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The Federation Flash Issue 28

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The Federation Flash
 · 26 Apr 2019


"Exploring the Frontiers of Miraculous Probability"
Issue 28, Winter Solstice, 1994

Published by Starbuilders
P.O. Box 220964
Hollywood, FL 33022-0964

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*** We hope you enjoy this e-edition of "The Federation Flash." To receive a hard copy of this issue (contains lots of mind-expanding graphics), and to be on our mailing list, send $1 to the postal address below.
*** Other e-materials from Starbuilders - available for the asking - are (1) the book "Live the Impossible!" (2) the paper, "Integrity Tools," and (3) the last issue - # 27 - of "The Federation Flash."
*** We had placed some of the following articles in various newsgroups on the net. We have updated most of them. ***


Starbuilders publishes The Federation Flash periodically. Azlor and Azina, the two editors of the publication, are seventh-dimensional beings inhabiting human bodies. They serve with The Federation of Light, a council of Masters sourcing from different dimensions, various locations in space, and points in time; additionally, Azlor and Azina function as portals through which transdimensional Light, models of reality, and technologies enter into the Earth plane. They serve the Mission by following their spirit.

Subscriptions: We appreciate your donations for this service.

Starbuilders acknowledges the extraordinary work of Extraterrestrial Earth Mission, who serve as a paradigm for the New Civilization. Further, we send our love and support to all who are dedicated to the Divine purpose of co-creating Heaven on Earth.

"Starbuilders," "Starbuilders Publishing," "Project Wings," and "New Species Music" are outreach projects of the ULC.

Greetings from Starbuilders! On August 22, 1994, the Fourth Team of walk-ins arrived at the Star Base; Jal'Kµ and Zaruna Ataza walked out; we, Azlor and Azina, walked in. In this issue of "The Federation Flash" we share our insights, explorations, and experiences about life on Earth and the miraculous probabilities we see unfolding.

"The Screen Isn't Big Enough"
Soon after we settled in, spirit sent us information (in picture form) about our identities. We are seventh-dimensional beings; our forms are like graceful Light webs. But upon reflection, we realized that these pictures of ourselves (and all other-dimensional pictures) were only shadows of how we really looked. The mental body is not designed to perceive other-dimensional phenomena clearly. It's like a 14" b&w television trying to display a life-sized, holographic image of Mt. Everest in full color. It's just not the right tool for the job.

Star Base Activities
One function of Starbuilders Star Base is to host mobile units of other Star Bases. Three have already expressed interest in participating: E.T. Earth Mission, Shamara, and Earth Star Alliance. We are honored to serve in this way. They will come to share their gifts.

"We Are Normal"
That's the verdict we received after we underwent the Rorschach test. We have been feeling quite normal lately....

"The 12:12 Event"
We want to thank everyone who joined us, in one way or another, during this Holy Event. Thank you for sharing your love, energy, and sincerity.

"There's a Signpost Up Ahead...."
Many times, spirit presents us with a new theme on which to focus. The message appears like a large sign in front of our faces. The most recent message reads:

---Unconditional Love---.

In our picture of the Ascension, Unconditional Love plays a major (if not the major) role in this Event.

"A Sharper Focus on the Ascension"
The information that we receive about the Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness becomes more exciting.
Our current perspective is that this will be a very special Event; it will be the first Unconditional Ascension in the history of the Universe. This foreshadows the Final Unconditional Ascension, when the entire Universe leaps back into the Source. There have been many Ascensions in the past, but they have all been conditional - we've had to "do it right" in order to make it into the ascended state. Not this time: it's "Ally-ally-in-come-free!"

Love to all now,
The Starbuilders Team.


Parallel Universes
There are a vast number of parallel universes, and many include parallel Earths. From the perspective of this particular Earth, the other Earths are simply "probabilities." However, if we were to shift our consciousness into a body in another probable Earth, it would no longer be a "probability" - it would become the current "real" one.
Parallel Earths are almost exact duplicates of one another in terms of form; it is the distinctive feeling tone and the unique characteristics of their astral planes that clearly distinguishes them. In terms of evolution, some probabilities are more primitive in certain areas while excelling in others.
Of these probable Earths, Ascension - the mutation of a planet into its Light body - is the destiny of a certain number. As we do not believe that spirit would send us to support gloom-and-doom, non-Ascension scenarios, the fact that we are here in this probability suggests that the fate of this Earth is to ascend.
Currently, there are several Ascension scenarios circulating on the planet. Some predict the arrival of our space brothers who will beam up their followers, as the E.T.s clean up the planet. Certain religious groups claim that a deity will descend from the sky after God purges evil from the face of the Earth. The previous team of walk-ins at Starbuilders explored yet another possibility: They envisioned The Christ channeling into everyone who was energetically capable of receiving and sustaining His energy. According to each of these stories, if a person had sinned in some way, he would not make it into Heaven. If that weren't punishment enough, God would condemn the wrong-doer to die, or worse, suffer eternal damnation.
At this time, however, another picture of reality is emerging which is essentially different from these. But before we relate how it is different, we will first describe an element that is common to most of the currently circulating scenarios.

