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TraxWeekly Issue 020

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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__\ \____\ e \____\ \____\ k \ ___\ \____\ y \__________/
\____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/WW
ps: woa, a rendered askee!

| TraxWeekly Issue: #20 | Release date: 07-27-95 | Current subscribers: 257 |

------------------------------[ Introduction ]------------------------------/
_ _________________
/_\ \__ / (stoney askee)
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Wow, dosen't that big "20" look nice up there? Yep, this is our 20th issue
of TraxWeekly, werd to it.

I'm running a day late here, the main reason is probably that I finally
got my Pentium this Wensday (big sarcastic thanks to the courier for the
delays) amd by the time I tore myself away from watching Dope on my 15"
monitor, there was daylight.

I kind of like having 2 computers... right now I'm editing TraxWeekly on
my 486 while I phear Progression on my Pentium...

As of this issue, TraxWeekly is (officially) affiliated with Hornet. This
dosen't mean much for the readers, nothing has changed except back issues
are kept in /pub/demos/news/hornet/traxw instead of just /news.

Check out my WWW page:

- Popcorn []

------------------------------[ Contents ]---------------------------------/
________ __________________________________________________________________
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< \____\ \ \\ \ \\____ __/ __/_\ \ \\____ \_____ \___
\ \ \ \\ \ \ww\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \__
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General Articles

TraxWeekly: Simply Monumental...............Psibelius
Some interesting E-Mail.....................Popcorn
The End of it All...........................Vortex
PMS: At Last................................Psibelius
Introducing: Aim Higher.....................Atlantic

Group Columns



Distribution Sites..........................Neurosis
TraxWeekly Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info.........TraxWeekly Staff

----------------------------[ General Articles ]----------------------------/
...---===[ TraxWeekly: Simply Monumental ]===---...

Today is a special day. TraxWeekly, the music scene newsletter, has
made it to it's TWENTIETH release. For close to five months now, TW has
grown from a small "spur of the moment" kinda thing following the death
of the old "DemoNews" to the widely read music scene publication it is
today. Truly, TraxWeekly represents the opinions of a MAJORITY here in
the music scene. The reason? TraxWeekly was aimed for the rest of us to
present our knowledge to the public. And we try to do that without deciet,
prejudice, nor discrimination.

All it takes is a few people and a lot of effort to create something
enjoyable to read week after week. From serious and un-serious interviews,
to the spam of traxCULTURE, tracking tips from some of the best musicians
in the scene, and endless debates about ripping, samples, anything under
the sun, TraxWeekly is our landmark. Some day in the future, some person
will discover the TraxWeekly archives buried at the back of a web page or
FTP site...and discover another world.

It has been quite awhile since I've said anything like this, so I'll
say it again: If you have something to present, then go for it. The only
reason TraxWeekly is interesting is because of the sheer enjoyment
derived from reading the derisions and innovations of others.

We'd like to thank you, reader, for being a part of the TraxWeekly
experience, and hope for many more "experiences." =)

Psibelius [TraxWeekly Columnist]

--[ Some interesting E-Mail]------------------------------------------------

I got some interesting e-mail the other day... kind of makes you wonder what
kind of people we have working for our goverment and it's fine agencies...
the right address should have been


From: John Botari <>
Subject: Re: Attention Beth Campbell
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 95 17:08:03 CST
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]

> Hey there. Hows it going?
> I am just testing out my new graphical interface to the net.
> The three of us, Alison, Molly and myself should be in Ontario
> when you arrive. My leave starts on 12 Aug. We intend to drive to Ontario
> and arrive on Mon or Tue. Looks like you'll have to sleep on the couch as
> we'll be there first.
> If you would like anything from Nova Scotia just tell
> us and we'll bring it.






