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TraxWeekly Issue 034

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Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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Issue Number: 34 | : the music scene newsletter. . :
Release Date: 11/09/95 | . 1 9 9 5 |
Subscribtion: 394 : .

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TraxWeekly #34 is quite small this week. It seems that busy moments
in everyone's schedules has really influenced production. In any case,
we're glad to have even a small amount of music scene info to present.

After solving a few administration problems, Faces in the Crowd is
back again, led by Kal Zakath (John Townsend). John's computer bit the
dust last month, and it put him out of the running for awhile. Welcome
back! FITC features an interview with Deus Ex this week, as well as four
song reviews.

The "Amiga Debate" garbage is coming to a close, I am publishing two
of the most meaningful replies I've had this last week. Thanks to all of
you who had something to contribute. TraxWeekly now has AmusiC setting up
for an Amiga musician's section. Help is needed, so if you can lend a
hand, contact me.

Groups are encouraged to send in columns every week; we will publish
it, regardless of the music group.


Psibelius [TW]


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General Articles

1. New Tracker.......................................Jason Diamond

The Amiga Debate: Part II

1. Get a Clue........................................Basehead
2. Music and Musicians...............................Dodger

Faces in the Crowd

1. Interview with Deus Ex............................Master of Darkness
2. Song Reviews......................................Atlantic

Group Columns

Epinicion Productions


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[1. New Tracker]-----------------------------------------[Jason Diamond]--

hi. my name's jason diamond and you might have noticed the little blurbs
psi's had in traxweekly the past couple of weeks about me wanting
suggestions for a new tracker. if not, hopefully you'll see this big
blurb and decide to participate in the project.

i'm writing a totally new tracker for musicians. this is my way of
letting you know how much i enjoy the music that you all work so hard
on. this will be for you. it will be free for anyone who wants to make
music. i'm not planning on making a cent off of it.

i want the tracker itself to be the easiest, most configurable possible.
the interface has to be simple enough for beginners yet powerful enough
for advanced users to be able to do anything they need. i plan on doing
extensive testing of different types of interfaces with both rookie and
veteran trackers in order to get it just right. in addition, there will
be many cool features to make it the ideal tracking environment. here's
a short list of some of the things i want to implement:

o support for gus and sb cards
o internal sampler
o easy to use interface, st3 style, no mouse needed
o all hotkeys user definable
o hotkey presets: st3, ft2, mine, yours, etc
o written in protected mode, virtually unlimited sample sizes
o works under windows 95
o extended st3 style sample browser
o support for all the popular formats, smp, wav, au, aif, iff, voc, etc
o browser can extract samples from zip files, zips look like folders
o definable color scheme
o more than one song can be loaded at a time, cut and paste between them
o linux port

i'm not just writing a new tracker, i'm developing a whole new format. i
think it's time that we get out of the 80's and go beyond the protracker
command set. this may come as a shock to you but my format will not be
protracker compatible. that means it won't be mtm, s3m, or xm compatible
either. i'm starting from the ground up. it will be very similar to the
current mod formats but with more advanced features and more options. i
don't want there to be any thing in the way of your making great music.
the composer should have total control and that's what i'm trying to
give you. here's a short list of some of the major features of the new,
as of yet unnamed, format.

o exact tick control over when a command takes place
o definable number of notes per "octave"
o more than one command in an "event"
o stereo samples
o instruments with more than one sample
o virtually unlimited order, patterns, tracks, and instruments
o variable length tracks
o tracks are assignable to patterns, no more block copying
o optional info fields for indexing

there's more, too. and nothing is set in stone. there's still time to
get your suggestions in before i finalize everything and start work on
the main code. as fun as this is going to be, i'm not just doing it for
myself. this is for all you musicians out there. that's why i want your
suggestions. you can mail them to me at or let me
know yourself if you see me in #trax. my nick is mofochckn. yep, mofo
chicken. don't ask.

thanks to all the people who've already sent me suggestions. i received
many good letters about ideas i hadn't even thought of. but i want more.
so if you have anything at all you'd like to see in the tracker or the
new format, no matter how small, let me know.

thank you for taking the time to read this. i hope that i can give you
all back something that is worth all of the great music you've given me.
it'll be a while, though, so don't stop tracking!

jason diamond aka mofo chicken

[Editor's Note: I strongly recommend that you send your comments to Jason!
It's been awhile since all of us as an entire community
had an opportunity to get a tracker for our specs!]


