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TraxWeekly Issue 021

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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ps: woa, a rendered askee!

| TraxWeekly Issue: #21 | Release date: 08-03-95 | Current subscribers: 260 |

------------------------------[ Introduction ]------------------------------/
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If you enjoy reading TraxWeekly, I really encourage you to write an
article, letter, or interview someone, even if it is your dog... the
flow seems to slowing down, and we need to do something about it. Let's
do out best to keep TraxWeekly the popular textmag that it is.

This week, we were supposed to have an interview with Jase, the MC3
winner, but due to unfortunate circumstances it will have to wait
until next week.

We do have, however, some great columns from psibelius, as well as a group
article for Mazurka, which will hopefully become a regular column in the
near future. We also have some tracking tips by a Mazurka member.

Check out my WWW page:

- Popcorn []

------------------------------[ Contents ]---------------------------------/
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Letters / Feedback

General Articles

The Mission Statement.......................Psibelius
Introducing: Mazurka........................b0b
Tracking Tips...............................Dan Hartrell

Group Columns



Distribution Sites..........................Neurosis
TraxWeekly Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info.........TraxWeekly Staff
Group Members...............................TraxWeekly Staff

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This week we have a letter from musician in New Zealand. For Greg Harding,
the "scene" as we know it isn't all that clear to him, and he presents his
opinions without some of the influences that we are subjected to...

Submissions to the "Letters" forum here can be submitted to myself or to
Popcorn at

Psibelius [TraxWeekly Columnist]

From gwie@owl.csusm.eduThu Aug 3 11:13:14 1995
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 11:09:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gene Wie <>
To: Greg Harding <>
Subject: Re: TW, etc

Thanks for all your comments, this replay will be included in the next
TraxWeekly (exposure man, exposure!!! =).

On Thu, 3 Aug 1995, Greg Harding wrote:

> Psibelius,
> I have just read (for the first time) TWeekly and, having little access
> to Internet etc and little time to do it anyway, just wanted to ask a
> few questions and stuff. If I am asking the 'wrong' person then just say
> so - yours was the first address I saw...

You can ask any of us here at TraxWeekly, be it myself, a regular
columnist, or our fearless leader Popcorn (

> Well, as I said I am not a part of any scene as such, having little or
> no Internet access or time. I have been doing mods for about 6 or 7
> years (on and off), and have now got some midi gear (keyboards,
> samplers, effects, etc.) I originally used an Amiga, and started on
> stuff like SoundTracker, NoiseTracker, and MED. I now have a PC and an
> AWE32, and quite like FastTracker2, which leads me to my first question.
> Why do some/many people trash this tracker? Why do they like
> ScreamTracker3 better? I have both and prefer FT2 for its long samples,
> nicer (and more stable? ST3 crashes often) interface, nice help etc etc.
> It is a nice package, in my opinion.

FT2 threatens to displace the long held standing of ST3 as the #1
tracking utility. Many people dislike that fact. Also, the introduction
of st3's textmode interface and widely different commands from the
standard protracker set make the transition all the more difficult. FT2
is excellent, but not without it's problems...those of us with anything
but a GUS or awe32 find it hard to write mods at 4khz. =)

> SB/GUS debate - why do so many demos etc only support the GUS. I live in
> New Zealand, and the soundcard just about everybody has is the
> SoundBlaster (of one sort or another...). I personally have an AWE32
> with 2 megs ram, and it is fairly nice. I get pretty frustrated having
> this nice card and not being able to hear music on what would probably
> be great demos! Are demo writers going to be supporting the AWE, or only
> the GUS? I am unsure because I don't follow the 'scene'.

The GUS is the de-facto standard in the demoscene, not only because of
the cards capabilities, but also because of Advanced Gravis' excellent
support. Programmers like the card because they can freely obtain SDK's
and the like for the card without cost and hassle, like SB. People like
the GUS because it offers great compatibility for the demo scene, as well
as midi support for cheap.

