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The Hogs of Entropy 0550

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Published in 
The Hogs of Entropy
 · 26 Apr 2019


ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #550
`888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8
888 888 888 888 888 "The sweetest of Fruits"
888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8
888 888 888 888 888 " by Phairgirl
888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 4/3/99
o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8

Hi Summer,

Well, I think I should warn you before I continue to write this, I
mix in a little bit of raunch from time to time, but mostly, I write my
stories using common words and metaphors. Also, BE WARNED, I write my
stories in the first person. Which means, that I write as if I'm the one
telling the story as a participant. I prefer to use real names and real
descriptions, because that keeps it real for the reader. In other words,
you and I are the stars of the story. My stories are written with the
intention of only you reading it, but I have no problem with you sharing
my story with freinds. ALSO, one more warning, I've gotten complaints
from people, saying that those outsiders who read it, though it was all
real and it really happened. I tend to tell my storys like I'm recounting

This first story, will play on your "teasing" fantasy, where I call
you out on your teases. So.... I hope you like it.

**************************** <<EVIL GRIN>> *******************************

It's late, and you and I just got off at Wendy's together. It was
our first night of you teaching me how to close. Well, I moved to Iowa to
be closer to you and you helped me get some work at Wendy's. I feel like
a real black sheep in your town and you've been so sweet, and have done so
much for me while I've been in town.

I don't understand why they want me to be one of the new closers
but you reassure me telling me that I'll do fine. The bosses like me
because I'm older than most of the other workers and would rather trust me
than some high school kid who's going to invite all their friends to the
resturaunt after closing.

But, as usual, you've done so much to ease my mind but more
importantly, it gives me some quiet time with you. You look awsome as
usual in that uniform. The uniform wasn't designed to be flattering but
you do a lot for the designers lack of vision.

With the last lock clamped shut, we look at each other almost ready
to say goodnight, but something inside me stirs as you look at me eat the
last of the nights grease left over fries. Just as I'm about to eat
another fry, you reach over and snach it out of my hand on pop it into
your mouth.

"Hey, get your own" I giggle at you as I pull my bundle away from
your view.

"Don't worry, you'll get sick of them soon enough," you laugh back
at me.

"Yeah... well... If you don't like them give it back." I teased
at you with a smirk. Nevermind the fact that it was jogging it's way down
your digestive system.

"You WANT it?" Your eyes were different, like I've never seen them
before. "Come and get it." Your eyes were almost evil, like a woman
harboring a deep dark secret.

"Careful there, Summer, I just might take you up on that. I'm not
like one of these country boys who can't take a hint. Everything is an
invitation in New York." I chuckled back at you. As I looked away from
the eyes that made me a little uneasy.

"Oh? Well, I guess city boys can't take a hint Either!" You
sneered at me. You said it in a tone that made it hard to tell if you
were teasing again or if you were really angry towards my rejection.

"Summer? I can't beleive you!" I laughed while thinking about all
the times I quietly watched you. Maybe it was your shoes or just the bra
you'd wear, but sometimes, there would be just a little more spring in
your step that caused your breast to bounce slightly to the rythem of
your step. <SIGH> So many times I'd sit to look for you coming, just to
see if you had "the bounce" that day. But you just looked at me making me
shy, and I look away.

Oh how many nights, I sat and thought about you, and wanted to make
you bounce. But even though I've been really attracted to you, I've been
too shy to make my move closer to you. Sure we've shared inuendo so many
times, but I'm just never sure if you're serious or just playing.

"Maybe... I'm not kidding," You say back at me with a serious look
on your face.

"Well, there's only one way to tell..." And I wrap up what's left
of the fries and toss them into the big Wendy's garbage can right between

I proceed over to you and we stand within inches of each other;
face to face, without flinching.

"Well, Summer, I'm here. If you see anything you like, take it."
I offered to you.

"Huh? You want me, too.....?" Suddenly, you aren't looking so

"I want you to take what you want," I challanged back.

"Oh, come on...." You quiped back looking a little bashfull.