Crime, Punishment, and Forgiveness
There is a pattern inherent in third-dimensional (material plane) and fourth-dimensional (astral plane) interactions and institutions. It is the pattern of crime/punishment/forgiveness. We commit a "crime" (or wrong-doing, in general) when we do not adhere to a certain set of rules. Institutions may formalize these rules into law or dogma, or they could be in the form of unwritten, implicit ideologies. When we commit a crime, the institution punishes us. (If we break or own rules or fail to live up to our expectations, we punish ourselves with guilt and other psychological tortures.) Forgiveness - an important part of the process - follows punishment: without forgiveness, karma lingers on.
The crime/punishment pattern is a necessary element in third- and fourth-dimensional realities. (On the fifth dimension - "Heaven" - no one commits crimes or punishes others.) Interestingly, the crime/ punishment pattern is implicit in most Ascension scenarios: [crime] if you have sinned or didn't do your spiritual homework, then [punishment] you won't ascend or enter Heaven. In other words, salvation is conditional. (Where's the forgiveness?) However, from a fifth-dimensional perspective, this pattern is not absolute; there are alternatives.

Unconditional Ascension
We live in a miraculous universe. (The only reason that everyone on the planet doesn't experience this is because we are too busy hallucinating that it's not.) In our vision of Unconditional Ascension, we see the Force of Evolution working in conjunction with a Great Entity (from the tenth dimension or above) who we will call "The Christ." This Being embodies all of the properties of a miraculous universe: For such Beings, miracles are "just the way that it is."
The Unconditional Ascension scenario goes something like this: Divine Light is flooding the Earth; forms are becoming more and more transparent to the Force of Evolution. The time comes for the planet and all of its inhabitants to transform into their Light bodies (the Ascension "flash point"). To those who "didn't do their spiritual homework" or who are deemed "sinners," The Christ says, "Well, Historic Earth is at an end. I would forgive all of you, but since I've never blamed you for anything, there's nothing to forgive. All of your energetic structures are now [instantly and miraculously] adjusted; I absolve all of your karma. Take your place in Heaven on Earth if your spirit so directs. So be it." In other words, all are saved. (If someone's spirit wanted to continue exploring karmic systems, it could co-create a new form on some other planet that offers that option.)
Is this scenario possible in your picture of reality? Ask yourself this: "Anyone who does (or doesn't) do __________ is not worthy to be saved." Whatever you fill in the blank with may give insight into the areas where unconditional love is overshadowed by third- or fourth-dimensional "necessities." Remember that these limitation patterns (including the pattern of crime/punishment/forgiveness) are not necessarily binding on the Force of Evolution.

Many Probabilities Into One
As mentioned earlier, there are many probable Earths headed towards Ascension and a number of versions describing how this Event will unfold. But the number of versions is diminishing. There is less and less support available for chaotic, strife-filled Ascension scenarios. We (and others) foster this trend by cutting energetic pathways as we travel between parallel Earths, thereby allowing Light and information about alternate possibilities - including the Unconditional Ascension - to spread easily between them. This linking of probabilities is very unifying. Furthermore, this unification indicates that there is a possibility that all ascending Earths may experience an Unconditional Ascension.

The Cosmic Significance of an Ascension
Ascensions represent the convergence of many probabilities into one, like many small streams flowing into a river. Once a planet ascends, all of the other probabilities that might have unfolded, collapse. As an ever increasing number of planets (and other cosmic forms) ascend, the total number of probable universes decreases, until, finally, only one probable universe remains. It says, "Our return to The Source is imminent. Now we are going Home." This is the Final Unconditional Ascension: The entire Universe unconditionally merges with The Source. In the highest sense, Earth's Unconditional Ascension is like a microcosm of the Final Unconditional Ascension; furthermore, we would venture to say that this is the first Unconditional Ascension in the history of this universe. Perhaps this is why Beings from all over the universe are focusing their attention on this Event.
Humankind has a right to be proud; we are undergoing a breath-taking transformation of cosmic proportions. There is also great cause to be grateful and humble, because powerful and Holy Forces are loving and supporting us more than we can possibly imagine.


We use certain perceptual lenses to determine what is real. When we perceive that something is real, the universe rearranges itself to accommodate that picture of reality. The aggregate of these pictures knit together to form a world. This is true not only for individuals, but collectively, for the entire human race. For practical purposes, we will discuss three of these worlds: "The Material World," "The Magical World," and "The Miraculous World," because humanity is actively exploring each of these worlds. It is possible to move from one world to another by shifting the focus of consciousness, because these three worlds converge at specific points, and these points are points of consciousness.

The Physical Body
The instincts are the motivating or driving force in this World. The Material World is the dominant mode in which humanity (and other species) are living. Most beings base their actions predominantly on information they receive from the survival, sexual, hierarchical, and territorial instincts. Whenever we act on these instructions, we make statements to the universe about what is real. For the most part, these pictures of reality stem from information encoded in the DNA. These physical-body pictures of reality may imply:

1. We are mortal,
2. We need a mate,
3. We need Personal Power to rule others to some extent,
4. We need to own certain things and control space.

