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The Federation Flash Issue 32

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The Federation Flash
 · 26 Apr 2019


“Exploring the Frontiers of Miraculous Probability”
Issue #32; Winter 1995

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In this Issue:

* Masthead: Purpose/Subscritpion Info/Dedication
* Introduction
* A Light on (Earth) Hell
* The Spiritualization of Matter
* Dancing with Models
* The Dimensions - A Cosmology
* New! from Starbuilders
* Starbuilders Catalogue of Everything

Starbuilders publishes “The Federation Flash” quarterly. It is written
Evin, and edited by Katrina. We present this publication to Divine beings
at all stages of awakening. It is dedicated to the Ascension of the
Planetary Consciousness.

Evin and Katrina serve with The Federation of Light, a council of masters
sourcing from different dimensions, various locations in space, and points
in time.


E-version subscriptions are available by e-mail. Send your request to: Say "subscribe."

Please note that we have lost our previous subscription list. If you have
subscribed before December 5, 1995, then you must re-subscribe to be on
the mailing list again. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Hard copy subscriptions are available by postal request. Donanations are
accepted for the hard copy service, but not required.

We honor all beings dedicated to co-creating Heaven on Earth.

“Starbuilders,” “Blue Moon Ceramic Tile Studio,” “Blue Counseling,
“Holistic Life Therapies,” and “New Species Music” arereach projects of
the ULC.

If it looks like you are going to read this issue of "The Federation
Flash," why not print it? It's easier on your eyes, plus you can take
it around with to your favorite reading places.

Other e-publications available by request:

*** "The Federation Flash," Issues #31.

Topics in this issue include: "Directions of Consciousness," "Checking
Your Oneness Quotent," "Embodying the Ascension," "Varieties of
Ascension," and "Liberation and the Ascension."


*** Introduction ***

Greetings to All.

During the last few months, spirit has sent me into some internal
places that I would rather have avoided. But part of my mission is to
explore whatever spirit directs, so I did it. In this issue of The Flash,
I've shared some insights that these experiences sparked. Remember these
insights are only models - tools for exploring. They're pictures of
reality, rather than reality itself (which is beyond words).

I wrote the article "A Light on [Earth] Hell" after examining a
schism of consciousness. You might think, "Earth Hell? What does this
have to do with exploring a miraculous lifestyle?" Unless we have an
understanding of our existential condition and our relation to it,we'll
have a tough time living a miraculous life.

Many Lightworkers appear to suffer from this kind of schism. I
chose to explore this dark area of consciousness and wondered, "If I
enter, will I ever come out?" I'm relieved to say, "Yes, I came out [after
a few weeks]." Although I've described this schism in an exagerated way,
those who will explore (or have explored) this model will know why I
overstated it. If you can get through this version, you can get through
anything. If it's too intense, however, just pass over to the next

Another article, "The Spiritualization of Matter," describes what
may be a more effective way to serve the mission of co-creating Heaven on
Earth. Traditional religious or New Age doctrines may consider this idea
heresy. It may upset those who identify with certain spiritual ideals
(that is, believe that the ideal is The Truth, rather than a model). I
apologize for this. "The Spiritualization of Matter" represents a model of
reality that continues to expand my awareness and enhance my life.

Blue Lotus Counseling, our "900" Psychic line, continues to grow.
If you would like information about being a part of this multidimensional
structure, please call.

May all of your days be miraculous.

In Oneness,

Evin and the Starbuilders Team


*** A Light on Hell ***


Many Lightworkers avoid the topic of Hell. New Age theories, especially
"positive thinking," persuade us to believe that we must concentrate only
on "good" subjects. Avoid the negative at all costs.

Ironically, it is this group that could benefit most from the
study of this phenomenon. Most have unresolved issues in this area.
Indeed, it is our fear, denial, and rejection of these possibilities
(realities, illusions?) that attaches us to them.

The Direction of Heaven and Hell

When we, in the Northern Hemisphere, think of the location of Heaven, we
normally assume it is "up there." If we were in the Southern Hemisphere,
we would think the same. However, "up" in the Northern Hemisphere is the
opposite direction of "up" in the So uthern. Although we know that the
location of Heaven is not actually in the sky, we know that it must be
away from the earth.

Interestingly, most people instinctively agree on the direction of
Hell. They point down to the earth regardless of their position on the
globe. Could Earth be a form of Hell, and Heaven be anywhere but here?

Humanity envisions salvation as also coming from the sky, whether
in the form of Jesus or space ships. Sometimes, however, the appeal of
salvation is simply to escape from suffering. We want to get away from
here. After all, if everything were going fine
on Earth, who would need salvation?

The exploration of the Earth Hell possibility can show us three
things: (1) how to become more effective Lightworkers, (2) how we create a
psychological schism within ourselves, and (3) how we may address this
internal split.

Dealing With It

There are two popular (and one not-so-popular) approaches to dealing with
Earth Hell: either escape from it or get comfortable in it. "Escape" has
several avenues. There are drugs, drink, sex, suicide, co-dysfunctional
relationships, religion, politics, t rying to ascend, and sports to name a
few. "Getting comfortable" could mean anything from etching out a
creature-comfortable life to becoming hardened, evil, or in extreme
cases, Devil worship.

On the other hand, just because we engage in these activities does
not necessarily mean that we are trying to escape or get comfortable.
Spirit may be urging us to participate in these activities, and we may be
genuinely enjoying ourselves.

There is a not-so-popular approach to dealing with Earth: to
consider the possibility that Earth is a form of hell and to deal with it
in a mature fashion, keeping in mind that it is possible to live a
miraculous life while in Hades.

No Hope?

By looking into the possibility that Earth is a kingdom of darkness, we do
not throw away hope. "Earth Hell" is an existential observation - a way of
evaluating what is happening on the planet. We are Divine beings
inhabiting human forms, temporarily living in a reality where everything
falls apart.

This observation does not invite more pain; rather, it moves us
beyond denial, increasing awareness. It gives us the opportunity to
address a truth that we may have rejected early in life (or in previous
lives). In practice, rationalizing our suffering or looking upward for
salvation actually creates more pain! The desperation to escape compounds
our anxiety.

When Lightworkers are born into human bodies, they soon recognize
that *they cannot be themselves and survive.* We say, "Eeeek! I'm in
Hell!" and wonder why we are here. Why don't we know what is happening?
(We forgot that we are here on a Mission.) At this moment, we create a
schism between our consciousness and current reality.

There are other experiences that can trigger this split. Lack of
love, understanding, sensitivity, and reason are but a few horrors that we
witness. We then go into resistance and fall asleep. Consequently, our
relationships become distorted.

