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TraxWeekly Issue 037

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


t r a x w e e k l y .______/______ ____ .____ .______
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Issue Number: 37 | : the music scene newsletter. . :
Release Date: 12/07/95 | . 1 9 9 5 |
Subscribtion: 423 : .

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Welcome to TraxWeekly #37!

This week, we feature Atlantic's music reviews again, along with
information on the Sound Distribution Channel. The latest information on
the 20 MeEnUtHz Compo is also included, as well as a critical look on
chiptunes by Szalemandre.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email us.
Also, any group may submit a weekly column. We're very certain there are
many more music groups out there than the ones we currently list for!
Finally, those of you with music competition infofiles: we would really
appreciate any notice you readers can give us on current and future events
in the music scene, and feedback from past events.

Christmas is coming. =)

Psibelius [TW]


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General Articles

1. New Music Reviews.................................Atlantic
2. Sound Distribution Channel........................Raymond Dijkxhoorn
3. The Death of the Chiptune.........................Szalemandre
4. 20 MeEnUtHz Compo.................................AmusiC

Group Columns

1. Epinicion Productions
2. SkyJump Team


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[General Articles]-------------------------------------------------------

--[1. New Music Reviews]----------------------------------------[Atlantic]--

My first edition of this article, in last week's Traxweekly, received
some positive feedback, and I'm glad to see that people are noticing my
presence. =)

Only two songs this week. I tried to find more, but this is the best
I could do for the time being. We'll see if I can make up for it in
next week's edition.

Remember, if you know of a musician who deserves to be heard, pick
a song by that musician. If they aren't into composing anymore
that's alright, although I -strongly- prefer musicians who are active.
Attach the song to me in email ( in MIME format (not
UUencode: that stuff drives me wild), or send it to me on #trax where I
can usually be found around 4-7 PM EST. It is important to include the
following info:

- Artist's Alias (Artist's Real Name, if known)
- Date of Release (If not known, approximate)
- Where it can be found (ftp site & directory)
- Artist's E-mail Address (Very important!)

Reviews for week of November 30 - December 7

Artist......... Aahz the Demon / Carcass
Song Title..... "Hypnosis" [ccs-hypn.s3m]
DOR............ Decenmber 6th 1995 Email Addy:
Found: (\.21\demos\music\incoming\songs\s3m\

A discussion on #trax this week pitted Aahz, Basehead and Necros against
a tracker who stated something like: "chord theory is not required to
write good music"
. The sensible side of the discussion apparently showed
this poor individual that his statement was silly, and to follow-up the
issue, Aahz wrote this song. Hypnosis is a very well tracked tune which
shows Aahz's ability to apply his musical knowledge. The nice progression
in the song reflects this, as does the varying time signature. Have you
ever heard a s3m with 6 time signatures? If you're thinking that chord
theory doesn't help, pick this one up.

PS. The other two Carcass releases in the \incoming\songs\s3m\ directory:
"Carcass is Among you", and "Sidestep" are also very much worth grabbing.
Both of them are also by Aahz the Demon. Watch out for this group!

Artist.......... The REW / Nostalgia
Song Title...... "In the Land of the Gods" [gods.exe]
DOR............. October 3 1995 Email Addy:

As a follow-up to one of last week's recommendations (Rivendel - the REW),
I loaded up netscape to take a gander at Nostalgia's website and to grab
some more of the REW's music. The REW composes primarily with Polytracker,
and as few players support the format, Nostalgia has put together a small
little loader to play his tunes. "In the Land of the Gods" is done in
this fashion. The loaderthing was coded by Laserdance/Nostalgia, and has a
groovy thematic pic in the background done by Primal/Nostalgia. The song
is really worth hearing. It placed 3rd at the Wired'95 multichannel compo.
It has a primal, jungle-like feel to it, with a slow yet powerful theme
holding the interest of the listener. The melody is excellent, and the
small, subtle sams playing softly in the background contribute to that
junglish atmosphere. Really well put together, and worth hopping onto
the web for.


