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TraxWeekly Issue 032

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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|___|asciidoneby:WW/RZM\___| |___| Issue Number: #32
| | : | Release Date: 10/26/1995
| : t r a x w e e k l y . : Subscribers:
| . the music scene newsletter | This Week - 390
: . Last Week - 382

_ _________________
/_\ \__ / (stoney askee)
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Welcome to TraxWeekly #32.

This week, we present another new area, "SceneWeb," which focuses on
music scene related world wide web sites. If the response to "SceneWeb" is
positive it will become a permentant feature of TraxWeekly. We also have a
"Tracker Survey" involving a new project by Jason Diamond that needs your

FITC presents an interview with Zinc this week, along with another one
of those scene "complaint" articles as well as a Not-So-Advanced tracking
tips section by Atlantic. On an administrative note, John Townsend (Jtown)
has gotten his computer repaired, and will return to heading FITC next

...along with the usual stuff. Acromania and Traxculture are also
in the discussion. Enjoy the newsletter!

Psibelius [TW]


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Letters and Feedback

No Amigas!...........................................Maelcum
Acromania Takeover of #trax..........................Ms. Saigon

General Articles

1. The Next Generation...............................Psibelius
2. The 20 Minute Chip Compo..........................AmusiC
3. SceneWeb..........................................Psibelius
4. TraxCulture.......................................Random Lamers
5. Tracker Survey....................................Psibelius

Faces in the Crowd

Interview with Zinc..................................DennisC
Article: Complaints..................................Master of Darkness
Not So Advanced Tracking Tips........................Atlantic

Group Columns

1. Epinicion Productions
2. eXtreme Terror Corps
3. Kosmic Free Music Foundation


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[Letters and Feedback]----------------------------------------------------

--[No Amigas!]---------------------------------------------------[Maelcum]--

From moddan@ritz.mordor.comTue Oct 24 22:36:34 1995
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 00:40:28 +0000
Subject: the PC Music Scene / the Amiga Music Scene

This is basically in referrence to Trixter's letter about the
pioneers of module music etc.. While it's certainly true that the
Amiga crowd were the true pioneers of MODs, it's also entirely
conceivable that someone could make a list of their 10 most
meaningful, favorite, best, whatever, tunes of all time and not include
any Amiga musicians. If I made a list I'm quite sure that Amiga tunes
by Amiga musicians would be nowheres on it. the Wright brothers were
pioneers too, but their airplane sucks compared to modern ones, and I
generally feel the same way about module music. Revolutionary for
it's time? Perhaps. But certainly not on the same level as today's
best PC music. To say that it IS implies that module music has not
advanced in any or every way since then, and that's just not true.

I really don't want to see an Amiga column in #traxweekly. Why?
Because it took us long enough to get the PC music scene recognized
as a largely seperate entity from the PC demo scene. PC Music can
stand on it's own. History is fine for the history books, but
#traxweekly doesn't need to become the Encyclopedia of music. The
more the focus is expanded, the more dilluted the content gets and
the more the quality slides downhill. Those who dwell in the past can
forget about having a future!

- Maelcum


--[Acromania Fever]-------------------------------------------[Ms. Saigon]--

From jsmith@UBmail.ubalt.eduTue Oct 24 20:53:31 1995
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 19:30:29 -0500 (EST)
From: "J. Smith" <>
Subject: letter to the editor
Re: Acromania's Takeover of #trax

When TV first appeared in the American household, it was an amusing
new form of entertainment. However, it soon grew out of control, until it
had become the new American pastime. Strange things began to happen:
families didn't spend as much "quality time" with each other, kids came
home from school and plopped down in front of the tube with a snack,
millions of people became couch potatoes, grades began to drop, interest
in other activities flagged, the art of conversation began to die.

Now, a similar craze has swept the world of IRC -- Acromania. For
those of you who aren't yet addicted to it, Acromania is a game in which
a bot gives you a random acronym, and you have to create a meaning for
it. Like television, it started out as a benign new diverson, but now
it's getting out of control. Those of us who have moved from #trax to
#acro rarely talk ABOUT anything on IRC any more. The extent of our
conversation is "Haha... good one there!" between rounds of Acromania.
We are losing the ablility and the desire to talk to one another. I
realize that I am just as addicted as anyone else who plays, and that
worries me. If the current trend continues, we could see #trax being
replaced entirely by #acro. This would be a very sad day indeed.
Although I've only been on #trax for a few months, I feel a certain bond
of friendship with the people there. However, without some degree of
human interaction other than "Wewp! I'm in the lead!", that bond will
slowly begin to disappear. Communication is vital, and the current lack
of communication dismays me.

I'm not saying that you should quit playing Acromania (I find it
as entertaining as the next person), but please, take a moment to TALK to
each other! Get outside and do something every once in a while. Study
for that big test you have coming up. Give your room its yearly
cleaning. Don't let #acro become the center of your existence.

just my $.02
-Miss Saigon


/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[1. The Next Generation]-------------------------------------[Psibelius]--

"The Next Generation." No, it's not a Star Trek series. It refers to
a number of us here in the U.S. music scene. Those of us who are
relatively new and inexperienced. The days of older trackers like Mosaic,
Firelight, CCCatch, and groups like Renaissance have long since passed.
For a number of us, anything before 1992 seems nonexistent. We live in an
age where the technology explosion has effected our lives significantly.
The music scene as well has endured that change.

Tracker music has made many advances since the original 4 channel
Amiga ProTracker .MOD and those st-01: instruments. Renaissance's
MultiTracker really shook things up back in 1992 with it's 32 channel mod
format. Future Crew followed, releasing its heralded "Scream Tracker,"
which is currently one of the most popular formats. More recently, Triton
unleashed FastTracker2 into the scene, a successor to their older creation,
FastTracker. Combining 32 channel capability with extended sample sizes
and the concept of "envelopes," FT2 has really expanded the horizons. I'm
not saying that these are the only tracker programs that are important.
Xtracker, Extreme Tracker, ModEdit, UltraTracker, and others all have
contributed something to the success of the module format. Here I am just
illustrating some of the more recent movements in tracker developments.

