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TraxWeekly Issue 039

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Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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Issue Number: 39 | : the music scene newsletter. . :
Release Date: 12/21/95 | . 1 9 9 5 |
Subscribtion: 437 : .
. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Greetings, one and all.

Nearly everyone has taken off for this approaching holiday weekend, so I'd
like to take the time to thank Atlantic and Maelcum for their article
contributions this week.

Another compo (?!?!) has surfaced in the music scene. It is called, "The
Trackering" and is run by Axl. Competition information and the first
winners are presented this week.

I am quite blessed to be stricken with influenza this fine week. =) Thank
goodness for Tylenol.

Happy holidays to all of you, from TraxWeekly Publishing.

Psibelius [TW]


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General Articles

1. New Music Reviews.................................Atlantic
2. Chord Theory?.....................................Maelcum
3. The Trackering....................................Axl

Group Columns

1. Epinicion Productions
2. Explizit
3. pHluid Music Disk (ACiD)


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[1. New Music Reviews]----------------------------------------[Atlantic]--

Allo. Here we are in week 4. I'm outta school! wo0wo0oo! =)

A new format for this article will probably be starting next week.
I intend to continue to give comments, but to also add a dimensional
rating system. Ie, marks for originality, sound quality, talent,
el33tn3ss, etc. Also, I will probably be joined in my reviewing by
someone whose preferences lie more in the techno/dance genre. Stay
tuned to find out who.

Remember, if you know of a musician who deserves to be heard, pick
a song by that musician. If they aren't into composing anymore
that's alright, although I -strongly- prefer musicians who are active.
Attach the song to me in email ( in MIME format (not
UUencode: that stuff drives me wild), or send it to me on #trax where I
can usually be found around 4-7 PM EST. It is important to include the
following info:

- Artist's Alias (Artist's Real Name, if known)
- Date of Release (If not known, approximate)
- Where it can be found (ftp site & directory)
- Artist's E-mail Address (Very important!)

Reviews for week of November 14 - December 21

Artist......... Darkwolf / s!p, Bass Productions, Epinicion, cia.
Song Title..... "Without You" [without.s3m]
DOR............ September 8th 1995 Email Addy.. Not Listed!
Found: (/.21/demos/incoming/music/songs/s3m/

This tune by darkwolf is worth picking up if you havn't already. For
a while now I've been considering his music for my list, yet only this
week have decided to put him in. "Without You" is a mellow new-age
kind of tune. It has a mood and feel to it, helped by an excellent
choice of samples, although the sams are not his own. Loved the use
of the "synth.101" sample - reminds me very much of something
Arkenstone would put in there. The melody wasn't very memorable, and
could've complimented the song more if it were more busy. The
percussion was simple but quite appropriate.

Artist.......... Scirocco
Song Title...... "Persian Starfall" [starfall.xm]
DOR............. April 21st 1995 Email Addy...
Found: (/.21/demos/music/songs/1995/xm/s/

An oldie but a goldie from Scirocco. Many of you have probably picked
this one up in lieu of its massive rating in demonews, but I thought I'd
re-spew the positive feedback on this one. One of the best tracked tunes
I've heard in a while. The theme, sound, and style of song is unique.
Scirocco manages to very subtly capture and blend in that persian/arabian
feel. Most of this effort was achieved by the excellent choice of samples,
which are assumedly original. Yeah it has a drum loop, but what can you
do. =) Check it out.

Artist......... Aahz the Demon / Carcass
Song Title..... "The Glasswalker" [daydream.s3m]
DOR............ December 17th 1995 Email Addy..
Found: (/.21/demos/incoming/music/songs/s3m/

Ok, so I reviewed an Aahz song last week, and another in the week before
that one. As I've said before, I will continue to recommend music by
people, regardless of precedents. =) If you're going to get this tune,
and I think you should, I hope you can get some amplitude out of your
system, because you have to play it loud. When most people do rock tunes
it sounds awful, mostly on account of the fact that the songs aren't done
with a lot of theory in mind, but as Aahz knows his stuff, "The
Glasswalker" is an exception. Loved the use of delays - they add a lot
to its originality. Pay particular admiration to the lead at the end
of the bridge part - very nice lead work there.

- Atlantic / Aim Higher & Traxweekly (


--[2. Chord Theory]----------------------------------------------[Maelcum]--

This is in reference to comments by Atlantic in a review in issue #37.

> A discussion on #trax this week pitted Aahz, Basehead and Necros against
> a tracker who stated something like: "chord theory is not required to
> write good music". The sensible side of the discussion apparently showed
> this poor individual that his statement was silly,

This is insulting and completely wrong. The sensible side of that
discussion _was_ the "poor individual"! Anyone who believes that chord
theory or for that matter ANY knowledge of the antique western musical
system is required to write good music is smoking alot of crack. This is a
naive and small-minded view of music. Chords are not the be-all end-all of
music, nor are they even necessary to "good music".

