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TraxWeekly Issue 079

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Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


founded march 12, 1995 _| : _____ t r a x w e e k l y # 79
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| TraxWeekly Issue #79 | Release date: 06 Dec. 1996 | Subscribers: 895 |


Welcome to TraxWeekly #79.

The Plagiarism in the Music Scene column is back again after a few months
of inactivity. It seems that stupidity in the music scene is on the rise
again. This time, we have someone ripping the song from the v2.08 release
of Impulse Tracker ("WHAT?" You say? Exactly.).

Notes: Cyberdemon changed his handle to CD quite awhile ago. He would
appreciate it very much if people would stop calling him be his formal
handle. Also, TraxWeekly needs some serious writers who can write serious
articles. I'm tired of getting column after column of complete bull$#!t.
I really could not care about 100% correct grammar, but I'd like to see
some original ideas, decent writing, and significant material. Being able
to *communicate* is one of the most important skills in our information
society. If you can't do that, LEARN.

Until next time,

Gene Wie (Psibelius)
TraxWeekly Publishing


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Letters and Feedback

1. Letter from Bez
2. Letter from Masakado
3. Letter from Kamophlage
4. Letter from shaithis

General Articles

5. Plagiarism in the Music Scene.................Psibelius
6. "Ode to Lamers"...............................Zinc
7. Intro to Music Theory Vol. 3..................Greg Heo
8. Is BBS'ing dead?..............................Pizza Head

Group Columns

9. Explizit
10. Skyjump Team


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[Letters and Feedback]----------------------------------------------------

--[1. Letter from Bez]------------------------------------------------------

From roberts@execpc.comFri Nov 22 21:58:38 1996
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 00:31:45 GMT
From: Rob Sanheim <>
Subject: argh, drop the chip tune articles in TW

PLEASE drop the stupid chip tune articles those 3 guys are
writing,...they are trying to be funny and failing miserably. I'd
rather have a smaller traxweekly with more quality than a big tw with
all sorts of crud in it.

Rob Sanheim - aka "Bez"


I have read the 'modsquad's article submission for this week, and I agree.
It's completely garbage. Its has been filed in the round file.



--[2. Letter from Masakado]-------------------------------------------------

Hi there. dear fellow TraxWeekly readers.

This is only a quick announcement about the music compo that Blacktron
Music Productions will be running within a week from now. Of course, it
will be a fun compo in the first place, but with a few serious influences.

Perhaps you have heard something from Blacktron before, perhaps not.
Anyway, we are a dutch/swizz music group and the music we release changes
from hardtechno to smooth jungly vibes.

As I said, this is just to announce that we're going to organize that
compo, the official info pack will be available next weekend, around
december 14, 1996.

If you're interested in joining the compo, or just want to know more about
it, you can get the info from the following places.

Get the info from our homepages at:
or from our main site at:

<?> Do you want to end up on CD <?>

Well. That's all for now. Hope to hear from you in the compo,


Martin. Masakado_Bmp


--[3. Letter from KamoPhlage]-----------------------------------------------

From undert@primenet.comFri Nov 22 21:58:11 1996
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 15:52:55 -0700 (MST)
From: Ryan Fariss-Law <>
Subject: TW Article

Just wanted to thank you for printing your response to that terrible
article by Rubz. It was certainly one of the most brainless articles I've
seen in the last year or so. I really agree with your point about bashing
older, more popular scene members being the 'trendy' thing to do lately.
Anyway, I just thought it was a great response, and if it wasn't there I
might have even written something similar up myself and sent it in. Well
blarg...Lates. :)

/<amoPhlage/Halogen Dreams

(Ryan Fariss-Law)


--[4. Letter from shaithis]-------------------------------------------------

From shaithis@buffnet.netSun Dec 1 20:40:25 1996
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 18:35:47 -0500
From: Shaithis <>
To: Gene Wie <>
Subject: Re: [TRAX-WEEKLY:101] traxWeekly Issue #78

