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TraxWeekly Issue 026

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Apr 2019


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ps: woa, a rendered askee!

TraxWeekly Issue: #26 | Release date: 09-14-95 | Current subscribers: 332

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Thanks for downloading TraxWeely #26! If no one downloaded TraxWeekly,
I would have no reason to put it together, so thanks for your support :)

If you would like to support TraxWeekly even more, how about writing
an article? Without this support, there would be no TraxWeekly either =)

Thanks to Psibelius, Mhoram, Swill, Kal Zekath, and AmusiC for their

I'm going to make TraxWeekly as regular as possible, from now on,
TraxWeekly will be released at 11pm EST on IRC, and will be on
the mailing list and by 11:30. So if you want your
copy "hot off the press" be sure to be on IRC at 11pm on Thursday!

- Popcorn


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General Articles

1. Blah, Who Cares?...........................Psibelius
2. Why are we here?...........................Mhoram
3. The Art of a Fool..........................Swill
4. Faces in the Crowd.........................Kal Zakath

Group Columns

1. Epinicion..................................Psibesius
2. Shortest International Music Competition...Amusic
3. Contrast Voting............................Mystical


TraxWeekly Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info
Group Members


-[1. Blah: Who Cares?]------------------------------------------[Psibelius]-

I think I'm pretty safe to assume that a large number of you are
pissed at Popcorn and TraxWeekly's state of affairs for last month. Let me
assure you that I was indeed pissed as all heck as well, because I was
seeing a solid publication with about 50% of the content mine go down-
hill...well, guess what? Popcorn's back to running TraxWeekly, but before
you go screaming in anguish, give me a few minutes.

So Popcorn's slacked off quite a bit...coincidentally he manages to
get into a medical turnover right at the perfect instance. Do we care?
Is it really that significant? The world is not going to end if TraxWeekly
doesn't come out on time...but it doesn't make anyone happy if it NEVER
comes out on time. The result of TraxWeekly #25 is quite apparent...a few
of us, tired of being dependent and unable to get some progress, took it
into our own hands to get TraxWeekly out and back on schedule. Obviously,
it's effected some serious repercussions. Forgive and forget. Popcorn is
capable of doing his job.

I am here to tell all of you that TraxWeekly will stay consistent.
Starting right now, you will see copies of TraxWeekly come out every
Thursday, without delays or excuses. I'm pretty sick of dealing with
excuses every damn week, and I'm sure most of you are too. The bottom line
is: TraxWeekly comes out, no matter what happens. I assure of that.

Anyways, I'll be back to a normal writing schedule next week, with
music reviews, an interview (wow, about time!), and few more delicious
tidbits I've been scraping off of IRC #trax as of late. =)

Psibelius [TraxWeekly]

-[2. Why are we here?]------------------------------------------[Mhoram]-

I wanted to write an article on Windows 95 this week, but I've been too
busy to get it done. Specifically, I'm planning on writing an article
about compatibility between Windows 95 and the various trackers, samplers,
and players on the scene. I'd appreciate any comments or bugs that you
may have - mail them to Once I get enough time to
do some thorough testing I'll get the article out.

This week, I would like to respond to some comments by Psibelius in last
week's issue. My disclaimer up front - this is NOT intended to start any
type of flame war. Psibelius made some excellent points that I would like
to build upon and I'd also like to clarify some remarks that he made in
reference to some of my past articles.

First, I couldn't agree more - there needs to be a lot less criticism and
a lot more cooperation on the scene. But most importantly, it is vital to
seperate criticism from opinion. Making a statement such as "there needs
to be more diversity on the scene" or "ripping samples is bad" is giving
an opinion, not criticism. I strongly believe that everyone is entitled
to their opinion, and whether or not we agree with it we should respect
it. The purpose of TraxWeekly is to exchange ideas and opinions with
others in this wonderful world of music. We can't be afraid to share our
opinions, even if many will disagree. Otherwise, why bother writing
anything at all?

Criticism is a whole different issue. Slamming someone on a personal level
should not be tolerated in a publication or a public forum. Personal
disagreements should be settled privately. I really don't care to see
things such as "his music sucks" or "his mother is a <fill in the blank>";
I've got better things to do with my time. Fortunately, very little if
any of this kind of bashing takes place publicly. And that's the way it
should be... but that's just my opinion <G>.