We begin searching for a way out. This is the Upward Movement of
Consciousness. (To receive a copy of the article, "Directions of
Consciouness," send e-mail. It's in The Flash, #31.) Others try to get
comfortable or, at least, seek distraction. This is the Horizontal
Movement of Consciousness. Both Movements are logical within their
frameworks of reference. Neither of them, however, changes the fact that
we are in human bodies. Human bodies, by nature, suffer. There is no
escape from this. (Thanks to the karmic system, suicide simply throws us
back into the fray under even worse circumstances.)

We may believe, "I create my suffering, my hell." To a certain
extent, this is true. It is at least true from a fourth-dimensional
(astral) perspective. This approach presents a complex method of working
on ourselves. It promises a way out of hell.

Fifth-dimensionally speaking, we limit our responsibility for our
suffering to this: we volunteered to incarnate here to build light
structures (or whatever your specific mission is). Our Mission is not
about suffering; the planetary consciousness has st ructurally embedded
the capacity to suffer into everything that has feelings. (The mental body
is incapable of feeling. That is why many beings try to escape into their
heads to avoid suffering. It is another method of avoidance.)

Actually, hope of escape does not serve the Mission directly. It
promotes further struggle. *If we are busy running away or getting
comfortable, we will not have the time or interest to build the New.* It
does, however, keep us alive as we search for The Answer that we think
will save us. We also learn, from the inside, what "trying to escape" is
about. In contrast, acceptance of our existential position nullifies our
escape plans and opens new pathways. Upward Movement is no longer an


There is a planet on which everyone suffers. On this desolate world,
35,000 children (under age five) die of starvation every day. The parents
witness this. Here is a conversation between several of the beings who
live there.

J232: "What brought all of you to this God forsaken place?"

Nsi98: "Karma, I guess."

5htd: "I'm here to learn lessons."

E39099g: "God forsaken? I'm having a great time here!"

RT^&*: "It's just life - the way that it is."

Mdn400: "I'm here to save the planet."

9fk4m: "God wants me to fight for Him."

3hrit8: "I don't know."

Lsior5: "To raise my consciousness."

Everyone has their story: "I am here because. . . ." Many beings have
suggestions about how to avoid or diminish suffering. All are in Hell.
Explanations that include running from, denying, rationalizing, or
fighting against our condition will not help.


What are the chances of Earth really being Hades? Isn't Hell where God
sends bad people to be punished? In the Western tradition, we view Earth
as a moral testing ground. If we are good, we go up to Heaven. If bad, we
go down to hell. This is a very, very , deeply ingrained assumption that
our culture sears into our subconscious. This does not make it true, just
hard not to believe.

Here is another view. When we die, our consciousness leaves the
body. If we go up the tunnel and make it into the Light, then we are in
Heaven (the fifth dimension). Some, however, do not make it. They land,
instead, in a dark region of the astral plane (the fourth dimension). God,
however, does not send us there. Nor does He stop us from entering Heaven.
It is our own guilt and the illusion that we are unworthy of unconditional
love that keeps us from entering.


Hell and Purgatory are similar. They differ only in the intensity of
suffering (from mild to shocking). Our specific mission determines the
duration of our visit. (Eternal damnation is illusion. Hell will not last
an eternity. In fact, the ascension of the planetary consciousness will
release all souls from the hell associated with Earth.) Our relationship
to our fears determines the intensity of our suffering. It is, in fact,
our fears that give the darkness such leeway in our lives. This
relationship can be either our greatest liability or asset.

Relief is available for those who ask. On the third dimension, we
have Mother Teresa, saints, healers, exorcists, and Lightworkers. There is
magical and miraculous intervention. On the fourth dimension, angels
(bearing swords of Light), along with Guides, Power Animals, and a host
of other allies are willing to serve. (This does not include the myriad of
fifth-dimensional beings who may intervene on a moment's notice.) The
problem is, sometimes we are so frightened that we forget to ask.
Unconsciously, we also may believe that we deserve the punishment.

Between Heaven and Hell

Measured on the desirability scale, many believe that Earth is somewhere
between Heaven and Hell. Heaven - the most desirable - is above, Hell -
the least desirable - is below. Earth, a mixture of pain and pleasure
(weighing more heavily on the pain side) , is somewhere in the middle.
Vibrationally, however, it stacks up differently: Third-dimensional Earth,
even with its pleasures, scores of good deeds and intentions, and
occasional Light, is the most dense. It is on the bottom.

Fourth-dimensional Hell is the next step up, with fifth-
dimensional Heaven topping them all. Graphically, by degree of
illumination, the third dimension is black, the fourth is gray, the fifth
is white.

On the third dimension, there are times when we suffer
consciously. Much of the time, however, we suffer unconsciously, thinking
- or pretending - that we are doing fine. On the fourth dimension, our
fears manifest at the speed of thought. With a little skill, however, we
can banish them just as quickly. On the fifth dimension, there is no

Descent and Resurrection

Here are two instances in which beings intentionally descended into Hell.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus died. He then visited the dark regions of
the astral plane for two days (Earth time). He entered intentionally,
boldly. On the third day, He returned to Earth. (In Hell time He might
have done fifty years of work.) More recently, it was revealed that
members of The Federation of Light aided in the release of many beings
from a cell in Purgatory.

As a group, we (Lightworkers - planetary transition team members)
have done something similar. We deliberately incarnated into material
Earth Hell to accomplish a Mission. In this case, "Group Resurrection"
would mean the co-creation of Heaven on Earth.

At an individual level, when we engage in Downward Movement, we
consciously descend into Earth Hell. The descent is a *process.* Once we
resolve the schism (about being in Earth Hell and saying No to it), we are
more whole (holy).

It is highly improbable that we can make ourselves consciously
plunge into Downward Movement by using Personal Will. Like waking up,
being reborn, or finding one's guru, our descent is a part of a larger
process. Spirit determines its timing.


Some will think that this model is a bad idea, especially those who
believe that positive thinking will help them avoid negativity. (Positive
thinking - an exercise in Personal Will - may blind us a bit, but will not
shield us.) For those exploring Upwar d Movement, the idea of Earth Hell
may be too intense. Indeed, sometimes the pain is so great that we must
run away.

When we are in Upward Movement, we try to reach up and grab our
Divine aspects. Our stuff, however, blocks their entry: "If only I could
get through this karma, these imperfections, I could be my Divine Self."
(The universe rearranges itself to accommoda te your picture of reality.)
This produces struggle.

In Downward Movement, however, our stuff is *below* us. As if
pulled by gravity, our Divinity swirls down with us. Nothing blocks its
way. This empowers us. We can "take it" - the hard spots in life - without
reverting to juvenile behavior. (If you catch yourself moaning about
something, you are in Hell.) Additionally, if spirit directs us to use
technologies of consciousness, we do so. Instead of treating our unwanted
stuff as our enemy, we apply the technologies from within the framework
of, "My stuff is my friend."

