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The Nullifidian Volume 1 Number 01.5

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The Nullifidian
 · 5 years ago


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######## Volume I, Number 1.5 ***A Collector's Item!***##########
###################### ISSN 1198-4619 ###########################
########################## MAY 1994 ###############################

In the mythology and symbolism of our name, "Lucifer" is not to be
confused with ha-Satan, the mythological source of evil. Lucifer's
ancient identity was a bearer of light, the morning star, and it is
as such that this journal intends to publish.

As the religion virus depends on obscurity, obfuscation, confusion,
irrationality and darkness in order to flourish, it is natural that
it would see light as an enemy. Rational, skeptical inquiry has
ever been the enemy of all religions and is ultimately fatal to all

The purpose of this magazine is to provide a source of articles
dealing with many aspects of humanism. Humanists have been
vilified by the religious as immoral. Apparently, the most
horrible thing they can think of is an atheist.

As we find their values, such as faith in the non-existent,
obedience to the imaginary and reverence of the ridiculous,
repulsive, we adopt the name of their ancient antagonist with

We are atheistic as we do not believe in the actual existence of
any supernatural beings or any transcendental reality.

We are secular because the evidence of history and the daily
horrors in the news show the pernicious and destructive
consequences of allowing religions to be involved with politics and

We are humanists and we focus on what is good for humanity, in the
real world. We will not be put off with offers of pie in the sky,
bye and bye.


Despite this beautiful explanation there are many who have objected
to the title of the magazine. Therefore, a contest has been
announced to search for a new title. The winner will receive
mention and a free subscription.

You may also vote to retain the current title.

So far, exchanging Lucifer for Phosphorous has been suggested, as
well as for Prometheus. There has been a suggestion for Beyond
Belief. Apparently, a new title means a new ISSN, which is not a
big problem.

Awaiting your responses.

|| Begging portion of the Zine ||

This is a "sharezine." There is no charge for receiving this, and
there is no charge for distributing copies to any electronic
medium. Nor is there a restriction on printing a copy for use in
discussion. You may not charge to do so, and you may not do so
without attributing it to the proper author and source.

If you would like to support our efforts, and help us acquire
better equipment to bring you more and better articles, you may
send money to Greg Erwin at: 29, ch Grimes / Aylmer, Qc / J9J 1H4
/ CANADA. The will change on 1994 July 1 to: 100 Terrasse Eardley
/ Aylmer, Qc J9H 6B5.

|| End of Begging portion of the Zine ||

Articles will be welcomed IF:
they are emailed to: ai815@FreeNet.Carleton.CA; or,

sent on diskette to me at the above Aylmer address in any format
that an IBM copy of WordPerfect can read; ) and

they don't require huge amounts of editing; and

I like them.

If you wish to receive a subscription, email a simple request to
ai815@FreeNet.Carleton.CA, with a clear request for a subscription.

It will be assumed that the "From:" address is where it is to be
sent. We will automate this process as soon as we know how.

Yes, please DO make copies!

Please DO send copies of Lucifer's Echo to anyone who might be

The only limitations are:
You must copy the whole document, without making any changes to it.

You do NOT have permission to copy this document for commercial

The contents of this document are copyright (c) 1994, Greg Erwin
and are on deposit at the National Library of Canada


I want to get this information out, and announce the contest for a
new name. Because this has to do with crimes of the clergy, (a
notoriously immoral and crime-prone group), it is exceptionally
long. Thus, it would have been hard to include it with the
continuing articles "Christianity on Trial for Crimes against
Humanity," by Dr. Wendell Watters; a four part series beginning in
issue 2; and "Anti-Semitism, Its Prevalence Within the Christian
Right," by Skipp Porteous, a two part series beginning in issue 3.

Shameless advertising and crass commercialism:
Atheistic self-stick Avery(tm) address labels. Consisting of 180
different quotes, 30 per page, each label 2 5/8" x 1". This leaves
three 49 character lines available for your own address, phone
number, email, fax or whatever. Each sheet is US$2, the entire set
of 6 for US$11; 2 sets for US$20. Indicate quantity desired. Print
address clearly, exactly as desired. Order from address in
examples below. Laser printed, 8 pt Arial, with occasional

|"Reality is that which, when you stop believing |
|in it, doesn't go away." [Philip K. Dick] |
|Greg Erwin 100 Terrasse Eardley |
|Aylmer, Qc J9H 6B5 Canada |
| email: ai815@FreeNet.Carleton.CA |

|"...and when you tell me that your deity made |
|you in his own image, I reply that he must be |
|very ugly." [Victor Hugo, writing to clergy] |
|Greg Erwin 100 Terrasse Eardley |
|Aylmer, Qc J9H 6B5 Canada Ph: (613) 954-6128 |
| email: ai815@FreeNet.Carleton.CA |

Other stuff for sale:

Certificate of Baptism Removal and Renunciation of Religion.
Have your baptism removed, renounce religion, and have a neat 8" x
11" fancy certificate, on luxury paper, suitable for framing, to
commemorate the event! Instant eligibility for excommunication!
For the already baptism-free: Certificate of Freedom from Religion.
An official atheistic secular humanist stamp of approval for only

Poster 8x11: WARNING! This is a religion free zone!
All religious vows, codes, and commitments are null & void
herein. Please refrain from contaminating the ideosphere with
harmful memes through prayer, reverence, holy books,
proselytizing, prophesying, faith, speaking in tongues or
spirituality. Fight the menace of second-hand faith!
Humanity sincerely thanks you!
Tastefully arranged in large point Stencil on luxury paper.

4. Ingersoll poster: "When I became convinced that the
universe is natural" speech excerpt. 11"x17" See the June
1994 issue of the _Echo_ for full text.