John Botari Environment Canada - Informatics Saskatoon, SK, Canada
E-mail: *or*
Voice: +1 306 975 6918 Fax: +1 306 975 5954


- Popcorn / Hornet / Imphobia []

--[ The End of it All]------------------------------------------------------

Allright everyone. I read TraxWeekly #19 just a short time before
writing this. The purpose of this article is to apologzie for the whole
thing that's been going on. I'm as sick of it as the next person.

This past week, I had the opportunity to go through every song on
Fire in the Soul (we didn't know that title was from a movie Psibelius) with
a fine-tooth comb. I now realize that the code for those songs far
surpasses MuzikMan's abilities or for that matter, the abilities of anyone
in Immortal Software Productions. I've been threatened and called names,
many of them unfair in that last issue, but I'm not bitching about that in
this article and frankly, won't bitch about that ever again.

This whole B.S. issue has occupied much of my thoughts this past
week. I now realize that MuzikMan most-likely did rip those songs and that
I was perhaps a bit out of line in closing down PMS. Psibelieus will agree
that I E-Mailed him this week and apologized for closing the page. He has
accepted my apology and has agreed to leave my group out of it when it goes
back online. I want you all to know that whether you believe me or not, I
swear to you all that I didn't want his account closed down. He doesn't
deserve that. I don't agree with the principal behind PMS, but I don't
require or want the banning of him from Internet. Some things I have said
elsewhere may have suggested otherwise though, but that's not what I meant.

As said before though, I am still not kicking MuzikMan. Our next
music disk will probably have songs by me and by a guest composer who
doesn't use Internet. I will not rip anything. I don't find ripping
correct in any form. All I simply did this past while was defend my friends
against stuff which I wasn't sure was true. I ask you all, if you knew
someone since grade one and thought you knew exactly how he thought,
wouldn't you stick up for him? However, I now am pretty sure that the
information is true. I apologize to all those who were involved in this
issue, both with PMS and with the actual ripped songs. Though I couldn't
care less whether you guys accept that apology or not, bare in mind that I
am not joking, I am completely serious with this apology.

As for the music scene. Right now, it doesn't like me much. Some
people are cool with it, but others still think I'm an idiot. Frankly, I
don't care what they think. Much of what has been said by many recently has
been well thought out and in most cases has made a lot of sense. However,
there has also been much said which was uncalled for and unfair. I may have
defended a ripper, but that gives no one the right to treat me as their
personal scapegoat. No one who wrote in TraxWeekly did this. Those who
flamed me by E-Mail, that moron who mail-bombed me and that idiot who
created those extra directories on my group's FTP service know who they are
and if they are reading this, now know that I think they are immature
assholes who unlike Psibelius, SHOULDN'T be allowed to have accounts on
Internet. I should warn he who mail-bombed me that my administrator is out
to get you. :) I am as sick of this issue as everyone else is. I hope
that most people will eventually learn to let this issue die. I'm too busy
this summer and won't waste my time getting flamed everywhere I turn. I
have better things to do than that.

This issue has put considerable strain on a number of us and I
admit, most of it was unnecessary. I just hope that one day, the bunch of
us can all get along again.

One final note; Blackwolf recently offered an E-Mail message I sent
him about his song Goodbye to A Good Thing in #TRAX and many people thought
that what I said in it was a load of crap. I want those narrow-minded
people to know that a couple of weeks ago, I did in fact find out that I
have two step-sisters almost twice my age living in the world somwhere. I
also want you people to know that I am trying to track them down and that I
am attempt to compose an S3M explaining how I feel. I discussed this with
Blackwolf this morning. I know the message may have sounded like an attempt
to kiss-ass with him, but believe me, I have no intention of kissing the ass
of ANYONE in the music scene. You people are good musicians, but you're not
superior to anyone else on Internet. I'm "glad" I was able to bring a
little laughter to those who found it amusing, but it was all true and I
think those people took it immaturly. I commend Blackwolf on the song he
wrote. It is serving as great inspiration along with several others by
Necros, Ryan Cramer, Leviathan and more. Don't worry guys, I'm not ripping
any of your music, just using it for inspiration.

