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The Imagica Ezine Issue 17
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|-| The Imagica Ezine - Issue no 17 | |
| | (IMAGIZINE 01-02-2005) |-|
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A new issue of Imagizine - Imagica's own virtual magazine. This is
an interactive magazine, so your input is very much appreciated.
To put something in the Imagizine e-mail the Editor at:
Crisstilynn at, and it will be put into the following issue.
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* Editor's Note
* News
* Free Comment Arena
* Code
* Building
* Explorer's Column
* Haon-Dor Burning
* General Information
* Imagica Information
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Crisstilynn is currently busy elsewhere, so I've taken over the
responsibility for this one issue again. Feels like the good old
days, doesn't it? =)
Imagica these days is getting updated much more frequently than
before, which is great, and we hope that our players appreciate
the efforts and new features.
2005 is a new year for Imagica and we've now been going strong
for just over 10 years! We hope to be able to continue for a
long while yet.
From Imagica's Impteam to all of the players;
A Very Happy New Year!
Submitted by: Lunah
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In this section you will see a list and some information on the
latest news in Imagica.
- Code & World Update
Code & World Update
On January 22 Imagica was updated with a lot of new code and some
changes to the world. For more information you can read the code
and building sections of Imagizine or look at the News archives
on the website.
Submitted by: Various
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This area is reserved for comments, questions and suggestions from
Immortals and mortal players. To make a comment, email the editor
at Crisstilynn at with the subject line 'Imagizine'.
Imagica wants you!
Did you always had the feeling you wanted to do something for Imagica?
Do you like to play with alot of people or help newbies, but you can't
because you feel like there is a shortage of players?
This is where you can help!!!
You can help Imagica get higher on of the most important mud overview
called A higher rating could mean more people checking
Imagica out and statistically more people hanging around the mud to
interact with. For this all you have to do is vote. It doesn't have to
often but once in a while when you're bored visit the site and place
your vote. This way you'll help Imagica with little to no effort.
With this link you'll directly go to the votingbooth
Submitted by: Various
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Imagica's code was updated in January and below follow a basic
list of what was changed/added. For extra details you can look
at the News archive on the website.
- Storage Vaults for storing spare equipment outside the Inn or house.
- Two more quest mobs (for lower levels) to find and defeat for tokens.
- Furniture can now be used as containers as well.
- Building and scripting possibilities added.
- Clan skills added for SoS and OBC.
- Conflagration no longer effects monsters.
- Conjurations (elementals) have added penalties and bonuses.
- 'Ditch' will allow you to abandon your conjurations without leaving
the game.
- Objects have been added for pets.
- Newbie channel added.
- You can now ship any objects you wish to.
- With 'toss' you can throw other players or monsters around.
- Some mobs, such as shopkeepers, bankers etc. cannot be attacked.
- Now your light will work whether held or used elsewhere.
- Gamling systems added.
- Low levels can now spar with a mob to practice their new skills and
- The coaches now ride more often between the cities.
- Pixies can choose to stand on their feet if they wish to.
Submitted by: Metgod
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World Update
Imagica's world has been updated yet again. This time around there
were more changes that was updating old zones with small tweaks and
improvements. I will not list them all here since they are of little
interest to the regular players.
Two new zones have been added by one of our builders and underneath
Imagica we now have a system of catacombs filled with the vaults where
players can store their spare items that they cannot rent or keep in
their houses.
Also along with our intent to rid Imagica of all Standard CircleMUD
zones the Haon-Dor forest has now met its fate. (An unfortunate forest
fire.) In its stead now grows a new forest grown by magic and a forest
not before seen has been revealed beyond Haon-Dor. (Wyvern Forest and
Forest of Old, built by Shimmer.)
Below you can find a list of the new zones that were added.
15: The Storage Vaults Lunah & Metgod
117: The Forest of Old Shimmer
118: Wyvern Forest Shimmer
House Update
Probably one of the most notable changes in the world is the changes
made to our housing zones where all player houses are located. To allow
for easier management we have rationalised the zones, and you will be
able to see a map on the website of the two largest house zones to see
where houses are available to buy.
DinoStreet and Saga Forest have now been joined by Lindorm Grove,
a housing zone just north of Nivrim. Some people have been moved to
Lindorm Grove already, and if you would wish to move there, just let
Lunah or Metgod know. If you previously lived in DinoStreet, you may
find that your house has moved location, and we apologise for the
Your guests will have been lost from your guest list, but we have
maintaned all of your objects and to make up for some of the
inconvenience your rent owed has been cancelled. You will now have an
entire month before your next rent is due.