Order from the same address as above.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-TABLE OF CONTENTS-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

1. You Won't Believe You're Reading This! from Freethought Today.

2. Black Collar Crimes, from Freethought Today.

You Won't Believe You're Reading This!
[Freethought Today, April 1994]

Good Guys Wear Black? The week after charges of sexual abuse
against Cardinal Joseph Bernardin were dropped, Chicago
Sun-Times editorial cartoonist Jack Higgins presented the
cardinal with the original drawing of a cartoon featuring a
smiling Bernardin, with the words "Good Guys Wear Black."
The newspaper even carried a posed picture with Bernardin
and Higgins. How cozy. Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 3/5/94

Priest: Torch Women Clergy. On the eve of the first
ordinations of women priests in the Church of England, the
Rev. Anthony Kennedy, London, said he "would burn the bloody
bitches" alive at the stake. Source: Orange Co. Register,

Prayerful Florida. Despite more than 30 years of solid
precedent against school prayer, the House committee of the
Florida legislature voted 12-5 to approve a bill to return
prayer to school sports events, graduation ceremonies and
other assemblies. Source: Florida Times-Union, 3/15/94

Bishop "Bans" Pills. Bishop John J. Myers of Peoria has
banned Catholic hospitals in his diocese from offering
"morning-after pills" to rape victims. Source: Springfield
Sunday Republican

Walker Story Banned, Reinstated. Following a campaign by the
Traditional Values Coalition led by Beverly Sheldon, the
California Board of Education committee in December pulled a
7-page story, "Roselily," by Pulitzer Prize-winning author
Alice Walker, from a statewide English test, for being
"anti-religious." Then Gov. Wilson endorsed a decision by
the state Board of Education to pull another Walker story
(for being "anti-meat-eating") from a statewide English
exam. Walker then rejected a Governor's Arts Award, which
would have designated her as a "state treasure." She agreed
to accept the award only after the state Board of Education
voted unanimously to reverse itself in March and return
stories by Walker and Annie Dillard to future achievement
tests for public students. Source: San Francisco Chronicle,

Another Virgin Mary Sighting. Up to 5,000 Cincinnati-area
residents gathered on Jan. 8, and 500-1,000 on Feb. 8 to
await a Virgin Mary apparition as a self-avowed visionary
claimed to receive a message from Mary in a farm in
Falmouth, Kentucky. Source: Cincinnati Enquirer, 2/9/94

Fairfax Buys Anti-Gay Books. Following Christian lobbying,
Fairfax Co. library officials ordered more than 100 copies
of 11 anti-gay books, spending $1,100 to placate Christians
angered that 22 libraries permit the Washington Blade, a gay
newspaper, to be distributed in county libraries. Source:
Washington Post, 2/5/94

Praying Women Beaten In Court. The 25 women who were beaten
with chairs, pelted with mud, spat upon, and berated as
"pigs" by the ultra-orthodox for daring to pray at
Jerusalem's Western Wall 5 years ago suffered a defeat
before the Israeli Supreme Court. It denied their petition
to protect the right of all Jewish women to pray. Source:
Springfield Sunday Republican, 1/30/94

Nothing To Fear But Ignorance. When Dr. Jack Kevorkian
quietly moved from his apartment to a bungalow in West
Bloomfield Township, Michigan, a new neighbor told a
reporter: "I'm not afraid of him. I don't think he'll bother
me, because I have a German shepherd." Source: Detroit Free
Press, 3/11/94

Daniel Maguire Dis-Invited. Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los
Angeles revoked a speaking invitation to former priest
Daniel Maguire of Marquette University to attend a Catholic
education congress: "I will not abide the presence of any
speaker at our congress who teaches anything contrary to the
full teachings of our Catholic Church." Source: L.A. Times,

Deacon Charged In Crossbow Killing. A church deacon, Donald
Graham, 54, of Woonsocket, RI, received support from his
First Baptist Church after he was charged with shooting an
ambulance attendant in the chest with a crossbow after a
traffic argument, getting back in his car and driving home
with his wife. Michael Blodgett, 42, died 6 hours later.
Source: Scripps Howard News Service, 2/22/94

Christian Network Cancels Gay Shows. Producers of two gay TV
programs in Key West, Florida, say the owner of a small
station canceled their shows due to pressure by the
Christian Trinity Broadcasting Network, which buys time on
the channel. Source: Springfield Union-News, 3/1/94

/******** A plea from the folks at FFRF: if you have any
further information about the crimes referred to in the
following clips, please communicate the same to them. If
you would like to be a part of the network, please clip and
send "Black Collar Crimes" to Freedom From Religion
Foundation P.O. Box 750 Madison, WI 53701. Make sure to
have the clipping include the newspaper name and
date. There is an organization known as VOCAL, the Victims
of Clergy Abuse Link-up, if you are, or know of a victim of
clergy abuse. You will have to get the address from FFRF, I
can't find it.***************/

Black Collar Crimes
Freethought Today
April, 1994
Compiled By Denise McLaughlin

Man Sues Diocese For Molestation. While an altar boy in 1975
at Sacred Heart Church, Robert M. Delgado, now 30, says
Brother Jorge Ortiz Lopez sexually assaulted him in the
rectory. Delgado has filed suit against the Diocese of
Phoenix and the Franciscan Fathers of Arizona. Though a
police report indicated Delgado was intoxicated when he
entered Lopez's room, Lopez takes full responsibility and
punishment. The suit says the defendants promised to pay for
Delgado's counseling but have reneged on the agreement.
Source: Arizona Republic, 2/5/94

Assault Case Settled. A man, 28, who was recovering from
epileptic seizures in his apartment when he was attacked,
will receive $300,000 in damages from the Sierra Vista
Baptist Church for the sexual assault by John Adams Marshall
in April 1991. Marshall performed oral sex and fondled the
weakened man while pinning him down. The jury found the
church 40% liable for Marshall's assault and negligent in
retaining him as minister. Marshall did not lose his
ordination to be a minister elsewhere. Source: Inland Valley
Daily Bulletin, 1/8,15/94

