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The Hogs of Entropy 0657

ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #657
`888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8
888 888 888 888 888 "Sexual Revolution"
888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8
888 888 888 888 888 " by Anilos
888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 5/22/99
o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8
I'm downloading the single from the new Star Wars movie soundtrack
so I figure now is a good time to write, about something, what I will write
about, I don't really know.
One thing I will talk about though is this, I don't know if anyone
else has these but recently here in Spokane, there have been commercials for
"The Pill", now, I find this interesting in many ways. I've never actually
seen a commercial for the pill before, (seen hundreds upon hundreds for
condoms) I guess the condom guys were sick of being exploited and wanted
birth control equality, but that's probably not true, since it is afterall
a market with high profit potential. The most intriguing thing I saw though
had to be the fact that they weren't even advertising it for it's birth
control effects! No, they were advertising it as an acne medication, yes,
an acne medication. I want to shake the hand of the marketing/advertising
team that came up with this idea, seriously. What better way to eliminate
pregnancy in teenagers than luring them in with a clever phrase like "It
also clears up acne." I can only assume that telling teenagers just to take
the pill to prevent pregnancy wasn't enough, like most things in the world
we aren't content with something that only does one thing. We want video
game systems with internet capabilities and other gadgets that can give us
more than one reason for buying it. Or maybe some teenagers looked at it
and said "Hmm, well, it causes me to vomit almost instantaneously. And my
partner can just use a condom anyways so what's the point?" Either way, an
interesting way to approach selling birth control methods.
Talking about birth control brings me to another topic, sex. Ah yes,
how we all love the sound of that word even though some may vehemently deny
it. Sex has gone through many phases I've noticed, let's just start out
phase 1 in the 20's. Sex during the early 20th century was a rarity to
most, something that was precious, sacred and used only on special
occasions. This was a fairly anal retentative phase (no pun intended) and
the lack of promiscuity was only building up a lot of repressed libido. But
then again, I wasn't born in the 20's I'm sure that sex may have in fact
been just as rampant as it is now, but I'm assuming it isn't since the
shock value of sex has since decreased practically 300%. The next phase,
phase 2, I believe began with the "baby boom" depraved world war 2 veterans
return from slaughtering an entire generation of people only to procreate a
new one.
It was during the 60's and 70's that sex began to form and coalesce
into what it is today, no longer was it a rarity, promiscuity abounded and
it flourished everywhere. The current phase is now, from the mid 80's to
the present. We've reached a critical phase, the second to last phase, I
believe before it begins to loop over and begin anew, stagenate and stall
like a chess game in stalemate, and or find a new culling with different a
method (ie. virtual reality). This phase is the one I've been living
through and as such I can explain better and with more depth. From what we
have assumed, the 60's and 70's was when sex went from rarity to popularity,
from dormat to rampant.
But humans are a parasite of sorts, maybe in a good
way, maybe in a bad way, all I know is that we often get bored when faced
with the same thing over and over again. We want new things, better things,
more stimuli. And that boredom and yearning for a new expression began to
take form with cross-dressing/drag queens, even more sex, etc. (albeit not
as open as it was in the 70's) And now, in the 90's the phase is coming full
circle with incest, multiple partners, teenage sex increasing, and countless
other sexual situations. We see people like Jerry Springer, capitalizing
off of these situations (even though they are in fact fake, but then again,
who really knows? Things on that show may in fact really be happening
somewhere.) 'Stinkfist' by Tool has often been theorized to be about this
form of sensation. We go finger deep, then knuckle deep and then shoulder
deep, each time progressing further just to feel something new. It's
something I cannot honestly identify with and I think that's why it
frustrates me.
I don't think about sex half as much as my peers do, there's no
point anymore, the magic and wonder of it has been destroyed by it's
constant evolution into something more extreme. People try to deceive
themselves and say "Well it is a big deal" Really? If it's such a big deal
why then do most people just go cheat on their boyfriends/girlfriend for a
piece of ass? Better yet, can we atttribute intellectual decline to sex?
Well, that's a bit extreme, but I find it ironic that some studies show,
more sex makes people stupider. Granted, this obviously doesn't have a lot
of basis in reality but think about it, Issac Newton was a virgin to the day
he died and he is till regarded as the most intelligent person in all of
There's no real moral to this, one thing I've learned throughout life
is that people won't listen to you no matter what you say and how right
you've been in the past. I'm often told by my parents that I was born in the
wrong era, it's taken me awhile to realize it, but they are oh so right.