The Mental Body
The mental body, too, generates pictures of reality. It creates pictures that say, "I must figure it all out"; "I need to be right"; "It's okay to lie if I have a good enough reason"; "He's going to say this, and then I'll say that...." For various reasons, Western civilization has elevated the mental body to a god-like status.
There are several methodologies which contend that we can transcend negative experiences by controlling the mental body. The rationale goes like this: "I create my own reality with my thoughts. Therefore, if I eliminate negative thoughts and only think positive ones, then my life has got to be better." This implies that negative thoughts are the source of one's negative experiences; our work is then to eradicate them - we become our own thought police. And, since "whatever we're fascinated with, we get more of," our fascination with negative thoughts brings more of them.
There is another aspect to consider: "The universe rearranges itself to accommodate your picture of reality." The "think-only-positive-thoughts" strategy assumes that the mental body is the sole composer of one's picture of reality - but it is not. The physical body has its own views and convictions of what is real (the instincts), as do the emotional and spiritual bodies. Here is a simple story to illustrate the limits of the mental body.
There was a mighty lion, Jonro, who, like all of his lion friends, was born in a small zoo. As he grew, he made it a point to investigate, as best he could, all aspects of the world around him.
One fateful day, another lion was added to the group. In contrast to Jonro and the others who were raised in indoor cages, he was captured in the wild. When he spoke of the vast savannas, the tall, spreading trees, the great flocks of colorful birds dotting the sky, Jonro and the others scoffed, "How could this be?! We've had plenty of time to investigate this world. We know precisely the limits of our cages, what other kinds of animals there are, and where we came from. What you are telling us is preposterous! Prove it!"

Material World Probabilities
When we explore the Material World (and take a stand for its validity) we must deal with certain situations. We suffer from the illusion of separation from our spirit. This should be obvious - the physical senses cannot detect spirit, which is beyond form; therefore by strictly Material world standards, spirit does not exist: it is beyond the reach of the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Consequently, if we are not at one with our spirit, then we cannot be at one with others, because Oneness is an attribute of the spiritual body.
We perceive enemies and believe we must fight and struggle to exist, courtesy of the animal instincts. For the most part, our actions are merely a series of programmed sequences. We fear lack and condemnation, both of which lurk in the background of our consciousness like hungry cheetahs. We need outside authorities to tell us how to reach God and what is real. (Today, scientists are the priests of "what's real," and have remarkably well trained mental bodies. Due to their materialistic, existential methods of investigation, their conclusions lack soul.)

Actions and Identities
When we find ourselves acting out and identifying with any of these pictures of reality and agreeing that they are real, we may say with confidence, "I am living in a Material World." Some Material World experiences are:

* being completely caught up in a stream of thought,
* planning sexual strategies,
* being sarcastic or obnoxious,
* physically or verbally attacking someone,
* proving we're right (or the other wrong).
* defending or claiming our space.

The way that we define ourselves also implies which World we live in. A few identities that take a stand for the validity of The Material World are: ("I am a...")
* hard worker
* honest person
* business person, (or, name a profession)
* parent/spouse/child
* awesome/inadequate lover
* responsible person
* funny person
* student/teacher
* clever/shrewd/smart person.

There is nothing wrong with these identities or with exploring the Material World; we all do it to some degree or another: let's face it - we're all in human forms. The important point is not which World we are exploring, but the position of our consciousness in relation to our actions.

The Emotional Body
The Magical World is the next step up, dimensionally speaking, from the Material World. When we are living in a Magical World, we are taking a stand for the realities and parameters of the fourth dimension (the astral plane). The emotional body is what we use to explore the astral plane (the fourth dimension). The emotional body peruses the astral plane and the mental body does its best to interpret the experiences of this most subtle sensing mechanism (within the limitations of its linear ability).
What follows are some principles, pictures of reality, and implications that are innate in the fourth dimension.
When we are, say, standing in line (like at the grocery store) and begin to make psychic contact with others, we can say, "I am living in a Magical World." When we find ourselves engaged in any of the following activities, and believe that they are the only reality, we can say the same:

* trying to use or get "luck,"
* being superstitious,
* having a sexual fantasy,
* psychically attacking or defending someone,
* fighting for God, the Light, or any other "good" (or "bad") cause,
* astral traveling,
* working out our karma,
* trying to be worthy in the eyes of God,
* preaching "the right way" to serve God, spirit, or the mission,
* using either white or black magic.

A few identities which take a stand for the validity of the Magical World are: ("I am a...")

* magician (druid, witch, enchanter, etc.)
* psychic
* healer
* past-life regressionist
* warrior of the Light
* devil/demon worshipper
* religious person
* priest, minister, or rabbi.

We'd like to again state that spirit could lead us to heal others. But, if we are doing this from a perspective where we are a Divine Being, following the Will of our spirit, then we are not necessarily living in The Magical World. Identities, if understood as being only labels (symbols), need not have such a dimensionally binding effect.

