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TraxWeekly Issue 033

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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|___|asciidoneby:WW/RZM\___| |___| Issue Number: #33
| | : | Release Date: 11/05/1995
| : t r a x w e e k l y . : Subscribers:
| . the music scene newsletter | This Week - 395
: . Last Week - 390

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/_\ \__ / (stoney askee)
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Welcome to TraxWeekly Issue #33.

This week, we feature a special section on the "Amiga Debate" concerning
the importance and presence of non-PC music scene members and their

Due to administrative difficulties, Faces in the Crowd was unable to reach
the press box this week. Also, sorry for this last minute release of TW,
as I was waiting for articles that never came. Oh well, that's life. =)

We've almost made it to the 400 subscriber mark! Everyone, please
encourage your friends to subscribe!

Psibelius [TW]


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General Articles

1. Quelling the Controversy..........................Psibelius
2. 20 Minute Compo...................................AmusiC
3. Tracker Survey....................................Psibelius
4. Got Milk?.........................................KXmode

Special Feature: The Amiga Debate

1. The Amiga Forever.................................Moby
2. 4Channel Lives On.................................Trixter
3. Music is Music....................................AmusiC
4. Music Commentary..................................Ch:ilm

Group Columns

1. Epinicion Productions
2. eXtreme Terror Corps
3. Kosmic Free Music Foundation


Subscription/Contribution Information
TraxWeekly Staff Sheet

/-[General Articles]--------------------------------------------------------

--[1. Quelling the Controversy]--------------------------------[Psibelius]--

It seems that I've run into a few problems here at TraxWeekly, dealing
with discussion of other groups to this current furor over the fate of non
PC music articles. For the sake of our sanity and our peace, allow me to
present to you these answers...

The "Letters and Feedback" section of TraxWeekly is devoted to letters
from the readers of this newsletter. From these comments I think back
about previous issues, look at the current one, and examine ways I can make
the future ones better. Unfortunately, I do get an occasional nasty
letter, and nearly all those times, it's because the person complaining
didn't care to read the articles too closely. Remember, before reaming me
out for some "mistake" be sure you read the article CLOSELY and understand
the context. Some jokes have been taken far too seriously, as has some
"labels" I and other writers have used to define a set group of peoples.
I'm not a college-degree social critic, and I'm not a superhuman. I make
mistakes, just like everyone else. Just get used to the fact that no one
is perfect, no matter how hard we try.

All of you worrying about the future of Amiga discussions here in
TraxWeekly: Quit the worrying. As TraxWeekly is a newsletter devoted to
the MUSIC SCENE, it's purpose is to serve ALL the people in it. We are not
here to eliminate from public view standards that some people don't like
or approve of. I refuse to censor or prevent the publication of any
article on the grounds of person, platform, or opinion. The so called
"Amiga Debate" is a feature this week, mainly because it is a subject that
people ARE having a RATIONAL debate about, but don't expect it to extend
into the next month. I am still looking for a regular columnist that will
discuss and support the Amiga tracking commmunity. Contact me at the
address below if interested.

TraxWeekly is not a place to insult other individuals, or to flame
other groups. Two articles so far have been mailed to me that have
nothing to do with the "music" aspect of the scene, but instead focus on
trying to bring down other groups or people by pathetically trying to blame
them for some mistake or error. And instead of approaching the manner in a
rational and mature way, these articles are more closely related to
childish tantrums than constructive criticism. I refuse to publish this
kind of garbage. Take your arguments and vile comments to private email.
TraxWeekly is not going to waste its space on personal conflicts.

Please remember that while you may not always agree with everything
you see here in TW, not everyone always agrees with what you yourself may
have to say. Remember that we are all unique in our ideas, actions, and
opinions. Everyone, has the right to have his or her viewpoint shared with
OF HARMING OTHERS. Please read the previous statement carefully. While
some of the recent content of this newsletter may have offended some
people, their original intentions were not to "solely harm others." I
remember a quote I read somewhere (I have forgotten the person this was
quoted from):

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will
defend to the death your right to say it."

A valid statement? Perhaps. But there is a world of difference
between comments that inspire opposition and debate, and comments that stir
up conflict and hatred.

Best wishes to all of you.

