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TraxWeekly Issue 018

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Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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ps: woa, a rendered askee!

| TraxWeekly Issue: #18 | Release date: 07-13-95 | Current subscribers: |

-----------------------------[ Introduction ]------------------------------/
_ _________________
/_\ \__ / (stoney askee)
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_/ \ _/ \ \ww_/ \ _/ ________/_/ _ \
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Hello again, my WWW page is almost finished, I should have it up by next

This week we have a long article by psibelius about Vortex, one of the
members of the most hated group in the demoscene. Necros has another
article in the tracking tips series, and we have some interesting
interviews (basehead, and Lord Pegasus)

Be sure to check out the Kosmic and Epinicion columns.

Additional: We are considering a merger between TraxWeekly and Hornet.
This would be mainly an internal matter, and will not affect the content
of TraxWeekly, except for some minor changes to the subscription info.
Actually, we want to make 01 look more like TraxWeekly. I welcome all
comments and opinions on this, feel free to mail me with your feedback!

- Popcorn []

------------------------------[ Contents ]---------------------------------/
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General Articles

PMS: The Final Debate.......................Psibelius
Advanced Tracking Tips III..................Necros
Freedom CD-ROM info.........................Dan Wright


Lord Pegasus................................Psibelius

Group Columns



Distribution Sites..........................Neurosis
TraxWeekly Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info.........TraxWeekly Staff

---------------------------[ General Articles ]----------------------------/
--[ Plagiarism in the Music Scene: The Final Debate ]-----------------------

Ever since its creation, Plagiarism in the Music Scene WWW Page has
caused a great furor and controversy. This article below is rather long,
but it examines in explicit detail every last shred of evidence PMS has
to support its cause. No more bullsh--, these are FACTS.

ATTN: Gerry Corcoran, aka Vortex, of Immortal Software Productions.
You, my indolent friend, and your group, are no longer featured on the
Plagiarism in the Music Scene Page. In fact, the PMS does not EXIST on the
Internet in any form, whatsoever! When the page returns sometime this
following week, it will have nothing to do with you, whatsoever! At least,
that's what we all decided, since this ripping debate has gone on long
enough. Now, I'm not so sure. Your refusal to make amends is completely
insulting. The following that will be presented here is FACT, and not
opinion. And every one of my statements will be backed with solid, concrete

I promised my sysadmin here at California State University San Marcos
that she would not be harassed with any further complaints about PMS. I
have done my best to prevent that: the page is no longer up, so there is
nothing to complain about, right? WRONG. Gerry Corcoran has waged a
covert operation behind my back to not only eliminate PMS entirely (even
though it no longer has anything to do with him), but to have MY own account
banned from my own server. And here, I present solid EVIDENCE to support
my case:


This first is an email from my system administrator. I took down PMS
as soon as I was asked:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From macklin@coyote.csusm.eduSun Jul 2 12:17:37 1995
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 1995 11:25:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Teresa Macklin <>
Subject: Slanderous Material On Your Server (fwd)

Gene - I don't know the legal issues here, but I don't want the
university to be involved. We have enough problems with our students and
frankly don't want to deal with this kind of issue from a guest.

I'll make an effort to find out what the legal problems are - if any - and
you pull that stuff from your page for now. You can go ahead and
not loudly that you were forced to pull it by the fascist admin if
you want :-) After we figure it out you can either put the stuff back or
not depending.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Along with that is a mail sent by my sysadmin to Gerry Corcoran the day
after I removed the page at my sysadmin's request. Here:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From macklin@mailhost.csusm.eduMon Jul 3 18:42:35 1995
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 1995 10:38:20 -0700
From: Teresa Macklin <>
To: Gerry Corcoran <>
Subject: Re: Slanderous Material On Your Server

When I got your message I sent Gene a note asking him to remove the page
until I could check on the legal issues a little. He removed the page so
well that I can't find it to check it out!

I don't want to get in the middle of an argument between you guys and
especially I don't want the University involved. I consulted the book
"Cyberspace and the Law" by Edward Cavazos and Gavino Morin and found that
in order to be found defamatory in a court of law the plaintiff (Gerry) must
show that he has been specifically referred to - like by name, the
accusation was published - like on the web, and that, most importantly the
accusation be untruthful. Then, to get damages the plaintiff has to show
specific economic harm from the defamation. Further, the accusation has to
be represented as fact instead of opinion. If Gene said "I believe this to
be true" it would be all different than if he said "This is true".

None of the above should be taken as actual legal advice.

Gene, I wish you wouldn't use our server to publish material that might
cause me to spend time like I've just done! But I'm not going to tell you
that you can't. You just need to be aware of the legal issues involved and
be certain that anything you say is a) accurate and b) not defamatory.
Further, there is a clause in your contract that states that you aren't
allowed to cause a disruption. I hate to say it but even if you were
totally justified in this, if it caused a disruption we'd want it gone
because we are too short handed to spend time on non-computing issues.

Gerry, thank you for notifying me that this may be a problem. I'm sorry
that you are having some contention with Gene and I heartily wish it weren't
happenning on my server. But as long as Gene is not doing anything that is
against the law I really can't stop him. You weren't specific about the
trouble mentioned below, but I trust that you were speaking of a legal
remedy as opposed to an illegal one! If at any time in the future you feel
that Gene has published material you feel to be defamatory according to the
guidelines above please let me know immediately. Or, if you feel that this
response wasn't sufficient let me know and I'll kick this whole problem up
to the lawyers. We definitely do not want to be involved in any sort of
defamation issue.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yes, I published information about Gerry Corcoran and his group, and
specifically referred to both by name. But the accusations I presented are
true, and Immortal Software Productions does not deserve any form of
economic prosperity for the release of the songs it plagiarized anyway!


This was mailed to a fellow friend and musician. Ellegen was removed
from Epinicion Productions earlier this year for ripping, but he, unlike
some others, has made amends and we are working together to get him back
into tracking and establish a new name for himself:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From Bismal@aol.comSun Jul 9 21:25:36 1995
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 20:29:04 -0400
Subject: Re: page

Hey, somebody sent me this piece of mail... take a look at it
From: (Gerry Corcoran)
Hello. I don't know if you two know this or not, but you have been
published along with my group on a WWW page
( as ripping tunes. The
information that they have published on us is slanderous and I'm trying to
get everyone together who is on there to lobby the University that the page
is on to remove the page and possibly ban the user. Please E-Mail me if you
want to help me in this venture. The address of the University
administrator is if you want to mail them about
this. If we mail them enough, we can get this crap removed.

Looks like somebodys upset that they got caught ripping. =)
I didn't send a reply, I mean, i would think it would only cause more
embarrassment to bring it up and make a big hassle of it... the wierdo. =)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Note that PMS has been down since July 1st, 1995. Now note the message.
It was sent on July 9th, 1995, over a WEEK after all the material in
question was removed. What does this tell us? More importantly, Mr.
Corcoran, WHY are you attempting to harass the system administrator of
California State University San Marcos any further? You have been quoting
a "lawyer" friend for quite some time, especially during the ripping debate.
I will not hesitate to tell you now that YOU are now in violation of those
very codes that you claim I have broken.

Also, you mailed D.R.vandervelden. Do you realize that Mr. Vandervelden is
none other than Bert, an Epinicion musician? Bert's music was ripped by
sysop Hennes Eliveld of the Sound Board Connection BBS, and he REQUESTED
that the information about this ripper be placed on PMS. He even wrote an
article in TraxWeekly #14 about it. Bert sought this to protect his own
rights as a musician. Perhaps if you had actually read the page instead of
making false assumptions, you would have known that Bert was not the ripper
in question. He was the VICTIM. Bert's tune was ripped.


