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The Hogs of Entropy 0334

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
The Hogs of Entropy
 · 26 Apr 2019


'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!!
##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: ===========================================
##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #334 !!
#########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !!
##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: ===========================================
##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "A LOT OF BAD THINGS I'VE DONE" !!
##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Squinky !!
..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 12/11/98 !!

Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk, kids, let me try and set the stage for you.
At some point during my modem LIFESTYLE, I became a buffer addict. I
buffered a lot of stuff.

This period mainly dates from around 1993-1995, but there is
stuff from either side in here.

The first example here comes from a friend of mine, Daver, who
has been all too kind with allowing me access to various things, when
he knows that I intentionally get myself into all sorts of trouble.

However, this particular trouble wasn't even something I was
looking for. I posted a message to misc.writing, asking for
information on the copyright laws, and some people freaked out.

See, my Real Name Field at the time was: "DJ ZYKLON B".

Well anyway, here goes;

[Begin Buffer]

>From bigboote.WPI.EDU!!root Tue Jan 24 02:29:16 1995
Path: bigboote.WPI.EDU!!root
From: (Dave Costantino [TMoK Admin])
Newsgroups: misc.writing,soc.culture.jewish
Subject: Re: Copyright
Date: 21 Jan 1995 09:41:02 GMT
Organization: The Ministry of Knowledge BBS, Site 2 [Worcester, MA]
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <3fqkre$cro@bigboote.WPI.EDU>
References: <3fm2c8$> <3fmjfq$>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Xref: bigboote.WPI.EDU misc.writing:39117 soc.culture.jewish:130169

Hello there...

I would like to publically apologize for the behavior of a user here.
He posted as, using an offensive name which
you have have no doubt seen and which I will not repeat.

The user has had his news access revoked and has been thoroughly
reprimanded for his behavior. I would like to emphasize that this user
in no way represents myself, TMoK Information Systems, or WPI.

Obviously, certain people lack any type of common decency or respect.
Alas, there really isn't much one can do about these type of people.

-> Dave Costantino
Sysop, TMoK BBS

[End Buffer]

Here's a little something I don't even remember, but I sure do
like my ASCII American Flag signature, and this guy's response is pretty

However, I would like to point out that I think Christ-baiting
is pretty pathetic now.

At least I can evolve.

[Begin Buffer]

[Message #270]
Path: tmok!!uunet!!!howland.!!!!springst
From: (Springstube, Woodard)
Newsgroups: alt.christnet
Subject: Re: fry
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 22:28:09 GMT
Organization: College of Business Administration, UNT
Lines: 63
Message-ID: <>
References: <>

In article <> (Squinky Q. Maggot)
>From: (Squinky Q. Maggot)
>Subject: fry
>Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 06:18:08 GMT

>Hello, I was wondering if any of you would be intrested in the lastest
>model of:
> Jesus Lubricant
>Yes, friends, your messiah, and mine, has endorsed a extra-thick,
>water-based lubricant! Just the right stuff for lubing up those assholes
>of young little innocent choir boys, in the backroom of the rectory!
>Extra-thick so it sticks to the inside of the crevice, but amazing,
>still lubricants better than all oil-based lubricants, and most other
>water-based lubricants.
>And since it's water-based, it won't break down latex condoms, which
>means you can safely take advantage of minors!
>Our special formula of love, Godhood, and water makes this lubricant
>the product to buy!
>Just remember our motto, friends:
>"It may be illegal, but with Jesus Lubricant on your side, it's no
>longer immoral!"
>|* * * * * |______________________________________|
>| * * * * |______________________________________|
>|* * * * * |______________________________________|
>| * * * * |______________________________________|
>|* * * * * |______________________________________|
>Squinky Q. Maggot - A real American

Do you really hope to destroy this newsgroup by posting such tripe as
this? It seems that that is your intent. I think that you want to
suppress alt.christnet and eliminate any christian use of the net by
making the net inhospitable to ANYONE who disagrees with DIVINE YOU!
This is absolutely reprehensible.

BTW, I think that any clergyman who misueses his influence to seduce
little boys deserves to get the chair (electric, that is). Certainly,
he should be prevented from further contact with boys. Such behavior is
illegal in every state, and incidents should be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law, provided that evidence truly exists (i.e., not
manufactured by an ambitious prosecutor seeking to win a high=profile
case for personal political gain). Any denomination that shields a
member of its clergy from the legal consequences of misbehavior is also
engaging in behavior of the most dastardly type. Forgivness does not
mean that we condone or shield child molesters.

Usual disclaimers apply.