Psibelius [TW]


--[2. 20 Minute Compo]------------------------------------------------------

______ _____ TM __ __ __ __ __ __
\ / \ / / / / / / / / / / /\/\ / / / /
_\/ /_ / | \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / X . \ / <_/ / <_/ -- / / / / / / <_/ / /
\ ____X___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
\/MeEnUhTz\/ \ / / / / \ \/ / / / / \/ AmC

I Bought A Car For My Wife... Great Trade

And A Rinky Dinky Doo To You My Friend

Another Friday, Another Compo.. We Are Getting Closer To
the Phat Numbah #10 ... Quoting from the last Chipcompo
(#8 to be precise), People seemed to appreciate the new
voting system, although very few people (compared to the
previous competitions) voted. So.. We'll be having this
voting system from now on. On each Voting Pack, You'll be
finding a Voteform. Please Use that voteform, and don't
alter it besides the X marks, because all votes go through
a voting programm. Also, Don't forget to include your name
on the given field (right above the contestant names).

Sometimes, We -The 20mc Staff- Include our tunes in the
voting pack. You can comment on these tunes, by personal
E-mail, But NOT vote for them, Even if you think that they
worth a vote! Maybe in future we'll include a special voting
place for these tunes (which will not alter the final results
of course).

Please Try Not To Use BINHEX compression Methods.. What seems
a lot easier, is just to send the form in ascii text. It is
also prefered to MIME, since it helps me export the voteforms

Oh There's More Of It

20mc #8 had some interesting tunes in it. The New voting system
allows someone to be given at MOST a 9. So, from a 0 to 9 basis
We'll be having an all time hall of fame Chart. Each month,
(approximately 5 competitions) We'll be ranking the Winners of
each compo, according to their points. These, monthly winners,
Will be in the 10th competition, all time chart. At the end of
each season, we'll be having the chart of the most popular
ChipTune makers. The Usage Of 2 own samples, has been dropped
for good. So has the Voters Rollcall. This was done to force
the makers to vote. But since, with the new system everyone is
allowed to vote for himself, there is no need to do that.
Finally, every Comment, Idea, or whatever you might want to talk
about, should be mailed to (soon to another address

Residencial Duties

As most of you already know, And thanx to Snowman For That,
you can find the files of the 20mc on, under
the directory :


Each competition's Chiptuneandvoteform file is named after:

Where xxx is the number of the competition.

Channel Properties

Lately, the people that gather to #chipcompo are so many
that we need to moderate the channel in order to say vital
information. We hope that You understand, and we are sorry
for any inconvenience.

Because people tend to spread their work during the competition
we decided to use another channel for spreading people's work.
The channel name is #chipspread, and has been made to avoid
flooding the competition channel.

Occasionaly, the channel #20mc is beeing used in order to let
someone gain Operator status at #chipcompo. The Competition
though, NEVER takes place at #20mc.

Voting System

Yes People, We Changed It. This time You wont be forced to
Place someone in the given position, but Grade them instead
from 0 to 9. Then all the gradings will be summed and divided
by the number of voters. This is better in action than it is

For example, a voteform would look like this:

Contestant Song Grade
Name Name 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Baygle Bay-zoop.s3m - - - - - - - - - -
Dawg Dwg-poop.xm - - - - - - - - - -
Werd Wrd-loop.mod - - - - - - - - - -
Phear Phr-doop.s3m - - - - - - - - - -
... and so on ...

A filled up voteform would look like this:

Contestant Song Grade
Name Name 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Baygle Bay-zoop.s3m - - - - - X - - - -
Dawg Dwg-poop.xm - - - - - - - - X -
Werd Wrd-loop.mod - - - - - - - - - X
Phear Phr-doop.s3m - - X - - - - - - -
... and so on ...

In future there will be an automated script to count
the votes, so please dont alter the voting form in
any other way than adding the X's to the right place
and please, always use the given voteform.

The Word Of The Mass

These Are Words Said By People On #trax When Asked:

What Do You Think Of The 20 MeEnUhTz Chipcompo ?

<Nova>: It rawks

<Charlatan>: It's better than Assembly '95

<DennisC>: the 20MC RULES if you want my opinion

<Mondo>: 20mc rocks my nads

Quote Of The Month:

<Basehead>: ...err

Be aware for the 20mc staff asking this question.

