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TraxWeekly Issue 076

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


founded march 12, 1995 _| : _____ t r a x w e e k l y # 76
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| TraxWeekly Issue #76 | Release date: 07 Nov. 1996 | Subscribers: 875 |


Welcome to Traxweekly #76!

Yes, I forgot to release TraxWeekly last week. In the midst of midterms,
my mind slipped and fell down a crack in the parking lot pavement. Such is
life. I hope you will all accept my most sincere apologies for depriving
you of your weekly dose of absolutely meaningless scene material. =)

This week, we feature a group of decent articles covering everything from
a new Demotape Directory, musical theory, and that tired old "realism in
music" garbage. Some interesting perspectives on music this week come from
Lupin, and hey, hey, hey! We have a TraxCulture (finally!).

Top that off with the usual group columns no one ever reads, and there you
have it. Enjoy!

Gene Wie (Psibelius)
TraxWeekly Publishing


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General Articles

1. Realism in MODs...............................Behemoth
2. Intro to Music Theory, vol. 2.................Greg Heo
3. The Demotape Directory........................Zinc
4. TraxWeekly coming to an end?..................Pizza Head
5. Tracker Heaven and Hell.......................Lupin
6. Sound Club....................................Steve Linz
7. TraxCulture: Independence Day, Australia......Random Lamers

Group Columns

8. Explizit
9. Skyjump Team


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[1. Realism in MODs]------------------------------------------[Behemoth]--

I was reading issue #70 of TW, and saw where necros, in_tense, and
others were arguing about "realism" in tracked music. While it is true
that you cannot be exact in reproducing the exact attributes to any given
musical instrument, you can still make the song sound "realistic". I
have not been tracking that long (only about 6 months or so) but because
of my extensive musical training throughout my life, I am not using lame
drumloops for entire songs with three or four Purple Motion samples.
Quite the contrary, I use my Korg X5 to sample my instruments, and even
though samples from sythesizers are not "real" as opposed to shoving a
mic into a Yamaha Grand Piano, the piano samples ARE indeed of a
"realistic" quality. Anyone who has heard or any of the
"Wilderness" series can tell you that they DO sound like live instruments.
I am simply pointing out that it is indeed futile (due to today's
hardware/software limitations) to reproduce a Mozart piano concerto with
accuracy, this is really not what tracking is all about.

Why would we WANT to reproduce a Mozart piano concerto? Why not write
something new? I belive that if we all simply concentrate on making music
that sounds strong musically and can convey its idea to the listener, we
shouldn't have to worry whether the samples have the same qualities
as the real thing. If it SOUNDS good, why moan and groan over the
samples? Sure, in a few years we'll probably be using a few thousand
channels at once and 128-bit samples, making the songs a few gigabytes
each, but won't they sound more "realistic"? Also, because of changing
technology, modems and other devices that upload/download information
will be able to do about 500Mbps or so. I hear a lot of complaining about
some of my older tunes which are around 2.5 MB or so when people try to
download or DCC them. I can understand people's frustrations about
taking anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour to download one song, but
with newer technology becoming available, I'm quite positive that we all
will start making 5MB songs, then 20, 100, eventually back to the multi
-gigibyte ones I was mentioning earlier. I know people who still
have 2400baud modems, and moan and complain about downloading anything
larger than a few hundred kilobytes (which is more than a little
frustrating at this end).

To summarize: As musical technology (hardware/software) improves, so
will the "realistic" quality of each track. Larger sample bit-depths mean
greater quality, thus making larger files. The larger files won't be a
major problem because modem speeds will continue to improve untill
we are DCC sending/receiving literally gigabytes at a time, probably
only making the download time only a few minutes.

I understand that people out there can and will dissagree with my
opinions, and for that I am willing to hear your opinions on realism as
well. You are more than welcome to write me at:

I look forward to your comments.



--[2. introduction to musical theory: volume two]---------------[Greg Heo]--


Last week, I covered the first three elements of music: melody,
harmony, and rhythm. Today I will cover the next three: dynamics, tone
colour, and texture.