Well, that's all I have to say. I'm going to bed now so I can get
up early to get my G1 tomorrow. That should be interesting, many of my
friends are already taking shelter underground. :) Keep up the good work
everyone. I hope we can now start getting along again.

Gerry Corcoran/Vortex (,
President of Immortal Software Productions

--[ PMS: At Last]-----------------------------------------------------------

Not too much this week, except:


I'm very happy this week to finally announce that the conflict between
Vortex of Immortal Software Productions and the staff of the Plagiarism in
the Music Scene world wide web page has been resolved. Thanks to Gerry
Corcoran for admitting to his mistakes, and we accept your apologies

Server problems here at CSUSM have temporarily downed the WWW server,
and along with it, the page. Please wait, for we will have it back up

Psibelius [TraxWeekly Columnist]

--[ Introducing: Aim Higher ]-----------------------------------------------

Lo folks. This article was written to fill you in on a new group/
organization/label (whatever turns your crank) based in Ontario Canada
called Aim Higher.

The group is mostly modelled after the American group Epinicion, yet
with some differences. The organizers, a central group of around half
a dozen trackers, saw a pc music scene that didn't welcome and aid new
musicians as much as it should. Much the same attitude is shared by
Psibelius, as most of you faithful readers are aware of. Thus the group
invites all people who aspire to be able to compose well, regardless of
their ability when they join, or their style.

Another function of Aim Higher is to be a label for "accomplished"
trackers to throw a tune into every-now-and-then. The group feels this
is important as it is a chance for skilled trackers to show their
devotion to the pc music scene. By releasing their songs alongside
the tracks of new composers, we are hoping to provide these new composers
with something to strive for. By helping us out, the vets show that
they are willing to donate their time and talent to broadening the
scene, instead of merely competing with newbies on occasion.

So far, Aim Higher has released several solo releases by the Master of
Darkness, Chaos, and a group release by MysticAL. It has also put out its
first music disk. It is ever-so-appropriately titled "Foundation", and
can be grabbed on currently in the \demos\incoming\music\disks
directory. We are intending to release the next disk within the next
month, so if you'd like to do a guest tune, please contact an organizer.

If you are interested in the ideas behind this group and feel there's
something you could contribute, please email one of the organizers listed
at the end of dis article. We're open to all yer comments and

Here is a list of the organizers:

Alias Position (Internet Address)
Master of Darkness . . Founder, Organizer, . . (
Groups: Aim Higher. Musician, WHQ sysop
Usual Styles: Techno/Dance
Also Answers To: Todd Andlar
Paganus . . . . . . . . Organizer, Musician, WHQ sysop .(andrew.crabtree
Groups: Epinicion, Aim Higher.
Usual Styles: Newage/Classical/Demo
Also Answers To: Andrew Crabtree
b0bby . . . . . . . . . Organizer, Musician, Scout, CHQ sysop.
Groups: Mazurka, Epinicion, Aim Higher. (
Usual Styles: Techno/Industrial/Dance
Also Answers To: Ryan Vetesse
Hypnotic Melody . . . . Organizer, Musician . . . (
Groups: Mazurka, VSL, Aim Higher.
Usual Styles: Techno/Dance/Demo
Also Answers To: Brian Devins
Atlantic . . . . . . . . Organizer, Musician, PR . . (
Groups: Neophyte, Aim Higher.
Usual Styles: Newage/Synth/Demo/Rock
Also Answers To: Barry Freeman
Thanks for your time.

- Atlantic [Neophyte, Aim Higher] & Master of Darkness [Aim Higher]

--[ About]---------------------------------------------------

This article is about and a couple of the things that
we are doing to help the music scene.

First off, dragon is a Pentium-100 with a T-1 internet connect.
64 megs of ram (physical)
128 megs of ram (swap)
approx 2 gigabyte storage capacity. is an anonymous ftp site. Currently we are specializing
most on the music scene. We have are an official distribution site for
Ryan Cramer

Each of the above artists each have their own directories, which they are
able to maintain at their own leisure...
If you would like your own directory then email me at

*Due to the current HD limitations, you must meet certain criteria before
we can give you a directory.