Until next week mes amis;

- Atlantic / Aim Higher & Traxweekly (


--[2. SDC - Sound Distribution Channel]---------------[Raymond Dijkxhoorn]--

- The Music Disk Department =-


This is my first contribution to the weekly trax letter. Hopefully, when
i have time, i will send in articles on a regular base. Unless there is
no feedback at all <g> ...

First of all, compliments to all the guys who keep this letter still
alive! It is a great letter, and many of my BBS users really love to
read it!

Let me explain a bit 'bout SDC ... SDC stands for 'Sound Distribution
Channel' witch is a BBS network with about 1800 BBS'es connected to it
WorldWide. We work on a nonprofit base, like most of you. It is mainly
setup to give more users xs to the new demo's and sound files. We try
to make it more public. Many sound and demo groups are sending in their
releases to our FTP site for distribution into SDC. It is a easy way to
get your releaes spread worldwide, we know, they can grab it from the
FTP site, but not everybody has internet xs, so this is a very nice way
to deal with that i think. Currently we are cary'ing up-to 25 Mb of new
files every week. And hope to continue with that :))

A few of the groups we distribute now are 'Radical Rhythms, PURE, PR,
Bolleke, +NOISE, SkyJumpTeam, CBR, XTC, and a lot more, sorry if i did
not mention your group, this is just what came into my mind right now :)

We don't make any money out of it, it is really fun to do, we only want
some credits for distributing your files, as for in return, simply a
note in the doc like 'Also available via SDC' will do :) So if you like
the idea. Let me know, we always need help :)

Well, enough i think, if you like more info, or want to use this, just
mail me...

NOW about what you could read in the header, 'SDC Music Disk Dept.'

Since we are in contact with a lot of you, we had a idea to start a
monthly music disk, with remixed material or especially written songs
for this disk. And, composer projects, two composers, one song...

Today we finished the first disk, it is not what i intended, but it
is not a bad start i think, so expect more of it in the future, for
example, the player, witch we wanted to include is not ready, but that
will change after a few releases i think...! :)

Here comes the playlist, as you can see, most of the guys are from
groups we also help with distribution, and that's what i like about it.
See it as a bit of a team...

Here we go:

SKY_HRTJ S3M 932.320 S3M: Heart of the Jungle - By DJ Skyjump & SJT
FILE_ID DIZ 430 Description file of SDC-0001
PLAYER ARJ 21.694 Info and pre-release of the SDC-Player
DIRLIST TXT 1.323 This little textfile
FINA-WWW S3M 178.693 S3M: Web Caged 'beta' - By Bolleke
TIMEWARP XM 252.522 XM: Time Warp - By TruxX
VOCSRMX XM 405.947 XM: Vocs - Mellow remix - By Logos / Pedro
VOCSRMX2 XM 403.833 XM: Vocs - Cross remix - By Logos / Pedro
SDC-DISK NFO 2.002 SDC Disk Information file
SDC-INFO.ARJ 138.144 Information about SDC - File distribution
ILLUSION S3M 313.692 S3M: No more Illusions - By Bert (+NOISE)
DISTRO TXT 1.667 Distribution site list (please apply!)
DISCLAIM NFO 3.833 Legal notices...

As you can see our fist disk is 'only' filled with 6 tunes, and see
this one as a 'take-off' ... Please let me know what you think about
the project, please mail me with feedback. We are also looking for
some artists witch can make some graphics and ascii's for the disk! :)

Where to find:

Naturally you can find all the disk releases at our main FTP site: -> pub/gamesnet/sdc-disk
And we will upload new releases to ...

That's all for now, till next time, till the next volume of the SDC


Raymond Dijkxhoorn (SDC_)
SDC-MusicDisk Department -


--[3. The Death of the Chiptune]-----------------------------[Szalemandre]--

Okay, I am here today to write about a very timely subject: CHIPTUNES.
Yes, chiptunes. This article will probably piss some people off, and I
might lose some friends. Oh well, what the hell. Let's set the mood: I'm
reclining in my 75 year old solid oak office chair (I don't baby my butt),
listening to Heatbeat's bicykl0pedia, an old Amiga 4 channel classic (?)
(albiet not a chiptune). Anyways, take this lightly, please. :)

So, what do I have to say about chiptunes? Here's what. Chiptunes have
suffered their untimely death. Yes, chiptunes have been KILLED. At least
they are dead in my heart. :'( sniff... The recent EXPLOSION of
chiptune-making has totally driven them into the ground. They are no longer
just a cute novelty item anymore. 20mc has flooded the world with lots of
VERY BAD CHIPTUNES (with the exception of a few). Some people agree with
this point, but they say things like:

<lamer> DEATH TO CHIPTUNES!!!!!!