> The article I have read talks about ripping etc. and some guy called
> Ellegen. I have not heard his version, but (for some reason) still have
> the original Klisje- on disk. Here you are flaming this guy in a most
> public way for a blatent rip - how could it take so long for his tune(s)
> to get noticed as rips. Surely his mates would have heard the tune
> before! It seems strange that he could join a group while offering
> ripped tunes etc. Ok, so now he has been told to bugger off. Are you
> guys such a tight knit group that he will be flamed etc out of
> existence? What are other peoples attitudes to ripping like this? There
> is little or no music scene in NZ - just a few people like me doing the
> odd tune for no-one imparticular.

That incident may have been my fault, as I wasn't aware of his rips (I
hadn't heard the originals before). Things like that happen...and we try
our best to deal with those situations. Rippers get the boot, and as
things turn out, they're dealt with pretty harshly until the 'fess up.
The point is, rippers don't have any respect for the work everyone does,
so they face massive retaliation, especially if they rip someone famous.

> Another quick question before I have to go and do some work concerns
> breakbeats. Do the people doing music (in whatever scene) use sampled
> drumbeats, or is this too considered to be naughty? I have some really
> good tunes that use them, and no-one I know complains. However, I have
> got some .XM modules that have comments saying don't use these, make
> your own etc. I was wondering on your thoughts on this.

Sampled drum loops are's just in certain places like Music
contest 3, judges tend to look poorly on looped drum tracks. There's
nothing wrong about it, it's simply a matter of opinion. Some people
believe we should sequence all our drum tracks by ourselves, instead of
ripping them from cd's...

> Also, is techno a bad thing? I love it, but heaps of people keep saying
> that it is boring etc. try other styles. What are the current attitudes
> about this? Your reply will probably be 'make what you like' etc, but I
> am asking in a more general way.

You're absolutely right...I would say "make what you like." =) Bashing
techno is kind of a trendy thing. There's nothing wrong with techno.
It's just that some people don't like that style of music (I don't care
for it much myself), and after hearing a few bad examples, proceed to
declare the entire spectrum of techno songs as garbage. That isn't the

> Work to be done. Please reply if you feel the need as I am interested in
> your comments. Also, where are the dates of publication for TW????? I
> looked (quickly) but could not find any...

TraxWeekly is published every Thursday night (U.S. eastern), and is
available on /pub/demos/incoming/news.

> - Greg Harding.
> PS. Know any NZ musicians, or even heard of them?

I don't know...=) Readers???

----------------------------[ General Articles ]----------------------------/
...---===[ The Mission Statement ]===---...

Over this last weekend (July 28-30), I have been privileged to spend
an extraordinary amount of time with my fellow musicians. Our purpose in
meeting was to unite the twenty new leaders of the Rancho Buena Vista
Band and Pageantry, and create our mission statement and goals for the next
academic year. Free time discussion turned to music as well, and I wish to
share what I think is set for Epinicion's future, based on my experiences
and discussion.

Epinicion has gained a reputation. We are quite possibly the largest
group to ever exist in the music scene, with one hundred members. We have
been appreciated by many for the support we give to new people and giving
them a chance to show what they can do and improve. Our ideals may be
farfetched, as I recall, and I quote Basehead "you're coming out like the
Mother Theresa of the Music Scene..." It is true that our accomplishments
reached no where near what we hoped to achieve. Now it will be different.
Or at least somewhat different. Something to motivate. Something to push
for what we called a "new standard."

Are we finally irritated at the notion of being called a huge group of
"newbies?" That's what a majority of us are, but do we want that kind of
designation to prompt ill-concieved notions about the quality of our group
and the members as well? Of course we don't. Nobody does. Unfortunately,
not everyone has the will to break the mold.

It is time we took on a new image. Perhaps we have been lazy as of
late. No problem, we can change that. Slowly, we have been expanding, to
engulf as much potential talent as possible. Now it is time to put that to
use. Those of you who are Epinicion members: wouldn't it be worth it if we
were able to give our group the kind of name and prominence that precedes
some other great groups? Most of us started here at the bottom of the
heap, and the group has slowly risen. We must stop rising so slowly, and
take the initiative. We can make our group more than just "oh, it's big."
We can elevate our reputation that puts us above and beyond the "new" crowd
and help us to enter into the REAL competition.

