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TraxWeekly Issue 094

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


founded march 12, 1995 _| : _____ t r a x w e e k l y # 94
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| TraxWeekly Issue #94 | Release date: 09 Apr 1997 | Subscribers: 941 |


Welcome to TraxWeekly #94, an very rushed issue I managed to prepare
after yet another week of stalling and cramming to finish homework.
Getting on track after spring break has been...uhh..interesting, to say
the least. =)

TW veteran Zinc presents us with a discussion on using stereo samples in
Impulse Tracker, and he is followed by yet another huge section by the
ModSquad, covering more music theory. Aim Higher and SkyJump Team continue
their group columns, and TW would like to invite any and all groups to send
in a column for themselves!

Enjoy the issue!
Gene Wie (Psibelius)
TraxWeekly Publishing


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Letters and Feedback

1. Finding the Right People II...................Random Lamer

General Articles

2. Stereo Samples in Impulse Tracker.............Zinc
3. Music Theory: A Modern Approach...............The Modsquad

Group Columns

4. Aim Higher
5. SkyJump Team


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[Letters and Feedback]----------------------------------------------------

--[1. Find the Right People II]-----------------------------[Random Lamer]--

Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 00:19:22 +0400
From: Barney the Purple Dinosaur <>
Subject: join us!

hi. my name is barney. i'm a far-composer and plan to organize
new musicgroup named "pink mist side". i wish you to join our group.

descriptions for "pink mist side":

1.format for music: far, 12khz, 4bit.
2.maximum zipped module size: 12,500 bytes.
3.appearance: in gopher.
4.competitions NOT allowed.
5.***** ratings for modules. style: country, bluegrass, and cajun.
7.your soul belongs to me.
if your music doesnt agree with upper rules, you must leave group.
however, while in "pms", you can also join or leave other musicgroups,
but you must write [macarena-mix] at least twice a month.

promotion and distribution of music:
gopher. bbs server. your own news on bbs networks. your personal
profile and photo on my bedroom wall. uruguay headquarter bbs.
foreign headquarter bbses (in future). audiocassettes with ordering.
no parties. no fun allowed.

cya. barney/wet dreams.

e-mail :
voice: (666) 773-4999


/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[2. Stereo Samples with Impulse Tracker]--------------------------[zinc]--

"Why use stereo samples when you can use panning?" I was asked one night
after I rejoiced over my first successful true stereo .IT song. Well,
this article is designed to show you why you should and HOW you can use
stereo samples in your music.


What is the difference between a stereo sample and a panned sample?
Well, basically the difference is this: a panned sample makes one sample
come from somewhere between the two speakers, while a stereo sample uses
two samples two create one sound, but coming from two directions, resulting
in a much more realistic, and depthful sound.

Let me tackle this question with some simple logic: You have at least
two speakers (hopefully), and you have two ears, so your brain is able
to pinpoint from where a sound is coming from.

Let's say you are using a mono sample panned at 32 (halfway for
simplicity sake). The tracker will play the sample half volume through
the left speaker, and half volume through the right speaker, to give the
effect of the sample coming from halfway between them. The problem here
is that the end result sounds shallow and fake. Yes, it's still MONO
regardless of where the sample is. On the other hand, if you use two
samples, you can make two DIFFERENT sounds come from each speaker, to
create a very rich, full sound. Even using offset delays and other
methods, nothing passes the stereo carbon test (your ears) like an actual
stereo sample!

To test this, try it when you can using just two samples.. try a stereo
beatloop or bass drum. I'll explain how to do this next. After all,
hearing is believing (where have i heard that before? :> ).


Unfortunately, I can bet that more than 99.95% of your samples are in
MONO! So are most sample packs, and just about every sample available on
the web. What is the solution? Make your own samples! Percussion is
pretty easy to find clean on CDs, as well as any other sample you would
normally sample in mono to begin with. If you can't do that, just
hope you'll find some stereo mods to rip from! :)

Impulse Tracker is the only tracker I know of that can load stereo
samples, but to actually make your songs stereo, there's something you
must do. First, go to the sample screen, and hit ENTER, ready to load
a stereo sample. Find one, and try loading it. It asks you to load LEFT
or RIGHT sample. Well, one at a time, load both of them! Then, turn
default panning to hard LEFT and RIGHT for each sample. Now you have
a stereo sample.. or rather two seperate mono samples that equal stereo
samples when used together. Unfortunately, you have to use two channels
for just one stereo sample. In the example of a kick drum, put your kick
on every 4th bar (or whatever) in one channel with your LEFT sample, and
do the same in the next channel with your RIGHT sample. Then hit F6 and
listen to a true stereo beat! Wow.. neato. You will instantly tell the
difference if you have done this right.


