give me what I wanted. She was a
daughter of a voodoo priest in Brazil and she told me that her father had
developed a way to have eternal life.
-So, why isn't your father alive now then?, I asked.
She explained that even if the ageing was halted you could still be killed
if a stronger magician cut of your head and filled your throat with
pebbles or coins. Well, I thought that was not a very big risk in my case.
Who would chop of the head of a middle aged businessman?

So I flew to Brazil and had to pay an enormous amount of money for all
the exotic and valuable ingredients that was needed. It didn't matter, I
had an eternity to gain back what I lost. She wasn't quite sure that it
would work as her father naturally didn't made any notes but she thought
she would be able to do it anyway. We just had to try some different
things, that was why the price was so high. But that didn't matter to me
at that moment. Money was no problem and I was willing to try anything.

Then came the big night when everything was prepared for my
transformation into an immortal man. I will not describe all of the long
and complex rituals, the chanting, snakes, blood from chickens made me
delirious. I lost track of time, everything became a blur. I guess I must
have passed out or something because the next thing I remembered was that
it was morning and I was laying on the ground. All the participants had
already left except for the voodoo priest's daughter. She had been watching
over me while I regained from the exhausting ritual. I sat up and watched
the date on my Rolex. Heavens! I had been gone for two whole days! I
quickly stood up and walked around a bit to get the stiffness out of my
limbs. It was quite cold and damp in the morning so I froze a bit. I
thanked her for her help and left to get a taxi to the airport.

I took my private jet directly home. I gave the butler the rest of the
day of, I wanted to feel immortality without anyone present. I still felt
a bit frozen, perhaps I had catched a cold. It seemed a bit silly that a
man who just had conquered death should have a cold... I decided to take
a hot shower and then for a glass of whisky and my warm and comfy bed. I
gratefully slipped in between the soft sheets of my bed, the whiskey had
made me a bit drowsy and I soon drifted away into the land of the dreams.

The next morning I found that I was lying awake, staring into the roof.
Then I tried to move, but I couldn't! Oh, well. It must be my muscles
being stiff after the ordeal, so I just stayed and waited for a while,
thinking what to do today. Then my bedroom door opened and my butler
showed a medic in. The medic walked up to me and I tried to turn my head
at him and greet him but I still couldn't move. He then shone a light into
my eyes, felt my pulse and listened to my chest. He then walked over to my
butler and I could hear him say:
-My professional opinion is that he has been dead for at least 24 hours.

Dead! But I'm not dead! I tried to scream but I couldn't get a sound
over my lips. then I realized it! Kankkune had not managed to perform the
full ritual, she had just locked my soul to my body! I was dead, but still
trapped in my body.

So now I am here in a dark coffin well two meters below earth. I don't
know for how long time I've been here. I can't see anything but the worms
and maggots crawl trough my old body, having feast. I can't do anything
about it, just lie here waiting while these few words float trough my
rottening brain: "Why did I do it?"

I'm *proud* to be non-american! But my girlfriend is american, she's from
This file is (c)opyrighted material, but spreading if free
under some conditions. Se the uXu index for details.
uXu #135 Underground eXperts United 1993 uXu #135
Call SOLSBURY HILL -> +1-301-428-3268

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