[End Buffer]

No idea what I said about this guy's brother, but I like the
fact that he spells 'hurt' wrong in it:

[Begin Buffer]

Date: 5:18 pm Fri Nov 5, 1993 Number : 1 of 4
From: Biohazard Base : Private Mail
To : Squinky Refer #: None
Subj: Re: rocky horror picture show Replies: None
Stat: Normal Origin : Local

I saw you on the bourd, what you said about brother. If I see you say
something about my brother I will hert you bad!!!!

Read mail (?=Help) : R

[End Buffer]

Here's a fellow who is quite upset with my CoSysop Powers:

[Begin Buffer]

>From buster Wed, 21 Apr 93 17:28:06 EST
Received: tmok.UUCP (V1.16/Amiga) id AA00000; Wed, 21 Apr 93 17:28:06 EST
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 93 17:28:06 EST
Message-Id: <9304212228.AA00cup@tmok.UUCP>
From: buster@tmok.UUCP (Buster)
To: squinky_q._maggot@tmok.UUCP
Subject: What is your prob.

Hey squinky dick ya wanna tell me why you fucking locked me (Mr. Death)
out you FUCK...This bbs will be boycotted by EVERY FUCKING PERSON YOU
LOCKED OUT..... see and when davah return's CoSysop you will be no more
ON E V E R Y MAJOR BAWD !!!!!!!!

[End Buffer]

Oh, no, all the people who I locked out are going to boycott
the BBS.


Apparently Edward Zartler hates my ass:

[Begin Buffer] (Edward Zartler at University of Pennsylvania)

Squinky you worthless piece of shit, you think you're soooo smart
bring you best intellectual gambit, I will parry it like the fly you are.

King's knight one to Bishop's level three. Knight levels pawn.

There's my opening ploy: What's yours???????


[End Buffer]

Here's that flag making a quoted reappearance:

[Begin Buffer]

[Message #735]
Newsgroups: alt.christnet
Path: tmok!!uunet!!NewsWatcher!user
From: (Kathy Priebe)
Subject: Re: ads
Message-ID: <priebe-140794090501@>
Followup-To: alt.christnet
Sender: news@Cadence.COM
Organization: These opinions are my own and do not reflect
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
References: <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 16:25:19 GMT
Lines: 37

I would not feel safe being YOUR neighbor, especially when my little
nieces and nephews were around! still did not answer my questions......What's the point of
these postings? Are you trying to make people angry, or make them laugh
or is there some kind of hidden message or something......WHAT'S THE

In article <>, (Squinky Q.
Maggot) wrote:

> > Sweeeet Jesus! Mother of God!@# That must be some type of disease
> > around here...
> I'm so ashamed.
> I like to have big priest cock shoved up my puckered little asshole,
> in the backroom of the rectory.
> --------------------------------------------------
> |* * * * * |______________________________________|
> | * * * * |______________________________________|
> |* * * * * |______________________________________|
> | * * * * |______________________________________|
> |* * * * * |______________________________________|
> -----------|______________________________________|
> |_________________________________________________|
> |_________________________________________________|
> Squinky Q. Maggot - A real American

Kathy Priebe

[End Buffer]

Hahahhaha. You'll be seeing references to both a guy named
Mike Labbe and his BBS, the Eagle's Nest a lot in this file, so here's
a quick run down. Mike Labbe was your prototypical BBS child molestor.
He literally got caught, arrested, and convicted of molesting two boys.
He never did any jail time and his BBS never went down. We were great

(Not because he fucked me or anything... ahhahah)

[Begin Buffer]

Date: 06-21-93 (07:12) Number: 10708 of 10734 (Refer# 10701)
Subj: Uh..
Read: 06-21-93 (13:00) Status: RECEIVER COURTESY

-> Uh, Mike, I'd just like to thank you for the chance to once again
-> Eagle's Nest..

After the vulgar messages left at 11:30pm last night posted in your
honor, I dont think we should give you the access. Please tell your
friends to grow up, and how to spell.

Leave the bashing to Green and Deignan. Their reasons are all too

[End Buffer]

Um, more intro: I was banned from the 401 Fidonet for faking
postings via a bug in the BlueWave remote mailer, which allowed you to
go in and hexedit your Real Name field. I posted a bunch of messages
from various RI Telecom Personalities asking one another for sexual
favors, and of course, Mike Labbe begging for sex from small boys.

Then, about a year later, I found access to 323-chat somewhere,
and since I was reading the 323-sysops section, I knew there was an
election for net-president going on, so I nominated myself.

Here's the ensuing fun!

[Begin Buffer]

Msg #: [86/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 17 Oct 93 03:57:00 Stat: Sent
From : Bill Whitehouse
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: Mud

According to Ralph Oelbaum writing to All on 17 Oct 1993 00:26:

RO> I have to tell you folks, this election was the worst I
RO>have ever seen.