Also another recent issue: The Tracker Debate. While a number of
people (myself included) still stick with the venerated Renaissance
MultiTracker, the true competition lies between FC's ScreamTracker3 and
Triton's FastTracker2. These two, apart from all the others, define the
current standard. ST3's ease of use, options, and popularity is unequaled.
No other tracker has gained the acceptance and devoted following that this
one has. FT2 on the other hand, brings tracking to a different level. It
introduces a number of conveniences and integrates them into an effective,
professional, package. No one can say that volume/panning envelopes, a
built in sample editor/recorder, and cd-audio/data access is a waste.
A number of lines of text have been wasted on this fruitless controversy,
so let's put it to rest: use what you want. End of story.

The population of people in the music scene is immense. IRC channel
#trax is proof of that. In early 1994, only about 10-15 people crowded
into the channel at peak times. Nowadays, it's common to see about 30+
people at a time. The intimate "closeness" of the older generation has
been lost. I quote Khyron (from his interview in TW #29) "We never had to
go into the channel ask 'who the hell are you?'."
Will the music scene be
a victim of a trendy popularity wave?

Groups. BLECHHHH! I hate arguments about groups. More than
anything, conflicts between egotistical snots and their groups create the
most tension in the music scene. People who rant and rave about how "this
group sucks"
and "that group sucks" rarely have anything of value to
contribute. The people who actually do anything for the music scene have a
set vision, and with that vision comes innovation. Renaissance set the
cornerstone for the American music scene. Their ideas and popularity
ignited the first surge of tracker music. The Kosmic Free Music Foundation
(formerly KLF) has also done wonders for the U.S. music scene. Ever since
Renaissance went into hibernation, KFMF took the lead. With a large (25+)
staff of TALENTED musicians, KFMF set a standard for the number and quality
of songs released in a year.

Among more recent additions, Epinicion Productions, with a ridiculously
large (100+) staff, has promoted a flood of new musicians into the scene.
Operating from a platform of "help the new musicians," EPI can be blamed
for a number of the overpopulation problems today. =) Along with EPI,
Defiance, Digital Muzik Kings, Pure Resistance, Aim Higher, Mazurka, and
numerous others define the "mid-range" of groups. Established, but not yet
up there with the quality content of Renaissance, KFMF, or FM. FM?!?

Five Musicians, or FM, is by far THE premier group. Their creativity
and vision is unique among their peers. Even with their small numbers, the
QUALITY of their productions easily eclipses ALL the midrange groups. FM
represents the TOP of the music scene as it exists right now. This is just
an opinion, but their abilities, combined with the technology available now,
make them incredible. One can argue that many other great artists of past
years easily equal the members of FM. That is true, but they did not have
access to the technology we all have now. Basehead, BigJim, Necros,
Stalker, and Mellow-D are some of the "idols" of the current music scene.
We all feel their influence in one way or another.

Just a note to all of us newer people: whenever you have an urge to
start yelling at the older people, and claim that the music scene now
belongs to "us," the new generation, just pause to remember that it is
these groups and people that provide us with the groundwork for what we
know and experience today.

Being a resident of the United States, I cannot claim to know or
claim to represent the opinions of the ENTIRE tracking community. If a
European music scene member would write an article to discuss their own
aspect of the "Next Generation" I would greatly appreciate it. As you all
may have seen, I did not discuss European music groups, or European music
scene members at all (except maybe Mellow-D =). I'm still pretty much a
newbie to the music scene myself, so please excuse an errors I may have
put into this article.

I hope some of this provokes some serious thoughts or responses. Have
a great day. =)

Psibelius [TW]


--[2. 20 Minute Chip Compo]---------------------------------------[AmusiC]--

______ _____ TM __ __ __ __ __ __
\ / \ / / / / / / / / / / /\/\ / / / /
_\/ /_ / | \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / X . \ / <_/ / <_/ -- / / / / / / <_/ / /
\ ____X___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
\/MeEnUhTz\/ \ / / / / \ \/ / / / / \/ AmC

A Chip A Day, Holds The Doctor Away


Whoaa... that was Surely SOME participating. We Broke Another
Record.... not only the number of contestants is largest by
far, but also largest than the number of voters (DUH!)...
The Subscribers On The Mailing List Have Reached The number
of 32 and still counting...

All in all, this contest is growing rapidly, and gaining new
fans each day that passes... Kxmode included the 20mc on his
WWW trax page... Way to go.. and thanks to Kxmode...

The Hand Of Loki

I'd like to thank Floss for his most precious help during
the competition time. He is now one of my partners in this
competition, thus forbidding him to compete in any 20mc from
now On... Unless of course he still prefers to be a conteststant

Providing The Gift

Lately I've been having problems with my Internet Account, And
Soon I'll change it to a better one (faster, convenient, free)
So, I'd like to apologise for any inconvenience..


This Time We Had 4 People Disqualified... These Were:

Khyron, Because He Dropped Out Of The Contest
Luvk, Because He Never Showed Up With His Tune..
Aquafresh, Because He Didnt Declare A Contestant, Yet Made
A Tune (Which IMHO would Deserve 1st Place, but
Lets Be Fair)
Mystical, Because He Used 5 Channels Instead Of Four, (too
Bad, He had A Nice Entry)

Residencial Duties

As most of you already know, And thanx to Snowman For That,
you can find the files of the 20mc on, under
the directory :


Each competition's Chiptuneandvoteform file is named after:

Where xxx is the number of the competition.

#6 20mc Concept

I've been mailed by People Saying That I shouldnt Allow People
To Use Their Own Samples at all, as well as having only 10
spaces on each voting form, in order to vote for only the 10
most preferable. I'd like your opinion On That... You Know Where
To find me..

A New Pointing System Has Been Established. Each Contestant That
Votes, Will Be Getting A Bonus Added To His Final Score,
equivelant to the number of the contestants Of the current

The Word Of The Mass

This Week I was Rarely On IRC, and didnt have the chance to
ask people what do they think about 20mc. Next Week Fellas..