Chords are necessary to *certain types of music* - and those musical styles
are NOT the only "good music" around (indeed most of them are saturated
with songs and bands that can only be described as pure excrement). I am
especially shocked that Basehead should subscribe to such BS when in fact
some of his own music is proof against it, and in fact I think in
retrospect he would agree that chord theory is in fact not required to
write good music.

Chords are a valid and valuable tool available to the composer, but anyone
who thinks all good music has to have chords or that anyone who wants to
compose good music has to know chord theory is certainly not worthy to be
called a composer.

I am also offended that while the author conveniently dropped two
"respected names" (though how much respect is due people supporting such
silly statements is dubious) in the tracking scene to support his own view
he failed to name the person who rightfully disagreed.

Talent is no excuse for lapses of stupidity.

- Maelcum


--[3. The Trackering]------------------------------------------------[Axl]--
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| __ \ _ \ | __| _ | __| | / _ \ __| | __ \ _ |
| | | | __/ | | ( | ( < __/ | | | | | ( |
_| _| |_|\___| _|_| \__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_| _|_| |_|\__, |
| [Music Compo #2] |___/ |
|_______ __The New Wave ________|

-----< Results >-----------------------------------------------------------

This is the results for The Trackering #1 :

1. Marwin - mrw-tale. xm - 7.214
2. TheFear - tf_bz95 . xm - 6.643
3. Floss - bdp-koro.s3m - 6.571
4. Zalt - reine . xm - 6.286
5. Balrog - bal_cont. xm - 5.929
6. Lepra - trazom . xm - 5.714
7. Phoenix - sbomb .s3m - 5.357
8. Calvin - c-drugs . xm - 5.000
9. Luv Kohli - diffrncs.s3m - 4.929
10. Octoque - 2morrow .s3m - 4.857
11. Vector - vec_stpc.s3m - 4.786
12. Pfister - pretzels.s3m - 4.571
13. zsazS - orkin3 .s3m - 4.071

Voters :
Axl, Balrog, zsazS, zalt, Vector, TheFear, Miss Saigon, Phoenix, octoque,
Marwin, Luv Kohli, Lepra, Floss, calvin, pfister.

* Charlatan and Cyberdmon were disqualified because they didn't judged
the compo.

* The rules have been changed a bit, please read them.

-----< Info >--------------------------------------------------------------

The Trackering is divided into 2 weeks, here's the info :

---- Compo ---- Week : 1

The Trackering is held on channel #tt, every first and third Saturday
of every month at 01.00AM CET / 07.00PM EST. After we gather,
I'll declare contestants, and shortly after that you'll be DCC'd
the Sample-Pack. The pack will be avaiable on DCC in 1 hour, so i'll
declare contestant until 02.00AM CET. Right after you get the pack you
can begin.

I want all the tunes back before the following weekend, same time(1am
cet/7pm est). I'll be on IRC as axl (of course) at that time so you can
just dcc them to me, or mail it to '' with either
UUEncode or MIME.

* Note : TT is on AnotherNet,
so connect your irc-client to one of these AnotherNet servers:


---- Voting ---- Week : 2

After the compo is over, a vote-pack will be available on IRC or
some FTP. Everyone can judge the TT compo, but a contestant
must judge it or he'll be disqualified.

The voting system is a scale from 0-9. There will be a vote-form
included in the vote-pack, which is almost self-explainatory :), If you
need help on how to vote, then just mail me.

The results will be out 1 week after the compo has ended, it'll be
distributed to all who's on the Mailing List, and on IRC.

-----< Rules >-------------------------------------------------------------

Formats Allowed : XM, MOD, S3M, MTM
Max Channels : 32 Channels.
Module Max Size : 150k (153600 bytes)
Tracking Time : 1 Week. (From Sun 01.00AM CET)

External Samples : NONE!

* You can do co-ops, but you have to tell me that when I declare

* You have to judge the compo-tunes if you enter the compo.

* You have to either DCC'd or mailed me your entry _before_ Sun 1AM CET
the week after.

* You may edit the samples in whatever way you want, including
FT2 painting, but you may not copy the samples and re-edit it.

* Written your handle in the sample-text.

* If the competitor doesn't follow this rules, then his module has
the right to be disqualified.

* Please delete the samples you dont use from the sample-pack.

Judging Rules :
- You may _NEVER_ vote for yourself.
- If a competitor doesn't vote, he may be disqualified.

-----< Mailing List >------------------------------------------------------

If you want to subscribe to The Trackering Mailing List, which will bring
you info and results of The Trackering, then just send an e-mail to, and write 'SUBSCRIBE' in the header.
If you want to un-subscribe, then just write 'UNSUBSCRIBE' in the header.