Suddenly a car's headlights hit us as we stood infront of Wendy's.
They were just checking to see if we were still open, but seeing the lights
out and the parking lot empty except for my bike, they just turned the car
around. Sorry dude, no chili for you tonight. But maybe, just maybe, some
for me.

At seeing the car's headlights, you quickly jumped back away from
me. You started gathering yourself with a couple of deep breaths and
looking into the midnight sky. Almost looking as if you were looking for
answers from the stars.

I started to feel pretty bad about myself, look at me, I'm too old
for you, I'm 28. And you're only 19. But God! You are so sweet, so and
sexy. I've fallen in love with you sometime ago but I've just never had
the nerve to do anything about it because I'm always afraid that you'll
just think of me as some pervert who likes young girls. How can I tell
you that your has nothing to do with my attraction for you.

"Yeah.... that's what I thought." I smiled at you with a touch of
anguish inside. I'm feeling sorry that you didn't take what I offered you.
So I quietly walk off to my bike, and turn to you with a warm smile.
"Good night, Summer..... It's cool...." And my smile faded as I turned
back to my bike.

As I mount my bike and hit the start button, I look over to you but
you're gone. My eyes race across looking for you and I see you walking
down the road just off of the parking lot. The sight touched me. Just as
I watched you from behind as you walked away, the song came into my head
by Percy Sledge, "When a man loves a woman"... And I melted. It suddenly
struck me that you were about to walk home. I just realised that you
didn't have a car with you and you didn't have someone picking you up.

I kick the Harley in gear and roll it slowly over to you. As I get
closer, I see your step change and I wonder if I'm scaring you or if I'm
making you feel better. As my bike rolls up beside you, you stop and turn
to me with a big grin on your face.

"Summer, you want a ride home?" I yell over the purr of my bike.

"What?" you yell back.

I call you over with my hand and pull you close and into your ear
I say "Do- you- want- a- ride---- HOME!" I'm not feeling very cool in my
Wendy's uniform on top of such a cool bike but I have to try.

"Sure," and you kick one leg over and pull your hands around me.

I grab you by your hands that are wrapped around my chest, and
pull them down to my waist. I then tell you besides being sexier lower,
it's more comfortable for both of us. "Hold Tight!" I yell back as I
kick into gear.

As the bike rolls forward I felt your hands squeeze me tighter. It
felt good. The air rushed through our hair and on our faces, it was great.
It felt so new to me to have your body pressed so close to me. I rode for
several miles before I suddenly realised that I don't know where you live
and we were only riding around. I looked at you in my rear view mirror
and saw you smiling and looking back at me. I could die right there and
it would have been just perfect, just to have you smile at me.

As we rode along a red light up ahead called out to me to stop. As
I slowly went on my brakes I felt your body press against my back and for
the first time, I felt your chest on my body, sure it was only my back,
and you didn't do it on purpose, but I loved it. I hit a small bump in
the road that caused "the bounce" on my back and I suddenly found my pants
growing tight with the pressure, because of the fantasies I was creating
in my mind.

I suddenly realised that you felt it too because I slowly began to
feel your nipples rubbing into my back. I slowed down and leaned back to
you and I wanted to say something.... but I couldn't. I was afraid that
you'd get embarassed and pull away. But I had to!

"I can feel you pressing into me.... I like it," I called out to
you as you sat right behind me.

"Good! Then I guess I'm doing something right here!" You called up
front to me.

I then felt your grip loosen from my waist, and your hands slowly
lowered down to my thighs and began to stoke the insides on my legs as I
sat perched and volnerable to your advance. You suddenly pulled one hand
up and pointed to the corner on the left, so not knowing, I turned.

Before we could give your hand a chance to go back, you tapped me
on the shoulder saying we're here. All I wondered was what HERE is? It
was your home.

I killed the motor as you got off the bike. I felt so close to you
and yet so pathetic for not being able to confront my feelings.

"So, Summer, I hope you liked the ride." I simply said with out
saying more. I felt my eyes starting to droop like a puppy from the
sadness of it being over.

"Well, it's still early, and if you're up to it, we can hang out
for a little while?" You smiled back.