Place And Time Of Competition

The 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo, Is Held Every Saturday On Channel
#ChIpCoMpO (The Official 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo Channel) We Have
Decided To Change The Competition Time From 02:00AM CET (MTV
Europe's Time) To 00:00AM (CET). That Way Our European Friends
Wont Be Forced To Stay Up Late, (i.e 4 AM) As I And Octoque
Did =)

Some people complained about the time, because of other duties
(music bands, private lessons etc.). I'm sorry fellas, but most
people find this time appropriate.

Whats The Catch?

As We Pointed Out On Trax Weekly #26, There Is NO Catch Or Prize,
Since The Competition Is Held In Order To Have FUN And Fame.
However, I've Noticed That People Tend To Support This
Competition And I Am Sure That Somebody Would Think Of Something
As A "Catch"

\ \ ____ ____ __ __ ______ ____
/ / // __// __//\/ // / \_ _// __/
/ \// __//\_ \/ / // X__ / / /\_ \
\/\ \\__/ \___/\__/ \/__/ \/ \___/ As Of 13/10/95

| Pos | Author | Points |
|--------------------------------| Contestants : 22
| [1] | Calvin | 267 | Submissions : 21
| {2} | Balrog | 264 | Disqualified: 04
| {2} | Zodiak | 264 | Active Chips: 19
| (3) | Floss | 247 | People Voted: 18
| (4) | H0llywood | 220 |
| (5) | Charlatan | 212 |
| (6) | Sikamikaniko | 195 |
| (6) | Zeus | 195 |
| (7) | Vile | 183 |
| (8) | Vector | 167 |
| (9) | Nova | 154 |
| (10) | Cyberdmon | 152 |
| (11) | Fred | 151 |
| (12) | Axl | 133 |
| (13) | Ender | 127 |
| (14) | Pfister | 120 |
| (15) | Rompedraugen | 063 |
| (16) | Dr. West | 053 |
| (17) | HeiZahn | 035 |
:_____ _________________ ________:
o .

O o

Floss Included Mystical's Tune In The Package Although It
exceeded the channel limit. People voted for that too!!
It's worth saying that Mystical's Song got 274 Points and
It would rank 1st if it hadn't been disqualified.

Ok people... We broke a record on voters too, but not all
contestants voted.. Anyway, here are the voters stranded by
the time they voted:

Pfister, Mystical, H0llywood, Fred, Zodiak, Axl, Dr. West,
Phoenix, Drive, Cyberdmon, Vector, Zeus, Nova, Blackwolf,
Vile, Floss, Stil and Charlatan

\ \ __ __ ____ ____
/ / //\/ // / / __// __/
/ \// / // X__/ __//\_ \
\/\ \\__/ \/__/\__/ \___/

Now, Lets Review The 10 Basic Rules One More Time...

(01) Contestants Should Be Present At #ChIpCoMpO Channel On The
Competition Time, And Declare Competitors. No Competitors Are
Accepted Before The Competition Time, And After Competition
Has Started.
(02) Each Competitor, Should Compete With Only One Tune, Which Should
Comply With All Of The Following Rules :

a) Maximum File Size (Uncompressed) Should Be 20 Kilobytes
b) Maximum Number Of Channels Allowed Is 4 (four)
c) The Competitor MUST Use The Samples Of The Sample Pack For
The Tune, And At MOST 2 (two) Other Samples Of His/Her Choice.
d) The Tune Must Be DCC'ed Or Mailed Before The Given Deadline
e) The Tune Must Be Uncompressed

A Tune Not Compatible With The Above Rules, Will Be Instantly

(03) The Duration Of The Competition Is 20 Minutes Plus 10 More For
Connecting and Transfering The Tune.
(04) The Filename Of The Tune Should Be Comprised Of 3 Parts. A Three
Letter Abreviation Of The Competitors Nickname (Or Name), a dash
And A Four Letter Abreviation Of The Song's Name (.Extension).
ex. If I Made A ChipTune Called Tomahawk, The File Name would
Look Like This: amu-tmhk.mod
(05) Allowed Formats Are: MOD (Pro/Fasttracker) Format
XM (Fasttracker ][ ) Format
S3M (ScreamTracker 3) Format
(06) All The Tunes Should Be DCC'ed To User AmusiC In Channel
#ChIpCoMpO Or Mailed To: In MIME Format
(Pine's Encryption Format).
(07) Contestants Are Not Allowed To Leave #ChIpCoMpO Before The
Signal That Initiates The "Bout". Contestants That Leave Before
The Signal, Are Instantly Disquilified.
(08) Voting Takes Place Right After The End Of The Competition, And
Lasts Till Tuesday 00:00AM CET (When No More Voting Forms Will
Be Accepted).
(09) Competitors Can Vote, But Cannot Vote For Themselves. Voting of
The Competitors Is OBLIGATORY. Each Competitor That Votes
Will Be Granted A Point Bonus To His Final Score Equivelant To
The Number Of Contestants Of The Current Competition.
(10) Voteforms Should Also Be DCC'ed To User AmusiC In Channel
#ChIpCoMpO Or Mailed To: In MIME Format
(Pine's Encryption Format).

______ __ ____
\ __/_ __ __/\ / / ________/ / /
/ / / \/ \/ / / / / / / __/ _ <
/ / / / / / / / / / X_/ / / / / // /
\__/\__/\__/\__/ \/_/\__/\__/\/ \/


Mailing List

Yes! You read right! We now have a mailing list available to you
so you can have all the latest news and announcements hot off
the press. e-mail to and as subject use the word:
"subscribe", and as body write the nickname you are known by.

To unsubscribe Use the same procedure, but instead of
"subscribe" use "UNSubscribe". Piece Of Cake..