Dynamics can be further divided into volume and articulation. While
volume may seem like a simple concept, it's a lot more than just numbers
in the volume row. Things like volume swells and sudden drops in volume
help add a bit of interest to the tune. If a piece drops to volumes of
10 and makes the listener lean forward and listen more carefully, and also
goes up to full 64 volume and pushes the listener back into his/her chair,
then the tune is just that much more effective. Remember, variety is
the spice of life.

Articulation is the way the notes are pronounced. Are they short and
choppy notes, or long and held out? One effect comes to mind to vary
this...the SCx (note cut) effect. The x value specifies which frame to
stop the note at. For example, a SC2 command in speed 06 plays the note
for a third of the regular row time. Wow. Other than that, I guess it
all depends on the samples you're using, so make sure they're good ones.

__tone colour__

At first I thought this element would have no place in tracked music,
since it refers to the playing aspect of music. Tone colour refers to
the qualitative descriptions of a sound. Is it scratchy sounding?
Smooth? Echoed? Effects like vibrato (Hxy or 4xy in protracker, I think)
and tremolo cause waverings of pitch and volume, respectively. Porta
to note commands make the samples sound smoother (Gxx / 3xx). Almost all
the effects, in fact, add to the unique 'colour' of each sound we hear.


I think texture ties in with harmony, discussed in the first article.
The possibilities for texture are: monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic.
Monophonic music is one musical line. Whether one person is singing or
1 million people are singing...everyone's singing the same thing.
Homophonic music makes up around 97% of what we hear. It consists of one
prominent melody line, with accompaniment (chords, a harmony line, etc).
Polyphonic music reached its height in the Baroque period (1600-1750)
and had many (usually 4) voices singing different melody lines at the same


So there are the next three elements. Next week, the article on musical
form concludes this discussion on the elements of music.

Mail me with any comments, questions, or corrections.

Until next time,
greg heo


--[3. Demotape Directory]-------------------------------------------[Zinc]--

This is a rather new column in TraxWeekly, so I'll explain its purpose.
It is a Demotape and CD directory where those selling albums can have info
posted, and interested buyers can see which ones interest them. I believe
that this arrangement shall benefit all those involved, so I urge your

If you have a demo tape/cd, please e-mail me at, or find
me in IRC, and give me all the information possible: release date, price,
name of album, style(s) used, and so on. Most important is your contact
address or www site.

The following demo tape/cds are organized by artist, alphabetically.
All dates are approximate. There may be surcharges for s/h fees, etc.
I am not responsible for misinformation. Contact me to correct errors.

Author: B00MER Name: Negative Youth
Format: Cassette Style(s) Used: Industrial/techno
Release: September 1996 Price: $5 US + s/h
Contact: -or-
Other: Metal tapes can be ordered for additional $1.25
Author: IQ and Maelcum Name: FTZ "Nothing Is True"
Format: CD Style(s) Used: N/A
Release: 1995 Price: $8 US + s/h
Contact: -or-
Author: Mental Floss Name: Grey Matter
Format: Cassette Style(s) Used: mixed
Release: N/A Price: $10 US
Contact: -or-
Author: PeriSoft & SupaMart Name: Live Inside Your Computer
Format: Cassette Style(s) Used: Ambient/Trance/Techno
Release: July 1996 Price: $6 US
Contact: -or-

Suggestions and comments are welcome.
- zinc /


--[4. TraxWeekly coming to and end?]--------------------------[Pizza Head]--

My names PiZZa HeaD (please don't get any ideas that I'm a newbie
because I have "elite" characters), I've been involved with the scene
for 2 years, not that long but I've tried to learn as much as I can.
I just started composing recently, and I got into a local group
called Lucent. I have read every issue of trax weekly, and I really
enjoyed the 50+k releases, with great articles on chord progression and
theory. And that's why i decided to write in. Past 2 or 3 months
issues have been under 20 k, and that's where my reasoning comes in.
Its happening in all the scenes now.