However, they are already dead. Yes, gone. Chiptunes have gone to a
better place, where 20mc never happened. I remember, not too long ago,
snagging up any chiptune I could find. I had chiptunes from Purple Motion
and Skaven, from the Zapper, and even Necros's tune, ripped from Pisstro.
I thought chiptunes were "cute". Now, they are "f---ing annoying". I'm
sorry, but the spirit of the chiptune has died. Their form lives on in
hacked out "songs", done in 20 minutes or less. Chiptunes just aren't any
FUN anymore. I can still listen to my old chiptunes and just get that funny
"chiptune feeling" but it just isn't the same. I've suffered from chiptune
burnout. I think all of us have. Chiptunes are just boring now.

So, anyways, why be so negative? THERE MAY BE HOPE in the future. I think
that recently, there have been too many chiptunes, in too little time.
Maybe 20mc could be cut down to a less feverish pace than once a week...

In conclusion, I say: STOP MAKING CHIPTUNES (or at least just not make
a whole sh--load of them)! They might be able to be brought back to a
respectable (?) form of tracked music.

-of the green grapes


--[4. 20 MeEnUtHz Compo]------------------------------------------[AmusiC]--

20________Me\_ __l___EnU___hTz_________ Subscribers
_\_ ___/_ | \___ \_(___) _\_____ \_
/ |/ \_ |/ \ \_ _l/ / This Week: 48
\ | / | / / \_____/ Last Week: 51
\_________/:____:____/:____/| | Change : +3
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/ |/ \_ |/ \ \_/ \ _l/ / |/ \
\ | / | / | / \_____/| | /
\_________/_________/\____|____/| | :________/
!MB :____:

I Want A 20 MeEnUhT Pamela Andersson For Christmas, Santa!

Compos.. Compos..

Welcome to another issue of the 20mc Newsletter. This
time, we have the announcement of a new compo, specialy
made for the forthcoming X-mas season. We also have an
Interview with last chipcompo's winner, Marwin / Candela.
Our loyal 20mc'er Mystical / Purple filled the result gap
of the 4th Chipcompo (thanx thanx) and finally there is
a new mailing list. Information coming up...

The 20 DaYhZ ChipCompo

Yes, You've seen right. 20 days! =)... Christmas are coming
so we decided to do something really big (well, limited of
course by the chiptune term =). So, I therefore announce the
20 DaYhZ ChipCompo.

What Is It? : Its excactly the same with 20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo
but you dont have the 20 minutes time limit, and
you will use your own samples. The size of the
tune increases a bit, and we immitate MC3's
anonymous contestant system.

When Is It? : Starts from today, and ends in 20 days (on the
20th of December)

Basic Rules : 1) Send The Following Form To :
and you will recieve your unique id Number.

2) Create a chiptune of maximum 25kilobytes
and 4 channels using your own samples, and
without including any sampletext in it.
(All Samplenames must be blank)

3) Name your song with your unique 8 digit
ID Number, and retain the original extension
i.e. dont compress it.

4) Send your tune MIMEd or UUencoded to : by the 19th of
December (23:59 EST)

5) Allowed Tune Formats Are:

Protracker Format (.MOD Extension)
Fasttracker Format (.XM Extension)
Screamtracker Format (.S3M Extension)

No Other Format will be accepted.

6) Voting takes place right after the end of
the given deadline. Everyone can vote.
The Votepack will be on
under the dir demos/incoming/music/20mc
and under the name "".
¡nformation on how to vote, will be included
in the Votepack.