Why don't some people like stereo samples? Well for one thing, it
doubles the size of your samples. Also, it doubles the number of channels
needed. And, it's a lot more trouble to pan stereo samples (this involves
playing with the volumes of seperate channels rather than tracking-type

The best compromise is just to use both mono and stereo samples. I like
to use stereo samples for heavy percussion or bass or other small samples
which you ordinarily would only use one channel for. Samples like strings
can sound okay when panned out over several channels.


In my opinion, the mono/stereo thing is one of the main reasons why
tracked music still doesn't sound as real as studio work. If we can use
true stereo samples more often, we will make that step towards reality..
Trust me :) heheheheh...

Advise me of any songs done with stereo samples!

zinc /


--[3. Music Theory: A Modern Approach]----------------------[The Modsquad]--

Music Theory: A Modern Approach
To Perfecting An Old Art, and Learning
How To Better Yourself, and What You Track.
Finrez, Radio Shock, Neon Hunter, and NOT Bottlehead

We kicked Bottlehead out of the group cause he took over our channel on
undernet after we banned his lame ass for insulting Radio Shock. He is a
looser anyways, he wasn't writing anything for the advancement of music
theory. We have won this battle against the losers of the music theory
scene, but we are still fighting the war. Find out how you can help us
by writing to us!

This is the sixth article in our second theory series. We expect the series
to have an approximate length of 8 parts.

--------[ AN ANALYSIS OF INSIDE OUT.S3M ]-------

---Rhino Rape,

Hi there. I just started taking theory lessons this new school semester, so
I wanted to try them out in analyzing one of my favorite mods: inside out
by the late Purple Motion. Its more of an exercise for me than for your
good, but I figured since it has never been done before, we can all benefit
from it.

The tune starts out with a descending three note riff and the classic
purple motion noise track. A quiet hihat riff is then played over it, a
precursor to the beat to come. the chords come in, with it a few
syncopated base drums. The chords play a few riffs, and it repeats in the
next pattern. Finally the drumbeat kicks in and we're in the verse. The
melody here is austere, similar to the descending pattern of the opening
three note riff. It repeats the next verse and builds up into a crescendo.
The drumbeat stops, there are two low base notes, and then the chorus kicks
in. The chords, which up til now have been mostly minor, go major. The
highly catchy melody (made with a chip sample, believe it or not) is the
most memorable piece of the chorus. When we leave the chorus after two
repeats of the melody, we enter what at first seems to be a verse, but is
fundamentally different. It is simply a place holder until we can repeat
the wonderful chorus again. The chorus is repeated, and then repeated
again in a higher key. When it is finished again, we enter a highly
repetetive yet nice sounding bridge made mostly of chords. A melody is
played over this, completely different from yet just as good as the
chorus. Then the repetetive section repeats again. Finally, we loop back
to the beginning again.

It is a very nice tune, don't let my autopsy of it fool you. The melodies
are wonderful and the drumbeat is catchy too.


"I was walking down the street to do my laundry and I saw two epileptics
swimming. Suddenly they broke out and had an epileptic fit in the pool,
so I just threw my laundry in there."
---Martin Landau,

With Neon Hunters article about the Korganorgan, he said some important
shit, and I will try to expand it beyond the Korg world.

Resist the temptation to buy underwear (I'm still scratching).

If theres a phone number scratched on something, its an invitation
to call. Say your name is Mr. McGoo.

In the crowd waiting for the stores opening, yell "Hey, its Bob Ross!"
and point at something bushy. You'll have the store to yourself.

Don't make eye contact with anybody in the bathroom.

Wear tight leathers and shove all those 303s down your pants. Noone
will ask for them back.

If you find a 303 and have neither cash nor tight pants, stash it in
the quilt section. Noone ever looks there.

If you see another synth collector, buy all the preset drum machines
and make him think you know something he doesn't.

When noones looking, shuffle across the carpet to build a static charge,
then zap that TR-808 that you can't afford.