(We make it our friend because it is part of us in this moment, as
we are identifying with it. Like this, we create the opportunity to
clearly focus the Light of our consciousness on it. This helps in its
integration and transmutation. If, on the the hand, we treat it as our
enemy, we create friction which clouds our perceptions, thus diluting the
transformative power of our Light.)

Concluding that we are in Earth Hell can result from exploring
Downward Movement. We return to that moment when we first cried, "Eeeek!
I'm in hell!" But instead of running away, this time we walk through with
our eyes open. This has a profound healing effect. We see events more
clearly and deal more effectively with them. (The desire to escape or to
get comfortable clouds our vision, as does pain-buffering idealism.) After
engaging like this for awhile, we mature. Our wisdom deepens. The
suffering we se e around us suddenly makes more sense. Additionally, our
need or desire for intense drama in our lives diminishes.

Jesus, Mohammad, and Buddah - cornerstones of the world's major
religions - were not weaklings. They were courageous and practical. When
they crucified Jesus, He said, "Forgive them Father. They don't know what
they are doing." This is an act of total fo rtitude.

Exploring this model expands our understanding of our fellow man.
Instead of judging them, we see that they are in hell. (At worst, they
share their hell games with us. They do not know what else to do.) This is
compassion. Furthermore, we become more considerate. We prefer to lessen
the hell experience of another than add to it.

Tour Guides In Hell?

Sometimes the behavior of others is disturbing. As an experiment, try
viewing those who disturb you as your personal "Tour Guides in Hell."

There are two kinds of Tour Guides - "Public Tour Guides" and
"Personal Tour Guides." A Public Tour Guide is a person who publicly
displays hellish behavior. Either he is suffering, or making others
suffer, or both. The drama, though, does not involve us directly, save as
an observer. For example, you see a husband and wife arguing bitterly in a
grocery store. They are demonstrating a manner of suffering. It is as if
their behavior is saying, "Separation: Here is what it looks like. . . ."

"Personal Tour Guides" interact with us directly. They either have
a problem with us, or they innocently trigger our hellish internal
programs. Either way, they present an aspect of Earth Hell that hurts,
frustrates, or annoys us.

There are Full Time and Part Time Tour Guides. Full Timers are
usually dealing with (or creating) problems. They enjoy living in Disaster
Mode ("We're doomed [for some reason or another]!"). If there are no
anxiety-laden crises available in the moment, t hey will make one up. What
is worse, they enjoy getting others involved in their dramas.

To complete the picture, we must sketch the details of the
"Professional Tour Guide." There are "Conscious" and "Unconscious"
Professionals. Both have powerful Personal Wills and are open channels to
the Dark Forces. The Unconscious ones may believe that they are positive
influences or see themselves as a victim. Third dimensionally, their
actions may appear normal and harmless. In an instant, however, the Dark
Forces can fire a cannon ball of negativity through them, devastating
anyone in the area.

On the other hand, Conscious Professionals know what they are
doing and enjoy it. They constantly channel dark entities and energies.
They are at home in Hell. (We are Part Time Professionals when we harden
ourselves and consciously withhold love from others.)

Using the Model for Fun and Profit

At Starbuilders, we use the Tour Guide model like a game. Sometimes, we
push each other's buttons, or have unfulfilled demands. We point at the
offender and say, "Tour Guide! Tour Guide!" This lightens up the situation
and releases mutant energy. It also serves as a reality check. The alleged
Tour Guide might ask, "What do you mean?" being honestly unaware of any
wrongdoing. We then have a chance to investigate the expectation,
misperception, or reality structure that the Dark Forces may have built.
This practice helps us to move beyond enemy consciousness.

Also, it inevitably reveals that our vehicle - the mental,
emotional, and physical bodies - is a Tour Guide. After all, we would not
be labeling someone a "Tour Guide" unless we were hurting. When we are
hurting, we are embodying some aspect of Hell. In those moments we are
Tour Guides, as well, either for ourselves or others. We may consider
joining T.G.A.

Tour Guides Anonymous

Pat: "Hi, my name is Pat. I'm a Tour Guide, and I'm in hell."

Group: "Hi, Pat!"

Pat: "Thanks to this program, I know there is no cure for Tour Guidism. I
will always be a recovering Tour Guide."

Group: "All right, Pat!"

At the Mercy of Earth?

The mental, emotional, and physical bodies all have their quirks. For
example, sometimes the mental body produces unexpected and unacceptable
thoughts. Here is a rare example. "Gee, I wonder what it would be like to
climb on top of that building and shoot at people?" It is like our evil
twin is in our head.

Many beings are frightened by their thoughts (/emotions/physical
desires). They feel that they must police them, because they are potential
enemies. This is good. . . for the dark forces. However, just because we
have Evil Thoughts does not mean that we have to act on them or that they
will manifest. Actually, resisting them tells the universe that we believe
that they have power. A practical response is, "Oh, a peculiar thought
[/emotion/desire]. . . No big deal!"

To investigate further, we ask, "Are we our thoughts?" No, we are
beings of Light from highly evolved civilizations (or however you want to
define your Divine aspect). We are now in dense material bodies that
produce thoughts. If we are in Upward Movement, we try to eliminate or
manipulate these nuisances so we can be at peace. In Downward Movement, we
simply observe them. They are not our enemies. They are hell phenomena
that we have volunteered to explore. We are on top of them.

We need not fear, avoid, or act upon these mental, emotional, or
physical *prompts,* unless directed by spirit. At times, we pause, and
then rational, loving alternatives naturally arise. (If we are busy
hassling ourselves, natural alternatives cannot gracefully present

Is This Fair?

Here we are - on Earth in human bodies. Cosmic memories of paradise remain
in our consciousness. Yet we are on a planet that has chosen to allow its
inhabitants to experience lack, limitation, pain, and mortality. There is
a karmic educational system in p lace that threads these experiences
through many lifetimes. The Dark Forces have a wide range of influence.
They further the confusion, loneliness, hatred, and deception. For most,
life is a struggle. In short, we are in Hell.

It does not matter where our painful experiences originate. They
can be internal programs (distressful thoughts, emotional discord,
physical pain), or external events (someone insults us), or planetary
events (floods, fires, "acts of God"). In any case we can say, "I am in
hell. There is no blame." It is not about proving, defending, or whining
about our position. It does not matter who is right or wrong. Hell is

Even if we are feeling ecstatic, but we see someone else
suffering, we are still in Hell. Suffering can happen in hell, but never,
ever in Heaven. (Taken to the extreme, even if everyone in the world was
ecstatic except one person who was miserable, we would still be in


We can say that Hell is an illusion (Parallel Movement). We can say that
it is real. Although paradoxical, both perspectives are true. If we walk
the middle path between the two realities, we harmonize both aspects of
our wholeness - the animal and the Divine. This broadens our vision,
taking us one step closer to Transcendental Movement.