And to my mind, it's the best yet. As well as the first ever. We've
had a public airing of grievances, rather than let them sit & fester.
It's messy, maybe, but lots healthier in the long run.

RO>We have mud throwing in all directions. It even makes
RO>its way to public areas for the rest of the BBS community to see.
RO>That make us look like a bunch of fools.

So? Maybe they're just getting to know us better, you consider
that? ;-)

RO>Now we are adults here so lets act it.

Tsk, tsk...

RO> Other news, if you are letting David C. and/or Jarret K.,
RO>read this area, I want it stopped. They have no reason to be here at

If they don't have write access, who the hell cares? And who died
and made you boss anyway, Ralph? Is Stan still breathing? Did we
finally drive him over the edge?

RO>Also you will notice that I am signing my name in a few places
RO>with "Acting Moderator."

Try 'Acting Silly'. Give it rest, ok? Please?

RO> Ralph Oelbaum
RO> Net 323 NEC

Bill Whitehouse
Net 323 CRANK

* Origin: Art of the Possible - Providence, Rhode Island, US (1:323/109)

Msg #: [89/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 17 Oct 93 08:37:23 Stat: Sent
From : Steve Medeiros
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: Re: Mud
Reply: This message has 1 reply

*In a message dated 17 Oct 93 00:26:09 Ralph Oelbaum writes:

RO> Other news, if you are letting David C. and/or Jarret K., read
RO> this area, I want it stopped. They have no reason to be here at all.

Unless I'm mistaken, wasn't Jarret Kobak banned from the 323 echos per
vote of all sysops at a meeting we had?

--- Star-Net v1.02
* Origin: ImageNet * Coventry,RI * (401)822-3060 HST (1:323/115.0)

Msg #: [92/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo

Date : Sun 17 Oct 1993 2:06p Stat: Sent Local
From : Marshall Votta
To : Steve Medeiros
Title: Mud
Reply: This message is a reply to #88

SM> Unless I'm mistaken, wasn't Jarret Kobak banned from the 323 echos
SM> per vote of all sysops at a meeting we had?

I'm sure Jarret Kobak *was* banned from the 323 echoes, he does sound
like a rather awful character. I wish I knew who he was.


Msg #: [94/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 17 Oct 93 09:48:03 Stat: Sent
From : Ralph Oelbaum
To : Bill Whitehouse
Title: Mud

-> maybe, but lots healthier in the long run.

I could be healthier in the long run but I think there will be a
very big mess to clean up when this is all over. Venting anger and
feeling is great and healthy, but look what happened here.

-> If they don't have write access, who the hell cares? And who die

I care. And I am sure I am not alone on this. No one died and left
me boss, but as long as I am the NEC and run the show when it comes to
mail I will give all the input that I see is needed. If the current NC,
Stan, isn't moderating the conference then I will step in and do so. I
am not doing this for a power trip, but to bring back some order to this

Of all people Bill, you have been part of this net even longer than
I have and you have been on the outside for a long time. Now you want
back in and to help it take shape, I'm glad. Throw all those gruges you
have away and lets get this net moving in the right direction. Enough of
the BS and let's get this net moving in a productive way.


--- WM v3.10/93-0030
* Origin: Mise en Place BBS of Warwick RI USA (1:323/112)

Msg #: [95/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 17 Oct 93 09:50:06 Stat: Sent
From : Ralph Oelbaum
To : Steve Medeiros
Title: Re: Mud

-> Unless I'm mistaken, wasn't Jarret Kobak banned from the 323 echos pe
-> of all sysops at a meeting we had?

Yes he was, but he still has access somewhere. The chat conference
was clean of this election until his message and I thought we where
doing a good job keeping it out of the public conference.


--- WM v3.10/93-0030
* Origin: Mise en Place BBS of Warwick RI USA (1:323/112)

Msg #: [109/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 17 Oct 93 13:45:09 Stat: Sent
From : Todd Rourke
To : Steve Medeiros
Title: Re: Mud

*** Quoting Steve Medeiros to Ralph Oelbaum ***

SM> Unless I'm mistaken, wasn't Jarret Kobak banned from the 323
SM> echos per vote of all sysops at a meeting we had?

Well, he's banned on my board, period. The invitation was offered to
him to come back pending some stipulations but he decided not to take it
up and that's perhaps just as well. Otherwise, I believe I was at the
meeting you are referring to and yes I believe it was voted that Kobek
was to be banned from the local 323 areas. Of course this was a long
while ago and others have been 'banned' from 323 as well and then
allowed back in less time than Kobek has been silent. Jim Williams comes
to mind in this regard.


* Origin: Cerebral Babylon [E.Prov/RI] 401.435.3576 v32bis (1:323/110)

Msg #: [122/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 17 Oct 93 20:53:00 Stat: Sent
From : Bill Whitehouse
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: Mud

According to Ralph Oelbaum writing to Bill Whitehouse on 17 Oct 1993:

RO>Venting anger
RO>and feeling is great and healthy, but look what happened here.

