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The Hogs of Entropy 0341

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Published in 
The Hogs of Entropy
 · 26 Apr 2019


'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!!
##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: ===========================================
##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #341 !!
#########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !!
##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: ===========================================
##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Learn About Pagenwait!" !!
##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Pagenwait !!
..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 12/14/98 !!

Ultimate survey for: Barbara Marie Embry

Nicknames: barb, page, nightvere, staryvere, pagenwait

Hometown: Born in Peoria, Illinois. Raised in Normal, Illinois.
Currently living in Columbus, Oh with boyfriend.

Croutons or Bacon Bits: Bacon Bits all the way, bay-be!

Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch

Do u drink: Not really. Nothing alcoholic, I mean. And I don't like
to drink water.

Shampoo or conditioner: I use both, thank you very much. But as for
the brand, well, I get what is cheapest and
still smells good.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: No, not really. I guess I was in a
hot tub naked with a guy who was
naked... does that count?

Do u make fun of people: Well, yeah. Who doesn't? I try to make an
effort not to be too mean, though.

Favorite Colour: Blue

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: No

Best online friend met through internet: Wow. I've met so many of my
friends through the internet,
that I really couldn't limit
it down. But I guess I would
have to pick the boy, Phil. :)

That I have never met: What kind of question is this? "Who is the best
online friend that I have never met?" That
makes no sense. Okay, I'll answer who is the
best friend that I met through some other
medium rather than the Internet. Even then I

can't answer. I love Andy and Ogre... and I
guess Drew too, even though he and I aren't
talking right now. sigh.

That I wish I had never met: Heh. There are lots of you people I wish
I had never met. I think it would be for
the better if I didn't name names.

Pets: I had to leave my lovely dog, Taylor, at home when I moved to
Columbus. She's a really cute Scottie/Schnauzer mix. I miss
her. :(

Favorite Type of Music: Oh my. Yeah right, like I can limit it to
something. I'll just look at my cd's... okay.
I like techno, industrial, rock, classical,
dance, alternative... uhm... yeah.

Hobbies: Reading, watching tv, just plain relaxing when I'm not at work
or at school. I love to drive Phil crazy. I'm also still on
irc quite a bit, even if not around as much as I used to be.
I like driving around in my car and I love to go on walks
and to amusement parks.

Sports: Not anymore. I used to do track, but that was decades ago.
I have a fondness for badminton. sex a sport? :)

Dream Car: I have a fondness in my heart for Oldsmobiles, since my
first car was one. I dig Mazdas. And I really, *really*
want a stick shift. I love the cars that are the misty,
silver gray color. Mmmm...

Type of Car u drive now: Blue Toyota Camry. It's my mom's car, but
she's letting me have it so i can actually
go to school and work here in this other
state. The best part about it is that she's
still paying the insurance on it! yay!

Phrase or words you use too much: "sigh."
"quit it boy"
"stop it boy"
"shut up phil, you know you can't
sing/you aren't funny"

Toothpaste: Currently I believe we are using Colgate with Whitening
shite. That's only because his grandmother sent us off
with, like, a crate of it. But when I lived in Illinois,
I was raised on Aquafresh. Don't ask me why. I think
just because it was cheap.

Favorite Food: Well, I love just about anything made from potatoes.
Baked, mashed, fried, chipped. :) Basically, though,
I love junk food.

Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: Phil Huckelberry, the guy I'm living with.

How do you characterize yourself?: Caring, overbearing, bitchy, but
full of love! Perfectionist, yet a
slob and a procrastinator.

Do you get along with your parents?: Yeah, decently enough.

Favorite town to chill in?: I love Chicago. So many things to do and
places to go and it's chock full of
museums, *plus* it's right near water and
has a Great America right nearby!!

Favorite Movie: Oh hell. Many. "The Breakfast Club" "Vampire Hunter D"
"The Wizard of Oz" "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" "The
Silence of the Lambs" "Killer Klowns from Outer Space"
...just to name a few :)

Favorite Book: Oh hell. Many. "The Hobbit" "Alice in Wonderland"
"The Shining" I seem to really love children's stories.

Currently reading: "A Crown of Swords" by Robert Jordan and a book of
Stephen Crane's collected works

Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip

Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Kahlua, I guess. I hate beer.

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper

What's your bed time: Whenever I'm feeling tired. Varies between 1am
and 3am, I guess.

Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Uhh... none of the above? Well, I guess right
now, I would choose Nike. Although when I was
younger, I always had to get white Reebok high
tops that had to velcro straps on the top. I
did that for a few years. Then I went to
capers. Then i went to my Eastland
Dr. Martins. I finally bought a new pair of
shoes. Yeah. I'm sure you all care.

Favorite Song at the moment: Uhh... by which artist?? I can barely
limit it down to a favorite song by a
certain artist, let alone my favorite song
of all right now. Sheesh.

Favorite Musical Groups: Tori Amos, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Bjork,
The Orb, Aphex Twin, Pet Shop Boys, The Cure,
Oneiroid Psychosis, Kraftwerk, Smashing
Pumpkins, REM, Pearl Jam, the BASS TURD
(not in that order :), and that's not all,

Favorite Subject in High school: Well, I loved English. And Accounting.
And I loved my Finite Math teacher. As
for my favorite... I don't think I
could really say.

Favorite Subject in University: I haven't taken enough classes to know
for sure. All I can say is that no
matter what class it was, I skipped it,
so they couldn't have been all that

Craziest Person Or Silliest Person U Know: I live with him.

What do u look for / are attracted to: Sense of humor, eyes, hair,
boyish features :)
Ability to put up with me....


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