/-[The Amiga Debate: Part II]-----------------------------------------------

--[1. Get a Clue]-----------------------------------------------[Basehead]--

From bh@axs.netSat Nov 4 22:20:53 1995
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 1995 13:36:19 -0600 (CST)
From: "i know you from a previous incarnation.." <>
Subject: sup.. my reply to ch:ilm's letter

>From outlandm@netland.nlFri Oct 27 17:14:57 1995
>Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 01:08:22 +0100
>From: Joost Baaij <>
>To: Gene Wie <>
>Subject: incoming letter [NOT the column!]

>Hi there!
>Ch:ilm here ...

>First of all he made clear that he didn't want any Amiga stuff in
>#traxweekly. Well, i am _not_ into Amiga myself but why not let Amiga
>dudes write in? The best we can do is learn from them and cool stuff like
>that ...

If you're not into amiga yourself, i'm quite sure that probably means
you don't LISTEN to any of the current amiga music, which means your
opinion would be totally unfounded. If you think nobody uses the MOD
format in the world these days, guess again.

>I agree that the .MOD format is totally outdated, by the way ...

Yes, but you're confusing FORMATS with the actual MUSIC. A poor
musician will make poor music, no matter what features are added to a

>Third. The "best group" statement. Five Musiscians?? _no_ way! Why?
>Because their music sucks! Yep, that's my narrow-minded-personal-opinion!

Nice typo. Anyway, at least you REALIZE it's a narrow-minded-personal-
opinion. I think I'd add shallow to that list too. Now, i can understand
that people would not like FM's *style* sometimes, but i think ANYONE that
says the music "sucks" definitively, is just plain wrong. How much
FM stuff have you heard? Apparently not much. Even though i don't track
for FM anymore, i still think it would be stupid of me to let a comment
like this go by unnoticed. If you HAD listened to everything we've put
out, i think you'd see that we've done some of the better dance-style
modules as well, not just our normal realism/jazz/etc. tracks. I myself
started out as a techno/house composer, and have followed the music and
loved it since it all began.. (while most kids were watching sesame street,
i was listening to kraftwerk). I think you should do a bit more research
before you make judgement calls like that.

>Psibelius on this point. I would say Radical Rhythms is a *damn* fine
>group. It's German and they only make techno/house music. They created the
>DMF format. I know they are very commercial these days, but in my opinion
>that Cosmic dude really makes cewl music.

I think Cosmic has quite a bit of talent from a dj point-of-view, but
you have to be able to distinguish musician from dj. What alot of techno
and house trackers do these days is hardly writing music.. overuse of
loops and same old rehashed stock-techno riffs. that's NOT being a good
musician. Of course, if they can mix all these things together well in
interesting ways...then I'd say they have that unique dj/mixing skill.

Anyhow, it's obvious where your interests lie. And quite possible that
if you like radical rhythms, then you would dislike FM. Completely
different group, any way you look at it.

>There are others, offcourse. Personnaly i always download every file from:
>Cosmic, Silent Mode (no-good remix!), and last but CERTAINLY not least
>NEXUS of Pure Resistance. This Nexus guy makes the perfect music, trance-
>alike, in the style of the Harthouse label.

Again, it's obvious where your interests are. I agree Silent Mode is
a great musician, but the last song I'd think of his to compliment would
be a remix of a prodigy song..

Okay, I just wanted to touch on a few things in response to this.




--[2. Music and Musicians]----------------------------------------[Dodger]--

from Nov 3 16:04:54 1995
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 18:49:40 +1100
From: "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?D=F6dger._Ye?= King oF Fat Bastards!"
Subject: amiga debate comments for traxweekly 34