We are also interested in sponsering artists, raytraced, DP ][ ..etc mail
me if you are interested..

-= The Digital Horizon =-

This is a PURE demo BBS running off! To create an account
on this bbs, telnet to and login: bbs (with no password).
The software the bbs is running is called YAWC by Khaglund. This is a
message based bbs. If you have never used a Citadel type bbs then it may
appear a little weird. It is however simple to use once you play around
and get the hang of it.
This BBS has:
full mail facilities.
over thirty message bases covering various demo scene topics.
eXpress messaging -a unique chatting thing-
and much more..
can handle probably 50 + users at once..

There is a whole lot of potential here for the scene. For example, if a
programmer or a musician has a detailed question that would be quite
impossible to explain on irc, then he can post it here and get a fairly
detailed answer. Its also perfect for announcing parties and new
releases, organizing a new demo group etc.. etc...
I hope everyone comes and tries it out..this thing was setup for the
demoscene, and no one else.

I would like to thank the owners of for helping me set this up
in the last few months. And especially necros for being my first official
RA (Room Aide) for the Music Theory room.

Questions / comments

--[ How to make a #trax style burger ]--------------------------------------

Hey everyone, here's a new one..
i've done several more but not gotten them into traxweekly.
the recipe for this week:



from bottom to top

bun (toasted)
red pepper (mixed in w/ mayo)
BEEF (see info on preparation)
MUSHROOMS (see info on preparation)
swiss cheese! (important to get good quality)
ham (see info on preparation)
creole mustard <--- this stuff rules
black pepper (mixed in w/ mustard)
bun (toasted)


ok.. make a patty.. then sprinkle LIQUID HICKORY SMOKE on it.. a LOT.
rub it in.. massage it.. fondle it, etc. then sprinkle a little bit
of garlic powder, then onion powder, making sure to go thru all the
acts of foreplay as you did w/ the liquid smoke.. then, CAKE THAT
MOTHERFUCKER w/ black pepper.. i mean LOAD IT ON.. get FRESH GROUND
PEPPER, not that shit in the tin, if you can.. COVER IT IN A LAYER
OF BLACK PEPPER! DO IT! also, add a buncha red pepper..

cook to desired doneness.

THE MUSHROOMS: (very important)

ok.. get a deep pan to sautee these in..

put some butter in there, add liquid smoke and a BUNCHA worcestshire..
put on low, mix it real good, should look lite brown.. ok, now put it
on medium and toss in the mushrooms, sautee them till they get soft,
and brown.


just heat it up alongside the beef, when you put it on the bun, its best
to have 2 slices.. curl the ends of each one to make it look nice..

so your burger looks like this

OOOOOO <--- bun
OooooO <---- ham w/ curled ends
OOOOOO <--- other bun..

this diagram does not include all ingredients. check the first list.

ok.. fix it up and eat it.. its good.

greets to: karl-foo, hadji, basehead, maelcum, necros, etc etc

- chef pegasoos


----------------------------[ Trax Culture ]-------------------------------/

_____ __ __ __ _______ __ __ ______ _____
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\_____\\_____\\____\\_\/ \_____\/\___\__\/\____\/ww

Here's a little rap from #TRAX last Friday...I cut out all the
non-rap stuff to make it easier to read.

<Mosaic> Let me take you on a journey for the eye can see,
releasing mad juice n energy, taking cold to the hot and
mixing up the provs, kicking flavahs like spice, quick to
enter my vice, tight as it gets, never releasing this set, i
got it like that and that i got, mad knowledge to the ones
who got props!

<Mosaic> It aint gotta be like that when you turn ya back,
niggah quick to stab, and do the ransack, using weapons as
if they all that, the truth is beyond, niggahs dont know the
sound, they try to find it, but its blinded to the ones who
find it, i give the props kid!