I looked at my watch and saw it was only 1am, and no, it's not too
late. It could never be too late to be with Summer. I could only smile
and nod my head.

"Cool, give me a chance to change and I'll be out in a few
minutes." Your voice came back at me with the sound of a child about to
go to the circus. Your voice was alive and vibrant; Excited and nervous.

You skipped off to your house as I lit a cigarette. It was just
then that I first noticed how much my heart raced. I could hear my heart
beating in my skull.

It wasn't long before I heard your door closing just as I was
finishing my cigarette. I turned my head and saw you walking towards me
in a VERY sexy outfit. The skirt wasn't too short but it was just over
the knee, a nice blouse, almost transparent enough to give the impression
of flesh but not enough to show any. I was gaga, and I couldn't find the
words to tell you how good you looked! You looked like you were ready to
go dancing so I though about the uniform I was wearing.

As you lifted your leg to climb back on, I looked back just in time
to get a flash of your thigh as your skirt rode up. While on the back of
my seat I looked back one more time and saw your legs shifting as you tryed
to get comfortable. Looking down you lifted one leg to find the footrest,
and as you lifted I could see straight up your skirt and saw you were
wearing white panties and for a split second, I thought I saw a small tuft
of fur poking out one side. My feelings raged inside as I began staring
down as you fixed your skirt and was still looking even after it was made
"proper" hoping to see it again.

"Like what you see," You giggled at me.

Looking up I smiled "Yeah...... I do!"

"Did it look good?" Your smile grew.

"Good enough to eat."

"Better than Fries?" You laughed.

"Only one way to find out" I said as I reached a hand out for it.

You quickly grabbed my hand away from it's target.

"Hmmmmmm, You NYC guys, I don't know about you." You scolded at me
with a parental look.

"I'm not anymore, I moved here remember?" I told you as I bowed my
head feeling so undeserving of you.

"Hey! That's right, Nando, I still haven't seen your apartment."
You said almost in surprise.

"My place? Oh god, no. You're going to come to my house and tease
me even more there, too. I can't take you there. I spent too much money
in relocating that most of my fruniture is all old second hand junk. I
can't take you there."

"Awww, come on, I know all that. Moving is always hard, I can
imagine how much harder it is to move so far." And just as you said that,
your hand went right back down to my theigh.

"OK...." So I started the bike and started heading home.

The whole trip there, your hands kept moving aroung my legs and
along the edges of my "meaty" parts. I kept getting hard with lust and
going limp from nerves. What is going to happen I kept asking myself over
in my head.

I found myself riding faster than usual because I had to get home
to find out if you were for real this time or still teasing!

It wasn't long before I pulled up to the house where I'm renting a
small apartment around the back. It isn't very glamorous but it's mine.
As I shut off the engine, I look back hoping for another flash. And you
give me a better flash than before because this time I saw right up the
bikini waist band, and this time, I can tell that you're very aware that
you're doing it. My rod would have sprung up again, except I was too
nervous. I was feeling the pressure of the incertainty.

Once inside, I gave you the 50 cent tour, not much to see. You
seemed pleased that it wasn't the typical bachleor pad, with porno mags
and trash everywhere. It was kind of tidy considering I wasn't expecting
to bring company home.

I needed to relax, I felt nervous and sweaty so I offered you a
beer and turned on the TV. I sat away from you, being that I wasn't sure
how to proceed. I sit in front of the TV aside from you and asked if you
would like to go somewhere, or do something? Anything where I won't feel
so conspicuously nervous.

After our first beers, I offered you another one and got up to go
get it. At the fridge, I noticed the last of some ice cream sandwiches
that I bought a few days before. I took it out and left it on the
counter. I had a plan brewing. I went back with the beers and remained
concious of the time. I didn't want it to get too soft.

After 20 minutes of quiet talk between us, I had really relaxed
a lot, we didn't seem to flirt so much anymore and I sat a little closer
to you. I had forgotten about the ice cream for a while untill I noticed
that when I made you laugh, your cleavage would jiggle, like jello.
There's always room for Jello! I found myself looking a lot and trying to
make you laugh more so that I can watch it wiggle and ripple like an
inviting dessert. I then I saw that you noticed me looking, too.