Oh, but I have, Ralph, and think it's terrific. I described a public
airing of grievances, though, and said nothing about venting anger. If
you can not see past the anger and realize folks are expressing
legitimate complaints here, then that's your loss.

You're living in a dream world, though, if you think you can paper
over and silence that expression.

RO>If the current NC, Stan, isn't moderating the conference then
RO>I will step in and do so. I am not doing this for a power trip, but to
RO>bring back some order to this net.

Good luck.

RO>Throw all those gruges you have away and lets get this net moving in
RO>the right direction.

Grudges? You're not listening to the nice man, Ralph. What I said
was this net has to cater to more than just a small circle of friends,
to the exclusion of everyone else; that a network is only as secure as
its weakest link, so unless everyone is reasonably happy, no one is safe.

RO>Enough of the BS and let's get this net moving in a productive way.

Then address the issues and stop pretending they don't exist,
they'll go away if you play moderator and nag at people loud enough.


* Origin: Art of the Possible - Providence, Rhode Island, US (1:323/109)

Msg #: [126/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 18 Oct 93 07:01:24 Stat: Sent
From : Steve Medeiros
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: Re: Mud

*In a message dated 17 Oct 93 09:48:03 Ralph Oelbaum writes:

RO> I care. And I am sure I am not alone on this. No one died and
RO> left me boss, but as long as I am the NEC and run the show when it

This USED to be a SYSOP-ONLY area. I recall, in the past, when sysops
would come in here asking permission for their assistant- or co-sysops
to read the area.

It's obvious some people take more pleasure in destroying anything and
everything we have in 323 than in resolving issues and problems. Looks
like this echo is no longer "secure" and we can never again speak openly
to each other about our SYSOP problems. Shame. This is what drives
people to netmail instead of speaking here.

You did right by stepping in. I don't think you can make this area
secure again though, as long as we have this JERK in our midst. I can
understand why Stan just isn't bothering any longer.

--- Star-Net v1.02
* Origin: ImageNet * Coventry,RI * (401)822-3060 HST (1:323/115.0)

Msg #: [128/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 18 Oct 93 19:15:04 Stat: Sent
From : Ralph Oelbaum
To : Steve Medeiros
Title: Re: Mud

-> You did right by stepping in. I don't think you can make this area
-> again though, as long as we have this JERK in our midst. I can under
-> why Stan just isn't bothering any longer.

Well I hope that one day this area will be secure again. It would also
be nice to see more people here too. We are a net of 40 nodes and there
are about a handful of us that actively read and reply to the messages
here. I can remember way back when, when this wasn't the case.

--- WM v3.10/93-0030
* Origin: Mise en Place BBS of Warwick RI USA (1:323/112)

Msg #: [134/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 18 Oct 93 13:04:32 Stat: Sent
From : Sheila Lennon
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: Mud

RO>>Venting anger
RO>>and feeling is great and healthy, but look what happened here.

BW> Oh, but I have, Ralph, and think it's terrific. I described a
BW>public airing of grievances, though, and said nothing about venting
BW>anger. If you can not see past the anger and realize folks are
BW>expressing legitimate complaints here, then that's your loss.

Ralph, as a veteran of many fights with Bill, I have to say he's
right. <grin>

At first angry words may sound like attacks -- and trigger
fight-or-flight danger juices -- but when we run out of good lines
what's left is competing howls of frustration.

You've emerged as an even-tempered plain speaker in all this, and
it's been great to watch.

It's up to whomever we've just elected as NC to take the lead
now -- part Solomon, part Santa Claus -- in establishing a climate
where the frustrations of each of us are heard, considered and addressed.


--- msgedsq 2.1
* Origin: - Art of the Possible - Providence (401) 421-2218 (1:323/109.2)

Msg #: [135/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 18 Oct 93 18:38:01 Stat: Sent
From : James Williams
To : Todd Rourke
Title: Mud

> *** Quoting Steve Medeiros to Ralph Oelbaum ***
> SM> Unless I'm mistaken, wasn't Jarret Kobak banned from the
> 323SM> echos per vote
> SM> of all sysops at a meeting we had?
> Of course this was a
> long while ago and others have been 'banned' from 323 as
> well and then allowed back in less time than Kobek has been
> silent. Jim Williams comes to mind in this regard.

Well, since I paid what I owed 323 for the nationals, THAT was the
"stipulation" I had to fulfill in order to begin recieving the 323 echos
on my system.. Since MY end of the bargin was done, 323 kept it's end of

There is a major diffrence between Kobak and myself. KOBAK is
excessivly (sp) annoying.. And hence, his banning.. I could not recieve
the echos due to the ammount I owed (and LONG ago since paid, as you so
conviently forgotten)..

