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The Hogs of Entropy 0811

ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #811
`888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8
888 888 888 888 888 "Cows"
888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8
888 888 888 888 888 " by Effy
888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 9/1/99
o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8
Saturday, August 14, 1999
Public Messages
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
I've always wanted a cow.
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
What would you do with a cow?
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
If I had a cow with no legs, I would have ground beef.
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
Oh, I don't know. What do you spose I'd do with a cow in bloody London?
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
Why might you have a cow with no legs?
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
Kill it for the meat. Or you could milk it.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
If I had a cow with no would be on the it would be
ground beef...cows are beef...and then I could make many hamburgers.
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
I had a three legged dog once. However, we didn't grind him for food or
anything like that; we just petted him and made him fetch things. Watching
him run was quite entertaining.
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
And have alot of steak too.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
Why is it that people are born missing legs but hardly anyone is born with
an extra leg?
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
Was your three legged dog m/f?
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
I have a extra legg.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
I wish I had eight legs so I could walk like a spider.
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
A missing leg would most likely be caused by degradation of the DNA. It
tisn't very common for there to be EXTRA DNA.
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
My three legged dog was female. We called her gimpy. Heh-heh.
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
Well she was three legged dog with a kitty cat.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
If I were a spider, I would cut off six of my legs so I could walk like a
human being.
#5: evil_rose16(#460.572.666.592)
Oh, no, don't tell me the cows are taking over! *runs and hides*
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
Everything reminds me of cheese.
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
We ate the cows.
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
You know, I never even saw a cow till I was 10. I grew up in the city. Not
much wildlife.
#5: evil_rose16(#460.572.666.592)
*whispers from her corner* Are the cows gone?
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
What did you do when you saw a cow?
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
Oh, I said "Look there's a antler-less moose chomping grass in that gully."
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
Have you ever eaten a cow?
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
The kind man sitting across from me informed me that "No, it twasn't a moose
'tall, it 'twas a cow." And then he mumbled something under his breath about
dunder-headed kids. Bloody grown-ups.
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
Can you tell the difference between a cow and a bull?
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
Well, course I've eaten them, just never had seen one in person.
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
Well, I don't exactly go wondrin' the countryside lookin' for cows and the
like, but I'd like to think that I can tell the difference between a cow
with udders and one without.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
I hate it when you go into a barn, and there are dingleberries on the cow's
butts underneath their tails.
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
Oh, yes, spiral, don't you know I have that problem too. Bloody cows, always
got them bloody dingleberries.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
Cows with bloody dingleberries are infected. Their red blood cell count is
low. But I think that only happens in England.
#2: Tweeder(#487.573.497.632)
Hey. Are you talking about cows?
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
No, we're not talking about any cows. That would be rude, and they're not
here to defend themselves.
#3: Hot Guy(#619.676.860.280)
Do you know what a dingleberries are?
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
Oh, great, now spiral tells me all me bloody cows are infected? Now what am
I to do. Ya can't eat fish & chips all your life.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
Poop. They are poop. Shit. Feces. Defecation. Poop.
#4: gilli(#619.613.426.619)
Spiral, you're killing me with giggles.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
I like poop so very much.
#2: Tweeder(#487.573.497.632)
You're a pretty nasty chick.
#1: spiral666(#816.595.748.306)
I'm a hot babe.
#5: KittySaysHello(#669.358.672.837)
Tanya likes shit. She has to shovel it all the time. She adores shit.
#2: Tweeder(#487.573.497.632)
Is everybody baked in here or something?