"Like what you see?" You smiled.

"Not fair, you said that already and I answered it!" I laughed.

I saw that it was time for some ICECREAM! So I went back to the
kitchen and got the ice cream which was now nice and soft.

"Hey Summer, I've got some ice cream but this is the last one,
would you like to share it with me?"

"Sure, sounds nice...."

So I went ahead and tryed to unwrap it but I had forgotten about it
so it was a little too soft. It was really dripping a lot. GOOD! I
finally got the paper off of it and as I did the first drip came down right
on me, so with a finger, picked it up and licked it off my finger. To
prevent it from dripping on the couch, I had to move in closer to you.
Actually I sat right over you so that it could drip on you. I took a lick
off of it and offered it to you. You turned it to lick right over where I
licked it.

It wasn't long before the first drop fell on your leg. So I
reached down and wiped it up with my finger and licked it off.

"Oh, don't let it drip on me, I'll get all sticky...."

"So.... I'll lick you clean......" <EVIL GRIN>

And then you got real quiet and didn't say anything, you just looked
at me with wanting eyes. And yes, I wanted you also.

As another drop fell in slow motion, I watched it slowly fall
untill it hit it's mark, your thigh! I looked at you and you looked at
me. I got down on my knees infront of you and and parted your legs to get
in closer. I ran my tongue along your thigh like a dog, the differnce
being that I licked you in one long, slow motion. From this position I
could see up your skirt, only now, I saw the bits of hair peeking out the
sides were lighter than I'ld expected and this time, your panties weren't
totally white anymore. There was a dark spot in the crotch. At first, I
though it was an old stain but as light hit it and reflected off, I knew
that it wasn't a stain. I wanted to bury my face in there, but just then
you pulled me away.

As I got up, I realised that in those short seconds, the ice cream
had melted all down my arm, by now, I thought my plan was a flop. We
quickly tried to eat the icecream before we'd make a bigger mess but I was
lucky enough to drip some more on you and everytime I tryed to drip
further up your thigh. As, I went to lick it up, I could see you get
wetter with every drop I lapped up. Now, I didn't care about the
dripping, I just wanted to lick you.

Finally the ice cream was done but I still had all the cream on my
hand, so I touched your chin, and before you could wipe it off, I came
overand passed my tongue over your chin. You looked SO surprised. Almost
afraid I was going to take a bite.

You then smiled and said "That was close..."

"Close to what?"

"Close to being a kiss...." You looked as if too afraid to admit
that's what you wanted.

"Would that be so bad?" I needed to know.

"no... it's just that...."


And before you could answer I took my candied hand and rubbed it on
the inside of both your thighs.

"Oh God!" You squeeled in shock.

"Woopsy, I'ld better take care of th-..." And in mid-word I burried my
face in your lap, stroking you with my lips and tongue. I sucked on the
inside of your thighs and worked my way up to your panties. I grabbed
the hem of the skirt and slid them up as I licked you flesh, untill I
finally made it as far as your panties and I got the first whiff of your
musky fragrance... I got so hard, I just wanted to chew right through

"" You kept whispering as your voice
got deeper and your breath grew shallow. "Oh..... shit."

I pressed my lips to the wet spot on your panties and tasted you
through your soft cotton panties. The sweetest of fruits would be
jealous if they knew how good you taste. I rubbed my tongue. I reached
my hands up to take hold up the waist bands of your panties to pull them
off, but you suddenly jumped and pulled my head away.

"No Nando, we can't.... I can't.... I want to but, we still haven't
had a real date yet, it wouldn't be right."

"Oh Summer," I looked up into your eyes. "In my heart, we've had
more than dates. We've talked about stuff, and we've flirted for a long
time... I'm in love with you and moved out here to Iowa, to be closer to
you." I wimpered out the words. "Do we need to go to a movie to officate
our feelings? If you want us to go to go on a date, well, I was just
about to eat before you stopped me." <SMILE> "And I'll give you something
to eat and we can call it a dinner date."