Place And Time Of Competition

The 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo, Is Held Every Saturday On Channel
#ChIpCoMpO (The Official 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo Channel)
at 00:00AM (CET). This, For Our American Friends, Should Be In
EST (Eastern Standard Time) Arround 19:00 Of Friday. Try To
Adapt Your Schedule, Because It Is Impossible To Change Day And

Some people complained about the time, because of other duties
(music bands, private lessons etc.). I'm sorry fellas, but most
people find this time appropriate.

Whats The Catch?

The Catch? Oh Yeah... The F&F... Fun N' Fame! What Could You
Ever Want More Than That? Soundcards? CD's? Eh.. Wait Till
The Next MC then =)

\ \ ____ ____ __ __ ______ ____
/ / // __// __//\/ // / \_ _// __/
/ \// __//\_ \/ / // X__ / / /\_ \
\/\ \\__/ \___/\__/ \/__/ \/ \___/ As Of 28/10/95

| Pos | Author | Points |
|--------------------------------| Contestants : 23
| [1] | Mystical | 8.3076 | Submissions : 22
| {2} | Zeus | 7.1538 | Disqualified: 03
| (3) | Calvin | 6.6153 | Active Chips: 19
| (4) | Lepra | 6.5714 | People Voted: 14
| (5) | Sikamikaniko | 6.3751 |
| (6) | Charlatan | 6.1428 |
| (7) | Grave Digger | 5.8571 |
| (7) | Phoenix | 5.8571 |
| (8) | Smeghead | 5.5000 |
| (9) | LuvK | 5.2857 |
| (10) | Fred | 4.7857 |
| (11) | Nova | 4.3076 |
| (12) | Sunday | 4.2142 |
| (13) | Feather | 4.0714 |
| (14) | Iha | 3.6428 |
| (15) | Zinc | 3.2857 |
| (16) | Axl | 2.8570 |
| (17) | Tuskus | 2.6428 |
| (18) | Pfister | 2.5000 |
:_____ _________________ ________:
o .

O o

No Voter List From Now On... Congratulations To Mystical/Purple
For His First Place. He Seems To Be One Of The Favourite Composers
Arround. He sure is thought for high places In the Monthly Ranking
Also, Zeus and Calvin, seem to be very strong on the compo.
Congratulations to them too, for acquiring the Silver and Bronze

\ \ __ __ ____ ____
/ / //\/ // / / __// __/
/ \// / // X__/ __//\_ \
\/\ \\__/ \/__/\__/ \___/

Now, Lets Review The 10 Basic Rules One More Time...

(01) Contestants Should Be Present At #ChIpCoMpO Channel On The
Competition Time, And Declare Competitors. No Competitors Are
Accepted Before The Competition Time, And After Competition
Has Started.
(02) Each Competitor, Should Compete With Only One Tune, Which Should
Comply With All Of The Following Rules :

a) Maximum File Size (Uncompressed) Should Be 20 Kilobytes
b) Maximum Number Of Channels Allowed Is 4 (four)
c) The Competitor MUST Use The Samples Of The Sample Pack For
The Tune.
d) The Tune Must Be DCC'ed Or Mailed Before The Given Deadline
e) The Tune Must Be Uncompressed

A Tune Not Compatible With The Above Rules, Will Be Instantly

(03) The Duration Of The Competition Is 20 Minutes Plus 10 More For
Connecting and Transfering The Tune.
(04) The Filename Of The Tune Should Be Comprised Of 3 Parts. A Three
Letter Abreviation Of The Competitors Nickname (Or Name), a dash
And A Four Letter Abreviation Of The Song's Name (.Extension).
ex. If I Made A ChipTune Called Tomahawk, The File Name would
Look Like This: amu-tmhk.mod
(05) Allowed Formats Are: MOD (Pro/Fasttracker) Format
XM (Fasttracker ][ ) Format
S3M (ScreamTracker 3) Format
(06) All The Tunes Should Be DCC'ed To User AmusiC In Channel
#ChIpCoMpO Or Mailed To: In MIME Format
(Pine's Encryption Format).
(07) Contestants Are Not Allowed To Leave #ChIpCoMpO Before The
Signal That Initiates The "Bout". Contestants That Leave Before
The Signal, Are Instantly Disquilified.
(08) Voting Takes Place Right After The End Of The Competition, And
Lasts Till Wednesday 00:00AM CET (When No More Voting Forms Will
Be Accepted).
(09) Competitors Can Vote And They CAN Also Vote For Themselves.
(10) Voteforms Should Also Be Mailed To:
In MIME Format (Pine's Encryption Format) or standard Ascii

______ __ ____
\ __/_ __ __/\ / / ________/ / /
/ / / \/ \/ / / / / / / __/ _ <
/ / / / / / / / / / X_/ / / / / // /
\__/\__/\__/\__/ \/_/\__/\__/\/ \/


Mailing List

The Subscribers To Our List Have Reached 43.

