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Syndicate ZMagazine Issue 194

=========(( === ----------------------------------
=======(( ===== May 27, 1991 Issue #194
=====(( ======= ----------------------------------
==(((((((((( == Copyright (c)1991, Rovac Ind Inc..
Publisher/Editor : Ron Kovacs
CompuServe: 71777,2140 GEnie: Z-NET
Z*NET BBS: (908) 968-8148 BLANK PAGE BBS: (908) 805-3967
by Ron Kovacs
Here is issue #194. This time around we have news to tell you about
AtariUser magazine and what it means to you. Each month we will be
bringing you an article about the Atari 8-bit from AtariUser, however,
these articles can NOT be reorinted from ZMagazine. You must call them
for permission.
The next scheduled edition will appear in two weeks from the publishing
date of this issue.
Happy Memorial Day! See you soon!
The following Atari 8-bit Article is reprinted from the May, 1991 Issue
of AtariUser Magazine, by permission. Further reprinting of this column
is prohibited without specific permission of Quill Publishing, 113 West
College Street, Covina, CA 91723. AtariUser magazine is published
monthly and covers the entire line of Atari computing products. For a
subscription ($15) or to arrange free bulk delivery to user groups,
contact AtariUser Magazine at 800-333-3567.
Reeve Software has just announced a new release of their graphical
operating system DIAMOND. This new release features improved
performance over previous versions, in addition several new features.
Updates for the Diamond applications (also available) take advantage of
the improvements. Reeve Software, 29W 150 Old Farm Lane, Warrenville IL
Computer Software Services (CSS), a long-time supporter of the Atari
computers, has announced a new upgrade for the Atari XF-551 disk drive.
The upgrade allows use of a 720K byte 3.5- drive mechanism while
maintaining full functionality of the original 5.25- drive. New
features added by the upgrade include increased transfer speed and
correction of several problems in the original XF-551 ROM. CSS's phone
number is (716)-586-5545, or you can write them at Post Office Box
17660, Rochester NY 14617.
THE ATARI 8-BIT STATE - by Chuck Steinman
What's up, What's down, and what you may find if you just look around...
While there is not as much activity in the Atari 8-bit arena as there
once was, the Atari 'Classic' computers remain as reliable and usable as
ever. There are still many third-party developers producing exciting
new products for the machines, in addition to the many seasoned products
which are available. This column will offer news and information
relating to your Atari 400, 800, 600XL, 800XL, 1200XL, 65XE and 130XE
8-bit computer every month. With your ATARIUSER magazine handy, you may
find survival in the computer jungle a bit easier.
Ok, so you are a member of the 'I own a computer' club, but just what
have you done with it recently? Ahhh, so you say there just are no
programs available for your -old 8-bit Atari-... but have you REALLY
looked? You will be surprised at the quantity and quality of economical
software and hardware available for your machine. And you probably will
not believe me when I tell you that more products are on their way - but
there are!
As with any other brand or model of computer, you have to invest enough
into the system to make it usable. For most people that means you need
a computer console with at least 32K bytes of RAM, a disk drive, and a
monitor, or TV. Many applications will also require or be enhanced by
using a printer. A second disk drive, while usually not mandatory, will
usually make life with your computer system more pleasurable. There are
many additional peripherals you can add, such as a modem, serial and
parallel interfaces, and of course hard drive systems.
I realize many owners of Atari 8-bit (and ST for that matter) systems
have no local dealer or distributor. While this may make you feel like
you cannot survive with your 8-bit system, with a little effort, you
will find everything you need is just a phone call or letter away.
ATARIUSER magazine will also make your life easier with many national
distributors advertising within its pages, and monthly feature articles,
reviews, and product guides.
Another way to acquire new program files and associate with other Atari
8-bit users is by telecommunications. All you need in addition to the
above suggested system components is a modem and terminal software. In
addition to local bulletin board systems (BBS), there are several large
national services which feature specific areas for users of Atari
computers. Compuserve (CIS), Delphi, and GEnie all have active areas,
which provide thousands of public domain and shareware files. These
services also have message bases, and weekly real-time conferences,
where you can 'chat' with other users.
The Atari 8-bit computer systems remain a strong contender in many
applications. If you write letters, there are several word processors
available for the 'Classic' Atari. There are two versions of the
AtariWriter word processor available. The first version is a cartridge
based program, and the latter is disk based. The newer version also
offers a spell-checker, which is a very nice addition. There is also
the very popular and powerful shareware program TextPro, which is
scheduled to be updated soon.