Church Paper Omits Priest Abuse Ad. A national meeting for
victims of sexual abuse by priests was held in Marina del
Rey in late January. The group attempted for 3 weeks to
publish an ad for the meeting in Tidings, the newspaper of
the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The church claims the ad was
lost from the computer due to the earthquake on Jan. 17.
This is the second time the paper has failed to run an ad
relating to sexual abuse by priests. Barbara Blaine, founder
of the survivors network, said, "I don't believe that their
excuses are the real reasons that the ad did not run."
Source: Los Angeles Times, 1/28/94

Court Overturns Conviction. Even though the jury gave guilty
verdicts against Jon L. Walker, 45, pastor of Springfield
Baptist Church in San Luis Obispo, the court overturned the
1992 conviction of child sexual molestation and abuse of his
female cousin, because one of the jurors may have concealed
that he knew Walker and the woman. Both the defense and the
prosecution urged the judge to investigate the juror, but he
refused, with no reason. The woman, now 19, testified that
Walker began molesting her when she was 11 and began
intercourse when she was in 9th grade, until she was 15. She
now doubts whether she can go through another trial. The
defense requested bail and release of Walker, who is serving
a 12 year, 8 month prison sentence. Walker will remain
imprisoned. Source: Telegram Tribune, 2/15/94, 2/24/94

Youth Leader Accused Of Child Molesting. Fullerton's First
Evangelical Free Church has a second associate accused of
pedophilia. Michael Webb Blinkhorn, 29, was the youth leader
and is now facing 18 felony counts for sexually assaulting 4
boys, aged 12-15, in his apartment over a 3 year period. He
could receive up to 30 years in prison if convicted of all
counts. Blinkhorn was very well liked in the church, until
now. Source: Orange County Register, 3/10/94

Trading Cards Sport Clergy Perverts. A California trading
card company, Mother Productions of Anaheim, has come out
with their latest set, which features 36 religious leaders
who have fallen from grace. Each cleric's card has a
computer-generated likeness and a recount of his or her
sexual misdeeds. A set is available for about $10. Source:
York Daily Record, 3/15/94

TV Talk Show Host Jailed For Rape. The former talk show host
who equates himself with Jesus and MLK was sentenced to 14
years in prison for the rape of a girl, 13. Tito David
Valdez, Jr., 23, said (in an 8-page handwritten letter to
the judge) he is innocent because he would not have raped
the girl because he thinks she is ugly. Psychological
counseling was ordered. Source: AP, 3/94

Priestess Prostitute. A judge ruled that Church of the Most
High Goddess, which requires self-proclaimed priestess, Mary
Ellen Tracy, to have sex with parishioners, was not exempt
from prostitution and pandering laws. Tracy and her husband
claim they are victims of discriminatory prosecution. They
served 5-6 months in jail for prostitution and operating a
house of prostitution respectively. Source: Los Angeles
Times, 3/16/94

Manspeaker Sentenced. For sexually molesting and showing
pornographic material to 2 boys, aged 14 and 17, Terry
Manspeaker, 37, former deacon of St. Lucy's church, was
sentenced to 5 years probation and must continue sexual
offender therapy. Manspeaker was charged with a third boy's
molestation but the case was dropped to secure the guilty
plea for the first 2. Manspeaker had attended seminary but
was denied entry into priesthood because of allegations of
sexual misconduct. Source: Sunday Republican, 1/30/94

Priest On Trial. Accused of sexually assaulting 15 children
from 1966 to 1982, Rev. Raymond Pcolka will stand trial in
Superior Court. Details of the case were not released for
public use. Source: Union-News, 3/19/94

Grandmother Sues Over Child's Abuse. The Diocese of Venice,
Rev. Charles M. Cikovic and Bishop John J. Nevins of St.
Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Fort Myers are defendants
in a civil suit involving sexual abuse. Cikovic has admitted
to having sexual contact with a girl, 14. He was sentenced
in September to 6 months in jail and 20 years of probation
and is prohibited from contact with minors. The grandmother
of the child has filed suit for an undisclosed sum. The
grandmother had been taking the girl for counseling with the
priest because her parents had divorced. A parish employee
stated that Cikovic had taken girls on trips, and bought
them gifts, They said the priest made them "feel yucky."
Source: Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 2/10/94

Priest Resigns Amid Allegations. Though he denied any
wrongdoing, Rev. Gary Timmons, 53, resigned from St.
Bernard's Church as pastor and dean of students. He is
accused of sexually molesting 2 Santa Rosa boys at summer
camp over a decade ago. Timmons has served in Santa Rosa,
Rohnert Park and Eureka the past 3 decades. No lawsuits are
pending, though the two men are considering suing. Source:
Blade-Citizen, 2/5/94

Church To Pay Millions For Minister's Abuses. Wayside
Baptist Church in Miami received a $6.7 million judgment for
negligence in hiring and retaining Keith Geren as youth
minister. The church did not do background or reference
checks, nor did Geren even fill out a job application,
though Geren did admit urges to molest boys. He sexually
molested nearly a dozen teenage boys. Church officials say
they had no idea Geren was a pedophile. All of the money is
going to one victim, Daniel Artis, for emotional pain,
treatment and punitive damages. Source: Sarasota
Herald-Tribune, 2/6/94

Baptist Minister Accused. For being accused of sexually
molesting several male teens between Sept. '92-93 while
serving as youth minister at Western Hills Baptist Church in
Cobb County, Kevin DeRosa, 33, of New Jersey, is being held
at the Paulding County jail on similar charges in that
county. Source: Atlanta Journal, 3/94