We find that we can extend our love "over the top of" the
objections of our mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Additionally,
when our vehicle "gets the best of us," we can let it all out - blow off
steam. We are just being normal Tour Guides. If we can remain conscious
while acting uncivilized, we gain insights into the working of these
marvelous organic Earth machines.

Hell is not something to focus on, but to be aware of it. Denial
is unconscious attention. We remain focused on living miraculous lives.
Moving beyond denial is liberating and healing.

We incarnate into Hell because spirit says, "It is time to explore
Earth Hell. You are an immortal being on a noble mission - to build the
foundations of a new civilization. At times, you will suffer. You are
never alone. Go there, and live a miraculous life."

So, we do it. New insights emerge. Doors open, and the game begins
anew. As we transcend our fear and resistance, we realize that we are
actually bigger than Hell itself.



*** The Spiritualization of Matter ***

In this brief discussion, we will say there are two kinds of awareness -
"Eternal" and "Mortal." We will explore both of them and then present a
related exercise.


"Eternal Awareness" never sleeps. It is the ecstatic state of
consciousness known as "Being." There is nowhere to go and nothing to do,
except wait till the end of the Cosmic Day. It is the mind of our formless
spiritual body, our tenth-dimensional Christed nature. At this level, we
are the Watchers - eternal, omnipresent beings. When we peer into the
realms of form, we do not force experience.

We allow the drama to unfold. We create no karma. "Mortal
Awareness" is the perspective of the physical, mental, and emotional
bodies. It is the mind of fear, ego positioning, anxiety, pleasure
seeking, sensing, analyzing, searching, self-preservation, reproduction,
and territoriality to name a few. Many times, it forces experience,
creating karma. Cosmically, Mortal Awareness is the equivalent of sleep.

Spiritual Evolution

We commonly understand spiritual evolution as the process of moving closer
to God. For the Watcher, however, there is no spiritual evolution. The
Watcher is already as close to the Creator as it can get. (If it got any
closer, the universe would disappear.)

The idea of spiritual evolution comes about when we identify
ourselves with Mortal Awareness or form. For example, I may think, "I
[form] am a reincarnated human [form], stuck in Earth's fourth-dimensional
karmic cycle [form]. If I work hard [form] and g enerate enough good karma
[form], I can spiritually evolve [form]. Eventually [form], I will leap
off the Wheel of Karma."

On the other hand, when we identify with Eternal Awareness, we
*evolve form (or matter) by our conscious presence and interaction - by
Being.* We call this process "the Spiritualization of Matter."

An Exercise

Begin to recognize which Awareness you are using in the moment. If
possible, notice your intent *before* you act. Use watchwords like "fear,"
"ego," "solve a problem," "defend," and "demand" to identify what you are
about to do. Then ask, "Will I proceed [or continue] with this?"

If you proceed or enter the act, observe the results. If you do
not enter, you may feel uncomfortable: acting from Mortal Awareness is
habitual and natural for the body. To refrain feels unnatural, as it
disturbs our sleeping habits.

Words and Experience

"Eternal and Mortal Awareness," "the Spiritualization of Matter,"
"spiritual evolution" - these are words, concepts that point to
experience. All words pass into memory. For that matter, so do
experiences. This leaves only the Watcher, whose memory is our soul.

When it is time to forgo spiritual evolution and the desire or need to
force experience, we may better serve the Spiritualization of Matter. For
this service, the balanced state of Being is ideal.


*** Dancing with Models ***

Models - there is a secret to dancing with them. Like Hollywood itself,
they have a special lure. They convince us that they are real. In truth,
we cannot live without them. This, however, does not make them real. Their
reality is merely a pretense. The p retense, however, is not on the part
of the model. Our unconscious belief in them gives them a life - and power
- of their own.

What Exactly Are Models?

Models are pictures of "How It is." Every time we think a thought, feel an
emotion, or experience a sensation, we use a model. They define
experience. If someone hurts our feelings, our "I-Should-Respond-This-Way"
model might say, "I am angry," "They are stupid," or "I am sad."

There are male and female models. Male models are left-brained,
logical and scientific. Female models are right-brained, intuitive and
artistic. Androgenous models are a healthy balance of both.

No one dances alone. Without a model, we cannot communicate. We
cannot relate to the world. Our models allow us to make sense out of the
(apparently) chaotic energy field we call the universe or God. Even when
we are at one with God we use a model.

Pictures in the Background

All models have a basic program running in the background. These programs
are patterns - unquestioned assumptions - about what is valuable. In fact,
the basic assumption is so important that it becomes the guiding "light"
of our lives. They read like this : "Life is all about. . . being nice [or
relationships, freedom, love, being right, getting what I want, money,
power, security, control, winning, God, eating right, serving humanity,
health, saving the planet, clearing karma, learning, conspiracies]." This
basic program is a hub; it generates most of the particulars of a model's
belief systems.

Where Do Models Come From?

Sometimes we adopt models. Many come from Hollywood. We see models of
behavior, think they are cool, and make them our own.

On the other hand, the planetary consciousness supplies us with a
variety of innate models. For instance, our physical bodies know what kind
of mates they like and do not like. Say you meet another person. Your
model might remark, "He is too fat [/tall/energetic/old]." The opposite
traits equally apply. Or, it might say, "This one has possibilities!" This
is one of the functions of physical models. Emotional body models evaluate
others as well. They say, "He is too mushy [/cold/pushy]," or the
opposites, or "just right." Mental body models think, "He is too slick
[/slow/unimaginative]," or the opposites. Or, it might conclude "He's just
my type."

Additionally, astrological archetypes stamp the physical, mental,
and emotional bodies with their preferences and perspectives. We embody
these archetypical models, but they are not us. (I am not a "Virgo" [or
any other sign], but I take on its traits and etheric architecture.)

And There Are More

We may marry the gods and goddesses of our cultural myths. They tell us
how to be heroes and heroines. We believe in them. We try to emulate their

Science, too, has its models. It offers us logical, though
sometimes arrogant, structures that we can use. These strictly
left-brained constructions explain phenomena in an orderly way. They can
objectively prove that they are right within the parameters of their

Religion bestows upon us models of morality. "To be good is to be
God-like. Our models will lead you to righteousness." When we find
ourselves judging the moral character of others, it is our religious guide
at work.

If we are open to it, fourth-dimensional (astral) entities can
project their structures into our mental and emotional bodies. They share
their models with us. Once we notice the intrusion, though, we can simply
refuse to act upon their suggestions.

Perhaps the happiest model we can play with is the innate model of
our spirit. It is our direct link to information of God and the universe.
It is pure joy and ecstasy. Curiously, society convinces us at a very
early age that spiritual models are impract ical, unreliable, or

Universe Models

We each have Universe models. Universe models dictate how far we can
conceptually expand. We pick these up as we get chronologically older. We
also bring them with us - stashed in our cosmic memory banks - when we
incarnate into earth bodies.