7) It is forbidden to spread your tune before
The Final Results Are Announced

8) Any disobedience on any of the above rules
will cause the immediate disqualification
of your tune.

Contestant Declaring Form Follows:

----8<----[Cut Here]-----------------------------------------------

Real Name :
Nickname (If Any):
Group (If Any) :
E-mail Adress :

Yes, I'd Like To Be A Contestant In The 20 DaYhZ ChipCompo.
Please Send Me My Unique 8-Digit Id Number.
I Clarify That I Understand The Rules And Wont Try To Dispute Them.
------------------------------------------------[Cut Here]---->8---

Votepack Mailing List

Some people suggested that we should send the Votepack along
with the Newsletter. We tried this once, but some people didnt
like recieving 200k packs by mail and unsubscribed from the
mailing list. Thus, giving us the idea to still send the
votepack, but through a different mailing list. So if you desire
recieving the votepacks by the time they are beeing released,
then send mail to: and as subject put
the phrase "subscribe Voteform". As body, include your nickname
and/or your real name.

Residencial Duties

As most of you already know, And thanx to Snowman For That,
you can find the files of the 20mc on, under
the directory :


Each competition's Chiptuneandvoteform file is named after:

Where xxx is the number of the competition.

Channel Properties

Lately, the people that gather to #chipcompo are so many
that we need to moderate the channel in order to say vital
information. We hope that You understand, and we are sorry
for any inconvenience.

Because people tend to spread their work during the competition
we decided to use another channel for spreading people's work.
The channel name is #chipspread, and has been made to avoid
flooding the competition channel.

We decided to abandon Efnet For good. Chipcompo can now be
found at Anothernet. Access to Anothernet Is Provided by
servers: "",
"" and

If there are other Anothernet Providers, Please Inform me In
order to include them in the list.

Voting System

Yes People, We Changed It. This time You wont be forced to
Place someone in the given position, but Grade them instead
from 0 to 9. Then all the gradings will be summed and divided
by the number of voters. This is better in action than it is

For example, a voteform would look like this:

Contestant Song Grade
Name Name 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Baygle Bay-zoop.s3m - - - - - - - - - -
Dawg Dwg-poop.xm - - - - - - - - - -
Werd Wrd-loop.mod - - - - - - - - - -
Phear Phr-doop.s3m - - - - - - - - - -
... and so on ...

A filled up voteform would look like this:

Contestant Song Grade
Name Name 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Baygle Bay-zoop.s3m - - - - - X - - - -
Dawg Dwg-poop.xm - - - - - - - - X -
Werd Wrd-loop.mod - - - - - - - - - X
Phear Phr-doop.s3m - - X - - - - - - -
... and so on ...

In future there will be an automated script to count
the votes, so please dont alter the voting form in
any other way than adding the X's to the right place
and please, always use the given voteform.

The Word Of The Mass

Quote Of The Month:

<Axl> (to Floss): Do you and AmusiC have a close relation-chip?


Interviwer : AmusiC/20mc
Interviewee: Marwin/Candela


<AmusiC> Welcome Marwin / Candela to the second Interview happening in the
20 MeEnUhTz Chipcompo history... =)

<marwin> thank you.

<AmusiC> Please, introduce yourself... name, age, place of living,
aspirations, experience in tracking, groups.. or whatever you
think might be usefull for other people to know..

<marwin> My real name is Ingemar Henriksson and I am 19 years old. I live
in Ume, northern Sweden. I am a musician in Candela. I am a
student at the moment.

<AmusiC> How did you find out about the 20 MeEnUhTz Chipcompo, and what
made you compete?

<marwin> I found out about the competion on #trax. Some ppl where talking
about it and it seemed as a cool idea, so i thought i had to try

<AmusiC> And you sure TRIED it... as most people (and you, most probably)
know, You won the last compo. Do you have a certain plan when you
sit for a chiptune in the compo? And if so, would you recommend
it to the other contestants?

<Marwin> I turn off my TV which usually is on day and night, I get
something to drink, juice =). I try to prepare so that i never
have to leave the chair during the chipcompo. 20 minutes is not
much so i usually have to track pretty fast and then I need all
the time i can get.