Allow me to say thank you, for publishing a statement that I have
made numerous times on #trax. What is with this old-school bashing?
Especially FC bashing? I mean, yes, the tracking scene has improved
since the days of global motion or Ice Frontier, but does that mean
that these songs are unlistenable and should be removed from all hard
drives across the world? Hell no. Purple Motion's music is, at this
point, no less than two years old, yet he is still by far and large one
of the most popular trackers ever to have graced the scene. There is a
reason for this. The man was (and probably still is) and extremely
talented and accomplished musician. Listen to a necros tune sometime,
especially the older ones, and tell me you can't hear the purple
motion influence. I defy the tracking scene as a whole to tell me that
purple motion and the rest of FC were not an inspiration to them in
some part. My personal tracking style is nothing like purple motion's,
but I still cannot deny his influence on me. These people were
innovators. They were musicians. Above all, they were artists. A great
work of art does not fade with time, and I fervently hope that there
are others such as myself who consider the music that came from Purple
Motion and many of his peers to be just that, works of art. I still
listen to Global Motion, Soul-o-matic, Ice Frontier, and many other
works from the future crew musicians, and I am not ashamed to admit
this. I fail to understand the logic of bashing old school trackers
when we have people who are still in the scene such as Wave, who have
been tracking for just as long as PM or Skaven, and still continue to
win compos. Wave is an excellent musician, who continues to contribute
to the tracking scene. Does this put him on a level above Purple
Motion? I highly doubt that. I think if you asked him, or many other
prominent scene members, they would tell you that they have a high
level respect for Purple Motion and the music he produced. Sorry this
letter is so long, but I am getting really tired of the current trend
of bashing anything that's more than two years old. It is pathetic,
stupid, and represents nothing more than a few people's jealousy for a
level of music they cannot reach. Feel free to publish this in
traxweekly. I hope that others will respond to it and let me know
either A) Why they are bashing a group of extraordinarily talented
people or B) That they agree with me that it should not be so.

Anyway, thanks for letting me speak my mind, and please continue with
Traxweekly. While it's lost some of its support, I still consider it an
excellent scene mag and anticipate reading it each week.

Shaithis (Chris Buecheler)


/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[5. Plagiarism in the Music Scene]---------------------------[Psibelius]--

Plagiarism in the Music Scene (PMS)
- protecting the rights and intellectual property of musicians worldwide -

And just when you thought that nothing interesting was going to be in
TraxWeekly this week. I thought that the entire point of PMS was
completely dead LAST year, after that whole smash-up with Immortal Software
Productions. However, some recent events have prompted me to revive this

The other night on IRC, Liam the Lemming and Legend informed me that
someone had released a rip of Legend's 'Acid Dreams' song, which happened
to be the example song for Pulse's latest Impulse Tracker v2.08 release.
I will skip the conversation and following emails to say this:

Phoncie or Phonkie, whatever his handle is, is a musician from the
group Explizit. He has released a song called 'glencoe' under the
filename This core of this song is a number of ripped
patterns from Legend's 'Acid Dreams.' Inside his rip, Phoncie/Phonkie
only mentions that he "ripped a few patterns from that it208 song," and
fails to credit Legend for the original ideas. He also adds a (c) to his
rip, which is ridiculous, espescially for a plagiarized work!

Now why is this disturbing? Put it this way: why would ANYONE be stupid
enough to rip the song from an internationally distributed tracking
program?! It blows my mind. How utterly *retarded* does one have to be
to do such a thing? Don't answer that.

I encourage all of you to contact Legend at to obtain a
copy of both songs and see for yourself. You can download IT208 from one
of the three hundred sites it is available on worldwide (doh!) to get
Legend's song.

I also encourage all of you to email Ch:ilm, the head of Explizit at and tell him to dump this lame Phoncie/Phonkie
whoever from the group. You can email Phoncie/Phonkie and express your
displeasure at his activites at

To Phoncie/Phonkie: I'd better see a public apology to Legend within
the next week, or your a$$ is toast.

And PMS is resurrected for yet another week...

-Psibelius [TW]


--[6 "Ode To Lamers"]-----------------------------------------------[Zinc]--

See the lamers track a song
only thirty seconds long.
From the local boards they come
turning #trax into a slum.

See the lamer flood with greets,
when necros and base he meets.
Tell me why they even bother?
Uploads worthy of yak fodder.