My problem is that people are being lazy. They just want to
leech the scene and not give anything back, I live in the same area
code as Pyromaniac which I am sure if you read Inphobia you know him.
Anyways he decided to start up his annual art compo this year, and
everyone said they would join. When all the art was due only 5 people
out of the 20 people who said they would do something did. The same
thing happened with a guy named troll who started The Chicago Land Music
Compo, me and him and 2 other people were the only people who entered.
Only one person voted. A couple months ago I started up a e-mag called
B.u.G, it was going to be about all the scenes in 708,312, etc. I had
lots of members, only 3 people gave me something and everyone else just
blew me off, It was partially my fault because I didn't attempt to get
a hold of everyone. But it is events like those that really pisses me
off. The people who started our little scenes worked there asses off
trying to make everything go smoothly. Back then everyone would
compete, and try to help out. Today people just take take take and do
not give back anything. There are still a lot of people out there that
do a good job, especially the people who put trax weekly together. But
this problem is taking over Trax Weekly too, it is not as good as it use
to be. People should be mailing in lots of articles on the latest
trackers, chord theories, new scales, and anything else. Maybe I'm
wrong and trax weekly just got smaller because all the crap was
weeded out of the 50k issues, but I do miss necros's and base heads 5
page long articles on theorie. So far I feel that audio file is great.
It doesn't come out nearly as frequently as trax weekly, but it is being
made with quality not quantity in mind.

Please feel free to reply to me on how you feel about this
PiZZa HeaD -


--[5. Tracker Heaven and Hell? (or "Hitler hated Mods")]-----------[Lupin]--

Tracker Heaven is a place where we will all go when we die. Behave
good in life on Earth, and TraxWeekly(divine edition, not to be confused
with the tangible form of the same Track-zine on earth, OR Divine Booty
by Plant and disqualified at Assembly '95) will see to it that you are made
a legend. The reviews are always positive. For example, here's Lupin's
latest creation, reviewed by St. Peter/FC

Cut here 8<

"Dipping Ryan in Acid" - By Lupin/IMG 400k Compressed/600k
uncompressed, .IT format, 9 channels. Review by Big Pete/FC (Saint
Peter, Guardian of the Gate)

Composition - 95% Form - 99% Samples - 100% Overall - 98%

This Amazing composition by Lupin demonstrates an amazing ability to
fit a masterpiece in under the ceiling of 10 channels. Vocals, some
harpsichords and organs from an old, old Yamaha keyboard, and a simple, yet
effective drum track make this song groove. The vocals themselves are
sung by Lupin himself, recorded with a semi-decent microphone. The
lyrics give the song life, and humor. It's interesting to hear vocals all
about ryan from #trax being dipped into acid. The only weak part in this
song has to do with tradition. Lupin has written 2 other horrid songs
in a sort of series. These .S3M's are the bad "Ode to Necros" and the
putrid "HEH! Die Dragagy DIE!!" were disgusting tracks of random garble.
(Note: Except for the fartdrum sequence in 'DDD') Dipping Ryan in Acid
begins with 6 patterns taken from this. Luckily, they use samples from
the regular song, so the only hard drive waste is about 4 or 5k of data.
This passes quickly and soon you reach the kickdrum intro of the song. The
rest of the tune flies along, harpsichord blaring in tune with the Organ
and strings.

file available by SIMPLANG at: heaven,songs,it,a,

Sadly, though, you cannot go through your entire life hanging out
with dirty people like that Spooky Draggy guy, or Trixter, who is actually
the maker of the Vibra 16 sound card chipset. If you lead a poor life,
you will go to Tracker Hades (New WebSite!:
where Satan, the man who tracks with bloody claws, will get someone equally
disturbed to review your song. For Instance, the same song, reviewed by
AdolfJazz/HEMF (Hell Expensive Music Foundation.)

Cut here 8< (OW!!! My fingers!!!)