<AmusiC> So, besides the preparation, would you suggest some special

<Marwin> Well, shuffle beats are pretty cool, and arpegios (or what they
are called) are a must in a real chippy.

<AmusiC> Hehe, kind of the old Protracker/Amiga school =)... Now.. I've
seen people come and go.. and some of them became my favourites...
what are your favourite composers of 20 MeEnUhTz Chipcompo

<Marwin> Hmm, Necros tune that won was very good. Lepra & Sikamikanico are
also nice.

<AmusiC> And what do you think made your tune a success?

<Marwin> Don't know... pretty nice leads fitting in with the rest of the
tune... I am not sure.

<AmusiC> All the guyz in the 20mc team, are doing a quite good job.. (me
thinks).... but of course, there is room for improovment... do you
have anything to comment, or suggest?

<Marwin> Well, I have only attended 3 times and two times you have been
late but I understand that you suffered some sort of Powerfailure
the first time. The samples are usually good. The sad thing is
that too few ppl vote... :(

<AmusiC> Thats what I was going to ask you about next... We all notice that
the number of voters (except this last compo) tends to zero!....
Would you suggest anything that would motivate people to vote?

<Marwin> That you have to vote or you'll get disqualified but that doesnt
seem right either.

<AmusiC> I've thought of that... but It ringed me that not only we'd have
lesser voters, but lesser contestants too!
<AmusiC> So...

<Marwin> Yes, I know. I don't think that there is any way else but to
change their attitude...

<Marwin> how, I don't really know. But all you who read this... VOTE!

<AmusiC> Reaching the end of the interview You have the "right" to greet
any people you want... =)

<Marwin> w00p to Sika, Lepra, Axl, LuvK, and all ppl in #trax...

<AmusiC> I guess that concludes our little interview... Thank you for your
time. I hope I'll see you in the next ChipCompos... and may you
rank 1st again....

<Marwin> Thanx for the interview and bye.


Place And Time Of Competition

The 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo, Is Held Every Saturday On Channel
#ChIpCoMpO (The Official 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo Channel)
at 00:00AM (CET). This, For Our American Friends, Should Be In
EST (Eastern Standard Time) Arround 19:00 Of Friday. Try To
Adapt Your Schedule, Because It Is Impossible To Change Day And

Some people complained about the time, because of other duties
(music bands, private lessons etc.). I'm sorry fellas, but most
people find this time appropriate.

Whats The Catch?

The Catch? Oh Yeah... The F&F... Fun N' Fame! What Could You
Ever Want More Than That? Soundcards? CD's? Eh.. Wait Till
The Next MC then =)

\ \ ____ ____ __ __ ______ ____
/ / // __// __//\/ // / \_ _// __/
/ \// __//\_ \/ / // X__ / / /\_ \
\/\ \\__/ \___/\__/ \/__/ \/ \___/ As Of 24/11/95

| Pos | Author | Points |
|--------------------------------| Contestants : 22
| [1] | Oce | 6.9285 | Submissions : 20
| [1] | Clef | 6.9285 | Disqualified: 00
| {2} | Marwin | 6.8571 | Active Chips: 20
| (3) | LuvK | 6.5000 | People Voted: 14
| (4) | Sikamikanico | 6.2142 |
| (4) | Lepra | 6.2142 |
| (5) | Draygen | 5.8571 |
| (6) | The Finn | 4.9285 |
| (7) | Monaco's | 4.7852 |
| (8) | Roma | 4.5000 |
| (9) | Feather | 4.4285 |
| (9) | Fayk | 4.4285 |
| (10) | Aquafresh | 3.9285 |
| (11) | Starf0x | 3.6428 |
| (11) | Iha | 3.6428 |
| (12) | Calvin | 3.4285 |
| (13) | Pfister | 2.9285 |
| (14) | Greedo | 2.7142 |
| (15) | Axl | 2.0000 |
| (16) | HeiZahn | 1.2142 |
:_____ _________________ ________:
o .

