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The Neo-Comintern 211

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
The Neo Comintern
 · 26 Apr 2019


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The Neo-Comintern Electronic Magazine -- Installment Number 211
.... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....

Subversive Literature for Subverted People

Date: July 31, 2002

Editor: Cog

Writers: ada

;P Featured in this installment: .b
$ $
$ Special Issue - Heckat $
$ Special Article - ada $
$ The Briefcase Rhyme - Melatonin $
`q p'

(please DO read the following)

This is the last issue that I have control over, so therefore...

I'm ending the run of the Neo-Comintern before BMC gets back. Bet he
didn't see that coming!


No more Neo-Comintern!

Enjoy this issue!

d$$$' ` `$$b
d$$' Special Issue ,$$
$$: by Heckat ,$P
`$n,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..P'

I'm told that this issue of the N-Com is "special." Of course, that
promise has been made many times before in the history of this e-zine, but
Cog would have us believe that this "special" issue is "specialler" than
all others that came before. I'm wondering right now whether or not to
believe him. Frankly, I'm getting downright sick of promises that never
are delivered. For instance, tonight I happened to turn on some version
of Law & Order for a few minutes and I was treated to an advertisement for
the 11 o'clock evening news. The ad said that the news would reveal "why
these wild ponies had to be driven from their island home." Wild ponies!
Island home! I was hooked, needless to say. I love ponies, and, while I
don't necessarily love islands in their abstract form, the notion of this
particular island of wild ponies intrigued me. It reminded me of a
cartoon I used to watch when I was babysitting a little boy named
Mitchell. The cartoon was called "Puff the Magic Dragon." That dragon
had a home on an island named Honalee (sp?). He left the island to help a
little boy who couldn't speak, but, when he returned, he found that his
home had been destroyed by miserable creatures with perpetual colds.
Aside from the fact that chicken soup will instantaneously cure any cold,
I learned that some islands are home to wonderful creatures (like Puff)
and are fun to learn about on TV. So, even though I didn't want to hear
about soldiers returning home from the battlefields in foreign countries
where they slaughtered hundreds of innocent civilians, I endured the
entire half hour of news, impatiently awaiting the time when I would learn
about these poor ponies who were losing their paradisiacal free horsy
home. To my utter outrage, THEY WERE NOT EVEN MENTIONED ONCE! Not even
in passing. Not even to say they had run out of time to tell me about
them. Not even to say it had all been a hoax meant to hoodwink me into
watching the news where I had to see people bowing to the pope and kissing
him and going crazy! NO! Terrible, terrible, terrible. My ponies were
nowhere to be seen or heard and I will never know what became of them.

So, let this be a lesson for you. Before you read this issue, understand
what you'll be getting yourself into. It isn't necessarily "special." It
won't necessarily change your life. It won't solve the mystery of the
immigrating ponies. What it will do is fill you with anxiety, dread, and
self-loathing. But, come to think of it, maybe it's worth reading for
those reasons alone.

d$$$' ` `$$b
d$$' Special Article ,$$
$$: by ada ,$P
`$n,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..P'

July 28, 2002

To Whom It May Concern: (aka cog)

I am writing in regards to the call for submissions for the 'special
issue' due out next week. I can't say I'm particularly happy with the
insinuation that the articles I have written up until this time have not
been special. I discussed this over the phone with bmc and hearing how
upset I was, he urged me to write a letter of complaint listing what my
concerns were. He said he would not want to lose my articles over this.
I have been a staff writer since January 2002 and have written articles
for many theme issues including the famous 187, and 200. bmc has
solicited me personally to write articles for him and he has always
regarded them as special. In fact, just the other day, he said to me,
'ada, I don't really know what I would do without your contributions to
the neo-comintern...your articles are really special.' I find it very
ironic that bmc would say that to me, and suddenly cog has decided to
produce a 'special' issue.

But then I got to thinking....did bmc just say this to me so that I would
write a letter of complaint to cog? Was he just secretly egging me on so
that cog would lose power? Was this just some brilliant scheme to kick
cog out and get bmc back in the driver's seat? Was I just a meaningless
pawn in the midst of a dangerous game, a double crossing conspiracy?


I'm hurt guys, real hurt......



d$$$' ` `$$b
d$$' The Briefcase Rhyme ,$$
$$: by Melatonin ,$P
`$n,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..P'

My father owned a briefcase
One day we cracked it open
Filled with soap and porn it was
We laughed until we woke him.
Into the room the door he snapped
With a voice so ripped it choked him
Our dirty hands he washed he washed
Our dirty fingers broken.


The Neo-Comintern Magazine / Online Magazine is seeking submissions.
Unpublished stories and articles of an unusual, experimental, or
anti-capitalist nature are wanted. Contributors are encouraged to
submit works incorporating any or all of the following: Musings, Delvings
into Philosophy, Flights of Fancy, Freefall Selections, and Tales of
General Mirth. The more creative and astray from the norm, the better.
For examples of typical Neo-Comintern writing, see our website at

Submissions of 25-4000 words are wanted; the average article length is
approximately 200-1000 words. Send submissions via email attachment to
<>, or through ICQ to #29981964.

Contributors will receive copies of the most recent print issue of The
Neo-Comintern; works of any length and type will be considered for
publication in The Neo-Comintern Online Magazine and/or The Neo-Comintern

- - - - -- -------===========================------- -- - - - -
| TWILIGHT ZONE (905) 432-7667 |
| BRING ON THE NIGHT (306) 373-4218 |
| CLUB PARADISE (306) 978-2542 |
| THE GATEWAY THROUGH TIME (306) 373-9778 |
| Website at: |
| Questions? Comments? Submissions? |
| Email BMC at |

- - - - -- -------===========================------- -- - - - -
copyright 2002 by #211-07/31/02
the neo-comintern

All content is property of The Neo-Comintern.
You may redistribute this document, although no fee can be charged and
the content must not be altered or modified in any way. Unauthorized use
of any part of this document is prohibited. All rights reserved. Made in

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