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Sub Space 9203_C02

By W.H. Lambdin
Several things have been happening.
My Dad was in the hospital for congestive heart Failure. My
appologies for the issue being delayed, but under the
circumstances, I think you will understand.
The new cover sheet was designed ny a good friend of mine
(Ken Aitchison) Thanks Ken.
I will be releasing SSN in the new read Book format. Readbook
is written by Jonathan Lang. I have received permission to
distribute a stripped down version of Read Book 1.6 with this
issue of SSN.
If you like Read Book, I would recommend for you to download
the complete version. Later, I will be uploading Read Book to
all of the official distribution points. This will make it
easier you you to get a copy.
Readbook is a Share Ware Product, and If you use Read Book. I
would recommend for you to send in your registration fee.