Umm... just thought i would add my comments on the amiga scene
debate thats raging...
I personally learnt how to use st3 (and now ft2) because i
DIDNT have the skill to write decent music in 4 tracks... plain
and simple... now some (most?) prolly think i still cant write
decent music... but in my opinion my music is certainly better
than if i was forced to use only 4 tracks...
I have A LOT of respect for 4 channel musicians... they could
(and still can) write toons that are better than some multichannel
pieces.... but to compare the two with one being better than the other
is just plain wrong... tis like comparing chamber music to symphonic
BOTH are good and require skill... and one certainly has more
parts than the other... but that doesnt make one better than the other.
On the other side... i dont think its lazy to write in multi-
channel.... i find if i have to cram everything in to 4 tracks then
this causes you to focus more on the "tricks" than on the music...
i have never understood the term "overuse of tracks" ... if
someone wants to take an extra track to write a part instead of
squeezing it into another track then thats simply their own personal
choice... we are no longer limited to the mod format... this HAS to
be a plus for the music scene...
MUSIC is what we are writing.. not tracks... who cares whether
the person has tracked correctly or used to many tracks or used too many
not enuf effects.... aslong as it sounds good.. there are a lot of BAD
tracks there... be they in multichannel or in 4 channel... but there is
also a lot of GOOD tracks there aswell....
But its how they sound... how they make you feel.... what emotions
and images they provoke that makes them GOOD not that they were tracked
correctly ...
Anyway... enough of my ramblings...
The amiga SCENE does produce quality music.. regardless of what
format they choose to present it in... and to close them off from the
rest of us can be likened to racism... we are ALL musicians, people...
We are all musicians.



The Artful Dodger.


/-[Faces in the Crowd]------------------------------------------------------


Welcome back to TraxWeekly's Faces in the Crowd. It's unfortunate
that we weren't able to make it to the presses last week. But, it's nice
to be back. Hopefully you'll enjoy this week's column. We have an
interview with Deus Ex of Chill Prods and VSL, and three tunes reviewed
and recommended by Atlantic. Hope you find FITC informative and

- John Townsend
- Kal Zakath / Inferno
- FITC Editor

Table of Contents:

-= Articles
1. Editorial / Introduction ... Kal Zakath
-= Interviews
1. Interview - Deus Ex ... Mdark
-= Reviews
1. In Motion ... Atlantic
2. She Speaks to Me ... Atlantic
3. Tea Cosy ... Atlantic
-= Conclusion / Closing Words ... Kal Zakath


The "Evolution" of Faces in The Crowd - where have we come?
When I first started FITC a few months ago, I had no idea how
quickly it would grow. I had a limited vision, initially, of just simply
doing an interview a week for TraxWeekly for as long as they wanted me to.
I hoped to, in some small way, aid the aspiring musicians of the scene.
Now, with the help of Master of Darkness, Atlantic, and DennisC, FITC has
become a many-faceted production. We do interviews, tracking tips,
reviews and scene commentary. As I put the finishing touches on this
week's column, I was just thinking about where exactly FITC has come. As
a few months and quite a few columns have passed, I am left wondering
about the reader response to FITC. Is interviewing composers and
reviewing their tunes enough to help make them popular and get them
recognition. So, I thought I'd send out a little question to all of you
who follow the music scene and have read FITC. Have our interviews and
reviews convinced you to check out at least one or two songs/composers you
would normally overlook? If so, were you glad you did? I'd love to hear
what you think about what we've been doing... Are we going about this
correctly? To know how to serve the scene, we need to know what the
people in the scene are actually thinking. Please write me and let me
know what you're thinking. I'd be happy to publish your letters in next
week's FITC. Until then, so long, and hope you enjoy FITC.

- Kal Zakath


-== Faces In The Crowd * Interview #11 ==-

Master Of Darkness / AIM Higher / FITC <>
Deus Ex / Chill and VSL <>
(edited by Kal Zakath / FITC)

[start of interview]

Mdark - OK, so due to the fact that my server is screwed we will be
interviewing another VSL member this week. Actually, this is not
a bad idea, since their first ever musicdisk just came out. So
this week we have an interview with Deus Ex.

Mdark - Hello, Deus Ex. How bout 'ya tell us a little about yourself.

Deus Ex - The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm 30 years old. I say
this 'cuz most people freak out because I'm that old. Anyway,
I've been tracking for about a year now, but I've been writing
synth music for almost ten. I am the founder of Chill
productions, and a currently a member of VSL, as you said.

Mdark - 30 years old. Yeah, to some you're an old geezer of sorts :).
So do they really bug you that much about it? You gotta admit
that you _are_ a little past the general audience. Although I
think that all types of age ranges should be accepted.

Deus Ex - Thanx for the geezer comment. :) Well, most people are too
polite to actually bug me, but some people seem to never let up
on it. I've been noticing, though, that there are a lot of older
trackers out there. I won't give out his age, but DefeX is
actually older than me, and I believe he's one of the better
trackers out there.