Currently, the most popular is The Materialistic Universe model.
It is a "What-You-See-Is-What-It-Is" picture of life. Many, however, are
beginning to embrace The Magical Universe model. It includes the power of
prayer, angels, "vibrations," luck, and ka rma. The least embraced model
is The Miraculous Universe. It considers the probability of a steady
stream of Divine Intervention (that includes the Divine sequencing of
events) into one's life.

Materialistic models are exclusive. They do not allow us to
consider the other Universe models. They define Magical and Miraculous
events in Materialistic terms. Magical models allow the Materialistic
models, but will interpret Miraculous events within the context of the
Magical. At their worst, they define Materialistic phenomena as Magical.
This is superstition. Miraculous models make room for both the
Materialistic and Magical.

Using Models

If love is the point, we can use our understanding of models to help us
express this valuable quality more fully. If we have developed our psychic
abilities or have a keen understanding of human nature, we can see how
models use their hosts. (People are used by their models because they give
their models the permission to do so.)

For example, say that someone is angry at you. If you can see how
their model is operating, then you can reach around (or over) the model
and touch the person. In this way we extend our love. We are the
peacemakers. A naughty model, however, can use this information to
manipulate or hurt others.

It is possible, though, that the model may have a "No-One-Can-
Touch-Me" attitude. If this is the case, it might be best to leave them
alone. This avoids karmic interaction. Models with separative attitudes
are toxic. If we interact with them through our Personal Will, we may
suffer needlessly. There are many varieties of toxic models. Know them by
their fear-laced implications and downward spiraling energies.

Model Feedback Loops

Imagine that your friend, Pat, rejects you for some reason. This happens
because a model whispers in Pat's ear, "Your friend did something wrong.
Hold back." The model then lists the reasons that justifies the withdrawal
of love.

At times, however, our own models play tricks on us. They make us
believe that another person is rejecting us when, in fact, it is our own
model sending us a "Feedback Loop." A Feedback Loop occurs when our model
misperceives or invents a projection of another. It interprets its own
fears as sourcing from someone else.

For example, say you are at a fancy French restaurant. As the
maitre d' escorts you to your table, you stub your toe on the chair of
another patron. You "hear" the maitre d' silently comment, "Clumsy oaf."
The patron that you disturbed looks at you and s miles. You just know he
is thinking, "Jerk." You are embarrassed. If, however, you could get into
the head of the maitre d', you might hear, "Oops. I shouldn't have led him
so close to that chair." The patron might be thinking, "I hope that didn't
hurt too much." The "clumsy oaf" and "jerk" comments were Feedback Loops.
They were figments of your Social Etiquette model's imagination.

In short, many times we believe that our model's Feedback Loops
represent the real feelings and opinions of others. We rarely bother to
check their validity. If we did, though, it might surprise us how many
times we are experiencing a Loop. To this end, it is helpful to practice
Reality Checks with those close to us. When we feel our friend, spouse, or
team mate allegedly projecting something at us, we can ask, "I just felt
this. Is that what you are thinking [or feeling], or is this my Loop?"
Reality Ch ecks confirm or deny the validity of our model's suspicions and

Quirks and Energies

Each model has its own unique energies. Be aware of them. Notice, for
instance, the energy of a "Winner" model. (You just won a game of chess).
Notice the energy of a "Loser" model. (You lost the game.) Each can lead
us to entirely different experiences. These energies are the result of
the opinions of our model. If their verdicts on how we should feel do not
control us, we can avoid creating polarized situations.

Sometimes two of our models battle it out in our heads. One
insists, "You should do this!" The other cries, "No, you should do that!"
We can settle this dilemma by understanding that arguing with ourselves or
others is a result of dueling models.

Models and Truth

Sometimes we debate or argue with other people. Although we believe our
arguments are about "The Truth" of the subject, they are, in fact, about
something else. They are about the internal, logical structuring of our
models. ("My model is right. Here's why. . . ." "No, your model is wrong.
Here's why. . . .") If we are conscious of this process, then we can
discuss anything without taking it to heart. This is how civilized beings

Truth is not a function of any model, but can express itself
through models. Models are not the source of Truth. Therefore, arguing
over the Truth is absurd, because the Living Truth simply IS and never
needs to justify or prove itself. Only models, beli eving that they
possess this unpossessable entity, argue over having the absolute Truth.


Whenever you are experiencing a thought or a feeling, remember it is your
model. Is it a socially, astrologically, or physically induced model? When
others are acting, remember it is their models in action. If all actions
are that of our models, where do we fit in?

"My model sings, yet I am silent;
It fears, while I am Peace."

We are points of conscious Light - the animators - breathing life
into our models. When we - Light beings - incarnate into a human body, we
embody (then accumulate) a wide spectrum of models. They range from
third-dimensional biology-based models to sixth-dimensional astrological
archetypes and more. If we use them, we can accomplish our Divine purpose
with ease and grace. When they use us, we become actors in personal
dramas, earning karma, and wondering what we need to do to get free.

The steady practice of personalizing and identifying models can be
helpful. ("Ah, ha! There is a Deceptive model at work!") This lets us
dance more freely with them. We do not step on each other's toes as much.
Eventually, we can be free from identifying with these limited figments of
Divine imagination.


*** The Dimensions - A Cosmology ***

It is helpful to have a picture of how God created the universe and its
structures. For seekers of truth, the more expanded and stable the model,
the more satisfying. Science offers us "factual" cosmologies, while
religions and cultures develop their own myths.

The extraterrestrial model that follows outlines The Source,
creation, duality, other-dimensional beings, and hierarchy within a
dimensional context. There are ten different dimensions in this model; you
will notice that the higher the dimension, the gre ater the inherent

The Twelfth Dimension - The All That Is (and then some); The Source

It is not possible to envision the Twelfth Dimension. Numerologically, the
number twelve is 1 and 2 joined. It represents the fusion of Unity (1) and
Duality (2). In spiritual terms, it is God. Many ancient cultures have
defined this God as "beyond words," and rightly so.

The Twelfth Dimension includes and exceeds all infinities. Beyond
definition, it is always more than we can imagine. For instance, you might
say, "God is pure, unconditional Love." For that statement to be more
true, you would need to add, "and then some." In other words, whatever we
can say or conceive about this being/state, there is always something more
to it - "and then some."

Ultimately, this is The Source - The All That Is (and then some).
There are no "me's," "you's," or "us's." It is absurd to say, "I am [this]
God," because at this level there is no "I" to say it.

The Eleventh Dimension - The Seed and Soil of Universes

Every so often, The Source manifests the "material" to create Universes.
We call this "material" the Eleventh Dimension. However, it is actually
two distinct beings in one. Numerologically, the number eleven is 1 and 1
combined. They are exactly equal, yet different. (If they were not
different, the number would just be 1.)

