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The Hogs of Entropy 0557

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The Hogs of Entropy
 · 5 years ago


ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #557
`888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8
888 888 888 888 888 "My First C++ Program"
888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8
888 888 888 888 888 " by Seaya
888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 4/6/99
o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8

// Hello hoe readers! I, Seaya, have accomplished a most
// amazing feat! I have completed my first C++ program.
// It is a bootlegging program in which you enter the
// number of desired quarts, and the price of certain
// ingredients on the market, and voila it spits out
// the suggested price per quart. Below is the code,
// plus comments from my T.A. as to the stupendousness
// of my first effort and the lacking of proper formatting.
// The url of the assignment is:
// Compile and enjoy!!!

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main ( )

double fullRecipes; //#of full recipes needed, apple bushels, sugar bags
int waterVolume, // gallons of original mash and packages of yeast
yieldQuarts; // desired yield in quarts
float yieldGallons, // the desired yield in gallons
appleCost, // cost of 1 bushel of apples
cost, // cost of all the jars plus the bribe and ingredients
sheriffBribe, // pay the sheriff some dough
jarPrice; // suggestions of what to charge for 100% profit

cout << "
Enter desired number of full quarts: "; // request for quarts
cin >> yieldQuarts; // input of quarts of yield

if (yieldQuarts > 128) {
cout << "
\nGallons of mash exceeds volume of still." << endl; //
exit(1); // sends failure message ands exits
else {
cout << "
\nEnter cost of apples per bushel: "; // request for bushels
cin >> appleCost; // input of the cost of an apple bushel
cout << "
\nEnter sheriff payoff: "; // sneaky bribe to sheriff he he he!
cin >> sheriffBribe; // how much to the sheriff

yieldGallons = yieldQuarts/4; // 4 quarts in a gallon
fullRecipes = ceil(yieldGallons/3.2); // each recipe yields 3.2 gals
waterVolume = fullRecipes*5; // 5 gallons in 1 recipe
cost = sheriffBribe + (yieldQuarts * 2.75) + (fullRecipes * 2.75) +
(appleCost * fullRecipes);

// the cost of the entire batch of moonshine =
// the number of quarts yielded times the price of a jar
// plus the number of full recipes made times the prices of the
// ingredients in one recipe (assuming water is free)
// plus the pesky bribe to the sheriff

jarPrice = (cost/yieldQuarts) * 2;

// The price of one jar is
// the total cost divided by the number of quarts yielded
// then multiplied by 2 for a 100% profit

cout << "
\nNeeded ingredients:\n";
cout << "
" << waterVolume << " gallons of water,\n"; // initial gallons
cout << "
" << fullRecipes << " bushels of apples,\n"; // how many
cout << "
" << fullRecipes << " bags of sugar,\n"; // # bags of
cout << "
" << waterVolume << " packages of yeast.\n\n"; // pkgs
yeast=gal. h2o
cout << "
Yield: " << yieldQuarts << " quarts\n"; // yield in quarts
cout << "
Suggested Quart Price: $" << setprecision(2) // set for cents
<< setiosflags(ios:: fixed | ios::showpoint) // necessary for dollar
<< jarPrice << endl; // what to charge per jar

}// end of else
return (0); // sends success

}// end of main

/* Good job, Leah. Try to work on formatting your program a little
more clearly,
it makes it much more readable and easier to follow. Your comments
in the
program are excellent. 5/5
-Seth */

end text


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