The Magical World, compared to the Material World, can be much more exciting. It offers unusual powers and phenomena for us to experience. It has a unique and somewhat hypnotic allure.
Many beings feel liberated when they move from the limitations of The Material World into the expansiveness of The Magical World. For others, however, this world of shifting forms, gray alliances, and non-linear logic is frightening. Additionally, the rules of The Material do not hold up in The Magical; for those who need to "be in control" and "know how it really is" (in a third-dimensional sense), this metamorphic reality, with its uncharted territories (including purgatories and hells), are better left alone.

We are at a point in human history in which the Force of Evolution is rapidly lifting the veils between the two Worlds. This is frightening to those who want The Material World to be the safe, predictable place it has always (seemingly) been. As the energies of The Magical World flow more powerfully into the Material World, this world of concrete certainty becomes more destabilized.
This is becoming increasingly apparent in the area of relationships. In some cases, the scenario goes like this: One of the partners begins to explore and experience the validity of the Magical World, perhaps by communing with her guides or by feeling the vibrations of a crystal for the first time. The Material World-based partner, either unable or unwilling to explore The Magical probability, uses "scientific, common-sense logic" to explain why The Magical World doesn't exist, or just sarcastically dismisses the partner's interest. But neither "common-sense logic" (the common logic of the five senses) nor sarcasm can negate another person's experiences. As the lure and exploration of The Magical World increases, there becomes less and less for the couple to talk about. The end is inevitable.
Other outcomes are that the Magically-inclined partner halts or slows her progress so as not to hurt the partner, or hopes that she can "bring him along." (It may be helpful to realize that all relationships are in the hands of spirit: spirit puts us together and separates us in accordance with the Divine Plan.)
Relationships based upon the parameters of The Magical World can be enchanting; all sorts of magical events may transpire. The partner's face can morph from its usual appearance to that of a different person, or to "the most beautiful person in the world. Astral sex is "out of this world"; plus there are opportunities to play out unfulfilled Material and Magical roles with each other, sometimes reaching into past lives.
These sensational experiences are far more satisfying than anything the Material World can offer; yet, viewed from a higher level, we can interpret them as lures and even cages which may slow down or even stop one's spiritual progress.
At this point in history, the next natural step for many beings is to move from the exploration of The Material World to the exploration of The Magical World.

The Spiritual Body
The probabilities of the Miraculous World are just now presenting themselves to humanity. Dimensionally, it is the next step up from The Magical World.
In The Miraculous World, linear or "horizontal" logic (which uses past experiences and one's belief system to determine what is real), is not what directs one's actions; instead, "vertical" logic (information received directly from one's spirit), provides the impulse from which to act. This is spontaneous revelation, and it is the key to consciously living in the Eternal Now. (This is, in essence, channelling your spirit.)
When we find ourselves experiencing and identifying with the following, we can say, "I am living in A Miraculous World."

* we experience the awesome reality of living in the faith that we are in the hands of our spirit,
* we perceive everything as "okay," because we know that spirit is directing our course,
* we see our Divine identity unfolding,
* we see other's pictures of reality as just that - pictures - and do not take their projections (or our own) personally,
* the walls of time/space are not a limitation,
* the universe manifests miracles through us,
* we love everyone and know that they are part of the Divine Whole,
* we are grateful to be alive,
* we follow our spirit without hesitation.

A few identities (or ways to function) which take a stand for the validity of The Miraculous World are: ("I am a...")

* code master
* angelic, E.T., or other-dimensional master
* divine/cosmic/holy being
* immortal being
* grid/template master
* energy-flow director
* receiver/transmitter for the off-planet/other-dimensional team
* transdimensional trail blazer
* divine fool
* facilitator of universe liberation.

In The Miraculous World, there is a sense of oneness and openness that cannot be disturbed. We are in awe as the ever-expanding drama unfolds in such an unpredictable, yet "right," way. From a material or magical perspective, it is truly a miraculous place.
It is interesting to note that from a Miraculous perspective, the mental, emotional, and physical bodies are used by the universe to achieve its ends; from a Material perspective, the ego (apparently) uses the universe to achieve its ends.

Moving from The Magical World to The Miraculous World is similar to moving from The Material to The Magical; there is a barrier that separates these Worlds. The barrier is fear of the unknown, which is inherent in the human form; the Dark Forces reinforce this fear. (The trans-fifth-dimensional barriers are not fear based.) This makes beings hesitate to explore new worlds. Additionally, many beings don't explore other worlds simply because they are ignorant of their existence: Spirit has dictated that, for the present, the veils in their consciousness remain in place - they can do no more.

The Integrity of Each World
The universe rearranges itself to accommodate our picture of reality. If we are using primarily Material World criteria for the basis of our discernment, it will look as if everyone is living in The Material World. If we use The Magical World as our criteria, it will appear as if everyone is living in either The Material World or The Magical World (or some combination of the two). By using the criteria of The Miraculous World, it will appear as if everyone is living in The Material, Magical, or Miraculous World (or a combination of the three). This suggests a hierarchical order based on (1) our ability to accept ever-expanding probabilities, and (2) our capacity to love.
In our version of the Ascension scenario, the Planetary Consciousness (in conjunction with many other cosmic forces) is now laying the foundation for a new, energetic environment for its inhabitants to live in. The energetic frequency of this New World will sustain only Miraculous World experiences. Once fully in place and operational, the option of exploring The Material and Magical Worlds will no longer be available, at least on this planetary body. Living in The Miraculous World will be "the way that it is."