Submitted by: Lunah
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As long as one can remember the Haon-Dor forest has been growing
in the middle of the world. Filled with creatures of all sorts
it has been a place where many have gotten lost or encountered
strange beings.
It is with a certain amount of sadness that I write this piece
to confirm what you may all have heard rumors of. The Haon-Dor
forest is gone. A raging forest fire consumed it and swallowed
it whole.
The fire is believed to have been caused by a group of wyverns
that were not stopped in time. Some fields and crops were also
burnt to the ground, but the worst fire happened in Haon-Dor and
within days the forest was no more.
However, with the disappearance of Haon-Dor a forest previously
hidden has been found. It is a Forest of Old which has not been
disturbed for centuries, but now it has become known and man is
once again treading his way between the ancient trees.
Where Haon-Dor once stood you can now find the Wyvern Forest,
grown quickly to cover the vast expanse of burnt ground. Its name,
naturally coming from the way Haon-Dor was lost to us.
Thus, we say fare well to one of Imagica's landmarks, and welcome
the two new forests we have received in its stead.
Submitted by: Shimmer Skywise, Chronicler & Scribe
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Happy Hunting
For some time now, those of us who eagerly listen to questly sounds
have heard a tantalizing new voice. It is Iam the giant who challenges
us to find him, wherever in the world he may be. Only the slightest of
hints is given, and the chase begins. "The tunnel." Is it the secret
tunnel in Moonspell? And off we race. No, we do not see him there.
Perhaps the entrance tunnel to the troll kingdom? Disappointment
starts to gather as we cannot find him there either. Where else in
this world are tunnels? Lots of pondering proceeds the next move.
Every bit of information is pried from the hint given.
Perhaps it is in The Caves? Such a terrible maze it is there. And so
many tunnels! After having been through nearly all of the caves,
finally we encounter him.
Iam the giant.
You're looking at a man of rather large stature. His legs are the
size of small tree trunks and his chest reminds you of a large barrel,
or perhaps a brick wall, simply because of its sheer size. A large,
square face is tilted down to get a good view of you, although it's
mostly hidden by a large bush of beard. A pair of brownish eyes and a
crooked mouth give you the impression that this man is rather amused
by his everlasting quest to avoid everyone.
But the hunt doesn't stop here. No, no, we need to prove to Iam that we
can not only find him, but best him in combat. Defeated he is but yet he
manages to entice us. Out goes his voice again, pronouncing the hint
to his new location.
The hunt will never end.
Of course, I do not mind the continuing hunt. It is fun to participate
in, you learn a new view to the world, the thrill when you do manage
to find him in a particularly unknown spot is wonderful... And most of
all it provides a good source of experience and money for my house rents.
However Iam is quite strong so it needs a bit of power to best him.
Fortunately the God(s) convinced two other people to try to avoid
everyone. Lately two more voices can be heard in the questly sounds...
Roger the dwarf and Gigi the pixie. Now everyone can experience the
pleasure of the neverending hunt.
Submitted by: Sephrenia
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To subscribe yourself to the Mortals mailing list where you can
receive the Imagizine automatically whenever it comes out, you can
visit the link below:
For all people that have missed/lost old issues, and want or read
them. All the old issues as well as the current issue can be found
on the Imagica homepage at httP://
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Imagica Homepage -
Mud Address - (port:4000)
Clan Homepages:
Army of Darkness and Death (ADD)
Sentinels of Soraya (SoS)
WolfRiders (WOF)
Dragons in Exile (DIE)
Order of Serenity (OOS)
Order of the Blue Crescent (OBC)
The following clans are registered :
Clan# Clan Name Leader Representative #Members
[ 0] [Army of Darkness and Death] [Catt ] [Fido ] [ 20]
[ 1] [Sentinels Of Soraya ] [Desideira ] [Disa ] [ 10]
[ 2] [Wolf Riders ] [Shyla ] [Shimmer ] [ 7]
[ 3] [Dragons in Exile ] [Mithrandir ] [Alectsus ] [ 14]
[ 4] [Order of Serenity ] [Dante ] [Chloe ] [ 6]
[ 5] [Order of the Blue Crescent] [Jirrik ] [Maruk ] [ 6]
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