Then we have this email from you to me. Its format has been adapted to
fit the 76 column space requirement. No text has been changed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From gcorc@immortal.synapse.netSun Jul 9 21:20:50 1995
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 21:15:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: Gerry Corcoran <>

This day in age, it's almost impossible to do anything without prompting
some sort of snide remark. Sometimes it is valid. Other times it is not.
Many times we are persecuted for bringing to light devious actions that
some may not want publicized. And that is the story that I bring you today.
How Plagiarism in the Music Scene (PMS), astride all its attempts to expose
the evils present here in your cyber-society, was almost ended due to the
actions of a selfish individual.

A selfish individual? Ok, now let me rationally re-cap what has happened
with PMS up to this point. Firstly, I received a note from you one day
saying that my group had been published the PMS page. Not even knowing what
this page was at the time, I decided to check it out and see exactly what
had been mentioned of us. I went to the page and lo and behold, I had not
only seen what were the apparent facts, but also our names, our E-Mail
addresses, links to those E-Mail addresses and a link to our home page, none
of which we gave permission for. Now, though these "facts" that were
published were never actually proven with anything other than circumstantial
evidence, I didn't really care much that they were published and would have
left well enough alone, but posting our E-Mail address etc., without out
permission and with such words as "lamer" which we did not appreciate. What
you were doing was also illegal by the Canadian Criminal Code. Now, I'm not
sure if the same applies in the U.S., but I was pretty sure it did. In
order to protect against this slander, I wrote to the administrator of the
server on which PMS was. I was not the one who made the decision to shut
down PMS, the administrator was. All I did was tell her what was happening.
If it wasn't me, I can assure you that some future person who would get
published on that page would have done it. The administrator decided to
shut down PMS to prevent any future legal action against the University. I
wouldn't have sued, I can't afford to and frankly wouldn't over something
like this. However, someone else might which is why she made that decision.
I'm not trying to transfer the blame to her and I hope that no one will take
this statement as such. Now apparently, your page is going back up so I
don't know what everyone is so touchy about. I won't try to shut it down
again so long as my group is not slandered again. Frankly, I don't care
what your page says about others, I just care what it says about my friends.

You still persist in claiming that the charges against your musician
are circumstantial. You are incorrect. Your musician was guilty of
plagiarizing Future Assassin, Pinion, and Maelcum. That has been
proven. It is not a crime to state "my" opinions about your group.
I first presented fact, then presented my own opinion. You cannot
censor fact, neither my opinions. Flaunting this "Canadian Criminal
Code" does nothing to support your allegations.

It has been several weeks now that PMS has been in action. We have slowly
begun collecting various bits of information on rippers, and putting them
on public display. Some of those featured include Vortex/Muzikman, Sysop
Hennes Eliveld of the Sound Board Connection, and the infamous Nitewynd.
While PMS's only course of action was to bring this knowledge out and make
the stories accessible over the world wide web, our efforts were not
appreciated in the slightest by the accused...

No they were not. Bringing FACTS to the public is not a crime. If that is
all you did, I wouldn't have been bothered. However, these "facts" were
never proven. The evidence which was given to me was circumstantial and by
no means concrete. Secondly, if you publish information, you don't publish
it with opinionated language such as "lamer" and you don't publish E-Mail
addresses and other such links without permission. That is proper etiquette
and just plain polite.

Politeness loses its meaning when a crime is commited. Your musician
committed the crime, and you tried to protect him, even when all your
evidence to support him was circumstantial at best. The evidence I
have presented is concrete. Almost ANYONE in the music scene will
agree with that. Strike One.

On July 1st, 1995, I was forced to take down the page after the president of
Immortal Software Productions mailed my system administrator, claiming that
PMS had placed "slanderous" remarks online and the content was "libel
defamation" against him and his group. He proceeded to present a front of a
confused, innocent victim. Unfortunately, liars never win. As we will show
in emails, irc conversations, and the like, Immortal Software Productions
consists of a lying, thieving band of individuals with no purpose than to
plagiarize and eliminate the throngs of the opposition and the oppressed.

I did not lie and I did not act confused. I stated that the information
which you placed on the page was slanderous and coudl result in trouble for
the University should a future person on that page wish to take legal
action. So as to save the University from any possible law-suit in the
future, she told you to close the page. Hell, I didn't even know the page
was closed until I was told on IRC! Also, you say the oppressed? Please!
We are a group of five, the music scene consists of how many people? You
are oppressing us. You are using your power as the majority to get what you
want whether it is correct or not. You are not the oppressed. You are the
oppressors. Closing PMS was the first thing I succeeded in since this whole
issue with ripping started. Other than that, I have been pushed around and
forced to conform with what you people want in order to avoid getting
flamed. You are the ones who are acting unfair, you're just mad at me
because I actually turned around and threw something back in your faces. I
threw a monkey wrench into your plans so I am not automatically assumed the
opressor. You people are totally ignoring everything unfair, irrational and
just plain immature you have done to us and are assuming we're the evil here.

Your lying is apparent thanks to a capture of an IRC talk with Popcorn,
the editor of TraxWeekly Newsletter. Within it, you claim that you
were not the one responsible for mailing my sysadmin and closing PMS
down. You claim you had friends over, and that one of them must have
done it. Quite a coincidence, isn't it? Below this email and in the
next section of this article is a copy ofthat IRC discussion with
Popcorn. I find it highly unlikely that your "friend" would
specifically email my sysadmin, and use your sig as well. You are
caught in a lie, again. Strike Two.

The current PMS page at
will return shortly after this TraxWeekly publication. Now, we have only
the words of Popcorn, Pinion, Future Assassin, and Maelcum to base our
story on. But that will soon change. When PMS returns in a week or two,
we will have online SOLID EVIDENCE to back our opinions. Until then, we
can only hope.

Ok fine, if you want to go back online, you will hear nothing from me. Of
course, this only applies if all references to my group and all its members
are left out of it. IF you plan to mention us, then I will write to your
administrator again. I will not let you slander us just because I stuck up
for my friends and shut down your immature operation. You believe that the
rights of the musicians (which they do have) are paramount and that the
rights of everyone else are less important. I find that utterly repulsive.
You can't take your rights and say that they are more important than
everyone else's just because you THINK you are right. If you have solid
evidence which you wish to publish, send it to me first. If it is about me
and if I find it to be true, I will let you publish it. I give you my word
(yes, my word is actually worth something), that if the information is true,
I will tell you so.

The rights of a musician are not paramount. The right of people to be
secure in their possessions and intellectual creations is. You ignore
your own crime of first defending plagiarism, then trying to eliminate
the entity which tried to bring your misdeeds to public view. Our
writing isn't slander. It's cold, hard, fact. And you just won't
accept that, because it's too damaging to your ego.

Help us end the censorship of PMS. Help us end the opposition to the
people that are here to protect your rights as a musician. Support us now.
Because we need you more than ever to defend our position. And we hope you
believe us, for if all the information we have collected in our defense is
not enough, then nothing is.

Well, I've stated my case. If you wish to publish this in TraxWeekly or
just plain want to show it to some of your friends on #TRAX channel, be my
guest. They have the right to see this too since many (not all, mind you)
of them are taking your side. If anyone wants to send me feedback, they are
free to. I will respond to each and every one of them except those that are
flames. Those who send me flame mail will not only be ignored, but they
will be showing their extreme immaturity. Those who send me rational
material with arguments that make sense will be responded to and what they
say will be taken into consideration. I want to offend no one with this
reply, I simply want to state my side of the story which I think is my right
and responsibilty. I'll say it again, any intelligent conversation is
welcome, any flames are stupid and immature. I think that many (not all) in
the PC music scene have a lot of growing up to do. They make good music
worth listening to, but their maturity and rationale is lacking somewhat. I
hope to join you all again someday when people learn to respect everyone and
not just themselves.