"Get my music! It's so cool!
Even made my mommy drool!
"It's the first song that I've made.
Download, please, and give me aid."

See here, newbie, cuz #trax fears
that crap you made that bleeds our ears.
It's horrible, can you not see?
It's some kind of monstrosity.

Why don't you quit and stop this noise?
Go play with your Fisherprice toys!
Just get the heck out of our world
or we'll release our wrath unfurled.

We hate your songs! Your face! Your guts!
You must be insane, crazy, nuts!
Now stop uploading so much slop
to this must stop!

- written in a very annoyed mood caused by the garbage
found in the music directories.

zinc /


--[7. introduction to musical theory: volume three]-------------[Greg Heo]--


musical form: the organization of the various components of music
available to the composer (or tracker).

This article will discuss various ways of organizing your music. First,
I'll go into a little pre-article definitions and stuff...

__pre-article definitions and stuff__

The first thing you must realize is that there are two things a listener
picks up regarding form...repetition and contrast. Are your tunes one
giant loop? Are you assigning values of F to the SBx command? Do you
have two patterns with 36 orders? Or are your tunes the ones with a
billion themes and melodies, with no interconnection. Both repetition
and contrast are important elements in a tune, but like all opposites,
they have to be balanced.

Phrasing. I think this has been covered before somewhere, so I'll
just touch on it. Take the lyrics: "twinkle twinkle little star, how I
wonder what you are." The part before the comma would be considered a
phrase, and the second half another phrase. The entire line is referred
to as a period. A phrase is a smaller section, while periods are complete
melodies consisting of two or more phrases, and ending with some kind of
cadence (usually). What's a cadence?? read on...

Cadence comes from the Latin "cadere", which means 'to fall'. Briefly,
a perfect cadence ends a phrase. In the above example, the words
"you are" in the song twinkle twinkle concludes the song. Imperfect
cadences are like the commas in a intermediary pause. And
finally, a deceptive cadence is like a period in a sentence that turns
into an ugly semicolon at the last minute. Sorry for rushing through,
but I'm getting off topic...

__musical forms__

And now I will discuss the most popular types of musical forms:
- binary form
Pretty simple, I think. Bi = two. So this type of song has two
parts to it. Sometimes referred to with letters (i.e. AB format).
This is the very basic tune with two main themes that are played
after each other. Maybe an introduction and an end bit too.
- ternary form
ABA. Sort of an extension on binary form. The B section should have
a different feel to it, but still connect with a common motif to the
previous A section. after an optional bridge of some sort, the A
section repeats, possible with some kind of variation.
- Rondo form
Usually in ABACA or ABACADA format. It consists of a main theme (A)
alternating with contrasting sections.
- theme and variation
Again, the name should speak for itself. The tune starts with a main
theme. It then goes into a variation of this main theme, and then
into a finale. Note that it usually does not end with the main theme
repeated again, although the finale is just another variation, but
with that 'finalizing' sound to it. In order to make this type of
tune interesting and not too repetitive sounding, each variation
should have contrasting volumes and tempo.
- verse and chorus
Not very prevalent in tracked music, but I'll cover it anyway. This
is what 97% of the songs you hear on the radio will use. I guess you
need lyrics with it, or it'll be repetitive.
- straight
No, I'm not referring to sexual orientation :>. This type of song
runs straight through. No repetition. No nothing. You hear various
themes played after each other and then the end. Very simple.
Kinda like binary form, but more parts. Think of it as an ABCDEFG
form, if you like that better.
- sonata form
This is an oldie. Mozart wrote these things in the 1750s. There
are three main parts, the exposition, development, and recapitulation.
In a nutshell, the exposition exposes the listener to the main themes.
The development develops and plays around with these themes a little,
and does not introduce any new ones. The recapitulation recaps only
the very first main theme, and goes into a coda (another word for
"the finale or ending thing").