"It's just not the same thing" You said with a frown, obviously
dening your real feelings. "We aren't even 'going' together or anything,
we're friends.

"OK, fine.... Whatever." I felt rotten. "I'd better go wash my
hands then....... Playtime's over." and I got up and headed over to the
bathroom to clean off the ice cream that was starting to get sticky.

"No, I didn't say we had to stop playing.... I'm too wet for it to
be over." you said with a big smile.

Another tease? Maybe, but this time I was really disappointed
unlike all the other times that we've had excuses to stop us. This time
there weren't any real reasons to stop.

There was a long quiet while I washed my hands. And as I dryed my
hands on a towel, I called out to you "Summer, why are you such a tease?"

"I'm not a tease, I'm just kidding.... you know?" you yelled back.

"Yeah, I know," I said as I came out of the bathroom totally naked
with a raging hard on! "But I'm not kidding."

And walked right to you. And stood over you with my 7 inch, very
thick dick standing over your eyes as you slumped back onto the couch.
Your eye's jumped out of their sockets and I could almost hear your
panties soak up your juices like a sponge as they gushed out.

"I had to get out of that fucking uniform, it was choking the hell
out of me...... You're wearing cotton panties, it breaths better than that
uniform. I hope you don't mind if I just stay like this untill I have to
take you home, I'm a nudist and I'm more confortable like this."

"Yeaaah" you blushed, "Sure, whatever," You said as you turned your
face away.

"What's wrong?" I said faining ignorance.

"Oh... n o t h i n g....." your voice trailed off as I stood over

"Oh, really, maybe it's my nakedness that's making you nervous?"

"Not really..... It's that...." Pointing to the meat standing like
a totem pole inches over your head.

"What this?" I said as I grabbed my dick with a full handed grip.
I started to rub it up and down slowly. "It's just my dick, what are you
worried about."

"I'm not worried... just...that..."

"Well maybe you should worry, this dog bites, and you've been
teasing him for a long time. And tonight he's pissed!"

"Yeaa but I was only playing with you, I didn't mean to lead you-"
And I interupted your words by sticking my hand quickly up under your
skirt where you sat.

"Oh yeah playing?!? Your panties are soaked right through!" And
you grabbed my hand away. "....Are you sure you don't want it!" I asked
while still petting the snake.

"Oh.... I'mmm pretty-" And I stopped you again by reaching around
your head and grabbing your hair. Not roughly, but very domanantly and
firmly. Like a horse at the beckoning of the reins, I pulled your head up
to look at me and the monument before you.

"Really?.... but what if I took your face like this..." And I took
you and pulled you closer to me forcing you to sit up. Putting you eye
level with the monster. "...and rubbed it close to you.... Are you still
sure. Summer?"

"I--I don't know what you mean...." Nervously, your voice quivered.

"Like this..." And is started to rub my dick slowly, first parallel
to my body with a direct up down motion, then I pushed it out to point at
you as I played with it. Always, making sure you were looking at it.

You remained silent and tryed to look casual about it as if it were
common to see a guy jerking off TO you. But you gave away some very
telling signs that you were enjoying what you saw. Your legs kept
shifting and your breathing went from shallow, to deep and long breaths.
Holding you be the head I slowly pulled your head closer and closer,
untill finally, I pressed it right to your cheek. I then began to pass
it's purple velvety head along your cheek, letting it stoke your face. I
passed it down along your chin and neck. Untill I finally worked my way
passed your lips. Once I stoked your lips with it, I saw that your eyes
were only partly open, partially from fear and mostly from feeling horny.

I pressed it to your lips to get you to open your mouth a little
but without any effort, you're lips opened and I saw your tongue creep up
out a little to meet me half way. It looked like one of those ice cream
comercials were the beautiful girl goes to take a lick in a close up and
her tongue goes out in search of a taste. As your lips met the very tip
of the head of my dick, your lips closed in a kiss to it, your eyes were
closed and with that kiss came another. And your tongue stroked the head

I reached down to feel your breasts... They felt nice and soft.
Like real breasts. I've always liked real breasts over implants.
Implants are so hard and too firm, they have no bounce. For the first
time I felt the bounce. I look down as you kiss the tip of me, I then
look passed you down to the buttons of the blouse, I then start to undo
each button. With nervous fingers I fumble with the last button and pull
open your blouse.