Another Belleville Priest Leaves. The 8th Belleville diocese
priest to go on leave for sex abuse accusations is Rev.
Louis Peterson. He denied the allegations of abusing a male
teen over 10 years ago. No criminal charges were filed. The
diocese has set up a telephone hotline for victims to report
priests. Source: Post-Dispatch, 1/25/94

Man Asks Diocese To Pay. Kevin Mohr, 31, says he was
sexually abused, fondled, harassed and forced to entice gay
men to a group of homosexual priests when he was 13. He
spent nearly a year trying to get the Diocese of Belleville
to pay for this therapy. Mohr has hired an attorney but does
not plan to sue the church.Source: Post-Dispatch, 2/7/94

Grindstaff Admits Affair. On Jan. 10, 1995 a jury will hear
the case involving Edward Grindstaff, Storm Lake Faith
United Assembly of God minister, and Lori Johnson. She says
that she and Grindstaff had a sexual affair for 5 years,
producing a child, while she was in marital counseling.
Grindstaff confessed in August, but now claims he was the
victim of sexual abuse and that he was threatened by Mrs.
Johnson if they broke up. Source: Pilot Tribune, 3/8/94

"Gay" Priest Acquitted Of Molesting Girl. The Rev. Antonin
R. Caron, 51, who was rumored to be homosexual, was
acquitted in Superior Court in March for sexually assaulting
with his hands and a pencil, a girl, 15, in May of 1992.
The girl waited a year before telling anyone, at which point
she told her tennis coach of the assault. Source: Bangor
Daily News, 3/22,23,25/94

Diocese Pays Lavigne's Victims. The Diocese of Springfield
has agreed to pay more than $1 million to 17 victims of Rev.
Richard R. Lavigne with the help of an insurance company.
However, the victims are not permitted to discuss the
specifics of the settlement lest they lose part of the
money. Lavigne pleaded guilty to child molestation but has
served no prison time. The diocese has assured its
parishioners that the money for the case did not come from
their contributions, but from insurance and
investments.Source: Union-News, 1/28/94, 2/18/94; Providence
Journal, 3/19/94

Priest Acquitted. A Catholic priest of St. Pius X Church in
Middleton met a boy, 16, on a ski trip, then plied him with
Scotch and fondled him in his car and motel room. The boy
was a runaway from a school for emotionally troubled youths.
Thomas K. Ahearn, 56, was acquitted of molesting the boy,
but convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
He was sentenced to 2 years probation. The church relieved
Ahearn of his duties immediately . His future with the
church is uncertain. The mother felt the sentence was far
too light and says, "I'm a devout Catholic, and every time I
go to church I just want to throw up." Source: AP, Hartford
Courant, 3/8/94; Berkshire Eagle, 3/5,9/94,

Nuns Attend Abuse Seminar. Though the March 5 workshop at
Regis College entitled "Sexual Abuse and the Church:
Assisting In A Pastoral Response," was open to the public,
no priests attended. About 100 Boston nuns did show up for
the seminar on sexual abuse in the church, its history,
prevention, detection and treatment. Source: AP, Sunday
Republican, 3/6/94

Pastor Delays Reporting Abuse. After a church volunteer
received letters from a girl, 15, that she was being
sexually abused by her stepfather, Truth Baptist Church's
Rev. Jim Rowley and another pastor began counseling the
father, who admitted abusing the girl. Rowley waited 6
months before reporting the abuse to authorities. He was
arrested and charged with a misdemeanor mandatory-reporting
violation and felony count of a risk of injury to a minor.
Clergy claim the law that is designed to help and protect
children violates their right to freely practice religion.
The stepfather was charged with over 30 counts of sexual
assault of the girl. He is now free on bond. Source:
Union-News, 2/28/94

Hanlon Guilty. Despite the support of 50 character
witnesses, the former pastor of St. Paul's Church in Hingham
was convicted of rape and assault of William Wood, now 27,
when he was an altar boy, 14 years ago. This is the second
trial; the first trial, involving testimony from 2 other
men, was deadlocked. Rev. John R. Hanlon, 65, will be
sentenced after 40 days of observation for pedophilia at
Bridgewater State Hospital. Wood's 2 brothers also testified
at both trials that they were molested by Hanlon. Hanlon's
attorney plans to appeal. Hanlon could face life in prison.
His family continues to support his innocence. Source:
Boston Globe, 3/15,16/94; Providence Journal, 3/16/94;
Springfield Union-News, 3/16/94

Priest Removed. After being accused of sexually molesting a
male minor 20 years ago, Rev. Walter MacPherson, 70, of St.
Martin of Tours parish near east St. Louis, has been removed
from his parish pending an investigation. Many parishioners
refused to believe the accusations and asked how to help the
priest. Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 2/5/94; Post Dispatch,

Church Pays Hush Money To Accuser. The Catholic Diocese of
Kansas City paid Richard Durocher $150,000 to silence his
accusations that he was sexually abused by Rev. John R.
Tulipana, 47, when he was 16, over a decade ago. Durocher
says officials have failed to remove Tulipana from contact
with minors as he is still actively serving in the diocese.
For this Durocher decided to break his secrecy agreement.
Tulipana has subsequently resigned because he felt he could
no longer be effective. Bishop Raymond Boland said a
diocesan board will investigate the allegations. Source:
Sunday Republican, 1/30/94; Columbia Daily Tribune, 1/30/94;
News-Press, 1/30/94; AP, 2/2/94

Minister Gets 189 Years. For the sexual assault of 2 boys,
both 15, the minister of the now defunct Family Life Church
in Park Hills has been sentenced to serve at least 28 years
in prison before he is eligible for parole. Rev. Richard L.
Jones, 30, was sentenced to 189 years for sexually
assaulting the boys in his home and car in 1990-91. He told
them it was sanctioned in the bible. In court Jones claimed
the boys were trying to seek revenge when he confronted
their drinking and sexual activities. Source: News-Leader,
3/16/94; AP 2/8/94

