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The Lone Gunmen Issue 091
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| | | | __ | | <_ | Issue #:091
_| |_ _| |_| | | \___/ | Date:10/16/96
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/ _ / ThE Lone Gunmen Presents: \ _ \
| | | |
| | My Default Tag Lines | |
| | Written By: eScaPe | |
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| \____________________________________/ |
*** In this day and age, anyone can get there hands on text philez and that***
*** means that even the yuppie kids, who don't follow directions, can (and ***
*** will probably blow there faces,hands,fingers,noses,legs,nipples,and P-P***
*** blown off, so before you continue read the File "DISCLAIMER!" that was ***
*** included in the .ZIP file. it basicly says that you cant sew me if you ***
*** get fucked. **************************************************************
"So what do you need this Tone Dialer for?" - Radio Shack worker '94
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for (34827561 bytes).
"Good God, man! You don't mean --" "YES! I MEAN COUNTRY & WESTERN!"
Drink all the toilet water you want! Just $9.95 plus shipping+handling.
Pooping in the corner makes me sad.
He's dead, Jim -- but you still need to use a condom.
"Dont these hackers ever SLEEP?" -Dr. Lazlo Zand
I was seduced by the chocolate side of the force.
"Lite-brite, making things with colored lights..."
Why is BJ yellow? Why not call him "fella" instead?
Why does the porridge bird lay his egg in the air?
What's inside my friend Andy's Underoos?
A single person mosh pit doesn't sound that great.
Ross' Egg-O-Rama -- Route 12, King Side Road!
"I am Wesley of Borg, they don't like me, either."
"Screw you brother, odds is you don't know what's happening." -John Lennon
Theres nothing quite like substance abuse to bring people together.
"Bother", Said Poo as his rectum exploded!
You'll scream, then you'll get up and burn an X in your head.
((((( This BBS in Stereo Where Available )))))
"... YES! I want to overwrite it...", [pause], "Nooooo!"
Scotty flips you off with his left hand.
Drink your coffee! There are poor people in India sleeping!
"I AM THE 203 ARTIST" - The Super Artist (Inner Vision) '94
"Marketing! Marketing! Where the REAL money from the movie is made!"
I though Telegard was stolen from WWW?
_Always_ assume the Sysop is watching...
POP AX,PUSH AX,POP AX,PUSH AX.."Was it good for you too?"
Find Jesus? Did you lose him AGAIN? Check in the icebox...
Why do I still have the default tagline file? Maybe I was just merged.
The borg assimilated my race, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt.
What possible harm could one insane mutant purple tenticle do?
"The word? The word is no. I am therefore going anyway." -Kirk
No wanna work. Wanna bang on keyboard.
Once you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend.
"Oh, bother," said Pooh as Tigger dropped the joint into the honey jar...
"Oh, bother," said Pooh, as his access was dropped to twit level.
"Mr. LaForge, cut life support to all quarters with children." - |01Picard
Cannibals won't eat clowns because they taste funny.
"Stealing from here is stealing from yourself.. and your own scene."
Cole's Law - Thinly sliced cabbage.
Of _course_ you can trust the government... just ask the Native Americans.
If it's gonna be THAT kind of party, I'm^Mgonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
Oh, great! Now I'll need a Pentium to run [Insert Origin Game Name]!
If speed kills, Windows users will live forever.
"God damn you Will! You blew up my Enterprise!" - Picard
Hypocrisy: An Amiga user calling OS/2 users "fanatics"
Gays in the military bring new meaning to "Rear Admiral"
At a nude wedding, everyone can tell who the best man is!
You *can* go home again. Just type "cd \".
Excuse me for butting in, I'm interrupt-driven.
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
Windows Error 005: Multitasking attempted.
"You're dead Jim." - Picard
Only AMIGA makes it possible - only Commodore fucked it up.
Death is Murphy's way of dropping carrier on your life.
"Bother," said Poo as he buried Piglet's corpse.
Screw you, and the BBS you logged in on!
Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel things out.
"Theres coffee in that nebula..." - Janeway
A psychic convention was cancelled. Psychics were disappointed. Why?
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Don't like this message? JUST PRESS [ENTER]...
"C++ programmers decloaking 90 degrees starboard! Sir, they have NO^MHONOR!" "Very well, lock forward phaser banks, and fire at will, Mr. Worf."
Like a blind man in an orgy - I was going to have to feel things out.
"If we're going to be damned, lets be damned for what we really are." - Picard
Of _course_ you can trust the government... just ask the Native Americans.
"I'm a lawyer." "Honest?" "No, the usual kind."
Hmm...nice tagline. <SWIPE!> SUCKER!!! AH, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
All I want is a warm bed, a kind word, and unlimited power.
Took an hour to bury the cat. Damn thing kept moving.
Go download OmniQuote asshole! I use it! It's free, you gimp!
Fuck the system before it fucks you!
Quick Man!! Cling Tanatiously To My Buttocks!
Stealing is illegal because the government hates competition.
Bad TV doesn't make bad kids, bad parenting does.
"Badges? BADGES?! We don't need no stink'n BADGES!" - Larry in LSL 6
Attention Phenylketonurics: This message may contain Phenylalanine.
Stick "CD 20" in your brain and execute it!
iNTEL iNSIDE -- Where the hell did you think it would go?
if (barney==dead) rejoyce(); else shootthefucker();
Macs are the virus. Sledgehammers are the cure!
System 7/Windows/OS« -- Newbie heaven
PC/GEOS - Doesn't need a Pentium to run fast!
"My God, it's full of cars." - Monolith AutoPlex
"No damn chains can hold me to the ground."
It seems I've still got the default OmniQuote taglines...
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would fuck wood?
We're sending a probe in uranus....
escape is the phattest handle
SAUCE00My Default Tag Lines eScaPe ThE Lone Gunmen[TlG]19961016 P