Of course, not all criticism is bad. Constructive criticism should always
be welcome. Music and demo reviews will always be subjective in nature,
and we should respect the opinions and thoughts of those dedicated and
brave enough to publish their reviews. Comments such as "the song was
really good, but the strings were an octave too high" or "the change at
pattern 10 was a little abrupt, but clever" help us all improve and grow
in our musical career. Constructive criticism is always good, provided it
is honest, insightful, and not malicious.

Hopefully this is making some kind of sense. It's late, I'm tired, and I
have an editor pushing a deadline <G>. Not to mention the fact that I'd
rather have my fingers on my wife instead of this keyboard... ah, the
sacrifices one makes! I would like to personally thank Psibelius for
bringing the whole criticism issue to the forefront; it's something we all
deal with as musicians. I'd also love to commend him on his superb use of
irony - he expressed his strong feelings against criticism by... well...
criticizing ;-). Give him two points for cleverness!

There is one last thing I'd like to clarify before I sign off. In a
previous article I made the following statement: "It seems that everyone
is trying to become Skaven and write their own spin on Second Reality."
It seems I was taken way out of context; I didn't mean for that to be taken
literally. It was just a simile; a figure of speech (my English professor
would be proud). I could have just as easily used Beethoven or Mozart as
an example, but I used Skaven since he's probably more popular <G>. I do
not believe that Skaven has some intellectual property rights to any tune
that is written that sounds remotely classical; I just used his Second
Reality as my example since almost everyone and their pet dog has heard it.
I'll be more careful in the future... I'm being watched out there!

That's enough babble for one week. My apologies for going slightly off
topic, but things have been hectic and I haven't had the chance to write
the articles that I really want. Next week I'll do my best to put something
together of more interest. Until then, let's all hope that Popcorn gets
better and the women get wetter!


-[3. The Art of a Fool and Other Misadventures in Tune City]-----[Swill]-

So the end is sweet. You're sighing with the relief at the end of the Long
Slog,in your seat, up as high as you can with perhaps a beer in your hand
or perhaps something less filling but just as satisying. You're looking at
the monitor and there's this feeling of power inside your chest, crawling
up your throat and through the eardrums. As deaf as death. Your think:
What have I done? Is this me? Oh my god, I'm standing with the Gods, and
I can feel their warm hands patting me across the back, a little too hard
yes, but do I feel great! The monitor is humming, the hard drive is waiting
for its next function, and you're sitting back relaxed staring so deep
into the screen it begins to hurt your eyes. And for the next hour you're
still in that posture, your ear drums are hurting now and while you're
sitting back, listening to This Great Song, something happens. Like a
creeping death, you can feel it slither across your body.

As you're listening the song begins to change. Subtle changes at first.
Would not have been noticeable had you listened to the song a few times.
But you can hear it. The melody is all wrong. It's alienated from the
whole piece; almost like a separate entity it jumps out at you until
that's all you hear. Some of the pulses are vibrated and it sounds

At once you stop the song, hang your head low, and after a while go back
to the edit screen. You think to yourself: I'm better off without a
melody. Who needs one anyway? Wasn't there music out there that only
used percussion? and a little bass line? Forget the bass line and just
have the thumping beat. You could call your music percussion techno, and
hail in a new style of dance music. So you delete the melody and the
bass, whack them out of the sample directory. Then you save the song.

There's this sour taste in your mouth now. Your head hurts and you drink
some more. After listening to the song another dozen times you decide a
change is at hand; a title change. You call the song SHIT96.MOD and save
it to disk. Fuck it. Perhaps, you think, you'll bring it out of the trunk
and rework it one day.

You're still day dreaming at the computer hours later; you've forgotten
the mod and are now thinking of starting another song. Before you even
enter the edit menu and way before you've even found some nice samples
you can hear the applause inside your head and the fan mail hitting your
hard drive, and having taken out first place in a half respectable comp.
Kosmic is after you to join their ranks with the offer of money and
you're got half a dozen requests already to write songs for games. Oh
the triumph! The glory! Being on top of all those struggling trackers out
their and standing along side your new peers.