To Subscribe To The Mailing List And Have All The Latest News
In Your Mailbox, e-mail to and as subject use
the word: "subscribe", and as body write the nickname you are
known by.

To unsubscribe Use the same procedure, but instead of
"subscribe" use "UNSubscribe". Peace Of Cake..


Official 20 MeEnUhTz Chip Compo Sponsors Are:

- Trax Weekly And Chris Campbell (PopCorn) For Hosting This
- Hornet And Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) For Hosting The
Compo On
- Thomas Axelsson (Axl) For Writing The Chip.Irc Script For
The Competition.
- Kxmode For his WWW support On His Trax Page at,


Credits Fly Out To All Those People That Have Supported This
Brilliant And Pretty Dificult To Acomplish, Idea. DarkHeart
And DeathBringer For Giving Me The Idea Of This Competition.
Everyone That Respects Him/Herself And Reads Trax Weekly.
Every One That Competed And Voted For The 20mc. Calvin For His
Neat Idea of spreading the samples as a mod, Axl For His Neat
chip.irc Script, and finally Dream Theater For No Particular

Looking For...

We Need A Bot For The #ChIpCoMpO Channel To Maintain It Open And
Clean From Invasions. Bot Providers, Will Also Be Considered As
Sponsors And Will Be Credited As Well In Our Announcment And
Rule Files.

We Need An Ascii Artist To Update Our Ascii Logos, And Maybe
establish Permanent cooperation with 20mc as a staff member.

Every Promotion And Advertising is Welcome.


To Contact AmusiC (Sotiris Varotsis) e-mail at: or

Or You Can Occasionaly Find Me On IRC Channels:

#trax, #daskmig, #amigascne, #ChIpCoMpO, #coders, #theend

To Contact Floss (George Nowik) e-mail at:

Or You Can Occasionaly Find Him On IRC Channels:

#trax, #chipcompo

Ending Notes

The 20mc #9 Is Predicted To Be A LARGE one... Be There, Or
Be NightMare!

We Survived Criticism, We Survived Laughters, And We Made It
To The Phat Number 8. 10 Is Not That Far Away. Lets Hope For
The Best Turnout.

Keep The Flame Burning. Thank You.

-AmusiC/Bass Productions -Floss/Baygle Dawg Productions


--[3. Tracker Survey]-----------------------------------------[Psibelius]---

Jason Diamond ( is still looking for comments and
suggestions for his new tracker! Please, if you have an idea or some kind
of preference in a tracker, please contact him! If you haven't hear yet,
Diamond is working on a brand new module tracker that will include all the
elements that will make it popular among MUSICIANS. Don't miss your chance
to play a role in developing what could be a new standard!

Email: Jason Diamond (

Psibelius [TW]


--[4. "Got Milk?"]------------------------------------------------[KXmode]--

Somebody left a glass of milk next to the keyboard. Reactions:

OPTIMIST: The glass is half full.
PESSIMIST: The glass is half empty.
FUTURIST: The milk's in the worng half of the glass.
PASCAL PROGRAMMER: Well, what type of milk is it?
C PROGRAMMER: No thanks; I drink straight from the jug.
ASM PROGRAMMER: No thanks; I drink straight from the cow.
BASIC PROGRAMMER: No thanks; I'm still breast feeding.
FUZZY LOGIC GUYS: I may or may not have drunk some part of that milk.
PENTIUM USERS: I drank Glass #.49999999... but don't hold me to that.
WINDOWS USERS: Where's my straw?
MAC USERS: Where's my pump?
UNIX USERS: Nahh... too easy.
SHAREWARE GAME AUTHOR: That glass is free; the next one you have to
pay for.
CIA: What makes you think that's milk?
COPY PROTECTION CRAZIES: Somebody drank half my milk and didn't pay for it!
BILL GATES: Not enough market share to be Microsoft Milk 95.
APPLE COMPUTERS: You guys really oughta be drinking Perrier.