If you are into number crunching, there are several spreadsheets
available, such as Visicalc, Syncalc, and the cartridge based Turbo-
Calc. Spreadsheets are THE way to handle complex calculations,
especially where large numbers of variables are involved. In a matter
of seconds, you can see the results of changing one or more variables.
There are many mailing list managers, and database applications
available. The commercial program SynFile will allow you to transfer
data to and from SynCalc, which is a nice feature. There are several
other commercial and shareware database management programs available.
As you can see, the 8-bit systems can be used for all kinds of serious
work. The types of programs listed here are just a small sample of the
many different applications available. While it may take searching
through magazine advertisements, and making a few phone calls, you
should be able to find just the program you are looking for. Of course,
ATARIUSER will keep you informed of what is available, and what is under
development. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to send
them to me, care of ATARIUSER magazine.
BIO: Chuck Steinman is the VP of Research and Development for a company
which designs and manufactures facility management systems, sold
worldwide. Chuck has been published in almost every Atari magazine. He
has a degree in Electrical Engineering and designs hardware and software
for the Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Apple, and IBM/PC systems, distributed
under the DataQue label.
Compiled by Ron Kovacs
Fujitsu has unveiled a new 16-bit handheld computer called the AcuTote
3000, featuring full PC XT and MS-DOS compatibility, enabling users to
develop applications on an industry-standard hardware platform.
Logitech has announced ScanMan Model 32 for IBM and compatibles. This
is an easy-to-use, black and white hand-held scanner that offers gray-
scale image editing through software. The product will be available
through Logitech dealers and distributors in early June at a suggested
retail price of $299. Registered ScanMan Plus users can upgrade to
GrayTouch software through Logitech for $25.
Acclaim announced recently that it plans to double the number of
software releases to the European market, having acquired the right from
Nintendo to release five additional NES titles per year for the European
market under the LJN label.
Seagate announced the expansion of its lineup with 2.5-inch hard disc
drives for the portable computer market. The ST9077A and ST9038A drives
feature 64 and 32 formatted megabytes of data storage capacity,
respectively, and come equipped with an embedded AT interface. The new
models extend Seagate's ST9096 family of 85-, 42-, and 21-megabyte 2.5
inch drives. Each model weighs just 6.5 ounces.
Story by John Nagy
After days of conflicting rumors, it was confirmed by STart Magazine
staff members on Wednesday, May 15, that the bi-monthly Atari magazine
STart will NOT publish another issue.
-STart has suspended publication pending a sale of the magazine,- said
Editor in Chief Tom Byron. A sale is said to be in the works with
unidentified parties, and no timetable is being discussed publicly.
Byron also said that the next issue, the June/July edition, had been
completed and was waiting for printing when he got the news today that
the suspension was in effect. There are no plans at this time for the
printing and distribution of that edition to be carried out.
STart had been building a reputation for fiscal difficulty for many
months. Writers and programmers typically waited for six or more months
to be paid for their free-lance and assignment work. After closing the
8-bit Atari magazine ANTIC, and folding it into STart last October 1990,
STart was to have become a much larger monthly magazine - 120 pages was
the discussed target. Instead, by January 1991, STart became a bi-
monthly, and remained at about 80 pages.
Meanwhile, the parent corporation of STart, Antic Publishing, was having
additional trouble. An Amiga computer magazine was launched and failed
despite a good market for Amiga magazines. Presently, Antic
Publishing's STart staff is assigned to produce PC HOME JOURNAL, aimed
at the IBM market. This venture appears to be doing better. Some of
those close to STart say that the Atari magazine was paying for itself
within Antic, but that all funds generated by it were being used in the
other corporate efforts. Dropping to a bi-monthly format, they say, was
more an effort to use staff for other projects than to economize the
Atari operation.
Now that production is suspended, the fates of subscribers and the many
writers to whom STart has owed moneys dating back to mid 1990 is not
known or predictable. If STart is sold, it may be that those owed will
be paid from the revenues, or the new owner may assume the liabilities
of the company. A third possibility is that there would be a
liquidation and sale of assets held by STart itself, which may be
negligible. Some observers speculate that a sale may be impossible, as
STart may have more liabilities than assets. Amounts owed creditors and
writers, plus the costs of substituted magazines to fulfill existing
subscriptions may overshadow the value of the established subscriber
base itself, estimated at perhaps over 20,000. Talk of a sale may be
real or simply an effort to postpone inevitable conflicts with
Upset developers and writers stand to lose between hundreds and many
thousands of dollars each for published but unpaid work. Talk has
already begun regarding possibilities of legal actions and class suits
against Antic Publishing, who appear at this time to be remaining in
Z*Net will continue to follow this story which is of great concern to
the entire Atari community. STart was the last independent commercial
-slick- magazine for the Atari in the U.S.A. It leaves behind only the
bi-monthly Atari Explorer (Atari's own magazine), newsprint publications
AtariUser and ST Informer, and smaller circulation user-group based
publications like Current Notes, AIM, and PSAN.