<basehead> the way i react, like no other man.. cuz i'm the
brother man, strayight from the #trax motherland, and i kcik
the sklls like no other can.. and i am quick to decide
you're just another fan.

<epeius> i'm the othah brothah on the tip, hotter then Gladice
and tha pipz, ready ta flow, lettin the energy go, up to the
max, and there ain't no comin' back. Werd

<Mosaic> my name is simple, the R A Y, straight form the slums
of the #TRAX side, never slipping on the d/l tip, i got a
grip, flipping the script on the female tip, where ya
niggahs at , you aint got my juice, i throws Karate kicks
like my main man bruce. and if ya didnt know and know ya
know, fuck with me and i kick your assHOLE!

<basehead> epeius, comin' on hard like the flavah thief he is..
put the shit down, drop the inversion.. i see you got some
kind of aversion, cuz i throw you a curve, and it's evident
that you're a trax virgin..

<epeius> werd ta me, cuz I'm the numbah wun G, your in delusion
thinkin' I'm an illusion, commin' on strong, so hard I'm
shaded PhONG! You try to step to me, and I press a key,
werd tto mah tackt, bettah watch ya back...

<basehead> shaded phong! ahahahahah

<Mosaic> Let me flip this script with my 100% juice, straight
out kicking like ma main man Bruce, i got the talent ta take
all ya crews, if i was in Europe i'd be the Duke, cuz i got
the force like niggah LUKE, sipping niggahs blood and giving
niggah BOOT!

<epeius> werd someone's gotta cap these fer traxweekly... =)

<basehead> can you step to this? i'm dope on a rope, and as
long as niggas got my back, then your banks are broke.. cuz
i snatch 'em up like jacks, cuz everytime i spit my venom,
suckas can't hang or react.

<DNA-Groov> base: i suggest you continue writin mods and leave
the poetry to epeius..:)

<Mosaic> Terribalistic ballistic, you cant twist it or fix it,
the aftermath is wicked, try to understand but ya brain aint
with it, so what the fuck yo, why you try to, gimme my nine
and i ma shoot, stright bucking niggah back to old skewl!

<basehead> epe-iz, thinks he kicks it freestyle, but he's a
thief.. cuz the mad beats that get returned to the 3rd eye,
i take a look and a listen.. (you're right if you think this
is the basenig dissin),slowdown so ya kin handle it-hold on
while i dismatle it.

<basehead> dismantle it

<epeius> I'm the one who invented da track, all ya suckaz do
nuthin' but jack, whippin' out shit, nigga can't make a hit,
I invented da traq, so ask yaself Who'Z da MacK!

<basehead> ray, he's the phil snackin' on the philly - behind
the karl kani he's str8 up hillbilly.... *OH SHIT MAD

<basehead> Mosaic: oh my god, i dissed you crazy.

<[jUicE]> what da fuck? is this #rap or #trax??

<basehead> sip the juice, cuz i gotta nuff to go around.. and
the thoughts take place up town..

<epeius> base is tha place, not ta be, he's the one, the
overweight G. He think's it's good ta be considered PhAt,
but not when you suffer from da big MacK AttaCK!

<epeius> werd

<basehead> epeius: UHM

<epeius> base: dizz ;)

<basehead> juice: you have a rappy nick.

<[jUicE]> bustin da mic wit ma madd vocab, checkin da shit well
ain't dat fab

<epeius> I em the one, the one who prevailed. All ya niggaz,
all ya did wuz fail. Don't even try, don't try ta come
back, cuz I'm the wun, I'm on the AttAcK!

<epeius> werd

<epeius> jew fewls give up too eazy

<epeius> shawn: I guess it's over...