Official 20 MeEnUhTz Chip Compo Sponsors Are:

- Trax Weekly And Gene Wie (Psibelius) For Hosting This
- Hornet And Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) For Hosting The
Compo On


Credits Fly Out To All Those People That Have Supported This
Brilliant And Pretty Dificult To Acomplish, Idea. DarkHeart
And DeathBringer For Giving Me The Idea Of This Competition.
Everyone That Respects Him/Herself And Reads Trax Weekly.
Every One That Competed And Voted For The 20mc. And Finally
Imphobia, For Forwarding This Competition Through The Supreme
Imphobia DiskMag. Last But Not Least, Calvin For His Neat Idea.

Looking For...

We Need A Bot For The #ChIpCoMpO Channel To Maintain It Open And
Clean From Invasions. Bot Providers, Will Also Be Considered As
Sponsors And Will Be Credited As Well In Our Announcment And
Rule Files.

Every Promotion And Advertising is Welcome.


To Contact AmusiC (Sotiris Varotsis) e-mail at: or

Or You Can Occasionaly Find Me On IRC Channels:

#trax, #daskmig, #amigascne, #ChIpCoMpO, #coders, #theend

Ending Notes

Be Alert For A Surprise On 20mc #10...

We Survived Criticism, We Survived Laughters, And We Made It
To The Phat Number 6. 10 Is Not That Far Away. Lets Hope For
The Best Turnout.

Keep The Flame Burning. Thank You.

-AmusiC/Bass Productions


--[3. SceneWeb]------------------------------------------------[Psibelius]--

I would like to take a break from music discussions today to bring up
a related subject: Music Scene World Wide Web sites. HTML has opened up a
great way to represent ideas and information over the Internet, and nearly
all prominent #trax-ers are involved with the Web in some shape or form.
I'm reviewing some sites here, as well as presenting a few new ones.
Eventually, TraxWeekly will publish a "SceneWeb" listing for all those
interested. Please mail me with site listings and descriptions if you run
a music scene related site. Listed here are a few that people have asked
me this week to feature.

- The Superunknown ... Flood Myth [acid.epinicion]

The Superunknown is known by many as "The Yellow Pages of the Scene."
Started earlier this year by Flood Myth, it serves as an online index
of major ansi, vga, demo, and music groups. The page is updated daily,
and the site is growing larger and larger as more and more people are
drawn into it. There are even special links for the HORNET archive as
well as contests and so forth. This is THE net scene site. All other
imitations pale in comparison.

- Trax Homepage ... KXmode [epinicion]

For some reason, we can't find Guitar's #trax page anymore, so KXmode has
moved in to fill the gap. This site is brand new, and we encourage all
of you to check it out! #trax related material can be found on here,
ranging from TraxWeekly to the 20min. compo.

As I said before, "SceneWeb" will become a regular feature of TW if
I get enough positive feedback for it. Reader contributions as well as
suggestions for "SceneWeb" would be greatly appreciated.

Psibelius [TW]


--[4. TraxCulture]----------------------------------------[Random Lamers]---

"<psibelius> I hear AllState has good rates for life insurance."

<Maelcum> hey, what happens if you cross into canadian airspace with an
unregistered flight plan?

<psibelius> mael: they blow your ass out of the sky. =)

<ior> psib: Hmmm ... would be neat if I had a jet license by then, and
could rent a lear ;)

<karnaaj> mael: like canada has a military

<psibelius> we should rent a BLIMP

<Maelcum> i could like hijack one of the new york city tour helicopters and
make them fly me to montreal

<karnaaj> mael: i think they have 20 60 year olds with pistols

<Maelcum> karnaaj: yeah, and cesnas for an airforce =)

<GooRoo> We have the indians :)

<Daedalus> hahaha, "look, it's the goodyear blimp with the americans!"

<Maelcum> gooroo: the indians in quebec/st lawrence reservation have more
firepower than your military =)

<Daedalus> "Jeez, eh? those americans travel in style"

<Light_> I'll ride Putt-Putt... My Honda Moped that goes 20 miles an hour
tops, gets 90 miles to the gallon, and is the most PHATTEST way
to travel.. :)

<Daedalus> "look eh? the americans are crashing into the lake in the
goodyear blimp, wow, those americans really go out with style,




<GooRoo> ASM95 news: There were really no prizes!! :(

<Phoenix_> news flash: IOR landed in Helsinki airport today.

<basehead> bah, screw bar hopping.. i vote for getting a big hotel suite,
having andrewm bring his dj equipment, and having force ten guys
bring tons of alcohol..

<Phoenix_> ior blames the poor navigation on psibelius's directions
<ior> "didn't you see a whole bunch of ocean?!"
<psib> "i thought that was the st lawrence!"

<Maelcum> i think i'm gonna change my handle to Farrakhan =) hehe. just to
piss basehead off =)

<Daedalus> ack, Trax Trek: The Wrath of Farrakhan


<basehead> "world of overused samples"

<ior> base: ahahahahaha... werd to that :) Shades of Night 5

<psibelius> shades of night 69: black holes

<basehead> shades of night - part 104: shit, isn't it morning yet?


--[5. Tracker Survey]------------------------------------------[Psibelius]--

"What do you want in a Tracker?"

Here's a subject I know many of you will be interested in. I am
fairly certain that the trackers currently out there suit your needs, and
that you are happy with them. But listen to this: how would you like to
play a part in designing a brand new tracking program, that would feature
elements that you desire? Aren't you sick of the limitations or just dumb
settings in the current trackers? How about everyone having a say in
creating a new tracking program that will satisfy nearly all?

Jason Diamond ( is programming a new tracker.
He requested that the people of #trax play a role in its development.
Many times, a tracker is built from the standpoint of a coder only, and
thus creates inconveniences for the musician. Therefore, in conjunction
with TraxWeekly, Diamond has proposed a survey: What do you want in a

TraxWeekly has decided to embrace Diamond's tracker project. This
tracker is being developed with the intention of serving the musician.
So much good can be done if we cooperate. Therefore, I am asking all of
you to step in and lend a helping hand.