Never once, while you're composing, do you think that later, not that much
later, you're going to be disappointed and drunk with the thought of
suicide, and renamed the song: SHIT97.MOD. Why would you? Surely Boris
Blank wrote bad songs, and Harlan Ellison bad stories they hid away; the
only person in the world knowing of their existence the composer him or
herself. Ofcourseofcourseofcourseyeahofcourse...


-[4. Faces in the Crowd]------------------------------------[Kal Zakath]-

Hello, and welcome to a new weekly feature of TraxWeekly! This column
will be dedicated to helping all aspiring demoscene musicians out there
in their quest to make a name for themselves in the rapidly growing music

Because of the sheer volume of music being released these days, it
grows harder and harder to keep up with all the new productions, and all
the new composers. Unfortunately, because of this, many people resort to
just FTPing the music of the "big name" musicians. There is nothing
inherently wrong with this, of course, but many of the unknowns are just
left in the dust. HORNET Demonews might review the songs, however that
does little to help the no-name composer. Their song might be given a ***
or a ***+, yet that hardly guarantees that people will give it a listen.
That's why the concept for this column came about. I figured that with a
little bit of press in a respected music scene newsletter, a musician could
go a long way towards improving their reputation.

Anyhow, here is what we will include each week:

1) a small info article about a little-known composer
2) a short interview with the person about his tracking style, influence,
3) the composer's release listing, so people can check out his tunes
4) the composer's e-mail address, so listeners can send comments and

If you are an unknown musician and would like to be featured in Trax
Weekly, here's how you do it:

Send an e-mail message to me (Kal Zakath) at
(or you can talk to me on #trax, my nick is 'jtown'). Let me know a
few bits of info about you, such as...

1) name, handle, group (if any), misc info if you want (age, where you
live, where you go to school, whatever you want people to know)
2) locations (FTP sites) of one or two of your releases, so I can check
them out
3) when you'd have the time to conduct a small interview on IRC

If you do this, I should have no problem working you into this column.
Don't worry that your music is not good enough to get you featured here.
The idea is to benefit the aspiring musician. If your music shows some
reasonable potential, i'll be more than happy to help to spread the word
about your work. :> This is open to anyone who believes that more people
in the scene should know about their compositions!

Thank you for taking the time to read this column; I hope it will be
able to raise the awareness of the scene to some of the great hidden talent
out there. Any questions or comments can be directed to me (Kal Zakath).
I'll do my best to answer all e-mail. Be seeing you!

- Kal Zakath / Inferno -

IRC: 'jtown' on #trax

/-[Group Columns]-----------------------------------------------------------

-[1. Epinicion Column]------------------------------------------------------
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|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|

New songs this week include "Uninvited Guest" [XM] by Bert.

The September musicdisk needs songs. REPEAT: The September MusicDisk
needs songs. Thanks to the following for their current contributions:
Aradia, Dodger, Frankenstein, Ng Pei Sin, Red King, River, Zalt, and
Zoner. Members, please. We need some support to get this disk off the
ground. We can't afford to keep putting our projects off.



Most of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found at in

No, we don't have the homepage up yet. Server Problems. As Usual.

Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder

-[2. Shortest International Music Competition]------------------[AmusiC]-

______ _____ TM __ __ __ __ __ __
\ / \ / / / / / / / / / / /\/\ / / / /
_\/ /_ / | \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / X . \ / <_/ / <_/ -- / / / / / / <_/ / /
\ ____X___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
\/MeEnUhTz\/ \ / / / / \ \/ / / / / \/ AmC

Welcome To The Shortest International Music Competition

Few Words On The Compo

One Night Some Folks On The #trax Channel Were Planning To
Organise A 20 Minute Tune Competition. As I Went In #trax,
Everyone Was Dealing With That Matter, With A Great Amount
Of Disbelief. So, Since I Had Nothing Better To Do, I Said
To Myself: Time To Do Something Revolting. So I Did.

I Made A Channel Called #ChIpCoMpO and Gathered Up People
Who Were More Than Glad To Participate. I Created A Rules
File, Spread It Arround, Rollcaled The Contestants, Pulled
The Trigger And Within 2 Days, We Had Finished Both The
Competition (which Lasted 30 Minutes) and The Voting (which
Lasted The Rest Of The 2 Days).