Baptist Deacon On Trial. A former basketball coach, high
school teacher and Baptist deacon who was shot 5 times by
the father of a girl who accuses him of sexually abusing
her, is standing trial. A dozen girls have accused Wallace
Bobo, 57, of fondling them. He is charged with one count of
sexual abuse. Source: Post Dispatch, 2/15/94

Man Sues Priest. Nicholas Gray has sued the Kansas City-St.
Joseph Catholic diocese and Rev. Thomas J. Ward accusing him
of sexually abusing him at the church rectory when he was 14
. Ward denies the accusations and is on paid leave. The
lawsuit claims the diocese operated to cover up the abuse.
Source: Kirksville Daily Express & News, 2/6/94; Examiner,
Kansas City Support Group Forms. The national organization
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, SNAP, has
formed a chapter in Kansas City following recent local
accusations of sex abuse by priests. Most in attendance have
been abused, others were family of victims. The chapter will
be meeting on a regular basis. Source: Kansas City Star,

Former Priest Admits Abusing 30 Boys. In 1993 a civil suit
involving the Rev. Wilson Smart, 63, and plaintiff,
"W.T.M.," now 38, was settled for $1.7 million. In his
deposition Smart admitted sexually abusing and sometimes
photographing 30 boys, as young as 12, between 1957 and
1978, including W.T.M. for 8 years. He blames his
abusiveness on alcohol abuse and spent 5 months at the
Servants of the Paraclete center in New Mexico. He said he
met the boys in Scouting troops, in parishes or while
teaching and often molested them as they slept. He told no
one of the abuse, except in the protected privacy of
confession. He says he took no vow of chastity though he
knew it was morally wrong. Smart resigned from the
priesthood in May 1990. Case documents indicate that the
church knew of the abuse since 1960, but did not remove
Smart. W.T.M.'s lawyer asked the judge to open court
documents to counter information the church was distributing
about the case.Source: Missoulian, 2/4/94; Billings Gazette,
2/6/94; Independent Record, 2/4/94

Priest Pleads Guilty To Abuse. After admitting to forcing a
boy, 14, to perform oral sex on him at the rectory of the
Immaculate Conception Church in Troy in the early 1980s,
Rev. Leo Shea, 67, has been sentenced to 3-6 years in state
prison and agreed to participate in a sexual offender
program at the prison for at least a year. Shea also faces
charges in Massachusetts for sexually assaulting 8 teen boys
almost 2 decades ago.
Source: Boston Globe, 3/1/94; AP, 3/3/94

LaForge Spared. The pastor accused of aiding a fugitive, who
was charged with sexual abuse, has been approved for the
Pre-Trial Intervention Program because it was a first time
offense and he has health problems. Rev. Joseph M. LaForge,
56, has severe diabetes and now resides in North Carolina.
He was charged with covertly giving Rev. Florencia Tumang a
$5,000 church check, with which Tumang fled the country.
LaForge's charges will be dismissed upon completion of PTI.
Source: Courier-Post, 1/21/94

Boy Scout Leader Degraded Boys. A Boy Scout leader has
pleaded guilty to the sexual assault of 2 boys during a
camping trip. Timothy Price, 34, said in testimony that he
exposed himself and touched 2 boys sexually "mostly just
(for) humiliation." He added that, "I just hope this did not
traumatize me." He faces prison or treatment and is now free
on $10,000 bail. Price is no longer involved in Scouts.
Source: Today's Sunbeam, 3/6/94

Santa Fe Diocese Settled 46 Cases. In the past 2 months the
Diocese of Santa Fe has settled 46 sexual abuse cases and is
being helped by its insurers, who still maintain they have
no liability in the cases. About 300,000 parishioners have
contributed $1.5 million to the settlements. But if the
insurance companies are not found liable to pay, the diocese
will have to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Two
insurance carriers have sued the diocese saying they are not
liable, because the church knew of the abuses and did not
stop it or report it. Archbishop Michael Sheehan implies
knowledge of the abuse by saying, "No archbishop realized
fully the terrible harm of pedophilia. There was no
intention of harm." Source: Dallas Morning News, 2/14/94

16 Sigler Civil Suits Settled. Money from insurance
companies and parishioners paid for the settlements of 16
cases of sexual abuse by former priest, Jason Sigler. So far
45 cases against Sigler have been resolved. He was convicted
of abusing altar boys in the 1970s and '80s, after being
treated 3 times for pedophilia. He pleaded guilty in 1983 to
sex with a minor in exchange for a deferred sentence.
Source: AP/Centre Daily Times, 2/8/94

Ex-Priest Sues Church, Pope. A man who spent 25 years as a
Roman Catholic priest, resigned in 1989 and is now
attempting to sue the Church, Pope John Paul II and Cardinal
John O'Connor of New York. Terence German, 51, says he knew
of clergy theft and pedophilia in every state he worked,
though he never reported it. He also claims that although
the pope points a finger at the U.S., there is clergy
pedophilia in Rome that the pope is ignoring. Now German is
unemployed and soon to be homeless. He says the church has
blackballed him and ruined his reputation as an employee. He
says he resigned as priest because the church was not
following its own rules. The New York Archdiocese lawyers
call the suit ludicrous. Sources: St. Petersburg Times,
2/12/94; Chicago Sun Times, 2/12/94

Rabbi Indicted For Sexual Assault. Rabbi and best-selling
author, Frederick Werbell, 52, was indicted for the sexual
assault of 2 females, his housecleaner, 39, and a job
applicant, 24, in his apartment. He is being held on $50,000
bail. He could face 7 years in prison. Source: New York
Post, 3/11/94