Press Release
Official DataQue TransKey Aquisition Sale Details!
Upgrade ROM 2.x from 1.x ............... $5.00
6116 SRAM (if your board lacks one) .... $5.00
TransKey solder-in version 2.x ......... $44.95 (normal $47.00)
TransKey plug-in version 2.x ........... $54.95 (normal $57.00)
Zero-Power SRAM for above .............. $11.95 (normal $12.95)
Please Specify whether you want the keyboard connector to be of the
inline or chassis mount type. If not specified the inline type will be
NOTE: the above TransKey prices are for orders post marked >>BEFORE<<
June 15, 1991, any orders received after that time will be billed at
normal prices! If you have been thinking about getting one (or a
second) NOW is the time.
Upgrade ROMs will be available approx May 15th 1991, and TransKey
systems will be available approx June 1st 1991. This is not vaporware,
DataQue has just aquired the TransKey product line, and some components
had to be ordered to build up the inventory.
Upgrades will be the latest and greatest TK release, so if you have an
older 1.x version, get on the stick, and send in your order for the new
Version 2.x improves reliability, and adds more predefined macros and
NEW user programmable macros. The ZP RAM adds the capability to retain
user programmed macros when the computer is turned off. XE users should
only order the solder in version, since their PoKey is not socketed.
Orders should be sent to:
DataQue Software
Post Office Box 134
Ontario, OH 44862 USA
All US orders include $1.50 (Canadians include $2.50) for S&H, foreign
orders include $5.00 for S&H. All orders must be prepaid in US funds,
drawn on a US bank. Cashier's Check, Money Orders, or Personal Checks
are accepted, with the latter retained for 7 days for clearing.
TransKey's purchased from DataQue Software are warranted for a period of
1 year on parts, and 90 days on labor. Please retain your invoice as
proof of purchase.
by Don Lebow
Recently, I've run across several messages from folks wondering whether
it was worthwhile to upgrade their 8-bit to a Hard Disk. For those who
might have been asking themselves the same question, here are some
personal notes on how I got mine, and how I use it.
First consideration is cost, of course. How much? With a little shopping
around, mixing and matching components, you can keep the price
relatively low ... assuming you're savvy enough to do the matching, the
cabling, and other elements of installation yourself.
What you need:
The HD itself
Controller Board
Power supply
Interface to allow your XE or XL to access the HD (it's problematic to
hook up an older 800 to a HD.)
If you're not already, you'll also need to use a DOS that will support
the LARGE partitions on an HD. That narrows it down to exactly 2: MYDOS
4.5 or SPARTADOS. (I use SpartaDOS X)
Buzzword: a -Partition- is a block of storage on a Hard Drive which is
assigned a drive number, and accessed by DOS just as if it were a
separate drive. HD partitions often run to THOUSANDS of -free sectors-,
thus the need for a supportive DOS.
I'm no techie, so after some checking around, I decided to opt for a
-package deal- from Computer Software Services in Rochester. Cost was
$399. For this I received a 10 meg Seagate drive (complete with an IBM
logo on the faceplate to make me feel <SPECIAL> .. heh), Xebec
controller board, power supply, and, most usefully, a Black Box (aka the
-Bob Box,- after Bob Puff, who designed it) which provides the
Added costs: I also opted for a case for the BB, which is a bare circuit
board in stock format. A plastic shell to neaten things up adds $39.95.
Since the BB supports a parallel interface for a printer (and includes a
Print Screen button!) and serial RS-232 for modems and such, you'll
probably want cables. CSS sells ready built cables for each, but
they're also VERY easy to build yourself, given a bit of ribbon cable
and some crimp on connectors. And with that RS232 interface out there
just begging for a 2400 baud modem ... ok, I had one already, but if you
don't it's hard to resist.
The package is advertised as -ready to run-, and that proved to be the
case. All cables (except for having to plug the power supply into the
HD, which even *I* was able to handle) were in place. I also got a disk
including some vital HD support files:
HD FORMAT (rarely needed)
PARK (move the heads in your HD to a safe spot before powering down.)