You are completely incorrect about the maturity and rationality of the
people in the PC music scene. You are using the actions of your
opponents to judge a huge population, many of which you have not come
into contact with. We have enough respect for each other and the
people that enjoy our music not to steal from one another. Perhaps
you should teach your musicians the same. You cannot call everyone
immature because they refuse to conform to your own self-image.
Strike Three.

Thank you.

Gerry Corcoran/Vortex,
President of Immortal Software Productions

No, thank you, for demonstrating in complete form why your allegations
against myself and Plagiarism in the Music Scene are completely without
foundation. Three strikes. In baseball terminology, that means that
you're out. And that you are.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Next is a capture of a discussion between Gerry Corcoran (Vortex) and the
editor of TraxWeekly, Popcorn. Due to the lag time on IRC, some of the
conversation may be a bit disjointed, but it is understandable. Vortex
claims that he was not the person that mailed my system administrator.
Also note that as popcorn does not utilize an IRC scripting program as
frequent as some others do, his name does not appear when he "speaks."
That is the with a number of IRC servers out there. You can verify the
validity of this conversation by mailing popcorn at
Island of Reil (ior) was also a witness. You may contact him also at for confirmation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vortex_ buffer saved on Sun Jul 02 18:43:48 1995
<Vortex_> So? The guy took it offline because of
MuzikMan's APOLOGY!
<Vortex_> Our references anyway.
> You complained about it
<Vortex_> I haven't check it since. He wrote me and
said all references to my group are gone because
MuzikMan apologized. He said that was the end of it.
<Vortex_> WHAT?!
> We are upset, I am publishing that whole thing in
the next TraxWeekly
<Vortex_> What the fuck are you talking about?! I'm
not acting stupid, I honestly don't know.
> You know psibelius PMS page?
<Vortex_> You expect me to let people get away with
Defamation towards my group? Is it a crime to stick
up for people?
<Vortex_> I know his page and he removed my group's
references because he found out MuzikMan apologized.
> Your group deserves defamation.
<Vortex_> And he did apologize yesterday.
> You got psi's page taken off the 'net
<Vortex_> did I? I only wrote to him.
> You wrote to his sysadmin
<Vortex_> No...*I* didn't...
> Psibelius tells me you did
<Vortex_> Look, I didn't do it. Maybe someone who was
here today did, but I didn't.
<Vortex_> I was out and in this afternoon.
> Someone wrote psi's sysadmin and got the page
> psi says that is you.
<Vortex_> Well it wasn't me OK? Maybe my account, but
there were others here today and I wasn't watching
the monitor the whole time.
> Your account = your responsibilty
> Don't give me that crap...
<Vortex_> OK, how come Fassassin doens't get that
lecture then?
<Vortex_> I have received mail from his friend's
account and he doesn't get in shit for that.
<Vortex_> What gives you the right to kick me? I am
telling people what I think! Who makes you the cops?
<Vortex_> Who says that you are judge of all on
Internet? I'm not talking about censorship.
<Vortex_> I'm talking about people who won't let
others speak their mind.
> I am a channel op, and I keep scum like yourself out
of the channel.
> I'd welcome a column in TraxWeekly from yourself.
> If you want to re-join, I won't kick you...
End of Vortex_ buffer Sun Jul 02 18:43:48 1995
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So Mr. Corcoran, it wasn't you? Well then, what is this piece of email that
was forwarded to me by my system administrator? It was sent from your own
account and bears your normal auto signature. Here it is:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 01 Jul 95 12:46:51 -0700
From: Gerry Corcoran <>
Subject: Slanderous Material On Your Server

Hello. I would like you to know that Gene Wie ( is
using your server to post slanderous material. He has published
information on my group and on others which he does not have permission
for and which is Libel Defamation. He runs a group with several others
called Plagarism In the Music Scene (PMS). I will not go into whether
what he says is true or not because I frankly am not sure, but I want you
to know that your server could get in trouble from many different people
in the future if this is not removed. I don't know what the
administrative rules are there, but I thought I would warn you of this.
Please write back.


Gerry Corcoran/Vortex,
President of Immortal Software Productions
Internet address:
FreeNet address: ap516@FreeNet.Carleton.CA
World-Wide Web URL:
"When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday starts
off by sounding like Sunday, there is something seriously
wrong somewhere." -John Wyndham, The Day of the Triffids
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You are lying again. This message was sent by you to my system admin in an
attempt to censor PMS from the net. And I'm sorry to say that you were
successfull, because CSUSM, like many other universities, is an institution
for higher learning, not equipped to deal with frivolous threats of
litigation as you present here.

Anyone convinced Gerry Corcoran is lying yet? I hope you are, because
that's some seriously damning evidence. But in the remote possibility that
you aren't, I have more evidence.


Here, Gerry Corcoran (Vortex) apologizes to the music scene:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*** Inviting Vortex_ to channel #trax
*** Vortex_ ( has joined channel #trax
<Enchanter> [Vortex_] Vortex
[] Thanks.
Sec: #trax Vortex_ replay_ sirrus hlecter karnaaj @WNoise @necros
loserbaby @b base @Enchanter @Khyron @rpenguin Codex
/me pulls
<Vortex_> Ok everyone...I'm here to apologize for something...
<sirrus> ...........
<Vortex_> I think you all know what for...
<sirrus> ..............
<necros> for getting psi's PMS site killed
<Vortex_> YEs...
<Vortex_> Ok...this morning, I was pissed off to find my group invluded in
that page...and I had it taken down....
<Vortex_> I admit that and I apologize for doing it.
<Vortex_> The good thing is that the page will apparently have a new site
soon and that I will have nothing to do with it. I won't view it,
I won't write about it, and I won't have it taken down.
<GD> vortex: how would you feel if the page went back up
<necros> vort: good
<Vortex_> GD: I'd be annoyed, but would let it be.
<Vortex_> GD: Frankly, I don't care what that page does, I just got pissed
when I saw my group in it and the way we were published.
<Vortex_> Anyway, I apologize and if people could relay this to others that
are pissed at me and who aren't here, it would be appareciated.
<Vortex_> I don't have the energy for any more flames.
: ok, but please try to stay out
<necros> Vortex: ok, but from now on please think about the consequences of
yer actions first
*** Vortex_ is (
*** on channels: #trax
*** on irc via server (Univ of Colorado Server (2.8.*))
<Vortex_> NBecros: it's hard when you're furoius at other things as
well...this compounded some other shit that's going on outside of
the net right now... Vort: *nod*
<necros> Vort: *nod*
<sirrus> vort - you caused your own frustration.. or rather, mm did
<Vortex_> Necros: That's why I got so pissed...I had friends here that were
scared to go near me...
<sirrus> hahah
<Vortex_> Sirrus: It was other stuff too...outside of the
<sirrus> vort - well i specifically meant the page :)
<Vortex_> Sirrus: The page wouldn't have bothered me so much if I didn't
ahve this other shit happening...
[] *WNoise* I never understood why so many dorks got
huge amounts of attention when it's *all* they want... they win in the end
when that happens...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gerry Corcoran publicly apologized in IRC channel #trax on July 2nd, 1995,
the day after PMS was taken down. Funny that he's been trying to get my
account removed now isn't he? I take PMS down due to his complaints. Then
he apologizes. That should've been the end of it. But no. Gerry Corcoran
has chosen to continue in a decietful operation to have me banned. In this
capture he blames his actions on "family problems." Regardless of your
personal life, you have no right to take out your anger on us. The problem
in the stability of your real life relations cannot be reflected in your
approach to this situation.