So, before you start compairing me to Kobak, you better get the facts

--- FMail .08
* Origin: Blackstone Valley BBS, Woonsocket Rhode Island, U.S.A. (1:323/201)

Msg #: [155/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 17 Oct 93 15:01:00 Stat: Sent
From : Mike Labbe
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: Re: mud

-> Yes he was, but he still has access somewhere. The chat conference
-> was clean of this election until his message and I thought we where
-> doing a good job keeping it out of the public conference.

Forgot about that. Will remove him from it here. He just got back from
a 6 month bbs suspension, and I didn't recall.

--- DB 1.54/004201
* Origin: ENC - Providence (1:323/126)

Msg #: [157/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 19 Oct 93 12:54:05 Stat: Sent
From : Steve Medeiros
To : James Williams
Title: Re: Mud

*In a message dated 18 Oct 93 18:38:01 James Williams writes:

JW> There is a major diffrence between Kobak and myself. KOBAK is
JW> excessivly (sp) annoying.. And hence, his banning.. I could not
JW> recieve the echos due to the ammount I owed (and LONG ago since
JW> paid, as you so conviently forgotten)..

You're 100% right, Jim. Yours was merely a financial problem while
Kobek was banned for being a complete jerk in our echos. Even after
being given warnings he persisted, and finally was banned from all
323 echos. Apparently we made the right choice too, becuase as soon
as he reappears he continues in his old ways. Apparently he hasn't
grown up any, nor has he learned from his past mistakes.

--\ Caesura \--- Star-Net v1.02
* Origin: ImageNet * Coventry,RI * (401)822-3060 HST (1:323/115.0)

Msg #: [158/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 19 Oct 93 18:22:22 Stat: Sent
From : Ralph Oelbaum
To : Mike Labbe
Title: Re: mud
Reply: This message has 1 reply

-> Forgot about that. Will remove him from it here. He just got back fr
-> month bbs suspension, and I didn't recall.

Please do he is running amuk in the chat base insulting Gil and I am
sure many others will follow. He hasen't change nor do I think he will.

--- WM v3.10/93-0030
* Origin: Mise en Place BBS of Warwick RI USA (1:323/112)

Msg #: [166/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 20 Oct 93 07:43:39 Stat: Sent
From : Mike Bilow
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: mud

>-> Forgot about that. Will remove him from it here. He just got back fr
>-> month bbs suspension, and I didn't recall.

> Please do he is running amuk in the chat base insulting Gil and I am
> sure many others will follow. He hasen't change nor do I think he will.

He might grow up, if no one stops him before he has the chance.

-- Mike

* Origin: N1BEE BBS +401 944 8498 V.32bis/HST16.8 (1:323/107)

Msg #: [171/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 19 Oct 93 11:47:47 Stat: Sent
From : Todd Rourke
To : James Williams
Title: Re: Mud

*** Quoting James Williams to Todd Rourke ***

JW> So, before you start compairing me to Kobak, you better get the
JW> facts straight..

Jim! Temper temper! His name is Kobek, by the way... not that it really
matters for the purposes of discussion but if you or I or anyone else
is going to talk about someone, we should at least get the name right.

I made no comparison between you and Kobek outside the fact that you
were both banned by the network. From my perspective, banning is
banning, and the factors involved with such are not overly important.
If I recall, however, I do believe the lable of 'annoying' got tossed
your way, too. Which is the worse crime? Some ill-tempered bogus LOCAL
mail or stiffing the network cash for national mail and then
distributing it to other nodes for nominal sums? Probably no difference
as I see it... if pressed, I'd say you made the greater transgression.

In any case, you were allowed back in a couple months time or so. Kobek
has been on the outs for close to a year. I have no problems with having
you back at all, but I feel if a case can be turned around for you in 2
months, then surely a year of excommunication for Kobek certainly
amounts to 'debt to society paid in full.'

Let me qualify this by saying I am no great fan of Kobek's. He's not
nearly as bad as many would tend to think, however. I am more concerned
with the fairness issue here. If you feel you got a 'fair' deal in being
allowed back in in that period of time, then surely a return from 12
months in exile is just as fair if not more than fair.

* Origin: Cerebral Babylon [E.Prov/RI] 401.435.3576 v32bis (1:323/110)

Msg #: [175/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 18 Oct 93 18:49:06 Stat: Sent
From : Paul Mallett
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: Re: Mud
Reply: This message has 1 reply

RO> *MSGID: 1:323/112 85D18B2E
-> Unless I'm mistaken, wasn't Jarret Kobak banned from the 323 echos pe
-> of all sysops at a meeting we had?