Former Catholic Deacon/Principal Accused. A former deacon at
Precious Blood Church in Long Island City and popular Queens
school principal of P.S. 71 has been accused of giving a
male student, 13, cleaner fumes to inhale and performing
oral sex on him 15 years ago. Edward Huckemeyer admitted the
offense and implied it was his only transgression of that
nature. At the time of the incident Huckemeyer was a
creative writing teacher at J.H.S. 226 in Ozone Park. The
victim began to recall the incident in nightmares at the
time he was making plans for his wedding. Source: New York
Newsday, 3/12/94

Priest's File Ordered Open. A state appellate court ordered
the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to open the files on Rev.
George Cooley. Cooley was convicted of molesting 4 boys in
1983-4. Parents of one of the boys, who has since died, are
suing Cooley and the archdiocese.To be turned over are
records of Cooley's conversation with a psychologist after
an earlier sexual contact with a boy and a secret
archdiocesan archive on Cooley. State law does not exempt
clergy from reporting suspected child abuse.Source:
Cincinnati Enquirer, 1/27/94

Bernardin Dropped From Case. Facing possible sanctions for
filing a frivolous lawsuit and advice from Bernardin's
attorneys "to do the right thing," Steven J. Cook, 34,
dropped Cardinal Joseph Bernardin from a civil suit charging
sexual abuse. Alhough Cook says he remembered some of the
abuse in 1970, there is no evidence to prove that the
memories were not introduced during hypnosis, according to
court documents. The A.M.A. recognized hypnosis as valid, as
early as 1958, but there is no consensus on its use in
recalling repressed memories. Rev. Ellis Harsham remains a
defendant in the case, which goes to trial May 9. Bernardin
has no plans to countersue Cook. Sources: Wisconsin State
Journal, 3/1/94; Washington Post, 2/12/94, 3/1/94; Los
Angeles Times, 3/1/94; Chicago Sun-Times, 3/1/94;
Indianapolis Star, 3/5/94

Youth Pastor And Girl Run Away. Youth pastor and bible study
teacher of Hope Christian Church in Central Point, Brett
Aaron Rossback, 25, is being held on $80,000 bail, on
charges of rape, sodomy and sex abuse of church member
Stacie Webber, 13. The family of the girl had known Rossback
for 3 years when he abducted her. The child, now with her
mother in Oregon, was gone for 6 weeks. The child's
stepfather said, "We don't want the church getting a bad
name." Source: Daily Barometer, 2/3/94; Register-Guard,
3/9/94; Mail Tribune, 3/16/94

Priest's Habit Was Touching Boys. The Rev. Francis E. Luddy,
accused of molesting at least 4 boys, is being sued for
unspecified damages by his godson, Michael Hutchinson, Jr.,
26, who also names St. Therese's parish in Altoona and the
Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown. He says he was molested over a
decade ago. Luddy admits to molesting boys, including
Hutchinson's stepbrother, as far back as 1968 and said it
grew into a habit. Hutchinson testified that he received
money from Luddy for sexual favors in the early '80s.
Hutchinson has testified that the abuse began both when he
was 8 and when he was 11. This discrepancy led the defense
to challenge the plaintiffs credibility. Now retired Bishop
James Hogan testified that 3 priests (Rev. William Kovach,
Dennis Coleman and Joseph Gaborick) confessed to him that
they sexually abused children, but he only told them to keep
their mouths shut and "cool it" with the boys because the
"danger flags are up" that the diocese could be legally
liable for their actions. He admits never contacting the
parents of the children nor warning the officials of
parishes he relocated the priests into of the priests' past
behavior. Msgr. Philip Saylor testified that he informed
Hogan that Rev. Thomas Carroll had sexually molested a boy
and that Hogan only told Saylor to find a psychiatrist for
Carroll. Source: Centre Daily Times, 2/4,17/94, 3/4,10/94;
Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 2/18/94, 3/8/94; Tribune-Democrat,
2/94, 3/19/94; Clearfield Progress, 3/8/94

Salvation Army Verdict Controversial. For being sexually
abused by Salvation Army bible teacher Gary Hallock, 4 boys
and their parents were awarded over $500,000 in compensatory
damages for the years of therapy needed, but only $1 each
for punitive damages. Although an officer of the Army knew
of Hallock's pedophilia years ago, the Army was not held
responsible for the abuse. Hallock is serving a 36-72 year
jail term and has admitted to abusing 30 children. The
plaintiffs' lawyer was seeking $4 million in the case and
accused jurors of wanting child abuse to continue because
they did not award high punitive damages. Source: Tribune,
2/18, 22/94; Tribune-Democrat, 2/94

Cipolla Returns. The Pittsburgh Catholic priest, who was
banned from ministry in 1989 for accusations of child
molestation, said Mass on national television on February
17. Rev. Anthony Cipolla, 50, said the Mass with 3 other
priests on Eternal Word Television Network, locally carried
on TCI. The diocese now has no power over Cipolla and can
only warn bishops not to allow him to minister in their
parishes. Though forbidden to even wear clerical garb, he
donned a purple chasuble and alb. A network spokesperson
said he was unaware of the ban and Cipolla's attorney said
the ban is no longer valid. Cipolla maintains his innocence.
Bishop Donald W. Wuerl had appealed the Vatican's decision
to reinstate Cipolla. Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,

Pastor Molests. Former associate pastor of Cornerstone
Baptist Church and parent representative at Pittsburgh's
Margaret Milliones Middle School, Rev. Rudolph B. Walls, 43,
was a defendant in a lawsuit filed in May 1992 by a male
teen and his mother. Walls was accused of sexually molesting
the teen, now 18. Also involved in the suit were the
principal, school board and Pittsburgh Public Schools. They
settled for $425,000. In August 1991 Walls was sentenced 1-5
years in prison for indecent assault. Walls was on probation
for a North Carolina molestation at the time he began
assaulting the teen in this lawsuit. Source: Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette, 2/24/94