You look up at me as you open your mouth wider and take the head
deeper into your mouth. You watch my eyes flutter as more of me goes
deeper into your mouth.

I look at your bra for the first time. A white lacey number with
very large cups. Something inside me lifted my hand up to your breast and
started rubbing it. I looked down at you and saw that my dick was almost
half way into your mouth. So I pulled it away.

"You like to tease... So do I..." And I pulled my dick back to your
face and rubbed your saliva on your cheek. I than stroked it on your lips
again as your tongue whiped out to get another taste but I pulled it away
and passed it down to your neck and then to your open chest.... with my
free hand I pulled off one bra strap and guilded my dick down to pull the
cup away from your waiting breast.... but out of impatience, you simply
reached up and pulled it away. So I then went on the storke your nipple
with the head of my dick. It doesn't take much to make that large dark
circles shrink up unto a big stiff nipple.

"UUhhhhhmmmm" You whimper.


"Oh, it's just sooo" And I pull my dick back up to your face before
you can object again. Your mouth just jumps open for my dick and you just
close your mouth around it before I can pull it away again. But I do. I
pull my dick out of your mouth with a little effort because the suction
you created was strong.

I then dropped down to my knees and held you be the waist as I
lowered my face to your chest I went on to suck that breast for all I had.
With one hand I reached over to pull off the other cup. But you got there
before me and pulled it off. So I started petting it a little to bring
the nipple up and then I took my face over to it to show it some attention

With my face full your breasts, I pulled my head up and directed
you to lie back on the couch. Once you were back I began to kiss and lick
the insides of your thighs. Slowly but clearly I kiss my way up to your
panties. Pushing you to open your legs for my mouth. The spot in your
crotch was undenyably very large and very wet. I went to it with my mouth
and kissed it softly at first and then stronger as I went on, I felt my
tongue try to run out of my mouth and creep around the elastic of the
panty leg. I reached up and pulled it over to help my tongue through. I
saw a pink wonderland. I felt like Charlie Bucket as he first stepped
into Wankaland. It was everywhere and I wanted to eat it all by myself.

Looking at it, I was in awe. The warmth coming from it and the
fragrance made me think if a buffet. As I saw it glimmer with moisture, I
leaned in for my first taste. I let my tongue ride up the slit as if on
rails. I let your pink lips guide my tongue. Mmmmmmmm, very smooth and
sooo sweet. It tastes so much better with out the cotton blocking it. I
let my tongue ride it again... Mmmmmmm Better than anything I've ever had.
I pull Your hips down a little to bring you closer to the edge of the
couch. Once your butt is sitting on the ledge. I reach up for your
waistband again. Only this time you stop resisting and lift yourself up to
allow me to pull them off.

Once off, I can see you in all your glory with your blouse tossled
open and your breasts hanging free. Your legs spread wide, exposing all
your treasures to me. Your skirt up, high enough to be a belt. I had to
lean back a little to make sure I could soak up the view. It was

You look at me with wanting eyes not wanting me to stop and reach
down to stroke my dick but I resist you and pull your hand away. I slowly
move forward directly on top of you, causing my dick to press on to your
waiting pink lips. With my dick pointing straight into your hole almost
ready to drop itself in because of your wettness, I lift my face into you
and give you our first kiss. I had your taste on my lips and you had mine
on yours even before this important milestone but who cares for rules.
Your kiss tasted so good, I didn't want it to end.

As I pulled my self closer to your kissing lips I felt you pull
your arms around my pulling me closer to you. In doing so, I felt myself
sinking into your warm, wet, waiting pussy.

Before I knew it, You let out a loud moan as I hit bottom. The
feeling was incredible, Like nothing I've ever felt. So warm, so tight.
I've known that you weren't with many guys, but you were so tight, it was
almost like you where Virgin flesh.