Please email us with your suggestions, ideas, thoughts, and anything
else you want to comment on. In time, TraxWeekly will publish the results
of the survey (in any case, you'll see the results in the tracker =). All
persons contributing ideas that are implemented will be mentioned in the
credits. Please note that upon completion, Diamond will be releasing this
tracker as FREEWARE. There will be absolutely no cost, whatsoever. The
goal of this project is to expand the horizons of the digital music scene.

Jason Diamond can be reached at for questions
and suggestions about his new tracker.

Psibelius [TW]


/-[Faces in the Crowd]------------------------------------------------------

[new ascii under development by White Wizard!]

News .................................. Staff
Interview ............................. DennisC with Zinc
COMPLAINTS............................. Article by Mdark
Not So Advanced Tracking Tips.......... Article by Atlantic
CORRECTION............................. LuvKohli


We are sorry that the nature of this FITC article does
not befit that of recent weeks. Unfortunately due to unforseen
problems, we could not do the reviews. Once again we apologize
for this weeks appearance, and next week we'll be back on track.

- Staff


---====[ Faces In The Crowd <> Interview #10 ]====---
{DennisC} = DennisC / FITC <>
{zinc} = Zinc / Radiance <> ???

<dennisc> Name, handle, affiliations, country, etc?

<zinc> alrighty
Justin, Zinc, Radiance is the music group in Canada.. i'm 18.

<dennisc> kewlio... how long ya been tracking?

<zinc> I'm been tracking since January 95, but I don't think I was any
good until March =)

<dennisc> cool. what tracker do you prefer?

<zinc> heh.. I love Scream Tracker.. I learned to use Fast Tracker but
the editor was so much better in St3.

<dennisc> instead of asking "what styles do you like," I'm going to present
you with some situations after which you must hypothetically track
something, ok?

<zinc> okay! .. I'm read.

<dennisc> 1. You see a pregnant cow get hit by a bus.
what style would that be?

<zinc> Industrial! hehe..

<dennisc> 2. Someone you've known for a very short time but like A LOT
suddenly disappears off the face of the earth.
<dennisc> what kinda tune might this produce?

<zinc> I'd probably write a piano tune. Anybody who knows me will agree
hehe... but a sad piano.

<dennisc> 3. You overdose on drugs and get f***ed within an inch of your
life. What tune would you be tracking in the hospital bed?

<zinc> gee! If I was able to compose anything in that case.. It would
be another piano tune! but seriously. ambient I guess..

<dennisc> 3a. What would it be called?

<zinc> ambient is pretty relaxing. I'd call it... Paronoptic

<dennisc> 4. Everyone in the world will hear a song by you around them,
and then you will die and never be heard from again. a) what kind
of tune b) what would it be called c) any voice samples in it?
c1) what would they say?

<zinc> a: well I seem to have my own style, and it would stand out so
people say "Zowie!"
<zinc> b: I'd call it.. Retronegative... or.. Alabaster
<zinc> c: I don't like voice samples but if It was my last one, I might
put some sappy sample at the end of the song saying farewell..
heh =)

<dennisc> you have a cool talent with titles :).... back to the real world,
what would you consider your tracking strengths to be?

<zinc> thanks .. My strengths are probably being able to mix samples that
most people wouldn't think of using together. Like pianos and
electric guitars with rave buzzes.. also, I think i do quite well
with melody. (back to piano again!)

<dennisc> who are your "real" and tracked influences?

<zinc> influences.. Acidfrog, most definately. After that, I've learned
from Skaven (as has everybody else). I have a lot in influences,
because I try to appreciate many different styles.

<dennisc> when you start out tracking a song, what do you do first? do you
think up the entire thing beforehand, or piece it together as it

<zinc> naw.. I usually find a short melody, with a few cool samples, and
build on that. As you might guess I find a place to work in a
piano in at least half of my stuff =)

<dennisc> now to your views on the scene: what are your opinions on
(a) sample ripping (b) tracked music vs. real music and (c) OJ?

<zinc> a: I think it's okay if you don't already have the equipment to
make your own, cuz if you do and you still rip, you're lazy. But
credit should always be given if it's an original sample/
<zinc> b: I like both. I can't say one is better than the other, except
that sometimes I like to hear actual singing as opposed to
overused voice samples.
<zinc> C: oj... hehe... I had a big debate on this on my bbs already =)
I'm not touching it!

<dennisc> back to b, do you think tracked music would be better overall if
more people had "real" music backgrounds and knowledge of theory?
do *you* have a knowledge of theory or play an intrument?

<zinc> first, I play guitar.. I never learned theory, and I hear mixed
comments about it. I'll probably learn it one day, but I'm in no
rush. I think a lot of people jump right into tracking without
prior knowledge, so for those people it would benefit them.

<dennisc> on to #trax itself... how long have you been on it? what do you
think? have a position/opinion in the popcorn vs. the world (or
so it seems) debate?

<zinc> heh.. funny you ask. I was on #trax 12 hours straight last night.
Only got 3 hours sleep.. yawn.. but I started almost a week ago =)
It's pretty cool, and people don't act with the elite attitude I
thought they would, for the most part. As for popcorn, I never
judge a person by what others say. I have to experience firsthand..

<dennisc> trax can be quite addictive.... I personally think that the whole
issue of ops creates "popcorns" (sorry to label him as lame,

<zinc> i think I got a new record! =)
<zinc> yes, I can't stop calling.. My BBS is going to be dead pretty
soon, cuz I'm on the same line =) hah...

<dennisc> hahaha :) what is your favorite element? (yes, like periodic
table type elements :)

<zinc> hehe.. well I like Zinc, of course =) but I liked xenon too cuz
that was an alias I thought of for somebody.

<dennisc> back to the scene, how do you think new trackers are treated by
the masses? (I personally like Beryllium and Lead :)

<zinc> well as for my local area scene, new trackers get a lot of help
(BC canada) but it trax you tend to get ignored a bit until people
notice your work and like it.

<dennisc> you'll find that people stop ignoring you if you simply hang out
there enough (case in point: me... no releases yet) :)

* zinc likes this interview so far :-)

<dennisc> hmm... well, what else haven't I covered?