The Day After

After The Final Results Had Been Released, I Recieved Good
Remarks From Many People (Famous & Infamous) As Well As Their
Anxiety To Participate To The Next Competition. So I Decided
To Establish This Competition As A Weekly One. I Even Talked
To Popcorn And He Said, He'd Like Announcements And A Column
Related To This Competition, To Be Featured In Trax Weekly.

So With Your Blessing

We Managed To Turn This Happening Into A Legend, And Gave It
A Name...

So Welcome To The "20 Meenuhtz(tm) Chip-Compo"

Trax Weekly

I Want To Personaly Thank PopCorn For Adding An Extra Column
To Trax Weekly And Host Our Announcements And Results. So
Each Week You'll Be Informed On Every Aspect Of The Competition
Thanx Again PopCorn.. (TraxWeekly Is Now One Of Our Official

Some Preliminary Clarifications

Because Of The Subject Of This Competition, Its Easy For One
To "Cheat" And Prepare A Chip Tune A Week Before The Arranged
20 Minute Duration Allowed. Although Someone Would Miss All
The Fun Of It, We Were Forced To Add An Extra Rule.
Each Week There Will Be A Sample Pack, Containing Short (Chip)
Samples, And The Composer Should Use These Samples (All Or Less)
To Create His Chip Tune. The Samples Are Also Detuned, To Avoid
Ready Made Patterns. I'm Sorry I Had To Establish This Rule, And
I Know It Limits Creativity In A Way, But Its The Only Way To
Avoid Cheating... If Someone Can Figure Of A Better Way To Do So,
Please Contact Me On The Double.

Place And Time Of Competition

The 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo, Is Held Every Saturday On Channel
#ChIpCoMpO (The Official 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo Channel) At
02:00AM CET (MTV Europe's Time). So For Those Who Live In
Europe And Sleep Early On Friday, They Should Forget Their Sleep
For Those Who Live In The States, It Should Be Friday Noon or
Afternoon, So There Wont Be A Problem.

Whats The Catch?

There Is NO Catch Or Prize, Since The Competition Is Held And
Maintained By One Person Only, And There Is No Sponsor (Besides
Bass Productions) To Support It. So Its Done For The Sake Of
Having Fun, And Gaining Fame For Acquiring 1st Place In The

\ \ __ __ ____ ____
/ / //\/ // / / __// __/
/ \// / // X__/ __//\_ \
\/\ \\__/ \/__/\__/ \___/

(01) Contestants Should Be Present At #ChIpCoMpO Channel On The
Competition Time, And Declare Competitors. No Competitors Are
Accepted Before The Competition Time, And After Competition
Has Started.
(02) Each Competitor, Should Compete With Only One Tune, Which Should
Comply With All Of The Following Rules :

a) Maximum File Size (Uncompressed) Should Be 20 Kilobytes
b) Maximum Number Of Channels Allowed Is 4 (four)
c) The Competitor MUST Use The Samples Of The Sample Pack For
The Tune, And At MOST 2 (two) Other Samples Of His/Her Choice.
d) The Tune Must Be DCC'ed Or Mailed Before The Given Deadline
e) The Tune Must Be Uncompressed

A Tune Not Compatible With The Above Rules, Will Be Instantly

(03) The Duration Of The Competition Is 20 Minutes Plus 10 More For
Connecting and Transfering The Tune.
(04) The Filename Of The Tune Should Be Comprised Of 3 Parts. A Three
Letter Abreviation Of The Competitors Nickname (Or Name), a dash
And A Four Letter Abreviation Of The Song's Name (.Extension).
ex. If I Made A ChipTune Called Tomahawk, The File Name would
Look Like This: amu-tmhk.mod
(05) Allowed Formats Are: MOD (Pro/Fasttracker) Format
XM (Fasttracker ][ ) Format
S3M (ScreamTracker 3) Format
(06) All The Tunes Should Be DCC'ed To User AmusiC In Channel
#ChIpCoMpO Or Mailed To: In MIME Format
(Pine's Encryption Format).
(07) Contestants Are Not Allowed To Leave #ChIpCoMpO Before The
Signal That Initiates The "Bout". Contestants That Leave Before
The Signal, Are Instantly Disquilified.
(08) Voting Takes Place Right After The End Of The Competition, And
Lasts Till Sunday 2:00AM CET (When No More Voting Forms Will Be
(09) Competitors Can Vote, But Cannot Vote For Themselves. Also,
Unless All Competitors Vote, No Competitor's Voteform Will Be
Taken In Mind For The Final Results.
(10) Voteforms Should Also Be DCC'ed To User AmusiC In Channel
#ChIpCoMpO Or Mailed To: In MIME Format
(Pine's Encryption Format).