Once I'd unpacked everything, connected the BB to my 256k XL (via the
PBI slot in the back), AND found room for all this stuff in my work area
(both the HD and power supply are BIG boxes, approx 10 x 6 x 4), I fired
up the 'puter and ... nothing.
Oh dear.
Back to recheck the seating on all the cables, cross fingers, close
eyes, power up, and VIOLA! It works!!
Now for the fun part. CSS had preformatted the drive, of course (else
it wouldn't have booted when I turned it on.) But, of course, I wanted
to customize it to meet my own needs.
The BB docs are great, explaining the ins and outs of setting up an HD.
They are general, but CSS also provided the basic stats for my specific
drive, so I was able to forge ahead with confidence.
With my trusty calculator by my side (aided by that Print Screen button,
which let me keep a running record) it was a matter of deciding how many
sectors I wanted for each partition, adding that to a starting sector
number, then inputting the info into the BB configuration screen.
Once done with allocation, I used the FMTDIR program on the included
disk to initialize each partition, then started copying files from
floppy over to their new homes.
What did I end up with? This will, I think, give you an idea of WHY an
HD can be so addicting:
D1: 4000 sectors
D2: 5000 sectors
D3: 5000 sectors
D4: 4000 sectors
D5: Pseudo floppy
D6: Floppy #1
D7: Floppy #7
D8: 5000 sectors
D9: 7000 sectors
Those are *Double Density* sectors, mah friends. My XF-551 shows 1440
sectors in DS/DD sparta format. Add it up and that makes ... lessee
here ... the equivalent of around *20* DS/DD floppies! A whole disk
box, all in one spot, instantly accessible! Neat, no?
D6: is actually my ol' trusty XF, still with it's back switches set to
being D1:, wherein lies a point.
The BB (like the MIO, the other popular 8-bit HD interface) has the
ability to -remap- drives. What does that mean? With multiple
partitions, you suddenly have a system with anywhere from 2 to 9
-drives- all on line at once! Once you get over the shock <g>, the
possibility of having any ONE of those be -D1:- or -D2:- to match
requirements of whatever you might be running is irresistible. Unlike
software -swap- commands, these remaps are -permanent- (i.e. until you
change them again.) So if you decide you want to reboot with another
partition as D1: (perhaps to boot Turbo Basic? Maybe a program that
ASSumes AtariDOS, like AMP?. Or even *eek!* a copy protected floppy) No
D7: is actually RamDisk, as defined by DOS
-Pseudo Floppy- refers to a special feature of the BB. You can define a
partition, specifying density, to match floppy specs (I use both 720
sector SD for AtariDOS, and 1440 DD sector for Sparta.) Use a sector
copier (or DISCOM) to duplicate a floppy to the partition, and you have
a -pseudo floppy- on your HD! That's not unusual. But the bonus is
that the BB supports more than -active- partitions. In fact, it lets
you define up to 96(!) partitions, all kept in a special -partition
list- (touch of a key to access, even in the middle of a program), and
swap them in and out of the -active- drive map at any time. I actually
have <14> partitions set up on my HD. Waiting to be swapped in at need
are 4 DOS 2.5 SD -disks-, and 4 Sparta DS/DD -disks.- How useful is
that? I can specify a couple of the ADOS -disks- to D1: and D2: and
boot DOS 2.5 from HD! Fast. I like that...
Yes, well. Bells and whistles. But absent all the tricks, what are the
more mundane benefits that might justify spending that kind of money?
The biggest thing (and the real reason I bought it) is that having all
that space means no more searching through floppies, trying to remember
where a program is. My experience is probably not unlike yours:
There are a few programs I use everyday. There are others I may use
once a week or so. Then the OTHERS that I need every once in a while
and are inevitably -somewhere- in a pile of 20 floppies. I know, I
*should* have all my disks cataloged, but I don't. Find me looking for
some obscure utility that I suddenly need at 2 a.m., and there I am,
shuffling disks like a Las Vegas blackjack dealer. No more! (well, not
as often, anyway ;-)
I organized the HD in what works for me as a logical order
D1: contains BobTerm and my most used utilities
D2: is a -work disk-, which I use for temporary storage (reformatted
D3: is games
D4: is another work disk
D8: has all my TextPro files
D9: is the archive, where I keep those not so often used programs.
et, comme il dit, cetera. I've lowered my -where did I *put* that- time
to just about nil.