O o

First time in the 20mc history, two contestants share the
first place!.. Congratulations on both Oce and Clef.
Congrats also fly out to Marwin and LuvK for the second and
third place.

All Time Charts

Its Been 12 Compos, And 12 Winners... Lets Review Those
People That Gained Our Gratitude... (2nd and 3rd Place are
also Included)

Competition Number 1st 2nd 3rd

20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #01 : Mute Rimbo Deathbringer
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #02 : Necros Charlatan Balrog
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #03 : Balrog Mystical Octoque
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #04 : Mystical Sikamikanico Charlatan
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #05 : Sikamikanico Floss Smeghead
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #06 : Calvin Balrog Zodiak
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #07 : Calvin Zeus Dark Harmony
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #08 : Mystical Zeus Calvin
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #09 : Lepra Necros Calvin
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #9.9: Leviathan Marwin Calvin
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #10 : Marwin Sikamikanico Charlatan
20 MeEnUhTz ChipCompo #11 : Oce/Clef Marwin LuvK

\ \ __ __ ____ ____
/ / //\/ // / / __// __/
/ \// / // X__/ __//\_ \
\/\ \\__/ \/__/\__/ \___/

Now, Lets Review The 10 Basic Rules One More Time...

(01) Contestants Should Be Present At #ChIpCoMpO Channel On The
Competition Time, And Declare Competitors. No Competitors Are
Accepted Before The Competition Time, And After Competition
Has Started.
(02) Each Competitor, Should Compete With Only One Tune, Which Should
Comply With All Of The Following Rules :

a) Maximum File Size (Uncompressed) Should Be 20 Kilobytes
b) Maximum Number Of Channels Allowed Is 4 (four)
c) The Competitor MUST Use The Samples Of The Sample Pack For
The Tune.
d) The Tune Must Be DCC'ed Or Mailed Before The Given Deadline
e) The Tune Must Be Uncompressed

A Tune Not Compatible With The Above Rules, Will Be Instantly

(03) The Duration Of The Competition Is 20 Minutes Plus 10 More For
Connecting and Transfering The Tune.
(04) The Filename Of The Tune Should Be Comprised Of 3 Parts. A Three
Letter Abreviation Of The Competitors Nickname (Or Name), a dash
And A Four Letter Abreviation Of The Song's Name (.Extension).
ex. If I Made A ChipTune Called Tomahawk, The File Name would
Look Like This: amu-tmhk.mod
(05) Allowed Formats Are: MOD (Pro/Fasttracker) Format
XM (Fasttracker ][ ) Format
S3M (ScreamTracker 3) Format
(06) All The Tunes Should Be DCC'ed To User AmusiC In Channel
#ChIpCoMpO Or Mailed To: In MIME Format
(Pine's Encryption Format).
(07) Contestants Are Not Allowed To Leave #ChIpCoMpO Before The
Signal That Initiates The "Bout". Contestants That Leave Before
The Signal, Are Instantly Disquilified.
(08) Voting Takes Place Right After The End Of The Competition, And
Lasts Till Wednesday 00:00AM CET (When No More Voting Forms Will
Be Accepted).
(09) Competitors Can Vote And They CAN Also Vote For Themselves.
(10) Voteforms Should Also Be Mailed To:
In MIME Format (Pine's Encryption Format) or standard Ascii

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Mailing List

To Subscribe To The Mailing List And Have All The Latest News
In Your Mailbox, e-mail to and as subject use
the word: "subscribe", and as body write the nickname you are
known by.

To unsubscribe Use the same procedure, but instead of
"subscribe" use "UNSubscribe". Peace Of Cake..


Official 20 MeEnUhTz Chip Compo Sponsors Are:

- Trax Weekly And Gene Wie (Psibelius) For Hosting This
- Hornet And Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) For Hosting The
Compo On
- Thomas Axelsson (Axl) For Writing The Chip.Irc Script For
The Competition.
- Kxmode For his WWW support On His Trax Page at,


Credits Fly Out To All Those People That Have Supported This
Brilliant And Pretty Dificult To Acomplish, Idea. DarkHeart
And DeathBringer For Giving Me The Idea Of This Competition.
Everyone That Respects Him/Herself And Reads Trax Weekly.
Every One That Competed And Voted For The 20mc. Calvin For His
Neat Idea of spreading the samples as a mod, Axl For His Neat
chip.irc Script, Cyberdmon For His Helping Hand,and finally
"Dream Theater" For No Particular reason.