They throw out Fairlight CMIs because they think they're broken TVs.

If the synth costs 61 bucks, present it to the clerk upside down.

Check the quilt section for stashed 303s.

If you drool a lot, sometimes you get a discount.

If you see CMI patch tapes but no CMI, check the dumpsters out back,
but don't eat the Big Macs.

Someone's dead grandma knitted that afghan you're buying for your dog.

See how many peoples heads you can get "Pac Man Fever" stuck in.

The mop heads will make a great addition to your performance costume
when colored properly.


"This is my friend, spud"
---Dana, _Step_By_Step_ "Help Line"

Lets say you just wrote a melody for a jazzy type tune, and you're
afraid you'll have to add chords... Look at it this way, if you just
drew a picture that had 2 people in it, and you wanted to add a back-
round to it. No way! Who would want to do that? This is the same
thing for chords. The only reason you want chords, is if you are
writing a Necros or Basehead type tune. But who wants those when you
can write WAVE tunes???

C-E-G Majour Those are all the chords you'll ever goddamn
C-D#-G Minour need. Necros uses em, maybe you want to too.
C-F-G Suspended 4th
C-D-G Suspended 2nd

----------[ MORE STUFF TO DO WITH MEXICAN 909'S]-----------

"I'll get it... Hello? Hello? Damn you! Stop calling us!"

This was way back in the days of theory #2 or #3 or something, where Finrez
wrote about his orthodontist (what was that about oral work? heh heh heh).
He wrote the three steps to do for making a good song:

1. try it
2. apply it
3. test it
4. up it

Ok, so sue me, it was four. I've found out that there are more to do.
Here is my new list:

1. try it
2. apply it
3. deny it
4. supply it
5. funkdefy it
6. test it
7. rest it
8. protest it
9. demand it
10. up it

These are at least as important as the first four known, if not more.
The reasons are thusfold:

Deny it - When your friend wants to listen, don't let him, he'll spoil
the surprise
Supply it - Finally let him listen when you've built it enough in his
mind that he has to like it or he'll think you're a real
piece of shit
Funkdefy it - How could you release a non funkdefied song??
Rest it - What the fuck? A song without rest notes?
Protest it - Protest against all the mistakes you made tracking it, and
fix them
Demand it - Noone else is gonna ask you for your new song, ask for it
yourself on c.s.i.p.d, and when you up it, more people will
download it wondering why the guy wanted it.

----------------[ FINISHING TOUCHES ]------------------

"You know, each day is like a dirty road from the middle ages. Eww!"
---Sherry and the Crows

I was messing around with various patches on my Arp 2500, plugging those
patch cords from oscillator to oscillator to filter to ring modulator
(of course, ring modulator!), and I came up with the coolest sounding
thing. I hooked up my sampler to it and sampled the sound so I wouldn't
lose it, and saved it on a disk. Then I ripped out all the patch cords
and tried to synth up another good sound, but I wasn't able to come up
with any as good as that other one. So I went back to the sampler, and
messed around with my rad sound effect.

But something struck a wrong note in my funny bone. Something here was
terribly, terribly wrong. I funked up a base line in Cakewalk and set
it to repeat over and over so I could listen to tell what the problem

It took me several minutes to hear it, but when I did, it creeped further
and further into my brain until I couldn't stand it anymore. The amount
of LFO on the resonant lowpass filter was just a smidgen too small!

Augh! To have such a rad sound utterly ruined by such a small mistake!
I kicked my Arp and something inside it snapped. It hasn't worked since,
and it's been at repairs for the past week. I shudder to think of what
the bill will be for such a classic machine, but I have learned something
very important by all this:

ALWAYS put finishing touches on your sounds and songs! If you don't,
you'll kick yourself in the ass about it later. I mean, say you forgot
to put the finishing touches on your tune and you sent it in to MCA
records. Then you listen to your tune one night and realize that the
baseline was just not funky enough, or that the open hihat was a little
bit too accented, or you forgot to run the song through a ring modulator!
You would kick yourself in the ass so many times for blowing a kickass
record deal that you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week.