RO> Yes he was, but he still has access somewhere. The chat
RO> conference was clean of this election until his message and
RO> I thought we where doing a good job keeping it out of the
RO> public conference.

Well, even on the assumption that Jarret wasn't directly given access,
he could have posted a message without anyone knowing from any number
of BBS in the area. There are faults and cracks in most systems.
Of course Daver has stated he DOES read 323-Sysop so..

--- timEd/2-B9
* Origin: The 95th Floor! 401.941.7851 (1:323/123)

Msg #: [178/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 19 Oct 93 18:43:42 Stat: Sent
From : Paul Mallett
To : Steve Medeiros
Title: Re: Mud

SM> You're 100% right, Jim. Yours was merely a financial
SM> problem while Kobek was banned for being a complete jerk in
SM> our echos. Even after being given warnings he persisted,
SM> and finally was banned from all 323 echos. Apparently we
SM> made the right choice too, becuase as soon as he reappears
SM> he continues in his old ways. Apparently he hasn't grown up
SM> any, nor has he learned from his past mistakes.

Perhaps Net323 hasn't learned from the past either.
Kobek persisted in being "a complete jerk" BECAUSE of the warnings, and
BECAUSE he was banned. I am in no way condoning his actions, they
certainly fall under FIDO's idea of "excessively annoying." However,
whether you like it or not you (and everyone else) are directly
responsible for giving him what he sees as legitimate cause for his
actions, misguided as they may be. He doesn't do it becuase he's got
nothing better to do. He does it because he feels he has reason to.

--- timEd/2-B9
* Origin: The 95th Floor! 401.941.7851 (1:323/123)

Msg #: [181/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 20 Oct 93 11:32:00 Stat: Sent
From : Steve Medeiros
To : Todd Rourke
Title: Kobek
Reply: This message has 1 reply

*In a message dated 19 Oct 93 11:47:47 Todd Rourke writes:

TR> nearly as bad as many would tend to think, however. I am more
TR> concerned with the fairness issue here. If you feel you got a 'fair'
TR> deal in being allowed back in in that period of time, then surely a
TR> return from 12 months in exile is just as fair if not more than fair.

Tell you what, if Kobek had quietly slipped back into activity, posting
as everyone else, I would not object. But look how he "slips" back in?
He immediately begings his annoying behavior. Let's be honest here.
Some people (whom I consider borderline myself) provoke him and think
it's funny, but what about the other dozens of users who find him
offensive? Should we all have to put up with his bull because someone
enjoys using him as the scapegoat...the excuse to get everyone

Go ahead, disagree, but as an intelligent adult, you know I'm right. All
he has to do is behave himself and he'd be welcome, but no, he goes out of
his way to be annoying. Who needs it?

--- Star-Net v1.02
* Origin: ImageNet * Coventry,RI * (401)822-3060 HST (1:323/115.0)

Msg #: [183/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 20 Oct 93 12:56:00 Stat: Sent
From : James Williams
To : Todd Rourke
Title: Mud

Don't get the wrong impression Todd. My temper was not flared, well,
a little <g>..

It only seemed that when you stated I was "banned", you failed to
mention what the circumstances were, which are totally diffrent than
Kobek (got it that time ;>) In a way, I was rather angry, but then I
figured, yes, there was a time I was barred, and yes, I was in the
wrong. I admitted it. Feeding those nodes mail that shouldn't have been
getting them was a major mistake.

However, you must understand when we did that, we at that time smelled
a rat in the financial department. We held a meeting of the northern
nodes (Ralph was even at that before moving from Pawtucket) and figured
it all out on paper. It seemed to us at the time that the fee we were
paying for echos were exceeding the actual phone costs. When pressed for
the actual bills, the former treasurer produced them, and had we viewed
them, it may have caused a very diffrent turn of events.. Yet, the only
thing we saw was a pile of paperwork.. And thats where the
misunderstanding came in..

Eric's attitude at the time, though, leaves MUCH to be desired.. I
learned alot about Eric over the years..

Sure enough, a few months later, the treasurer took off with the money,
and left everyone hanging out to dry. I honestly felt badly that
happened, but I was not suprised at the least. Unfortunatly everyone
had to suffer..

Mine was mearly a financial matter settled with 323 over a
misunderstanding.. The matter was long ago settled. The transgresion of
feeding those nodes was based on the information I and the other nodes
had at the time.. If information was exchanged to us, that more than
likely wouldn't have happened.