Suffering, Because
I Want to be Me

One of the most exhilarating experiences we can have while in a human body is that of "waking up." By "waking up" we mean that, at last, spirit has lifted our veils: we know who we are. It is our first glimpse of our divinity, and, in addition, the Force of Evolution Activates us - we evolve by cosmic leaps.
But something happens after we see our True Self: we compare that to who and how we are in our current reality. We don't want to be "who we are now," but "who we are there" on the other dimensions. In short, we desperately want to be who we are.
We notice our separation from our True Self; we suffer. But many beings, while being overjoyed about being awake, view their current condition as a hindrance, and they suffer for it. If we point out to them that they are suffering from the "True Self Wanna-Be Syndrome," they will take it one of two ways: if they have a strong ego, they will resent us for it; if they are more open, they will be grateful.
The point is to be aware that this state of "wanting to be" who we truly are is a natural stage in the awakening process. It is natural to compare our Divine Identity to our past and current identities: We have been asleep - now we are awakening to a new reality.
There comes a time in this process when we begin to accept this condition; we know, in some respects, who we are as masters, yet we are able to live with the fact that - still being in human bodies - we will hallucinate, suffer and apparently do things wrong.
In a sense, this becomes a state of balance, following our spirits as perfectly as we can in an imperfect world.


Part of the assignment given to the Fourth Team is to simplify and unify the structures of Starbuilders. This also includes the technologies.

The Ascension Technologies now consist of nine individual processes or steps. They are: (1) Processing Planetary Hallucinations, (2) Spiritual Synchronization, (3) Ecstatic Future-Self Overlays, (4) The Totem, (5) Re-interpreting Planetary Communications, (6) Restructuring Internal Hells, (7) Agony and Ecstasy, (8) No Handles, and (9) The Suit of Light.

We use each step for a certain length of time until we absorb or integrate the energies and pictures of reality it represents. We transmit these technologies either in person or by telephone. The requested donation for the first step is $77.

The StarSeed Activations consist of three high-impact technologies:

1. Solar Force Activations (I & II),
2. The Miracle Template, and
3. The Crystal Skull.

These technologies, transmitted beyond the limitations of space (see next page for more information), are applications of fifth-and sixth-dimensional Grids (or Templates).
In the case of "The Solar Force Activation," the Grid is superimposed on the Third Chakra. For "The Miracle Template," the Grid is overlaid throughout the body at the cellular level. "The Crystal Skull" Grid - which is a sixth-dimensional technology - is superimposed on the pineal gland (The Third Eye).
Although we are all linked in many ways, this set of technologies seem to connect the recipients to one another in a special way; it establishes a unique energetic network, by virtue of the vibrational frequency of the Solar Force.
The requested donation for the first step in this series - The Solar Force Activation I - is $95.
Other services are available, including 3 phone or in-person sessions, 3 the release of traumatic pictures at the cellular level, 3 Weekend Events, and more.

"These technologies are really miraculous." - Rosie Katzen, Edinburgh, Scotland.

"I had received the Solar Force Activation a while ago. When my team mate, Jackie, received it, too, we connected in a whole new way. It cleaned up a lot of stuff between us." - Peter Fenn, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Write or e-mail for a free eight-page "services" brochure. We will need a postal address, as it is not in e-form.


These two items (originally part of "The Ascension Technologies") are now available in book & tape form.

"The Polar Shift Technology"
Beings in human form often revert to the ingrained "fight or flight" reflex when dealing with so-called negative situations. This technology offers an alternative: instead of fighting or running, it provides a structure that facilitates acceptance and exploration. It also clears astral implants, entities, and energetic structures; additionally, the work opens a vertical door, allowing insights into the nature of the I AM.
You can get plenty of mileage from this tool. (Book/tape set)

"The Sonic Rites Initiation"
The First Team channelled these cosmic sounds. They raise the consciousness to new levels; it is a true Initiation into a higher frame of consciousness.
Each of the eight sections represents a specific concept, most of which have no easy translation into English. For example, "Ilk-Lod" is the combination of "chance plus change," "Een-Chok" is for "entering the chaos plus planting the seed."
The other sections are: "Rae-Don" ("Suspended in space, standing before the doorway"); "Den-Rae" ("Moving beyond doubt plus Acceptance"); "Che-Tef" ("In honor and service to spirit"); "Rem-Pah" ("Knowing plus The Mystery plus Sovereignty"); "Xen-Tra" ("Time-Timelessness plus The Void"); and "Vot-Tok" ("Creation plus The Infinite").


Spirit can trigger revelations in any number of ways. We receive many of them through our work. We would like to share some of the more expansive insights that spirit has presented to us.