September rolls around again. The beginning of a new academic year
for many. The first few events set the mood for the events to follow. We
should ensure that Epinicion's new standard is one of heightened pride.
We must strive to attain the next level. Epinicion can no longer be the
"newbie" group. We have worked long and hard to earn a dedicated and
respectable following, and it just isn't fair to have those people plagued
with the name of a group that isn't "up to par."

In September, Epinicion will release it's sixth music disk. One year
ago, the Emotion music disk gave us the leap we needed for a continued
existence. Today the critics that scorned our past are gone. We have
managed to obtain the essential element in keeping the group together:
communication. In this group, we all have equal standing. A musician has
as much right to complain as any of his/her fellow members. And as a group
founded for the musician, we listen to ALL input. Now we need ALL of your
input, to make sure the September musicdisk is another level.

If this article sounds like a shameless plug for my group, I'm sorry,
but that's exactly what it is. I've heard many times from numerous people
about how much crap we are, and how foolish we are to even take our form of
"righteousness" into the scene. Well I have news for those people: Our
methods are working. Human beings do not enjoy being berated all the time.
Being left out and ignored are not positive responses. No matter what any
one claims, no matter what is said about Epinicion, we have a purpose: to
assist the new musician, to promote the music scene, and become better.
We care not if you are old, new, etc. You, as musicians, create music. We
at Epinicion wish to share that music, and provide inspiration by the more
experienced members for the newer members. That's the only way it works.
Shame on those of you who would steal our momentum and following for your
own personal glory...

Epinicion's new mission statement is as follows: "Epinicion will
complete the foundation for a group dedicated toward the musicians of the
scene, and begin building on our ascension to the heights of excellence."

And with that, forms a good, maybe even a great group. Some day. Join us.

Best wishes to all of you.

Psibelius [TraxWeekly Columnist]

--[ Introducing: Mazurka]---------------------------------------------------

M A Z U R k A

Hi. It's me, b0b of MAZURkA. :) I asked TEG to write this
little article for us to put in TraxWeekly but i guess he's just
to busy for us, so i decided that i would get off my butt and do
it myself. Anyway. Here we are with our first article for Trax-
weekly. Just to update you all on what's new and what's been
going on since our last release.

We currently have THREE new disks slated for release. Our
MAZ-RAVE2 should be out in the next couple days. It will feature
a whole lot of Trance style music. Our highly awaited [amongst
us at least] Disk 6 is about done. We currently have 15 tunes
waiting for a player. :) Our player [MAZPLAY v1.0] is being
coded by Claim [a new MAZ member]. It will probably be the first
100% configurable Disk Maker. Where anyone can use it to create
their own disks for release. Ah, you say 'What about MDP?', well
this player will allow you to creat your own menus and allow you
to plug in ANY art work that you see fit in any order that you
like. The only common thing will be the playing screen.

Anyway. Our following work will be an ALL SHADE music disk.
We have some WICKED trax that are awaiting release. August will
be quite a wicked month for us. :)

Next, new members. In the last month we have expanded the
member list a little bit. Here is the current list:

o1.b0bby .ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Prez/Organizer/Composer/Samplesú Ryan Vettese
o2.Earth Gazer .ú.ú VicePrez/Composer/Samples .ú.ú.ú Ben Cormier
o3.Mayhem ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Composer/Samples/VGA ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Max Q
o4.Digital Shock .ú Composer ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Jun Malillin
o5.Dynamic Harmonyú Composer ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Dan Hartrell
o6.Skeezix .ú.ú.ú.ú Composer/Occasional Member ú.ú.ú Aaron Milic
o7.Cyber "G"ú.ú.ú.ú Composer ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Larry Pham
o8.Shade .ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Composer/Samples ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Daren Shady
o9.Sonic .ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Composer ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Steve Mason
1o.Hypnotic Melody Composer ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Brian ?
11.Mist ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Coder/Composer/VGA ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Greg Spira
12.Claim .ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Head Coder/Composer .ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Dagan ?
13.DefeX .ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Composer/Samples ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Jim Matheson
14.zake ú.ú.ú.ú.ú.ú Composer/WWW/FTP Co-ordinator .ú Olli Leino