Looking For...

Every Promotion And Advertising Available.


To Contact AmusiC (Sotiris Varotsis) e-mail at: or

Or You Can Occasionaly Find Me On IRC Channels:

#trax, #daskmig, #amigascne, #ChIpCoMpO, #coders, #theend

To Contact Floss (George Nowik) e-mail at:

Or You Can Occasionaly Find Him On IRC Channels:


To Contact Cyberdmon (Brian Wickman) e-mail at:

Or You Can Occasionaly Find Him On IRC Channels:

#trax, #chipcompo, #TheCafe

All Three In Anothernet
Ending Notes

Whoo.. A Whole 'nother ChipCompo. What could you wish
more than that? Gewd Luck Chaps..

Keep The Flame Burning. Thank You.

-AmusiC/Bass Productions -Floss/Baygle Dawg Productions

-CyberDemon/20 Meenuhtz ChipCompo


/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

--[1. Epinicion Productions]------------------------------------------------
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|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

-Silencer ( joins the group this week, bringing us
up to a whopping 117 members!

-XMAS'95!: Our second annual holiday musicdisk is only a few weeks away!
We invite anyone, members and guests alike, to contribute your holiday
tunes! The musicdisk will be released on December 24th, 1995, so the
song deadline for all of this is December 22nd.

-ALL of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found through ftp at: /kosmic/epinicion.

-Epinicion's NEW webpage can be found at the following address: The page now features
links to the FTP site, along with email to every single member!*

* Every single member since September 1995, that is. Updates for all
new members will be completed when the holiday mdisk is released.

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder


--[2. Skyjump Team]---------------------------------------------------------

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SJT Presents : " THE MIND CAGE " Music Disk.
(c) 4 December 1995

A New Vojage into the Techno-Trance-Breakbeat-Afro Music.

filenames: SKY_MC12.ZIP SKY_MC22.ZIP
ftp-site : /pub/incoming/Pc-Music/SKYJUMP-TEAM /pub/msdos/demos_upload/ /pub/gamesnet/SKYJUMP-TEAM /demos/musicdisk
uploaded soon on

This disk contain :

ALX_TRNC XM - Trance with Me........... - by Sir AleXy (Techno-Trance)
YO!_RAIN XM - Raindrops................ - by D.J. YoYo (Acid Trance)
ALX_FRYL XM - For Your Love............ - by Sir AleXy (Underground)
YO!_SNDS XM - The Sounds Of YoYo....... - by D.J. YoYo (Acid Trance)
YO!_OPEN XM - Open Your Mind........... - by D.J. YoYo (Acid Trance)
SKY_HRTJ S3M - Heart Of The Jungle...... - by D.J. Skyjump (Afro '80)
YO!_ILDE XM - Illogical Decision....... - by D.J. YoYo (Acid Trance)
TSK_MCYB S3M - Music from the Cyberspace - by Trex & Skyjum (Gabba Trance)

Best Player to Play : The Cubic Player v.1.6 or Later

Please run the file sky_info.exe, to see all ours infos, releases, distro,
, legal information, etc...

Please send us your comments or critics ;)

See Ya Later.. D.J. Skyjump / SJT email:



TraxWeekly is available via ftp from /pub/demos/incoming/news (new issues) /pub/demos/info/traxw/ (back issues)

TraxWeekly is also available via WWW from

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [name] (NOT address)
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and must be readable and
understandable. NO HIGH ASCII IS ALLOWED. Different country code
pages cause major problems in international distribution, so we
must stay with regular text.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
(MIME/UUE only) to: before 6:00pm EST (North
America) every Wednesday.

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Columnists: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Trifixion (Tyler Vagle)
Graphics: White Wizard (...)
WWW Page: Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995 TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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