Beyond Space
"The StarSeed Activation Technologies" have allowed us to experience working beyond spatial limitations. We can now effectively interface with beings anywhere in the world.
When spirit first revealed this, we thought that applying a technology "at-a-distance" would water down its impact. But, oh, contrair; we have found it is at least as powerful as in-person applications - perhaps more so.

Beyond Number
Because of the intensity of our work, we could not minister to a large numbers of beings. One application (if the work was very heavy), could drain us for the rest of the day.
Thanks to the construction of a new Light grid, we can now transmit many applications of "The StarSeed Activations" at one time. We perform the work here, at a specific time, and any number of individuals, anywhere in the world, can receive it.

Down Line
Many of the masters that we work with tell us that we appear and talk to them on the other dimensions. As we come to them, they are our "down line."
We are part of a "down line," as well. We receive great insights from our visitors; they have even shown us books filled with awesome symbols.
The increasing occurrence of this phenomenon indicates that the pathways for this kind of communication are becoming well established.

Love Times 2
Another way to expand our True Presence on the planet is by exercising our other-dimensional abilities. In particular, we are being led to increase our ability to express Divine love.
For example, when we close a letter, we might say something like, "Sending our love now," and we send our love out to the being in that moment. However, when that person reads that phrase, it triggers into action an aspect of our multidimensional identity, and that part of ourselves delivers a loving blessing in that moment.

The Looking Glass
When we arrived, we didn't know that we were going to manifest any new technologies; we were simply directed to organize and streamline "The Ascension Technologies." Then one day, spirit dropped a new one in our lap. Like children with a new toy, we activated it and ended up on a parallel Earth that was much less evolved than the one we had left. We named this tool "The Looking Glass Technology," because it felt like we fell through one.
Then we wondered, "What is the point of traveling between parallel Earths?" and we put a moratorium on using it until we received some answers. The news came soon: we were creating "wormholes" between universes, linking them, and allowing the easy transfer of information and Light from one universe to another. On a larger scale, this weaves together the destinies of many universes - they begin to merge, until finally, they become one.
When the Second Team of walk-ins were in residence, they experienced something they called "Aspect Shifting." It was similar to a walk-in experience, but different. (They knew that they were not walked into, because their Spiritual Signatures had not changed.) We believe they experienced being on the receiving end of a "Looking Glass" transfer.
When we activate this technology, we are on the giving end. In other words, we aren't bodies being walked into (passive), we are consciousnesses walking into a body (active).
One peculiar aspect of universe hopping is that the distinct vibrational "phasing" of that universe allows us to remain for only a certain length of time. After that time, we begin to disintegrate rapidly (emotionally and mentally), and must leap again.
(We will be offering this technology to beings who complete "The StarSeed Activation" series. It is likely be a unique experience for us, because we will be leaping along with the traveler.)


Most people are familiar with the term "enchantment" from fairy tales. The stories usually tell of an evil witch who casts a spell on someone, making the target surrender his or her will to the spell caster. While this may have a sense of unreality about it, enchantment is nonetheless real.
We are exploring this astral phenomenon because, sometimes, the Dark Forces test beings who are consciously involved with the evolution of the planet by using this tactic.

What Is Enchantment?
According to the New Webster's Dictionary, enchantment is "the state of being under a spell." This is accurate for our purposes. What we want to explore is who casts the spells, why they are cast, the effects of this magic, and how this relates to masters here to co-create Heaven on Earth.
The spell of enchantment can be cast in two ways: either by an embodied being, motivated by Personal Will, using magic, or by the Dark Forces, using an embodied being to weave the spell. We will explore only the latter application, because the Dark Forces seem to favor it.

Structural Engineers Arrive!
Just before it's time for a being to make a leap in consciousness (maybe a few weeks to a few months before), the Dark Engineers arrive. They may cast the spell through a "twilight master" - a being who sometimes serves the Light and other times serves the Darkness. (There is a good chance that the target is a twilight master, as well, or at least acts like one while enchanted.) Many times, both parties are enchanted and neither is aware of this magical dance taking place; they just think the relationship is "groovy."
The Dark Forces use enchantment to test the integrity of the leaper. (In some cases, the Dark Forces examine the integrity of a group by enchanting one of its members.) If the target succumbs, he will not leap. (For convenience, we will use masculine pronouns.)

The Effects
The Dark Forces have a dimensional edge on third-dimensional beings, because they reside in the fourth dimension. They can read our minds; they know what we desire and what we fear. It is precisely these kinks in our structures that the Agents of Limitation prey upon.
For instance, say we feel sexually unfulfilled. No problem; a sexual partner arrives. At first, the effects of the spell are subtle, like having the Dark Forces softly grab our fingertip. As this surrealistic connection deepens, they slowly (and firmly) grip our hand, then our wrist, until, finally, they have a powerful strangle hold on our throat. During this progression, however, the target may be blind to it: The Dark Forces have hypnotized him.
If it's emotional fulfillment we seek, well, they can provide what we think we need. The twilight master begins to transform magically into the most beautiful, caring, and loving person in the world - an angel sent from heaven. This is the hypnotic effect of the work. If, however, the target looks deeply enough and can be honest with himself, he will sense distortion in the relationship. During the time one is enchanted, his work and other relationships will suffer.