"Dipping Ryan in Acid" - By Lupin/IMG 400k Compressed/600k
uncompressed/80000k Hell compression, .IT format, 9 channels. Review by
Adolf Jazz/HEMF (Adolf "HellJazz" Hitler)

Composition - 05% Form - 01% Samples - -02% Overall - 01%

The 34th song I've reviewed, of 35, that's gotten under a 3. (I have to
torture that damn basehead, hacking into my system and changing his
score..) This ear-piercing festering moldy sock blew out 84 pairs of
my speakers, with that Lupin's freakish voice! This song sounds better
REVERSED. It starts out with some decent music, better than anything
I've listened to in a while, and then, it nosedives into the water
off Long Island. All of a sudden, the worst samples enter the fray,
and starts to sound hideous. I almost ripped off my ears with this
infernal crud. It ends with some sad attempt at a chord, the concept
of which "Lupin" has yet to hear of. I rudely drive my thumb down
upon this song, if you want torture, be my guest.

This maddening crud can be found at:


You can imagine purgatory, where you can't seem to get a song over
that level of acceptance. Near death experiences, which occur when you
drink just a little too much Jolt, are currently vague. He has been heard
to enter trance-like states while with his psychiatrist's office speaking
of "the perfect melody" and some sort of "bassline to end all basslines."
Rumors he said "I won 1st place in MC5!!" are currently uncomfirmed.

If you get to tracker hell, call me, I need to have a few words with
Mr. "Adolf Jazz" for me, okay?

Werd and peace,

P.S. You can see how AdolfJazz And BigPete stack up to, too!
Acidryan, coming soon to the following location:

Cut... Ahhh, never mind. :)


--[6. Sound Club]---------------------------------------------[Steve Linz]--

As the webmaster for a popular MOD music site-

I am often asked what software to use to create music.
Here are three of my most recent letters:

I'm a serious musician who's recently been introduced to the world of mods.
I've got a couple players, and I've been downloading mods like you wouldn't
believe. I now want to get into making my own mods. I've got fastracker 2
and a good platform to run it on. Unfortunately, I've got no clue on how
to get started. Where can I learn how to make mods? I've been looking all
over the web but it seems like I'm the only one who's not a pro. Absolutely
any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.


Hi there.
My name is _______ , and I am from Norway.
I am trying to find a way of making music, .................


Dear Modman,
thanks for including an editor on your page. I have been looking for one
for a few days and I can't find 1 for windows 3.11. Is this one for
windows? If not, can you point me in the right direction? Also, how can
I get alot of instruments for my mod editor? the only way seems to be to
d/l someone elses mods amd edit them. Is there a site that hass
instruments as well as mods? Do I ask alot of questions or what?
When I am asked what software I recommend to compose
MOD music I always say, “Sound Club”. Read how the makers of
Sound Club explain their product:


The idea behind producing SC was to take a giant leap on the area of
digital music processing. Since we began developing SC about three years
ago, we had to predict the upcoming changes of hardware, i.e. computers and
sound cards. We put the limit of simultaneous voices to 32, a task
appropriate for a fast 486 only, and all sound wave calculations are done
with 16-bit precision to make use of the 16-bit sound cards.

In SC we simply put together the features essential for the digital
music editor of the future. They are:

* User-friendly, simply-point-and-click, well planned and designed
interface. All the present digital editors have the problem being
so called 'tracker type', forcing the user to learn the hexadecimal
system of numeration, giving him strongly limited number of
'channels' to 'fit' the desired notes in, and having no mouse
support, to say nothing about nongraphical user interface. In other
words, they produce the false impression that the joy of creating
digital music is available for hackers only. SC is definitely going
to change that!

* Converter for wide range of different music file formats,
including MOD, CMF and MIDI files of different synthesizers. SC is
surely a song editor with the largest support of different file
formats on the Earth (the number of them is 8 plus its own song
format and growing!). This feature casts the user right into the
middle of the world of computer music! Please refer to the "Facts
and Technical Specifications" section for the complete list of
supported formats.

* Easy but effective instrument editor. Most of the music editors
have really clumsy instrument editor or do not have one at all. Of
course there are good independent instrument editors, but usually
they are 'too professional' demanding a lot of dedication while
learning them.