Then, we have Gerry Cocoran's latest email to Popcorn, the Editor of

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 23:58:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Gerry Corcoran)
Subject: Truce Proposal/TraxWeekly Request

Allright Popcorn, I've come to ask you something. Now, you don't like me
very much and quite frankly, I'm not too fond of you right now either, but
that's not the purpose of this message. The purpose of this message is to
ask for a truce. Now, I'm not saying that you and I become friends, but I
am asking for peace. I don't want this crap about the PMS page to go on any
more. I DID apologize for that incident and according to the administrator
that I wrote to, she said that she did give Psibelieus permission to put his
page back on-line if she didn't get any more complaints. I have the message
in my Eudora backlog if you want proof of that. Why he hasn't put it back,
I can't say, but I will say one thing and that is I will not bother his page
anymore so long as he leaves me and my gorup out of it (which he said he
would do.) I don't know what more I can do. If there was more I could do,
I would do it without hesitation, but I can't see anything. I want to make
peace with you on this. Also, you are the editor of TraxWeekly am I
correct? Well, if I wrote an article explaining my side of the story on
this whole issue, from the accusation of ripping to the PMS page and
mentioned no E-Mail addresses, no names and didn't bash anyone, would you
take it and publish it in the next issue? I would like to clear up any lack
of knowledge on this situation that anyone may have. Please E-Mail me back
with your response.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You may do whatever you please Mr. Corcoran, but before you go off spewing
more about your supposed innocence, I want you to answer my one question.
Why, after our objections have been cleared, are you attempting to have me
banned from the net? On what grounds have I committed any crimes against
you or your group?


In short, I reacted swiftly to Gerry Corcoran's complaints about PMS and
removed the offending material immediately after I was contacted by my
system administrator. Since then PMS has not gone back up. And Vortex has
publicly apologized. Yet, he is unable to drop this fight and continues to
harass not only me, but my sysadmin, who is an innocent bystander.

Gerry Corcoran, I have made my decision. Plagiarism in the Music Scene MAY
be going back up, and you and Muzikman will be featured, along with all the
emails, copies of the songs and the rips, and contact information. Your
abuses will stand for public view until the end of time. Your threats of
legal action are completely unfounded, and my right to freedom of the press
in publishing facts about criminals is guaranteed by the First Amendment of
the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States of America. If
you continue in your actions, I, under legal precedent, possess the right to
pursue harassment charges against you that are not only justified, but also
bear significant strength in evidence and witnesses. This is your last

You are guilty on all counts of protecting a criminal, making false legal
threats to silence your critics, creating stories in an illegal attempt to
have me banned from the net without justification, and inciting non-involved
parties to carry out your schemes of harassment.

You will cease your activities in opposition to myself and PMS. We chose to
end this conflict. Now you will do the same, or we will retaliate.

Gene Wie (aka Psibelius)

Plagiarism in the Music Scene returns to the net next week (July 18th-23rd)
at You can reach the page
through our link in Yahoo's internet index at in the
directory of /Computers/Music.

--[ Advanced Tracking Tips III ]--------------------------------------------

-- Advanced Tracking Tips III --

by Necros / FM / Legend Design

NEW FTP SITE! (yay) : /pub/demos/songs/necros/*.*


Today we cover the art of voicings. This is basically the trick to making a
dull song 'come alive' and grab the listener by the head and shake them up
and down while going 'HEY! LISTEN TO ME!'. It also will add a bit of that
all-too-elusive professional touch to your musik.

(Note: if you write stuff that involves absolutely no chords or harmonies,
like bongo solos or something, then skip this article and accept my sincere
apologies :>)

Ok. What is voicing? Voicing is the art of taking a very simple harmony and
making into something more complex. It is also the art of choosing chords to
fit the exact mood which you seek.

Let's say you are writing a tune, and you want to come up with some sort of
chord progression to put behind your fantasic new lead sound, so you sit and
chew your pencil and come up with something like this:

C major | F major | D minor | G major

Whee. Now assuming you are the average tracking newbie, you will probably try
to track it something like this:

C maj | C-4 01 .. ... | E-4 01 .. ... | G-4 01 .. ... | (this is prob
at like speed
F maj | F-4 01 .. ... | A-4 01 .. ... | C-5 01 .. ... | 06 at least,
with the
D min | D-4 01 .. ... | F-4 01 .. ... | A-4 01 .. ... | chordz on rows
0/8/16/32 etc)
G maj | G-4 01 .. ... | B-4 01 .. ... | D-5 01 .. ... |

Now go into ScreamTracker or FT2 and enter that. You will find it to be about
as interesting as a night spent hanging out in #ansi. You wouldn't dare
release something like the above, would you? You would?! Hmm. We must try to
fix that. :>

Now let's look at each of these chords and see what we could do to liven them

C major: Well this is pretty standard, and it's the lead off chord,
so we don't want to fuck it up TOO much. However there is
no reason why we can't at least arrange the voicing a bit

A bad voicing: C - E - G (which sucks)
A better voicing: C - D - E - G (this is nicer)

We add the 'D' because it is the 9th of the chord, and
won't contrast too much with the three notes already there.
However we could do it even better than that..

A great voicing: C - G - C - D - E (whee!)

By placing the D up top, we get it as far away from the
'C' as possible, since that is the only note it will sound
strange next too. You always want to try to avoid playing
notes which are consecutive right next to each other, like
C-D, E-F, G-A, unless you know for SURE that you want to
do it to create a special effect. Adding an octave to the
consecutive note makes it far easier on the ear, since the
interval is now much wider.

F major: Well since we're already doing the cool 2nd/9th addition
thing, let's do it again. This time, however, we will try
to follow the same guidelines as above.

A stale voicing: F - A - C (the C is above the A)
A great voicing: C - G - A - C - F'

By adding the G, and rearranging the other notes, we achive
a chord change with a MINIMUM of movement. This is good
because the less movement between voices, the better, since
a great deal of change during a main section can make a
piece jumpy.

D minor: Look at the above voicing. It'd be cool to try to keep most
of that, and change only a very few notes to move us into
the D minor chord. Aha! Here's an idea...

A sucky voicing: D - F - A
Werd! Phear it!: D - A - C - D - F'

This is actually now a D minor 7th chord, since we have
added the C to the bunch. This sounds good because it is
only a change of two notes from the previous chord, and
the 7th note (C) adds a bit of complexity to an otherwise
bland change.

G major: Hmm. Well, we want to remember that this is the last chord
before we go back into the C major, so we want to create
some sort of circular motif that will let us go back into
the beginning chord without much ado. So, let's try a two
part chord this time:

Blech!: G - B - D'
Much better!: G - C - D - G' (I)
G - B - D - G' (II)

Now instead of just a silly Gmaj chord, we go to the
Gsus4 (I) first. This way it creates a lead-in back to the
C major at the beginning. Notice also how the highest
note of each chord has exhibited a rising motif...

E ... F ... F ... G

This helps the whole thing to create some sort of

Cool! We're done. Lets see what we have done.

C major | F major | D minor | G major (the original)

C9 | Fadd2/C | Dmin7 | Gsus4 - Gmaj | (new and improved)

We've added a lot of texture and diversity to a chordal mix which before was
decidedly flat.