Hope you like... I laugh myself stupid for almost a minute straight! :)


[NOTE: I know this isn't music related but I just couldn't resist. =) -psi]


/-[The Amiga Debate]--------------------------------------------------------

--[1. The Amiga Forever]--------------------------------------------[Moby]--

From fmotte@mindscape.comFri Oct 27 17:08:53 1995
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 11:23:47 PDT
Subject: Argh, this hurts !

I would like to react to Maelcum opinion about Amiga MODs. It's
right that most of old Amiga modules from 1987-1990 are a bit difficult to
listen to nowadays. But the Amiga music scene is by far not quite dead,
and not quite uninteresting ! There are still a lot of active 4 channels
mods composers, and believe me, their work kicks ass. We can do a lot more
than _you_ can think with 4 channels. Listen to any of Dizzy's 4ch tune...
It's ten time more advanced, both technically and musically, than any of
your 16 channels techno-trance-hardcore mod. The number of channels
available with a PC trackers has led to a generation of lazy mod composers.
Instead of using a trick, let's use another track !
Don't misunderstand me. There are of course talented musicians on
your PC music scene ("your", because you so much want to split the tracker
scene), but don't deny there are still some on our Amiga scene too. We have
the chance to have in our scene people like Heatbeat, Dizzy, Bruno, Nuke
(aka Spaceman), Peter Salomonsen, Audiomonster... And I don't think your PC
scene has so many talented people...
And now, if TraxWeekly should become a PC Music scene only
newsletter, with articles from PC Musicians saying how great are their
tunes compared to those unsignificant 4 channels shits, then I think I'd
better unsubscribe right now. A pity, because I've always enjoyed reading
it until this article.

Thanks for reading,



--[2. 4Channel Lives On]-----------------------------------------[Trixter]--

From trixter@mcs.comThu Oct 26 23:10:12 1995
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 22:16:04 -0500 (CDT)
From: Trixter / Hornet <>
Cc: Gene Wie <>
Subject: Our correspondence

This is a general reply; no need to get all upset over it.

> by Amiga musicians would be nowheres on it. the Wright brothers were
> pioneers too, but their airplane sucks compared to modern ones, and I

But this is my point exactly: Their music does *not* suck compared
to modern PC music. In fact, many of the "masters" (Nuke/Anarchy
comes to mind) made better 4-channel music than many PC musicians
today. And please keep in mind that my point has nothing to do
with old or new songs, or Amiga vs. PC--it's a technical point I'm
trying to make. For instance, Dan, when was the last time *you*
made a 4-channel MOD (*without* sampling snatches of sound from
some album, like Orb.)? Not in a while? Exactly--because you
haven't had the need to.

That was a bit muddled, admittedly, but to sum up: More channels
does not necessarily mean better music. Less channels, however,
*does* mean that you need more technical skill to make something
sound better.

The current trend in "bare-metal" tracking is the 20-minute compo--how
fast you can build a tune with chip samples. I think that another
such compo (which is still honored at traditional compos, like
Assembly and The Party) is the 4-channel compo. It requires more

> generally feel the same way about module music. Revolutionary for
> it's time? Perhaps. But certainly not on the same level as today's

You're forgetting that some of "today's best PC music" is still
4-channel MODs.

> best PC music. To say that it IS implies that module music has not
> advanced in any or every way since then, and that's just not true.

That's not true at all; saying that old MODs are good does not
imply that today's MODs are bad!

Just my $0.02's worth...
Jim Leonard (Trixter / Hornet) Email:


--[3. Music is Music]---------------------------------------------[AmusiC]--

From amusic@prometheus.hol.grFri Oct 27 17:12:40 1995
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 23:30:27 +0200 (GMT+0200)
From: Amusic Of Bass Productions <>
Subject: Trax Weekly and Stuff...

I'd like to comment on the points of view of Maelcum about wether
there should be an Amiga section in Trax Weekly.
The technology has advanced greately, and new trackers have been
unleashed to the public. 32 channels, panning, envelopes... awesome
sample quality... yes... Fasttracker compared to Amiga's old Protracker
looks like an F-16 compared to an old Spitfire.
But wait a minute... You drive the F-16... You Use its features
to impress the public... have you ever tried to impress the public with a
I mean, what is really important, is the musician, and not the
programm or the computer... Its MUSIC for god's sake!!
I am an Amiga user, and i've been tracking on 4 channels 8 bit
since the dawn of my mod making career. I've always respected Amiga and
PC musicians. I know, Us, the amiga musicians tend to be a minority, and
maybe it would be too much of a hassle to deal with, or even mention.
No... #trax and TraxWeekly were designed to be facilities for
the Tracker! not just the PC musician. Up to now, the PC music scene is
being covered on Trax Weekly pages, and I believe that an Amiga section
would be essential... we might be a minority as amiga users, but we still
are musicians... and we need to be respected, as we respect the PC