<zinc> yeah, I have been here for so long already I feel like I know some
others.. werd fred! =)
<zinc> my music group?

<dennisc> yeah! What's Radiance all about?

<zinc> Well it started back in July or June of this year, and I got 2
other musicians together, along with a vga artist, and now an
ansi artist. We release singles as well as packs; the latest one
being RADPACK2.ZIP (plug here =) which we think is pretty darn
good! =)

<dennisc> give us names! :) who are these other dewds?

<zinc> Jake Blues is the funky XM d00d, Acidfrog is the masterd00d of
jungle, trip hop, etc.. and me, master of Zinc-style hehe.
Dead Pool does ansi now, and he's very good at it.

<dennisc> anything else you'd like to say about this eleet group?

<zinc> our styles are very unique and difinitive, and that's one of our

<dennisc> cool... if that's all (no rush or anything), the best part

* zinc likes Fred's rad s3ms...

<dennisc> You get to list all your releases, where to get them, filenames,
everything. Plug EVERYTHING :)

<zinc> Okay! All of my stuff will start with ZNC, latest good ones
being ZNC-N&I.ZIP, and ZNC-AT.ZIP.. packs are RADPACK2.ZIP and
RADPACK1.ZIP. they should be available on and who knows
where else. We put a list of released in our latest stuff, so
check in there. Also, radiance wants to thank DJ Moses and the
rest of HFR for the help!

<zinc> oh yeah, RADPACK2.ZIP is recent and has 3 of my best songs. Get
that if nothing else!

<dennisc> coolarific... that's all i guess...

<zinc> okay dodilly... thanks for the interview, meng..


Complain, complain, COMPLAIN! It seems thats all people are doing
these days with respect to music in the scene. But is there reasonable
meaning behing these complaints? Are they acceptable and fair?

Frequently - myself included - groups pressure their members into
quickly doing tunes that are not necessarily of the highest quality - and
just to meet a deadline. Indeed this is sometimes a harsh reality, but in
order for groups to survive in the scene today the ability to produce MORE
has overshadowed the ability to composer WELL. But what if the member
cannot comply with the deadline given to him/her? The group complains.


Obviously over the internet it is impossible to tell whether
somebody is sick or has domestic matters, but I think its suffic to say
this is as valid an excuse as any. To challenge this 'excuse' would be to
questions one honesty and integrity, and that in itself isn't worth one
measly song. Give them of the benefit of the doubt, they'll come around.


This seems to be one of the biggest problems slowing down the
production of music today. Indeed recently I've seen it with my own members
as well as various people I have chatted with on #trax. The ability to
compose is almost always based on some sort of inspiration or emotion.
I must admit I did not fully accept this until, I myself, went through a
dry spell. So it's another valid excuse for not composing - and for not
doing a great many other things as well! :)


Again it's apaprent - especially if the person isn't local -
that a broken compuiter or modem will prevent him/her from doing any
composing at all. Keep in mind of course if people use this as excuse
and it's not true, I don't think they deserve to be in the group if they
can't be honest.


Gimmee a break.

The average age of composers in the scen right now is about 15-26.
The MAJORITY of these people have homework and go to school everyday. And
if that's the case, then they OBVIOUSLY still find time ti compose. If
you've made te responsibility to a group, I don't believe you can use this
as an excuse - most groups give plenty of time IMHO for you to finish
homework AND compose.

But Note a few things.

On the contrary to the above, i ALSO believe that this is a valid
excuse if the group does not run deadlines or hold and major responsibilites
(such as Epinicion & AIM Higher). So it goes both ways. Just depends on
whether you feeling like honouring your commitments or not.

OF course though education is more important than music almost
without a doubt.

(Sorry For Jumping Around So Much There :) )


Tell me something. Are you composing to please somebody in
particular? Or ar you composing for yourself, and for fun where feedback
is a bonus? Given that nobody likes to get negative feedback of course.
But these days I only see constructive criticism for the most part, so
that's a step in the right direction.

I don't think this is a valid excuse. Far be it for me to tell
you waht to do, but I'm gonna do so anyways so live with it :). It's the
same old thing I always say. You should compose for yourself. Take
feedback as a way to improve, not as an insult. Just because one or two
people might not like your song, doesn't mean everybody feels the same way.
There are 10s of THOUSANDS of composers out there - or listeners :)

One person's view - while important if they can convey their
thoughts into intelligent, constructive criticism - isn't going to (or
shouldn't) effect you that much at all. So don't worry about it so much.
If you like your music, don't let anybody put it down. And by all means
try not to use this as an excuse :)

SO my advice to EVERYBODY out there (including myself) is simple:


(Unless it's hurting you in some way, shape, or form in which
case you should discuss it with the individual privately and try working
something out, rather than ragging on them to compose and complaining
if they don't.)

It works for me, I hope it works for you.

* These views & this advice is my opinion and mine alone.
* If you DON'T agree with something you've seen by all means
* E-mail me at and uh... complain :)

- Mdark

-Not-So-Advanced-Tracking-Tips----------------------------[ Atlantic ]-

For about a year now I've been helping new musicians improve their music.
I'm no expert myself by any means. On the street, my instrument playing
abilities wouldn't get me enough change for a phone call. My musical
background is admittedly thin. Nonetheless, I have heard a great deal of
pc music, and have noticed some common problems worth pointing out. I've
been liberal here, and I'd guess that some wouldn't agree with me on some
points. If so, let me know.

I'll admit right-off that this is a confession as well, I've made a lot
of the mistakes that I'm mentioning. I took a seemingly long time to
get to the level that I'm at (and if you've heard my recent stuff, it's
not much to marvel at) because of them. But that is, of couse, why
I wrote the article. So, you can decide whether or not I'm worth paying
attention to.