----< Suggestions & Ideas >------------------------------------------------

I have plans of changing the voting system to a top6 list, with scores
12,8,6,4,2,1. If you think that's a good idea, please mail me and tell
me that you like it at

If you have any other suggestions and ideas laying around in your head
please mail me and tell me it. :)

-----< Staff or Whom to blame >--------------------------------------------

Axl - Organizer -
Assassin - Technical Advisor -


/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

--[1. Epinicion Productions]------------------------------------------------
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|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

-We feature five new songs from Ryan, Electric Head, and Axl this week.
Please check out the FTP site!

-XMAS'95!: Our second annual holiday musicdisk is only a few weeks away!
We invite anyone, members and guests alike, to contribute your holiday
tunes! The musicdisk will be released on December 24th, 1995.


-ALL of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found through ftp at: /kosmic/epinicion.

-Epinicion's NEW webpage can be found at the following address: The page now features
links to the FTP site, along with email to every single member!*

* Every single member since September 1995, that is. Updates for all
new members will be completed soon. =)

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder


--[2. Explizit]-------------------------------------------------------------
.....______________.____________________________________________| |__...
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Explizit TraxWeekly column issue #2 - december 21, 1995

. .
.' intro `.

Hi there!
Nothing much this week, Phonc(ie) is working on his big Cosmetic
Defects MegaMix, which will feature all the great rave songs by
Dionysus, Jay, and all the other CD members.
Some dudes approached us, Loopido and Kgb, they wanted to be in,
but unfortunately, we focus on techno music and not hardcore. Sorry
guys. Loopido has now joined U.F.A. Good luck pal!

. .
.' membaz `.

Ch:ilm staff
Phonc(ie) music
Batjo music
LightWing code

If you make techno music and want to join a new and fresh group,
send some of your work to me! I read every email i get and even
if you're not in you receive a reply. We're not elite, we are
really looking for more composers. So if you want to belong to
a group (and a pretty cool one i think) be sure to let me know.

. .
.' news `.

I've updated the web-page, it now holds all our releases and some
easy-to-use forms to submit your comment or to apply for distro or
member, just take a look at it, it's the best homepage i ever made,
in fact, i'm actually proud of it! ;]
You can download all our releases from there as well (in fact, you
will simply download from uniserve, since i've just linked to our
ftp site ... but who cares..=)
The URL is
(Nice that you can name .html files in win95 and upload them to the
server, and it actually works ... ;-)
Now start up yar Netscape and help me reach 1000+ hits per day! ;-)

A BIG!!! thanxx to synoptic^Blacktron ( for the
VERY cool ascii work (see above!). Thanx a lot man!

You can now subscribe to a MIME-mailinglist (duhh, it's just
Eudora 1.52) where you can get all our releases first-hand.
Send email to with subscribe or so in the
title or the body, it's just me reading your message anyway :)

NEW! A Brazil HQ: AltConn BBS +55-11-816-2031
One of the bigger boards in Brazil with Syzo *f0x ...

. .
.' releases `.

Not from us this week, but if you're into our music see if you can
find NB-HIGHR.ZIP somewhere. A damn fine rave track from our respected
friend Beasty Bass [NaTuRe/\BeaT!]

Loopido has released his first hardcore track for U.F.A UFA-LTNT.ZIP.
He has also released a second one, a remake of Wonderful Days. Man this
guy is really good! Leech some of his stuff if ya're into hardcore!

. .
.' end `.

Thank you for reading, you can ftp all our releases from:
For feedback, info and a wreal kewl homepage:



--[3. pHluid MusicDisk]-----------------------------------------------------

- ACiD Productions Presents -
The third pHluid music disk
for December 1995

Featuring music by:
-ded silence

Once again, there is no player included in this release but
recommended players include ST3 v3.2, Cubic Player, and
CapaMOD. All of which can be obtained at

Songs for this disk include:

"Traffic Lights" by Darkwolf
"Hexacide" by ded silence
"the why complex" by ded silence
"No Sugar Added" by Nova
"Veil of Night" by Nova
"Beyond the Glass Sky" by pinion
"This is Not a Chiptune!" by pinion
"Opening Sequence" by pinion
"Jazz Nightmare" by pinion/Jaimo Welch
"Winter Walk" by protocol
"Bells of Zhakanh" by Rimbo
"Soulful Meditation" by Xenoc

All songs in S3M format, accept for "Zhakanh" by Rimbo (XM)

To contact pHluid email
or pinion@acid.extern.ucsd.edua

All songs copyright (c)acid productions



TraxWeekly is available via ftp from /pub/demos/incoming/news (new issues) /pub/demos/info/traxw/ (back issues)

TraxWeekly is also available via WWW from

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [name] (NOT address)
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and must be readable and
understandable. NO HIGH ASCII IS ALLOWED. Different country code
pages cause major problems in international distribution, so we
must stay with regular text.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
(MIME/UUE only) to: before 6:00pm EST (North
America) every Wednesday.

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Columnists: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Trifixion (Tyler Vagle)
Graphics: White Wizard (...)
WWW Page: Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995 TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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