-------=-=-=-= [ music and blocks ] =-=--------=====-

"..New technology in sound blockage!!!"
---Ford Motor Vehicles

"I am expert with breaking blocks using sound"
---Jackie Chan

did you know that before music was invented, by henry farnsworth,
in 1753 or whenver/whoever it was, people just threw stones
on the ground?.. yeah, this was really they're inner children
trying to get they're funky souls out.. they threw the stones
with a certain funky rhythm.. makin sure not to loose the beat..
catch the rhythm. keep the funk and injekt the venom.. hey, hey
yer jammin now, but too bad you gotta milk your cow!.. anyways,
this was right before music was invented. and i thought you should no,
becuase, like, lemm cant write drums for shit (actually i think he can
but my peers tell me the later), and like.. he should just listen
to his inner funky soul for the answer.. cuz you know, thats where it is.

----------[ RULES OF YOUR THUMB ]----------

"Those people in the IRA have green thumbs with the plant of fear"
---J. Edgar Hoover

Lemme give you a hint about many things in life: your thumb knows more
than your brain. Why else would people say "rules of thumb!"? I mean,
its a well known fact! Your thumb rules! If you track good stuff, it
rules your thumb up your closed fist!! And then you can break it and
the good ideas will leak out!! But you have to have someone on hand to
grab then before they escape or your thumb will be stupid forever.

Hmm.. actually maybe its not such a good idea to break your thumb, cause
then its like killing the Golden Goose (you know, the one that laid the
golden eggs?), cause then it couldn't come up with more ideas, and you'd
just get one or two. So don't break your thumb, or all the ideas will
leak out.

This can be a real problem, considering that your thumb is one of the most
used digits on either hand. Its the old opposable thumb plight -- how do
we protect our opposable thumb, the most important finger, from danger when
its the mosted used finger? One thing you can do is to exercise your
thumbs, like if you're forced to use those inverted hand "ergonomic"
keyboards, you're in special danger because your thumb has to reach further
to get to the space bar.

A good thumb exercise is known as "twiddling".. that is, you interlace your
fingers together and roll your thumbs.. well.. look at these asciigrams:
_______ _____ _______
/~~~~\---\ / \____ /---/~~~~\ ____/~~~~\
/ ~~~~== \ /==\~~ \ / /--`~~~~\ / ___`~~~~ \
\~~~~~~~~~/ \ =====~~~~~/ \------ / \ === =====/
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
[ step 1 ] [ step 2 ] [ step 3 ] [ step 4 ]

Another good exercise are those chinese thumb trap tubes. The twisting and
prying it takes to escape will also provide a full body workout.

Playing a console game with those cross paddles (not the lame ass
joysticks, but the cross controllers that use your thumbs to control)
also aids in exercise, but be careful if you haven't played for a while,
you can blister easily, especially doing Mortal Kombat style rolls.

--------[ BUYING A PIANO ]----------

"Have you ever gotten a sudden urge to kill Wilford Brimley?
It's the right thing to do."
---My dad

I saw an episode of Fred Flintstone where Fred wanted to buy a piano for
Wilma's anniversary, so he went to the piano store with Barney.

Fred: I'd like to buy a piano.

Clerk: We have a nice one here, it's a Stoneway.

Fred: But how does it sound?

Clerk: Would you like to try an arpeggio?

Fred: No, I want a piano!

Clerk: Oh, I see. [plays a scale, a few simple chords, and then a
masterful improvisation with trills and pounding base]

Fred: I like that one. How much?

Clark: We have this one on sale. It's only $15000.

Fred: $15000!?! I only brought $50!

It was funny. Anyways, I got the idea of going to the piano store myself,
just to see what it was like. I went over to Neon Hunters house with
Zerocool, and Neon Hunters mom took us to the store. I played a few
notes on them and never realized how crappy those $5000 pianos are compared
to the $10000 ones. I looked inside and was shocked to see that there
were three strings for each key!! Except for the base which were two, and
the massively low base was only one. But it was cool. We saw a digital
piano, it had a midi out on it, plus a bunch of non piano sounds.

The old owners looked at us like we were freaks, but they were too polite
to actually kick our asses out. So we went into the next room where there
were pianos with sequencers attached. I put a disk in the drive and
pressed the play button. It played the notes itself, it even pressed the
keys, and it was an acoustic too. It was rad. Then they came up to us
and said "thats enough, boys" so we left to be nice. I still think they
would've let us stay longer if I hadn't said that those $4000 pianos were
"crappy assed".