Now you may be saying.. 'How in the heck do i COME UP with all those tricks?'
The answer is simple. Learn to play keyboards, at least a bit. You don't have
to be a virtuoso, but a simple knowledge of what note each key is will
suffice. Once you can do that, you can try out chords before you enter them
into the tracker, to see if they are cool or not. This also helps IMMENSELY
to help you get a feel for which chord voicings work, and which don't.

In any case, keep plugging away, and good luck.

- Necros

--[ Freedom CD-ROM info ]---------------------------------------------------

Toss around the name FREEDOM and you are sure to hear people give you many
definitions. Around here FREEDOM is the name we have given to the compact
disc that will succeed ESCAPE. For those who do not know the ESCAPE CD was
pressed in November of last year. It contained 209 megs of DEMOS/INTROS/
MC2 MUSIC and 47 minutes of Digital Audio--most of which came from the
winning tunes of MC2. A total of 500 CD's (including 2 100 CD represses)
were created and all have been distributed.

Thus, FREEDOM is the sequel to ESCAPE and will follow in the same footsteps.
Contents include at least 45 minutes of Audio tracks (from the
winners of MC3), music files, musicdisks, all demonews issues, the full
MC1-MC3 archive, code, trakkers, all the questionnaires people fill out, a
textual "demo" book, and demos/intros from OCT94 to early AUG95 among a
few other scene related items.

The winners of Music Contest Three will have their songs on the D/A portion
of the Freedom CD as well as win at least one CD and be given a discount if
they want to purchase more copies. For those who heard ESCAPE we promise
to make the sound quality better for this CD.

Music Contest Three has currently ended and the winners will be announced
sometime in July. More information can be found in the /demos/incoming/mc3
and/or /demos/music/mc directories at

The tentative--and less confusing price--for this CD is $8 ppd. US/CANADA and
$10 ppd. AIRMAIL elsewhere. Yes, $2 less then Escape! This is the price
we are going to work from and we will probably press 500-1000--giving away
a lot more copies this time. Keep this in mind if you want a copy because
the MORE I reserve the MORE I will press and more copies means a decrease
in price.

The CD will come in a jewel case with a full color 6 page insert.
For those with stuff on the CD we will offer a discount and some will get
free copies. Please try to understand that our price reflects minimal
profits (enough to make up for time, losses, extra expenses) and that
we cannot send everyone a free CD. We will do what we can to be fair and
try to make sure all those "deserving" do get a free copy. If you want a
free copy, and have something on the CD then by all means inquire with me;
I will do what I can to accommodate.

Release date of this CD is tentatively set for MID/LATE September and
you can reserve your CD (or CD's) now--i.e. be put on a mailing list to
be notified when the CD will be out. Contact information is below.

If you are in a group producing demo stuff and I have not contacted you
please contact me--especially if you want something of yours on the
CD which otherwise might not be there. We are especially looking for
MUSIC DISKS so if you do one let us know. We will do what we can to get
"permission" to include stuff but there are always people out there
without known E-mail addresses whom we won't reach--contact us.

Groups I am looking for permission from whos stuff I would like to include
on the CD are as follows: Image, Massive, DDD, Ground Zero, Deus,
Distorsion, SIN, Trillian, Three Some, Napalm, Chaos, 6502, Vibrants,
Silicon, FIT, Deck Blaster, Coma, Phenomena, Mistery, God, Digression,
Nightsky, Mindprobe, Psychic Link, Cute, Hypnosis, Manix, Core, Logic
Design, The Apollo Project, Lego, Renegade, Zion, Zigzag, NOD, Yeti,
Apex, Subsystems, PnF, Ispana, Omicron, Fiction, Genuine, Mystic Bytes,
Strontium 90, Darkzone, Realtech, Verhot, Xtacy, Craw Productions, Success,
Tango Sisters, N-factor, Subsystem, Contrast, Dust, Corruption, Imagine,
Hardtrack, Bitkillers, Hyper Nova, ISCH crew, Zuul Design, Superiority
Complex, Abstract Concepts, Spirit, Symptom, Abraham, Abaddon, Hardnise,
Proxima, Tarzan T, Hirmu, Surprise, Nooon, The Coexistence, Force 2,
DID, Goto 10, Fear Factory, Yodel, Success, Bonzi Crew, The Nuclear Threat,
Halcyon, and Nostalgia. If you are in one of these groups or know someone
who is please contact me.

Something you want to see on this CD? Let us know. Right now there will
be no interface for the "demo book"--which is all text--unless someone
wants to do a quick interface. Mail me (dmw) for a directory tree of
the CD so far if you are interested in helping make it better. We want
to make this CD belong to the scene as much as possible and will do what
we can to make it this way. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

HELP WANTED: Graphics & Art
We still need a little bit more art. If you are interested then let
us know. Keep in mind we need completed ART by mid/late July with
possible extensions given if rough drafts are submitted.

Thanks for your time...and remember, if you are involved in the SCENE
fill out the questionnaire and we will include it with the CD in a special
"demo book" directory.

Pallbearer / Toxic Zombies



CHECK the this directory for the LATEST info and if you have time
please submit the questionnaire. Feel free to also write something
towards the "demo book" I am working on. All submissions will be
included on the CD.


Freedom CD producer:
Freedom CD helper:
Freedom CD gatherer:
MC3 orginiator:
MC3 coordinator:

-------------------------------[ Interviews ]------------------------------/
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--[ Interview With Basehead (again) ]---------------------------------------

Basehead again wished to rant and rave and add more of his words of wisdom
to the archives of TraxWeekly. It is his second interview, but it covers
vastly different ground. Enjoy.

Psibelius . psibelius . TraxWeekly Columnist .
Basehead . base . Kosmic/FM . forgot@his.address.=)

<psibelius> Please introduce yourself to our studio audience (for the second

<base> mah name be dan grandpre, i'm 19 on toozday.. uhmm.. i look like brad
pitt (not).. ehh. and i did an interview before but i wanted to do
another one cuz i was bored =)

<psibelius> Welcome to your complimentary SECOND interview with tw....

<base> thanx me controversial questto say for our readers.

<psibelius> you have anything "enlightening" to say for our readers
before we begin the controversial questions?

<base> well - the grass on the other side is always greener - leave well
enough alone, and don't be crazy greedy, cuz one day u might wake up
with nothing.Okay...

<psibelius> Concerning the Exon bill, and privacy issues, what is your
opinion on this subject?

<base> i refuse to answer this one because, i like answered it in my Scenial
interview =)

<psibelius> blah...

<base> i went on with Reebok for like hours =)

<psibelius> What is your opinion on the distribution of songs by shareware
cd companies for profit? And are you against it for
moral/ethical or financial reasons?

<base> Well, we were just discussing this in the channel... i think unless
the cd is being put out for a price that only covers minimal creation
and distribution costs. i'm against it for moral/ethical AND
financial reasons

<psibelius> jesus....=) You are against this concept of people taking
monetary credit for another person's work, correct?

<base> You should not be able to put someone's work on your product without
asking them.. legal disclaimer or not.. that's the moral/ethical
side..and if the company profits at all, it's...well, i'm not
entirely against that.. because that happens all the time in every
day life. in every business, people that barely make minimum wage are
doing the work that the C.E.O. gets paid 1 million times as much for

<psibelius> Even without legal disclaimers, you believe there should be some
kind of code dictating the rights of a composer to the
distribution of his musics?

<base> but people selling my music have not HELPED me in the process.. they
deserve no money for my efforts.

<psibelius> You have not made any profits from people selling your music?
Any royalties?

<base> Not even a cent.

<psibelius> ack...that sucks.