* Powerful sound synthesizer. This enables you to create well
sounding instruments each of which take only several bytes of disk
space! Since it is compatible with FM synthesizer used in AdLib and
SoundBlaster cards, the sound of converted CMF & ROL songs is
adequate. (CMF and ROL are the song formats written for such FM

* Fast data compressor. The problem with digital song files is that
digitized instruments take a great amount of disk space. That's why
the usual routine of maintaining digital music files was: uzip it,
change/listen to it, zip it again. SC will change this.
Compressing/ decompressing song files is performed automatically
when saving/ loading them. The average compression rate exceeds the
one achieved when using ordinary archievers. And due to extreme
optimation, the time taken by compression routine is almost

* Uncompromised sound mixer (sampler). We've spent a lot of time and
effort designing and optimizing this part of SC in order to ensure
the maximum possible output quality. It is thus possible that you
won't even recognize your old sound card if you let SC to preform
on it!

* A long list of sound card drivers ranging from Disney Sound Source
to Gravis UltraSound. This means that actually the only thing
Sound Club demands from a card is the presence of digital to analog
converter (DAC).

* A complete illustrated users guide.

The creators of Sound Club inform me that the 32 bit version for
Windows 95 will be released in December!
There phone numbers are 510 484 5918 or 1 800 373 CRE8 (373 2738)

Sound Club is a fun and easy way to make modular music!
My six year old son will sit at the PC and compose his MODs.
Then he'll ask me, "Dad can you put this one on the Net?"
I have had over 25 songs on the Net over the last year and
I couldn’t have been able to do it without Sound Club. I remember
staying up all night just to get a bit of noise out of Modedit.
About a month ago I started looking at Impulse Tracker by
Jeffrey Lim. Now, I'm not afraid to use a tracker to compose music.
But most important -- IT lets me use 16 bit waves and 64 channels!
No more working within the 640k limit of DOS!
So, go to my page ---
and download the demo of Sound Club. Enjoy the experience! Then
decide if Sound Club is what you want.

Steve Linz <>


--[7. TraxCulture]-----------------------------------------[Random Lamers]--

_____ __ __ __ _______ __ __ ______ _____
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\_____\\_____\\____\\_\/ \_____\/\___\__\/\____\/ww

The Australians have finally seen Independence Day. Amazing.


* Astrid saw Independence Day last night
<it's only just come out in Australia btw>

<Mild> astrid: hehe good movie

<gz> astrid: how the hell did it just come out.. all they gotta
do is fedex the film over

<Mild> gz: they have to translate it to australian dummy :)

<Mild> gz: make everybody say "mate"

<Astrid> gz: I know, it was supposed to come out heaps ago

<gz> mild: i can just see will smith saying "mate"

<Mild> gz: heheh

<Black_Fox> "Jeyz, we're under attack mayte. Ah well, chuck another
shrimp on the barbie and she'll be right.. naw worries."


/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

--[8. Explizit]-------------------------------------------------------------
.....______________.____________________________________________| |__...
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:::::/ \__| \_ :::\ / / / | \ / |::::::
- E x p l i z i t -

Here's 'just another group column', or 'whatever'. =)

Es geht los! (D.Trance 2, Disc 1)

Explizit is looking for composers again, Dutch composers in particular.
If you're into house music and think you're any good, and feel like
joining us, apply now!

Some of the things we can do for you:

- Havin' fun :)
- Email on own domain
- Listserver

About your music, please understand that:

- We don't care about what techno style you make, as long as it's techno.
Your modules should be well-tracked.

- We don't care about the quantity. If you don't feel like releasing,
don't. If you feel like releasing a track per day, do.

Ask any current Explizit member about the group and the athmosphere in
it. Usually we meet every couple of months, just to chat a bit and kill
each other in a laserfight. :) We also meet when some of us are making live
appearances, but this is more difficult for foreign members ofcourse.