Priest Accused Of Rape. In a civil suit, Cynthia M. Lewis is
suing Rev. Alfred R. Desrosiers, 58, as well as the Diocese
of Providence, Bishop Louis Gelineau, Rev. Roger Marot, Rev.
Edward Cardente and St. Joan of Arc parish for negligence in
hiring and retaining Desrosiers, whom she accused of
statutory rape, which began in 1972 when she was 15 and
lasted almost 2 years. She says Desrosiers, as often as 4
times a week, would invite her to his apartment, give her
alcohol and rape her, while he claimed it was his
responsibility to teach her about sex and that he could only
continue serving the people of god because she was in his
life. The suit seeks unspecified damages. Memories of the
abuse surfaced when Lewis' dying mother requested to see the
priest, a long time friend of the family. Source: Providence
Journal-Bulletin, 3/9/94

Bishop Coverup? Five Rhode Island residents are suing Most
Rev. Louis Gelineau, Bishop Kenneth Angell and Bishop Daniel
Reilly for ignoring evidence of their sexual abuse by 4
priests (Rev. James Silva, Rev. William O'Connell, Rev.
Robert Marcantonio and Rev. Alfred DesrosiersQall of whom
have previously been accused of sexual abuse) and negligence
in hiring and maintaining the priests. The bishops deny the
charges. Source: AP, Boston Globe, 3/18/94; Providence
Journal, 3/18/94; Union-News, 3/18/94; Hartford Courant,

Diocese Dropped. The diocese of Rapid City has been dropped
from the lawsuit involving a priest accused of molesting an
altar boy, beginning when he was 12. Robert Koenig, now
adult, filed suit in 1992 against the diocese and Rev.
William Lambert, alleging Lambert sexually abused him from
1958-1975 while in Fairfax. The suit said that Lambert also
forced Koenig to confess his abuse to 17 other priests, who
did nothing to stop it. Lambert is now retired. Lambert's
attorney argues that the case should be dismissed altogether
because the statute of limitations has expired. Since the
diocese is financially off the hook it is now planning on
building a $3.5 million high school. Source: Rapid City
Journal, 1/27/94
Seminary Teacher Indicted For Sex Abuse. A Catholic priest
and dean of men at St. Anthony's High School Seminary has
been indicted on charges of sexual assault and indecency.
Rev. Carlos Lozano, 37, of Kingsville, could face 2-20 years
in prison and fines of $20,000. He was placed on
administrative leave on Dec. 17. Lozano was receiving
treatment at a retreat center and has been released on bond.
The high school had a meeting for parents and an assembly
for the students, informing them of the allegations, which
resulted in 4 more students coming forward with allegations.
Patrick Flores, the Archbishop of San Antonio, in a letter
to priests, suggested some priests may have known about the
abuse and not reported it. "We all cherish the priestly
brotherhood that binds us together, but there is a greater
loyalty to be served," said Flores. Source: San Antonio
Express-News, 2/3,4,6/94

Priest Indicted On Indecency. The Rev. Johnny Davila, who
was being investigated by Sacred Heart parish for indecency
with a girl, was indicted by a grand jury in Uvalde County
and a warrant for his arrest has been issued. San Antonio
Archdiocese spokesperson Monsignor Lawrence Stuebben said
the Lozano (see previous) and Davila cases are not
connected. He also said, "I wish that these things would go
away in our society..." Source: San Antonio Express-News,

Baptist Minister Sentenced. For sexually abusing 2 boys who
were members of his Community Baptist Church near Lake
Lavon, Gene Allen McDonald, 55, of Nevada, will serve a
minimum of 2 years in Collin County Jail before parole. He
was sentenced to 2 concurrent 5-year sentences. Source:
Dallas Morning News, 2/8/94

Boy Scout Leader Indicted For Porn. In addition to being
charged with molesting his 3 foster children, Donald Ray
Hause, 43, was indicted for those charges and for sexually
assaulting 2 boys and possessing child pornography. Source:
San Antonio Express-News, 3/13/94

San Antonio Archdiocese Sued. In district court, 2 lawsuits
have been filed by 2 families against Rev. Xavier Ortiz
Deitz and the Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio for the
abuse of an adult male and 3 minors, one of whom is the
victim in the criminal case against Deitz to be tried April
25. In the first case Deitz is said to have sabotaged a
wedding and sexually harassed the husband and sexually
molested his minor brother. In the second case Deitz
allegedly sexually molested a boy and abused his minor
sister. Source: San Antonio Express-News, 3/25/94

Navajo Mormon Tried For Molesting Girl. In August 1989
George P. Lee was charged with the sexual abuse of a girl,
12, his daughter's friend. He surrendered to police but was
released with orders not to have contact with anyone under
18. He appeared in court in September and asked for more
time before his preliminary hearing. He is accused of
fondling the girl, now 16, in her home and on trips. Lee
contends he is innocent and the charges are part of a big
plot by the church to excommunicate him, which they did in
1989 for polygamy and immorality and later apostasy, before
the current charges were brought forward. Lee was also
dismissed as high school principal in Tuba City for
insubordination. If convicted, Lee could be sentenced to
life in prison. Source: Sunstone, 12/93

Priest Initiates Sex With Teen. When she was 13 and a
student at St. Ann's Church, a woman, now 30, says Rev.
Stephen Roszel, 42, escalated their friendship into a sexual
relationship that lasted until she was through college. She
is suing Roszel and the Diocese of Arlington for more than
$12 million. Roszel vowed to wage a vigorous defense against
the allegations. He is now working at Blessed Sacrament,
where he is on personal leave, though his parishioners were
not told why. The woman said Roszel told her the
relationship would bring them closer to God and led prayers
with her after sex. He also wrote dozens of letters to her
telling her she was "soft, tender and prettyJ.J.J.Jand
sexy." The lawsuit alleges other priests knew of the affair
and did not report it. Source: Washington Post, 2/6/94