<base> and i've found it on every random cd i've found with sound stufff on
it.. one even had like 30

<psibelius> And you can do nothing about it?

<base> nope.. because i guess there wasn't a LEGAL disclaimer and i would
get caught up in court technicalities. it's not worth it. there is
a huge disclaimer in every kosmic release nowadays.. i think it
pretty much covers everything =)

<psibelius> So the current system is unfair to musicians because we don't
have time or space to waste writing a 999999999 paragraph
disclaimer in all of our modules, correct? =)

<base> exactly.. i mean, there should be SOME level of moral responsibility
that is followed, whether or not hard-to-understand, well-worded laws
can be applied directly to it...

<psibelius> On the subject of having others take credit for your music...
...have any of your songs been plagiarized by another

<base> well parts have been plagiarized, ripped, whatever.. without due
credit, but that's not that big of a deal. all those instances have
been taken care of. i have found numerous songs of mine ripped and
sample text changed, and file date changed to be so that it looked
like it was written before my version...people like "this mod by
sonic" etc..and it was a rip of my "imajica" from awhile back

<psibelius> I have imajica. 128 patterns. =)

<base> 189 =)

<psibelius> oh whoops. =)

<base> (btw it's actually just 94 patterns repeated with an ending thrown
<psibelius> But you never ran into any false accusations regarding ripping
due to these people have you?

<base> nope.. thank god. i would be rip-shit pissed if there were.

<psibelius> Exactly, and PMS would have another whole section devoted to

<base> coo'.. that's a good idea

<psibelius> If you have anyone you'd like to see featured, just mail me. =)

<base> nod =) this ISP thing will live on in infamy.. just cuz of one
person's stupid and stubborn actions, neither mm or vortex will ever
be accepted.

<psibelius> Concerning Kosmic, is Kosmic considered a non-profit
organization or what?

<base> yes.. well except for Area 51 (which is sorta like the commercial
division).. where IQ & Maelcum are selling their CD and tapes (full
LP's)... other members want to jump on the wagon and release their
own CD's too i think.

<psibelius> Area 51 is an affiliation of KFMF?

<base> wellllll not really.. but in spirit

<psibelius> Or a "sister" company?

<base> yeah, you could sorta say that.. i mean i doubt it will ever
accomodate people that aren't in kosmic.

<psibelius> Do you think Kosmic's releases are on par with most commercial
spam out on the shelves these days?

<base> welll.. i don't know. there is alot of stuff coming out from
thehacker and maelcum that is desperately experimental and would
prolly not be accepted except for alot of diehard experimental fans
(not ALL of their stuff mind you) but all in all.. i think most of
our releases are as good or better than most commercial releases.

<psibelius> I'm a bit confused. What is classified as "experimental?"
I'm not too famliliar with all the musical style terms. =)

<base> it's kind of an odd style of techno that's based on not really having
structure (or typical structure anyway).. and is really random-
soundingin comparison to your normal every day techno rambling..
(radio shit).

<psibelius> Okay...What do you think of Lpeg's "KOSMIC WORLD DOMINATION." ?
As I interviewed lp yesterday, he would freequently mention the
absolute superiority of kfmf music above all that exists in this
world. =)

<base> ahaha.. zack is fewlish. he was prolly half-joking but on the serious

<psibelius> You have to read his interview, it's a mess. =) And people think
us tw people have it easy. =)

<base> although i do think out and out, there is not much competition
(serious comp)

<psibelius> Necros has stated that it is "bad to drink and track."

<base> yes, so have i.. in my editorial =)

<psibelius> What are your houghts on being intoxicated and tracking?
(damnit, your stupid editorial ruins everything. =)

<base> it sucks. you end up writing rambling crap and missing all your
mistakes because of the inebriation.. you have no idea what's going
on. if you don't know the tracker really well, you're screwed from
the outset =)

<psibelius> "Remember kids. Don't drink and drive." =) err track. =)

<base> if you do.. then you can manage but it comes out random shittiness.

<base> HOWEVER

<psibelius> however?

<base> i did write a song partially drunk (post-drunkeness)
"tripping to neptune" - nept!klf - from last summer.. and it was

<psibelius> base: Ahh yes, I remember. I made a comment about that and you
nearly kicked my ass for it. =)

<base> hehe.. well i'm defensive about stuff i do when i'm fucked up =)

<psibelius> Is there anything you did not cover in your 59k editorial you'd
like to discuss now?

<base> you've always been like a father to me..
<base> and i love you dearly
<base> hahaha...

<psibelius> uhh...shuddup. =)

<base> i twasn't really 59k was it?

<psibelius> yes, it was 59k, you bastard. =)

<base> it was not even 53...52,561...i have it right here

<psibelius> well, I don't, but it was big. =)

<base> well.. i did pretty much cover everything eh? =)

<psibelius> base: no, you forgot to discuss the "epinicion-syndrome" coined
by Maelcum. =) the tendency of a group to expand in size way
beyond proportianlly to its musical talent. =)

<base> rememeber when you were ms[epi]? haahahaha...

<psibelius> yeah...shuddup!

<base> <-- remembers=)

<psibelius> =)

<base> i won't embarass you =) anyways...i think that's true s


<psibelius> That's why epi can't compete with kosmic? Not enough people
with the gusto to "put it out?"

<base> i don't entirely disagree with your reasons for running epi. i just
think it's unrealistic..

<psibelius> base: address the group, not me. =) I'm a tw interviewer here.

<base> because you seem like you're coming off as the mother theresa of the

<psibelius> AHAHAHA. woah dude, QUOTE.

<base> ok i'll address the group:
<base> *points to psib* i don't entirely disagree with his reasons for
running epi, i think they're unrealistic. it's all well and good to
"help the little guy out" and get started..but why do they need to be
in a group? just hanging around #trax will get you help.. you don't
need to be in a 90 member group

<psibelius> okay, okay, enough, ANOTHER TOPIC. =) Damnit, you're going to
reveal my secrets to everyone. =)

<base> one more thing.. if you quote p.cadigan one more time, i'll boot your
ass. find a new quote =)

<psibelius> The p.cadigan quote is IOR'S idea, not mine.

<base> i mean there's gotta be a better quote in that book! like even "he
groped her violently"
- Epinicion

<psibelius> Well, that's certainly a philosophy of life. =)

<base> IOR's idea? oh i'll have to beat jesse senseless now.

<psibelius> Finally (here's the big tough question)....
Is the direction the music scene is taking going to cause its
end, or transcend another era of music? There are those that
say that pretty soon we'll suffocate in mass production of crap.
Then there are those that say that technology will facilitate a
new step in musical evolution.

<base> i'll take choice A, Gene... i think this is the way most things die
out. it's the way the underground rave scene already HAS died.. or
is next to dead anyway. too much exposure and too many posers trying
to get involved with the newest fad. christ, #trax is getting to be
one of the bigger channels on IRC

<psibelius> Alas, we are nothing compared to the lords of #warez1-#warez99.
Perhaps the technological results are not for us, but a future

<base> well.. that's another scene that has died the same way.
warez used to be not so bad.. back a long time ago. when swapping was
the biggest deal in the scene.

<psibelius> Do you think lp's sammich stuff is lame? =)
Or should it become a regular feature in tw? =)

<base> i think chef zack rules the werld.. it's cool to have a cooking
segment. he knows his shit.. and besides, if you don't want to read
it, you can hit page down 3 or 4 times.. who cares.

<psibelius> hahaahah...okay...Any last words?

<base> "10 bucks says i don't need this oxygen tank" -- bobby "fingers"
malone on his deathbed at st.mary's hospital. > oh you mean my last

<psibelius> DOH!