One of these entities is pure yang in nature - the Great Yang. The
other is pure yin - the Great Yin (or The Void). The Great Yang exists
everywhere and always (until The All That Is says, "Come Home.") Not
reasonably, so does the Great Yin. Both are omn ipresent, but a thin
"membrane" somehow separates the two. This membrane insures that the two
Forces do not fully embrace. If this were to happen, they would
immediately awaken from their high dream state and return to the Source.
Actually, this does happen. When it does, a Cosmic Year has ended.

From a theological (and anthropological) perspective, the Great
Yang is God the Father, the Creator. The Great Yin is God the Mother, the
Creator. Within them is the potential for the co-creation of all spirits,
forms, and universes during that Cosmic Year.

The Making of a Universe

A universe is born when a seed - a particle of the Great Yang - transduces
the thin membrane that separates the Yin and Yang. The seed fuses with a
"particle" of the Yin, creating a zygote that grows very rapidly at first.
Science calls this event "The Big Bang." Technically, however, it is not
an explosion, but the explosive growth of a living universe.

The Tenth Dimension - The Truth; The Universe and Its Parameters

The Tenth Dimension is a conscious entity - a Universe. It is not,
however, a universe of form. (Form begins at the Ninth Dimension.) Through
the eyes of form, a universe is born, develops, matures, and dies. This
cycle marks a Cosmic Day. Numerologically, the combination of the 1 and 0
represents the union of The Something and The Nothing.

This dimension is like the outer shell of the Universe. Beyond it
is The Void. From an Eleventh Dimensional perspective, we can see billions
of these effulgent shells blazing in the Nothingness of The Void. (The
Nothingness of The Void is not the same as "outer space," the latter being
confined to the Third Dimension.) Within this shell are progressively
smaller shells, each representing a dimension. The hard center is matter,
the Third Dimension.

We can gain an understanding of the Catholic Church's model of the
Mystery of The Trinity, if we examine it from a tenth- and eleventh-
dimensional perspective.(The Mystery of The Trinity is that there are
"three Gods in One" - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.)

In brief, God number one, The Father, is the Great Yang of the
Eleventh Dimension. God number two is Christ Himself, an individualized
consciousness of the Tenth Dimension. Jesus said, "The Father and I are
one." Indeed, tenth-dimensional beings are, in essence, pure mixtures of
the Great Yin and Yang. God number three, The Holy Spirit, is the unified
field of consciousness of the Tenth Dimension. (The Christ is just one of
the billions upon billions of beings who comprise this dimension/entity.)
So, there it is - three Gods in One.

Like "cosmic DNA," the Universe contains the entire blueprint of
what is to unfold during its lifetime. The "DNA" has both passive and
active aspects. Passively, it is the Divine Plan, the "What Will Be."
Actively, it is the Force of Evolution; it propels the Divine Plan to

We call tenth-dimensional awareness "Cosmic" or "Christ
Consciousness." The Christ is a Tenth Dimensional being who had projected
His consciousness into a human form. It was not a metaphor when He said,
"I am the Truth, the Light, and the Way." The Tenth Dimension *is* the
Living Truth. It is the Light that is in all things. It is the Way, back
to the Creators.

All beings - all points of consciousness - have a tenth-
dimensional aspect. The Tenth Dimension is where our spirit comes into
existence. From here, we can project our consciousness into any form in
the universe. (Like a cascade of consciousness, we can project our
awareness into, say, a seventh-dimensional form. From there, we can
project into, say, a third-dimensional form.)

The Ninth Dimension - The Creation of Form and Hierarchies

The Ninth Dimension is where the homogenized consciousnesses of the Tenth
Dimension arrange themselves into planetary, stellar, galactic, universal,
and dimensional consciousnesses. It is the transition from formless to
form. As ninth-dimensional entities, we could say, "I am going to take
form as a planet." Then we do it. As a planetary (stellar, universal,
etc.) consciousness, our form goes through evolutionary stages.

On third-dimensional planets, there is what we call "inorganic
matter." Inorganic matter does, however, act as the vehicle (body) of the
Planetary Consciousness. This body generates gravity, which is actually
the third-dimensional manifestation of a ninth-dimensional life force.

Hierarchy is evident in all of nature. From a humble blade of
grass to the night sky strewn with shimmering stars, some forms appear
more spectacular and vital than others. It is here that the Powers That Be
- our ninth-dimensional aspects - set up the h ierarchial structure.

There is a hierarchy of dependency as well. Humanity needs the
Earth to develop and survive, but the converse is not true. Similarly, the
Earth depends upon the Sun for its life, but the Sun can live without the

The Eighth Dimension - Group Souls (Oceans of Light)

A Group Soul is a collection of entities that work together as one unit.
To illustrate, imagine that every cell in your body is a conscious entity.
There are liver, heart, brain, and blood cell "entities." Each is unique
and has a function, yet they are o ne body. This is similar to the
functioning of a Group Soul. (Actually, Group Souls are even more
integrated than the cells of our body; they are more like drops of water
in an ocean, communicating by sharing real-life holograms.)

As Group Soul members, we can channel into other forms in other
dimensions. For example, an entire rain forest could be the vehicle (body)
of a Group Soul.

The Seventh Dimension - Living Vortexes

Seventh-dimensional beings come in many forms. Some appear as swirling
ribbons of rainbow-colored energy. Others look like webs of beautiful,
radiant Light. When these mystic, living vortexes project their
consciousnesses into third- or fourth-dimensional forms, they continue to
"swirl." They swirl, however, not only vertically (like Earth vortexes),
but horizontally, diagonally, and into the past and future. "Spinning"
into the future allows the retrieval of information from that time.

At this level, we do not live on planets. Rather, our "atmosphere"
is an intense field of colored energy. Although we look rather still, we
are actually very busy. One of our activities is to explore other
dimensions, in service to the Force of Evolution.

The Sixth Dimension - Symbols; Communication

It is tempting to call the Sixth Dimension "The Teaching Dimension." The
intention, however, of this dimension/entity is not to teach, but rather
to provide information and the means to convey it.

All language, symbols, and models start here. It is where the
Universe pours the archetypical molds. At this level, we find the cast for
astrological and genetic codes. It also houses the Akashic records, the
complete files on everyone and everything.

This intriguing dimension is a honeycomb of dimensions within
dimensions within dimensions. You could spend many long lifetimes here and
never for a moment become bored. The inhabitants are astute, quick, and

The Fifth Dimension - Heaven; The Plane of Light; Comradery

For most religions, the Fifth Dimension is the highest realm a soul can
reach. Spiritually, it is the last stop downward on the dimensional ladder
before we enter the realms of limitation.