<epeius> shawn: =) trax culture to tha max =)

<basehead> juice - he ain't got enough to go around, niggaz
call him tooty-frooty all the way up town, he's packin that
shit like he's goin overseas, gets up the dilznick and gets
str8 up down on his knees

<epeius> shawn: there's more =)

<basehead> the juice is loose, and he's gonna try to hit me
back with the lip, but if he think she can step, he's about
to take a bad trip.. str8 back to the upper class hood where
he came from, while i'm on my own clockin' hoochies and

Well, that's it! Another chapter in TraxCulture.
This edition brought to you by the letters X, R and by

-[ Epinicion Column]--------------------------------------------------------
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: \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//|
|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

This week, I come to you not with more stale news, but a question.

When Epinicion began in March of 1994, the people that made up its ranks
were inadequate. I say inadequate because we were not able to accomplish
what we wished to accomplish, at least right away. Now, as a new season
begins, we are left to wonder what has become of the group.

Epinicion was created by new musicians seeking a new direction. A small
group of us banded together to achieve something besides fame. We strove
for the acceptance and respect of others, and improve our skills, music
and not.

* What is Epinicion now?

True we may be significantly larger than before. Does that change our
goal(s)? As new people became experienced, and even newer people joined,
Epinicion has tried to remain with its primary focus: introducing people
to the music scene, and urging musicians to improve.

I believe that we have strayed off of our original course. It is time we
dropped our little political games and get back to our original goals.
Epinicion's goal in the music scene is not to conquer, or dominate, or
"kick ass" as some people have claimed to do. Epinicion is here to give
new musicians a chance, and provide them with an opportunity to be in a
group that doesn't care about quotas.

Epinicion members, I am urging ALL of you, to try to put a piece of your
-selves into the September musicdisk. Last September, the Emotion music
disk finally earned us some grudging recognition, at least that we existed
with a purpose. It is time again to set another standard for ourselves.
It doesn't matter how long it takes for your creation to take form. All
that matters is that you tried your best, you learned something from it,
and are happy to have achieved that much. Getting better takes time.
No one expects you to become another Necros/Basehead/Skaven. That's too
much to ask anyone. The above mentioned persons are great because they
had the time, experience, and dedication to BE great.

We don't force you to write songs. Epinicion survives because those of
you that have joined contribute music VOLUNTARILY, or because a FRIEND has
asked you to help with their production. Here in Epinicion we have no
senior staff, no system of ranks, nor other miscellaneous bullsh--. We
are here to produce music, not play politics. I know in the past I have
talked about "one song a year." If you consider yourself a "musician,"
that "one song a year" quota is a JOKE. I would be ashamed to abide only
by that limit.

While I would like to thank each and every one of you members here and
now, space constraints would not permit me to do so. But thank you. To
each and every one of you. The fact that we have accomplished much with
-out conflict is a fact you should all take pride in. Because I know
that I am, and always will be, a dedicated Epinicion member.


All of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found at in
/kosmic/epinicion. Server problems have temporarily downed the WWW server
here as well as Epinicion's home page.

The September Musicdisk is just up ahead! Any and all songs sent for
the disk are appreciated, by members as well as guests. Thanks to the
following current contributors to the musicdisk: Zoner and RedKing.

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder

. .:.........:.. ... . +
_:_______ : . + . .
\ /__:__ . . . + . .:::. .
\ / / . ... ... ````` ......
/ _/ ___/_____________.__...:::::::.:::::::. ::::: .:::::'''' +
/ \ \ _ \ ___.::::::: :::: :::::: .::::: ::::::
/ /\ \__\_\ \____ \ `::::: :::; :::::'.::::::.::::::. ..:. .
/_____/ \_____________________\..::::; ``` :::::::::::::;:::::::::::::;
: : \ \___.._ ......:;:::: __ _ ``:::::::``` ```:::::::``
: : \___..__.. .::::::::::: __._ . . . (WW) .
. .:............ .. . ``````` .+ . .
: : +
... .... ...... a constellation of stars!

Kosmic News and Views for July 27th, 1995

Hello and welcome to another installment in the saga of the world's most
(insert any adjective here) music group. This week, more of the same old
same old.