<base> FEAR FM!! WORLD DOMINATION 1995!! Well, not really.. but we have 3
damned cool musicdisks coming out.. look for them.. "Kaktoos II,
Progression" and "Modernize"

<psibelius> Is FM a group of oversexed egotistical males?

<base> Only on weekends.harhar

<psibelius> haahahahaha....okay, get outta here. =)

--[ Interview With Lord Pegasus ]-------------------------------------------

This week, an interview with "
Sammich Man" himself...

psibelius . Psibelius . [ACiD.Epinicion.TraxWeekly] .
lpegasus . Lord Pegasus . [ACiD.KFMF] .


<psibelius> okay, wanna tell our studio audience who you are, where you're
from, and what groups you currently are affiliated with? =)

<lpegasus> aahhh Hi. I'm Zack Smith, and I .. am a tracker. No that does
not mean I follow deer through forested areas.

<psibelius> And mind telling us how you picked that lame nick? =) A flying

<lpegasus> I'm from Georgia, USA.. I was born in a rodeo.. YEEHAW. I h8 my
nick too, but yours is worse, sounds like a std.

<psibelius> oh yes. =)

<lpegasus> I'm in: kosmic, and acid {pHluid musicdisc}

<psibelius> lp: Wanna tell us a bit about your music history (real world and

<lpegasus> I play NO instruments, save for some PHAT chords bh taught me
over the phone on piano.

<psibelius> So basehead was your guide and mentor? =) You poor brainwashed
kid. =) So how did you get started tracking?

<lpegasus> I listened to such great mods as control77 and die.mod thru my
squeeker. After hearing thru my squeeker.. I begged my parents
for a sb1.0. They obliged.. and I kissed their asses. And then
I got an sb16. Why no gus? I dunno. One day I saw this program
mod edit.. 1.0 even. I said "
hey I like mods", so I tried to
write some

1st song = "
distorsion" = 1 guitar sample, 1 pattern, 7 seconds..
PHEAR it. Most of my songs sounded like camels flatulating...
Then I got st3 and I got better

<psibelius> Do you have a copy of distortion we can hand out? =)

<lpegasus> no.. wish I did, for old times sake. I started writing MUSIC
when I got st3. I DO have my 1st s3m tho. :) Its OK. I taught
basey to play it over the phone coz he roolz my ass.

<psibelius> So that was your beginning in music right? And basehead
basically provided all your starting influence?

<lpegasus> hmm.. not really.. but he has definitely helped school me...
(PHEAR MAGNIFICENT AND PARADOX) and he says I track like him
sometimes...and I love his work.. prolly influences me more than
I think, and I use lke 50% bh samples.

<psibelius> Do you think you see the influence of Basehead's tracking
style" in your personal compositions? Aside from using his
samples? =)

<lpegasus> hmm.. as I said.. he says I track like him sometimes.. hmmm..
its hard to say, every1 has their own style

<psibelius> Have an example?

<lpegasus> example of?

<psibelius> An example of a composition by Basehead that in some way is
similar to something you have written (chord structure,
progression, implementation of instruments?).

<lpegasus> er.. poet!klf. :) coz its a remix of one of my own.. :)

<psibelius> Oh, I see. =)

<lpegasus> heheh

<psibelius> On the topic of managed to #$&!$~$#*&$@#$%@
*(@$K@#R(@$$! with @&*%*)~%&(:"

<lpegasus> psib: yeah.. don't put that in the interview plz..

<psibelius> Oh of course not, I'd hate to see anything come out of this
argument. =)

<psibelius> When you sit down to compose a song, what do you begin with?
Some people choose to begin with a melody line first...while
others prefer to lay down a chord progression first and
structure the melody off of it..

<lpegasus> hmm. I have no set way of doing it... sometimes I do the
bassline first.. sometimes I find a neat chord pattern.. sometimes
i base it all around certain samples.. sometimes I just bang away
on keys.. eys down keys and get something. =)

<psibelius> ...or some people do like Maelcum, and just blindly smash down
keys and get something. =)

<lpegasus> I don't know much music theory. Hey, maelcum r00lzAh. Hmm my
latest tune I made two neat samples from my pSR .. HAHAHA..

<psibelius> Ah, an advocate of the "spontaneous" musical composition school.

<psibelius> Do songs you compose come out the way you usually hear them in
your mind, or do wierd things just crop up?

<lpegasus> I'm kicking ass in ff1 right now.

<psibelius> ff1?
<lpegasus> ff1 = final fantasy 1...werd 71k gold! :)

<psibelius> When you "compose" stuff, like hearing it in your mind, does it
usually come out the way you "hear" it, or does it come out

*Blackwolf* i got a disturbing message from vortex... basically kissing my
butt the entire 2 page article about goodbye to a good thing...
and then saying right at the end "...much of my future song will
be based on the principal of Goodbye to a Good Thing"

[So what is else new?????????????????????????????????????????????????]

<lpegasus> Sumtimes I just cannot get that right note. Some music thoery
would help.

*Blackwolf* uh oh ... lpeg has an interview!
*Blackwolf* greet me and stuph...the msg in daskmig was cool !! :>

<lpegasus> hahaha

<psibelius> Blackwolf interferes our interview with k-rad lameness. =)
hahaha...j/k...anyways...back to YOUR interview. So you think
that having some knowledge of chordal theory really helps in the
progression of writing a song?

<lpegasus> yeah.. it would help me a lot.. I just keep changing notes until
I find what sounds "good." But now I am beginning to learn some
theory (thanks nec / bh / etc).

<psibelius> the "by ear" concept. =)

<lpegasus> basically.

<psibelius> yeah, phear nec and bh's articles...

<lpegasus> yeah, those two really have kn0wl3jg

<psibelius> okay...How long does it usually take you to write a decent song?
And how much time will you sit at a tracker?

<lpegasus> no telling.. some songs I finish in hours, some I pull of my hd
from years ago to wrap up. But I can sit a tracker all day
without faltering, due to a healthy diet of caffiene-filled

<psibelius> jolt cola?

<lpegasus> on my table right now there are two empty liter bottles I finished

<psibelius> two empty 2 liter bottles?

<lpegasus> jolt when i can find it.. its HARD to get in georgia.

<psibelius> daaaaaaaaang. =)

<lpegasus> psib: yeah...

<psibelius> Georgia? Oh you must live with blackwolf. =)

<lpegasus> 1 = crush peach (WORD WORD WORD), 1 = a/w root beer (WORD), also
I am woirking on a can of Chek right

<psibelius> Chek??? What's chek? I've never heard of that.

<lpegasus> yeah.. I talk to bw occaisionaly.. (hello <-- your greet)

<lpegasus> chek is manufactured by winn dixie (southern grocery store, see..
"dixie" <g> CHEK PEACH ROOLS.

<psibelius> necros has stated that "drinking while tracking does NOT get
good results"
What are your opinions on being intoxicated and

<lpegasus> I think that statement is full of shit. I have lost ideas before
coz I get up to get a drink, come back to the tracker, "oops!
what was I doin!?!?"
So having a liter of coke next to the kyb
is a GOOD thing. Alcohol is intoxicating.. leads to odd songs
like the tune I just did.. thats a funky version of the dragon
warrior theme music (NES I LUB YEW)

<psibelius> Dragon Warrior? which one? I beat the first one. =)
level 30 dude. =)

<lpegasus> ONE, you ho.. there is NO OTHER worth playingtook me

<psibelius> took me like 9999999999 years to find enough metal slimes to get
all that experience.