We incarnate here as androgenous stellar beings. Living on stars,
we don luminous Light Bodies. These eternal forms have no need for pain,
the warning signals that physical bodies provide. Therefore, there is no
physical suffering. Neither do we suffer from any form of separation,
because we constantly experience the Oneness of God.

We base our actions entirely on love, never on fear. This is
because fear does not exist at this level. We are unstoppable, living
miraculous lives. Immortality, too, is an experiential given.

Many times in a Near Death Experience, a person will travel up a
long tunnel. The tunnel transverses the darkness (the Fourth Dimension)
and ends in a bright opening of golden or white Light (the Fifth
Dimension). This is the Doorway to Heaven - The Gold en Gates. Usually,
someone is there to greet the person, although not always St. Peter.

We travel by the application of Divine Will. The shortest distance
between two points is not a straight line or a curved line. In the Fifth
Dimension, one simply duplicates himself to his destination(s). (We do not
fly, either. Flying only becomes a viab le means of transportation on the
Third and Fourth Dimensions.) In addition, we can travel by moving through
the doorway at the center of the star.

In many Ascension stories, the Earth transforms - along with her
inhabitants - into her fifth-dimensional Light Body. She physically shifts
from a dense, material body to one of Light (a star). The fifth-
dimensional manifestation of a star is neither hot nor fiery. It is soft.

The Fourth Dimension - The Astral Plane

The Fourth Dimension is a gray, polarized plane, housing the forces of
Light and Darkness. The battle between good and evil starts here. Christ
was sharing a fourth-dimensional perspective when He said, "If you are not
with me, you are against me."

Forms naturally morph on the Astral plane. For example, a tree can
easily transform into a wolf. Because the illusion of good and evil is
manifest here and because of the extreme mutability of form, distrust and
fear exists. Consequently, strength of Personal Will or Personal Power
play major roles in the protection and control rackets. ("I am strong and
knowledgeable. I will protect and guide you and give you what you want.
Just do what I say.")

Magic, time travel, karma, reincarnation, luck, psychic surgery,
flying, mind reading, disembodied spirits, enchantment, and of course,
astral travel, all source from this plane. The God(s) and Goddess(es) of
many religions live here. Hell and purgatory are fourth-dimensional
locales, as well. By embodying the principles of this plane, we enhance
the probability of living a magical life.

The Third Dimension - Where Reality Is Etched in Stone, Sort of

This is the last stop of our exploration. The Third Dimension is where
energy congeals into a dark, dense pool of matter. Our ability to
experience beauty down here shows that we live in a loving universe.
Because of the perceptual filters available (courtesy of the Planetary
Consciousness), it is possible for our consciousness to identify with
matter. We can, therefore, become dense ourselves. Because the universe
allows the illusion of Free Will on the Third and Fourth Dimensions, we
can act like saints or demons, or usually, somewhere in between.

When we base our actions exclusively on third-dimensional
principles, we live in a material world. Here, our reality is "easy to
prove" in "logical ways." This is because it is natural that we believe
our pictures of reality *are* reality. This etches our *lives* in stone,
rather than sketching them in Light.


As we explore dimensional realms, we discover exciting, new information
about them. We live in a rich universe, filled with everything we can
imagine. Imagine yourself in this universe living a miraculous life


*** New from Starbuilders ***

New Music:

*** "E.T. Nature Sounds"
New Species Music

This new tape is in response to the many nature recordings now available.
The sounds on this cassette are, for the most part, our version of
other-planetary weather. The fourth piece, however, morphs into melodic,
rhythmic ecstasy, while the fifth piece is true to its name. $11

Side A contains (1) Jovian Storm, (2) Sunset on Triton.

Side B contains (3) Neptune's Weather, (4) Lava Lakes of Mercury, and (5)
Kayla Enters the Magical Lunar Caves of Wonder.


New Technology:

*** "The Miraculous Love Template"

This technology completes our work of manifesting fifth-dimensional (and
above) technologies. "The Miraculous Love Template" is a Light Grid
application. In application and effect, it is the most miraculous of the

There is a mantra associated with this:

"Everything my physical body touches receives Light.
Everything my emotional body touches receives Light.
Everything my mental body contemplates receives Light."

Prerequisite: The Solar Force Activation.

Call or write for information.

"'The Miraculous Love Template' transforms your life; you will never be
the same!" – Lana Crow, Houston, Texas


New Food - Good for the body!:

"Chyawanprash": Ayurvedic Food

It is good to honor the physical body. The body is a gift of the Earth so
that we may explore here.

Chyawanprash is an Ayurvedic ("Science of Life") food. We added it
to our daily smoothy and we said, "Wow!"

This product is made in India from a 2,000 year old recipe from
the Charaka Samhita. More than 40 ingredients are used, including fruits,
herds, plants, and roots. (Not suitable for individuals with Diabetes.)

Their motto is, "It toughens you up from deep within."

We love it! $16

**** Catalogue ****

Books and Tapes by Starbuilders

**** “The Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness”
Second Edition
Starbuilders Publishing

Channeled information from The Federation of Light. This highly compact
book presents an intriguing picture about the upcoming shift in the
Planetary Consciousness. It offers a joyous alternative to many gloom and
doom scenarios. "Rejoice! The Beginning is near!" $7.00

+ "[The book] is original, entertaining, thought-provoking, and
uplifting." – Magical Blend Magazine

+ "Amazing...This book has a lot of heart. Just what the New Age doctor
ordered." – New Age Retailer

**** "Live the Impossible!"

This is a collection of over 30 of the most pertinent articles from Issues
1-26 of "The Federation Flash." We have expanded most of them, so the
information is even more clear and insightful. $8.00

**** "The Polar Shift Technology"

This book/tape set describes the steps of this remarkable process.

Traditionally, the way to deal with hallucinations (suffering,
illusion) was to use the "fight or flight" strategy.

This Technology offers a practical tool for exploring, accepting
and clearing hallucinations. It presents a viable, alternate reality base
from which to act. When used over time, you can set up an entirely new
reality based on information revealed by the I AM.

It is a helpful tool to use when processing and transmuting dense
pictures of reality. $17

**** "Sacred Symbols; Mystical Designs for Patchwork and Applique"

This book provides a variety of mystical symbols - from ancient to
channeled E.T. Use them for meditation, patchwork, applique, and other
creative endeavors. $11

**** "Beyond Human Patterns"

This 60 minute (talk) cassette covers the topics "True Ecstasy," "Refining
Grids," "Masters and Patterns," "The Right to be Deluded," and more. $11

+ "[This tape] was the connecting link for resolving old, lingering
ambivalence about what to do with my personality. It's an excellent tool
to easily experience our multidimensional self." Kum'sta, Yogaville,

**** Music ****
New Species Music

The Trilogy: "Not Exactly Earth Music"

The following channeled music is melodic and poetic, yet intense. It
displays many new musical forms. Use it for meditation, astral traveling,
or while performing crystal layouts and other light work.