"I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and
yelling like his passengers."
---Mike Lee

You would not believe what I got my hands on this week. I was in my home
"studio" (crappy equipment mostly, but a few nice vintage gadgets) fo the
past three days playing with this thing nonstop. I found it in a pawn
shop in Tallahassee while visiting my moms parents, it was a good $500,
but was worth it.. in the words of a denizen of Analog Heaven, this thing
is the manually tuned resonant filter from hell! The Rohde & Schwartz
model UBM Astimmbarer Anzeigerverstarker Tunable Indicating Amplifier is
probably the best investment I have ever made.

It was used in communications testing, until a musician got ahold of it
and used it to turn the dinkiest base drum into a resounding base boom.

Its a piece from the 50s, and you will nearly pop your eardrums listening
to this filters self oscillation, the resonant frequency is amplified to
about 50 times that of the fundamental, ranging from 45 hz to **600khz**

These things are ultrarare, and I had to go to the anal cavity of humanity
(contrary to popular belief, it's not Buffalo) to find it anywhere, at any
price. I'll tell you now: the owner had no idea what he had on his hands.
Its like stumbling on a barrel of TB-303s at $1250 apiece.

---------[ GROUP NAMES AND HANDLES ]---------

"Ohhhh... for a name, for a name, for a name name name name!"
--Mozarts Ghost, the hottest new band on the Internet!

"It's fun to name things."
--Terry, _The_Delicious_Dish_

Say you're just starting out in the scene. You need to come up with a
good handle, and a name for the group you're starting. The best way to
do this is to make fun of someone elses handle.. for example:

Basehead - Acidhed
Fallacy - Phallusy
Cryptic Blood - Cryptic Crip

Or if you like, you can take a name from a song. Good handles might be:

Uvula Groove -- VULVA DANCE
Claytons -- PLAYDOH TINS
Orchard Street -- ORCHID LANE

For group names, make fun of people handles or group names:

Acid - Base
Analog - Digital
Ice - Water Vapour
Kosmic Free Music Foundation - Kosmic Expensive Music Foundation
Radical Rhythms - Malicious Melodies
Gray - Light White

-----------[ BERKLEE MUSIK SCHOOL ]-----------

"Ten soldiers and Nixon's comin'"
---Emerson Lincoln Palmer

My brudda got a brochure in the mail about this place called Berklee
musik school in L.A. He got all excited and said he wanted to take piano
lessons so he could go there. Then he saw that it only lasted a week, and
tuition for that week was like $3000. Crocka shit, if you ask me. He'd
hafta go to Boston to get his moneys worth.

But it had some cool stuff there. They were cool people, like the faculty
would give concerts and you could jam with other students and shit, and
there were "keyboard rooms" and "guitar amp rooms" where you could go
plug yer headphones in to play keyboard or plug yer guitar into the amps
provided for you.

I heard they have twelve majors, like music theory, sound synthesis,
film scores, improvisation, wood blocks, musical therapy, and vocalization
and cool stuff.

Anyways, you oughta go there cause my brudda is actually considering
flying out to Berklee to go to college, and then you could meet him.


That was the sixth installment of our second music theory series of
articles. If you want to contact us, our email address is at the top
and bottom of the file.
Radio Shock,
and Neon Hunter

(c) 1997 FuNkY MoDSQuaD iNC


/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

--[4. Aim Higher]-----------------------------------------------------------

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Well spring is here, which means that alot of people will soon be
finishing school, and the music will be coming out fast and furious
for the next couple of months. AIM Higher is no exception, as the May
1st deadline, for our comeback disk Re-Unification is rapidly

AIM Higher has alot of good news to tell you about including
several new members, the progress of our musicdisk, and the introduction
of our FTP site and home page.


The AIM Higher comeback disk is in full flight, and should be out by
the previously announced date of May 1st. If you'd like to hand in a
guest tune there is still plenty of time to do so. Just email me at the
below address.