(1) Indulgers

Indulgers are what I call those trackers who believe that complicated
means better. This might come from them listening to music written
by experienced pc musicians and seeing the great sample variation, use
of effects, and complicated (yet smooth) melodies. Let the word go out:
writing music at that level is not easy, and you simply can't just pick
up a copy of St3 (okay, or ft2) and try to duplicate it right off.
The K.I.S.S. principle applies to music - get the best musical quality
with as little sound as possible. Don't try to go "over your head"
to sound like Skaven or Basehead. Start small.

(2) Hotshots

These are the people who don't care to figure out that a chord is.
I was guilty of this for awhile, and in retrospect, I was kinda wasting
my time prior to learning a little more musical theory. I think the
central cause of this is that a helluva lot of trackers out there are
really not at all serious about music. That's not to say that it's
a serious thing - I enjoy tracking, and if I did not have fun doing it
then I wouldn't. Yet a lot of trackers are solely out to achieve some
sort of "fame" (As lame as it sounds, there are loads of these ppl), and
don't compose for whatever artistic value is present in pc music. It seems
to me that these people generally write bad music. You must understand
basic musical concepts like harmony, melody, counter-melody, scales,
chords or time signatures to name-off a few. If you don't know about this
stuff, then you're music is likely to be devoid of quality, and as a
result, painfully boring. This problem is the cause of many others,
a couple of which I'll mention here..

(2.a) One problem with not knowing chord theory is that you are guessing
which combinations of notes fit together, and which rake your spine.
Writing good music in this trial & error fashion is difficult and
painstaking. Music done this way often shows flaws - little
auditory clashings of sound that stand out at you.

(2.b) Frequency spreads. To give music a depth of sound, it helps to
have low-end (low-frequency) sounds playing simultaeneously with
high-end (high-frequency) sounds. This (very generally) makes
tunes more interesting, and pleasing to the ear. Entirely bass-rich
low-end songs can be too noisy and loud, and overly high-end songs
have potential to be profoundly irritating.

(2.c) Time. This issue is related to the motivation of "fame" in so
many trackers. My advice: spend time on each piece until you are
happy with it. This is especially important with new musicians.
If a new tracker isn't happy with his work, then chances are other
people won't be. I see multitudes of people releasing like bloody
mad. Take it easy. Work on a song for a month. If you have as
much time as I do for tracking (especially lately), then that
doesn't really amount to much anyway. If you spend lots of time
on each song, then you don't look back on music you've written
a while ago and think "man, I really blew chunks back then." It's
cliche, but do your best in your work.

(3) The Sample Happy

Yes, it is great to have your own samples. It makes your music feel
a lot more like your own creation. A lot of pc musicians, however,
just don't have the equipment to do their own sampling. This would be
fine if they didn't try anyway. Don't try and make a song out of crappy
samples just for the sake of originality. I've never considered ripping
to be the crime that a lot of other musicians do. Just GIVE CREDIT where
credit is due - always. Otherwise, use the best damn samples you can
get your hands on, who cares. Yes, I'm guilty of this one too, but
fortunately I was too obscure at the time for many to have noticed. :)

(4) Trackstackers

Start with something in 1 channel, go for 2 patterns. Add another sam
in channel 2, go for 2 more patterns... ad nauseum. --> This gets seriously
tired. Music that just builds one channel at a time, slowly, is boring.
It's too predictable. Now I know that some musicians don't have the
ability in their early days to put together an attention-grabbing melodic
theme, but just think of some level of variation. Try doing bridges,
try starting a song in the midst of the action, try different things.
Be creative, that's what it's all about. Nobody wants to hear that
progressive stuff.

(5) Sheep

We all have our preferred musicians. I really like the music of Fencer
for example. He has an ability to embed a mood within a song that I
aspire to match. I often go as far as to load st3 to look at exactly
how Fencer got a certain track to sound a certain way. I have learned
many techniques like this. It only becomes a problem when I want my
music to sound like Fencer's. Learn their methods, learn how they
get something to sound good. But don't try to turn yourself into them.
That, again, is boring. I have listened to several songs by some trackers,
and you can plainly tell that they are trying to sound like Necros or
Purple Motion. Give up guys. Only those musicians sound like those
musicians, and that's the way we all want it to be.

I really hope some of these things make you think. If you've got any
thoughts or comments for me, send 'em to "". tanks
a whole bunch.

- Atlantic of Neophyte, Aim Higher & Fitc

ps. If there were some other things you would've liked me to ramble
about, let me know. I like rambling. :)


Here is some corrected information from last weeks FITC:

I was wondering: could you add a correction in the next FITC? My interview
appeared in TraxWeekly #31, but my email address,,
was not included. Also, it was not mentioned that all of Empyrean's songs
are on the Freedom data CD.

Luv Kohli / Empyrean


/-[Group Columns]------------------------------------------------------------

--[1. Epinicion Column]------------------------------------------------------
___ _______ _____________ ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ___________
| // \\ \\_____) \\_____) \\_____) \\ \\ |
: / o \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ \:
// _____// / \ : / \ _____/ \ / : \.
\\_______/ _//______\\_|__//______\\_____//______\\_____//____| /:
: \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//|
|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

Some more songs in by Aradia, Czar and Frankenstien this week, which will
be released shortly.

Epinicion released it's sixth music disk, "BLT" on October 16th, 1995,
featuring 42 songs by countless numbers of excellent musicians. You can
find "BLT" on our ftp site, listed below. Epinicion now has released a
total of 160 songs for 1995, surpassing our previous record by about
*100*. Needless to say, we're very happy. =)

Preparations for the Epinicion annual Holiday Music Disk are under way.
Members and guests alike, please submit your holiday tunes to Psibelius
at (mime or uue), or via IRC-dcc. The Epinicion annual
Holiday Music Disk will feature a new vga-based Epinicion Sound Interface
(ESI) coded by Zoltar, and VGA artwork by Maelcum [KFMF/EPI].


ALL of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found through ftp at: /kosmic/epinicion.

Epinicion WWW Page:
New interface, new graphics, a new look. UNDER CONSTRUCTION (so some
area are either not working or really screwed up =).