Mdark - Indeed. And I do know, but like you I'll keep it a secret 'cuz I
believe in privacy :). So, about this group Chill... Why did you
start it?

Deus Ex - I started it 'cuz I was writing this music, and at the time was
getting flack for writing techno/trance/ambient stuff, for using
a GUS and for using FastTracker. So I thought, since the other
groups wouldn't look at me, why not start my own? This way, I
can have better control of the group and what it releases.
Quality is very important, and -- no disrespect for newbies --
but I just don't want tracks that aren't polished.

Mdark - Hmm. That's a good point. I notice one of the biggest problems
for newbies these days is that they rush their work out. They'd
rather release something they made in two hours, rather than wait
a month. To some extent, I agree because sometimes you only get
momentary inspiration.

Mdark - So, is Chill local here to Toronto and Canada or have you
expanded overseas?

Deus Ex - Well, we are local. My WHQ is Sight & Sound BBS here in Toronto,
and I have a few distro's both in 416 and 905 area codes. I am
just starting to get my overseas connections. I just recently
obtained a European HQ in the Netherlands, and we have a distro
there as well. Basically, that's what I've been doing for the
past two weeks -- doing the footwork for Chill. But, I can
honestly say, I'm getting tired of it. I'd rather be tracking.
So, with that in mind, anybody out there want to be a courier? :)

Mdark - :). That's pretty impressive. But actually, what I meant was
your members. Are they local?

Deus Ex - Well, this is the best part. As of a week ago, Chill was only
myself. I had DefeX, but he left, 'cuz I disappeared for a
while. (long story, don't want to get into it :) But now,
The Third Man is a member, and there's a mini disc coming in the
near future, with guest artists. I won't mention their names,
but anyone in the T.O. scene will know them! So, now to answer
your question... Yes, it's local, but I'm not opposed to members
outside of T.O.

Mdark - That's good. You always have to have an open mind. Actually
I've seen a lot of ignorant (or at least unknowledgable) people
in the T.O. scene. They just don't know how many other groups
and composers there are out there. :). Anyways, you mentioned
you like to do trance/ambient/techno type stuff. Have you done
anything else of note?

Deus Ex - Well, if you are talking about demo... no. Now don't you all
slam me for this, but I'm not a fan of demo, I actually think
it's sorta tired. I think in some cases a demo, would be better
off with something a little more hard hitting, or a little more
abstract, like ambient. I'd also like to say that I hate to
label my tracks. I have a lot of influences from acid jazz,
funk, and techno, to hill out. And although you might see
"Trance" and "Techno" in the .DIZ for my tracks, I think you'll
find a lot of those influences coming out. I don't like to limit
myself to what's already been done, and everytime I sit down to
write a piece, I am really trying to develop my own style of

Mdark - Well, I think that everybody is entitled to his/her opinion on
the varying styles out there. And you seem to think that demo is
better than everything else according to the way the scene
dictates it? I'm not 100% sure that's true. In listening to the
vast amount of music that I do, most of the things I really enjoy
are both demo and techno (etc.). Anyways, what do you hope to
achieve by releasing all this music?

Deus Ex - Well, just one more thought on the other topic: I'm talking
about my first experiences in the scene, but now I see a positive
change in the scene, and especially here in T.O. There's some
really good (commercial quality even!) work here in T.O. What do
I hope to achieve? Well, to be honest, I've been through
university, and I'm just staring a business doing presentation
graphics for Interior design firms, and architectural companies.
So music, I'm afraid, is just a very passionate hobby. If a
record contract ever came my way, I'd propably be tempted to go
for it, but I can't dedicate much more of my time to it than what
I am right now.

Mdark - Yeah, that's good. You know where your priorities are - maybe
someday I'll realize that too :).

Mdark - Well, our time is quickly coming to an end, so is there anything
you would like to add/say?

Deus Ex - I'm sure I'll think of something later, but for

Mdark - Well... I guess that means we'll have a part two of our
conversation. I'm really sorry we had to cut this so short, and
I do thank you for your time.

Deus Ex - No. Thank _you_, Faces in the Crowd is something that is very
important in the scene. Finally, it gives us unknowns a chance
at stardom =)

Mdark - Thanks for the plug :). Well, I guess that's it then. Next week
actually I believe we might be having Defex himself if I can get
him. So long, dude!