Breaking the Spell
One way for the target to escape from this snare is to have someone with a higher-dimensional perspective point out his predicament. Unless the Dark Forces have snapped his will, he can always bounce back and end the relationship.
The enchanter represents an open door to the darkness, because the Dark Forces have established an astral link through which they can send distorted pictures of reality and downward spiraling energies into the target. Therefore, it is best to terminate the relationship permanently; otherwise, distorting astral effects will occur, to some degree, with each encounter (as well as the possibility of re-enchantment).
The Forces of Light may spare us from this dark destiny in another way: Divine intervention. This can manifest in a number of ways. For example, the target could be insanely in love with the enchanter, already having lost his will. But the Light intervenes, disrupting the dark plan by encouraging the enchanter to break up the relationship.

From a fifth-dimensional perspective, there are no victims. This interplay between the Forces of Light and Darkness hone and strengthen our discernment regarding the nature of the fourth dimension.
The enchanter is no more the bad guy than is the target. In fact, there are no bad guys in The Big Story, at all. We are all divine beings relating to one another in the manner that spirit directs. While on Earth, enchantment is just one more experience that we can incorporate into our Divine Mission - the co-creation of Heaven on Earth with other masters.



Phase One
The original inhabitants of these bodies manifested exotic tools and music during their stay.


"The Angelic Head Band"
Use it to easily and rapidly transport your consciousness into the Angelic realms; reach a deep, meditative state in moments. We've lined this ultrasuede head band with crystals and minerals that facilitate this experience. $25

"The Reverse Channeling Facilitator"
Channel out of your body and project into the bodies of other life forms throughout the universe. The wonderful life forms out there may amaze you. We've lined this head band with a combination of meteorites, minerals, and crystals that facilitate this experience. $44
As it also stimulates the creative centers, you can benefit from wearing it while engaging in creative work.
> "This Head Band is a very useful tool; more than just for meditation, it brings forth insights, creativity and Light from the Universe into the body." - Nancy Leggett, Director, New World of Healing Arts, InterDimensional Healing.

"The Etheric Laser Scalpel"
This remarkable tool is composed of a Brazilian Diamonte quartz handle (for focusing energy), a modified fluorite crystal center (for cleansing), and a pyramid-cut, gem moldavite tip.
The Scalpel removes dense, energetic clusters from the etheric body. Just pass it through the aura and feel the release. It's an amazing tool! $77

MUSIC: The Trilogy, "Not Exactly Earth Music"
The following channeled music is melodic and poetic, yet intense; it displays many new musical forms.

"Dimensional Journey"
New Species Music
This is a guided musical meditation describing various stages of Earth life from an E.T. perspective. Includes "Crossing the Dimensional Barrier," "The Search for Self," "Going Home," "Heaven on Earth," "Transmutation," more. $11

"The Oceans of Space"
New Species Music
Music to Mutate By. These pieces musically paint the outer planets with a lavish palette of unique sounds. $11

> "This music literally transcends your mind... It is tranquil and relaxing and definitely different... Truly beautiful music. Words are so hard to describe the feelings I felt." - Ladyhawk, The Dream Weaver

"The Infinite Native"
New Species Music
This collection musically navigates the regions of Middle Earth. Selections include "Subterranean Fanfare," "Bright Crystal Raindrops," "The Infinite Native," "Walking Through Walls," and more. $11
> "I really liked your tape. I'll be mentioning it in our next newsletter." - David Kilkenny, Twelve Tone Systems

Phase Two
Zal and Zol - the First Team of walk-ins at Starbuilders - manifested the following:

"Sacred Symbols; Mystical Designs for Patchwork and Applique"
This book provides a variety of mystical symbols - from ancient to channeled E.T. - that you can use for meditation, patchwork, or applique. $11

Phase Three
Malenchen and Maruna - the Second Team of walk-ins - manifested the following:

"Sonic Access"
New Species Music
This collection of channeled sounds "flips on internal switches." Caution: Listening to this tape may induce intense mutation. $11
> "[The sounds] disassembled linear elements of my reality. Let a friend of mine just hold [the cassette]...Said it felt like a million volts of energy." - Andron

"Beyond Human Patterns"
This 60 minute (talk) cassette covers the topics "The Right to be Deluded," "True Ecstasy," "Refining Grids," "Masters and Patterns," and more. $11

"The Ascension of the Planetary Consciousness"
Second Edition
Starbuilders Publishing
Channeled information from the Federation of Light. This highly compact book presents an intriguing picture about the upcoming shift in the Planetary Consciousness. Since it is a clearly detailed, non-fear-based Vision of the Ascension Process, it offers a joyous alternative to many of today's gloom and doom scenarios. "Rejoice! The Beginning is near!" $7
> "[The book] is original, entertaining, thought-provoking, and uplifting." - Magical Blend Magazine
> "Amazing...This book has a lot of heart. Just what the New Age doctor ordered." - New Age Retailer
> "This little booklet is packed full of information designed to shine very bright light on very shadowy subjects...a big blast of Light!" - Starlight Newsletter, WA

Phase Four
Jal'Kµ and Zaruna Ataza - the Third Team of walk-ins - manifested the following:

"Live the Impossible!"
Starbuilders Publishing
This is a collection of over 30 of the most relevant articles from Issues 1-26 of "The Federation Flash." We have expanded most of the articles, so the information is even more clear and insightful. $8. Available in e-form; request via e-mail.