Kobek, on the other hand, while I personally would not mind if he were
reinstated if he showed any resemblance to improvment in the social area
instead of trying to be an irritant (sp), still has, unfortunatly, not
shown any sort of improvment at all.. I do not mind airing
dissagreements, even to the point of anger being vented, however, as in
the case in this echo for the past few weeks, it can get to the point
where it can be destructive instead of constructive. If the critisizem
(sp) stayed on the constructive level, then thats good.. It's when it
turns ugly and the attacks turn personal, thats when it should be said,

Kobek, however, even after about 2 years still behaves rather poorly..
Anyways, I'm glad that this is all over with and maybe things can
return to normal. (ya gotta admit, Eric Chew would have just LOVED
this week! <grin>)

Take care,

--- FMail .08
* Origin: Blackstone Valley BBS, Woonsocket Rhode Island (1:323/201)

Msg #: [185/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : Wed 20 Oct 1993 3:40p Stat: Sent Local
From : Marshall Votta
To : Ralph Oelbaum
Title: mud

RO> Please do he is running amuk in the chat base insulting Gil and I am
RO> sure many others will follow. He hasen't change nor do I think he

A most disheartening message.

Dave can be quite an amiable person. Slightly demented, perhaps,
but amiable nonetheless. He operates on a call-em-as-he-sees-em basis,
yet you wish to squelch him for that?

Msg #: [188/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo

Date : Wed 20 Oct 1993 3:46p Stat: Sent Local
From : Marshall Votta
To : Paul Mallett
Title: MUD
Reply: This message is a reply to #173

PM> from any number of BBS in the area. There are faults and cracks
PM> in most systems.

To be precise, 6. <at least, that *I* know of>

I had to use those systems to read the bases before I became an official
node. A majority of them operated Telegard or PCB, lest I recall.

And, at least 3 of them didn't even know it was to be private.

Nor do they presently.

Msg #: [189/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo

Date : Wed 20 Oct 1993 3:47p Stat: Sent Local
From : Marshall Votta
To : Steve Medeiros
Title: Kobek
Reply: This message is a reply to #181

SM> immediately begings his annoying behavior. Let's be honest here.

He nominated himself for NC, what harm could possibly come of
that? iMo, he would have been the most objective person to take the

He's neutral.

Msg #: [190/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 20 Oct 93 17:12:48 Stat: Sent
From : Stan Weyman
To : Todd Rourke
Title: Re: Mud

-> In any case, you were allowed back in a couple months time or so. Kob
-> been on the outs for close to a year. I have no problems with having
-> at all, but I feel if a case can be turned around for you in 2 months
-> surely a year of excommunication for Kobek certainly amounts to 'debt
-> society paid in full.'
-> Let me qualify this by saying I am no great fan of Kobek's. He's not
-> bad as many would tend to think, however. I am more concerned with th
-> issue here. If you feel you got a 'fair' deal in being allowed back i
-> period of time, then surely a return from 12 months in exile is just
-> not more than fair.

I think you have a point...while I'm not sure of the timeline
you've presented I will say that Mike allowed the boy into the echo
area and had he NOT immediately started the crap again, I think most
would not have objected to his being least I wouldn't have...

--- WM v3.10/91-0061
* Origin: Greetings from the Prometheus System (1:323/105)

Msg #: [192/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 20 Oct 93 17:15:08 Stat: Sent
From : Stan Weyman
To : Paul Mallett
Title: Re: Mud

-> Of course Daver has stated he DOES read 323-Sysop so..

Todd has already denied his having access via his he
accessing it via yours ?

--- WM v3.10/91-0061
* Origin: Greetings from the Prometheus System (1:323/105)

Msg #: [193/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 20 Oct 93 17:16:52 Stat: Sent
From : Stan Weyman
To : Paul Mallett
Title: Re: Mud

-> Perhaps Net323 hasn't learned from the past either.
-> Kobek persisted in being "a complete jerk" BECAUSE of the warnings, a
-> BECAUSE he was banned. I am in no way condoning his actions, they ce
-> fall under FIDO's idea of "excessively annoying." However, whether yo
-> or not you (and everyone else) are directly responsible for giving hi
-> sees as legitimate cause for his actions, misguided as they may be.
-> He doesn't do it becuase he's got nothing better to do. He does it be
-> feels he has reason to.

what prompted him this soon as Mike allowed him in he
started right where he left off...I can agree with your statement that
he feeds off of warnings, etc, but I don't think he was provoked this

--- WM v3.10/91-0061
* Origin: Greetings from the Prometheus System (1:323/105)

Msg #: [200/200] Base: FIDO: 323 SysOp Echo
Date : 21 Oct 93 03:05:13 Stat: Sent
From : Mike Bilow
To : Marshall Votta
Title: Kobek

> He nominated himself for NC, what harm could possibly
> come of that? iMo, he would have been the most
> objective person to take the role.

> He's neutral.

He's also ineligible. One of the principal requirements of being
NC is that you have a Fidonet node.