Thank you


--[4. Music Commentary]--------------------------------------------[Ch:lm]--

From outlandm@netland.nlFri Oct 27 17:14:57 1995
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 01:08:22 +0100
From: Joost Baaij <>
To: Gene Wie <>
Subject: incoming letter [NOT the column!]

Hi there!

Ch:ilm here ...
I wanted to reply to Psibelius's letter ...
because he claimed some things which i though could use
some opposition. :)
First of all he made clear that he didn't want any Amiga
stuff in #traxweekly. Well, i am _not_ into Amiga myself
but why not let Amiga dudes write in? The best we can do
is learn from them and cool stuff like that ...
I agree that the .MOD format is totally outdated, by the
way ...
Second of all, the tracker debate. He didn't make any
statement there so i can't fight it .. :)
Use what you like is the credo, we all agree that
FastTracker ][ is more professional, but ST3.21 is more
Third. The "best group" statement.
Five Musiscians?? _no_ way! Why? Because their music sucks!
Yep, that's my narrow-minded-personal-opinion! So don't
get all upset now, please. I just don't agree with
Psibelius on this point. I would say Radical Rhythms is
a *damn* fine group. It's German and they only make
techno/house music. They created the DMF format. I know
they are very commercial these days, but in my opinion
that Cosmic dude really makes cewl music.
There are others, offcourse. Personnaly i always download
every file from: Cosmic, Silent Mode (no-good remix!),
and last but CERTAINLY not least NEXUS of Pure Resistance.
This Nexus guy makes the perfect music, trance-alike, in
the style of the Harthouse label.
As you can see i am somewhat more Europe-minded, mainly
because i live there (alledgedly) but also because nowadays
(in my opinion) the best house and dance music comes from
Europe, and that's exactely what i like. =)
Anyway .. hope i didn't offend too much people, it wasn't
my intention, i yust felt the sudden need to reply to
Psibelius's letter .. ;-)

Greetz, Ch:ilm/XTC^dBD


/-[Group Columns]----------------------------------------------------------

--[?. Epinicion Productions]-----------------------------------------------
___ _______ _____________ ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ___________
| // \\ \\_____) \\_____) \\_____) \\ \\ |
: / o \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ \:
// _____// / \ : / \ _____/ \ / : \.
\\_______/ _//______\\_|__//______\\_____//______\\_____//____| /:
: \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//|
|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

-New songs this week by Aradia, Bert, Czar, Frankenstein, and Nova can
be found on our FTP site, listed below. Look for epi-drum, epi-elec,
epi-made, epi-pain, epi-pref, epi-tech (all zipfiles).

-Epinicion has released it's sixth music disk, "BLT," featuring 42 songs
by countless numbers of excellent musicians. You can find "BLT" on our
ftp site, listed below.

-Preparations for the Epinicion annual Holiday Music Disk are under way.
Members and guests alike, please submit your holiday tunes to Psibelius
at (mime or uue), or via IRC-dcc.

-ALL of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found through ftp at: /kosmic/epinicion.

-The Web Page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION once again, but will be back up in
late November at The
task of getting all 110+ member's email addresses into links is extremely
time consuming. =)

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder


--[2. eXtreme Terror Corps]-------------------------------------------------

-= X . T . C is dead =-

[but all members are alive & kicking!]
[we just need a new name that's all]

Hi there!

Well, as you can see, we want to change our name, but don't
know a good name yet. Give us a week or two, three to think
of a cool new name please.

more things have changed:
My BBS, SL1210, has become WHQ.
Datura, our former WHQ, is now DHQ [Dutch HQ]
EOH has been kicked off the distro-list.
Yours truly is now leader of the group.

All members of ex-XTC are still toegther in this nameless
group we have; we're all waiting for that a kick-ass name
to pop up inside one of our heads [suggestions welcome].