New Releases

These are the latest releases since last we did this column:

74 Synergistic .............. Khyron ........ 12 .XM - 4m:49s -3/124- 7/13/95
(K_SYNERG.ZIP) - Experimental Industrial Tune.. fucked up g.
75 Eternal Vortex 3 ......... Khyron ........ 12 .XM - 2m:43s -3/145- 7/17/95
(K_VORTX3.ZIP) - Cheeze DemoMusic tune.. 3rd of the Eternal Vortex Series
76 Tranquility .............. Leviathan ..... 12 .S3M - 2m:48s -6/125- 7/26/95
(K_TRANQ.ZIP) - Mellow jazzy song by Leviathan. File under easy listening?

And here's an idea of what's coming soon:

K_ORANGE.ZIP "Orange Skies" by Lord Pegasus
K_PROGR.ZIP "Progress" by The Hacker
K_FREAK.ZIP "The Freakmaker" by Lurch and Maelcum
K_NOJOKE.ZIP "No Joke" by Phoenix and The Hacker
K_SLACK2.ZIP "Worldwide Slack (Dubbing Sir Slack Remix)" remixed by AndrewM

Yes, I'm so lazy none of these have been released yet. But now that EGG 3
is done and out the door, these will be out soon.

Kosmic T-Shirts

Coming soon: a joint issue Area 51 Records / Kosmic T-shirt. It will be
around $12, full color front and back (i'm quite sure) and in quite limited
quantities. If you're interested in reserving one, email me at

Kosmic Top Ten List

(as most of you know, Impulse is _supposed_ to be happening in Upstate
New york in October 7-9.. we're still working on it)

10. Drinking and tracking
9. Karl impression
8. Ansi demo
7. Angriest organizer
6. "Blow the speakers"
5. Worst English in a demo
4. Baygle-dawg eating
3. "Name that chiptune"
2. Maelcum-throwing
1. Best site

- Phoenix/Kosmic '95

That's it for now folks.

- Maelcum

-[ Distribution Sites ]-----------------------------------------------------

BBS System Name Country/State Phone Number System Operator

Mindflux Australia +61-2-416-2513 Force Format
Velvet Demosite Belgium +32-3-3851594 Sleeping Dog
AltConn BBS Brazil +55-11-816-2031 Herman Fuchs
Hack / Ploddt Canada 902-625-5920 Popcorn
Beats per Minute Canada 418-660-8137 Populus
Our World Canada 416-740-4346 b0b
Cyber Web Italy +39-331-310641 ArachniD
TH Rijswijk BBS Netherlands +31-70-3401534 Raymond Dijkxhoorn
The Digital Dream New Zealand +64-7-856-1376 Black Friday
MultiMedia GS Singapore +65-252-1220 Lee Teck Chee
The Portal Sweden +46-26-196363 Coyote & Cyanid
Sound & Vision U.K. +44-181-288-8444 Rob Barth
Aethelwulf Utopia United States 309-862-4918 Quarex
Synthetic Amusement United States 410-795-8526 Sirrus


* Distribution Site Applications are not being accepted at this time. *

[editor's note] Neurosis, I haven't heard for you in a long time, if you
can't get things together by next weel I'll have to get someone else
to handle our sites, they are important to me.

-[Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info]-------------------------------------------------

TraxWeekly is on the World Wide Web! Officially, the sites are:

Popcorn also has a WWW page:

Partek is in Finland and Kosmic is in the US. So, choose the server nearest
to you for the fastest connection. This page is maintained by Dragunov.

TraxWeekly subscriptions are available, and can be requested in this matter:

Send mail to:
And put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name]

If you want to unsubscribe to the list, mail the same address and write:

unsubscribe trax-weekly

TraxWeekly is also available on

/pub/demos/incoming/news/ for the most recently uploaded version, or
/pub/demos/news/traxw/ for all of the back issues.

/---------------------------------[ End ]------------------------------------

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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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