* Origin: N1BEE BBS +401 944 8498 V.32bis/HST16.8 (1:323/107)

[End Buffer]

Here's a little ditty that sums up everything:

[Begin Buffer]

>From paperboy!!jdale Fri Jul 1 05:24:00 1994
Return-Path: <paperboy!!jdale>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 22:51:03 -0400
From: John Dale <>
Message-Id: <>
To: (Squinky Q. Maggot)
Subject: Re: So...
Newsgroups: alt.christnet
Organization: Home
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Status: O

Please show a bit of respect for other people.

John Dale - Washington, DC -

[End Buffer]


[Being Buffer]

>From root Wed Jun 29 00:53:53 1994
To: squinky
Subject: Forwarded mail.

> From paperboy!!cro Tue Jun 28 13:21:06 1994
> Return-Path: <paperboy!!cro>
> From: (Christoper Ogren)
> Message-Id: <>
> Subject: WHat a nice guy!
> To:
> Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 11:44:45 -0400 (EDT)
> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22]
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Length: 1262
> Status: RO
> Forwarded message:
> Do you really want people like Squinky Q. Maggot representing TMOK
> like that on USENET? I guess it's one thing if this occurs on an
> off network machine but this guy is really absurd in his postings. I
> don't want to put down TMOK because from what I hear it is a decent
> board but when I see TMOK domain attatched to a message like this I
> and others might be inclined to think otherwise. Well it's your
> board and I guess you can do as you see fit. IMHO, this guy deserves
> the same fate he wishes upon others....
> --------
> Christopher Ogren, Network Admin. PSTC Brown University
> (401)863-7284 Box 1916 Providence, RI
> "The opinions expressed here represent my own thoughts not my
> employer's."
> >|> >
> >|> >
> >|> > KILL HER.
> >|> >
> >|> >
> >|> > DIE.
> >|> >
> >|> >
> >|> >
> >|> > FUCK.
> >|> >
> >|> > FUCK.
> >|> >
> >|> > FUCK.
> >|> >
> >|> > Squinky Q. Maggot ------ Resident Diety of RI TeleCom
> >|>
> >|> Geez, Squinky, maybe *you* should do it with your mom...It might
> >|> calm yo a bit. ;>
> >|>
> >|> Ender

Dave W. Costantino (aka Daver) TMoK BBS/Public Access Unix
System Administrator (401) 943.3446 (14.4kbps, v.32bis), Running NVBBS 2.0 for Linux

[End Buffer]

No idea, but he seems pretty upset:

[Begin Buffer]

Msg#2600 Conf: Perversions
From: Speedy Gonzales Date: Fri Dec 03 20:19:55 1993
To : Squinky Type: Public
Subject: War on Drugs...Prizon space
[Refer to #2567]

are just like you and me... they have mothers and fathers and brothers
and sister. All of these people as well as all of their friends and
other relatives care as well as many others, like me, so please, DO NOT

Area 'Perversions' (#5)

[End Buffer]

More. #2 in his collection is something already here, so I
omitted it.

[Begin Buffer]

>From paperboy!!tammaro Wed Jun 29 15:23:17 1994

Dear Squinky, This is a letter that I have sent to your
system administrator.

To whom it may concern:

I have collected a (short yet representative) list of posts that has posted to the newsgroup alt.rhode_island.
As you will see these posts are not only infantile and offending, but
they have nothing to do with RI. My concern is that this behavior will
discourage more mature readers to post intelligent things on this
newsgroup. If there is anyway you can relinquish this guy's newsgroup
priveredges or his net access, please do.

Thanks, Mike Tammaro


Hello, I was wondering if I could get all you to please

While your at it, can you please help me RAPE AND KILL AND PILAGE all

Thank you for your time and consideration, you suck, and I hope you'll
suck me.

Please make sure all mail is addressed to
For some quirk of fate, sometimes machines have problems with it, and
the mail will not make it back to me.

Thanks for your consideration.


[End Buffer]


[Begin Buffer]

WILDCAT! Copyright (c) 87,93 Mustang Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Registration Number: 93-2501. Version: 3.60S (SINGLE-LINE). Node: 1.
Connected at 14400 bps. Error free connection. ANSI detected.

* You have connected to Node 1 of COHERENT SPECTRUM BBS

What is your first name? squinky
What is your last name?
Looking up "SQUINKY". Please wait...

Are you SQUINKY from The Moon? [
You were previously Locked-Out and are denied access.

[End Buffer]

There's more buffers... but why show them? They're all the
same, people getting angry with me for bullshit things I've said or
done. It's all always the same.

I just wanted to justify having them on my harddrive.

What lessons have I learned?


How pathetic.

Over and out.

!! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! #334 - WRITTEN BY: SQUINKY - 12/11/98 !!

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