Remember that I am generalizing a lot of this. There is typically an
introduction before the A section, and ending, and a bridge somewhere.
This is just the very simple skeletal plan. Songs with form help the
listener to 'remember' the song a little better, i think.


whee, so that's my 90 line article for today. Hope you learned something.
next time (hopefully) i'll cover pre-chord theory stuff. reeeaaly basic.

seeya next week,
greg.river -[]-


--[8. Is BBS'ing dead?]---------------------------------------[Pizza Head]--

Hi, I've been meaning to write you concerning the article I'm suppose to
be doing for trax weekly, unfortuantly I was in the middle of getting
prepared to move, and my computer was down for 2 weeks, well ive moved into
my new house and my computer is up, but theres boxes surrounding me :) ,
anyway hopefully I will have a review next week, in the meantime heres
an article , o btw has anyone replied to you about my article a couple
weeks ago? Id like to know if anyones agred with me, ok well here...

I have been thinking allot about bbs'ing. Other than the fact to meet
people arount you, what good are bbs's? The internet is taking the world
by storm and people dont even know what the hell a bbs is. All the yuppies
go out and by computers and dont even know how the fuck to use them. I
mean comeon I just heard about a article in a newspaper the other day that
had a guy who worked at customer service at some computer store, and he
got a call from some guy who just bought his computer. The guy told him
that his cup holder broke, and the worker asked him what does he mean, and
the guy told him that the cupholder that says 4x on it broke. I mean come
on, people are buying a computer only because of all the talk thats going
on about it. Its really making me mad, but there is one question, what
will happen to the bbs's out there, if i had a choice between bbs's and
the internet, im sorry to say i would choose the internet. For a couple
of reasons, soon bbs's will be obsolete, well calling them direct will,
50% of bbs's will be on the web.

This is a shame but its the truth. BBS's are already doing that today.
The only reason bbs's wouldnt want to go on the web is if there dealing
with pirate software.

The internet is a great tool if you know how to use it. There is
the irc which is great because you can chat with tons of people, get
files, give files, learn stuff etc. The www is great too, every product
nowadays has a f---in www adress, u look through tv guide and on the back
it says , you watch hbo and they got print on the bottom
of the screen saying, movies are even getting into it.

And now the worst thing is going to happen to the demo scene. Its
already starting to happen. People are going to ruin are scene. These
people are big companies like Microsoft, im telling you next year there
going to have programs out, like Make Your own Demo, where you can click
which shape you want to spin across the screen, and what kind of music you
want in the back ground, and people are going to get this crap and upload
there so call "demos" to the internet, or even, saying its a
great demo and you should take a look at it. There's software out there
right now that's changin the ways demo's are made. A good demo requires
3 sets of people :

people who code, people who do graphics, and people who do music. Well
ever heard of avi? Im sure you have and allot of people are releasing
demos containg these, it take's little talent to make avi demo, now dont
get me wrong, ive seen some nice demos with avi's but its deleating the
soul purpose of the demo, the purpose of a demo is basically to "look what
i can program the computer to do" not "look what this program made computer

Theres also commercial tracking programs being released, well
there not real tracking programs like impulse tracker, there crappy
programs where you can put in wav's and mix them, and then save them as a
file. Big time corps. like Microsoft are going to stick there noses in are
scene, see money potential and try and take over. Why do big companies
think that taking something underground and making it commerical will
sell? They could give to shits about ruining are scene that people have
been organizing for years just so they can make a few dollers, they ruin
all music like this, like rave and underground techno and music like
that, Some record companie see's potential and decides to make a crappy
compilation of music they never heard of, with artists that had hits 10
years ago, but they dont know that, thell just throw a title on the
record like #1 rave collection, best songs ever made, and people with no
knowledge of the underground will go buy it just cus they think it will
make them cool.

I hope you understand what im trying to say, well send me some feed back,
you can reach me at


/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

--[9. Explizit]-------------------------------------------------------------
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:::::/ \__| \_ :::\ / / / | \ / |::::::
- E x p l i z i t -


- Exploration, what is it?

Exploration is a DiskMag about the music scene. In fact it's an .EXE
file with some accompanying files, that you can execute. Once executed,
you'll hear some nice music thru your GUS/SB/PAS/WSS and you'll be
presented with a menu. From that menu you can choose articles to read.

- Articles?