Phase Five
Azlor and Azina - the Fourth Team of walk-ins - have presented the following:

"The Polar Shift Technology"
This book/tape set describes the steps of this remarkable process.
Traditionally, the way to deal with hallucinations (suffering, illusions) was to use the "fight or flight" strategy.
The Polar Shift Technology offers a practical tool for exploring, accepting and clearing hallucinations. It presents a viable, alternate reality base from which to act. When used over time, you can establish an entirely new reality, based on information revealed by the I AM.
It is a great tool to use when processing and transmuting dense pictures of reality. $7

"The Sonic Rites Initiation"
Originally a part of "The Ascension Technologies," spirit has directed us to release this tape separately.
We view these sounds as symbolic structures, many of whose meanings have no easy translation into human language.
For example, the piece "Een-Chok" represents the concept of "entering the chaos plus planting the seed." "Rem-Pah" represents the combined concepts of "Knowing plus The Mystery plus Sovereignty." $17

Back Issues of "The Federation Flash"

Issues # 1-26: See "Live the Impossible!"

Issue # 27: Contains "Truth is Everywhere," "Psychic Intrusion: The Untold Story," "Project Wings," "So, You Want to be a Walk-In," "Living a Miraculous Life," "An Abridged Cosmic Tale," "The Second Coming of The Christ," "Idealitis: Is There a Cure?" "I Am Nothing," more. $3. Available in e-form via e-mail; send e-mail request.


The E.T. Masters Tool Kit
By E.T. Earth Mission
We highly recommend this set of fifth-dimensional technologies:
* "The Superconscious Technique": a miraculous manifestation technology. (Booklet)
* "Conscious Channeling": An E.T. approach. Channel your own spirit, as well. (Book)
* "Shattering Illusions": A great tool for clearing downward spiraling energies.
(Two tape set)
* "Transcending the Fourth Dimension": A loving way to send disembodied spirits to the Light! (Book/tape set) $58

"The Awakening"
E.T. Earth Mission
An excellent book, packed full of just about everything you wanted to know about the Ascension, Light Bodies, the Planetary Consciousness, and much more. $11

"E.T. 101"
Mission Control
This is a humorous, code popping book. It describes how E.T.s manage (or don't manage) when they find themselves in a human body on Earth, and, gulp...they forgot whatever it was they were supposed to remember! $13
Great reading!

"The Force of Wisdom"
E.T. Earth Mission
Three audio cassettes boldly take you to where no one has gone before - into the fifth dimension. Well, at least no one has so clearly articulated the realities of this dimension. It's a wake-up tape! $33

"Living Outside Your Survival Bubbles"
E.T. Earth Mission
An eye-opening five tape set! These insights can shed light on places you didn't even know you had! Topics include: "Money," "The Political Self," "Sex," "Radical Self Reliance," and much, much more. $55

Other Discoveries

"The Symphonies of the Planets"
NASA's Voyager 2 captured these sounds as it journeyed through the solar system. It recorded the sounds of the solar wind, the rings of Saturn and Uranus, and more. It is beautiful space music and is one of our favorites. $17

Order Form

How many Name of Item price ($) total

The Ascension of the
_______ Planetary Consciousness 7 _______

_______ Live the Impossible! 8 _______

_______ The Polar Shift Technology 17 _______

_______ Dimensional Journey 11 _______

_______ The Oceans of Space 11 _______

_______ The Infinite Native 11 _______

_______ Sonic Access 11 _______

_______ Sonic Rites Initiation 17 _______

_______ Beyond Human Patterns 11 _______

_______ Sacred Symbols... 11 _______

_______ Reverse Channelling Facilitator 44 _______

_______ The Angelic Head Band 25 _______

_______ The Etheric Laser Scalpel 77 _______

_______ E.T. Master's Tool Kit 58 _______

_______ E.T. 101 13 _______

_______ The Force of Wisdom 33 _______

_______ The Awakening 11 _______

_______ Living Outside Survival Bubbles 55 _______

_______ Symphonies of the Planet (CD) 17 _______

_______ Back issue of "The Flash" (#27) 3 _______

_______ Donation for 1 yr. of "The Flash." _______

Subtotal _______

S & H* _______
* (S&H: Please add $3.50 for the first item & 50¢ for each additional item; double for Canada; quadruple for overseas airmail.)

Total _______

Donations to Starbuilders are tax deductible.

Please make your check or money order payable to (in U.S. dollars):

Starbuilders, P.O. Box 220964, Hollywood, FL 33022-0964

In Love and Oneness to All,

The Starbuilders Team

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