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\ __/_ __ __/\ / / ________/ / /
/ / / \/ \/ / / / / / / __/ _ <
/ / / / / / / / / / X_/ / / / / // /
\__/\__/\__/\__/ \/_/\__/\__/\/ \/


Credits Fly Over To DarkHeart and DeathBringer For Giving Me
The Initial Idea Of The 20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo. Also To Mondo
Cyberdmon, Ms_Saigon And Rimbo For Participating In The Compo,
As Well To Mute, For Winning The First Compo.

Looking For...

20 Meenuhtz Chip-Compo Is Looking For A Place To Live In.
We Need An FTP Site To Host Our Announcements, Sample Packs
Contestant Entries, Rule Files And Result Files.

FTP Providers, Would Be Gladly Included In Our Announcement And
Rule Files As Sponsors.

We Need A Bot For The #ChIpCoMpO Channel To Maintain It Open And
Clean From Invasions. Bot Providers, Will Also Be Considered As
Sponsors And Will Be Credited As Well In Our Announcment And
Rule Files.


To Contact AmusiC (Sotiris Varotsis) e-mail at: or

Or You Can Occasionaly Find Me On IRC Channels:

#trax, #daskmig, #amigascne, #ChIpCoMpO, #coders, #theend

Ending Notes

I Hope You Enjoy The Competition, And That You'll Help Us
Keep The Flame Burning. Thank You.

-[3. Contrast voting Form ]-------------------------------------------------

Here's the voting form for Contrast #3, Purple's diskmag. Please fill it out
and return it to, or snail mail it to:

Troels Rasmussen
Lindevej 4
3550 Slangerup

- You'll then be added to the list of voters included with Contrast #3.

NOTE: If you do not know ten (or whatever number) of entries that are
worth adding to the charts, DON'T! Only add those that you consider good
enough to include. And please don't vote for your own group/members of
your group.


Musician, editor of the Contrast Division


Name/handle: .....................

Group: .....................

Best demo: 1: .................. by .................
2: .................. by .................
3: .................. by .................
4: .................. by .................
5: .................. by .................
6: .................. by .................
7: .................. by .................
8: .................. by .................
9: .................. by .................
10:.................. by .................

Best intro: 1: .................. by .................
2: .................. by .................
3: .................. by .................
4: .................. by .................
5: .................. by .................
6: .................. by .................
7: .................. by .................
8: .................. by .................
9: .................. by .................
10:.................. by .................

Best game: 1: ..................
2: ..................
3: ..................
4: ..................
5: ..................
6: ..................
7: ..................
8: ..................
9: ..................

Best coder: 1: ..................
2: ..................
3: ..................
4: ..................
5: ..................
6: ..................
7: ..................
8: ..................
9: ..................

Best musician: 1: ..................
2: ..................
3: ..................
4: ..................
5: ..................
6: ..................
7: ..................
8: ..................
9: ..................

Best graphician:
1: ..................
2: ..................
3: ..................
4: ..................
5: ..................
6: ..................
7: ..................
8: ..................
9: ..................


TraxWeekly is available via ftp from /pub/demos/incoming/news (new issues) /pub/demos/news/traxw/ (back issues)

TraxWeekly is also available via WWW from

To subscribe, send mail to:
and put in the message body: subscribe traxweekly [your real name]
To unsubscribe, mail same and: unsubscribe trax-weekly (in message body)

Articles submitted for TraxWeekly must be formatted for 76 columns, have a
space preceding every line, and must be readable/understandable.

For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:

Dragunov (Nicholas St-Pierre).[WWW]
Maelcum (Dan Nicholson).......[Co-Ordinator]
Mhoram (John Niespodzianski)..[Columnist]
Popcorn (Chris Campbell)......[Editor]
Psibelius (Gene Wie)..........[Columnist]

Please submit articles to popcorn at, any ideas for
new articles or columns can be sent to maelcum at


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..:::::::::::::::: .:: .::::::: :::::::: ::::::.. ::: ::: :::
until next week! (=
.. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. .

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