The musicdisk will NOT have it's own musical/graphical interface as we
currently don't have the coders to program ITs. Since that is the most
accepted format these days - especially in AH - we decided to scrap any
notion of a music player. Besides we know that most of you out there don't
even unzip the packs to conserve space on the ol' harddrive :)


It's here! MANY thanks to Raymond of Sound Distribution Channel for
allowing us to put our web page up on his site. Since I don't have direct
access to the site, upgrades might be slow sometimes, and currently we
are still working out some of the kinks. The webpage is dedicated to the
musicians in the group who have (most of them) filled out personal info
pages that will hopefully interest you, and future groups that they could
possibly join. Anyways, here's the site:


Thanks again must go to Raymond of SDC for allowing us to store all
AIM Higher releases on his ftp site. This is a big bonus to us, as now
you have a few different options from where you grab our music. The main
ftp site is as follows:

We still haven't received any confirmation from our previous distro
sites, neither have we received word from any potential new ones :) If
you'd like to distribute AIM Higher files, by all means please email
myself (master of darkness) at the given address below.


Updates from our previous memberlist include the acquisition of
Egoteq, Corinthian, Karl Koelbel, Mr. Monkey, Cyrus, and Chinaski.

Enci has renamed himself Nymph Of Coke.

Remember, if you'd like to become a member of AIM Higher, it's as
simple as emailing me at the address below. There are no obligations to
release, no obligations to stay, no particular styles, and generally we
release anything that you give us - provided you hear our comments first


AIM Higher is here to help out PC Musicians everywhere that might have
questions, and for this reason we are currently working on a mailing list.
Right now it's just me forwarding my mail out to all the members, but this
has grown quite tiresome, and unreliable.

If there is anyone out there that could provide AIM Higher with a
mailing list hub, it would be greatly appreciated - and benefitial to the
rest of the PC music community as well :)


You are once again up-to-date on the comings and goings of AIM Higher.
If there are ever any questions about the group itself, joining the group
or just PC music in general please don't hesitate to mail me or one of
the other members :)

Thanks for your time,

Master of Darkness (
Aka Todd Andlar

"I'm not only the president, I'm also a client!"

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P R O D U C T # I O N S
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(c) AIM Higher 1997
| Fidonet : Todd Andlar 1:2424/1004
| Internet:


--[5. SkyJump Team]---------------------------------------------------------

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01 April 1997

Hiya to everyone from D.J. Skyjump :))
Sorry for the long delay (two months are passed from the last release),
but i'm very busy. (I study alot for my University exams ...)

These are the new releases straight from SkYjUMP tEAM (SJT)

--------------------------[ New Tracks ]------------------------

01/04/97 - The Dark Side (II)
Composer : Aphex
Size : 866k
Style : Jungle/Trance

01/04/97 - Energy Overflow
Composer : Aphex
Size : 285k
Style : Goa Trance

01/04/97 - Soorya Namaskara
Composer : Aphex
Size : 951k
Style : Goa Trance

Grab it From our WWW Page :

or from the ftp sites : /pub/music/groups/SKYJUMP-TEAM /pub/incoming/music/....

--------------------------[ Mailing Service ]-------------------
You can receive all new modules by SUBSCRIBING. To do this, simply
send to ( an e-mail message with in the
message body the keywords 'subscribe <listname>".

We have seven different internet distro-lists:

Listname Description
sjt.announce : Skyjump Team announcements, text-only
sjt.binary : New, MIME Skyjump Team releases

Thanx For Your Attention ....

See Ya Later
D.J.. Skyjump (



TraxWeekly is available via FTP from: /demos/incoming/info (new issues) /demos/info/traxweek/1995/ (back issues)
/demos/info/traxweek/1996/ (back issues)
/demos/info/traxweek/1997/ (back issues)

TraxWeekly W3 is under construction indefinitely.

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [name] (NOT address)
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and have some measure of
journalistic value. Please try to avoid the use of high ascii
characters, profanity, and above all: use your common sense.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
to: before 11:00pm PST (North America) every Wednesday.

TraxWeekly is usually released over the listserver and
every Thursday or Friday at 10:00pm PST (North America).

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
or religious statures and standpoints.

The staff can be reached at the following:

Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Staff: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
Fred (Fred Fredricks)
Kal Zakath (John Townsend)
Kleitus (Seth Katzman)
Mage (Glen Dwayne Warner)
Buddy: Justin Ray (Zinc)

Graphic Contributors:
Cruel Creator . Stezotehic . Squidgalator2 . White Wizard

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995,1996,1997 - TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.

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:::.::. ::: .:: .:: .:::::... :: :::.. ... ..: ...
..:::::::::::::::: .:: .::::::: :::::::: ::::::.. ::: ::: :::
until next week! =)
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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