Deus Ex - L8tr.

[end of interview]

- Here's where you can check out some of the tunes of Deus Ex...

[start of release list]

Deus Ex releases his Music through both CHiLL and VSL. Some of his
releases are listed below:

Symphone in
Our Secret Place
Theme for a Desolate Place
Dirty to the Hardcore
Hydrochloric Wasteland
Trance Canada
Statik'95 (statikling mix)

His releases are available at the above mentioned boards or via SDC:


[end of release list]


here is the reviews section for this weeks issue.. i had the section
narrowed to about a half-dozen that i thought were the best, but i couldn't
even bring myself to recommend half of them.

"In Motion" by Warp of The Surrounders Email: unknown
Style: Demo/Synth/Rock Format: MTM
Found: /demos/incoming/music/songs/mtm/
Released: 10-28-95
Funky styled multitracker module from Warp. Nice groove, with an
almost new-age sort of feel. Uses sound wisely and conservatively - has
a full sound with only 12 sams. Use of effects in the melody shows
ability and experience. Maybe too repetitive in structure.

"She Speaks to Me" by Ng Pei Sin Email: unknown
Style: Demo/Newage/Synth Format: S3M
Found: /demos/music/songs/s3m/s/
Released: 11-26-94
Chord-centered tune with nice moods and progressions. Has an uplifting,
emotional nature. Solid percussion and melody. Song, unfortunately,
doesn't sound very different or novel though.

"Tea Cosy" by Mick Rippon Email: unknown
Style: Demo/Ambient/Mellow Format: S3M
Found: /demos/incoming/music/songs/s3m/
Released: 06-18-95
Another well-tracked tune out of the mind of Mick Rippon of Austrailia.
This song sounds mellow and laidback with a very catchy and appealing
theme. A badly looped organ sample and a little repetition are the
only things to bring it down technically, but neither of these things
are a big problem. Overall, a unique and kewl tune.

Atlantic's Note: Can you all please put your email addys in your songs?
Surely there still can't be people in the world without email addys. =)

[Editor's Note: I downloaded one of Mick Rippon's more recent tunes, and he
now does list an e-mail address:
I have been greatly impressed by his tunes, and I plan to
interview him for next week's FITC. -KZ]


Thank you again for reading FITC and thus performing a great service
to all the aspiring composers and newbies in the scene. Next week we hope
to have more interviews (possibly with AmusiC and Mick Rippon, among
others; maybe I can even find someone willing to interview _me_ :>) and
reviews, as always... In addition, we'll probably have some tracking tips
for 'ya, as well. I know Atlantic's working on this, and I might even try
to write a small tracking tips column myself. Maybe some FT2 tricks, as
well as some general composing techniques. Intermediate tracking tips, so
to speak... Not quite as complex as advanced music theory, but not so
insultingly simple as how to do echo tracks. Until then, hope you have a
good week and see you next week in TraxWeekly #35.

- Kal Zakath / Inferno
- FITC Editor


/-[Group Columns]----------------------------------------------------------

--[Epinicion Productions]--------------------------------------------------
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|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

-Epinicion has released it's sixth music disk, "BLT," featuring 42 songs
by countless numbers of excellent musicians. You can find "BLT" on our
ftp site, listed below.

-Preparations for the Epinicion annual Holiday Music Disk are under way.
Members and guests alike, please submit your holiday tunes to Psibelius
at (mime or uue), or via IRC-dcc.

-ALL of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found through ftp at: /kosmic/epinicion.

-The Web Page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION once again, but will be back up in
late November at The
task of getting all 110+ member's email addresses into links is extremely
time consuming. =)

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder



TraxWeekly is available via ftp from /pub/demos/incoming/news (new issues) /pub/demos/ /traxw/ (back issues)

TraxWeekly is also available via WWW from

To subscribe, send mail to:
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Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
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pages cause major problems in international distribution, so we
must stay with regular text.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
(MIME/UUE only) to: before 6:00pm EST (North
America) every Wednesday.

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

TW Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Columnists: Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Graphics: White Wizard (...)
WWW Page: Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre)
FITC: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
FITC: DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
FITC Editor: Kal Zakath (John Townsend)
FITC: Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995 TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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