Our lips and tongues working hard at each other and I slowly pulled
back knowing that my meat may be bigger than your young body is used to
so I knew to be slow at first and so I went back in after a nice long
stroke to lossen you up a little. You were so wet, it made little
differnce by the grown you cut loose, louder than the first.

I pull myself out and then drop myself in faster and deeper with
each stroke. By the sound of your voice, I can hear your pleasure.

I slowly take my kiss away from your face and bring it down to
your neck as I work my way to your chest. I kiss every spot of bare flesh
I see. I return to your neglected breast and suck them back to attention.

I slowly continued on to my journey south as I made another pitstop
at your navel and licked and kissed at your bellybutton. Not long, I
continue kissing my way down and kiss the red welt left my your panties.
But I'm not there yet.

As I reach my objective, I notice for the first time that your
patch of fur is lighter that the hair on your head. It's nicly trimmed on
the edges as I kiss the crease of your thigh and lick down into you.

The warm, humid, musky air and the sweet taste made me totally
drunk with ecstasy. I couldn't hold myself back anymore as I pulled my
tongue out and drove it into you. I needed to use it to pull out more of
your fine wine to drink. I could not get enough. Having heard your voice
change with each entry of my tongue. I sought to please you more.

I wiggled my tongue inside you for the last time as I slid it up to
your clit and lightly touched it with my tongue. Your sudden flinch as I
did so, I knew that I've neglected your clit too much tonight and thought
I'ld give it something for it's patience.

I passed my tongue over it again. And again your body twitched. I
pressed my tongue to it harder and you cryed out with pleasure. The time
for me to tease you back is over. I put my lips over your sweet swollen
little clit and sucked your clit into my mouth and began slapping it with
my tongue.

Within seconds, I felt your hips begin to gyrate and push forward
against my face and sucking lips. You called out to me just once before
your hands reached forward to my head and pulled it hard into you.

"oH Godd.... Oh Go-.... Oh-..oh-..."

And your back arched an your breathing stopped for a moment as your
body convulsed under the pressure of my mouth on your Summer heat!

I slowly tapered off my strokes to your clit which was now hotter
than I'ld felt it before. I poked a finger into you to pull out a little
moisture to rub onto your clit to cool it down. I then licked that finger
for it's remaining juice.

"Oh god, that was good..." You finally spoke as you opened your

"WAS? Are we done? I Don't think so!" I quiped back at you, with
a smile.

"Huh-" you were cut off by my kisses to your mouth as I started to
re-insert myself into you. You weren't as wet as before because I had
licked it all up, but by feeling my tongue on your tongue, and my dick
pressing against your opening, I felt you start to flow for me again.

Within seconds, I was slowly entering you again. Only partly in, I
grew impatient and took my dick into my hand and rubbed my head up and down
against your pussy to stimulate more lubrication to flow from you. It
worked great because just as I'm doing this, I feel your body slide down
to welcome me in and I just about fall into your waiting sex.

Feeling how moist you've gotten in just a few short rubs I pressed
my dick to your waiting opening. Without any resistance, I was inside

I just held it there and kissed you to feel your sugar walls press
against me. I licked and kissed at your lips and tongue. I slowly pulled
my self out a little and then drove it back it. You were to wet for
words. I could feel your excess liquids run down my dick into my pubes.
It was a good feeling. My black hair being intertwined with your light
brown hairs.

Before I could realise what was happining, you had begun gyrating
your hips in a rythim that I could only pick up and go with. With the
rythim of music we were pulling and pushing each other back and forward.

In and out, we moved into each other. Kissing you with everything
I had to give. I pulled one free hand to stroke your face with my kisses,
the other hand up to stroke your breasts.

Your breathing kept on growing louder as I went in deeper and
harder. After several minutes I felt a stirring inside my loins but I had
to resist it and jumped off of you before I could cum and I immediatly
went back down to eat you some more. I began to lick at your pussy again.

"No, come back..." You whispered.