Our new members are zake, Claim and Defex. Claim is our new
coder and zake is our new InterNET d00d/ftp d00d. :) Defex is a
new composer from the Toronto scene. Hypnotic Melody has rejoined
the group after a six month hiatus. :)

Lastly, anyone wanting to make contributions to our Disk Six
release can leave me E-mail at


=--.Coolio Scales.&.Mellodies.--.For.TraxWeekly.--=

I can only imagine what's going through your head at this very moment:
What The Hell Can This Little-14-Year-Old-Canadian-Igloo-Living-Rookie
Tell Us About TRACKING??!?!
Well, as some people know, right now I'm working on my Harmony ;) so
I can do some neeto stuff with MODs and stuff... So what I may be telling
you may be helpful to Rookies and maybe a few MoD-GoDs ;)

Down to business....
NEwayz... I see a lot of people using just about any note in their music.
It can sound cool, but if you organize your scales and stuff, you can make
some nicer music. Organization can be the key to a cool tune.
Lets use a hypothetical character for this example: Studly.
Studly sees a bunch of cool MODs and decides "I want to track!".
He decides for his first song to just make a song with a decent melody.
So he takes a Piano Sample and starts tracking.
A smart idea before tracking your melody is to track your drums so you know
where your down beats fall and stuff. A bass also helps as it gives a guide
line. We'll give Studly some rhythm and the ability to make a beat that
doesn't sound like a dislexic drummer playing. So he puts a Kick on every 4
Then he makes a monotone bass (Please never do this, but This is for a
semi-quasi-real beginnner). He rips a looped strings and lays a C-4 on 00.
Once you have those two things, you should start thinking about a melody.

Studly tracks a melody:
(Piano) (Kick Drum) (Strings)
00 | E-4 01 64 ... | C-4 02 64 ... | C-4 03 64 ... |
01 | B-4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
02 | A#5 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
03 | G#4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
04 | F-5 01 64 ... | C-4 02 64 ... | ... .. .. ... |
05 | C#4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
06 | D-4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
07 | F#5 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |

Not only is the Drum and Bass section lacking punch [GRiN] but the
melody Sounds Ugly with a capital "UG"! If you want to track a melody:
#1) Never EVER Track notes of a melody steadily (Every X amount of rows).
That shows little rhythm.
#2) Use a proper scale for the effect you want.

Scale?!?!??! Whats a scale?!?!?!?

Every scale is fromed by Tones and Semi-Tones. What are tones? Simple.
In ST3 or FT2 or whatever tracking program you use, if you try pushing the
keyboard in this order: AZSXDCFVGBHNJMK1Q2W3E4R5T6Y7U8I9O0P you will
discover the order of every Semi-Tone. (Some Keys don't do anything).
SEMI-TONE- The difference between two notes is as close as possible
(In tracking) EG: C-4, C#4 ; E-4, F-4
-- I'll refer to it as a "ST"
WHOLE-TONE- The difference between two notes is two Semi-Tones. (Skip a
note) EG: C-4, D-4 ; E-4, F#4
-- I'll refer to it as a "WT"

Simple Scales:

MAJOR: } - These scales are
C D E F G A B C } cheesy for making
MINOR (Harmonic): } melodies but lets start
C D D# F G G# B C } with the Basics.

These scales are in the Key of C (Starting on C). If you want to start on
Another note, remember this guide line of tones:

MAJOR: : Starting Note, WT, WT, ST, WT, WT, WT, ST
MINOR: (Harmonic): Starting Note, WT ST WT WT ST W+ST WT
(The First Note) >^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^< (3 Semi-Tones)

Now Studly can make a REALLY cheesy melody. It may be cheesy, but he won't
have to put his songs away before he hurts somebody.