Yeah, these articles will be written by .... YOU! That's right!
If you want to appear in this diskmag send some articles to us and
we'll place them for sure. Your article will be read by hundreds,
if not thousands of people all over the world.

You can write about your group, what you do, what your group does.

If you're not in a group, write down something about yourself, write
down what your next song will be, write down about the scene, what you
think of your friends, write down some greets or some extra-special notes
to somebody ....

Please write information about upcoming parties, events, or anything like
that. News-flashes, tracking hints, music theory... the list is endless.

- Exploration III features

* coded in protected mode
* Native music playback on Gus/SB/WSS and PAS soundcards
* Group and Board addies
* Articles, Interviews, Newsflashes
* Stunning graphics

- I've written sumthin ... now what?

Now send that masterpiece to us,
Exploration Issue III will be released in December 96/January 97. We do
need quite a few articles, so if you're any good at writing, feel free to
help us out.

Ch:ilm [Explizit]


--[10. SkyJump Team]--------------------------------------------------------

,g##g_ gg ,gg ~gg pg* ;ga gg pp [ggc ggp [ggggg,
M#"4#@ #@ ,@#" 7#a ,#@ l#9 #@ BB [##@ ]##B [#44@#@
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`##ggMB #@ `#@ ]#L ##g@M Y#@g##@ [# f#B BB [#
`@#B@" #@ Y#* ]#L `@#@" 9###" [# +#@ UB [#

ggggggg pgggggg ,gg gggc ggp (TM)
[###### BB####@ 6#@ [##@ ,##B -------------------
#@ BB____, /#"#@ [#I# QBBB | Quality |
#@ B#####9 W@ V#_ [#)#8#@BB | Since 1994 |
#@ BB j#@g&#G [# #N#CBB -------------------
#@ BB &#####@ [# MB#^BB E-MAIL:
#@ BBggggg #@ Y#, [# Q#B BB
#@ B#####D I#" `#@ [# l#@ BB

November 26 1996

Hello from D.J. Skyjump

okay, some latest news to you straight from SkYjUMP tEAM (SJT)

-------------------------[ New Programs ]--------------------------

26/11/96 Ramsete CD Player v2.5 ............ Audio CD Player
Filename: SKY_CD25.ZIP .... 27k ... by Ramsete

--------------------------[ New Tracks ]------------------------

20/11/96 DOPAPACK #1 (Music Pack)...........Style: Dopa-TripHop
Filename: SKY_DOPA.ZIP.. 1300k .......... by Riders

20/11/96 Afro Redemption ....................Style: Afro Music
Filename: SKY_AFRO.ZIP...358k........ by D.J. Skyjump

26/11/96 Extravaganza........................Style: Jungle/Afro Music
Filename: SKY_XTRA.ZIP...578k........ by D.J. Skyjump

Grab it From our WWW Page :

or from the ftp sites : /pub/music/groups/SKYJUMP-TEAM /pub/incoming/music/....

--------------------------[ Mailing Service ]-------------------
You can receive all new modules by SUBSCRIBING. To do this, simply
send to ( an e-mail message with in the
message body the keywords 'subscribe <listname>".

We have seven different internet distro-lists:

Listname Description
sjt.announce : Skyjump Team announcements, text-only
sjt.binary : New, MIME Skyjump Team releases

Thanx For Your Attention ....

See Ya Later
D.J.. Skyjump (



TraxWeekly is available via FTP from: /demos/incoming/info (new issues) /demos/info/traxw/ (back issues)

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [name] (NOT address)
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and have some measure of
journalistic value. Please avoid the use of high ascii characters,
profanity, and subjects not proper for public discussion.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
(MIME/UUE only) to: before 11:00pm PST (North
America) every Thursday.

TraxWeekly is released over the listserver and every
Friday at 10:00am PST (North America).

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

The staff can be reached at the following:

Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Staff: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
Fred (Fred Fredricks)
Kal Zakath (John Townsend)
Kleitus (Seth Katzman)
Mage (Glen Dwayne Warner)
Zinc (Justin Ray)

Graphic Contributors:
Cruel Creator . Stezotehic . Squidgalator2 . White Wizard

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995,1996 - TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.

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until next week! =)
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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