"I don't want to cum...Not yet." I whispered back pulling my face
away from your sex. But I quickly returned to it.

Your body moved under my the whipping of my lips and tongue. I
felt your sauces flowing on my face. It was so good.

You pulled my head away and I was begining to think that you were
stopping me again untill you directed me to lay back onto the floor. Once
I had done so, you went on to remove the flimsy layers you were wearing.
You then dropped to your knees to begin kissing my bare body. You tried
to cover as much ground as possible, but you kept going back to my loins
for a taste. It wasn't long before your lips were firmly locked onto my
dick and you've started a rythim. With only a few good long strokes from
your mouth, I felt myself starting to spasm. I tried to pull you away
from it, but you only pressed harder to recieve it.

I could only moan as I felt your throat tighten with each swallow
causing me to spasm more and more untill I'd felt myself totally drained
of all my seed. My body twitched with the last and final wave faded back
to the hell that spawned it.

I opened my eyes and focus them just in time to see you lift your
lips away from me. I reached down to pull you up to me and I shared a
salty kiss with you. Your lips still moist from the kiss but you never
lost a drop.

We share a long sloppy kiss as I continue to touch you pressing
against me. I stroke your hair and face as we kiss. I feel so close to
you inside. I don't want to lose this feeling. We lay on the floor for
long minutes just reveling our in our kisses and in our joy until I feel
myself getting hard at the thought of having you so close to me.

I let my hand begin to wander around your body as we kiss untill it
finds a perch on your bush and then begins to caress your clit again.
Feeling my gentle stokes to it, you lift a leg to accomidate it. With
your leg lifted, your lips seperate slightly allowing your juice to flow
on it's own. My dick saw this as in invitaton.

I rolled over on top of you and my dick ran into you like it missed
being home. I also took your clit with my finger as I began to thrust into
you. You grew louder and louder with each syncronized stoke of dick and

As your head thrashed with ecstasy I began to lose my will. I tryed
to regain my senses before the point of no return but just then your moans
became unbearable.

"I'm going to cum...."

"Not yet....

"I'm going t-"

"Oh god...Me too....."

Just then your legs wrapped around me to keep me from pulling out
of you. And we both cunvulsed deeply into each other. Our hips kicking
and bucking like the worst types of madness had strucken us both.

As it subsided, I took a few last deep strokes into your pussy
making sure the very last drop hit it's mark. With that, we locked our
mouths together into the most loving kiss ever.

We never left each others side nor did we sleep. We never stopped
making love that night. From one bit to another we ate each other and made
love like children with a new toy.

In the morning, we lay naked on the floor kissing and holding each
other for hours more. Long after the sun had risen. We still lay in the
bright spot where the sunlight falls on us through the part in the

It's been a perfect night. We made enough love in one night to fill
several lifetimes. But now it's morning and it's time to face the music.
You've been out all night, what will you mom say? You put me at ease by
telling me you left her a note saying that you'ld be staying with at
friend's but just didn't mention which one. But also.... I came inside
you several times during the night. You reassure me by telling me that
while on the back of my bike on your trip home last night, you were doing
the math in your head to be sure you'd be safe. You figured that it was
awfully close to the boarder line but it would be worth the risk to come
out to my house last night.

It was at about this time that I realised that last night was all
a part of some elaborate plan all along. You told your mom to drop you
off at work because you were going to get a ride home and didn't need the
car. You had also told her that you might be staying at a freind's, but
you left a note to confirm the plans and so she doesn't get upset calling
around looking for you. Had you been fertile, you would have change the
plans for a safer time of the month. Very slick of you, but all you had
to do was say something, and it still would have been good. Except we
would have had a date or two first.

Soon we'll be buying a bigger bed and some dressers for your stuff,
now that I have a new roommate. We look around for good places to place
the impending furniture. But so far, we still don't know where we're
going to put the crib. Well, not yet, but we're very happy together and
we're thinking ahead.

And we live....... Happily, ever after.

I love you Summer,


I hope you enjoyed this and I look forward to hearing your opinion
on it whether good or bad.



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