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder


--[2. eXtreme Terror Corps]-------------------------------------------------

-= X . T . C =-
wake up ascii artists! -grin-

Would you believe it. Spiritual Mindworks 1 is turning out to be the
biggest succes ever on my bbs and i think in the entire scene in
Holland. Everyone here is downloading the info files like crazy.
If you want to know what's going up, look for the files SMX-INF*.*
everywhere. SMX-INF3.ZIP is the most recent to date (10/21/95).

Everywhere? Yes indeed, because GamesNet/SDC has decided to give us
a ride on their global network. From now on you can download all
the eXtreme Terror Corps and Spiritual Mindworks productions from
every single SDC bbs in the world. An SDC bbs is a bulletin board
connected to the Sound Distribution Channel on GamesNet (zone 100).
Mail for more info about the SDC on GamesNet. You can
also talk to him on IRC (SDC_ is his nickname i believe).
This also means that every XTC production will also be released
on every USRNet server.

I would like to thank Mr. Data of SDC for
taking the time to connect us to the SDC. Please write him if
you want more info. And Mr. Data: a big THANX from all the
XTC members, what you did was simply GRAND. :)

Now about the name. There have been a lot of rumours that we
are about to change our name. Now i can not tell you anything yet,
but y'all might be up to a big surprise. Even most XTC members
do not know what is happening, only Deniax and me. Yes, we admit,
something is about to happen, something BIG. Maybe we will reveal
the news in the next TraxWeekly.

Due to school we have not been releasing anything for a few weeks,
the most recent song was done by Phonc(ie), a rave-style song.
Anyone out there who likes Dune (hardcore vibes), Dj Paul and
some of his happy remixes (rainbow) and songs like that?
Be sure to download his productions because that is Phonc(ie)'s
style altogether.
Or simply email him:
Be sure to mention the name PHonc(ie) or Rolf as more people
use this address.

So far so good.
From next week i'll try to review some +31 songs and upload them
to, too.

Respect goes out to:
Mr.Data of SDC for putting us online over there,
Softlord of TraxNet (received my mail?),
Ray of SDC (made my dir already? grin),
Deniax (no time eh, sucks! call me voice!),
Morphine/RBi, Slackjaw/DTN^NLB, Spinoza/SG, Dopey Cc/TNL,
Beasty Bass/NATURE/\BEAT!, Dark/MTB and offcourse
Prance/Phoncie/Jinx/brain surgeon/Alex/PSC/DeepBass,
and all downloaders of our files.

From next week on no-one will be greeted anymore,
because i just found out greeting people sucks. ;-).

ohyeah ... email me:


--[3. Kosmic Free Music Foundation]-----------------------------------------
. .:.........:.. ... . +
_:_______ : . + . .
\ /__:__ . . . + . .:::. .
\ / / . ... ... ````` ......
/ _/ ___/_____________.__...:::::::.:::::::. ::::: .:::::'''' +
/ \ \ _ \ ___.::::::: :::: :::::: .::::: ::::::
/ /\ \__\_\ \____ \ `::::: :::; :::::'.::::::.::::::. ..:. .
/_____/ \_____________________\..::::; ``` :::::::::::::;:::::::::::::;
: : \ \___.._ ......:;:::: __ _ ``:::::::``` ```:::::::``
: : \___..__.. .::::::::::: __._ . . . (WW) .
. .:............ .. . ``````` .+ . .
: : +
... .... ...... a constellation of stars!

We say hello to a Vivid, our new musician from Germany. K_HARDY is
his first release. He is also a member of Radical Rhythms.

We say hasta la vista to Maral, Lurch, and Young (the memberlist was
getting huge again, sorry!)

The Kosmic home page has been updated again, now with a nice imagemap!

Be sure to fill out the Kosmic Listener Survey at
~kosmic/survey.html. Our future products depend on your input!

Last 5 Kosmic music releases:

101 More Than Meets The Mind . Chuck Biscuits. 16 .S3M - 5m:44s - 128
(K_MIND.ZIP) - Another ChuckB squarewave trance mix a year in the making.
102 Earthtones ............... Mental Floss .. 16 .S3M - 8m:49s - 150
(K_ETONES.ZIP) - Excellent acid-trance tune, club-mix quality.
103 Django ................... Hollywood ...... 4 .MOD - 2m:33s - 150
(K_DJANGO.ZIP) - Jungle tune, 3rd place at Digital Symposium '95.
104 Song Without Voice ....... Maelcum ........ 8 .MTM - 4m:26s - 138
(K_SONG.ZIP) - Bite-sized acid-techno snack.
105 Hardy Small (acid hop mix) Vivid ......... 16 .XM - 6m:07s - 142
(K_HARDY.ZIP) - Strange acid with a phat rhythm, debut release.

And now, back with a vengeance, tonight's top ten list!


10. You can be a lot more expressive with 3-5 words than 3-5 beeps.
9. You never get spam points or chip-addict points in 20MC.
8. You don't even need to know how to track to play.
7. The material you're given is slightly

less crappy.
6. 19 less minutes of pressure.
5. If your entry sucks, you can redeem yourself a lot sooner.
4. Get results in 45 seconds instead of next week.
3. When you get bored, go over to #thecafe, they got chicks over there!
2. Bot doesn't crash when everyone is ready.
1. It's an ever better way to completely waste a Friday night!

- Phoenix[Kosmic], who has played and won two acro games simultaneously.



TraxWeekly is available via ftp from /pub/demos/incoming/news (new issues) /pub/demos/news/traxw/ (back issues)

TraxWeekly is also available via WWW from

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name]
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Contributions for TraxWeekly must be formatted for *76* columns,
must have a space preceding each line, and must be readable and
understandable. NO HIGH ASCII IS ALLOWED. Different country code
pages cause major problems in international distribution, so we
must stay with regular text.

Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
(MIME/UUE only) to: before 6:00pm EST (North
America) every Wednesday.

TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

TW Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Columnists: Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Graphics: White Wizard (...)
WWW Page: Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre)
FITC: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
FITC: DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
FITC Editor: Kal Zakath (John Townsend)
FITC: Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995 TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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