<lpegasus> favorite spell = repel

<psibelius> I musta wasted 9999 hours of my life doing that...when I coulda
been #^#%$^$^@(*^!~...jeeze...=)

<lpegasus> er...:)

<psibelius> Is there anything about the music scene that irritates you?

<lpegasus> people asking to hear .MODS of Green Day and other shit. This is
not #gaysex. But any channel where I get interviewed r0qk3rz muh

<psibelius> Specifically, what do you think about rippers (you saw this one
coming, didn't you? =)

<lpegasus> er.. rippers suck, and stuph, they like, have like, no musical
talentz, and stuph, like, y'know? I have had a whole s3m of
mine ripped before.. it was funny how bad the song was..

<psibelius> (off to the side) What do you think about Immortal Software
Productions (Vortex/Muzikman)?

<lpegasus> they're dumbass fucknut bitches and I would send them home on
bicycles if I had the chance (certain people will catch that
one, if you do, you are derserving of the might of the sawsage
kr33tur3). Censor that for mr. ****** exon.

<psibelius> What is your impression of the state of the music scene and its
role in cyberspace?

<lpegasus> we are not well known enough to really impact the "real world",
but soon enough....KOSMIC WERLD DOMINATION!!!

<psibelius> I saw that one coming. =)

<lpegasus> Prezident Maelcum of Earth

<psibelius> "Excuse me Mister President, but is your name some kind of
sexual connotation?"
<--- phear your greet mael. =)

<lpegasus> seriously.. we need recognition.. besides that article on demo
scene in wired.. thats a start.. as sum1 said.. pretty soon the
music scene will be the cover story on those mainstream

<lpegasus> mael = judge ito

<psibelius> "We interrupt LP's interview for more coverage on the OJ Simpson
And believe it or not, that's all I have. Damn capture,
musta screwed up somehow, oh well, there you have it. Lord
Pegasus, the "Sammich Man."

-[ Epinicion Column]--------------------------------------------------------
___ _______ _____________ ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ___________
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: / o \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ \:
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: \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//|
|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

Greets to all the new members: Szalemander, Tsumi, Red King, z0ner,
Dr. West, and Darkling.

Szalemandre puts out an awesome tune, "Liteheaded" [S3M].

Epinicion's next music disk will be featured in September, please send in
your submissions! Guests wishing to release with Epinicion are also
encouraged to donate!

Most of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found at in
/kosmic/epinicion. The Web page has again moved due to account problems
back to We have a
completely BRAND NEW PAGE with new links, new graphics, and new style.
Please check it out!

To those thinking of joining Epinicion, or wanting to know more about our
philosophy: You need not be great to join Epinicion. You need only to
aspire to be great. I quote from "Synners," a novel by P. Cadigan: "We do
what we do and we do it because we can."
Damn straight. If you are a
dedicated person striving to become better, then email us. And join us.
We're here for YOU, the musician. So if you think you have what it takes,
don't bother waiting. Join Epinicion NOW.

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder

. .:.........:.. ... . +
_:_______ : . + . .
\ /__:__ . . . + . .:::. .
\ / / . ... ... ````` ......
/ _/ ___/_____________.__...:::::::.:::::::. ::::: .:::::'''' +
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: : \___..__.. .::::::::::: __._ . . . (WW) .
. .:............ .. . ``````` .+ . .
: : +
... .... ...... a constellation of stars!

Kosmic News and Views for July 13th, 1995

Welcome to another Kosmic column for Traxweekly. Ok, we admit we probably
don't seem too industrious lately, but there are some very groovy things
in the works. First, let's start with the latest releases:

72 Come To Me, Ecstacy ...... Maelcum ....... 14 .MTM - 4m:32s -6/138- 7/06/95
(K_C2ME.ZIP) - A simple trance/acid song based on a vocal from "Come To
Me, Ecstacy"
by Red Red Groovy.
73 Monotone ................. Karl .......... 16 .S3M - 5m:43s -6/143- 7/12/95
(K_MONOT.ZIP) - Trance techno debut from Kosmic's newest member!

Watch for these *UPCOMING RELEASES* soon:

K_ORANGE.ZIP "Orange Skies" by Lord Pegasus
K_PROGR.ZIP "Progress" by The Hacker
K_FREAK.ZIP "The Freakmaker" by Lurch and Maelcum
K_NOJOKE.ZIP "No Joke" by Phoenix and The Hacker
K_SLACK2.ZIP "Worldwide Slack (Dubbing Sir Slack Remix)" remixed by AndrewM

and of course many more releases.

Kosmic is pleased to announce we are now sponsored by AUTOROUTE*NET, a fine
Internet Service Provider in Canada. This arrangement will allow us to
improve even more the quality of Kosmic and it's productions while allowing
us to remain the FREE music foundation.

Watch for the *all new* Kosmic WWW site, due to unveil August 5th on, featuring an enhanced, easier to use interface, and more
info on Kosmic than ever before.

- Maelcum

Now I'll turn the column over to Phoenix:

And now from the home office in Groom Lake, Nevada, it's time for this
week's Top Ten List!


10. Hey babe, wanna start _my_ panic?
9. The secret about Area 51? It's located in my pants.
8. Nothing is true, except you're hot.
7. Uhh.. come to Maelcum.. uhuhuhuhuh.
6. Ever done it with a tracker?
5. Let's take a little trip to "Under My Bed" Studios.
4. How's about posing for my new Kosmic WWW logo?
3. I'd stop tracking for 10 minutes for you, baby.
2. You rule! (wait, that's a _Perisoft_ pick-up line)
1. I like to move it, move it!

Goodnight everybody!
- written once again by Phoenix/Kosmic

Kosmic sites:

FTP: /kosmic/songs/ (also available as /kosmic/songs/ (may be faster but is not yet current)

WWW: (may not be up to date)

We are looking for additional WWW and FTP sites in EUROPE, ASIA and
AUSTRALIA. Contact if you can provide any of those!

-[ Distribution Sites ]-----------------------------------------------------

BBS System Name Country/State Phone Number System Operator

Mindflux Australia +61-2-416-2513 Force Format
Velvet Demosite Belgium +32-3-3851594 Sleeping Dog
AltConn BBS Brazil +55-11-816-2031 Herman Fuchs
Hack / Ploddt Canada 902-625-5920 Popcorn
Beats per Minute Canada 418-660-8137 Populus
Our World Canada 416-740-4346 b0b
Cyber Web Italy +39-331-310641 ArachniD
TH Rijswijk BBS Netherlands +31-70-3401534 Raymond Dijkxhoorn
The Digital Dream New Zealand +64-7-856-1376 Black Friday
MultiMedia GS Singapore +65-252-1220 Lee Teck Chee
The Portal Sweden +46-26-196363 Coyote & Cyanid
Sound & Vision U.K. +44-181-288-8444 Rob Barth
Aethelwulf Utopia United States 309-862-4918 Quarex
Synthetic Amusement United States 410-795-8526 Sirrus


* Distribution Site Applications are not being accepted at this time. *

-[Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info]-------------------------------------------------

TraxWeekly is on the World Wide Web! Officially, the sites are:

Partek is in Finland and Kosmic is in the US. So, choose the server nearest
to you for the fastest connection. This page is maintained by Dragunov.

TraxWeekly subscriptions are available, and can be requested in this matter:

Send mail to:
And put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name]

If you want to unsubscribe to the list, mail the same address and write:

unsubscribe trax-weekly

TraxWeekly is also available on

/pub/demos/incoming/news/ for the most recently uploaded version, or
/pub/demos/news/traxw/ for all of the back issues.

/--------------------------------[ End ]------------------------------------

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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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