Minister Admits Sexual Misconduct. A Baptist minister and
social activist, Rev. Donovan Cook, has been under
investigation for sexual misconduct involving 3 women. It
has been recommended that his ordination be suspended. Cook
is popular for his work helping Central American refugees
and allowing homosexuals to be church members. One members
said, "If we can't get justice for the women, how are we
going to ask for justice in Central America?" Supporters of
Cook say the American Baptist Church's political conflicts
with Cook's work make their judgments "hardly impartial."
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1/31/94

Madison Priest Accused Of 1982 Assault. An Eau Claire man,
26, has brought suit against Rev. Michael Trainer, St.
Thomas Aquinas Church and the Diocese of Madison, claiming
Trainer sexually assaulted him numerous times in 1982. The
lawsuit also says the church knew of Trainer's pedophilia
before the assaults on the man and should have removed him.
It also says Trainer used "holy condemnation to prevent" the
man from reporting the assaults. Trainer is no longer a
priest in Madison. Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 2/18/94

Guilty Priest's Relatives Blame Victim. In his second
conviction of child molestation, Dennis A. Pecore, admitted
he was in denial about the harm he was causing his victim.
Pecore was sentenced to 12 years in prison for abusing a
boy, who was 8 when it began. He was on probation for his
first offense when he met the boy. The second boy's parents
knew of Pecore's previous offense but trusted him anyway.
Relatives of the priest sent letters to the court calling
the boy a liar. Source: Milwaukee Journal, 3/3/94

Priest Charged With Assault. A 70-year-old Catholic priest
has been charged with indecent assault of girls, aged 5-11,
between 1957-1964. Eleven charges were laid, but 3 more
women have come forward with more allegations, totaling 15.
Rev. Eldon McGrath was suspended as parish priest in Sedley
in 1992. His trial will be heard by Queen's Bench judge
alone. He did not plea. The preliminary hearing will begin
April 25. Source: Star Phoenix, 1/13/94

Diocese Pays Victim And Stops Investigation. An
investigation into the sexual abuse by a prominent Catholic
priest of an altar boy, now 35, will be re-opened. The
victim received $32,000 from the Diocese of
Alexandria-Cornwall (Ontario) in a settlement which
contained a clause that prevented the man from further
pressing charges. The diocese denied, but later admitted
knowledge that the agreement would prevent the man from
pressing charges. The priest is now at a treatment center
where he was tested for pedophilia. The test indicated he is
not attracted to children. There will be an investigation as
to whether there was a conspiracy between the church and
police to effect the settlement. The police dropped the
investigation after the complainant withdrew and they did
not report the case to the Children's Aid Society until 10
months later. The former police chief was so incensed by the
church that he visited the Papal Nuncio archbishop in
October and complained. He also protested that the church
waited 10 months without removing the accused priest, which
finally occurred after the meeting with the former police
chief. Source: London Free Press, 2/94; Citizen, 1/12, 14,
15, 25/94

Priest Charged With Sexual Assault. Gerard Lambert, a St.
Paul University student, is charged with sexually molesting
6 boys, aged 9-13 in the early 1970s and early 1990s. The
assaults occurred while Lambert was a priest in
Notre-Dame-de-Fourvieres in Mont-Laurier and in Christ King
Church in Maniwaki. Source: Citizen, 1/12, 25, 26/94

Church Insurers Fear Claims. Canadian insurance companies
who serve churches are increasingly concerned about the
number of sexual abuse cases. Many companies are considering
riders in their policies that exclude coverage of criminal
behavior. What they would cover is negligence that leads to
or does not stop criminal abuse. Source: Globe & Mail,

St. Ann's Abuses Revealed. Though the St. Ann's school was
closed in 1972, its legacy lives on. Once a Cree Indian
Residential School run by the Oblates of Marie Immaculate
and Sisters of Charity, it is now an elementary school,
police station and apartment building. For nearly 70 years
Cree children attended the school to be indoctrinated into
Christianity and white culture. In August 1992 about 30
alumni attended a reunion, at which they discussed their
horror stories of physical and sexual abuse. Since then
police have interviewed over 450 people regarding abuse
between 1960-1972. The Cree community is trying to get the
church and government to address the issue. Source: Ottawa
Citizen, 1/24/94

St. Joseph's Saga Closes. For the sexual and physical abuse
of numerous boys over a decade, Andre Charbonneau, 62, was
sentenced to 6 years in prison, thus ending the final case
of the Brothers of the St. Joseph's Training School For
Boys. 20 former staff members were involved in criminal
cases. Nine received convictions. A compensation deal was
struck for 300 victims, paid for by Ontario, Ottawa and
Toronto archdioceses and the French Christian Brothers of
Ottawa. Many of the victims are still suffering
psychological damage from the abuse 30 years ago. Source:
Ottawa Citizen, 2/12/94

Ain't they a busy bunch?
Freedom From Religion Foundation publishes Freetought Today
and a number of wonderful books on Freethought and
separation of church and state issues. Also, maybe the only
collections of atheistic songs on tape! They may be
contacted at: Freedom From Religion Foundation P.O. Box 750
Madison, WI 53701. Membership, including subscription to
Freethought Today is US$20. Tell 'em Lucifer/Phosphorous/
Prometheus sent ya.
Once again: ISSN: 1198-4619 Lucifer's Echo.
Volume I, Number 1.5: May 1994. Supplement.

nullifidian, n. & a. (Person) having no religious faith or belief. [f.
med. L nullifidius f. L nullus "none" + fides "faith";] / If this is a
humanist topic then I am President of the Humanist Association of Ottawa.
Greg Erwin. ai815@FreeNet.Carleton.CA

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