Second, but just about as useful, is that I've completely lost my old
worry about wondering whether an UnARC, or a BIG file download/message
capture would run into -disk full- hassles. This is hard to explain
until you actually use it, but trust me. I go whole DAYS without
feeling compelled to use CHKDSK. That's luxury.
And speed, of course. That's a given. It's *not* as fast as a RamDisk,
but, heck of a lot faster than a floppy. I mean, if I can boot up DOS
2.5 in 3 seconds (including RAMDISK.COM ... heh), no complaints.
Matter o' fact, for some things I still prefer the RamDisk. To that
end, I have a batch file on D1: that copies my essential TextPro
program, cnf, and macro files (stored on HD, of curse) to RamDisk.
Since I tend to use a lot of temp files in my macros, saving THIS then
loading THAT, it seems to work better. Not only a bit faster, but
saving a little wear and tear on the drive. With a few thousand spare
sectors dedicated to text, it's also easy to exit and come back later,
without worry.
Luxury or Necessity is a matter of personal definition. I've talked
about some of the reasons I'm glad I took the plunge. They may or may
not make sense to you. Or you may see possibilities matching your own
situation that I missed. Whatever, this isn't an insignificant amount
of money, especially in terms of the traditional 8-bit market. This is
where the real decision comes in: how much do you (or *will* you in the
future?) actually USE your 8-bit. That's a question you'll have to work
out for yourself. If you answer -a lot-, then I think you should give
an HD some serious thought.
If you have comments or questions, feel free to post...
NEXT TIME: backing up and how I learned to love it ;-)
Z*Mag/a\zine Archives
May 27, 1986 - Issue #3
Editors Note: This Month (MAY 1991) marks the start of our sixth year
of publishing this online magazine. With all future issues, we will
reprint some of the interesting material previously available in older
ZMAG issues. This week we go back to the beginning.
An Eight Bit Lament
by Richard Kovalick
April 27,1986
I'm an eight bit Atari Computer. Will I continue to be supported? For
how long? Has everybody forgotten about me? I have a new bigger and
faster brother called ST. Everyone is paying attention and talking
about him. They are writing a lot of new software for him. How about
me? Over a year ago my parents (The Atari Corp) jazzed me up a bit and
gave me some more memory. The magazines wrote a few articles about the
new me. They also published a couple of copy programs and a picture
loader for me. The software manufacturers did not do much more. They
put a couple of new routines in existing programs (AtariWriter Plus and
SynFile +) to use my extra memory and came out with a couple of games.
That was about it.
Oh yes, Optimized Systems Software (bless them) did write a great new
Basic Language just for me. My parents should have done that. This way
everyone would have this new better Atari Basic Language to use. My
parents promised to make a new 3 1/2 inch disk drive just for me. They
also have been talking about an 80 column board for me. But, they got
busy with my new brother ST and I have not seen them. There are ways to
increase my memory to 320K and even more. What am I going to do with
all that memory, without some new software? The Pirates out there are
not helping me at all. There are some darn good programs out there,
that are worth the price. If everyone went out and bought a piece of
software, once in a while, the manufacturers would realize I'm still
around and make some new software for me. Maybe, when the novelty with
my new brother wears off, everyone will realize that I'm still around.
With the proper support from my users and the manufacturers, I can do a
heck of a lot and my price is right. Right now, I sure feel like I am
on the way out.
I purposely dated this. I hope some day soon, I will have to eat my
words. Will I have to?
Reprinted from Zmag/a\zine Issue #3 May 27, 1986
(c)1986 Ron Kovacs, 1991 Rovac Industries, Inc.
Z*MAGAZINE Atari 8-Bit Online Magazine is a bi-weekly magazine covering
the Atari and related computer community. Material contained in this
edition may be reprinted without permission, except where otherwise
noted, unedited, with the issue number, name and author included at
the top of each reprinted article. Commentary and opinions presented
are those of the individual author and does not necessarily reflect
the opinions of Z*MAGAZINE or the staff. Z*Magazine Atari 8-Bit Online
Magazine, Z*Net Atari Online Magazine, Z*Net are copyright (c)1991 by
Rovac Industries Inc, a registered corporation. Post Office Box 59,
Middlesex, New Jersey 08846. (908) 968-2024. Z*Net Online BBS 24
Hours, 1200/2400 Baud, (908) 968-8148. We can be reached on CompuServe
at 71777,2140 and on GEnie at Z-NET.
Z*Magazine Atari 8-Bit Online Magazine
Copyright (c)1991, Rovac Industries, Inc..