**** "Dimensional Journey"

This is a guided musical meditation describing various stages of Earth
life from an E.T. perspective. Includes "Crossing the Dimensional
Barrier," "The Search for Self," "Going Home," "Heaven on Earth,"
"Transmutation," more. $11

**** "The Oceans of Space"

Music to Mutate By. These pieces musically paint the outer planets with a
lavish palette of unique sounds. $11

+ "This music literally transcends your mind . . . It is tranquil and
relaxing and definitely different . . . Truly beautiful music. Words are
so hard to describe the feelings I felt." - Ladyhawk, The Dream Weaver

**** "The Infinite Native"

This collection completes the trilogy as it musically navigates the
regions of Middle Earth. Selections include "Slice of the Vortex,"
"Subterranean Fanfare," "Bright Crystal Rain drops," "The Infinite
Native," "Walking Through Walls," and more. $11

+ "I really liked your tape. I'll be mentioning it in our next
newsletter." - David Kilkenny, Twelve Tone Systems

**** Sonic Technologies ****

New Species Music

Please Note:

These tapes are sonic applications that disassemble disharmonic energy
structures within one's system. Some beings have strong emotional
reactions when listening, while others appreciate this style of sound.

Some beings report that if they listen while they (or their
environment) are tense, the sounds magnify the tension. Others have
reported that the sounds actually relieve tension.

**** "Sonic Access"

This collection of channeled sounds "flips on internal switches." We
recommend using headphones (for all sonic tapes). $11

+ "[The sounds] disassembled linear elements of my reality. Let a friend
of mine just hold [the cassette] . . . Said it felt like a million volts
of energy." - Andron

+ "When the one track came on, I nearly jumped out of my body." - Johan
Poole, South Africa

**** "The Sonic Rites Initiations"

"If you're one of those who places a premium on music of a transcendental
nature, you're almost certain to enjoy 'The Sonic Rites Initiation.' It's
an amalgam of music and technology, brought together in such a manner that
listening to it is not only enjoyable, but an unforgettable experience. A
good set of headphones enhances the effect of this work. And the quality
of the recording is first-rate. It's unique, different, and delightful." -
Vectors, Veils, and Spectres, Issue #3

**** "Sonic Rites Initiation I"

(1) Rae-Don, "Suspended in space, standing before the doorway."
(2) Ilk-Lod, "Chance + Change."
(3) Den-Rae, "Moving beyond doubt + Acceptance."
(4) Che-Tef, "In honor and service to spirit,"
plus four more. $17

**** "Sonic Rites Initiation II"

(1) Kon-Chen, "Eyes in the back of your head."
(2) Zam-Kalt, "Throat Chakra + Standing above suffering + Cosmic strength."
(3) Ken-Da, "Balance,"
plus five more. $17

**** "Sonic Rites Initiation III"

Contains: “Steps 1 through 8.” $17

**** Other Tapes ****

**** "The 12:12" Tape

We made this tape on the "12:12" as part of our work with a wonderful
being in the Great Pyramid. Although not musical, there is much toning.
Channeled entities lay down twelve energetic grids during this session.
Highly charged. $12

**** "Transcending the Illusion of Lack"

This 60 minute cassette explores the many facets of lack, especially
financial. Recorded at a 9/3/95 Starbuilders Event, we present some
ground-breaking information on the topic.

Additionally, there are several interactive exercises that the
listener can participate.

This tape can spark deep insights into our innate illusions of
lack. It works! $11


**** Tools for Healing Work, Crystal Layouts, Self-Exploration, Insight,
Relaxing, and Fun. ****

To use the two headbands listed below, simply place them comfortably
around your head. Close your eyes, relax, and allow your self to go to the
highest place that spirit wishes. If you find that you have channeled into
another life form, look down at your feet while still in that body. That
will give you an idea of what species you are visiting.

**** "The Angelic Head Band"

Use it to rapidly transport your conscious ness into the Angelic realms.
Reach a deep, meditative state in moments. We've lined this ultrasuede
head band with crystals and minerals that facilitates this experience.

**** "The Reverse Channeling Facilitator"

Channel out of your body and project into the bodies of other life forms
through out the universe. The wonderful life forms out there may amaze
you. We've lined this head band with a combination of meteorites,
minerals, and crystals that triggers this exp erience. $44

+ "This Head Band is a very useful tool; more than just for meditation, it
brings forth insights, creativity and Light from the Universe into the
body." - Nancy Leggett, Director, New World of Healing Arts,
InterDimensional Healing.

**** "The Etheric Laser Scalpel"

This remarkable tool is composed of a Brazilian Diamonte quartz handle
(for focusing energy), a modified fluorite crystal center (for cleansing),
and a pyramid-cut, gem moldavite tip.

To use, how the scalpel about an inch or so above the area to be
worked upon. The tip need not touch the skin, though it can be an
effective technique when appropriate.

The Scalpel removes dense, energetic clusters from the etheric
body. Just pass it through the aura and feel the density. After a minute
or so, you will feel the release. The blockage is removed. It's an amazing
tool! $77

**** "The Mystic Accelerator"

This nine-pointed tool, embedded with azurite geodes, herkimer
diamonds, quartz crystal, and gem moldavite smashes dark crystals in the
etheric body. Place it on any chakra for a few minutes. You can feel the
results throughout the body. Powerful, intens e, and liberating. Persons
diagnosed as having a nervous disorder should not use this instrument.

**** "The Sri Yantra"

Katrina has hand crafted the Sri Yantra ("Sacred Machine") in tile form.
The symbol represents the way in which the universe functions.

Each 12" x 12" relief tile is pressed from terra-cotta clay and
partially glazed in Royal Blue. Includes a display stand. $77

**** "The Sunrider Sampler Pack"

This contains three of each: Calle Tea, a herbal formula that enhances the
communication between the five systems; Nu-Plus, a delicious, powerfully
concentrated blend of seven Chinese herbs; and Quinary, which feeds and
balances the body's five systems. It contains over fifty concentrated
herbs and fruits. Your body will thank you for it! $15

**** "The Orion Ascension Technologies"

Use this eight tape set of nine code-activated technologies when
experiencing separation, blocks, or negativity of any sort.

We "absorb" the energies and perspectives of each one until spirit
says, "Move on to the next one." The work culminates in "T

he Suit of
Light," a useful, all-purpose tool for everyday use.

The set includes all three Sonic Rites Initiations." $345


To order, send your check or Money Order (in US dollars), with a list of
items that you order to:

PO Box 220964
Hollywood, FL 33022-0964

Phone (954) 927-7900

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double for Canada; quadruple for overseas.

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question about your order.

Blessings to All!

In Oneness

Evin and the Starbuilders Team.

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