(Piano) (Kick Drum) (Strings)
00 | C-4 01 64 ... | C-4 02 64 ... | C-4 03 64 ... |
01 | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
02 | E-4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
03 | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
04 | E-4 01 64 ... | C-4 02 64 ... | ... .. .. ... |
05 | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
06 | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
07 | F-4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
08 | G-4 01 64 ... | C-4 02 64 ... | C-4 03 64 ... |
09 | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
10 | C-5 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
11 | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
12 | A-4 01 64 ... | C-4 02 64 ... | ... .. .. ... |
13 | F-4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
14 | E-4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
15 | D-4 01 64 ... | ... .. .. ... | ... .. .. ... |
--- ETC.. ETC.. ETC.. ETC.. ETC.. ---

Soon after his fist tune, Studly decides he wants to make a funk tune.
So Studly DLs a bunch of funk tunes and goes rip crazy. He lays down his
Sax sample, his Trumpet sample and his honky tonk sample and puts the drums
down. Studly has SOME sense of rhythm, so he pulls a beat like his last
tune. But Studly, like many other trackers, has no musical talent. He even
got a D- in Music Appreciation.
And he can't make a song funky with the major scale we taught him!
This is what his sax Pattern looks like now:
00 | C-5 01 .. ... |
01 | ... .. .. ... |
02 | A-5 01 .. ... |
03 | F-5 01 .. ... |
04 | E-5 01 .. ... |
05 | D-5 01 .. ... |
06 | ... .. .. ... |
I can already hear trackers all over the world crying. Studly says
"What? It sounds like every other sax solo I've heard? It has a sax,
so its funky!"
Although this song won't make dogs howl, it isn't funk.
How do you make funk?
Scales are the key.
This is where we finally approach more complex scales.
In most (Good) funk tunes, people use the "Jazz" or "Blues" Scale.

BLUES (Or Jazz) SCALE: } - There are many forms of this scale.
C D# F F# G A# C } - I've seen guys change the D# to E &
Start, W+ST, WT, ST, ST, W+ST, WT. } stuff, but lets stick to this version.

Now Studly can do some mega cool sax runs:

00 | C-5 01 .. D0F | VOL. SLIDE <=]] Not just using the Blues scale can
01 | ... .. .. D0F | 4 STACCATTO <=]] make it funky. You should try an
02 | D#5 01 .. ... | ----------- <=]] A05/A08 alternating Beat to make it
03 | F-5 01 .. G90 | PORTAMENTO <=]] swing a bit. (Axx = Song Speed)
04 | F#5 01 .. G90 | FOR WAVEY <=]] As well, use Volume slides, Note
05 | C-6 01 .. G90 | SOUND <=]] Delays (and Portamentos for Pipe
06 | ... .. .. ... | ----------- <=]] and reed instruments) to make the
07 | ... .. .. ... | <=]] sound a little more genuine.
08 | A#5 01 .. ... | ----------- <=]] For those who don't know, staccatto
09 | F#5 01 .. SD1 | DELAY FOR <=]] is a quick sharp note, Portamento
10 | G-5 01 .. G90 | GRACE NOTE <=]] is to Bend the pitch to its
11 | ... .. .. ... | ----------- <=]] destination and a Grace note is a
12 | F-5 01 .. ... | <=]] "Slip" note or a quick note that
13 | D#5 01 .. G90 | <=]] leads to another note.
14 | C-5 01 .. G90 | <=]]
15 | A#4 01 .. G90 | <=]]

BTW, do not use the above melody. It has not been tested and may be lethal.

Once You've used a few scales, you understand the particular sound of a
genre of music. After you can soon after make a melody in a few seconds.
In Fact, in my first Few songs (Crappy, but Nevertheless...) I made
the Bass, The Mid and the drums and right away I started humming a melody
to a looped pattern, as if I knew the song all along. It was freaky, but
that would also explain why they may sound like other tunes, tracks and
songs (Unintentionally).

Just about everyone can benefit from this... More scales gives you the
Capacity to create diffferent tunes.

Other Cool Scales:

CHROMATIC } - Not very useful considering
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C } it contains every note in the
Start, ST, ST, ST, ST, ST... } FUCKING UNIVERSE!! (Except Quarter-Tones)

WHOLE TONE } - Composed completely of Whole Tones.
C D E F# G# A# C } - Ride up and Down the Scale For a
Start, WT, WT... } Dreamy effect.