If you can, download the file SMX-INF4.ZIP from any SDC
bbs or USRNet ftp site (
This file contains the latest info on the disk.
10 composers are contributing, in random order:

[Composa ][Style ][Gr00p ]

[Thunderbass][Hardcore/gabba][Dementia ]
[Phonc(ie) ][Rave/breakbeat][ex-X.T.C ]
[PRaNCe ][Techno ][Trance-o-Mania^dBd]
[Dionysus ][HardRave ][Cosmetic Defects ]
[KGB ][Hardcore ][underground gabber]
[Beasty Bass][Breakbeat/acid][NATURE/\BEAT! ]
[PSC ][Hardcore ][Trance-o-Mania ]
[Deep Bass ][HardRave ][trance-o-Mania ]
[Ch:ilm ][dumb :) ][ex-X.T.C^dBd ]

[Virago ][GFX ][cows pcb division ]
[JiNX! ][player (EXE) ][SL1210 ]

All songs are in S3M format.
Style is house/techno/dance so this ain't yer
Five Musiscians/FC/lame demo/rock-style MusicDisk! :-)

Curious? The disk will be released on November 02 (we
sincerely hope we can release it on that date! :)

Read #traxweekly and stay informed.


As promised, here are some reviews of Dutch songs released
the last couple of days:

- Future is Now by Mad Max of Dementia.
This is the kind of music y'all US quys aren't used to.
Subscribers in Europe(Germany!) will know what i mean when
i say: Rave.
It's a great song in the happy, positive style of Dune.

- Night & Day by Mad Max of Dementia
Happy hardcore. What is happy hardcore? Happy hardcore is
high-pitched voices (like, REALLY high), loud snaredrum,
steady beat, cymbals on row #00.

- Pump It! by PRaNCe of Decibel-Duo
What can i say, this one is club/techno. It's got a nice
cool beat to it, and friendly underground samples.

[Now don't say you're unable to listen to Dutch muzique! :-]

Yep! That's all folks!
C y'all next week! bye!



--[3. Kosmic Free Music Foundation]-----------------------------------------
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: : \___..__.. .::::::::::: __._ . . . (WW) .
. .:............ .. . ``````` .+ . .
: : +
... .... ...... a constellation of stars!

Well, lots of cool things happened last week, not as much this week.
Around 120 Kosmic listener surveys have been recieved, keep them coming!
You can fill it out at

I have finally finished my album! Well, I guess that's news. The label
is "XProject", the title is "Whiplash", the medium is cassette, the
contents are 13 kick-arse tunes of 60 minutes total length, the order
form is included in the latest Kosmic release, the time to order is
now (makes a great XMas gift! :).

New Kosmic music releases this week:

106 One Big Oven ............. Maelcum ....... 12 .MTM - 3m:59s - 162
(K_OVEN.ZIP) - FTZ-style techno from Maelcum's unreleased vault.
107 Chrome Insanity .......... Maelcum ........ 8 .MTM - 2m:35s - 152
(K_CINS.ZIP) - The usual Maelcum techno-track.
108 Self Esteem .............. Maelcum ....... 12 .MTM - 3m:52s - 140
(K_ESTEEM.ZIP) - Deep ambient with an AT-style noise rhythm.

And now, before I head off to sleep, tonight's top ten list.


10. You can track with anything available.
9. Your song is still good the night after you track it.
8. You can track whenever you want.
7. You can freely offer your tracks in public without getting in trouble.
6. Tracking with a minor does not result in criminal prosecution.
5. Sour patch kids do not enhance sexual abilities.
4. You can track on a table, with several people watching, and noone will
really be offended.
3. You cannot contract a life-threatening disease from tracking.
3. A tracker does not change its mind, or get a headache.
2. You're always the first to track a song.
1. At least you can track!

- Phoenix[Kosmic] - -



TraxWeekly is available via ftp from /pub/demos/incoming/news (new issues) /pub/demos/ /traxw/ (back issues)

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Contributions should be mailed as plain ascii text or filemailed
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TraxWeekly does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, political
preferences, religious preferences, or eliteness.

For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

TW Editor: Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Columnists: Island of Reil (Jesse Rothenberg)
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)
Graphics: White Wizard (...)
WWW Page: Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre)
FITC: Atlantic (Barry Freeman)
FITC: DennisC (Dennis Courtney)
FITC Editor: Kal Zakath (John Townsend)
FITC: Master of Darkness (Todd Andlar)

TraxWeekly is a HORNET affiliation.
Copyright (c)1995 TraxWeekly Publishing, All Rights Reserved.


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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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