Wondering if TW has more than 10 Dutch subscribers. =)

Looking very much forward to receiving your songs (private),
Ch:ilm [Explizit]


--[9. Skyjump Team]---------------------------------------------------------

,g##g_ gg ,gg ~gg pg* ;ga gg pp [ggc ggp [ggggg,
M#"4#@ #@ ,@#" 7#a ,#@ l#9 #@ BB [##@ ]##B [#44@#@
]#L E# #@,@#" @@ #B l#9 #@ BB [#QB [#BB [# 7#
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I#a )#L #@ QB, ]#L ]#L [#? #@ W@ [# M##'BB [#
`##ggMB #@ `#@ ]#L ##g@M Y#@g##@ [# f#B BB [#
`@#B@" #@ Y#* ]#L `@#@" 9###" [# +#@ UB [#

ggggggg pgggggg ,gg gggc ggp (TM)
[###### BB####@ 6#@ [##@ ,##B
#@ BB____, /#"#@ [#I# QBBB -------------------
#@ B#####9 W@ V#_ [#)#8#@BB | Since 1994 |
#@ BB j#@g&#G [# #N#CBB -------------------
#@ BB &#####@ [# MB#^BB E-MAIL:
#@ BBggggg #@ Y#, [# Q#B BB
#@ B#####D I#" `#@ [# l#@ BB

November 7 1996

Hello from D.J. Skyjump

okay, some latest news to you straight from SkYjUMP tEAM (SJT)

--------------------------[ New Tracks ]------------------------

07/11/96 Nuove Ricerche Sonore......... Dopa-TripHop
Filename: SKY_NRS.ZIP .. 268k ... by Riders

Grab it From our WWW Page :

or from the ftp sites : /pub/music/groups/SKYJUMP-TEAM /pub/incoming/music/....

--------------------------[ New WEB Page ]---------------------
Yes, a full new WWW page , New graphics, New Services ......

--------------------------[ Mailing Service ]-------------------

You can receive all new modules by SUBSCRIBING. To do this, simply
send to ( an e-mail message with in the
message body the keywords 'subscribe <listname>".

We have seven different internet distro-lists:

Listname Description
sjt.announce : Skyjump Team announcements, text-only
sjt.binary : New, MIME Skyjump Team releases

You will receive a message saying you're subscribed to a particular
list. When a song is sent to you, you will receive this in the MIME
format. If you use Eudora as your mailer-software, there is no
problem. Eudora recognises MIME format and puts the .ZIP file on
your harddisk, it is decoded automatically.

If you do not use Eudora or other software that can automatically
detect and convert MIME, you must convert the files manually. You
can use software like ESS-Code and WinCode for this (Windows).
You must MIME-DEcode the file you received, and then you'll find
the converted ZIP file on your harddisk.

If you do NOT want to receive our files anymore, send an e-mail
message to the same adress ( with the words
"unsubscribe <listname>" in it. You'll receive a message saying you
have been unsubscribed. From that moment you will not receive any
more messages.

All incoming messages are read by hand (and human eyes) so you can
write anything you want. For the sake of convenience you can use
above standard keywords.

If you have any further questions, feel free to write to the same

Thanx For Your Attention ....

See Ya Later
D.J.. Skyjump (



TraxWeekly is available via FTP from: /demos/incoming/info (new issues) /demos/info/traxw/ (back issues)

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [name] (NOT address)
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and have some measure of
journalistic value. Please avoid the use of high ascii characters,
profanity, and subjects not proper for public discussion.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
(MIME/UUE only) to: before 11:00pm PST (North
America) every Thursday.

TraxWeekly is released over the listserver and every
Friday at 10:00am PST (North America).

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

The staff can be reached at the following:

Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Staff: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
Fred (Fred Fredricks)
Kal Zakath (John Townsend)
Kleitus (Seth Katzman)
Mage (Glen Dwayne Warner)
Zinc (Justin Ray)
Reporter: IOR (Jesse Rothenberg)

Graphic Contributors:
Cruel Creator . Stezotehic . Squidgalator2 . White Wizard

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995,1996 - TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.

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until next week! =)
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