AEOLIAN } - Used often in pop
C D D# F G G# A# C } music. Kinda cheeso
Start, WT, ST, WT, WT, ST, WT, WT } but hey, Its music.

ORIENTAL PENTATONICS: } - One of the first scales to be "Invented"
C D E G A C } - Used as the base for some Scottish tunes
Start, WT, WT, W+ST, WT, W+ST } - Ride down the scale... 2 notes down
} start a 2nd ride with it (It will make
} Chords which go C+G A+E G+D C+E D+A...)

EGYPTIAN (Or Arabic) PENTATONICS: } - My favorite Scale. Famously used
C C# E F G G# B C } in "COME OUT AND PLAY -Offspring".
Start, ST, W+ST, ST, WT, ST, W+ST, ST } - Played sometimes with a Bb (A#).
} - Adding (or changing a D in any
} Scale to) a C# can make any scale
} sound Egyptian.

Well, That's about it.... I hope that from now on I don't have little
shits coming up to me and saying "What did you think of my Song?" and I
don't have to cry when I hear the crap. And I hope that some
C00Li0 MoD-G0Ds come up to me and compliment me on my musical knowledge :0

Oh yeah, Studly has formed his own group which is so big you can't
even see it...

Oh, and I'd just like to remind you all to watch out for MAZURkA Disk 6.
Its nothing to "Phear" for all you big groups but I'm proud to see we're
growing. Respects to Basehead (THE Music Man) who really could have tracked
_that_ flute part ;) and Lord Pegasus (The [Real] SCAT Man) who thinks I'm
an idiot for saying _it_ sounded egyptian [Wink]. To both, sorry if I came
on as an asshole in #trax. :)
And hey Epiniction, you're doing nice!

NEwayz... Thats it... On that note:

Thank you, Good Night, And Track Softly.

-[ Epinicion Column]--------------------------------------------------------
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|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

This week, we welcome six new members: Kokane (,
Alphabitz (, River (, Distorted
Silence (, Ng Pei Sin (, and Zalt
( With the passing of time, Epinicion has not
only gained in membership, but has also spawned imitators. This week, we
are proud to announce that Epinicion has reached a landmark: At this time
ONE HUNDRED-THREE MEMBERS form the ranks of Epinicion Productions.

The September musicdisk is well under way. Thanks to the following for
their current contributions: Ng Pei Sin, Red King, Zalt, and Zoner. All
members as well as guests are encouraged to help in what we hope will be
Epinicion's best release yet.

I would like to personally wish good luck to those at Aim Higher, who
share our idealistic goals.


All of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found at in
/kosmic/epinicion. Server problems have temporarily downed the WWW server
here as well as Epinicion's home page. We are working in the problem,
and sorry for the inconvenience.

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder

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: : +
... .... ...... a constellation of stars!

Kosmic News and Views for August 3rd, 1995

Another really exciting week in the history of Kosmic. Well, not really. I

New Releases

These are the latest releases since last we did this column:

77 No Joke .............. Phoenix & theHacker 10 .MTM - 5m:05s -6/125- 7/29/95
(K_NOJOKE.ZIP) - Industrial-EBM collaboration, quite packed
78 Macrocosm ................ ChuckB ........ 16 .S3M - 8m:44s -3/130- 8/02/95
(K_MACRO.ZIP) - Great acid trance/dance song by Chuck.

And here's an idea of what's coming soon:

K_ORANGE.ZIP "Orange Skies" by Lord Pegasus
K_PROGR.ZIP "Progress" by The Hacker
K_FREAK.ZIP "The Freakmaker" by Lurch and Maelcum
K_SLACK2.ZIP "Worldwide Slack (Dubbing Sir Slack Remix)" remixed by AndrewM

not necessarily in that order =-)

Kosmic Web Site update

I'm still hacking away at KosmicWeb 2.0, the soon-to-be-live (hopefully)
all-new Kosmic web site. Kosmic is now looking for people with _advanced_
experience creating and maintaining WWW pages; ie someone who is going to
be able to implement some search engines, automatically updating pages etc
with CGI, PERL, etc experience. Candidates should send email to

Kosmic T-Shirts

More information coming soon about Kosmic shirts; once the designs are
finished, you'll be able to check out JPEGs of them on the web site.

Kosmic Top Ten List


10. Just had to see Basehead get pissed off one more time.
9. Couldn't take another Quarex love song.
8. Wants everyone to get fed up and join Epinicion!
6. Torrid email love affair with Miss Saigon takes up all his time.
5. Can't take the heat from them Finnish Musicians.
4. Mael-pattern baldness.
3. Busy cooking up more of that SPACE BUTTER.
2. "Maelcum-throwing" comment in last week's Kosmic Top 10.
1. Too busy thinking up these damn Top 10 lists!

- Maelcum

-[ Distribution Sites ]-----------------------------------------------------

BBS System Name Country/State Phone Number System Operator

Mindflux Australia +61-2-416-2513 Force Format
Velvet Demosite Belgium +32-3-3851594 Sleeping Dog
AltConn BBS Brazil +55-11-816-2031 Herman Fuchs
Hack / Ploddt Canada 902-625-5920 Popcorn
Beats per Minute Canada 418-660-8137 Populus
Our World Canada 416-740-4346 b0b
Cyber Web Italy +39-331-310641 ArachniD
TH Rijswijk BBS Netherlands +31-70-3401534 Raymond Dijkxhoorn
The Digital Dream New Zealand +64-7-856-1376 Black Friday
MultiMedia GS Singapore +65-252-1220 Lee Teck Chee
The Portal Sweden +46-26-196363 Coyote & Cyanid
Sound & Vision U.K. +44-181-288-8444 Rob Barth
Aethelwulf Utopia United States 309-862-4918 Quarex
Synthetic Amusement United States 410-795-8526 Sirrus


* Distribution Site Applications ->are<- being accepted at this time. *

Send all requests to Neurosis at!

-[Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info]-------------------------------------------------

_____TraxWeekly General.Info

TraxWeekly is on the World Wide Web! Officially, the sites are:

Popcorn also has a WWW page:

Partek is in Finland and Kosmic is in the US. So, choose the server nearest
to you for the fastest connection. This page is maintained by Dragunov.

_____How to subscribe to TraxWeekly

TraxWeekly subscriptions are available, and can be requested in this matter:

Send mail to:
And put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name]

If you want to unsubscribe to the list, mail the same address and write:

unsubscribe trax-weekly

TraxWeekly is also available on

/pub/demos/incoming/news/ for the most recently uploaded version, or
/pub/demos/news/traxw/ for all of the back issues.

_____How to subscribe to DemoNews

#1 E-mail to (any subject line will do)

#2 On the first line in the body of the mail, write:

subscribe demuan-list FirstName LastName


subscribe demuan-list Christopher Mann
subscribe demuan-list Snowman
subscribe demuan-list <---- WRONG!!

The listserver will automatically take the return address of your
mail. That address is where newsletters will be sent. You can not
specify an alternate address.

#3 Send it

_____Having Trouble?

If you have difficulty with the listserver, feel free to write Snowman
at for problems with the DemoNews list, and
Popcorn at for problems with the TraxWeekly list.


For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

Handle Address Area
----------- ------------------------ -------------------
Popcorn Editor
GraveDigger Co-Editor
Neurosis Co-ordinator / BBS Distro
Psibelius Columnist
Claim Graphics
White Wizard No internet access ASCII Art
Dragunov WWW Page

You can also contact Hornet at:

Handle Address Area
----------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
Dan Wright Freedom CD coordinator
Floss Music Contest 3 coordinator
GraveDigger columnist, file mover, musician
Ior columnist
JsNO coder
Meriadoc columnist, coder
Popcorn editor (TraxWeekly)
Ryan Cramer columnist
Snowman organizer, editor (DemoNews), coder
Stony graphician
Trixter coder, web master, file mover

/---------------------------------[ End ]------------------------------------

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until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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